Zeke deserves love because he is the cutest one
Shingeki no Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
>Eren always wanted to activate the rumble he never wanted pea-
Erenfags are speedreaders
Not EHfag but if that's what makes Zeke suffer so be it
zeka should have touched eren when they were in the blimp
No Pieckpedo; Eren x Historia. Gabi belongs to Falco
>because the more kinds of people around, the more interesting it would be
Based Armin is a /LGBT/ ally confirmed.
Reminder that they are cute and canon
Isayama here. The farmer is a boy who witnessed Eren and Historia defeating Turkey Titan saving Orvud District. He dedicated his life to EH cause, not Yeagerists. He is also the priest of EH secret marriage
This, but unironically
>tranny plantsexual otherkin
Sex with Armin's toes
Eren x Hange.
Gabi x Armin.
Levi x Marcel.
Yimir x Carla.
>Ymir reincarnates and takes JOBren's place
>SNK starts with battles against giants being the centerpiece and ends with a showdown between a dark magical girl and a loli supersoldier
Hans is cute.
he backpedaled when Historia got involved, in the previous chapter he had a boner when talking about the rumbling.
I plan on shaving like reiner, do you think his beard is cool?
Historia was involved from the beggining, so there is no "backpedaling", he knew Historia would be needed for the plan since chapter 89. He just didn't want to do the rumbling, stop projecting your desires into him.
>>Zeke is wrong because instead of going full anti-natalist and having the Titans eat the whole world
>>Getting eaten isn't that bad since the the suffering of continued existence of current and future generations will still outweigh the happiness.
>some zekfags really want a saturday morning cartoon/JRPG villain 'destroy the world to save people from suffering' plot
You're fucking retarded the plan Zeke proposed in chapter 106 had no mention of Historia that's why he even revealed the rumbling to the scouts in the first place
Can you believe that there are people who hate Gabi?
>Shitrenfags are fucking hypocrites
Dude we're in an imageboard post the pictures
Who was in the wrong here?
Would you rather Zeke be gay or celibate?
i can't post multiple pictures in 1 post and i'm too lazy to edit them together
Erenfags aren't people.
>feels good knowing that zeke will survive till the end
we're not done yet, zekebros
>Dude, Eren wants to rumble the world, look at all the intense faces he makes. It's obvious!
Eren's reaction to hearing the negotiations failed, chapter 108. He was expecting the peace negotiations to work, but was clearly sad when he heard they failed. How you retards keep saying that Eren's intention was always to rumble the world from the beggining is something that i will never understand.
AA is canon, are you ready, EA-cucks and BA-cucks?
How come there are people here that aren't Arminchads?
>How you retards keep saying that Eren's intention was always to rumble the world from the beggining is something that i will never understand
>speedreading chapter 90
Cope Spergrenfag
>Eren's reaction to hearing the negotiations failed, chapter 108. He was expecting the peace negotiations to work, but was clearly sad when he heard they failed.
that wasn't his first reaction his first reaction was asking about Historia and he was sad because there's no choice but to sacrifice Historia, look at his disgusted face when Armin starts talking about peace
>Armongrel sperging
>EHfags bullying hanpetos on dumblr
Beats me! I still paste my face over the most ripped bodies to compensate since I weight 250 pounds. It helps me for validation.
Zeke deserves to suffer for being a retarded brocon
But he still didn't want peace there. He still wanted the rumbling, just not on the behalf of one of his friends having to suffer for the rest of her life
Lmao, it's so amusing how you can twist the whole story to fit your headcanon. The fact that you feel disgust at Armin doesn't mean that Eren does. The fact that he asked about Historia shows that he cares about her, not that he loves her. Stop trying to self insert into Eren.
>Fat trollig eacuck
To fat, 0/10
>he is the cutest one
Not that user but what did he feel at that time?
Aren't you busy self inserting into Eren, EHfat?
Read better translations, nigger. He is opposing waiting 50 years to do anything and leaving their burden to their children, not the rumbling.
I WANT TO SUCK HIS LOVELY PURE COCK !!!!!!!! I LOVE ZEKE !!!!! I love him!!!!!
It's a shame we won't get to see any diplomatic missions with Hange.
It could be pretty cool.
Imagine, a country of humans, living lofty lives accepts to see the envoys of Paradis. They probably expect some well dressed guys, since the official story before Willy was that King Fritz fled to the island to live in his own small "Paradise".
Then, when they see the people coming out of Paradis boat, there's a bunch of seemingly war-toughned guys, one of them missing a fucking eye like a pirate.
It would be interesting seeing the Dynamics of these encounters. "Yeah, I lost this eye when we were in a battle against the colossal Titan. Yeah, we defeated him in the end and took its power. Artillery? No, we used explosive sticks and swords to fight. "
Not this shit again.
Zeke will survive till the end forget his ideology after he sees erens memories and father many children!!!
Genuine question, is it just me or are the official translators trying to make Zeke as lame and uncaring as possible? The early subs clearly show Zeke's affection for Eren while the official ones make it seem like Zeke does not give a fuck about anything,
Also the censorship infuriates me. There's no way an adult under heavy pressure would use such words as "dangit"
We don't know, if you haven't noticed we don't have any idea about Eren's true plans or Eren's real feelings.
So this series has two directions to go:
1) Actually kill Eren. Series are redeemed.
2) Pull off an ass trick and resurrect Eren. Series stay shit.
What happens?
I feel like it’s too obvious for Zeke to die, he will almost certainly survive till the end. Eren will definitely die tho.
It's like you missed this or his disgusted face everytime Armin start mumbling about muh peaceful solution.
He is basically saying the same shit
What exactly would be good writing about killing Eren? We are left with a shitload of plot holes and unresolved character motivations and no one left to carry the story.
>The fact that you feel disgust at Armin doesn't mean that Eren does
See pic related, kys retarded speedreader.
>The fact that he asked about Historia shows that he cares about her, not that he loves her
no it doesn't mean that, but Historia is currently pregnant the pregnancy only protect 2 people Zeke and Historia both are people Eren cares about that means Eren is the one who told Historia to get pregnant, why would Historia choose her childhood bully over the only man who stood up for her in the entire island?
Let me rephrase that, logically with his expression and his 112 dialogues about Armin but based on your own opinion, what did he feel at that time?
3) Eren stays alive and series is redeemed
Reminder retard marlyfags need to be gassed
Why did isayama have him get decapitated? It’s just so stupid even if he survives or dies.
just a cliffhanger to get people to read the next chapter
>It's like you missed this
Zeke has figured out the way to use the founding titans to rumble the world ≠ I want to use the founding titans to rumble the world.
>disgusted face everytime Armin start mumbling about muh peaceful solution.
You mean his neutral face which you interpret as disgust since you are self inserting into him
Hackyama has written himself into a corner
So Eren's head can fall into Zeke's hand, that's the only reason I can think about.
There may be some "people" in this thread that unironically don't want to have sex with Annie.
Why did Isayama have Zeke throw 30 titans at manlet by surprise if it just results in manlet easily destroying Zeke again?
>being surprised after the shitshow that was RTS
Lol I can’t wait for this to happen HAHAHAA
>The fact that he asked about Historia shows that he cares about her, not that he loves her.
We are not even talking about his feeling for her. We are talking about whether Eren wants the rumbling from the start or not .
The answer is he does. He wants to do the rumbling but he doesn't want to sacrifice Historia.
Mixed feelings between agreeing with him from a moral point of view, but knowing that reaching such a thing as peace would be nearly impossible
Why did Isayama have Floch show up with Erwin still being alive if Armin gets the serum anyway?
>who cares if it's a monster, i'll still have sex!
eld*id supporters ....
Would Zeke abort the baby?
So his head can fall into Zeke's hands and trigger memories of Eren being happy with the people inside the walls, which will lead to Zeke changing his mind about the euthanasia plan
See pic related, and tell me which one do you think is the real Eren, speedreader-kun
BASED Zeke will then raise his niece
He deserves it.
Not actually because he needs the baby as part of his plans to keep Paradis safe while they slowly die off
The baby is a part Eren. He will love him/her.
Ah, i see you ignored all the arguments and looped back to your original position. Nothing i can do about that.
Alright, disgusted might be not the right word but it's a fact that he never believed in peaceful solution like Armin and Mikasa.
Vote on what Eren felt in 108
Eren obviously cares about the mong but he has no reasons to tell him that his peace talk plans are retarded unless he feels that way.
What are flashbacks?
Zeke should put his money where his mouth is and give the example by euthanaizing himself.
I don't know bros. Do you really want a Riverdale anime?
you can like your friends and even die for them but still hate their political opinions especially if the fate of the entire country is at stake you fucking retard.
Zeke is dead in less than a year
Zeke will survive till the end stinky !!!
Something irrelevant if they only led to the character dying without accomplishing anything
Not if the curse is undone :-)
>Erenwhales too retarded to realize this was all so he could speak to Ymir Fritz and we can finally learn the true history of the titans.
*might not be
>Ignore arguments, let's decide by democracy!!!
A poll means nothing in a site which is 90% Erenfags.
>He will learn the true history of the titans from Ymir Fritz, then die straight after lol
People that like you are shonenbabies. If the curse hasn't been undone in 2000 years, what makes you think it will be undone now.
When did Mikasa even become a peacefag? It's understandable that she doesn't like the idea of murdering innocent children in other countries like hobo Eren did but she was the one who chose to instantly slice off BRA when they got revealed to be traitors while Eren wanted to talk to them first, she also tried to kill the Garrison cucks for just for threatening Eren and she told Hisu that she would kill her and Ymir if they got in her way.
See and Does he look like someone who believe in peace to you?
>disgusting psychopathic homicidal slutwhore guzzling in old man juices
No thanks
Do you really think titans/curse of Ymir will be a thing after the story is over?
I wish Shitren would stay dead, but unfortunately Zeke or Ymir will do an asspull and resurrect him.
>Eren is a hypocrite
Don't reply to me with your delusions
Yeah pool doesn't matter when Eren literally called Armin "a useless piece of shit" in the raw because of his let's talk-thinking which explained his expression in 108 when Armin talked about peace
Then why does the retard looks at him with disgust for 4 years, instead of telling him what he thinks. At least Armin spoke his mind, Eren just refuses to comunicate, this whole situation in chapter 112 is Eren's fault.
Delusions? Have you seen the last panel? Whatever happens it will be Zeke raising his niece.
As if fuckups like uncleared layers or swapped bubbles aren't enough, they happily take liberties. It's why they're valued most for scan quality and little else.
Probably when she realizes her kin and possible family exist beyond the walls. Beforehand Eren is her only family
Nice of Hajime to invite us over for another asspull, eh Luigi?
Can't have people know what's going on in his head. Better to kill him I guess.
See and Here you can actually see him wanting to reach peace, my point isn't that he won't do the rumble. My point is that it was his last resort if the peace negotiations fail. And why wouldn't it be, there's nothing Eren would like more than Eldians and other countries living in peace.
Why did Eren and Zeke encourage Marley to invade Paradise?
Honestly yes
>his niece
He also dies in a year.
Eren influnced by Grisha and Kruger both want Eldians freedom is different from being influenced by an enemy soldier like bert
it's not his fault they kept interrupting and insulting him, and he can't just tell them he's planning to destroy the world.
Eren was doing the opposite by taking out the navy
that's only after Historia got involved you fucking retard, he never talked about other solutions when it was just him and Zeke in ch 106
The one who took out the navy was Armin, and the entire Liberio plan was by Zeke.
>there are still people in denial over Eren's goal being to genocide humanity.
Peer pressure because everyone else was into the peacefag option and plot convenience in order to keep Eren's motivations hidden for 3 fucking years
Except, that Eren clearly changed a lot between the flashbacks and 112 and became "edge"ren. Obviously something happened in between the flashback from 108 and chapter 112 that made him change the way he is.
So no, what Eren said in 112 doesn't retroactively affecet the way he was in the flashbacks.
so they can use the rumbling to scare the world until the Eldians die out.
Why isn’t Zeke’s plan to just have every eldian die of a heart attack? Isn’t it easier that way? He’s autistic.
Can Erenfags explain to me why would Eren want to rumble the world instead of just using the Wall titans as nuclear deterrent?
One of your examples is a mistranslation and in the other one he clearly isn't as excited and hopeful about Hanji's plan as everyone else
>Eren influnced by Grisha and Kruger both want Eldians freedom is different from being influenced by an enemy soldier like bert
Me being influenced to rebel against the military is better than you being influenced into liking Annie.
>My point is that it was his last resort if the peace negotiations fail
He never believed they can negotiate with the outside world pic related and clearly show that. He desperately wants another solution here because he doesn't want Historia to be involved.
genocide is the only deterrent that sticks.
Eren is a genocidal maniac.
He hasn’t got the balls to do that, he has a god complex and a massive ego so he wants to kill off the elidans ‘peacefully’ rather than have them all die instantly.
>Mikasa and Sasha
Do you know something about build up?
Is this the destroyer
or the creator?
With the blaze of hate
We swing the swords.
Is that our fate
or our will?
We will fight,
Until this hot wind takes our wings.
because Eren doesn't want to sacrifice Historia and the next generation he wants a permanent solution to the problem before he dies and sadly the rumbling is the only one
Remember, being an incel is anti-natalism.
He fucking says it right here speedreader-san
That would go completely against Eren character
Even Eren isn't that wicked to kill hundred of millions of innocent people just to save one girl, that would be very retarded, and frankly it would make Eren into a worse villain than Zeke.
EAfag here, how does it feel to know it's been 3,592 days since the first chapter released and we only have 334 more days left if there's only 11 chapters left.
>just to save one girl
And Paradis.
It's not just one girl. He will save the people and the future generation of Paradis.
Eren will be the villain tho, it’s obvious, and he is going to die.
How does it feel to know that you're will have spent nearly three times as much time inside a rock than outside of it?
Please no meme answers, Eren wouldn't kill hundred of millions of innocent people because muh "Historia" or muh "other countries will never learn". Not when he has the chance to not do it and still let his people live in peace.
I can't believe the Mikasa glasses meme is true. This is the truth of the world for the Eldians
*you're waifu
and in case you forgot, burdening future generation with your problem is a wrong thing to do.
No, he can do that just by using the wall titans as deterrent. Rumbling the world would be only so Historia doesn't have to become a titan.
not just for Historia her children too and the future generation of paradis will still need to inherit the titans and be sacrificed
>Even though she can sympathize with Armin, who considers things from a “globalism” perspective, it’s possible that she can’t just let the more self-focused Eren go. [Note: Isayama uses the katakana of “Globalism” in Japanese to describe Armin. He probably means Armin embraces the world and is curious about everything in the universe, while Eren is rather “self-focused” compared to him.]
No, he is killing them because muh freedom and because he can't see a future where Eldians are allowed to be free
Nothing of what you say disagrees with what i posted. The rumble keeps being a last resource, the peace negotiations come first, even if they will most likely fail.
but they can't live in peace they're a race of disgusting monsters the world is not wrong to hate them, the only chance they have to live in peace is the rumbling.
No, maintaining the wall titans as deterrent would sacrifice Historia, her descendants, and other eldians who will have to inherit the founding titan.
>One people will have to die every 13 years, so let's kill hundred of millions so this doesn't have to happen
Think before you post.
no, the peace negotiations only came when Historia got involved, try to read the manga slowly.
He deserves nothing but rejection, suffering, and abuse for being a psychopathic manchild with no capacity for empathy. I hope Eren either dies or betrays him and leaves Zekuck heartbroken and despairing.
we might be getting the Animorphs ending AKA "War bad"
Eren just got his head blown off just like how Annie's titan form head got ripped off before Eren crystallized her
So killing hundred of millions is better than killing 9 persons every 13 years???
Also, you know that the titans will still be inherited even if Eren kill everybody ese in the world right??
He wanted to rumble the world since the ocean and it had nothing to do with Historia
>So killing hundred of millions is better than killing 9 persons every 13 years???
For Eren, yes.
Get some reading comprehension user.
Eren is a selfish person.
First thing: The peace negotiations happened regardless of what Eren and Historia though, so stop being retarded,
Secondly: Eren didn't start to act until the peace negotiations failed, which proves my point that the rumble was a last resource, speedreader.
i didn't say it's the right thing, Eren only cares about his friends he doesn't care about strangers
oops wrong image
Falchad will grow up to become a based asshole like Pock.
Armin nuked the harbor on Eren's plans
And his race will never be free as long as the titan exists and his action in Liberio just further cemented the world's view on Eldians especially the Paradisians. There's no backing down from that anymore. The world will never stop viewing them as monsters even if they catch up with the civilization and as long as the threat of humanity exist i.e. monsters like them, the world will never stop at trying to destroy them.
Are you being retarded on purpose. Would you really like to see Eren become the villain with the worst reasoning in manga history?
>I'll kill hundred of millions of innocent lifes. So i can save my waifu and my people don't have to inherit the titan powers and die(even though they will still inherit the titan powers and die)
You have to realize how retarded it sounds.
Porky was such a lovable jerk. That superiority complex and competition with reiner was endearing till the end. Rip
Remember what Isayama said in the exhibition interview?
We're getting villain Eren whether you like it or not.
I starting to believe that Isayama is trying to hurt the readers by turning Eren into a genocider instead of the the usual talk-no-jutsu shounen protagonist meme.
He isn't called 3/10 wits for nothing
Reminder that Edgerenchodes don't even understand what their husbando's trying to do
And we are getting the rumblings!
There are good villains and bad villains.
I can still belive he will rumble the world for what said. That plus Grisha/Kruger/AT influence, but the reasons you are proposing are just bad.
Speedreader. The rumbling already happened in chapter 75
Isn't sacrificing innocent contradict with hus character development in uprising arc?
no they happened because Eren refused Zeke plan when Historia got involved read ch 106 and 107 slowly next time, speedreader-kun.
It can't be helped, user. They are his enemies.
"Sarmad Qureshi"
Erenfags are middle easterns that want to destroy America so that they can finally be free.
it's fucking great finally a selfish protagonist that only wants to save his own people not the world.
That's just OnoD's clout
It is, but Erenfags would be okay with it as long as Eren looks cool.
>Erenfags are third worlders
>Isayama liked Game of Thrones
I wonder if he liked the Red Wedding
I wonder if what he wrote recently is a tribute to that thing
Got a present for him, his favorite.
Isayama should go read the fucking books.
Nope, Uprising was about him knowing what he needed to do and him being selfish
>So the only one who truly surfaced again from the endless abyss was Historia?
>Isayama: “My entire existence, from beginning to now, completely depended on my father’s decisions.” Within this despair, when Eren witnessed the very similar Historia releasing herself from the Reiss curse, he decided that he must do the same. Everything must be done for his own good - when you think about things this way, it’s easier to understand Eren.
GODner HELOS Braun just rumbled the wall titans with a shockwave of his foot and killed them all. It will be revealed that the walls will be hollow when Eren tries to use the Wall Titans, then the p*radevils will be FINISHED
It's not that I don't enjoy people crying over Gabi, but why couldn't Colt have been the one to shoot Eren? It would have been far more poetic and kino than what we got. Plus, Colt's death might have been the most pointless one in the whole series.
Imagine if Mikasa was queen instead of Historia, do you think Eren's actions would be any different?
No because those innocents see them as subhuman monsters.
Agreed. Who would be Lady Stoneheart?
>What, my ideological propaganda aimed at children didn't pan out well with them? Too bad, hopefully I managed to indoctrinate at least a few of you.
I'm not even against the ideal itself, but come on.
And to start believing in himself and his choices.
Care to elaborate?
Pic related is from uprising and it feels like a foreshadow to me. Just like his conversation with Reiner.
>We are all the same but I keep moving forward, until my enemies are destroyed.
Too irrelevant to have such an important moment.
>why couldn't Colt have been the one to shoot Eren
If Colt shot, people would be complaining that a nobody killed Eren
Shingeki no Kyojin
The first half, one of the best famous scene.
Two people is looks like about to kiss.
Gabi promised to kill Eren
Since Mikasa would never debase herself with a farmer, she would already have four little royals with Eren.
>Who is Lady Tybur?
Those innocents are innocents user. Eren knows that they've been educated this way sice they were kids. Stop trying to blame them.
>Reiner and Bertolt are innocent people
How did you arrive to this conclusion?
Based. EMchads win again.
EM is canon
nothing new
You lost eremikahaven tho.
It's over :(
She is just preparing to jump the ship if EM doesn't happen, but in reality she stills prefers EM
>EHfags bullying a mentally ill girl
>looks like
based Erwlevimod saying EM is canon over anything but crying for 10 threads because people posted Historia telling rod he was going to go with his boyfriend to the event.
Official opinion is EM
OP do you have a link for the CR scans?
the conversation was about his secret meetings with Yelena before even going to marley, and Eren didn't touch any royals to trigger her memory
Based EHfag shifting blame and not realizing they are 10 times are annoying since they plague every thread
Not trying to perpetuate a meme, but is Armin's Colossal Titan actually taller than Bertolt's? Where'd this originate, or where was it shown?
It was, what, 100 chapters ago?
what do you mean? we already know that mikasa wanted to kiss Eren and he shoved her away
If Sasha, Hannes, Mikasa and Carla didn't get a happy ending then why would Eren get one?
From the videogame, not sure if actually canon
Pretty sure that is his mindset on reiner and bertholdt, who are definetly not innocent. Comparing his resolve to kill them and genociding 90% of the world's population is not the same i think.
Reminder that this is the same EMfag that was crying for EHfags and shipperfags "spamming" a few threads ago
Reminder that he is going to post this 1000 times for weeks and pretend she never complained about shipperfags.
Reminder that now she is going to reply herself pretending to be a BTFO "EHbro" between 10 and 20 times
Retard, Armin was keeping quiet while Eren was spouting "muh freedom" and being a hypocrite that entire time. He clearly acted differend than before the invasion, so Mikasa had every right to suspect that he was being controlled.
The video game
>look like
Wait so she actually wasn't even going for the kiss ? kek
Seems to be the case. Armong traded stamina, practicality and the Colossal's actual PURPOSE for some extra vanity-height
>People still believe Eren was being honest in ch112
>looks like
I thought she was going for the kiss.
>This damage control
Lmao, at least wait for it to happen
I find it hilarious/sad how every user in these threads sees SnK in such a black and white perspective. Did any of you even read the manga or are you all just retards? Please just stop.
I've been a shipper for a while now but after thinking about how Isayama likes GoT and what he did to the most innocent and wholesome ship, CS, I feel like I can't do it any more
Smartmin made a thinner titan so he can walk faster towards his objective. He's soooooo smart!
Are you a fucking retarded brainlet? That’s the whole point of the story and erens arc. Yes, he would willingly sacrifice the world for his people, that’s the point
Isayama hates the ending.
>Everyone is retarded except me
Fuck off retard
>made a titan more vulnerable to artillery in enemy territory
>made the same titan when it was merely an intimidation tactic in 106
>at least wait for it to happen.
It already happened while I was typing
>People still believe Eren was not being honest in ch112 after c118
EHfags are braindead.
>Erenfags are brainlets
Isn't it funny how the outcome that you desire is also the one you think Eren wants.
I hope you realize how much of a self-inserter you are.
>Already destroyed the artillery so it wasn't a problem
>Doesn't waste energy making a beefy titan when it in't neccesary
Can he get smarter?
At least his nukes are stronger
He deserved a better son
GoT's show ending isn't the only ending GoT has. The books aren't even finished yet. Isayama liked the bad endings a lot of GoT characters had which is why we've seen so many of Isayama's characters have bad endings.
Sasha was so innocent and loved but Isyama was going to give her such a horrible ending that he hurt one of his editors too much
Eren is saying that the promise which goes to an event with Mikasa was done.
>Doesn't waste energy making a beefy titan when it in't neccesary
Its body mass IS its energy, Arminfat. That's why it gets skinnier and weaker as it expends energy using its steam powers
That's the usual banter. You are talking about how they will still be using this for the next month. Honestly i don't think tomorrow anyone will remember this.
Are they?
Globalism and Multiculturalism vs Selfishness and Racism
Peace vs Genocide
Progressiveness vs Tyranny
Empathy vs Ruthlessness
Hope vs Despair
Logic vs Irrationality
Boy Wonder vs 3/10 wits
Evolution vs Barbarism
60 meter Kyojin vs 15 meter titanlet
God vs Devil
Good vs Evil
Falco is too pure for that
>Eren always hated Mikasa
>Armin never wanted to talk to his enemies before
>Eren isn't controlled even if evidence suggests otherwise
No, you can control how much of the titan you generate, you don't have to go 100% all the time.
Stop trying to diss chadmin, he is smarter than you.
He(Eren) literally spelt it for you
I wouldn't say controlled, just influenced
Rewatching the anime with my wife, I realize that Eren very often is influenced by his previous titan owners. It seems that he is hell bent on destroying the world - pic related.
Do you guys think this is Kruger, Grishna, or someone before them has the same strong will - much like the founding titan? Maybe even a rival of some sort, the antagonist 2k years ago. I feel as if someone ate Eren, those two spirits will collide and something crazy will happen.
Yeah definitely influenced.
This. Armin is inherently weaker than Bert.
The devil of all earth?
>Armin was the one talking for Eren despite telling Annie that he doesn't understand Eren anymore
>Armin was deflecting every Mikasa's question
not sure what you're referring to, I speed read the manga
>Shota Armin
>Stop trying to diss chadmin, he is smarter than you.
Why does Isayama make everyone around Armin retarded in order to make Armin look smarter?
>"Historia became a breeding sow!"
>"Eren wasn't involved! Farmer is the father because MPs said so!"
>"Eren left ten months ago!"
>"Eren pimped out Historia! He hates her because she's cattle!"
>"Cuckren soon!"
>"Eren is asexual like his bro!"
>"Eren is the father but Farmer fucked Hisu!"
>posting edits of decapitated Historia
>Final panel is Zeke with his niece
>The baby is stillborn, breedercucks btfo!
July didn't change anything so we'll have to keep dealing with this for months to come.
The AT comes from Ymir's heart where the Devil resides
everything in that scene between the point where annie smashes erens head in and where annie falls off the wall is not canon and anime-only. notice how no one ever mentions the burning blue eyed eren form in any episodes after this?
>wanted to be free
>was always a slave to the rage of the past
poor Eren. It's a good thing he died before he realized that and despaired
>Reiner didn't kill him right there
>taller and stronger
>Random innocent people are Eren's enemies
I don't know about that one
That's true. I'm not saying that BR is innocent but that conversation kinda shows Eren understands that to reach his goal, he has to do something whether he wants it or not.
He did it in Liberio. He killed innocent people there and from his talk with Reiner, it doesn't seem like he wanted to kill them.
I think he knows what's up, just doesn't tell anyone for some reason. Probbably to protect them.
>n-no bro this cover, the imagery in the second ED, berserk form being "anime only" only to return in 117, and his desperate mantra of being free becoming more relevant in this arc don't mean anything haha
I don't think so. I'm fairly certain they can both control the blast size given how Bert didn't eradicate Eren who was right next to him and Armin didn't end up destroying the ships in the flashbacks.
Cmon user, that hasn't been the case since RTS. Isayama learnt his mistakes.
Why is he so perfect?
*right next to him in chapter 42
>Hange calling Armong the second coming of Erwin
Yeah, no.
He appeals to the whiny nihilistic cucks that make up the majority of this basket-weaving board
This! I also use my energy from all the lard I've accumulated to destroy the couch I was sitting on XD
>everything in that scene between the point where annie smashes erens head in and where annie falls off the wall is not canon and anime-only
In fact it's double canon, Isayama considers the anime the definitive product.
Would it be shocking if I tell you that I only like his hot body
>the world thinks we turn into giant man eating monsters
>are they wrong about that?
>I'll kill them all
Funny how this could only make the Colossal Titan MORE effective
When did she call him that?
dont mind if i do, eren
>tfw Armongwhales will never have a direct selfinsert to project their fat acceptance autism onto
When did Grisha or Kruger ever talked about the destroying the world? Eren's fixation on that seems quite fucking personal.
Right above you.
Let Eren rest. He's free now.
He's in denial about Eren because Eren's action(going for the full rumblings) goes against his desire for peaceful resolution and he's in denial because Eren spoke some lies with more truths in it, that's why he keeps deflecting Mikasa's question.
119 is the month of KEKRENFAGS BTFO shitposting and it will stay that way until we get confirmation on whether Eren is alive or not.
So you are saying that despite everything he has gone through, Eren is still dumber than a brainwashed 12 years old? Because even Gabi could undertand how Kaya's mother wasn't guilty of anything, but i guess for a 3/10 that's too much.
because official translation in manga and light novels always sucks ass. it's made by some intern that makes another ten of those in a week.
in chapter 98 Eren says word 'hometown' as a callback, fan translation got it right, official misses it. Plus official translation has tons of lazy mistakes, pic related
>Did you get posessed by Erwin's ghost or something?
>You're the second coming of Erwin
That's quite a strech
Based dubs but he still has his responsibility and no death will stop him from fulfilling that.
I mean, Eren didn't bother just touching Zeke in the blimp
You dumb? She isn't saying his plan is good. She is saying his plan is reckless like Erwin's plans used to be.
Reread the manga but this time do it slower.
Explain the brief ocean flashback, where Eren makes his desires clear.
>When did Grisha or Kruger ever talked about the destroying the world? Eren's fixation on that seems quite fucking personal.
We can see that the closer you are to ymir in blood, the stronger the will manifests. In the reiss faimly, we can see this play out very strongly. It might be the case that Eren is closer to Ymir than Grishna or Kruger, through his mothers blood. If he was to be eaten by someone who is even closer, this will may reach critical mass and impose itself on the world.
I really hate that page because it makes Hange look dumb.
Does Armin only have 2/10 combat skill because he actually needs glasses?
>touch Zeke
>Armin gets a jolt feeling the coordinate activate
He's killing his enemies
And if he indeed loves Historia, then he's protecting his love.
The most important thing a Man has to do in this world is to protect his I, his Pride, and his Family.
Everything else comes after.
Speedreader, see
What the fuck are you talking about? His mother blood? Carla is a normal eldian, isn't she?
Everyone is dumber after the timeskip
Not gonna lie user, you sound like a boomer
Eren is a character women will never understand
I think he genuinely doesn't have the answer to Mikasa's questions, regardless of his level of denial. He could've come up with the most basic shit you hear so often like "he lied to protect us!" but he couldn't even bring himself to believe that or explain why Eren somehow had to be lying, so he dodged the issue instead. Now with the most recent chapter Armin's line about how they could just ask Eren to explain himself after everything's over seems like an even more ominous sign that they'll never actually get the chance to do it.
>I really hate that page because it makes Hange look dumb.
Well how else is Isayama supposed to have us believe Armin is smart?
I'm grasping for straws, but I seriously think that eren has some evil pre attack titan owner influencing him.
Come on, if it had been a pic of some EH scene saying any kind of positive thing about their relationship we would have the same from EHfags.
We still haven't seen Armin fight as CT and no one yet said that he's bad at it, so why the assumptions?
Abe must be really proud with you.
Keep ignoring my post retard.
>You dumb? She isn't saying his plan is good. She is saying his plan is reckless like Erwin's plans used to be. Reread the manga but this time do it slower.
>the absolute state of EHtists
>like Erwin's plans used to be.
It's not a suicide charge though
>Armin's line about how they could just ask Eren to explain himself after everything's over seems like an even more ominous sign that they'll never actually get the chance to do it.
This is like how Historia will never have the chance to see Ymir explain herself or how Eren will never have the chance to see Annie explain herself
No, but there's a chance the blimp gets detroyed if things go wrong, and also if anyone is unable to get into the blimp he will die. I'm just saying what's written on the page
Let's be real, Carla dying just gave Eren an excuse to be edgy, that's what he always wanted anyway, he was the same before she was killed.
Why does he have extra abs??
Reread chapter 97 and 100 you mongoloid, holy shit this a shounen manga for fuck's sake. He realizes that they are the same, he's the bad guy to them and they are the bad guys to him. He's okay with killing the civilians since he is their bad guy if you read the Marley arc.
Why? Personally, I hate this influence thing but I guess some people have a hard time to believe that Eren would do all these evil shits so they want to blame it on something else so Eren can stay as a good boy.
Yanderekasa will RAPE Eren's decapitated head
And Armin is in denial of that.
No, eren is smart because he understands the reality of the situation. Eldians will almost always be prone to persecuting others or being persecuted themselves because they can turn into giant man eating titans. This is an undeniable fact and would breed contempt and an ingroup/outgroup dynamic. Eren would be ok with ‘making peace’ but he understands that it is a futile pursuit. Thus, he has resolved himself to doing the one thing that he believes will truly bring peace which is to eliminate all non eldians who would be his enemies. The tragedy of the story is that this is likely realistic and that even doing that might not lead to peace, which was shown in the beginning of the story since the eldians on paradis were imprisoned and persecuted by their own kind
You are saying how Hange is telling Armin that his plan is smart. But she is telling Armin that his plan is reckless and a gamble.
How you arrive to the conclusion that Armin is smart and Hange is dumb from this page is something i can't undertand.
Man, I thought it was the fake preview.
I like villains, and I think that would make a really cool villain, which is why I want this to be true
Don't give her/him your money user. Don't do this.
Where is this from?
>hot juicy abs but that ugly beard is a turn off
>the mistake Kruger was referring to was the past Eldians not completely genociding all non-Eldians
>Isayama subverting the shonenbaby "break the cycle" banality
I'm 25.
Most won't.
Had to google to know who that is.
Not a shipper.
>No evidence, no explanation
This meme is retarded. I think you never knew about Eren's true character to begin with.
How so? At the end of the day, he's not even a villain but someone who is controlled by an otherworldly villain but nothing is done by his own admission.
Cmon now user, Eren is obviously influenced, in that he felt the same hate for Eldia that Grisha did when he received his memories. Let's not pretend titan influence doesn't affect him.
you know what, you're right user. It might be more interesting if he himself was the villian.
Yeah, the influence bullshit got really out of hand once Bertfags and Ymirfags tried to use it to pretend that Bert and Ymir were going to take over Armin and Porco's brains.
It's just a cheap way to relegate characters to nothing more than plot devices incapable of making their own decisions. And it's really stupid to call Eren a slave to the SNK when he has been an autistic freedomfag since even before getting it.
Besides no one wanting to become a mindless titan, most (non shifters) won't turn into titans if they don't get injected. If not get rid of the injections then make them nearly impossible to get.
I wasn't that user, user, just was wondering why you quoted something without making any coments.
Eren has always been a slave to his wrath. He would be dead 100x over if the walls didn't break and he didn't have Mikasa. Thinking he's going to have some happy ending and not some bad ending with a lesson looks dumb to me
So Eren isn't being influenced? Do we ignore the pages where Eren received memories from his father?(remember he didn't just receive his memories, he also felt all the hate Grisha and Kruger had towards Marley). Do we ignore the reveal that the AT fight for freedom?
He already admitted that he is a villain
Ah, i see. You must also believe that Historia wants to destroy the world, right?
Lying or deflecting the question
>Taking that at face value and not for the meaning eren was trying to portray
Yikes, go away vicecuck
Grisha's memories have helped him understand the outside world and make his own choices to solve his problems.
It isn't a case where Eren is a husnk that the SNK is manipulating to do its will.
>Eren has never displayed genocidal, ragetarded, psychotic tendencies befo-
>Eren isn't the villa-
Was this in the forest or Stohess?
She did say humanity should be destroyed.
Absolutely based.
This was definitely an action of a hero who was just trying to save his country from the audience's perspective
Grisha's memories gave him a unfair perspective of the outside world, since he only felt all the suffering, it definitely conditioned negatively the way he felt about the outside world. Also i remember Isayama saying that the titan was influencing Eren's character, he said that when he asked Falco if the person he wanted to protect was a girl, this was a example of the titan's influence. So yes, it is definitely something that can't be ignored.
Fuck off Floch
Why did you quote me, retard?
Yeah, maybe controlled would be the better word.
Memories are like new information for Eren. It will affect his judgements and decisions but at the end of the day, he is still the one who is responsible for those actions. I'm fine with that.
Meanwhile, if it turns out that Eren is controlled by the memories (or something else) and everything he did is actually not his fault then fuck that shit. I hope it's not going to happen.
Same here. I don't really see what's so appealing about throwing all of the Eren's development in the trash for some cheap "it was muh evil memories all along", especially when there's very little consistency with the other shifters we've seen bar the royal FTs who were straight up possessed by Karl's will (who was Pieck controlled by? what about Annie? Reiner? Ymir? Marcel? Porco? Kruger himself? Ms Tybur?). Feels like a rabbit hole some people are more than willing to jump into as long as it relieves Eren of the responsibility of his actions and he can stay a good little kid (which he never really was, in my humble opinion).
According to you, this page would prove that Historia wants to destroy the world
Not him but what the fuck does that have to do with anything? Are you the YHfag?
You're an actual fucking cuck. Really, what's the lesson you want, don't fight, don't struggle, don't resist when your enemy literally wants to destroy you?
Eren have come to great understanding about this world, his face says it all, do you see a slave there?, do you see a man who cannot control his anger there?
What do you see there?
Because i see a man who have come to understand the inevitability of everything.
I see a mature men, who left childish things behind him. I see a fighter, a man you can respect.
Pacifism is the the biggest helper of evil in this world, Pacifism brings misery and destruction more than anything else does.
And pacifism is going to be what this manga will denounce.
Why didn't you specify yourself, retard?
>Also i remember Isayama saying that the titan was influencing Eren's character, he said that when he asked Falco if the person he wanted to protect was a girl,
That was just some random bullshit made up by a single tweet that has now been deleted.
And even if Isayama did say that it was probably shit he made up to avoid pissing off the fujos that fill the Q&A sessions.
Still, it was too fucking cruel and with a very vague purpose so far
she's that's why she's working with eren you fucking retard
>killing marleyans
He was talking to himself because Mikasa question invoked the flashback and he didn't want to believe it, Mikasa didn't even hear the "no way" and the next line was his deflection.
Can we agree that is obvious Eren is going to survive this, and the meltdown is going to be about what type of asspull is going to be used assuming Isayama is not going to copy Reiner's tactic and give something new?
Saying that because Eren had that speech about destroying his enemies, he actually wants to do it is wrong. It's like saying that Historia want's to destroy the world because of that page where she said exactly that.
Both moments were deeply emotional and cathartic, where the character had irrational and not well thought out ideas. After that scene Eren had 4 years to think about how he felt, and what he wanted, that scene at the beach doesn't reflect his true intentions.
Get the fuck out, retard.
>From the audience's perspective
The lesson is that monsters like Eldians should be removed from the gene pool. Zeke's plan is more preferable than Eren unleashing an apocalypse worse than a nuclear one, which at least grants a quick painless death for most. The colossal titans' heat will scorch whatever is in their path, and slowly terrorize and kill billions of animals and humans through trampling, burning, suffocation, anarchy, and starvation.
Killing marleyans is good from any perspective.
You aren't actually retarded enough to think Historia was serious, right?
Are you the new "Smug_Editor"?
Shut up, Gross. Dead people don't talk.
Who do Hanji, Levi, and Pixis think they are? The queen and the people all wanted Eren's plan. He's the most loved man in Paradis, they're nobody. What right did they think they had to stand in the way and try to pull a coup?
>Get the fuck out, retard.
First a strawman, now this. Don't expect anyone to have a serious dicussion with you, you'd be better off discussing ships.
The waifus though
and eldians will rebuild the world.
Titan memories suddenly take over and asked Falco if that person is a girl feels so random desu.
The theory about Grisha's feeling when he lost Dina affecting Eren and makes him want to protect Historia from the same fate seems more plausible.
He's going to copy Zeke's tactic instead.
What the fuck does that mean? If you don't have any arguments admit that i'm right or just don't repond
>Writes L*vi
>Is retarded
Every fucking time
kinda funny how eren's mom is just the 15 year old eren but with slightly longer hair
it's even more obvious in the anime
>edgenfags want the whole world to look like a scene from an edgy AMV
at that moment no but you don't say something like that even in a heated gamer moment, the fact that she's currently working with Eren means she's willing to destroy the world.
Reiner once said that he and his fellow warriors don't have any memories and Eren is seen the only one with multiple memories and being influenced by past users.
Based newmate
>Titan memories suddenly take over and asked Falco if that person is a girl feels so random desu.
Don't pretend that's how the influence works user.
Notice it's called titan's influence, not titan's control or titan's overtake.
Truly magnificent.
This manga is doing what i wanted from a mainstream work of fiction for a long time already.
The monster, my friend, is whoever loses the war.
They may not have meant them at the time, but their words were foreshadowing what they would do in the future regardless. Eren doesn't think of the people across the ocean as evil, but the only way to ensure Paradis's permanent safety without continuing the titan inheritance cycle is by rumbling the world.
Same for Historia, the only way to protect her own life and those of her descendants is by rejecting her inheritance as she did in the cave and going along with Eren's plan.
isayama doesn't have enough variance in his characters. Might be a symptom of having to introduce so many characters to kill off, but my wife was having trouble identifying people and differentiating them.
sorry meant u
Alright, i guess you agree with me thern
Why are the bodies all lined up?
Is there a decent translation though
I have to say SnK threads host a lot more autism than other series I'm following.
>t. Speedreading vicecuck
The translation make it seems that way
>When Eren asked Falco “Is that person…a girl?”, he was under the influence of other people’s memories (Possibly Grisha in that moment).
Shipperfags really believe in the "terrorist and lovers XD" post and think Historia seriously is the type of person who would want to destroy the world.
>a person of unnatural or extreme ugliness, deformity, wickedness, or cruelty
Same as Levi’s mom
it's over...
The MC is a bit of a bad boy for shounen after all.
>spam shitren except when something EM related happens
Typical autistic girl
But Ymir wants full euthanasia. Why would she help Eren at all?
Kruger is the most based character next to Erwin
Not him but Historia being pregnant helped Eren, Historia is not a saint
There's nothing to fight.
You are totally right.
You only say that because she revived Zeke, we don't know what she wants, it's entirely possible she only revived him because he is needed for Eren's plan to work, or for some other role entirely.
>Reiner is wuhing
>Eren is smiling
Seems appropriate
So the potential to be any human?
It helped Zeke and herself, not Eren. He would get his rumbling either way, regardless if he uses Zeke or her
Kruger gets his dick sucked too much here and his dadship with Grisha is gross
>Karl the cuck decides to end the Eldian empire and give 6 titan powers to their former enemies
>Marley decides to use and all remaining Eldians as weapons to expand their empire
>They invade Paradis because they want to use the power of the Original titan to win more wars
>They get btfo
>They turn Paradis into a literal boogeyman so all the countries that they have fucked in the ass for a hundred years don't unite against them
Fuck Willy, he deserved a more painful death
That's a yiker from me, friend.
Dude, he asked if they'd be free if he killed everyone on the other side of the ocean because at that point in time he saw nothing but enemies and horror there. And while his understanding of the people beyond the ocean evolved, the truth about those people being enemies and the conclusion he came to in chapter 90 didn't. That's the whole point of chapter 100.
This. Marley should be wiped from the face of the earth
Can I marry you wife?
>He got his wish in a parallel universe
What is she doing then? Because her actions since agreeing to inherit the beast titan have only impeded the fifty year plan and helped Eren and Zeke.
Reiner not dying now make it pretty funny he used to die in some early script right at the start
The weird thing is that none of Eren's known predecessors were motivated by waifufaggotry, so I have to wonder what kind of memories or influence would've made Eren aware that Falco was fighting because of his feelings for a girl.
Your wife is faceblind or a speedreader
“Historia. From now on, no matter what Eren does… As I thought, you’ll keep saying he is a hero that protects everyone…?”
“As long as he keeps fighting for us, I will keep saying that. Why?"
“…Nothing. You have your own viewpoint, I understand that”
For Armin, it didn’t seem like Eren’s future path would lead to heroic acts.
However, being unable to say anything for certain, he swallows his own words.
“…I’m simply teaching my own viewpoint. That is all”
Historia said with a soft, yet firm voice.
“The kids here have direct contact with Eren. They might not understand now, but someday when they lose their way or find themselves in trouble, they’ll be able to understand what being human means. That’s what I think.”
The kids that will live in the future should be able to see the person called Eren with serenity/calm, that’s what Historia believes.
“Ah, yeah. That’s right…”
“Don’t tell me, you intend to tell the children in the orphanage the truth? That in order to change human society, we have no choice but to kill somebody as well?”
“I think that it would not do to forget. That the orphanage was possible, it was thanks to everyone who fought…… We, because from here on we fight with the people from outside the walls, I think that it’s alright to learn of that weight”
That because somebody fought, that the present self exists. That because there were mistakes in the past, that the present is being corrected. Even if it cannot be understood immediately that was fine, however, if they wanted to know she wants to put it in a way that can be understood, Historia said.
>“That to 'fight’, is 'killing people’, it’s okay to say that”
“That is……up till now we without knowing it, were averting our eyes, to the 'actuality’. Or is that wrong”
“…… it’s not wrong”
Implying he was wrong in anything he said about Eren
I'm not a shipperfag but are there any other character that had said the same thing as Historia? She's the only who seems to contemplate Eren's mindset, joking or not.
Helping Zeke is helping Eren. And Eren did not want to use her.
>do you see a man who cannot control his anger there?
You look dumb to me.
No point arguing with you because you're seething too hard which will make you too closed minded than your dumb ass already is.
You probably self-insert as Eren. No, you don't have anything figured out just like Eren
And this was done by humans.
No, it doesn't matter at all how you look.
Yeah no. It never counted as proof and this won't suddenly change
Based, roasties and degenerates seething
Shut the fuck up retard. I'm trying to court his wife so I'll have to defend her honor.
>implying he didn't lie about how/why the founder was stolen and pretend they weren't trying to steal it too
He had shifter marks, what was he going to do to poor Hans?
>You probably self-insert as Eren.
Ah that argument typical from a leftist
>courting speedreaders
Wait, is that Erwin as a titan eating him?
Didn't Bert just say he and the others had no recollection of who they ate, which held true for Eren as well until getting touched by Rod and Historia in the cave unlocked his repressed memories? What do we make of Armin?
>eren is actually trying to do something to save his people even though he doesn’t want to have to necessarily kill others, but he realizes he has to do so
>peacecuck comes to him and tries to whine and preach about muh peace, can’t we just talk it out
>eren gets mad
Wow, really supporting your comprehension and analysis there vicecuck
Are we preparing the rumblings deniers screencaps or what despite already hearing titans' footsteps in the final audio?
>titan's influence
Why would the AT know or care about Falco wanting to protect a chick? Sometimes it feels like you guys are getting lost in your own theories.
All shitposting aside, Mikasa is very cute this way. I hope she'll find someone who doesn't ignore her.
She has a vagina so she is forgiven, learn the way of the new, liberated and equal world grandpa.
Can you explain what she's doing right now, for what reason and who exactly it benefits?
That's not why Eren got mad at Hange, he got mad at her because she implied he didn't care about Historia anymore, when in truth she is a main driver of what he's doing.
I guess that the top ten were originally going to be the ones that died instead of those jobbers in Eren's first squad
Hange even understood Eren's actions, she just mentioned Historia
Arumikahaven soon
do you have any smartpass story where the characters act OOC? why would Isayama even approve an OOC story? why did they choose to release the first story after chapter 108 where people started speculating she's working with Eren? don't you think the timing is too perfect to be just a coincidence ?
No because they'll vanish the second it happens
>eren is actually trying to do something to save his people
he sure did a good job with that didn't he? Sasha died because he's the same retard from chapter 4
"Hey look i posted a panel of the character being angry and that means that character is a slave to his wrath, oh wow i'm so smart.
You're a retarded fuck, nothing else. Eren accepted the way of the world, and he's fighting for his own beliefs. He is fighting for his people, possibly his child.
When he killed all of those people in Marley he wasn't angry, he wasn't spiteful, he didn't hate them all. They were simply his enemies, and Isayama has clearly communicated that. But i understand you need to posses a brain to have a reading comprehensions, and you clearly do not have one.
>wanting to destroy the world
>not the villain
What is villainous about it?
Yeah that’s what I said. Eren is doing what he has to do and hange comes in and taunts him despite not doing shit herself. Fucking retard, go pick up a manga on your intellect level
>t. Retarded vicecuck
You got to break some eggs to make an omelette. No ragret after all, manlet thought him that.
Damn I thought you were just shitposting, but you might actually be retarded. Sad
Not him but Hange wasn't going on about muh peace, here. She even admitted that they hadn't found a solution yet. She was just trying to understand what Eren was doing and why he suddenly tool the initiative to fuck shit up and make Paradis the target of everyone's wrath and put it in immediate danger, seemingly working against Historia's best interests despite showing to be particularly concerned about her fate before.
>no argument
The state of eren whitewashers refusing to admit that world destruction is villainous
I'm still waiting to see how it is villainous.
Yeah, because Sasha would be safe as fuck with the world invading. Why are women so bad with war stuff?
You are the retard. Hange didn't understand Eren because his actions of bringing Zeke to the island seemed like they would doom Historia. She was not taunting him.
Have sex
Explain how Sasha would be safer with thousand of soldiers + even the WHT destroying Paradis, stealing and probably raping
I did what now?
She did the equivalent of “why did you do that? I’m not going to offer any solutions myself or do anything about the fact that the world wants to destroy us, but why did you do something I think was bad”
>to have a reading comprehensions
do you have a high school grammar?
There’s nothing to say to a retard who is unable to grasp the underlying theme of the story
Wasn't she just trying to understand his actions? They wanted to punish Eren and Zackley even wanted to kill him
And why exactly did Eren need the warhammer? If he just followed military orders they would have the Wall Titan deterrent and Paradis would be safe.
They evacuated people and prepared everything for the rumbling till Zackley decided to kill Eren.
The reason she asked "why did you do that" was because of how it affected Historia. They were all trying to find a way to save her, but Eren seemed to give up on that from Hange's point of view.
To fight against others just in case
I- is he dead bros?
>still can't defend brutally destroying the world in a slow tortuous manner for the sake of a race of monsters
Do you have a point? Arguing over whether Eren is a hero or a villain is meaningless and has no impact on whether he will succeed or not in the end.
All talk and no action, then they get buttblasted when eren does something to secure his people’s future (including Historia). I wonder why eren was mad
Yeah, and look what it got him. He wanted to the warhammer titan for himself and Sasha died as a result.
Bro, I don’t even know what to say to you. The whole point of the story is that the eldians might be bad and they might be monsters, but they still have the right to fight for their freedom just like all the other people who might want to kill the eldians for their own future
I'm going to be called shipperfag but with chapter 107 maybe Hansi was testing how involved Eren was with Historia
If you think Zeke is in the wrong you have a low IQ
Isayama has already shown that Armin's talk-no-jutsu works. Peace talk is only for the high IQ like Armin and not Eren
Again, Hange did not see how Eren's actions were protecting Historia. From her perspective at that time Eren was dooming her, not saving her.
Who knows. I do think Armim is lying about having no memories though.
No shit, that’s why eren was mad. Eren was doing his shit to protect Historia whereas everyone else sitting around not doing anything would doom Historia in erens view. That’s why he was mad, that’s why he raged at her to tell him another way to save her, because she was just preaching at that point
I see, you're absolutely worthless.
that's not how you use a comma, dumb ESL shitposter
I don't think she was testing him, but she knew how important preserving Historia's future was to him so she used that angle to try and establish dialogue.
So you are saying all the ship pandering, even the fujo ones, are legit?
I used it exactly how i meant to use it.
I simply understand now.
You are worthless, and there is no point in wasting time on you any further. Only those who have nothing else to say will focus on grammar, and no i don't have high school English grammar, foreign language we were studying was French, not English, but naturally you just assumed that i'm from an English speaking country.
Heh, worthless.
can't even capitalize your "i"s consistently. Do you have parkinson's? Being a slow and shit typer is a sign of low IQ