What the fuck was that?! Is this canon? How does it fit into the main story?
Shimeji Simulation
use your brain
It conflicts with the picture book
Yocchan is dead.
It is a prequel to why Shimeji was in the closet.
i don't think that's cannon
All trajodie is canon.
it's pretty obvious that the dream from the last chapter is important to the plot, right?
knowing that, do you think the previous dreams have some hidden meaning
Hidden? They seem pretty blatant.
Its the timeline where Egg-chan didn't make it
The darkest timeline.
>monthly manga
just kill me already
Why would you kill yourself when you got such a cute girlfriend with a cute pussy you get to eat?
Achieve happiness, then kill yourself before you can feel the pain of losing it.
Maybe Yocchan is only attracted to JS girls and now that Shimeji is a JC she wants to die. It would explain why they haven’t fucked since they got into middle school.
she realized the world was just a simulation
Tkmiz shamelessly copying Christopher Nolan.
You're going to sing More One Night, right user?
I miss the taters so much
If only she hadn’t died they could have had a threesome with egg.
Well she, egg and the taters could still have a foursome.
Drunksensei molesting her students.
just post lewds already dammit
Too much, this is a blue board, don't forget!
DrunkBigSis molesting shimeji.
That thing in the background looks scary. It's like a cross between the Monolith and the Marker.
could this be a noosphere distortion?
Get out of here stalker.
legitimate theory tho
It is a fish.
redpilled af
Actually this, you can see it clearly in some other panels.
Fuck yeah, time for the depression thread
No cutting.
I don't cut, I drink.
Why not both?
I like how you think, user.
please don't do it, I care about you
To the observant user from the last thread, after thinking about it some more, I'm sure you're right about the head objects, they probably are just a reflection of the mind/soul. You're probably right about the shimejis meaning lonelyness, I was too focused on the prequel, and we've no reason to think it's even canon. Now I'm just curious what the egg might mean, maybe an obscure japanese cultural reference? The only thing that comes to my mind is that egg could mean new life, but I've no idea how that would be connected to Egg-chan, maybe it's some japanese pun we're not getting, or something silly like that, I hope we'll get some answers soon.
When do the chapters release anyway? I seem to have missed the last few TL dump threads.
I can't sing.
Yea Forums sings is gay anyway
Near the end of each month. 24th-26th I think?
I get called a faggot anyway, why not have fun?
I keep praying to God but she never answers.
she was the girl who had to eat all the eggs
A new life, a second chance at love after Yocchan maybe.
I've been thinking about it a little since the last thread, but I don't really have any good guesses for the meaning behind egg's head object. She said she's had it since she was born, so maybe it's representative of her childishness? Sunny from MGS4 and the Araragi sisters from Bakemonogatari are all associated with sunny-side-up eggs, so it could very well be some sort of Japanese cultural thing that isn't obvious in translation. I'm not too well-versed in Japanese culture; the mushrooms-growing-on-people thing just happened to be something that I already knew.