>Imagine waking up to this.
First episode in few hours.
Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de 2-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki desu ka?
I just want to look at mamako
They're not related by blood anyway.
im ready
Why does she wear the gloves tho
>slapping in a shitton of generic sluts when it should be all about the mom
Dropped at the trailer.
I don't get that title.
Does her attack hit two in total different enemies or every enemy in range two times?
So she can fill them with her son's milk before wearing them all day.
>momcest bait
Hoping it crash and burns, all it has going for it is Pochi's godly art.
I wonder why.
If it was solely based on the stepmom, it would somewhat trigger the normies.
>First episode in few hours
I thought it aired tomorrow
question is will pochi draw doujins of mamako and her son
So the mom gets the OP powers and boi just hang around?
Should have ditched the worthless fuccboi kid and just made the anime about the mom.
I hope this shit gets good soujins
my pardon? did I sense the forbidden word NBR here?
not going to search them out online or cut up my copy to scan, but I've at least got some pics of Pochi's latest artbook.
Wait is it actually NBR?
Time to make new brother/son
>milfs wearing schoolwear
I need those official doujins
I think I actually like her better than demonic big sis somehow. It's shameful how terrible the son is, "Oh durr I hate my nice and supportive parents despite being a trash person" is an annoying trope even when it isn't a 10/10 stepmom literally carrying you through your isekai and wingmomming your harem antics.
Here's a better image of that
>weaing an apron while naked
>those jeans
muh dick
Hot mom is hot.
>tfw mom sees this posture
They are tho
>tfw wife is currently 7 months pregnant and has hair just like her
The MILF future is bright for my son.
>First episode in few hours.
But it airs tomorrow? Around 26 hours from now to be more specific.
Have fun getting cucked, bro
If you’re doing adventuring shit, you need to look at least somewhat fashionable.
She needs even more curves to be believable. Mommy bods have been bred and it typically shows. That said, there needs to be more milf series so this is a good start.
What's the appeal of disgusting old hags like that?
I wish it wasn't garbage.
Throw in the retry's MC and it'll be perfect
I always though long hair is very attractive for a woman.
The dedication and time spend on growing hair is a lot.
And the trust giving by that woman to comb her hair says a lot about relationship.
I've never felt the touch of a woman other than my family, I'm the older brother of two sisters, and I used to do their hair for school.
Now they come to me to do their hair when they need "life advice"
>saved dagashi kashi
>saved lovecraftian horror
>saved isekai
What's next for my girl?
Yeah feel free to step in if you see anything you've got better images of, I'm going off of a paper book and cell phone here.
Giting gud at DDR.
Saving my baby batter in her incubator organ
Because real men like real women.
I got a few more I think
Anime moms are hot.
>mom jeans
Fucking diamonds.
Picked up.
what's the fucking point, then?
I had a weird dream where Mamako Singing Rivers in the Desert while the other Phantom Thieves are dancing on the stage
They have better control of their emotions and not a walking estrogen Molotov cocktail
having giving birth means they're are fertile, can handle birth giving, and won't abandon their children
the mix of giving birth, breastfeeding and getting old create the perfect body for sex or just relaxing on heavily thighs while receiving breastfeeding handjob
>open nape and upper back
Women have no idea how led this is.
It's not NBR, he's trolling.
Novels are worthless because the author is stuck baiting readers with the main heroine but he can't make her the love interest like in a regular romcom.
I think OP fucked up. This airs tomorrow according to most places I'm looking at.
a fucking shame
the premise while stupid, sounds fun, but based on the trailer, author have these other bitches for no reason but to annoythe mc and his mom
Oh, mommy.
I want to be cucked out of being a main character by a hot mom so bad.
anichart says it's tomorrow though
is it true the son doesn't actually fuck the mom
Yep it is just baiting there is no romance between the two beside the mother have a husband
thanks into the garbage it goes
Does she help his son to get laid with the ten billion girls that will be over his dick?
Secondary girls are shit, so who cares.
What's the point of the series then? Why do we have a show with this old hag?
Don't worry. You will get your mommy prostitution doujins very soon.
Fucking nips can't make a MILF Doujin without NTR anymore baka
The only good mommy prostitution stories are when the son fucks his mother by mistake.
Is this one actually good or is it just another meme isekai show? I like Kayano so it might be intriguing.
She kinda helps the girls in his harem so his son can net a nice wife, but all the harem girls are kinda shit and uninteresting.
This man gets it
>no incest
Literally who is the target audience for this?
Please tell me this isn't true, that there actually is near-incestual fanservice with reference and slight lewdness and all the delightful things I want in this kind of premise, the world can't be this cruel, can it?
>Should have ditched the worthless fuccboi kid and just made the anime about the mom.
But then we won't get many scenes of the son getting embarrassed by her and him demeaning her!
Does this have an interesting plot or not?
There's no plot.
Exactly. They are baiting the only possible target audience for this show. I hope it flops. Author has no balls
doujin where the mom NTRs the son and takes his harem when?
Isn't it illegal to show incest in fiction thanks to yosuga no sora?
The Tokyo bill which led to the Oreimo shit ending
Some of them are really good user, specially the ones with a redemption arc
she looks like my mum
I think that story where mother was cosplaying and her son's classmates gangbanged her was decent
Also this by the same author
It's bait, user
Nothing happens between her and the MC treats her mom awful to the point of making her cry.
Nothing happens with the other girls either even when his mom tried to help them getting along.
The MC is awful and the girls are shit.
They certainly have a good plot. Tatoeba Haha us great in this aspect. But Idk, a MC who accepts a whore back after fucking other men is too much of a cuck for me. I want a doujin where the guy leaves the whore and gets new girls
I was interested in this but
>JC staff
Fuck that trash genre and the that trash studio
I'm literally fucking jelly
Fuck her, user
anone you can't fuck your mum user
Imagine still not self inserting as the girl in current year
So is there an agreed shortened name for this show? Like Oreimo or Konosuba?
>only 1 kid
I'm fucking mad.
Okaa-san online
>first episode hasn't even come out yet and people are already self inserting as the mc
This is absolutely sinister, especially him being mean to her - did Satan himself crawl up to conjure this fruit of pure diabolical malignity?
figmas when?
no, it's just the author being fucking stupid
Too bad all that stunning art is wasted on this shitty LN
If you really wanna know then ask the 2 or 3 LN readers that lurk here. Everyone else is just a secondary retard.
As for your question, yes it does. Imagine that you're a piece of shit of a son and you treat your mother like shit most of the time until she finally breaks and begs for pardon even when she did absolutely nothing, only because she wanted to be closer to you.
Now imagine the opposite, a mother that's basically a cheap whore and put all the blame for her shitty life on her own daughter, leaving her alone, calling her a mistake, insulting her.
You're going to know about these 2 problems on the first 6-8 episodes, the main topic of this LN is the problem inside different families and how to fix them or help the mothers/kids instead of doing more damage to each other.
Is this coming out today?
Tomorrow morning.
what the fuck when did pochi become a youtuber
Vacharu Yuchubaa
No one wants to read or watch this. Everyone is in for the MILF.
>t. secondary who can only read doujins
Sorry to break this for you incel but this LN is popular in japan not just because of Pochi but because is above the usual pile of garbage that you're used to read.
Will he be as bad as nyaruko MC?
>nyaruko MC
Not wanting to fuck the Crawling Chaos does not make him bad.
Lots of Nips brought their moms with them to buy the LN at a discount
I hope this is true cause that sounds like it could be super interesting and heartfelt. I'm ready for the comfy milf feels train hit me with it
There is a link on nyaa where you can download the english translations of volume 1, you can check the first spoiler there.
>Nips brought their mom to buy the LN
I'm sorry, but what in the fuck?
thanks user I'll do just that
Almost half a year ago.
It was a special promotion where if you brought your mom to the store you could get a discount
Good bait, but incel was overkill.
Also the first novel is translated so everyone can already check how crap it actually is.
It doesn't change the fact that you're wrong and that you can't even use your brain. Try again incel, maybe one day you'll be able to read something without thinking on the next doujin.
Weiss is pretty good though.
Good shit that Weiss is Masato's love interest.
Maybe her hands hurt
Yeah I don’t know if you guys saw the ending spoilers for that, but as it turned out Mahiro had a much better reason than most to act like an asexual faggot towards the heroine.
I've seen the ending spoilers, but even if I hadn't I'd know why he acted like that, it's literally spelled out long before the end.
>cucked by your wife's son
>10/10 wife
>only one child
Is the father dead or divorced?
Any chance of us seeing Mamako (or any of the other ladies) naked?
either he's gay or a turbochad and found an even better wife or two
He's a gay turbochad actually
spoil me what was his reason for being an asexual faggot?
>single mother
Because if he wasn't, it would be very painful.
For him.
>Pochi yaoi
>open backed dress
muh dick. I love pochi
Is crunchy subbing this?
According to the license acquisitions Crunchy is subbing it and Funny is dubbing it
What's a Pochi?
best girl irl
Something too good for this sinful world.
My wife
based and mamapilled
It means her boobs.
surprisingly cute irl
from what?
She gets her clothes melted off in the first dungeon (and maa-kun falls face first into her tits)
Later she sees a hotspring , declares it a family onsen and therefore maa-kun can go into it with her and the female part members.
Also, Maa-kun sets up a raid group, it ends up with nothing but milfs and they keep activating trap that strip off their clothes
It's like she has both 2x attack and attack all materia in her weapons. (which would be stupidly powerful without it). She can basically wipe out all monsters without trying which is a problem as Maa-kun wants a fun isekai adventure and she trivializes it.
Wise (ultra bitch tsundere) is also an incredibly powerful magic user but every monster in the game casts silence and it always affects just her. There's also an anti-PK system in the game but it only ever affects her.
Instead of being teleported into the Intended MMORPG, Mamako and Masato got teleported to the last Videogame that you played with their exact powers. What would happen ?
Literally no-one would give a shit about this series if it wasn't for Pochi.
>Trails of Cold Steel 2
I think they'll manage.
Atellier Lulua.
It would probably be about the same but with frillier dresses.
>see Manga at B&N during Xmas
>with parents-in-law, so end up taking a pic and mean to look it up later
>forget because the phone crashed and got wiped before we got back
>now it has an anime series
Thank you god of anime tiddies!!
Oh boy. This going end so well.
that could be pretty cool
>doing manga browsing with parents in law
Can't tell if legit or trolling or pure idiot.
Fallout 76
>Ma-kun gonna get NTRed by Rean
I wanna see the third option Are there pics? At least fro the novel?
>Konosuba megaman clone
I hope they have autism.
Would Mamako and Bayonetta get along ?
>rance 6
Maa-kun call me daddy Rance from now on.
What exactly is the message of this series? That it's okay to want to fuck your mom? Isn't Abe going a little too far now?
You are a lolifag user.
You would never understand.
I came here for the ntr
Seeing a woman with children triggers your instinct to rape as your brain knows she is already fertile and developed. Just imagine how many grown women were raped by teenage boys in the stone age.
>DMC 5
Would Uncle Dante flirt on Mamako ?
It's unironically about how to fix broken families.
>Abe going a little too far now
He's a sterile Childless political hack, so he dedicates his efforts for the good of Nippon.
Doom 2016 attempted ultra nightmare run.
How long before the episode drops?
>Mamako becomes an Umbran Witch
>Dance with Bayonetta in the end
"Please" fuck off normalfag
Which reminds me...
by few hours did you mean an entire day
How the fuck did this series never pick up regular ln translations anyways? If I were a translator I'd have picked it up even if I hated it so I could ask for donations for my sick mother with all the attention every version of it has gotten.
Masato would pick up a grenade launcher and Mama would gear up in a Wing Diver suit with hotpants.
Got licenced
Yen press has it
BLAME! only they have the power of asthma instead of regeneration and stupidly powerful handguns.
Probably the same thing that happens to the protag of the game. Gets lost in the megastructure, probably goes insane.
Oh, I misread the powers bit.
They'd still get fucking lost in that place.
No, away on business
I want Elf
Nyaruko and Mahiro get married and on their honeymoon Nyaruko gets way too excited and reverts to her “true” form, instantly depleting Mahiro’s SAN meter, but sexually satisfying him none the less
>fucks your son
State religion is instantly reformed by Queen Mamako to allow divine marriage.
What a cunt
I think they will be ok
>Hollow Knight
Depends, are they shrunk to appropiate size for the setting or they can just step on the entire land?
Best swimwear, now imagine Mamako in it.
Who the fuck is blue
Girl introduced in volume 2, mom is a huge cunt helicopter parent that constantly tries to sabotage maa-kun and one-up mamako.
can't wait for doujins where Masato fucks the tsun out of her and makes her call him daddy
*reverse Mamako ntr doujins where Wise makes Maa-kun call her mommy
doesn't Masato want to fuck Porta? or at least he sees her as imouto material
>demon queen
>too busy fucking younger guys to care about her daughter
I want to fuck Porta
Sounds about right.
so for now only mothers and daughters is there any another male with his mother like MC in this world?
Das it mane
She’s such a fucking hoe, I love it.
Though I see why Weiss is like she is with her as a mother.
They go to some mixed use outdoor shopping center. It was go to B&N for an hour or the Amish market. I've given up picking up anything of interest and be judged for the childish things I still enjoy (games, anime, manga, occasional toys) which can't easily be pocketed out of sight. The manga was pretty big (and Another was even larger, but I remembered that one thanks to Yea Forums a few months ago to order.) Last year I was happy to sneak away to a Ross 30mins away and buy up a half dozen 6" Snowtroopers which stayed in the trunk of the car the rest of the trip. It's the little things that bring you joy when you're trapped in the middle of nowhere otherwise.
man thats gross
incest is nasty
FUCK PoCHI. Based Fei would dab on that ho!
>Heroes of the Storm
Dunno, the event right now is mecha-based so I guess Evangelion? Ultraman? references every corner.
How does it feel to know that doujinshi will never be as good as Pochi drawing ?
Kon-Kit is leagues ahead of little Mrs. Sameface.
Sadly I think its up to the author whether or not the happens Pochi is just the illustrator. Really upsetting that is.
Which is much better
I want paizuri from this mommy
what the fuck are those nylons?
Loli can be a mom too.
Yikes. Dropped.
>imagine living in yesterday
They're blood related
They're attached to a ring that goes around the middle toe.
How much do you guys think Poochi makes?
Is that a flat mommy in the top left? Hot
It's mommy in loli mode.
Chika a best
Why are blue chick boobs talking and why is red chick ass talking?
So subtle
> actually calling someone a pervert on Yea Forums
Eh, the mother can be very annoying at times. She is too clingy and feels more like a sister craving for attention than a mother.
I haven't read this novel I don't know why but I get the feeling that MC's mom will be prime for getting NTRd by a band of young tanned delinquents, and 90% of doujins will probably be on this premise. My dick is ready.
As intriguing as Ara Ara Ai Kayano is, the premise sounds like utter garbage.
The mother isn't the love interest.
Mein Gott. I want a seperate doujin for every one of those outfits
>pantyhose mom
i love pochi
Why do Anime do this? Just make it blood, it's degenerate anyway and Normalfags will be grossed out either way
cause the offspring of your offspring will be literally retards and that is against Abes policy
That's Not Pochi That's Fucking Touhou Pastela
There's nothing more erotic and simultaneously comfy than mommy love.
That reminds me, we need a Doujin of Kon-Kit's children doing stuff together consisting the baby from megane milf, the stoic child from onsen milf and Joseph Joestar
Fei once mindbreak people here with her Aria Doujin
threadly reminder that Wise is best girl
Holy fuck, could you speed readers pay any attention?
They are definitely blood related.
Said no one ever
I don't think they even read the manga or LN. They are just accepting what some random anons tell them as the truth.
>never dicks his mom
Then what's the point?
Mamako will approve her eventually.
I want to impregnate pochi and have her draw h manga about it.
Is Pochi single?
What do YOU think, user?
I like that she’s the butt of a lot of jokes and actually faces consequences whenever she acts like a cunt.
It's the only thing that makes her antics bearable past the first volume. I don't know if it's thanks to character development or the author getting a handle on how to write her character better.
>there will be a weekly mommy thread for the next few months
looking forward to them
anime mommy VR when
>MC doesn't fuck his mommy and all the girls
>Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
every hunter in the guild will drop their jaw
Subs where?
in other words divorced
But how they going to survive the Sierra Madre Casino, the Zion National Park, Big Mountain and The Divide? And that's on top of having to get to New Vegas following an angry delivery girl who got shot in the head. Twice.
>Smash bros
I wanna see mama's Final Smash.
Well hey, it’s your headcanon.
Imagine the QUALITY
13 episodes?
It's a LN ad so probably
>can't make her the love interest
FUCK, it's literally like every hot moms in every RuneFactory games.
I got you with some vanilla impregnation doujin
>"I see, your son is also a time Traveller"
The anime would happen but with a more plot heavy story I guess
It was so close to achieving greatness.
And the winner for the dumbest title in any form of japanese media is.....
so alongside being TWOSTRIKESWOMAN (GOD! That title is dumb), she also has transformation powers or something?
Why the FUCK is Fantasia Bunko's Dragon Magazine physical only
Virtually everything else on the website is digital!
Mamako - Bayonetta Yuri
I've also seen it translated as " Do You Like Your Mom? Her Normal Attack is Two Attacks at Full Power".
My Themical Romance?
Machine TransRation
He did.
But at what time is this coming out?
Tomorrow morning
Wait, all other shows are already on their 3rd episode and this will air just now? Is this going to be 10 episodes or what?
>have some hypnospray shit
>not just making it ok to fuck your son
Are you retarded? not all shows air at the same time there are other 4 series that just came out now.
Being my wife
>your dad won't impregnate his wife
>impregnate her yourself
Holy shit based.
Why is her persona so chuuni?
Mommy's Rape Time
>l4d 2
if they are inmune i think they will be okay
No incest, dropped.
It's just your everyday alien.
you expected otherwise?
she literally writes about eldritch lovecraftian abominations
this artist does not know how to draw a mom character
it always ends up looking like an older sister or a cake
>Two most famous characters are stacked
>Youtube persona is flat
Not anymore!
You know what sucks? the fact that anyone who manage to put a ring on pochi's finger is doomed to watch how she dies painfully after a few years.
I honestly don't know why japanese health care is so fucking bad.
>I honestly don't know why japanese health care is so fucking bad.
>Get sick with a common cold
>"What do you mean you can't do your 16 hour shift? YAMATO DAMASHII"
>Sickness gets worse
>Finally collapse after two all-nighters in a row
>Go to the hospital
>Your doctor dies on the way to your room from a heart attack because he's on his 33rd straight working hour
>You die
>You brought dishonor to your family
Nip healthcare ain't bad, it's just nips don't ever use it unless forced to because it would be dishonorable. How dare you take a day off work just because you're sick / you're inconveniencing those around you by getting sick and making them cover for you. As long as Pochi is properly pacing herself with all her work I'm pretty sure she doesn't have to worry about busting her ass too hard to make ends meet considering how successful she is. Also unironically this
God that was a good fap,
>MC’s brainwash drug turns out to be an extremely potent fertility drug
>Presumably MC’s able to take care of 10 kids because of a massive grant from the Abe government
pretty funny too
So Yea Forums, I'm following this series' example and trying to bond with my mom a little more by sharing my interests, then I showed her Yea Forums and it traumatized her. Am I doing it wrong?
>Persona 3
Have you tried putting your penis in her?
Yes, but she never took me seriously, so I stopped trying.
xenoblade chronicles 2
they would be obliterated at a certain point in the game
>Story of Seasons Trio of Towns
I guess Mamako living peacefully on a farm with Maa-kun, comfy times are endless.
Is Pochi having a deadly disease a meme? I know she's sickly, but is it really that bad?
I'll never forgive Chrom for Chroming inside me
all pervert artists (female) are vtubers now?
Jesus Christ would tap that.
A mommy has to mother somebody.
The incest is strong in this one
Ah damn, either she rises to be a mommy archon, or she gets gang raped by the crimson horde.
Tiny head.
Yeah but we might get Pochi with the single braid dying milf haircut.
I only read the manga but it seems like the MC wants to fuck the loli so far and the mother wants him to get a girlfriend that fulfills her ridiculous standards.
>swimsuit + pantyhose
How does this work so well?
>mommy archon
What would her powers be though?
that's not a swimsuit you twat
God bless Pochi!
What it is then?
It's (sadly) just bait. Nothing concrete.
there's literally nothing wrong with Incest
*hits pipe*
That better not be a daughter you're having.
Normalfags first shotacon author.
>time only moves when i move.
I'll impress all the milfs with my reaction time.
I'll only pick this up if every thread ends up being about mom porn.
Actual show will be blue balls central.
I thought it was a dancer/ballet outfit
It's bullshit. Iirc it all started with user falsely claiming she fell off a flight of stairs, it turned into a epic meme after that.
I've just about fucking had it with these bait anime/manga.
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole. Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her. As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
Not much longer
There were a series of tweets about her multiple visits to the hospital. I think it a tumor that's near her heart doctors said shouldn't be life threatening so long as it doesn't grow any bigger. She got this news while also going through some severe asthma attacks, so her health became a serious concern for people following her.
I can imagine
>Masato and Joker being buddies due to them being a highschooler
>Mamako hanging out with Wii fit trainer, Bayonetta and Palutena
20 minutes.
>everything I want to watch this season comes out on the same day
Hate when this happens.
Almost there.
>fags thinking first episode ripping bot online and gonna start auto rip
Hehe. I do hope I gonna eat my words though.
just livewatch?
pochi is live
Its not aired in japan yet? Thought its already out there.
cute mommy
learn how to timezone
Baka user.
>your mom will never follow you to isekai
So this is basically Konosuba for mommy fetishists.
Except the females are actually competent.
except the MC isn't retarded and the girls are all great.
remember bros we gotta meme this into a success if we want ane naru mono to get animated
Mamako is so perfect. Is this Abe's another secret plan to make you marry single moms?
Don't. This is not even a joke, stay away from 3D single moms.
why is MC such a spoiled cunt?
How much QUALITY is there?
His nutbladder got too full and mommy is too much of a teasing cunt.
>just another isekai, but with MILF
Listening to Kayano Ai impersonating Inoue Kikuko is quite a pleasure though.
J.C Staff seal of QUALITY.
stupid son
What the fuck? these niggers at JC Staff literally rushed half of volume 1 in minutes.
Uh, this is an anime adaption we're talking about, right?
Cute ED by Kayano, nice.
It's pretty low budget, but no QUALITY on episode 1.
Picked up.
> already this far
The fuck, only a manga reader but damn son.
Has anyone who read the source confirm whether he gets naked too?
Is this from today’s Ep or next week?
I wish to cum inside a mother
Is for next week and they rushed volume 1 like a bunch of motherfuckers, next episode is gonna finish that volume.
How often can I expect Masato to be shirtless/naked?
What do you mean? That the first episode covers several chapters?
First volume like twice, depends on the scene. Volume 2 is mostly the girls.
She's the kind of person who would throw away my cheat item cleaning up, so yay!
Episode one already adapted the prologue and more than a half of the LN which is a complete and absolute butchering.
Is there really anything valuable to butcher? I mean it's generic isekai.
This is not exactly generic isekai, go to nyaa and download volume 1, you'll understand once you read that volume.
This LN is 60% comedy and 40% problems on different families and relationships, JC staff butchered one very important part of the early chapters that has to do with the end of volume 1.
Same could be said for many other shows this season.
Generic Isekai is the pile of wet dogshit that is Arifureta.
halo ce, they're not making it off the ring.
Original writer dick teasing mommy characteristic gonna get butchered(shit probably simple to write anyway), I understand its probably a low bar to write but I dont know user, I dont feel like I would like it until we get to probably anime orignal stuff.
It's probably worse than generic isekai.
Try again.
Where's the stream?
>pure bait notcest
What were the scenes with him?
I wanna be that book.
God I love formal attire
>NOT EVEN blood related
>Not even a kiss
>The mom is a dumb moeblob
Pathetic, base my yuri manga
Why are you trying to set people for disappintment so hard? Comedy is poor and silly in a bad way, family drama is uninteresting at best, premise is too icky for normalfags and too boring for your average degener/a/te.
Only appeal is Mamako.
The only good Yuri is Yuri Lowell
Why are you forcing this NBR thing so hard.
Also 1x1/2 moves at a glacial pace, it's like the author has no idea how to move the main relationship and keeps wasting time on side characters.
So are they blood related?
Did we even get Weiss’s introduction and Mamako blowing up the adventurers guild?
Kill yourself retard
>Can't watch or read anything without being a doujin tier trash
>Being this much of an incel
I feel sorry for you.
Yes, ignore the nigg/u/r shitposting that they’re NBR
But pic related looks no better than a dumb moeblob, should have posted a hotter mom like Rinko
Good, now I just to need to know if she ever sees Masato naked or topless at least?
>semen demon mommy
Okay my desperate child here are some details.
>They're not blood related?
They are blood related, anyone who says otherwise is a braindead cucklord that can't even read moonrunes.
>They see each other naked
Mostly Mamako and the girls are getting naked due to meme bosses and enemies, other than that super sexy outfits.
>Love interest?
Masato and Wise is like your main couple but Mamako is so dumb that when she try to help them she fucks up.
Anyone who ask for incest is a retard. Here you have some incest bait at best and that's it, Mamako just want to be a good mother and help the kids like Wise or Mehdi with their own mothers, for example Mamako is the one that saved Wise from her mother, who's also a whore.
>a challenger appears
>Anyone who ask for incest is a retard
And dropped.
Thank you for proving my words, retard.
>it's the incel samefag again
I can't believe you're posting this shit unironically.
>Anyone who ask for incest is a retard.
Did you livewatch it with Pochi?
Whatever makes you feel better than this trash show can't even appeal to the one demographic it's aiming at.
There aren't even any downloads for this shit, I checked beforehand. Find me a fucking epub or something and I'll download it.
The show seemed fine as someone who hasn't read this shit because the reviews were terrible.
What a waste of a great design in such a boring, mediocre, generic, show.
Keep trying my dear virgins, is amusing.
I dunno. I think red wins already. Better than mommy.
>all caps
>He still trying this hard
Holy shit you're pathetic.
Why did they choose this sanpaku crazy shit expression for a 20 second zoom?
This bitch is terrifying, no wonder Ma-kun makes her cry.
JC Staff fucked up
pochi is going to be livestreaming it but no one will upload the anime on time
>tfw don't want to support crunchyroll
>tfw it airs during work hours
Because she was being possessive, claiming that if Maa-kun were to start going out with a girl, it would be as though they were married
Wise is shit
Who is this semen demon?
>Came for mommy
>discover red
>now discover blue
Mommy cannot compete.
Why are you pretending this isn't anything BUT a shitty isekai show, but with a different gimmick?
Wise a cute. Cute!
Not that guy, but do you honestly think you're going to see mother-son incest in a Light Novel? Even Ore No Imouto had them break up in the end.
>schoolgirl outfit
throwback to her prime years
She is not a love interest though so she can be BR
My dad has this book. He's a wood collector.
Either way, he's not going to fuck her.
>Horribly violent tsundere cunt
and dropped
I said she isn't a love interest retard
we like the gimmick
Wise a shit
Gimmicks are exactly what makes the difference you brainlet.
t. shit taste
>not wanting the twintails dfc semen demon
Sexiest but worst girl
>Sexiest but worst girl
That doesn't make any sense.
It does when her personality is absolutely atrocious
Yes it does, use your brain.
At its core is exactly the same shit.
>caring about personality
I think you two just have shit taste.
Nice brainlet opinion.
shut the fuck up, Jahy-chan
You should just skip the show and fap to the doujins then
Is she the token red haired tsundere?
Yes also her mom is a whore
Anyone got a link to the LN?
Subs out.
She’s an autistic government agent with a goofy name who’s overseeing the video game the characters are all in.
She’s appears at random intervals in the story as an NPC, and is also a MILF like Mamako.
I’m also fairly certain she’s Pochi’s selfinsert.
Pochi did not write any of this.
>I’m also fairly certain she’s Pochi’s selfinsert.
I thought that was Mamako
>inb4 they're all Pochi's selfinserts
The pochi fags are cancerous, thats for sure.
She needs more attention 2bh. She's cute.
Does anyone have the panel where Mamako shows off her underwear to Maa
Blown the fuck out.
They better have sex.
It ended. At what time in her stream does the anime start? I want to sync it.
>Kaa-san Ja Nakya Dame Nan Da!!
Son of the year.
Is this any good? If MC lusts after the mom I'm dropping immediately
I hope you have to drop it
Cringe opinion fag, but don't worry he doesn't.
Is this what Killing Bites is?
any censorship in the episode or can I watch the horriblesubs version?
somone played dragon age 2
damn the ED is GOAT
I like it.Also HS finally out too.
Bretty good, got my head banging to the tune midly.
I didn't think it was possible to have an even lazier setup but here we are.
>We here at Nintendo are proud to announce the last 2 DLC characters for Super Smash Bros Ultimate-
I feel like the author just taking a piss at the genre whilst using it for "i dont give a fuck" convenience and seeing the mom is the strongest anyway. Time would tell if author is dead serious or not but I dont read the LN, series might get hilariously taking shit seriously.
I think they can roll with storm team pretty well.
Do I need to remind you of Slut AKA Bitch from 'Rising of the Shield Hero'?
Maa-kun is a bad son.
>[HorribleSubs] Okaa-san Online - 01 [720p]
lol I don't know why HS is shortening the names of some shows this season. They called Uchi no Ko no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai, UchiMusume
These names are by HorribleSubs, retard.
yeah I know? But I don't know why they need to shorten it?
That's literally what he said
pochi is so lewd, she even did some futa precure doujins