Non-stand users can't see stands

>non-stand users can't see stands
>whole ship was a stand
>everyone can see the ship

Attached: Anne.jpg (350x368, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Retard speed watcher

>thinking Araki isn't just pulling the plot out of his ass each chapter

Remember when Gold Experience also rebounded every attack that was done to it? Remember that whole flashback in part 4 that set up Josuke to have some time travel arc?

some can't be seen, others can
gyro watched them all tho

>whole flashback in part 4 that set up Josuke to have some time travel arc?
That's just your headcanon.

remember you remember how many breads you ate?

And everyone can see the sword that possessed people.
And the water hand,
And the blob.
And that one guy's shadow
And the yandere's hair.
And the grey tower.
Notice anything?

>That's just your headcanon
What is this even supposed to mean? It was clear as day that it was mean't to be Josuke in that flashback.

I felt like Part 4 was supposed to go on longer but was cut to move onto Part 5. Kira didn't feel like much of a final boss and it ended too easy for everyone while all the previous parts had at least a major character die. Makes me what big arc was supposed to be set up that might have answered who saved Josuke in the past.

Araki forgot?

No, not this time.

Is it that weird for someone with pompadour helping someone in the middle of blizzard? in Morioh, really?

Araki didn't even want to have a main villain in part 4 he said. But people were probably doing the same shit they're doing with part 8 and complaining because there wasn't one so Araki introduced Kira. Anyone that thinks the flashback with Josuke being saved was anything other than to show why he has his hair like that and to show that Morioh is filled with good people should kill themselves.

The vast majority of Stands can't be seen by normal people. There are, of course, a few exceptions that can be seen by non-stand users.


>Is it weird
>in Morioh

Remember Dio's second coffin?

I know, but even with Jobin, he isn't a main villain in the same way as Dio or Diavolo were for instance.

more jobber

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remember when ripple power was relevant? yea me neither.

That was so fucking bullshit

>Remember when Gold Experience also rebounded every attack that was done to it
It reflected attacks against animals created by it.
No one attacked another animal during the rest of the series.
GODraki never fails.

different universe different rules. part 7 stands dont even disappear after the user is dead

that's because its Kaato

The grammar of that sentence is terrible.

>stands after death
HxH ripoff

Come here to post it
Araki is still better than Nasu though

They quite literally brought this up in THIS SAME FUCKING EPISODE HOLY SHIT. I'm pretty fucking sure Kakyoin explains that the stand was bound to the ship. God fucking damnit I hate this Araki Forgot meme peddled by that youtube faggot cuckmeister.

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Is JoJo's inherent lack of lolis in direct correlation with the overabundance of MILFS?

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Just admit that Jojo as a whole is an Araki forgot.

>Anyone that thinks the flashback with Josuke being saved was anything other than to show why he has his hair like that and to show that Morioh is filled with good people should kill themselves.
The person in the flashback is literally fucking Josuke. It's a dead ringer for him. There's no shadow or anything covering him, it's literally fucking Josuke. He's also just standing without a coat in the middle of a blizzard in the middle of fucking no where while bleeding pretty hard from multiple places on his face.
People who say it isn't Josuke and just some random dude are complete fucking retards that for some reason don't want to admit that Araki just fucking retconned it like he does all the fucking time.

>when she sees your dick

I would agree, since Araki wanted Josuke saving himself be a Bites The Dust critical moment for jojo. Until it didn’t

The rebound thing is overpowered. Why wouldn’t Giorno just cover himself in ants during battle?

Cuz Araki forgot

>Dio's second coffin
Hey that was top IQ move, only idiot bring 1 escape card

Tru dat

which is too bad because reflecting damage would defeat Diavolo unless he can activate KC between attacking and being damaged

Even then, that would be tedious and take a lot of focus and attention to time every single hit

that's a sexy little girl you drew there Araki

Remember this doujin? I do.

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This was a thing?????

>Killer Queen can only use one bomb at a time
Uses primary bomb while secondary bomb is fighting Koichi
>Josuke saves Hayato from being blown up
Josuke doesn't save Aya from being blown up
>Joseph uses Hermit Purple to find a barrel of coal tar in part 3
Joseph doesn't use Hermit Purple to find Yoshikage Kira
>Jotaro brings Joseph back to life
Jotaro doesn't bring Josuke's grandfather back to life

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It's not nearly that easy: Josuke based himself on the man who helped save his life.

The ironic part of course, being that he's in the back with a fever: His perception of the man is literally from what little glimpse he got of him and the description he got later.

That's why the hair is so important: The hair was what he remembered. Beyond that, he could have looked like anything.

But of course he "looks like" Josuke: Josuke emulated him as closely as he could.

Joseph should have died in part 3, he even gave some parting words as a ghost instead he outlived the other crusaders

Everything is a thing user, you fag

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Post yfw he interrupts the intro by making it in English

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That's just gross bro

i'll be more surprised if it's another language ver of the song.

>Uses primary bomb while secondary bomb is fighting Koichi
He only tried to blow him up after he deactivated SHA, he was just punching before then
>Josuke doesn't save Aya from being blown up
Okuyasu dragged him back with The Hand, he might have been able to save her but it was too risky with his two buddies next to him
>Joseph doesn't use Hermit Purple to find Yoshikage Kira
Thats not the same dumby, although this is kinda bullshit. Some people say that Hermit Purple can only take spirit photos of people you know so maybe he couldn't take them because he didn't know Kira's new identity? Thats only a guess though
>Jotaro doesn't bring Josuke's grandfather back to life
More so a part 3 asspull than part 4, but even then Josuke's grandpa didn't have a container of vampire blood, the will to be a stand user, or a death from blood loss.

In Marvel, Astral Projection is the same as a Stand. If the projection is strong enough, they can make themselves be seen. Maybe thats why Strength was seen to a loli.

It was cool to see Diavolo speak in Italian for the intro so Valentine using D4C to make the intro more patriotic would be incredible

It wasn't that good. Why do rape doujins always have the victim get into it so early? I know its a bit crude, but if you're going to have a doujin about a monkey raping a little girl I would expect to see fear, not pleasure.

Girls can't get enough of that hot monkey dick

Who even is she? Does she have a name???? She appeared for,like, 2 episodes and that was it

I understand the victim having a sort of guilty pleasure for rape doujins, but it just turns to consensual bestiality porn after a couple of pages

I saw it as an extension of that hamon stretch punch. Reminder that these are basically ghosts and in a later episode they shrink down to fight Steely Dan's Stand

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>why does the guy that Josuke based himself off look like Josuke
Araki as confirmed that was never the plan. He was always just some rando. Kira did not even exist when Araki wrote that flashback, nor did Bites the Dust.

Because that's fucking disgusting.
>Giorno literally drank urine
The most disgusting JoJo.

Anyone claiming this wasn't meant to be Josuke is seriously coping.
Its okay fellas, no manga is perfect.

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>More so a part 3 asspull than part 4, but even then Josuke's grandpa didn't have a container of vampire blood, the will to be a stand user, or a death from blood loss.
Josuke's Crazy Diamond could heal better than vampire blood, their whole being reverts to a previous state. Jotaro said that when someone's dead for too long and their soul is long gone, they can never come back but then that should have applied to Joseph. It's still a plot hole.

Admit you're a fucking retard and fuck off.

Pretty sure they state in the manga and anime that there are bound stands, ones that exist in the physical world that anyone can see.

>Remember when Gold Experience also rebounded every attack that was done to it?
No, I swear I forgot about that.

The uniform isn't styled the same as Josukes

plot twist: the girl ends up raping the monkey

He had an inner coffin and an outer coffin you fucking brainlet. One coffin, two compartments = "two coffins".

Post bits from Part 6 you can't wait to see animated

Bohemian Rhapsody is gonna be a glorious fucking shitshow

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But how will they deal with the copyright?

What about Man in the Mirror?

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>look through JoJo doujins out of curiosity
>shitton of gay, surprising amount of females
>on closer inspection most of it is futa
I'm not sure what I was expecting

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Most of the stuff shown was free to use anyway, but since some things are more tightly controlled nowadays by disney they may just play it safe and just make up a bunch of random cartoon/fairy tail looking characters instead.

He was right in regards to how the hanged man worked, he just didn't know about man in the mirror being a stand that creates and controls such a thing.

>make up a bunch of random cartoon/fairy tail looking characters instead

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>retard uses the colored version
>they aren't even colored the same anyway
You do realize that's a very generic hairstyle for delinquents right?

Joseph is a fakeout. The ghost thing is a fakeout. Araki tricked you. You can call it a plothole but he knew what he was doing.

Will Drumpf still be president when anime Drumpf comes out?


Who the hell is Drumpf? Your President is Donald Trump. Get it right, child.

IMAGINE if Anne was Jolyne's mom

>Where did Snow White go?
>She flew over there, next to the Burger King
Holy shit I forgot how much of a goldmine this arc is

t. Drumpftard

Oh, but you stupid numpty of a child; he's been your president for going on almost three years! I don't know what delusion you've been under for all this time, but it's honestly concerning.

Also, I'm not even American. I just deal in FACTS

Legitimate plot holes in Jojo

>Dio's second coffin
>Jotaro not recognizing an arrow in Morioh
>Jotaro/SPW forgetting about Polnareff for 10 years

Depends. Lets say Stone Ocean will start in early 2020 and have one week between each episode, how many episodes would there be in total? If he gets reelected then sure

the dude was bloody and beaten up. isnt that a bit specific for just "some guy"

>Your President
>Who the hell is Drumpf?
You clearly know what that user meant, so don't bother playing dumb.

Ah. Another numpty. See
Love him or hate him, he's your president for the next year and a half. Or longer; I'm not psychic. It's time to accept these facts.

>Another numpty.
Again, you're assuming nationalities.

Nationality doesn't matter when you're a numpty. You're not American? Fine. Then why did you respond?

Because you were assuming was American. And regardless of whether you were right or wrong, you jumped to a conclusion.
Plus you're acting like a total cunt.

Yes. Because I'm RIGHT.
Have a nice day. Numpty.

Indeed you are.
A right cunt.

Attached: This is the definition of right I was using in this context.png (357x53, 3K)

>hey let's throw the coffin back into the sea after we rescue JoJo's wife in the exact spot on the boat JoJo Died

And I'm RIGHT correct.

JoJo hella gay

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Remember the space elf?

Then you're delusional. Imagine my shock.

So what are you claiming to be right about?


>he knew what he was doing

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Part 6 never

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Why didn't Kekyoin just mind control Dio?

jojo has western style
just look at western movies, it's full of adult characters

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Nice facebook meme MOM

And that's why you're a numpty. Sorry, not sorry.

Would it kill you to have some variety in your vocabulary?

>that's a very generic hairstyle for delinquents
lmao arakifags are so delusional

Where can I find an Yea Forums mommy?

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I think it was powerful that the man who saved Josuke’s life was a metaphor for the unbreakable golden heart of Morioh, and preferable over the time travel theory.

How about nonce? Goof?

What happened to the invisible baby?

Haven't seen her lately. Also there was a universe reboot.

I prefer "idiot"
Joseph adopted her.

It fits you perfectly. But it's just too... simple, much like yourself.

He could cover himself with bacteria and get the same results

The life forms he creates are undamageable

>giorno literally could have just turned the nearest rock into a fucking bear and had it attack the enemy while fortnite dancing in the corner as his enemies try to fight a literally invincible bear
giorno's friends died for fucking nothing

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>gyro watched them all tho
part 7 stands were mostly just abilities so there wasn't anything to not see.

Humans are the primates with the biggest penis. A gorilla's dick is like 2 cm erect.

Not for a guy with a pompadour in 1980's Japan.

Guys with pompadours and oversized clothes were associated with delinquents and gangs, so he could've been in a fight recently, or he could've hurt himself while walking during a blizzard. Either way that guy died that night and that makes it much more powerful than simply "Josuke went to da past lol."

You do realize that you're not seeing what happened, but a what Koichi thinks happened based on the foggy memory of a feverish 5-year old and her hysteric mother, during a fucking blizzard on a pitch black road; right? And he looks like a generic delinquent.

He could've been a fat, balding yakuza for all we know.

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Not in the manga.

>we will never see shizuka joestar fight a revived santana

Not the case ever since he "matured" during Baby Face

Fucking idiot.

>Uses primary bomb while secondary bomb is fighting Koichi
Different bombs you mouthbreathing retard. He can only use one PRIMARY bomb at a time because he needs to trigger them manually with Killer Queen, SHA is automatic.
>Josuke doesn't save Aya from being blown up
Aya was the bomb herself, Josuke would've been blown up if he touched her. Plus there was barely any time to register what was happening.
>Joseph doesn't use Hermit Purple to find Yoshikage Kira
Joseph was old as shit and probably wasn't involved in the search that much due to his age. He was also clearly just a side character in part 4 and Araki didn't want to make him take the spotlight again.
>Jotaro doesn't bring Josuke's grandfather back to life
Because he was fucking dead and Joseph wasn't. With Joseph he basically just resuscitated him from the brink of death by returning his stolen blood back and giving cpr. Josuke's grandpa was already gone and his brain had been fucked up by Aqua Necklace.

I fucking hate the youtube and reddit faggots who popularized the idea that nothing makes sense in Jojo at all, which then gets believed and parroted by speedwatching animeonlies. You're just too fucking stupid or never read the manga in the first place, that's not Araki's fault.

fuck now I need to see an alternative part 5 where every fight is just a dance off, while every villain goes “NANI!” at Giorno and Golden Experience’s creations

This kinda reminds me of yee-old frodo posting, where a stupid question is asked which is answered by just continuing to read/watch whatever the question is asking about. Except this is much more lazy, just 5 minutes after OP's picture is where it's explained.

I'm sure that they just think Polnareff is dead, but yeah these 3 are the only plotholes in the entirety of the series

If he can barely attack him at distance, I'm pretty sure that trying to get close to him to posses him will be dificult

"My stand Let's Dance allows me to create a dance panel on the floor and if you don't dance properly you fucking die"

How they beat that stand is bullshit

There was one coffin, the one Erina escaped in. Dio was hiding in there powerless to leave because it was sunny all the way to New York. Then she took a row boat to go toss it back in the ocean. Problem solved. Or she just got picked up by some ship on the way to shore and he locked the coffin from inside to stay dry while it sank.

It was one of the greatest asspulls of the series

Part 6 anime coming in ten years when Mickey finally goes public. Just kidding. We all know copyright law will be extended to not expire at all ever before then.

Annasui is so based. Him and weather tag teaming was the best part, with weather turning into a fucking asshole

Loved that, the bro team of Annasui and Weather is the best part in pt6

Stands that are bound to a physical object (Strength, Anubis, Wheel of Fortune, Surface, etc) can be seen by non-stand users.


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How dio come up with the plan?

>H E A V E N

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>Shadow Dio is a completely methodical and analytical villain, always retracing his steps and keikakuing the crusader's moves
>Dio's world Dio turns back to being a megalomaniacal retard that would have easily killed everyone if he didn't suck his own dick for 3 minutes before every attack
>Part 6 Dio is back to treating him as a king of manipulation and a cult tactician
Araki writes Dio as whatever he wants it to be, there's no consistency whatsoever

And still, he almost won.

This is why Dio is the worst villain.

Koichi attacked a tree made by GE and it still reflected the damage.


Gyro has a stand too, brainlet

dio becomes a retard whenever a joestar is around?


and a ching chong ning nong to you too, buddy

To be fair, it's easy to forget. Ball Breaker appears in like, what, seven panels?

I wish he just stayed as a crazy soap opera villain from 1 rather than the dumb pseudo-philosophical bullshit in 6. It's just pretentious, japs have no self-awareness.

Imagine having a stand to change your face when yellow temperance can literally do that and more

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at least he has a stand unlike you, user

He also has Scan for a while because of the corpse eye. But yeah, we never even see Ball Breaker's true potential.

Shame we didn't see ball breaker act 2: cock and ball torture

Well, Okuyasu died. Its just that he got better.

More importantly, did Hayato just see the cat plant floating around in midair?

He could just make a bunch of flies or something even smaller and have them fly up to every enemy's attacks and instantly win every fight.

Why was Pesci somehow immune to Grateful Dead halfway into the fight when they kept stressing how he needed ice cubes to not age to death?

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Why did they stress how you needed stands to beat stand user, when he literally did not need a stand when he was trying to poison them? Hell, the bar full of people that D'Arby bribed could've had somebody, even the bartender poison their ice tea.

here friend, use the better version of the reaction

Attached: actually mad.png (1275x715, 1.12M)

Grateful Dead doesn't work on retards.

What others me about little shit like this is that for some reason they chose to preserve little fuckups and retcons like this in the anime rather than take the opportunity to patch over things. Would it have killed them to throw in a one second shot of a backup coffin being loaded onto the ship, or a single spoken line on the matter?

d'arby wanted them as trophies

I bet the original idea was for The Hand to send things back in time. Why else make a big deal about things being removed and not knowing to where?

If only...


If it was josuke he would have Ether used his stand to get the car unstuck or healed himself, this random friend just threw his jacket out there

Echoes act 3 was supposed to be able to send things back in time. Trust me, I'm Araki's mistress.

this, altough i don't think crazy diamond c

*can heal illnesses, just wounds
Fucking autopost

user, those are bound Stands. The Stand wasn't the ship, just like Ebony Devil isn't a doll, Wheel of Fortune isn't a car, and Anubis isn't a sword. The Stands bind themselves to those things and make them stronger. We didn't see Strength or Wheel of Fortune's real forms, it's possible they don't have one, but we saw Ebony Devil (it looks like a bug/alien thing) and Anubis (he looks like Anubis).

Not an argument.
What are you even doing here, you blatant speedwatching normie?

Is Anne the sexiest girl in all of JoJo?

>Remember that whole flashback in part 4 that set up Josuke to have some time travel arc?
>the story didn't pan out like my headcanon made me assume it would so it's a plot hole
God fucking damnit I hate this "hurr Araki forgot" meme so fucking much. It's the single biggest reason why talking about Jojo is fucking impossible here, because everything that can possibly be said about the series that requires some basic critical thinking just amounts to every asshole in the thread pigeonholing things with "Araki forgot so don't think about". Like you are wrong for liking Jojo and trying to piece your own opinions on it instead of just laughing at it and if you complain about it they go
>hurr then you think Jojo is perfect then

It's like those Godzilla fans that don't really like Godzilla at all, they just watch the movies and laugh at them "ironically" and act surprised when they find people who actually like and appreciate the writing in the series, because what a bunch of fucking losers actually liking things amiright.

He didn't start the meme, he just capitalized on it like every other Jojo youtuber with basic bitch opinions on the series who think they are hot shit

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this. fuck jojotubers and their Yea Forums drones

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I'm still stuck on diamond is unbreakable, after SC it;s just not doing it.

Just like with africans they use fake dicks and outliers to exaggerate the average.

Araki had Vanilla Ice say this about Cream, too. That's just Araki being autistic, because you can't destroy matter, so the idea of just erasing something like that isn't supported by science, so Araki tacked that on I guess to explain that he knows it "doesn't make sense." He did the same thing with The World and Star Platinum. In their descriptions for stopping time, he points out that saying something like "time tops for x seconds" doesn't technically make sense, because how can it be for any amount of time if time is stopped? Of course, it intuitively makes sense to you, but Araki knew some smartasses would be like "ackshually!" so he threw that in to fend them off.

My headcanon is that in a timeline where no one saved Josuke, he made it to the hospital and survived, but his Stand crippled him in some way, maybe he lost the ability to use it or he became too afraid to use it or something. Then, when the summer of 1999 came around, a very different series of events took place. Koichi probably died and Jotaro was forced to deal with the Nijimura brothers, but perhaps that gap in time or maybe the altered scenario lead to a threat even worse than Kira being born. Rohan would've never got together with the others and his search for Reimi's killer would've been a completely unrelated plot line. Kira being a serial killer never got out and, ironically, became friends with the weak, wimpy Josuke. In the final battle, they were the last two left and Kira got stabbed by the arrow to gain Bites the Dust, but it worked differently. He tried using it to one-up the final villain, but the plan failed, leaving him a dying, bloody pulp on the pavement. Normie Josuke ran over to him crying, lamenting that he never became a powerful Stand user, which Joseph had earlier told him might've happened if he got to the hospital sooner. Kira's final act was using Bites the Dust on Josuke to send him back to that day. In that timeline, the mysterious villain won.

Speaking truth to powerpilled

>tfw even cream starter has your ability aside from limbs regeneration despite only being skin and not bones and meat and basically turning you into goo skin to sneak around, fighting the president's pucci

Yes officer, this post right here.

>fighting the president's pucci
This is an odd way to word it since SBR's Pucci is Hot Pants.

>Araki never plans anything ahead and can't remember a single goddamn thing about the series and
>Araki totally planned for Josuke to go back in time using time travel at the end of Part 4, that's why Bites The Dust exists (even though Kira wasn't planned to exist at the start of Part 4, let alone BTD) and that's why his savior has hair just like him

Pick one and only one you fucking floorlickers.

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Black friend*

Meh. The one where she sold off her body to 3 Afghani / Pakistani (who filled her with semen and didn't pay her afterwards), which happened just before she met Jotaro again in Wheel of Fortune, was way better.

Berserk, Jojo and HxH are like the holy trinity of "anime Yea Forums loved until it got popular and still kinda likes but fucking hates the author for every decision he makes"

except you don't see anything but love for pt 8

Berserk and HXH are shit on because they're always on hiatus. Berserk also because it's had problems with its art for a while and HXH because Togashi has pages full of text with barely any drawings. Jojo just got infested with animeniggers that take Youtube videos as canon.

but I love Araki

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hxh is hated because its fanbase goes into unrelated threads posting their 30iq copypastas


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DIO's just appealing to Pucci's mindset, he wanted Pucci to see him as some sort of messiah, instead of a filthy vampire

>Kira is cunning and cowardly, so why did he start beating Koichi and later yelled his name in the middle of the street? WTF?
>Diavolo is obsessed with privacy and acts rationally to guide Doppio, so why did he make such a big stink about pride and getting the arrow at the end. WTF?
>Kars said he didn't care about his compatriots and just wanted to win by any means, but after he won, he immediately went after Joseph to try and get revenge for his fallen allies. WTF?
>Pucci is a priest obsessed with fate and people's happiness, so why did he try to murder Emporio when he didn't have to? WTF
>Valentine says he only cares about justice and he made these big honorable speeches, but just a few chapters before the end he was trying to rape Lucy and killed his own soldiers. WTF?

Wow it's almost like characters can have contradictory aspects to their personalities so they are not completely one note without making them bad characters, who figures?


Yeah I do because it's the only fucking thing with her and it SUCKS. God I needed something after her shower scene in the anime but nobody bothered to draw jack shit. What a waste.

>Post bits from Part 6 you can't wait to see animated
ocean free unraveling out of jolyine's hand
that part where they play with the ball

I think it would be cool user

You might disagree, but I actually really like comparing U.S. Presidents to JoJo villains. Some of them fit really well. I think Trump as Valentine fits really well: overweight, staunch nationalist, reality show catchphrase, meme hair. Even Trump's notorious frugality and business tactics, the Art of the Deal, at least in name brings to mind Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. If you called Trump dirt cheap, he'd take it as a compliment.

>Obama as Pucci (even though Pucci's not black)
>George H.W. Bush as Diavolo
>George W. Bush as Doppio
This writes itself.

>Kars said he didn't care about his compatriots and just wanted to win by any means, but after he won, he immediately went after Joseph to try and get revenge for his fallen allies.
Didn't he say it was just because he wanted to eliminate Joseph as a threat?

>Not George W as Diavolo and ¡JEB! as Doppio

your idea could be cool but it's also dumb
why would valentine speak? he doesn't interrumpt shit
here's what could happen
there's that one part where D4C confuses the shit out of everyone and nobody knows for certain who shot johnny. the valentine intro could just swap the characters in it, where wekapipo usually appears, now dio is there and vice versa, where johnny usually appears, now gyro is there, etc

another possibility could be:
the final part of the regular intro is johnny/gyro shooting at valentine, but it doesn't show him getting shot, the intro ends there
in the valentine intro, he gets does shot, but he crawls between some intro text (possibly the main title) and moves to another world

At least he is not Araki cum guzzler like you.

>mc barely used an ability the author went out of his way to mention

He says as much that no Ripple user can possibly threaten him now, but he's still going after Joseph because of Wham and ACDC even though he dismissed their deaths earlier
And this happens earlier when Kars goes after the Red Stone himself, and when he says to Joseph that he wants to eliminate him as a threat, Joseph cuts the bullshit and says he wants revenge for ACDC, and Kars responds poorly.

Kars's sole humanizing trait, besides the fact that a vampire who just wants to see the sun isn't inherently that bad of a goal in and of itself, is the fact that he cared for his companions, and I feel like in some aspects the anime kind of made him a little more evil (especially in how they handled his backstory) and more emotive, which generally works better but also make scenes like pic related pack less of a punch.

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>brink of death
>soul leaves his fucking body

Why didn't Araki have Dio use his Vampire eye beam powers on Jotaro in stopped time, rather than using knives and bullets for long ranged attacks? Oh yeah, because Araki forgot (intentionally or unintentionally) to include certain features of the story that previously served important roles, so now in future arcs he can still have tension in the fights using a revised set of rules.

What I genuinely hate is the people debating shit like Jojo or DBZ as if they're consistent masterpieces. They're just fun stories with a lot of charm and style, the plots are not meant to be analyzed from every technical angle to see if there are holes with their superpower mechanics. This free pass comes at the expense of openly admitting that the series is simply dumb fun, that's all there is to it.

That being said, if we eliminate the group of people who want to talk about the plot, then all we have left is nothing but circlejerking about the art or shitposting memes, which is just as a waste of time.

In conclusion: whining about what people post on Yea Forums is a waste of time, no matter what angle you approach it from. May as well not have a stick up your ass about it.

Was Star Platinum's real unique power Star Finger all along? Is a stand's speed and strength inversely proportional to how shitty their ability is?

>Why didn't Araki have Dio use his Vampire eye beam powers on Jotaro in stopped time, rather than using knives and bullets for long ranged attacks?
1: Vampire powers wouldn't do shit against Stands. Star Platinum could have easily blocked the eye beams and the freeze and whatever the fuck else, and there's even a Drama CD of Stardust Crusaders that shows this exact thing happening
2: The eyebeams wouldn't work in frozen time either since they are just Dio shooting fluid from his eyeballs. They'd travel a bit forward and then stop dead in their tracks, and unless Dio gets close enough to Jotaro so the pressure still hits him (which he definitely wasn't doing since he was avoiding Jotaro like the plague during that fight), Dio would just have these giant sticks of corneal fluid floating in front of him.
And the real answer
3: Because DIO was freakishly powerful enough as he was to the point Jotaro had to bullshit the time stop. Adding more would have just made the fight less fun.

>people debating shit like Jojo or DBZ as if they're consistent masterpieces. This free pass comes at the expense of openly admitting that the series is simply dumb fun, that's all there is to it.
I don't think Jojo is "just" dumb fun, dude, and I don't have to accept that it is and stop thinking about it just because you and a bunch of other people tell me to. It's dumb in a lot of moments but I don't think it falls apart under criticism and I don't think it stops deserving serious evaluation just because it's weird and goofy.

>if we eliminate the group of people who want to talk about the plot, then all we have left is nothing but circlejerking about the art or shitposting memes, which is just as a waste of time.
But as I said, I WANT to talk about the plot, and the characters, and the stuff that works and that doesn't work. It just seems like nobody fucking likes doing it because instead of arguing about shit, people just type "Araki forgot" and that's it.

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he was super fast
i guess if you hide somewhere and then try to snipe most stand users, they'd get shot
star platinum would stop the bullet

Jojo is full of asspulls but OP is also a retarded speedreader, it was literally pointed out that there can be corporeal Stands, especially if they are bound to an object, and that's something that appeared in DiU (Stray Cat, Super Fly), GW (arguably Pistols, Mr. President, Rolling Stones, SCR was fully corporeal) and SO (Emporio's Stand)

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Thank you for fighting the good fight user. "Araki forgot" posters are ironic weebs that want to like something cool while also avoiding all criticism of their interests.

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「Space Jin」

Great artist, his non ballbusting work is 10/10

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Alright, I'll accept that about the eye fluid thing. But what about Giorno's reflect damage ability or aging (plants) to death ability? Those both played crucials roles in early Part 5 fights, but are never brought up again.

> Adding more would have just made the fight less fun.
That's my point, the fights are tailored to be engaging by selectively ignoring certain abilities and rules. Dio using his full set of vampire powers in his fight against Jotaro would have at least made their dynamic different, as opposed to "same type of stand" shenanigans throughout. Araki "forgot" in that he selectively chose to ignore it to add tension and drama to the sequence, and that's what he does every time he "forgets". The trade off is that the fights aren't incredibly tightly written for consistency throughout the series, but it's more fun, and I'd never recommend Jojo to anyone else except for its fun and style.

> don't think it falls apart under criticism and I don't think it stops deserving serious evaluation just because it's weird and goofy.
I'm not saying it doesn't deserve serious evaluations, just that certain evaluations are redundant. Jojo at times trades consistency for intrigue. That's why I don't really see much value in complaining against the "Araki forgot" response, it's just pointing out a gimmick Araki employs. If that storywriting decision bothers people, fine, but it's never the topic of discussion. People always ask why Araki didn't do "X or Y". then people reponse in shorthand that "Araki forgot", since that addresses the question asked. Nobody goes the step further and says "Araki ""forgetting""" devalues the story and should be critcized in itself, and to answer that question, I think Jojo is more fun and stylish rather than having an engaging story, and since Jojo's isn't a masterpiece, I think it goes without saying that Araki's "forgetting" gimmick devalues the series.

The only people that applies to are people who excuse criticisms with "araki forgot" but also think Jojo is an infallable masterpiece. Like I said in , I think the series has its flaws, and answer the question of "why didn't X or Y do this" by pointing out the series' already well recognized flaws. No point in starting an enormous discussion that will inevitably whittle down to "yeah Jojos' isn't that consistent, in the end". "Araki forgot" is a much simpler way of reaching the same conclusion.

What about the zombies in part 1 that had souls like the knights, kinda implies that shoving vampyric power into someone brings back their soul

>what about Giorno's reflect damage ability or aging (plants) to death ability? Those both played crucials roles in early Part 5 fights, but are never brought up again.
I'm not gonna make excuses for the series or try to explain every detail that's inconsistent, but see what I mean about how sometimes this stuff is just plain simple to get and people play obtuse on purpose? Everybody bitched about DIO not using eye beams during DIO's World when there's a bunch of reasons why that couldn't and shouldn't have happened.

>I'd never recommend Jojo to anyone else except for its fun and style
I get that, but that's not how I feel about the series. Fun and style are a part of it, but I also like to recommend Jojo based on it's characters, and explorations of certain genres and even themes. I think Araki's willingness to let go or drop shit that doesn't work is a strength as well as a weakness to his writing, see: Giorno's damage reflection, which would have made every fight in Part 5 worthless had that aspect of his power stuck since it's basically a beta version of that GER does.

>That's why I don't really see much value in complaining against the "Araki forgot" response, it's just pointing out a gimmick Araki employs.
>No point in starting an enormous discussion that will inevitably whittle down to "yeah Jojos' isn't that consistent, in the end". "Araki forgot" is a much simpler way of reaching the same conclusion.
I think it's a lazy way to shut down discussion and it makes people not want to bother even giving the series any thought whatsoever, and it seems to greatly affect, not just here, the way people approach and discuss Jojo, so yeah I absolutely think it's worth complaining about it. If there is going to be that many people who just don't wanna talk about Jojo at all and just want to spam memes (which is exactly what "Araki forgot" is, a meme born out of lazyness to boil down discussions of the series and it's potential faults down to a trope).


If you fucking payed attention you would know that some stands involve beeing seen by regular people.

>Why did they stress how you needed stands to beat stand user
They didn't. They stressed that only a stand could beat a stand since usually only a stand can even touch another stand (without consent anyway). Not that you needed one to hurt the user him/herself.

Because you stand much more of a chance against a stand user if you're a stand user yourself? Are you retarded?

absolutely. Too bad 90% of his stuff is exactly that, and he doesn't draw books. Another fantastic, but lazy artist who does nothing with his potential. Potential that I could use for faps.

A possible characteristic of a stand is being "bound".
Bound stands manifest through real objects that can be seen and interacted with by non-stand users. They differ from other stands by existing as the object rather than being "made" out of it but still being a spiritual being. For example, Aqua Necklace is a stand made out of water, but Geb literally IS water that is also a stand. They also retain the weaknesses of the object they inhabit, such as Geb being able to evaporate with concentrated heat or Anubis being able to break and rust.
Their biggest advantage is their usefulness in surprise attacks. Stand users and normal people alike can be caught off guard by their naturally unsuspecting appearance and the fact that anyone can see them.

Also, theoretically, they're the only type of stand that can be possibly defeated in battle by a normal human with adequate weaponry without directly killing the user.

>That's my point, the fights are tailored to be engaging by selectively ignoring certain abilities and rules. Dio using his full set of vampire powers in his fight against Jotaro would have at least made their dynamic different,
That post already explained why his vampire powers wouldn’t work, and you just completely ignored it.

Araki apologists are insufferable.
At this point Araki is a genius writer, lmao.

Araki is a good writing. your wrong to catching something that breaks stand rules

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No actually it was suppose to be Rohan who wrote in that stupid memory in Josuke's' head to make him wear a stupid hair cut to fuck with him

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This is canon to me now.

BIG if true.

Remember when Silver Chariot removed its armor


did josuke have 0 friends before DiU begins?
he's shown to be a chad, but he still hangs out with a manlet and a retard

Love him or hate him, King George is your king.

This is my new favorite headcanon.

Yeah it's weird that Josuke seems to have had no life before the beginning of the story

I'm pretty sure it was used against Forever, he just didn't yell Star Finger while using it.

He also used it against Anubis in the anime.

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fsn is better than anything araki had done, so no

Invisible Zombies and 100% oxygen

Maybe his past friends moved out of Morioh after finishing elementary school or just started to become fags towards the end of 1998.

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so obviously meant to be josuke and the villian has a time travel type power

And could create illusionary doppelgangers

>every rule isn't all encompassing so it has to be a plot hole