The absolute state of this fucking website.
This is your userbase now, Yea Forums
This isn't anime.
Do you realize you are making that guy a favor by reposting his post?
anyone who has a discord account should kill themselves. Stupid fucking redditors
I have to use discord for work.
you would think that the constant shounen threads on the catalog would've tipped you off to how shit this board is
The catalogue is constantly filled to the brim with literal shit, isekai, contemporary shounen, waifu threads, loli threads, ecchi threads just pure trash but the one thing that really gets to you is some idiot promoting his Skype Premium?
all of them post like actual ebony niggers shouting at each other. Its so annoying
Do you just dislike anything? What would you want people to talk about then? What you listed makes up most of anime. Go and talk about your obscure genre somewhere else.
>why are people posting anime on an anime board
your reddit is showing
I use Discord with my friends
I wish people posted anime here; then I wouldn't have to go find it elsewhere.
There's your problem right there. We should really just ban anime
They should kill this board just for the embarrassment
I use Discord with my penis
>omg pedos
Should have told them boku no pico when they asked for source.
How do we fix, Yea Forums?
kill all FMA threads on sight
true cancer that ruined this board
I use discord to suck dicks.
Formally allow light novels so I can talk about them without pretending to be talking about a manga
Get new mods
Replace all posters with cute girls
Increase the webm size limit and allow audio
Whoops, pretend that comma isn't there.
allow loliposting again. Redditors hate those
This thread is just as off-topic as that one.
Hand out more bans for off topic. Three day bans aren’t enough, but if all the redditors were banned Hiro wouldn’t have anybody to buy his pass.
Ban waifu posting and thinly veiled waifu posting.
Why do /pol/ posters blatantly post in threads using /pol/ lingo?
Rangeban all posts from South America.
>loli threads getting deleted, even mentioning the C-word can get you banned
>lately certain heroine archetype threads are being deleted, such as threads discussing tsunderes and imoutos in general
We need to do or at least the mods part, they are all redd*t.
Takes one to know one.
Since I have no idea what you're talking about, HAH.
*entire website
Force Hiro to sell
>That one guy who complains about the ONE meta thread out of the sea of shonenshit threads
> newfag thinks this is new
People have shilled their fucking FORUMS here! Do you even know what a forum is, kid?