What scenes have made you cry anons?

What scenes have made you cry anons?

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each time i see it it makes me cry so hard

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it hurts

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There are a lot of scenes in Gunbuster that make me tear up.

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I don't know or care what this is

I cry every time.

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Take your pick in Kingdom or Kurosawa

>crying over capeshit

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Most of TTGL.

The scene OP posted always makes me well up.
Only time I've actually shed a tear was the Plastic Memories ending but I was also pretty tired at the time.


I watched this show for this scene
I knew it would come
I still wasn't ready and I cried a lot

>Be 5
>G Gundam on Toonami
>Watching Domon and Master Asia fight it out
>Ecstasy over the fight and music
>Climax of the fight
>Almost on the roof with excitment
>Fight ends
>youtube.com/watch?v=RLOZ-lsfmIA begins to play
>Domon and Master Asia on the beach
>"Youre still willing to call me master after everything Ive done?"
>Please no
>"I never even bothered to hear your side...yet right until the end, you watched out for me."
>'Despite everything I've done I never had one Dark Gundam cell my body"
>Oh no!
>Sun begins to rise
>"Come lets say it"

Fucked me up my friends.

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This ending ! Just after "that" scene.

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I've only cried over Hinaichigo's death in rozen maiden, and Symphogear s1 ending

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Happiest girl in the world, the final episode hit like a brick.
Not to mention that the parallels to the first episode were peak kino, definitely one of the best final episodes I've ever seen.

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Yes, Crybaby pretty much made me cry for how Yuasa butchered the original manga. Then again, it also made me laugh at how shit it looked, so it all balances out in a way.

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The sacrifice of Jordan Wilde in pic related.
First time I genuinely cried watching a show (I was still a child though).

Forgot pic

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Yea Forums wishes they were ouji

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I thought it was bitter how he had cultivated his hate for Guts for years and blamed him for ruining his life and yet couldn't help but forgive him once he saw him show remorse.
Really mirrored Guts' struggle.

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Beautiful story my friend.

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I will never not be mad about this and Ayase

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So much this.

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Dragonball GT ending

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The whole ED2 of JoJo part 3.
I already know the fate of those characters, but always shed a couple of tears when I watch it from time to time.
The music and secuences are great

>t. brainlet

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Every time

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Recently Rurumo

It's customary for a Haibane to leave without notice when their Day of Flight comes.

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Ushio and Tomoya talking about Nagisa and when Tomoya forgives his father

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It can be argued that Ichise deserved his end but not Ran. That's just too cruel.

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How do I stop being such a bitch bros? I tear up everytime a scene is even a tiny bit sad

Not even the saddest thing to happen.

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Get your garbage out of here

Winston sama.....

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Nah, Antarc's sacrifice was sadder.

Well, that it exists is exceptionally sad. Don't you agree?

Then why not start posting shounenshit and every generic isekai to come out in the last decade?

RahXephon episode 19 always gets to me

Last two episodes of

"welcome hom3"

>t. baby who doesn't understand why Morga and Goshe just being gone is heart wrenching.
Live more life, if not then consume more media based on it.

>Then why not start posting shounenshit and every generic isekai to come out in the last decade?
That's exactly what people do all over the board, user!

this scene fucking destroyed me

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Simon meeting Kamina again, all grown up, right when the piano kicks in, gets me every time.

Bad example. This scene was comfy. Kettenkrad dying was the real tearjerker.

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I don't even like senjougahara but that hit right in tfw no gf

this was rough

This, and pic related. Fuck, those were a tough couple episodes.

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Yamete kudasai

Rug cleaning was rough.



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What rock have you been living under for the past 3 years

The end, but i was crying since they started burning the journals

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this one stuck with me as a kid, probably one of the first times I can remember getting emotional to a film

This was sad, but comfy sad. Melancholy, if you will. Same with Girls Last Tour, it's the kind of stuff that breaks me while normal "tragedy" shit just annoys me. Is anyone else like this?

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I already knew what was going to happen in the end but it wasn't crying in the bath that got me but this moment instead.

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Fate is most likely better than your favorite anime

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Fucking potatoes.
If multiverses exist and this story has actually happened before then there is no god.

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I can hear her crying.
I can hear them all crying along with her.

Such a good moment but it sucks the show itself is sorta eh.

the best ones

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Gonna wake up any moment now bros

GT get's a lot of rightful shit but it does do a few things right.

you are both wrong, remember both of those deaths happened when we thought there was still a chance to get them back

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I don't cry for sad stuff. What really gets me is final stands
>gons transformation
>super tengen toppa Gurren lagann
>mumen rider vs deep sea king
Anyone else?

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I think all of Mizukami's works can be summed up with this. How does he do it?

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don't remind me of this

Also mine is literally all of Clannad After Story lmao

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Why are chinese animu girls so cute?

most recently this

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Animations can make me cry like nothing else. I don't know why.
I wonder if the simplification of reality that are animations can deliver feelings better. If it's well done it feels like everything happening on the screen is meant to deliver a message. In a movie i can't help but think about past roles from the actor or how his teeth are fucked up or how their acting wasn't that good and the message is often lost.

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This was so good in theaters.

i cry everytime

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I'm honestly surprised he's not even 40 years old. He writes stories as someone with a lifetime of experience, hence why his portrayal of characters is so good and natural, their development and healing is so satisfying and his stories are full of heartfelt moments despite some tragic things happening here and there.
The ending of Sengoku Youko is one of the best manga endings i've ever seen. Not many mangakas even explore the theme of "what happens after they lived happily ever after" and certainly not in such a positive, life-affirming way.

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This arc was fucking brutal.

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>muh e-mails

Shit was sad man


>holy shit im pretty much the worst permavirgin protag ever made
Alternative blew a lot of its potential because it entirely disregarded everything that happened before

I think this and Spirited Away are tied for my favorite Ghibli films.

Sumika was always special to Takeru, not the game's fault if you failed to realise that. There's a reason he has to act so insanely out of character in Meiya's Extra route.

I'm more referring to the fact that he chalked literally all his (your) choices in previous timelines/universes up to "must've just imagined it" or whatever
I think it would've been a lot more interesting if it actually led to some alternative endings because MC was actually not in love with Sumika in that particular universe/timeline (it's been a while I don't know the particulars anymore, only that worst girl literally made him travel between worlds) and so they'd just die to the alien threat or something because he can't get overit which in turn fucks over the whole final assault plan
It's a wild ride for sure but it did put a massive damper on it because I was going for the qt glasses girl with big tiddies the entire time, not the dumb dumb from next door

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trigun ep. 17 - wolfwood death
cowboy bebop ep 24, when they split and faye goes to sleep on the remains of her old home
kimi no na wa
SSR when they see all the scenes of a distant past from the camera in the submarine
Unironically in a scene of hokuto no ken where he kills a thug from the Kobra family and they show the grieving brothers (I was still a kid, but yet...)
The end of Millenium Actress
A lot more that I can't remember right now.

I'm like that too. I shed tears during the first episode of GLT and I couldn't really tell you why, I guess the atmosphere just got to me.

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Fuck, those two scenes got me the absolute hardest.

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I still ugly cry at this scene.

The scene in Porco Rosso where Porco tells Fio about his near death experience during a dogfight. The beautiful music and all the ally and enemy planes drifting up to heaven together gets me every time.

Torikago no Tsugai was a hell of an emotional ride

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>let's go back everyone! back to the sea of adventure!

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fuck man, you had to make me remember

goosebumps, man


So many scenes in Biscuit Hammer but this one hit the hardest.

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Yeah that movie ripped my heart out.

every time I see that metallic gradient from windows 95 paint I remind myself never to watch season 2.

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>given an immortal body to combat humans
>robs himself of ever seeing his family again in the afterlife.

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DESU I didn't fucking care shit about this movie. It left no impact on me at all.


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fucking this

Like a little bitch

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>ywn have a mitsuha gf

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Like a bitch man...

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Manly tears

I think the thing to cry over isn't Cape shit but the animation so bad it feels like cutting onions

check out this guy everybody he's too cool to have feelings wow what a manly man

that was fucked

Doesn't help but fyi limestone

You posted it.

Name a better anime ending.

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I'm weak.

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Sometimes when i think about shows I've watched I'll remember Gungrave. And then in my head I'll just hear it.

Yo, Brandon!


Mein neger.

Crying? What are you a faggot

>Sanae-san said... sanae-san said that I could cry in the bathroom or in papa's arms

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Good for you. Now kindly fuck off.

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Hang on I got this.

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I don't even know why, but I always get choked up at the end of Millennium Actress.

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>Hey, when the hell did you get taller than me?

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Dammit, this hurts worse the older I get.

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Pls no bully.
To me there's nothing sadder than growing up and realizing things aren't as simple as you once thought as a child.

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you're autistic

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Also kimi no nawa and credits to redline

fucking obligatory

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Why would you do this to us again user? I haven't seen most of those shows in a decade.

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... Really bros ? 170+ replies and no Clannad ?

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Same, the feeling hit hard here.


Yeah, they are stars. Stars where our spiral cousins are waiting for us.

Not a single moment has hit me harder than this line.

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Enough!! Only no more....

ive never cried because of a piece of media in my life the closest i came to shedding a tear was while reading storm of steel by ernst jünger and pic related
am i autistic?

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Watch , it will make you cry not of sadness or happiness but of raw emotion.

If you can't cry with that then yeah you have issues my man.

Abbacchio, you did very well.

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got goosebumps just reading your post, after all these years it's still the king

A tragic hero

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>mfw kettenkrad breaking down
>mfw chito breaking down

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>Every poster

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honestly i didnt feel anything when she died, only a litle of anger at his brother
really i dont think that the movie is very good

It's even harder to watch in the anime

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The OI' Zabuzinger...
right in the heart.

This thread in a nutshell.

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imho after the first two meaningful deaths all others were forced drama and lots of crying out of fucking nowhere

Seriously? How much of an overly-estrogenized faggot do you have to be to cry at a work of fiction?

This made me tear up

Know this fucking shit made me cry, even made me hit the gym and season 4 will sure make me tear up too.

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The entire THEATRE was crying, we were all 10 years old.
Our parents didn't know what to do

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Ouch. Yeah, saw that couple weeks ago. Rough moment.

This part man. You know that they'll never see each other ever again.

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Oh man this was surprisingly good. Didn't actually shed tears but came very close.

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Mujun Rasen made me cry like a bitch. Tomoe's backstory and last goodbye coupled with the music were too much.

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Excuse me. I bit your tongue.
I loved you, Araragi-san.

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Fuck. The entire time I was wondering what was going to make her accept her mom was gone. Did not expect a bunch of e-mails to hit so hard.

I remember crying about a girl wearing glasses getting bullied by stacies on a manga about some dude who likes to jack off on his classmate's belongings and gets caught by the girl.

I'm amazed of seen so much good taste in Yea Forums, now i know this place isn't done yet.

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got a name?

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There will never be a Helck anime..

Boku no pico

Story doesn't even try to hide how things are going to turn out, but I still cried.

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Whole series is just one continuous gut punch really.

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20 minutes

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It's ok
Taki also didn't have one.

Oh boy, I actually keep track of this for the most part, time for a lot. It's probably not all of them, but it's most.
>Sangatsu no Lion's 2nd Season with the old guy's "Burning Fields" thing
>last episode of The Great Passage and the old guy dying from cancer
>the ending of Inuyashiki and Inuyashiki dying
>2nd part of JoJo's when Caesar died
>Episode 37 of Nana, I don't remember exactly what happened in that episode but it was a few episodes after she decided to have the baby and marry Takumi
>a bunch from No Game No Life: Zero. twice.
>A few times in Rainbow, when Anchan died and when Joe met his sister again
>the majority of Violet Evergarden
and last but not least Darling in the FranXXX, I don't care if it's objectively shit, it made me spill tears for at least five or six episodes and I thought the ending was fine, space madness is to be expected with Trigger
TDLR; I am a little bitch who cries to Japanese cartoons


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What happened to Carlos hit me even harder.


The whole bit about the amiudake mushroom. I break down by the latest when Chopper says that it's clearly marked with a skull and crossbones as if that's a good thing.

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I had some tears at the end of Plastic Memories.
How they tell you exactly how it is going to end long before the final episode and you're wondering what kind of asspull is coming...
Then there is no asspull
You realize that the ending they told you was going to happen was in fact the ending. It was sad man.

Man that page and the few before that absolutely destroyed me

Regret... regret!

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So much regret.

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Needs to be updated, there were tons more that crushed our souls.
I think the latest that got me crying was when Mirai was shattering infront of MC in the dream world while she was telling her feelings.

Hanekawa was sadder.

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Ahhhhh it hurts so much bros. No matter how long since I've seen it it always hits me so hard.

Goddamn it, user.

fuck me bros this one got to me god damn it
shit im feeling it now again mr. krabs

Not that, but hero standing up one last time against all odds to finish the job.
Unless an author is using it in the every climatic scene. It cheapens the whole concept.

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>am a little bitch who cries to Japanese cartoons
That's ok, user.

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these and lot of naruto ones, even love live

Fuck me man. Seeing all that work for nothing and hearing his voice break.

Dude why didn't he just git gud?

cat a shit

>even love live
fuck nigga ;_;

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dumb cat thought that nobody is gonna steal her prince

Eh, he was obsessed with her whereabouts in all unlimited variations, circumstance just leads to a different girl being preggers. He certainly remembers having fucked just about all squadmates as alt goes on, but it's clear from the onset he's far more into sumika. I guess it's a damper for anyone who wasn't into that dynamic and preferred other girls from extra. You can just chalk it up to sumika somehow pulling mostly "takeru's" from timelines where they were together.

Ash sending his Butterfree away never to be seen again made me cry like a bitch as a little kid.

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But he got the good butterfly poon, probably.

Surprised not posted already

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While as an adult I understand that now, as a kid I don't really think I fully comprehended that Ash was playing the ultimate Wingman to his pokemon to help him get laid with a shiny Butterfree.

Unironically had a lump in my throat throughout most of Violet Evergarden.
I never fucking cry at this sort of shit but damn that gave me a run for my money.

You all are small time.

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This one hurt the kokoro, just watching nanachi placing the stuffed animals had me fucked up


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A few times towards the end of Made in Abyss desu

Most of Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya filled me with existential dread rivaling my depression, if that counts?

Fuck you, I almost forgot til I saw that. Meruem did nothing wrong.

He killed lots of people for no reason but to amuse himself. He was a subhuman monster who deserved death.


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I don't usualy get emotional in Jojo but something about this got me.

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why did EoE make you cry?


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literally the most disturbed I've ever been by a piece of media

besides _some_ actual gore videos, same here.

>the show outright says what's going to happen
>it still hits hard

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I'll probably be searching for the name of the OST til the day I die.


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Every time i end a good anime the last one was bleach before that deathnote

I was crying by episode 6. I was in shambles by After Story.

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Knowing what's coming after this. And it seemed like his mom and the in-laws finally had enough of his self-pity abuse faggotry. Now everything goes to shit after this.

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I meant to say that his father is a self-pitying abusive faggot. Even worse is that the dog seemed to be the only thing comforting him when everyone else turned a blind eye. Now he gets to kill it by activating his quirk.

50/50 between Yui, or the final episode.

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yuasa always deliver

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Not "again" Viral has no family, never had and never will. Beastmen can't reproduce and he was made in a test tube.


I'm a huge fan of Kaiba and it's by far my most watched anime, what other of his works would you recommend (except tatami galaxy and ping pong, those are a given)

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watch mind game and kemonozume so you'd have seen every one of his main projects before science saru

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Kemonozume: Horror, Comedy, Romance
Mind Game looks great tho

oh wait, it's that anime
holy shit, time to rewatch then

It still hurts.

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EP 10 for me.
I actually bought my mom a $120 arrangement of flowers after I watched it

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thie whole damn show brought me close a few times, but the ending sequence broke what i had left.

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Shin Angyo Onshi's ending.

So should I watch this? I've usually enjoyed Matsumoto's stuff.

If you enjoyed his other stuff, you'll probably like this, story and music are real good. I even recommend the remakes of seasons 1 and 2.

Now I'm not sure where to start.

chrono crusade made me choke up
and yes it was... the dub.... but it was a good performance

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i'd say watch the remakes: better visuals, pacing, villains, more crew memebers and fixed plot holes or stuff that was just weird

Thanking you kindly good sir.

I dont remember this part.

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his death fucked me up senpai

rewatching clannad, this scene hit me harder than expected.

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There's some manga but I can't remember if it's posted in these threads or hated character threads.
The panel posted is of some dude with a beanie and glasses saying something to some girl (who I think cucks him or something)
Pretty sure its by the same artist who did goodnight punpun

Onani master kurosawa

a role model for nigger faggots everywhere

>complains about capeshit
>posts BnHA
what the fuck

I couldn't breathe for a good 30 seconds after this scene. I had the wind completely knocked out of me. Nothing else hit me quite as hard.
but if I re-watch Mahoromatic I'll probably cry for several days straight.

no it wasnt


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Do I save Yamato until I've read the manga or would I be fine with just diving into the anime? I've loved what I've sampled from his works so far.

The anime was the original version.

I'll watch it after my Ideon rewatch then.

Wenge Kong's story was tragic

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Bradley’s last stand

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And Greed’s goodbye. So many things in FMA that were worth shedding manly tears.
The last scene confronting the truth in front of the gate gave me goosebumps too.

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>that moment when you realize Kazzy already knows
I fucking broke right then and there.

Raoh vs Toki is still the most heartbreaking thing.

The songs that play when Kenshiro and Raoh fight for the second and third time are what get me.

>ending of Sakamoto desu ga

I fucking lost it when Ed said that he still couldnt save a little girl. After all the shit the brothers go through, they still cant forgiving themselves for what happened to her

I know it's not anime but I don't care. Ban me if you must, this scene makes me cry like a bitch.

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She was worried no one would mourn her own death. I'm glad she was so wrong.

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What's this one called?

Jin-Roh: the Wolf Brigade

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>why are murata's girls so cute

Mao traveling to China in Hinamatsuri makes me sad for some reason

What's this called?

Video Girl Ai, the greatest love story ever told.

When the Magician was never seen again.

I'd watched about 11 episodes in a row, and when he got shot in the leg, I fucking lost it

Just post the VN version.

It’s ok user you don’t need to change

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when see reappeared with the paerty hat still on, gutted me

It really made me sad

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When Ryuuji's mom goes to see her parents at the end of Toradora and they tell her that she's done a good job raising Ryuuji.

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This is the worst imo because its so relatable.

what happens in that thing? earth explodes or something?

look what they did to my boy

yea, this episode in particular was adapted very well

Both that and this panel

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this almost got me even right now

This. This fucked me up so bad. Not even all the deaths that happened affected me more than the last scene of the final episode.

It made Robert Stack cry. You get a pass.

Im glad you posted this its the most underrated scene in the whole movie



Oh wow. Now thats an anime (french) I haven't heard in a while.
Same btw.

Aiko deserved a better life

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King kittan death is the true cruel death of ttgl

Even hentai lite can have good moments

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also i'm a sucker for emotional scenes in otherwise hype shows

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the ultimate scene is this scene in the 1997 berserk version , there is no worse than this .

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Good find user, its pretty good.

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I remember.... the blue sky...
I remember.... the growing clouds...
I remember...

RIP in pepperoni.

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when broly transforms into his legendary and rapes all the z warriors , i cry from my penis everytime i see that dbz movie

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Today... I SHALL remind them.

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wtf its been years since I've watched it and still tear up at the music. What black magic is this?

God this whole fucking manga made me cry.

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Every time. I can watch it calmly only up until he tries to stop the pendulum

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Ah fuck.
I can't believe you've done this.

The one time I cried over anime.

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After he kisses Yoko and the opening notes for Libera Me From Hell start playing, everything from that till his final moment is perfection.

This one every single time

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Actually screamed when I first watched it.

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This one got me. Perhaps it's the happy, accepting stuff that makes me cry the most.

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I love you, Jintan.

It's the "I want to marry you" type of "I love you"

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The heaviness of his voice did it for me.

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This thread makes me want to cry so bad but no tears are coming, no sobs. What's wrong with me? I can't get any relief like this and it's making me feel worse.

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AHAHAHA! NO ONES CRYING! /ck invaded with a whole bunch of onions. Thats it.

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what got me was polnareff trying not to cryand failing

user you cannot force it.

That one makes me cry like a bitch every god damned time.

>The mangaka for this died young

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tbf listening to "Secret Base" is a good way to start the engine.

no one ever post this

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Fuck the shitty fucking director who botched Itsuwari no Kamen.

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Should I be concerned that I've never cried at any form of media?

Mob has no business being as good as it is.

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Agreed, my eyes were more humid than normal after reading that

Well, this doujin was fuck up but it was able to pull the right strings in me.

Nice digits and nice taste

Nah you're just a kid with time you will found the right piece of media.

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What anime is this? Something tells me I've experienced something like this before

That's why I don't want to rewatch K-On again.

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Nigga I was already crying on episode 10, not to mention episode 9 when kyouko dies. FUCK

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the Going Merry hit me really hard because it reminded me of a pet or a stuffed animal. I cried just reading it in the manga, makes me want to hold my teddy bear again.

Do they run like this in the old anime? Jesus christ

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crying rn forgot the pic

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Euphi death was worse for me, Lelouch had it comming, he deserved every bad thing

This was the better scene desu. Not very often you see next to no hesitation in moments like this.

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You are very very strong man, and me very very strong man.

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>MCs friends been with her since episode 1
>Director kills them all off 7-8 episodes later
I will never forgive him. I had to get blackout drunk to cope with the loss.

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Episode 27 of E7 was like getting stabbed and 28 was the knife being twisted.

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>mumen rider vs deep sea king


>you took the wrong son
this one line from the father hit me really hard. no one should repeat what Johnny's father said to anyone else.

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what anime is that ?

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Ketchup wars

Johnny screaming about Zero hit me so hard the first time I read it.

He's not trying to get ahead anymore. He's just trying so hard to break even and make his life not a complete fucking loss at this point.

He's not trying to win. He's just trying so hard not to lose.

This made me fucking sad

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Girls that Blow Horns: The Animation

You sure are being dramatic about a paintball fight.

It's the way it's presented that offers the audience a great moment of catharsis after everything is said and done, and the reader reflects on the journey as much as Johnny did, sad that everything is over, but happy it happened.

Which part?

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>Tag: Tragedy

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Man this scene hit me pretty hard. The way Haku broke down was intense.


the whole fucking scene
>Tails looking at nothing while everyone complains
>he asks them to fuck off cuz they are doing nothing to help
>the way he goes from 100 to 0 when pulling the trigger
>Cosmo trying to convince him to shot her and only makes it harder for him
>Eggman of all people is the one that consoles Tails
>the music starts, every other sound is removed, Tails shoot, the cannon is destroyed after launching them implying that had Tails hesitated more they would have lost their chance.
Someone had it for Tails cuz this whole scene was made to mindfuck the poor kid


RahXephon, when Kamina is screaming how he'll protect Asahina and fighting a dolem, while he doesn't know she's connected to the monster.

He doesn't realize he's been killing her this whole time until he sees that she spelled out the message 'I love you' in lights, but at that point, she's already been killed by Kamina.

This was also her confession, and she barely managed to finish the message before he killed her.

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tldr of why this is sad

So many needless deaths of good characters man. Hurt to see them die

This shit gets me every time.

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o l e v

This was the best death in One Piece period, especially the anime version. Perfect voice acting, perfect music composition, perfect flash backs. Unlike Ace who just came along in Alabaster and immediately got butt fucked by Blackbeard and having his backstory only after his death, Merry was with them all along and slowly got ravaged by time and adventures alongside the crew yet still served them faithfully all the way until the end. To not understand simply because it was a ship is to admit no longer having the inner child of your soul.

Not possible. Watch the series.

I'm gonna miss her bros.

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This show man.

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I can never read/watch this show in public because I end up looking like a mess every time.

pippin's death messed with me as well

>"I can't stop loving you!"

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My heart went to a dark place when this aired. Honestly, I still feel a part of me got irreparably broken after this scene.

I don't get overtly attached to characters and while I really like Nanami is not like I feel emotionally invested in her or anything. But this was just too damn cruel.

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onani master kurosawa was such a good fucking manga

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The entire siege of Sai. Nuff said.

I have the instrumental of the Death Parade skating sequence on my playlist and still get sentimental whenever it pops up.

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Fuck, I remembered reading this for the first time in the LN. Vol 6 is truly a cut above the rest, the struggle and humanity is so real.

I'm surprised that no one has posted this

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There's hardly no point in bringing up OP outside Going Merry and maybe Chopper since it's a requirement to have a sob story background if you want to be a part of the Strawhat crew.
Not that any are bad but it's tired and cliche at this point.

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a weird, disturbed kind of crying

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These are good tears tho.

The last practice in Little Busters is the only scene in any medium of entertainment that has ever made me cry. I think that’s pretty impressive since for the longest time I thought I wasn’t able to cry.

>no mention of zombieland saga episode 8
i-i'm not alone, right?

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Third Impact made me cry ,a lot. More than pretty much anything else I've ever watched that comes to mind. EoE is a pretty great movie. I was in a pretty fucking awful emotional state at the time though.

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>crying with eva

Bad time in my life. I spent a lot of time contemplating suicide.

I guess you actually can cry to anything like that.

hope you fell better now user

feel*, sorry

; w;7

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>fell better
Too far user

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You're now painfully aware that because they reached the top and there was nothing separating them from the elements...
...That Chito and Yuuri froze to death when they went to sleep.

not dead yet, it could be worse.

RIP to a real one. Viva Democracy!

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>I spent a lot of time contemplating suicide.
Been in that hole before, and a bit recently too. You just need to find your anchor. It is simple, but not easy to accomplish. You could spend a long time trying to find a reason for being. That in of itself is worth living, and when you realize what will anchor you.

The only scene that manages to consistently make me cry every time i watch it is the scene in shirobako where shizuka actually lands her first role in the show they were making, such a hearthfelt moment, miyamori's reaction makes it even better.

The train station scene was brutal.

For me its Toradora.

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The fact that Hori managed to make something boring out of the final fight of the yakuza arc, and then follow it with the gentle vs deku fight, which is legit one of the best in the entire manga, baffles me.

A few moments were posted earlier but it bears repeating just how tragic Phos' transformation over the course of the series has been.

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Something about this scene hit me close

I still haven't fully made it but I'm doing my best effort

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Shit, just looking at it.


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Look how beautiful he is.
Even the sun is smiling on Ouki.



I just really like how Yea Forums had a total 180 change in attitude towards this guy as the story progressed. When it was just starting and the threads were only made up of sparse anons everyone kept saying he was gonna be some faggot fodder villain, and then Bayou happened and everyone went nuts. Daily Kingdom threads were such a great ride.

I think Ouki was just too flamboyantly smug for Yea Forums at the time.

fuck that scene obliterates me...

And that's exactly what made it great. I mean between his fucking lips and Tou's mustache I don't think anyone who wasn't spoiled predicted how based the Ouki army would be. This is especially the case when even the historyfags can't predict shit on it cause Ouki was historically a bit character whose only record in history was dying at Bayou and Hara even admitted he never intended Ouki to become such a legendary figure. It just kinda happened and Hara went "Okay, everyone is enjoying Ouki, let's roll with it".

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Ray's death is my number 1. I'm glad that Renton always referenced Charles afterword.

Anime had alternate happy ending.
Manga ending probably implies he had fatal disease and that's why he lived on maximum.


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I'm still broken from this after 2 years

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That reminds me of another Katsura manga: I''s. While I didin't cry, the last 20-30 chapters or so sucked away at my soul, I literaly felt a cloud over my head after reading. At least Video Girl Ai had the fiction aspect....Late I''s just felt too damn REAL.....

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It's spicy

I feel my fucking heart sink everytime pathways plays.
It's funny because I don't remember it being that emotional when reading it.
While Prushka fucking killed me

You don't cry over putting a rabid animal down

Hanna trying to wake up Doremi at the end of Sharp hit me harder.

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I know people are bitching about his backstory being too tame, but accidentally killing your own dog sounds damn tragic. It would probably break me at least.

I don't have a pic but it's the dog arc in gintama, hosen death, obi one arc, kyubei arc, tama and the tobacco machine even fuuyo arc and also shogun death. Man there is a lot on this one.

Whenever something epic happens I throw a gasp and my eyes get teary. Can't help it.

Also the fact the final arcs wasn't animated

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Imagine if this were drawn with no stars.

this one killed me

welcome home

>they never went to the beach
I don't want to live anymore.

"Being alive sure was awesome..."

This reveal. When the weight of you all know what entire arc came crashing down.

Underrated. Fuck.

I would post "Am i as admirable as that ant?" but image limit was reached.