Boku no Hero Academia

Here we go, image scans are out. Awaiting translations now

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Other urls found in this thread:

his dad kinda looks like the food hitler from shokugeki if you squint

>looks like Deku

What a garbage chapter
Hori is a hack

I love ENDY!

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>Let's go, Hayato
No wonder Shiggi's a villain. His dad is motherfucking Kawajiri Kousaku

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okay chapter, could've been in the next villain arc but w/e

Fucking kino panel

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>When you see an image so opportune, you feel the genuine urge to edit it.

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Another shit chapter. Wake me up when this shit arc is over.

You, sir, made me laugh

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Can Hori please stop making so many delicious dilfs?

Dad isn't even the wrong.
I bet at the end the dad was contemplating apologizing.

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Reminder th physically discipling your kid for being a little shit does not equate to abuse

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>not only the chapter is great, it also drives away this user
Hori is God

Don't forget the milfs bro

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There are like 2 attractive fathers in the series

How about just not waking up?

Hes the fag that hates this arc and the pro hero, clearly his just a baiting faggot

>Re-Destro's theme starts playing

Fairy Tail tier backstory.
This is so fucking bad.

This worse than torture. Hori should work in Guantanamo.

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No wonder Shiggy is such a cutie, he has top genes


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Would it kill Hori to end this arc and go back to the main plot already

You know what's really funny? If you add some thundering drums and some choir/violins to this it would actually be an excellent theme for him

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5/10, i sleep

Shiggy was the only redeeming point of this manga yet Hori ruined every single member of the LoV in this single arc.
Fuck, he's such a hack.

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I blame his editor. He is trying to stretch the story to get more shekels.

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It's like clockwork. A chapter drops and out come the shitposters.

I, for one, eagerly await the translation and like what I can see so far

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I posted it only half-jokingly. Honestly, creepy jewish motives would suit Re-Destro on many levels.

What main plot?

Can I not be disappointed in a chapter? God damn.

Imagine being even more melodramatic than Naruto with these backstories.

>Damage control, the post.
Have sex.

You can, but you sound like a shitposter. Make your post sound a bit different so that people won't get confused if you're genuine.

>have sex
>chapter is still good

Just kill Destro and move the fuck on already

I haven't posted anything in regard to the chapter but I don't like it. That doesn't mean for you to call fags who dislike the chapter and are vocal about it shitposters.


is he going to kill the doggy please don't tell me he's gonna

>be a shiggyfag
>enjoy the shit out of this arc and these flashbacks
Feels good

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Holy shit nigger, this really does fit.

Meant for

Poor doggo

he's going to fuck it

I can, because they are fucking WRONG

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: (
i hope the doggy lives, i hope it doesn't die

Fuck off.

If you dislike it in such a generic way that there's no way to tell you apart from a copypasta spamming shitposter, I'm pretty sure I'm in my full right to call you a fag.

If JT is the main plot from now on I'd rather stay here.

This really is kindergarten tier making fun of something.

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I don't get it.

Are Mirio and Eri in this chapter?

What the fuck is wrong with the gook scans? How hard is it to find a good scanner? My 20 y/o scanner does a better shit than this.

Yeah Mirio fucks Shigaraki's grandmother while Eri watches heartbroken

Grug want learn about Cape tribe

Cave chief no let Grug talk about Cape tribe

Og show Grug cave drawing of great ancestor

Great ancestor part of Cape tribe

Chieftain find out Grug see cave drawing

Chieftain club Grug while rest of tribe watch

Grug sad

Grug get magic dust power because Grug sad

Grug kill animal friend with magic dust power

Grug think this Cape tribe fault

Grug kill chieftain and tribe with magic dust power

Cape tribe make Grug do this

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That explains these threads

Hey, Yea Forums, how's it going? You're still doing the same gig?

I feel bad for the father, even though his actions are reprehensible, society has created a fucking illusion of heroes work, the existence of AM fucked the world even more, that attract children without telling them the risk of it. Poor Inko too.

Yeah, this. It's like wanting to be a SWAT officer without knowing that they run the risk of dying every time they go to work. He might have gone about it the wrong way, but parents are right to not want that for their kid. Especially if their kid is as sickly as shiggy was

Where is Deku

Literally why the fuck would you try hiding capeshit from your kids when it's everywhere

Goddamn Hori make sense

And he already had lost his own mother to this line of work, he is a shitty dad but Nana fucked him up as a kid by putting her dangerous job before her life and her son, can't blame the guy for being so bitter

Getting ready for his new movie with Bakugou and All might. Leave him be.

in my bed, cuddling with me

yeah you can
The whole beating the shit out of your kid and wanting him to have a different goal in life are basically unrelated.

What main plot?

All we have are incompetent villains who are getting a training arc where they win againts odds they can only realistically beat through plot armor, AND they will still fail to killl anyone from 1-A

Go take your pills.

That's just being an Asian parent

Almost feel bad for Hori for how in over his head he is.

Inko didn't beat the shit out of Deku for wanting to be a hero

Although maybe she should've then we wouldn't be stuck with such a shitty MC and shitty manga.

>it's shounen so it's supposed to have the most generic character origins ever

>Doesn't want his son to go into the same line of work that ruined his childhood and killed his mother
>>Basically unrelated

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Why would she beat him? Physical violence would be a punishment and Deku was a good kid, beating your son for being disabled is low even for asians...r-right?

>>Doesn't want his son to go into the same line of work that ruined his childhood and killed his mother
Okay that is solved by beating him how?
The beating is for himself not for Shigaraki

Agree. I wish Shiggi was a horribly mutated fish from parallel future whose morality is forever twisted by time travel.

Fuck the main plot let's get back to slice of life antics

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I think Shiggy has made his way into my top 5 characters

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Easy. You beat him every time he expresses his desire to be a hero until you traumatize him into not wanting to be one. By the way, mission achieved. Shiggi got such a wonderful dad.

i love everyone in this thread!
i mean it too!

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I hope you'll choke on Ibara's hairstyle.

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Did your dad beat you too?

Would it kill you to at least talk about the fucking manga. I have not seen you make a single on-topic post ever, and we have a new chapter that has just come out

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Okay so he wanted Shiggy to become a villain kill his family and serve the guy who killed Nana?
Well then you are right
mission achieved I guess.

Based and shiggypilled

Why is everyone suddenly shitting on the arc? I haven’t been reading the chapters for the past two months because I only care about Deku, but it seems like quite a shift in the attitude. Is it a dragged out flashback again?

You don't make any sense, but I love your logic

I just don't understand how the beating is related

You can't justify everything by saying "oh this is what he wanted"
Its completely possibly to try your kid not to be a hero without beating them into a sociopath

i like ibara because she's christian like me, i don't think she'd try to choke me, i bet we'd be good friends.
no, he's never hit me ever.
i do talk about the manga though, i love talking to people and i'll talk about anything.

>Would it kill you to at least talk about the fucking manga.
You say that to Togashizo but not to Miriofag and the million other shitposters?
We have a created threads for people to not discuss this manga
Now its too late to complain about the shit we let happen

No, just some dedicated shitposters. Look at the IP count dude, should be pretty obvious

>new villains about to be BTFO
>every LoV origin is corny bullshit
>everything taking half a year to finish for no reason
I wonder.

Inko destroyed herself with food because her son was incapable to understand that there is more in the world than being a hero.

>thing that hasnt happened
>its corny because i say so
>one of the fastest shonen is now slow

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Anons have been shitting on this trashfire arc since the pathetic "war" between the two villain groups started.

Shiggy was a victim of abuse. This was no real secret, but I'm confused about the rest of the implications.


>Shiggy dad
>Bakugo's betamax dad
>Deku's non-existent dad
Why the fuck is this manga filled with shitty fathers? Did Hori's dad abuse him or some shit

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god i wish that were me

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Those are some big fucking honkers on Momo

Which parts are you confused by? Maybe I can clarify

He was most likely raised by a single mother.

Why is Horikoshi such a retarded basedboy

oh he's literally Venom without the spider powers

the dog didn't let go even after shiggy's power activated :(

I feel Hori is on the spectrum, he consistently keep using the same things he likes on his manga, over and over, it feels beyond being a hack and more like he genuinely enjoys those elements

lol no
Negative (blatant shitposters) post started appearing around 3 chapters ago.

i mean the dude LOVES pokemon and that series is literally full of shit fathers

the one dad that stuck around was a major asshole

Endeavor redeeming himself is kind of similar to Darth Vader

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he's a good boy, i'm sure he's in puppy heaven.

>Which parts are you confused by?
Obviously, things will get answered next chapter, but I do not find it possible for Shiggy to have killed his whole family at this point. His dog, and father I can see dying at the next chapter. Yet how can his mother, sister, and grandparents not be his guardians right after?

There is no puppy heaven user

Get outta here. This is his real theme:

>inb4 someone says that's Gigantomachia's theme

No, it's this one:

What is wrong with Bakudad now?


There is puppy hell though.

People like their jewish tunes. Deal with it.

This is way too generic.

not true, people and animals go to heaven

The weak beta that gave his kid no real father figure and in turn resulted in the Sperg of today? Gee, he seems like a real man's man, a proper good dad.

Jeff Cobb was a great monsterbro

I thought the complaint was that they are all the same.

its almost like its a none-argument propagated by retards

This is hands the worst manga to have come out in the last decade after Nanatsu no shit.

I still don't get listing them like they are anything alike
Also Jirou's dad and Ochaco's dad are missing

How a man I supposed to dislike these shitty dads if Hori keeps drawing them so hot?

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>Deku being haunted by a cute ghost!

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Anons claim was that they were shit, which (though false when applied to all of them) is correct for Spergs owner. I defended that point, to which you haven't yet refuted.

Maybe I am wrong, but the images of the chapter make me think that Shiggy slapped him for the first time when he found out he entered his studio and saw the photo. The other times he seems to put Shiggy in a corner and let him there for a while, wich is also shitty, but not so much as hitting him on daily basis.

hori is good at drawing handsome men, and also cute boys.

2 assertive/dominant people don't make for a believable relationship, one of Baku's parents had to be submissive. It was either giving Bakugo a good dad, or giving us the hot spicy milf.

so you think bakugo's dad is bad? Because he is meek? Despite him clearly being a fairly decent father as far as earning and providing for his family go? So he should sperg like his wife and son?

He looks pretty generic

You mean aren't?

Nobody listed Ochacodad and Jiroudad here as shitty fathers. They are missing

>"not to be racist or anything but asian people KKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH-"

If a father can't play the role of a father he is a bad father. Men being meek is an inherent negative quality and makes a lesser man.

Put up or shut up.

You don't like the backstory? Tell us how you think it should have been. I'm sure it's so epic and cool.

Fair enough
So then Shiggydad should be fine.
You can't say both of them are bad.

Is this Shigaraki´s father or AFO pretending to be a doctor to change quirks? I hope it´s the first, otherwise now Shigaraki would remember and connect the dots.

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>you have to be an author to criticize fiction
>You have to make a million dollar movies to criticize a million dollar movies
Is there a name for this retarded argument?

user, thats not the only aspect. Whiles Shiggy's dad is inherently not wrong about wanting to protect his family he clearly gets personally triggered over it.

So what? You have to be triggered to be a father.
If you are not you end up like Bakudad.

He is not a bad father.

You're going to criticize the backstory without at least having your own idea of what his backstory should have been? Sounds like you just admitted you're full of shit. Thanks for playing.

More like he should have a spine and not allow his wife and son act so spergy.

I thought that was his dad leaving for work

>You're going to criticize the backstory without at least having your own idea of what his backstory should have been?
Totally fine.

I don't think so. I personally think it should be called the creator fallacy. That you have to make something in order to criticize it, I.E., I can't judge my bad food at a restaurant unless I make the exact same food that was made to me.

So beat them? Like Shiggydad

Again there is no room between those two

He's a provider; but he's not a man, nor a good masculine figure. His role could just as easily be fulfilled by a robot or the state, Sperg is only a few steps away from a fatherless nigger.

Its called "if you can't provide constructive criticism then your criticism is worthless".
Not the same again, goddammit. There is a difference in disciplining with conscious as disciplining and disciplining because you personally get offended over it. In one case you slap the kid because what he did insults you and in the other case you slap the kid because you know said thing will harm him way more in the future.

I don't get why some people seemed so annoyed by this backstory when we've known a good chunk of it since Kamino.

>constructive criticism
Do you even know what that means? Do you even understand that only applies when talking directly to the creator of what is being criticized.

Third time's the charm.
HERE you will find Redestro's TRUE theme.

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>There is a difference in disciplining with conscious as disciplining and disciplining because you personally get offended over it.
There isn't
Whatever your values are they are personal. Unless you are not disciplining according to your own personal values which would be retarded.

Mirio and Eri out on their honeymoon consummating their marriage

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It doesn't matter what it is. This is a discussion. Just vapidly yelling "it sux" instead of "this sux, here is why, and here is a suggestion how it can be better". Because your only argument is "it sux because its been done before" which is the unholy none-argument

I feel the real reason is the placement of the flashback, you had everyone waiting for giga vs redestro and we got a chapter long flashback instead, it just unironically killed the hype


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How many chapters do you think this manga will go for with its current pacing?

It will easily clear the 700 mark

>My Dad abused me because he hated heroes
>So after I accidentally killed him I decided I hate heroes and want to destroy hero society
I didn't think that Shigaraki's motivation could possibly be any more stupid.

Shut up virgin :3 shiggy has a normal villain backstory. There isn’t any need for it to be original and unique.

>ignores that he lost his memories due to PTSD and was indoctrinated by the numba one baddy
Damn you are bad at this.

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>I hate my dad because he forces to train to become hero instead i could be playing with my siblings
>In order to spite him I'm going to become a hero and use his name to get in UA easier

>ignoring the whole point that he was doing it without using his father's power
you arent getting better at this

>Just vapidly yelling "it sux"
Like vapidly yelling "constructive criticism"?
you are the same man
your posts also lack any kind of substance

The difference is that you are an annoying shit in a thread for fans of the series. There are plenty of anti-bnha spam threads. Go there if you want your hate-jerk.

Oh right I thought Yea Forums was a discussion board not a fan board
My mistake

Jesus you are so dumb, those are not the same arguments, you dont need to be a chef to say something is bad but if you cant even tell if the food is for example too salty your opinion is worthless. You dont need to be an artist to critique art but you need a fundemental understandig of the subject which you clearly dont have as you cant back up your opinion.

What is my opinion?

Congratulations, you played yourself.
The fact that you are against giving any constructive advice to push the discussion forward shows that you are against discussion. Unless of course its a circle-jerk where everyone agrees with you. Thats why you should fuck off to the hate-jerk threads that are spammed every day.
Congratulations, retard.

>The fact that you are against giving any constructive advice to push the discussion forward shows that you are against discussion.
Which is why I reply to you because you seem to hate any valuable discussion just as much as I do since you have provided exactly as much as the people you claim add nothing

Uninformed and uselss if you're the one that typed this

>Shiggy losing his fucking mind
>His theme starts playing as he eviscerates the opposition

Damn, poor Shiggy. Some really cool panels this chapter, can’t wait to see the early VIZ scans

The fact that he somehow always justifies parental abuse speaks words too

>shiggy gets his own ED

But I have. I have provided multiple counter points to many post simply saying it bad. I have pointed out multiple time how you leave out the full picture and oversimplify things or how the statements you make are wrong. On toward this meta-discussion that is. But you still insist on the same thing without even addressing my posts or providing a valid counter argument. You simply want to repeat the same thing over and over again until more people join on it and it becomes a hate-jerk. You do it with the express intent on hating it, without bothering to look closer into the work and trying to rationalize it or trying to figure a what if on how it could be better because you dont want it to be better, you want it to be as bad as possible to justify your unjustified hate. THats also why you need a hate-jerk, to feel like your hate for the series is valid so you create this artificial feeling by filling a thread with only negativism so it makes it look the way you want it. Basically a SJW screeching until everything agrees with it.

There's a difference between "justified" and "explaining why the Dad is an abusive asshole while in no way endorsing him".

it sad you don't even seem to understand the meaning of constructive.

>But I have. I have provided multiple counter points to many post simply saying it bad
And I never said its bad

Nana was Midnight all along? Also MUH

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>Nana was Midnight all along?
All thanks to Hori's sameface

Why are her hands so big?

Judging by your attitude, I assume you did.
The thing is, that still doesn't change the point.

she got a big wiener

The eyes are clearly different. Are you blind?

She looks like Tsuyu with Momo's hair and man hands.

She has tsuyu's vibes.

What's with those disgusting hands? Was Nana a tranny?

How early are the official scans this week?

Keep drinking the Hack semen. He's a trash writer and a trash artist.


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>Tfw you will never have a ghost milf who lives inside you and visits you in dreams
I didn’t sign up for this shitty reality

She looks like a much uglier version of frog bitch

Fryday I think.


>Good chapter
>Good color page
>Cute Inasa
I'm satisfied

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Well, with the fact that Shiggy seems to have had black hair before his quirk manifested throws the whole Quirk Albinism theory for a loop.

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Dilate. Hori made Nana look like an ugly trannie.

His facedown with AM at USJ about how heroes are bad somehow basically summed down too
>Shiggy: reeeee heroes all bad and corrupt!!
>AM: but you know that's not true and though some are problematic people, they still do their jobs and are nowhere near problematic enough to even be an epidemic of sorts to be worried about
>Shiggy: .....
>Shiggy: >:(

He looks like an evil ass All Might.

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How big is he going to be by the time he brawls with Giga?

It’s supposed to make you more anxious for the fight. If the fight is as great as it should be then the wait would be worth it.

Big enough.

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>those hands
>that expression
Vomit inducing

Wondering how much cooler this will look on the clean version.

We will know by tomorrow thankfully.

>STR vs. DEX

>Hori hands you a apple, telling you it likely will taste like apple indeed
>you take a bite out of apple
>the taste hits and soon does the confirmation
>enraged, you throw it onto the floor
>you then complain to others that apple did, in fact, taste like apple

Here shitposter-kun, I made it in the meme format you can understand.
This is why your posts get skimmed over and laughed at, no matter how many times you samefag. People just laugh at you over your "dedication".
At least put effort into it.

Big Brain nibbas post their OC at 5 AM so nobody will see it because it took so long.
I honestly don't want to know how long I spent on this.

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So is Shiggy's new goal gonna be to end quirks since his fucked his entire life up?

this is the worst post in the entire thread

Wrong, all of you.

> trying to talk positively about hackness
Fuck off user, i had enough fags that did this crap in naruto, just call shit what it is and dont try to put a retarded positive detail into it.

Make something you human leech.

>Somewhere in a cell Overhaul suddenly has the sudden urge to scream.

Looks like he’s growing wings

So why did you purposefully ignore the other dads such as Ochaco's and Jiro's?

You had one job, thats the wrong one:

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Well screaming is about all he can do nowadays.

Wasnt "i want to destroy EVERYTHING" obvious enough for you?
Hori truly has no idea how to make good villians....that happens if you just read Marvel shit and watch their awful movies.

>Redestro takes flight and air dives onto Gigantomachia to initiate their showdown.

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I don’t know.
The whole question ReDestro is currently posing is what Shiggy plans to do if he does manage to destroy everything, what will he do next. He’s literally picking him apart for his lack of motive

I don't have to make anything to call out a faggot making a dumpster fire.

I liked Overhaul's motivation and backstory. But everyone else has been "I'm evil and doing evil things! because... evil!" Except for Gentle who wanted to go Worldstar. I'm still not sure what his deal was.

God, imagine if the fight is like a giant wrestling match. ReDestro suplexes Giga.

The thing is that you shouldn’t criticize something if you’re shit at it yourself. And believe me most of guys bitching about manga either can’t write for shit or they’re just as bad.

Wow, what riled up the shitposters today?

A good chapter.

"""Abusive""" dads hit too close home

Hori should've made Gentle a failed clumsy Vigilante. By making him a self proclaimed villain who wanted to ruin a bunch of kids' festival made him pathetic and irredeemable. That's why no one in Japan likes him, such an awful character.

God i wish for it to be a wrestling match.

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The only people that statement really applies too are Ujiko, Dabi and AfO
And that’s only because we don’t really know their motives, Ujiko is the only one who strikes me as being downright evil with absolutely no reason to be

Cool. Can't wait for the full translation.

die mad, shitposter-kun

>origins chapter
That's another deathflag to ReDestro

Honestly, it’s actually sending me deathflags for the LoV as a whole. Not that the characters will die, but it’s starting to seriously look like Shiggy might break off or disband the group to go soul searching

Call me a faggot all you want but as it stands I took the time to utilize the gift of human ingenuity to hone my artistic talent for a few hours and produce something I'm proud of. You're still a leech who can't create anything he's proud of so you try to tear others down to your level. Call me a faggot all you want, my painting is still up on the wall and you still have made no art.

If the chef serves you a pile of shit you smile and ask for seconds because you can't make anything better. You have no grounds to complain it tastes bad unless you can feed yourself.

Not happening. Shigaraki is the main villain of the manga.
If anything all LoV members might die but shiggy will stay until the final arc so Deku can confront him.

Origin chapter has always been a indicator for huge power spike and/or taking down someone really powerful to begin with

>You're still a leech who can't create anything he's proud of so you try to tear others down to your level.
Jokes on you faggolio, I have an entire portfolio.

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Is this a falseflag?

I still think he’ll take down Junior, and I still think he and the LoV will be the endgame bosses, but I’m saying that it feels like there might be a few months we’re they split up to try and find some direction

Nah, there's someone that is indeed that juvenile in his attempts genuinely

Yeah, Shiggy is definitely going to come out of it far differently.

ReDestro and Stain are villains too. What are you talking about?

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>ReDestro and Stain are villains too.
Hol'up nigger

A man denied his mommy...

Imagine her giving you this look upon post-coitus

From the society's point of view, he is. His ideology is more complicated, yes, but to a random civilian he's still a villain.

Was this in some semi-canon LN or something?

ReDestro did nothing wrong

It is canon.

I could take your word for it, but...

t. Skeptic.

This would only be true if you got the GET, but you didn’t

why dont secret identities exist?
whats stopping the league of kino from kidnapping dekus mom?

Nothing, but Hori

Why would they? They were trying to not attract any attention

Are you retarded? He’s torturing the shit out of the LoV instead of informing any of the heroes of their whereabouts.

Sounds pretty damn villainous to me.

ReDestro sits in this wierd gray-area of villain and revolutionary

Ultimately if he gets shit done as a revolutionary decides if villain or not to society.

And that's what makes him a good villain, it's a shame he's getting discarded that soon.

how do you think the normies will react?

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It’s criminal that he’s being treated as a power up

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But this is the most generic place to put it why is it getting everyone’s knickers in a twist. Like mc is on the verge of death, big emotional flashback, mc is able to fight on revitalized. Like it’s not groundbreaking but BnHA has always been pretty happy to unironically use tropes without trying to subvert them.
I always feel like most of the shitposters are people who believed all the shit people posted that this series is some crazy take on shonen where it’s really just a standard shonen written by a very passionate nerd.

So how dead is ReDestro? I give him like a 15% chance of living this arc. And If he does live he'll be put out of commission for either the rest of the series or a really long time.

I think we can still agree that no matter what happens to him, he made more of his screentime than Overhaul. I will miss this guy, got just the right amount of ham to himself to be entertaining whenever he is shown.

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"Time for your sex training, Mineta!"

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>Of course the tranny is the one killed, I'm dropping this shit !

i think he'll live with a grip of his associates
the series would be good with the league of villains having 2 different enemies to deal with

When the chapter said Origins for Shiggy, that's when you just knew he was utterly fucked.

learn to read dumbass, i said the manga is "filled with shitty fathers", not "everyone's father is shitty"

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woah, calm down with the backpedal, you could trip upon yourself
oh wait

Yeah. It’s a shame cause it was a fun theory.

he didnt backpedal
he stated it clearly in his post
i think you owe him an apology user

i just want to say that written korean is one of the ugliest-looking languages on the planet

Oh shit.

. S N
. T O
. . .W

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ReDestro still got the one chance at survival every main villain around this part of a arc has: Survival by flashback. We had things told, but not shown at all about how he came to be despite saying supposedly being Destros son. All we had was him in Curious flashback.

Attached: Redestros fucking hair.png (945x465, 385K)

>tfw hori goes full WWE with Re-Destro and Giga's fight
>Shiggy is the heel who comes in and helps Giga when he's on the ropes, starting a tag team angle
Holy fuck book it Hori.

2 out of a full cast isn't "filled with".you literally only read the panels that follow your narrative at this point

>Shiggy handing Giga a regular-sized folding chair which Giga then proceeds to bash over ReDestro’s head

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There you go.

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This makes Shigaraki's gun analogy make more sense, it's like he is a child was was given a gun, he could never take back what he did


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>Decuck self-inserters

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Pretty sure the jirou one is just shitposting

Fuck I need this in my life. Any drawfags here?

Really? Its been a while since I've been in these threads and I definitely remember a Deku self-inserter that was shipping Deku and Jirou. He kept complaining or talking about how Deku and Jirou haven't talked before Cultural Festival

how is there still no translations?

Websites usually take longer when the chapters out early, probably due to always scheduling the translations to friday.

I always just saw them as another background noise shitposter. I thought dekuck self inserter was just a regular insult.

Maybe I have shit taste but Hori really knows how to draw milf (except Deku mom, sure)

In fairness, Deku's mom used to be hot

caveposting didn't come from Yea Forums, user

>it just unironically killed the hype
nah, I'm still pretty hyped. you might just be a faggot

why would they
what would that gain them

Its retarded....nothing new from Horis writing.

>colour spread is just those fucking horrible orange outfits and absolutely jack shit to do with the current arc or anything remotely interesting

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is that last panel of the chapter a "crumble" or "crack" sfx?


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>oh boy scans out, let's see
>not posted
>just faggot shitposting and not discussing
Yeah finally time to filter these threads.

Wait, if Shiggy did indeed kill his family, what were AfO and Ujiko doing in his home JUST at that moment?

Are these fake memories? Does AfO have Premonition powers? Does AfO have Deku's ability to be just at the right time at the right place? Was AfO manipulating Shiggy's dad to beat him up?

And even if one of the later three is true, isn't the fact that only hands are left and the house is completely intact proof that he didn't do it? Does Shiggy have pinpoint remote Decay when he is asleep?

Sorry, but Shiggy killing his own family still doesn't make a lick of sense.

I prefer the flashback before the fight, instead of having it in the middle of it.

>Hehe I want to destroy EVERYTHING except whatever my allies specifically want to keep anyway

>not posted
>they're LITERALLY in the OP
good riddance to you

Seriously. Fucking how?

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They weren't on his house, Shiggy had been on the run for some time after that. Don't know how you know the house was inteat afterwards. He went on a rampage like Eri.

The thing is that all indicates that a small bit of time passed between Shiggy killing them and AFO finding him. Mind you that somewhere between the quirk kicking in Shiggys hair turned white/blueish and he gained those two scars he got on his eye/lips, let alone AFO saying he seems to have ran away.

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the hands aren't his family's hands, they're the dust that was left over after he killed them

am I the only one who really adores AfO's pre-bacon look? it's absolutely perfect at unassuming menace

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I am not going to crop pictures that I can find already cropped online.

So when's redestros backstory

He nails the atractive villain trope.

I don't believe in the slightest those are his family's hands, not at all

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Thanks Doc

They are 100% not his family's hands. Especially when you consider last chapter, AfO's monologue about the human heart. He tells Shiggy that the heart can overcome any negative emotions with time. He then immediately proceeds to give him the hands to make sure that he's always reminded of that rage and his anger never really goes away

>shiggy remembers his backstory
>connects the dots and realizes that AfO merely used him to dunk on All Might
>swings over to the hero side, even though no one would accept him there
>manga's final battle is Deku and Shiggy versus AfO, who's gotten the quirks of everyone in the prison

Maybe his powers were weak at the time so their bodies weren’t completely disintegrated

He tried to ensure there would be no NTR doujin of Inko and failed.

It’s unironically the best color page yet

Whilst I don't like the idea of Shiggy switching sides, I DO like the idea of him becoming wary of AfO and potentially being his downfall

AfO molded him into that.

Dunno dude, it looks like he really killed his family in a quirk freak accident.

tfw can't hug shiggy

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hori has a hands fetish

La creatura de la escuela secundaria U.A.

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AfO doesn't have to be involved in the killing for that situation to still work. If Shiggy remembers that he wanted to be a hero, and then realises he's been groomed to become a terrorist by the man he thought saved him, that could still drive him down the path

if it weren't for his boner for his granma, AFO had no more reason to pick Shigaraki over Toga.

Can you blame him for having a boner over Nana?

wasn't that always the point from the beginning? Shiggy got completely fucked for no reason other than Nana was his grandmother

>Final Battle
>AfO notices Shiggy hesitate for a split second
>Kiils him instantly, there and then without mercy
>Cracks his knuckles
>Walks out like nothing happened

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AFO did save him, though. There's a difference between being a hero job and being a Hero. There's different ways with going around that.

I assumed the AfO encounter happened in his basement. It makes more sense if he was in some random warehouse. AfO just had to investigate the crime scene and find Shiggy before heroes or the police, which is more plausible.

And I guess the hands could be fake, then?


The fact this all happened to Nana's grandson out of all people by complete accident is weird, though. Maybe Ujiko implanted the Quirk somehow in a medical visit?

Considering how old AfO is, there have probably been multiple "Shiggy's" that have all served their purpose

>I assumed the AfO encounter happened in his basement
It was right beside a garbage holder in some alley.

Haven't been here since Killer Queen quirk chick has been defeated, anything interesting happened after that?

>Deku realizes he is AfO's son
>changes sides to the League of Villains
>final battle is Deku as the successor of AfO vs Shiggy as the successor of Nana

Dude, it'd take you like 15 minutes to catch up

And yes, yes some very interesting things have happened

yes, they have
go read the manga

Good thing Hori ignores all of these faggots, jeez

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Well the jury’s still out on whether Shiggy got given his powers or if it’s a freak accident like Eri. But yeah Shiggy has had a hard life.


Twice got bullied by an autist, Spinner tried to stab someone and Shiggy got his hands held.

I wanna say it was a freak mutation based on the fact that his mother was concerned about an illness he had that was apparently his quirk beginning to manifest

Unless there is a scene missing we clearly see it activate on its own this chapter. The issue is the Shiggy is 5 years old which means either he was destined to be quirkless or is an actual late bloomer.

>The jailbreak arc isn’t to save AfO but for Shiggy to get answers

I’m down for it. Let’s keep the Shiggy struggle going

Yeah I’m definitely more on that side than the AfO planted it in him side. Also I can’t remember but did we ever see anything of Eri before she used her power. I’m wondering if she always had white hair.

I thought 5 was around when kids develop their quirk. Or was it they develop by the age of 5.

>inb4 villain version of You Say Run

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Would lead to some amazing stuff no doubt

Read the chapter Speedo-Reado. It started with his itch then manifests throughout the day; starting with the ball, then the letter, then the photo then the Corgi
Not too sure about the timing of Shiggy's backstory.
I'm getting Kirishima vs Rappa vibes again though, especially since we might be seeing a loli get gored next chapter instead of my scheduled kauji wrestling match. Will admit though, this arc is of genuine quality unlike the unfettered trash Yakuza was; the backstory isn't as much a low point during the high point, but the slow point during a high arc.

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they develop from 0-4, kids can be born with their quirk

>deku and shiggy vs afo in the finale
>2 sides of the same coin fighting against the greater evil
that would be kino

I really hope that happens, especially if they play it over Twice going nuclear and saving Toga

>looks, dresses, hair is almost identical to Kosaku-Kira
Is Hori a fan of JoJo references?

It depends on what AfO did exactly but he still saved him while All Might didn’t even know he existed.

Is that why he killed the dog?

I wonder if Kurogiri would be able to give Shiggy any answers depending how long he has been in service to AfO and since he was basically Shiggy's caretaker. Though he is pretty loyal to Afo so he probably wouldn't spill anyway.

I’ve always thought that the LoV and some of the UA kids could have some great synergy. Like twice making a bunch of Deku clones who can pop off 100% and then disappearing. Compress and Kirishima could have a wicked fastball special. Dabi and Todoroki is obvious.

Ah yes, ice and fire and even more fire. Such great synergy.

Yeah I saw what happened but there’s still a chance he got given the quirk and it just takes time to manifest itself. Again I don’t really think that’s what happened but I do think it’s a possibility.

Considering the pretty direct references with Curious and the existence of Fumikage I think he is reading part 4 right now in his free time.


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Well fire and more fire. Actually Todoroki could use his ice side to keep dabi from hurting himself with his quirk.

Does this mean this guy isn't actually his dad?


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I wonder what Eri's hair color was at first

>this arc is of genuine quality unlike the unfettered trash Yakuza was
The Yakuza arc was really good though, baitmancer.

Dabi doesnt just overheat, he burns his own skin off. No amount of ice can help with that.

AfO killed Nana's real child ages ago.
This guy is a doppelganger put there so he can continue monitoring the off-spring.

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>The Yakuza arc was really good though, baitmancer.
Keep telling yourself that, but you're not getting anything out of me

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It depends on what he himself does. If he is full of rage and fear and goes after Giga as soon as Ol' Rockface appears. he's hosed. If he stops to evaluate the enemy, though, he'll realize Giga is after Shiggy, not him or the LA. At that point it becomes how well Shiggy can manipulate Giga and ReDestro to make them fight. And if that doesn't work, then ReDestro should live, if Shiggy doesn't kill him, himself.

Probably more rationally than many of the haters here have, chortling over it like little kids over fart jokes.

An apt comparison: Haters aren't very mature to begin with...

Still no argument, faggot.

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I'm kind of worried that this flashback is going to fuck up the pacing of the arc like Kirishima's did, but at least it's more interesting than 2 chapters of middle school problems

He may, inadvertently, move Shiggy into that same area, too.


It's JAPAN, user. Different culture. Different ways of doing things.

Gook spoilers have been out for ages now. Where the fuck are the english translations?

I think Shiggy is gonna end up killing AfO and resign himself to some real evil shit.

What would be the point? What would they achieve beside possibly getting raided?


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No I think ice would definitely help with that

>Hori truly has no idea how to make good villians
Sure he does. That's literally what's happening, he's MAKING a good villain before our eyes. Shiggy has gone from a childish but cunning NEET who wanted to kill All Might to a pretty good planner capable of taking on whatever gets thrown at him. And now ReDestro is making him consider his motivation and goals. Destroy everything to the horizon? And then what? And with him suddenly remembering his full backstory, instead of just a raging child, he has the potential to become a terrifyingly driven adult. That's the problem with a lot of those who can't stop screaming at the top of their lungs how much they hate this story. They're focusing entirely on the moment and how it doesn't meet their desires, without thinking what might be coming.

That's a disturbing take on Kota. All the more so because, it's kind of plausible...

Well said, user.


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Yikes, just as bad as all your OC. I think you should give up and never attempt anything artistic again.


Nana has big hands. Her grandson can destroy things with his hands. Might her quirk be centered in her hands?

I read this in Iida’s ‘villain voice’ and I can’t stop chuckling

Well said. You’d think it’d be obvious we’re still in the rising action and setting up for later arcs. But no ones got any patience and think everything needs immediate resolution.

>But no ones
it's obviously just the one faggot who seethes about literally everything in this arc though. The only problem I have with this chapter is Hori interrupting another cool fight for a chapter-long flashback

Damn that looks nice, I can't believe Destro is gonna lose like this

Wasn't Nana's quirk that she could repulse things she touched or something like that?

people speculated that because of the movie tie in chapter, but it's never been confirmed

Increased the suspense. Too many here are too focused on the moment and not the story. Giga needs time to get to Shiggy and ReDestro, Shiggy needs to recover from his quirk evolution and start to put things together mentally now that he remembers everything, ReDestro needs time to be shown hitting full power, and it would be good if we saw what everyone else was up to and where they were before the fight, because it's pretty clear this is going to be the climactic event, the finish, Giga vs. ReDestro vs. Shiggy, and once it starts breaking away for more than a few panels isn't going to be good.

Last night is 'ages'?

Learn Korean. Translate yourself.

I’ve never been certain it’s just one user but I dunno. And yeah I’d rather get to the fight but this also does kinda feel like where he should be getting his flashback if he’s going to have one this arc.

How is Shiggy becoming a good planner? He couldn't have expected Twice to overcome his trauma by witnessing Toga ALMOST but not quite killed, Giga had to wake up over one hour early to save his ass, Re-Destro had to go for his hand instead of his head so he is still alive, and he didn't seen to be aware of the fact he could use his Quirk even with a half-hand.

Five or so things had to go in a way which he didn't expect just so he is alive.

You say Shiggy is re-evaluating his motivations, but going from this arc and Yakuza, and the whole reason Deku is considered the most heroic character, Hori seems to think that Greater Goals are some kind of ill that gets in the way of your Heart, and I am fairly sure that the arc will end up with Shiggy still just wanting to destroy everything without a plan, while Re-Destro is yet another character killed for trying to change society with a vision instead of just doing his best without caring about anything else.

Again, people who actually make plans in this manga like the Shiggy in the UA invasion, Class B students, Shinso, Overhaul, Nighteye, and Re-Destro all lose to the power of asspulls. Believing in yourself and acting mindlessly is what grants those asspulls in this manga.

eat shit

You are quite the retard to miss textbook set-up.

Killing heroes or targetting their families is the same as doing that with cops. The entire country is going to come after you for that, and you don't really get anything from it. So unless you are someone like AfO with a lot of personal power that lets you get away with it, it's not going to happen.

So what’s the new goal in shiggy’s life if total anarchy isn’t the plan?

Well considering the situation he had been placed in by the MLA there weren’t that many options so given the circumstances his plan wasn’t bad. And I don’t think Shiggy’s reason will be to destroy everything. He’s already used that and he seems to change his reasoning every time he’s asked.

he's going to realize that Twice is right and reform the League of Villains into the League of Best Friends

>come to the dark side
>Twice just finished baking some cookies

This arc sucks and hori's defense squad can choke, you dirty ass motherfuckers who think if you're not licking his balls for every little thing you hate his work.

How often does a character with an actual battle plan win in this manga? At most you have like four instances of Deku making shit up on the fly after other characters with actual plans fall appart.

Again. Look at this arc. Re-Destro was supposed to know everything about the LoV, down to their real names and backgrounds, while the Villains march on without any intel on the Liberation Army.

The Liberation Army hasn't won a single battle and the only real mistake they made was trying to kill Toga in front of Twice.

cope, Dekuck

Mha bad


become a whore and get his ass stuffed by hundreds of cocks a day

MHA isn't bad, this arc is and you can suck this dick

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>iPhone nigger

I’d rather we get any story-building and check-ins with other characters out of they way first, and then just have an uninterrupted fight between Giga and Stresstro

Shiggy could have tried buying time until Giga woke up simply by moving slowly, possibly trying to stay in the outskirts of the city, and avoiding to split up, at the very least.

We'll see about Shiggy's goals soon. But I am betting on him lacking any kind of material goal or objective "after the destruction" for the rest of the manga, unless the editors force Hori's hand.

Now come on. I am shitting on Hori, but this arc is the best thing he has done. Period.

I gave you lives.
So that you make progress.
But you couldn't understand.


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>quirks start popping off and in an panic over it, normals drive more and more Qurik users into becoming villains with their idiocy that eventually get organized under one giga nigga villain that dominates society with a fist of terror and supreme secrecy
>giga nigga villain than in his sheer wisdom decides to give a quirk to a dude with seemingly no quirks but wants to stop him and inadvertenly sets the stage for his empires’s demise in the form of #8 and the pillar of society, all might.
>the 7th in her infinite wisdom forbids her colleagues from ever even checking on her family and thought no family abuse shenanigans will ensue that would lead to her arch enemy twisting her own grandson into the next villain whose now done at least an effective job of eroding the public’s trust in hero society
>we’re already clued in that a new greatest hero (in Deku) is gonna appear and btfo giga nigga villain electric boogaloo
>somehow, Deku of just something in hero society will have already trigged the next villain threat
It’s just a constant circle going around and around

I don’t know, the MLA had eyes-on and knew the second that Shiggy was on the town outskirts. They even gave them such a small amount of time that they absolutely needed a ‘teleportation’ member to reach the city before they called the heroes and mutilated Giran

oh come on man, flashbacks are fine but is this really the time to drop one on us? Get to Giga already

Why would I want to eat you?

If that’s the case, then somebody Deku’s interacted with will either birth or become the next big bad.

So who will be the successor to Shiggy?

>Translations say Hana told their dad Tenko was the one who wanted to see the picture.

Trash girl. Glad she's dead.

Yeah they're called the vestiges.

Kouta whendeku fails to save his aunt

That vestige with the eye-markings looks a little shady to me

Since deku has
>oh my 7 quirks
Why not give allmight the physical quirk back, and let deku use the 7 quirks and his brain.

And people thought she was the greatest loli.
Eri>every other loli in existence

Truly a millenial.

Attached: Totally not AFO.jpg (1920x681, 416K)


Trying to disassemble OfA in any way could have the side effect of weakening it as a whole and destroying its property of containing the will of its users.
Also making the main character less powerful for no reason other than preference doesn't improve the manga in any way.

Will the Giga and ReDestro fight be a cage match bros?

I like Hana more personally, I like her eyes more than Eri’s. Plus I’ve always preferred darker hair

Eri's hair might have been another color before she manifested her quirk

Yeah, but it doesn’t really matter now. Her hair is white, and unless she can rewind herself I think it will stay that way

I wonder how Gentle and La Brava are doing

Tea-drinking, video-editing and love-making

Why on earth would there be no room between those two?

>a new greatest hero (in Deku) is gonna appear
I'm still thinking that this plotline will have a twist. Like number one spot being shared by a group of people. Or Deku being remembered as someone who spearheaded the societal shift. Or him just earning the official number one spot in the leaderboards while life in Japan is going to shit everywhere.
He's not going to be the next symbol of peace, that's for sure.

Oh, there is definitely some uncanny coincidences at work, however i feel its also vague enough that the Shimuras are just straight up haunted by bad luck just looking at their lifes:
>Nana had a rather happy one, but lost her husband to a villain and had to abandon her child, killed by AFO.
>Nanas husband, killed by a villain.
>Her son never fully recovered from loosing either and tried beating the heroism out of his kids, underatandable, but harsh, killed by Shiggy.
>Hana? Shiggy´d.
>Shiggy also is suffering incarnate.

Being a Shimura is practically a free ticket to suffering.

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Shiggy’s pain is far greater than anyone’s

it must be pretty confusing for them if LB is a sub
"do me rough, gentle!"


Twice becoming the hero for the villains is one of the best ones Hori pulled this arc.

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Unless we are counting Deika city as a cage, no.


>Or him just earning the official number on spot in the leaderboards while life in Japan is going to shit everywhere.

The worst is that this sounds exactly like something i would expect from Deku at this point.

How? The groundwork for this backstory has been laid from the get go

I dunno I've been of the impression that we're still building up to Shiggy's reason for doing this. Honestly looking back almost every character Shiggy has interacted with has actively shit on his ideals no matter what he said they were at the time. I can see why you think it's gonna go with him having no reason but I think there'll be something. Although I also thought the LoV was gonna kidnap eri so what do I know

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He can become more powerful using his brain in unique ways with his power.
It's hard to showcase his brain when his powers are Punch hardest.

You can really tell hori enjoys drawing Twice.

He is probably the easiest of the villains to draw, no surprise there since Hori likely gave him the most simple outfit since he knew he has to do World War Twice sooner or later.

Attached: 16-17.png (1852x1300, 792K)

Honestly looks like an 80's manga villain

From thumbnail thought she had as a giant ass set of lower teeth

Holy shit, that new thread. How long until that one gets pruned

I mean makes sense. It'd be pretty poor planning having your duplicate character hard to draw. Although Hori does seem to like designing the characters before thinking about how hard drawing them over and over again is going to be. Like didn't he say he regretted toga's hairstyle because of that

I'm kinda curious what if anything else they're going to add to the story. I digged their style but can't see how they could get added in

Makes a lot of sense

That's shigaraki's good side that Hori had been showing for a long time. He has a soft spot for his allies

waiting for this arc to get animated is going to be fucking awful

Maybe some sort of societal re-integration program

Wasn't LaBrava gonna get a tech job?

Bones is going to go absolutely wild with all the big stuff in this arc:
>Sad Mans Parade
>Apocrypha and his ice dragons/aoe attacks on the Twice army.
>Shiggys spreading decay vs human mass (That one with sound is going to be something else.)
>Just Redestro in general.
>Gigantomachia just as a whole aswell.

Its kinda crazy considering as of now due to chapter count this all will be in the same season that has Endeavor vs High End.

I’d tech her job, if you catch my drift

I hope this scene is kino in the anime.

You know the music is gonna be fucking kino too. Man I'm glad we got Bones for BnHA anime.

Gentle and La Brava will get quietly enrolled in a secret squad of semi-reformed villains that do jobs regular heroes can't risk their image on touching

It´s a little sad that his clones still believe they are the original, but there had to be limits.

>NTR LaBrava
I don't want this

Fuck, season 5 is gonna be so good

It’s gonna be quaint seeing La Brava going White hat in exchange for gentle not having to say something stupid and get thrown in perma Jai.

Given Bones so far did generally a good job i have faith in it, they did Twices chapter nicely aswell.

What? They’re some kind of suicide squad?

So you're saying they're gonna be in some kind of... suicide squad?

>Its kinda crazy considering as of now due to chapter count this all will be in the same season that has Endeavor vs High End.
Holy Fuck that season is going to be insane. Hopefully they'll have the budget to do everything justice. Also I'll be curious how brutal they get with shiggy's decay. Especially in the on coming flashback.

Some kinda team that could throw their own lives away without too much backlash?

And now I'm scared that they will rush it and both arcs will be plagued by QUALITY.

This chapter is so fucking good. Finally

Let´s see:
-Season 4: Yakuza, Festival, maybe Endeavor vs High End
-Season 5: Joint Training, LOV vs LA

I'm so pumped. These arcs should look great considering previous seasons.

Season 4 will not make it to high end at all, it will end on festival. You are forgetting the remedial

>Endeavor vs HE in season 4
No way. Adding the festival is already stretching it cause Yakuza is long as fuck

season 4 will end on Eri's smile unless the yakuza arc gets cut to shit or the remedial exam doesn't get animated at all

Oh you are right, at most we are gonna get a scene with the doctor and hood still unfinished after the credits.

Since we're hitting the end of this thread I just wanna say that this has actually been a nice discussion and thanks to anons in this thread.

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It would almost be good for S5 if they did High End for S4 depending how many more chapter are in Villain Academia, takes weight off of the budget of S5 (As pointed out in the thread, there is a shitload that can eat up the budget) and allow Villain Academia to not be squeezed to fit in.

Don’t look at the next one, it’ll be gone before you have to worry about it

Well isn't the new Movie going to be eating into season 4 a bit? Maybe season 5 will get the full budget

The movie and anime were almost entirely seperate this time around

Yeah that one really isn't worth the time.

Oh really? My bad then. Well I'm sure it'll have the budget they need to make it look good. It's not like this is toei

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I really don't want to deal with that other thread

Theres another one up that hasn’t got any shitposting in it


You're picking nits. Perhaps because that's all you've got.

The LA had the LoV over a barrel. It was "Come fight us at our place, or we turn you over to the heroes". Shiggy made a counter plan of "We'll fight them, but stretch the fight out so long Giga will wake up and come after me. They won't be prepared for him. He'll wreck them, they'll wreck him, we'll win". It was a gamble and any number of things could have gone wrong. But Shiggy came up with it in a few moments thought and immediately implemented it. That's the mark of a good planner.

Also, before, Shiggy was just out to destroy things because all he had was negative emotions and a hatred of everything. Now that he KNOWS why all he's got are negatives, and with ReDestro making him think about the future, we'll see what happens.

(Also, it will be interesting to see if Shiggy goes meta on this. "My father hated heroes and was physically abusive. I hate heroes and am physically abusive. Maybe I need to think about this a bit more.")

>Villain with a quirk to lolify any character.

Who would you choose to become a loli?

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The authorities wanted to recruit La Brava because she was a computer hacker prodigy. She indicated she'd do nothing that didn't benefit Gentle. We haven't heard if they reached a compromise.


They're chibis, not lolis. Look at those disgraceful tumors on their chest.
Dont post cunny unless is the real deal, so Eri or Hana.


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>mfw LB NTR is one of few translated straight doujins
I hate this fanbase's porn department, I really do

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I just want a sweet, vanilla doujin with LB and Gentle where LB is wholely aware of just how lewd her body is

Agreed. 80% of the translated porn is yaoi shit and the 19% is NTR. All I want is the other 1% of regular straight boy fucking girl is that so much to ask?

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>That one doujin where Deku and Tsuyu are trapped and he pops a raging hard-on which she can only reach with her tongue

Loli bakugo or Loli Monoma
I want to see Bakugou's thundered interactions with Izuku
I want to see Monoma be an arrogant brat and get shit on constantly
But only if the lolification also changes their brains so that they still remember everything but they act more like a little girl