Have you ever dropped an anime like a rock? Why?
Have you ever dropped an anime like a rock? Why?
I dropped oreshura 3 episodes in because the white hair girl seemed like the only competent character in the show
I dropped Watamote. Because I'm a chad and couldn't self-insert at all.
Why yes, Engaged to the Unidentified.
Why? Because the protagonist have absolutely no chemistry and the dude is a literal retard, also it would put me to sleep. What a boring anime. However I do like the intro.
I know a lot of people find Mashiro to be annoying but I found her to be the best part of the show. Her and her interactions with Benio. Most people say Benio is the best character but I actually found her annoying but her interactions with Mashiro really was the only highlight.
>He hasn't read the snap city stories
All the time. I try the first ep of just about everything that comes out, with most of it getting droped after the first 5 min or so.
Dumbbell is a good anime, enjoyable
Relatable, but I still watched it
Based and Chadpilled
WTF bros, every show mentioned so far was great. Perhaps you guys don't know what truly bad anime looks like.
post the deadlift snap city webms
I mean, its a deadlift, what face are you supposed to make?
Zankyou no Terror.
The opening scene where they steal fucking uranium and the guards decide not to shoot for absolutely no reason. "Don't Shoot!" Why!? What's the point!? Why!?
Shit your pants or break your back
My fucking eyes.
Dropped magnificent kotobuki immediately after hearing the abysmal dogfight audio
5 seconds into Ensemble Stars, what is this gay shit?
what's wrong?
americans literally do this every day
I used to hate deadlifts, but when I started doing them they became my best lift for some reason, then I liked them. Fuck OHP though.
She is right though? The show will teach the deadlift later on.
Your favorite anime. Because it was trash and your waifu is annoying.
alternatives to this?
I know:
1) put it in boiling water and let it soften, everything will fit eventually
2) some weird mongolian twisting technique I don't remember
>triggered italians
Anything I end up sleeping through
Why did you drop that then?
>Why did you drop that then?
broscience made me lose all respect for it
Nah, I'm not a pathetic quitter, gotta power through to get those gains
She's making a thinly-veiled reference to the fact that lifting makes her so horny that her mouth latches onto the nearest dick afterward, user.
God, this is why you're still a virgin.
I'm more angered that they pretend that shit tastes good. Protein shakes taste awful and power powers are even worse. I've tried everyones "secret formula" and regardless of results it all tastes bad.
it's just you user
I'm sorry lad, I don''t know how to tell you this
You would love the taste of hay thats been pre chewed and regurgitated by a cow then mixed with some off brand old chocolate powder.
Also you would like splenda
if you pour enough sugar in it, it might suit your 12 year old/american palate
I also dropped Ensemble Stars, but I made it about 7 minutes. I was expecting a fun, cute boys anime like Cute High Earth Defense Club Love, but I got some boring shit. Maybe I can try to finish the 1st episode, but if a show about idol boys seems like shit when I'm 7 shots deep, then it's probably shit.
Another user answered this on the other topic. It's hotly debated, and there papers that speak out against it, but it's real science, and was in the past the commonly accepted position.
>Athletes who ingest 1.5 g CHO/kg body wt. within 30 minutes after exercise have been shown to experience a greater rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis than when supplementation is delayed by two hours,
I know what you mean, usually when a new season starts I watch some of every new anime while drunk and see what survives my deletions
Can someone tell me if its normal to do about ten squats and have your heart go crazy? I can barely breathe with how hard its booming, in a cold sweat and I feel sick. I'm not insanely our of shape, 160lbs. Please advise.
Why would you ask Yea Forums? Go see a doctor. From your description it doesn't sound normal.
Ah I remember you
I could suffer through that piece of shit MC and annoying redheaded dyke but this was too much for me. Nyarko deserves better.
She's right but even a beginner can star with low weight until they absolutely get the perfect form, otherwise deadlift is the easiest ticket to snap city in my opinion
Just find a decent tasting protein powder and mix it with milk. It's like drinking chocolate milk.
Is the MC of this show actually visibly fatter than the other girls, or is it anime fatness where there's essentially no difference?
>"oh hey, you're a complete newbie so I wouldn't recommend doing this exercise that will fuck you up if you do it wrong."
>somehow this triggers some people
They show you a before and after, but it's subtle. If you're a smallfat in denial, you probably won't notice.
Smallfat? Anyways, good, I was kinda worried it'd be implied fatness or some bullshit.
Leviathan. I was told it was dragon girls playing with D+D tropes.
I gave it 3 episodes to see if they were just doing introductions, but then shrugged and chucked it.
I might have also lost all my will to watch Knights of Sidonia when I found out how the manga went.
i haven't dropped anything not because I want some moral highground but because I'd rather complete the story a show is trying to tell then judge it. basically I'd rather give a chance to justify the shit parts or not.
t. exclusively drinks "chocolate banana fairydust lemon icecream yellow dream" flavored protein
The reason it tastes like shit is because the flavors are fucking retarded and only taste good to genetic dead ends aka mutts.
I don't normally drop shit immediately. Over time, I just put off watching the series, and eventually I'll fall like 4 or 5 episodes behind. Then I'll just say "fuck it, I don't think I'll ever be bothered to catch up" and just drop it.
The rare exception I can think of was Pupa. God damn, that was pure shit.
that's truth though
>americans do it
There's your answer.
i've only ever had this happen to me once and it was when I made the retard decision of railing some coke before working out so i'm willing to bet it might be blood pressure related
Didn't even last the 3 episode rule.
>YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World
Its been awhile since a series got me to drop it with one episode. The whole thing just seems like a joke but trying to be serious.
>Not realizing you need to probably get 20 episodes into a shounen to really judge if its good or not.
I finished it, but my empathy made me have to pause multiple times an episode to physically cringe. Same thing happened with NHK. Both good series, but fucking god damn.
I tend to drop isekais after the first 2 or 3 episodes when they're done with world building and introducing the main girls.
>i-i-it gets good after 80 episodes i swear
I swear to god the only people getting so defensive over deadlifts are the tards that fell for the rippletits t-rex training program.
More like
Black clover chads are currently on the rise with the anime getting more and more attention now that we're finally getting into the hype arc.
That might explain why I keep seeing capefags trying to trashtalk it to an even larger degree than usual.
Stay mad cuckboys, 9 quirks having motherfuckers, all might's cock sucking niggers.
Fuck all y'all.
It's literally zoomer Naruto. Makes me question why Yea Forums is still a board when Black Clover threads are allowed to exist and not banned. Also why there is a Naruto thread up right the fuck now without being deleted.
Why are barbell rows a thing when you could just do more deadlifts instead?
Because the mods care more about ad revenue than the quality of the board.
I guess you missed the time when based mootykins personally turned the board into a shitfest for days and officially allowed Naruto after that.
Your picrel when I saw them doing halfsquatsGAAAY and exhaling on the way up. Fuck this shit
fuck this gay shit.
Taller pot is the obvious answer. Takes longer since you have to boil way more water.
You need to work up to it, do as many as your body can handle without going crazy, then take a rest and try again later until you've acclimated.
>Dumbbell nan kilo moteru
I was ecstatic when I first saw it in the catalog thinking it was finally something for lifting enthusiasts. Turned out to be broscience the anime. Believe or not but it really disappointed me
>m-muh board culture we can only hate Naruto and Naruto only
Fuck these try hard to fit in faggot mods. Reminder they literally range banned a lot of people just because they posted in naruto threads back in Naruto The Last time.
She is visibly fatter when naked but otherwise no
But she is only slightly overweight to begin with
I knew two guys who had similar problems with heavy lifts, one was diabetic and the other had asthma. You should probably go and talk to a doctor about it. Or start with some lighter excercises like running, swimming, pullups, pushups, whatever and try to slowly get your body used to the exertion
Death Note shortly after L died
spoiler that shit faggot
You should probably consider revisiting it. I almost dropped Gantz when Kei died and I'm glad I didn't because I almost missed the best parts of the manga.
It's 13 years old you fucking faggot.
Pic related correct. That is where you get your milk?
>anime about working out
>all the girls look like generic thin-fat anime girls
Good job japan
OP thinks deadlift is good for newbies.
this is the kind of guy that takes everyone to snap city on day one kek
Seriously, fuck Rippletits and his retarded routine. I wasted almost a year with that and my torso was the same as some skinny fat dude. Other people I know didn't get memed and got faster gains than me
i also dropped this as soon as he became a loli fullfilling every fat incels dream
>He likes to have back problems that he has to take Aspirin per day for.
gotta read the manga, it's actually good, i couldn't stand even one episode of the anime
I'm not as young and invincible as I used to be so I honestly avoid exercises like deadlifts.
Honestly, anything involving the spine, I'm wary off.
We're not even the animals with the most strongest spine.
>Pic related
Different shrew spines with the strongest spine on the bottom.
I think the only genuine "yeah that's bullshit" moment in the manga is the chapter about EMS devices.
Hello /fit/, when you autistically sperg at newcomers to do everything "perfectly" you scare them away.
how do I obtain this spinal power?
So you're just picky.
>not doing the whole program
>whining about not getting desired results
SS is a god tier routine for newbs.
I expect this to be the only sensible post in the whole thread.
The shrew spines are so strong because they evolved to lift around heavy wood or stones in order to find food.
Us humans used spears and arrows instead so we kinda fucked up our potential.
If our distant ancestors lifted around big rocks and trees for food, our spines would be so god tier right now.
Because you lift rows with your arms and deads with your back.
>no deadlifting
>barely scratching squats
>simplifying bench press
>advocating dangerous breathing patterns
I mean, yeah, the show is probably going to motivate a lot of people to work out and other than the things I mentioned it's pretty solid but fuck me, I wanted it to be cute girls doing powerlifting/olympic things. It's especially depressing since there is only one other manga that touches on the subject of weightlifting that I'm aware of and there are neither raw scans nor translations available
shes right, i dont even want to know how many people will fuck their lower back because they do SS without a good trainer (=95%)
t. trained with german sports university students/trainers
>Meanwhile incels are complaining Tomoko is too chad in the manga
Other people at the gym are usually immensely helpful, and DLs are not some sort of black magic that can only be safely practiced under the guidance of third circle sages. It's a pretty basic movement that's fairly difficult to fuck up if you keep the cues in mind. And how many total newcomers will be able to lift as much weight as to fuck their backs with improper technique? One in a hundred?
OP has shit taste
Darling in the franxx, twice.
they are doing diddlys later in the manga
>advocating dangerous breathing patterns
Are you talking about the breathe in when letting breathe out when pushing pattern? What's dangerous or wrong about that? I always breathe like that when working out.
It's not that bad when you're bench pressing but it essentially deprives you of some strength since when you're exhaling you lose both muscle tension and internal pressure, but when you're squatting you're basically taking away your back's support.
It's not like I am an expert on this subject, far from that actually, but since you can't hold your breath forever and have to breathe sometimes it's better to do so in some organized manner. This suggested pattern is better than breathing randomly and it definitelly helps when you do stuff like benchpress and other exercises where your body is kinda stabilized. Which was exactly the context wherein the suggestion was made, if I remember correctly.
Domestic Kanojo literally one second into the first episode
That's not true. It was promoted among newbs that's why you see so many people defending it, just like American dads circumcision their sons because they were also circumcised
God damn, if my spine looked like that, I would be a Baki manga character.
Nobody advocates breathing randomly, though. You're supposed to breathe at the top of the lift
Give me a better routine, then, don't be shy,
Reincarnated as a Slime, when he stopped being a slime and started being literally anything he wanted with any power he came into contact with. So like episode 2.
>He's not a worm chad
takagi-san in the first few minutes
i didn't miss anything did i
The Rick and Morty of anime.
I love deadlifting but I would agree with her. You should work your way into diddlies. It's crucial to get the form right if you want to prevent injuries before you go heavy on it.
Why wait when you can break it in half and get started immediately?
Jesus fuck that form what the hell
>put it in boiling water and let it soften
Seems like a surefire way to to get inconsistently cooked pasta
No, never.
It literally takes a few seconds to chug it down. Are you really such a child that you can't drink something that doesn't taste that good even though it's good for you?
I'm usually pretty good about finishing whatever I watch even if I'm not very into it, but the only four shows I've ever dropped hard by three episodes are Angel Beats, Classroom Crisis, Hyouka, and Hinako Note.
AB was just outright not good or fun to watch, the other three were just snoozes.
>pretend that shit tastes good
The hell are you talking about? It does.
You should try getting past episode 2 of CC, it's just a horribly bad episode but not representative of the show.
Have you ever even made pasta and beans "Italian"?
Yeah, that's probably the most boring show on earth. I also dropped that anime about mary sue magician who was supposed to be bad at magic but it turned out the tests couldn't measure his strength properly or some shit.
There is also anohana which I didn't drop and regret watching to this very day.
Gankutsuou. I started this anime 3 times in 10 years and every single time I stopped at first 5 minutes of episode 19.
>Dropping Kyoani's creme de la creme when it's 22 episodes long
You're gonna regret this.
Every single word in that picture is true though.
Don't lie, it's a slog through and through.
good god this, i wish i dropped it
I usually only drop shows due to boredom, as in the show has been being boring for some episodes or didn't like for a while then gradually stop watching it.
The only show I remember ever dropping in the spot was Qwaser, when they turned the badass shota main character into otokonoko
I'm a huge kyoanifag, but it just can't keep me awake.
It's like saying you should never cros the road because otherwise you risk getting run over by a car. Technically true but almost never happens
gj-bu, gabriel dropout, non non shitori, maid dragon.basically all moeshit derivative pathetic garbage. well i gave them a chance to be fair. oh well *sigh*
Dropped the new LotGH when I saw they had ruined all the cutest men in anime
I dropped it at episode 3
So you hold your breath the whole time and breath once you finish the whole cycle? Wouldn't that force you to do a small break between every repetition and kill the momentum?
Ai (pink) was the best, though. Wonder whatever happened to the novel series?
That's not really a good analogy, because it takes practice to do deadlifts properly but walking across the road is effortless. I too would recommend a newbie avoid deadlifts until they actually understand how to lift heavy things.
Gamers, when I realized it was MISUNDERSTANDINGS The Anime.
Angel Beats as soon as Hanazawa pierced my eardrums
>do a rep
>exhale, take a breath
>do a rep
>take a breath
>deadlift, put the weight down
>exhale, take a breath
>take a breath
>do a rep
>exhale a little, take a breath
>do a rep
If you have any kind momentum during squats you're either lifting very little weight or not doing the whole range of motion.
...Why would you watch pupa in the first place?I know the anime is ogshit,but at least the manga was passable.
the duality of man
This is was when it was airing. Obviously from the description and premise alone, you go in with the expectation that it'll be shit, but sometimes shit series can be fun.
But that was next-level. The kind of shit you actually find insulting just to watch, due to how insanely bad it was.
Eh? I have no problems with the taste of my basic vanilla flavored whey. If anything the consistency is worse than the taste.
It becomes gross only if you add too much powder. I go with about 2/3 to 3/4 of what's written on the label, and 0.1% fat milk.
I can't imagine not only having taste this bad, but also managing to trick myself into watching things I knew I'd hate.
Any other routine that doesn't have just 3 exercises a day where 2 of them are leg exercises
Jorts and sandals, bro.
>dropping Qwaser
holy shit, what's wrong with you
Nah it just takes a few seconds until it's soft enough to twist it. If you have an average sized pot this is the way to go.
White won obviously.
Fucking this. Why can't I ever find non flavored protein powder?
I wanted a magic school, but got overexplanation, almost no magic and a Gary Stu MC.
The first arc was retarded and very static, so I didn't continue.
I got nostalgic and decided to watch Pokémon, only I picked the newest one at the time just to see what it was like: “Y + Z or something like that.”
Nope. Fuckin’ garbage.
Mahouka has one of the best magic systems I've ever seen. It's way more intricate than fucking
>latin incantation
>magic circle appears
>elemental magic shoots out
Mahouka is my favourite trashy magic school series. Despite how "bad" it is in a lot of way (Gary Stu MC is an understatement), it's just a lot of fun.
They set up a surprisingly interesting world and magic system, though.
Well,I only watched it as a kind of "supplement" to the manga,so your experiences aren't the same as mine.At worst,I found it to be incredibly rushed.
I imagine it was different for the blu-ray release, but it was censored for the TV one. So you take an insanely edgy and pointlessly grotesque series (not my cup of tea), and then you censor the reason that anybody would want to watch it in the first place.
A completely flawed series, and I didn't bother continuing past episode 1.
Dam Son
I still have to finish that show.
No spoilers please but what's so bad it makes you drop it every time?
Aren't we just watching it for the weird art style?
>what is vanilla flavoured protein powder?
idiots, the all of you
So you don't have any other. Good to know. that's not what SS workout routine looks like
Cope t-rex
Have fun spending 8 months lifting bitch weights on your brosplit, skinnyboi
Hang in there, skinny fat
I would if I was still on starting shit
Now you're just spouting lies. I put on 80 kg on my squat in half a year doing SS
Chad here too. I self insert as little girls.
Sora Umi, after the first episode. How could they fuck up a cute girls do space things anime so badly?
Guy gives off Homura vibes.
He's a genderswap?
Good job on squatting half your body weight!
I unironically love this show so much, I've been lifting for about 2 years now and to get an anime that is all about fitness is amazing.
>160 squat at 90 kg bw as a newb
Hi there, Eddie, I never would have thought you of all people would advocate brosplits
No. He's just overpowered as fuck, with no character flaws, except for the fake one they throw in, which isn't actually a character flaw.
I'm not going to spoil it, but you'll be surprised how far they can take the whole Gary Stu thing.
You know what's worse than Angel Beats? Charlotte.
Oh wew lad omg no
>thinking this is funny
I dropped NGE like 10 years ago after 1 EP because i thought Shinji was a big bitch. Watched it this week on Normieflix and realized during the show that i was way too hard on the poor kid then the last part came+EoE and now I hate him again. Thanks Anno
Also i dropped Death Note when Light gave away his Death Note and became regular "help what's going on?" Light. But i have been spoiled by now to the point that rewatching it would be pointless.
Panty and Stocking -- it started out a steaming pile of shit, and became a complete trainwreck by the end of the first episode.
>completely missing the joke
And newbies gain newbie gains very fast, no matter what routine they do. SS is literally snake oil
That's not true at all.
t. has done brosplits
White went full sociopath the only reason why I didnt drop it
There's nothing sensible about dropping a great show. He's probably gay
Texhnolyze. After watching some punk bleeding out for most of an episode, I invoked the Eight Deadly Words.
I use strawberry flavour with cottage cheese. Tastes exactly like a dessert i used to get as a kid. Tastes fucking great and you get a shitload of brotiens because cottage cheese has a lot too.
Pic related is the dessert i used to have. Dunno if they have it where you live or what it's called there if you do.
Why all the Europoor seethe in this thread
See a Doctor like other Anons said.
If nothings wrong, then do one squat a day. Then two. Then three, etc. I did the same with push-ups. Could barely do one when i started. Now i do 50 every morning.
Dropped Isekai Cheat Magician last night because it was the most generic shit I've ever seen, even for an isekai. It's like it just rolled off an assembly line.
see a doctor
The most recent Ikuhara show. Even managed to forget the title.
I think the reason is inherently clear.
>dropping a show over a fucking (granted, official) subgroup having a shitty TL and apparently no QC
OniAi is my favorite example of episode 1 drops. I have a tolerance for garbage anime but holy fucking shit.
Other examples include the likes of Nyaruko-chan and Medaka Box. I just gave up, read a few doujins and was done with it.
Dropped this because of the title drop. Does it get any better afterwards?
Don't assume America is responsible for your failings, or that your corner is anything like the rest of the country
I'm a girl
That's is my fear: 10 minutes examining dietary information.
It will not be tolerated.
People are NOT going to want to watch diet tips. This WILL PISS. PEOPLE. OFF. All it will take is a single little "tip," JUST ONE bit of advice about what might be "better" than what the viewer knows they're doing and a LOT of people are going to end watching the show right there.
They won't tolerate it. Just ONE tip or advice or information about the food the viewer eats that they don't agree with and they will BLAST into threads to point out how absolutely everything Danberu has ever said forever and ever is wrong, retarded and no one can possibly watch it ever again.
>"You're not eating well, Hibiki, and here's why"
That's all it will take. Nothing will matter anymore. Every viewer will apply JUST ONE fact they didn't want to hear to themselves and their diet and never be civil again. People CANNOT handle diet criticism, not matter what. They just can't take it.
And then there will be 9 more episodes (more than 2 months) more of that screaming. A slice-of-life comedy fitness anime with a weightlifting instruction theme will not recover from dietary-advice rage.
That is my fear.
>stop eating fried food when you want to eat fewer calories
>try steaming your food instead
>add color to your diet; vegetables, fruit, meat
>don't binge eat one or two meals a day
>maybe try small, frequent meals spread throughout the day
>cheat days are okay after a while
>do you know what insulin is? It's this, basically
One piece of "food-for-thought" they don't like and it's over. It'll blind them, turn them deaf to anything else said after they hear it.
I know it's going to happen. I know it.
Musashi shred and burn vanilla is P.gud.
Just make sure you mix it with full cream milk.
>mfw I hurt my back even though I kept a straight lumbar spine but I just hadnt deadlifted in a while
take it easy anons
it's just starting to go away but just doing lying twist stretches gives me some pain
I agree with you and it sucks. You can already see it, of course. People saying they've dropped it because they did a half-squat instead of preached about a full squat. They dropped it because they exhaled their breath on the way up, "fuck this shit."
I wouldn't be surprised if some fat-acceptance group writes some letter to Kadogawa demanding an apology for airing dietary advice in one of their shows and starts some public protest, honestly.
Ao no Excorcist, Kampfer, Black Clover, Infinite Stratos, A Certain Magical Index.
All of these were because I didn't like the main character.
>Generic shounen protagonists
>Moronic harem protagonists
The worst type of characters IMO.
user, it's 2 episodes in. It's a show for complete beginners, people who literally haven't even heard of an exercise called a "deadlift" or a "plank." And it's not marketed to professional powerlifters, it's marketed to hundreds of millions of teen boys. So they'll have teen girls in lewd outfits doing simple lifts, especially in episode 1 & 2 in order to generate interest in the idea of weightlifting in a gym.
I'm sorry it's not advanced-level, how-to-become-Olympic-level-perfection and increase your C&J by 5kg through 2 degrees angle difference in your foot placement...it's simply going to be an animu of cute girls having fun together at a gym and learning the difference between a dumbbell curl and a hammer curl while they hope they get sexier to find a boyfriend and a super-macho gymbro helps them out in his tiny speedo.
Italians really are worthless niggers of europe, back them when it aired I remember one almost dying because some japanese children show character did something wrong with their precious pasta.
Unbelievable human behavior
>lifting very little weight
Wasn't that what Hibiki was told to do this episode? Endurance training, not hypertrophy? She's doing, like, 30 reps of 50% her max. I don't think this anime is about setting PRs every day you hit the gym, user.
I'm half italian and i agree. I have my own recipes for pasta/lasagna and once cooked for my full italian family members. They all started whining that what i used wasn't the proper recipe and RRREEEEE. And then they ended up loving it anyway.
A nation of spaghetti eaters cannot restore Roman civilization!
JoJo in the middle of the second part
it was just so boring
>mixing sugar with protein
That's all sorts of retarded as sugar triggers insulin spike leading to fat storage along with full stop of muscle growth, its even worse with whey because it already causes huge insulin spike.
Yes, directly from the source of Japanese cows.
You're gonna make it, keep your form good.
It's still ongoing but the last volume was 2 years ago. Probably another case of an author writing himself into a corner and losing interest in his half-dead series.
Deadlifts primarily work the erector spinae and hamstrings, BB rows work the biceps and rhomboids. They are different exercises for different muscles, although you probably thought they were substitutible because they both work "the back"
that said, dumbbell rows are superior IMO
I've been deadlifting for 10 years, and I never have back pain. All the back pain I've had before deadlifts came into my life were from sleeping on shitty mattresses. It's true you can injure yourself doing deadlifts. You can also injure yourself driving a car, or preparing a vegetable in the kitchen. However with proper form, it just isn't dangerous as untrained people commonly purport. I prefer to learn rather than live in ignorance, you should too
>when you autistically sperg at newcomers to do everything "perfectly" you scare them away.
I don't care if you're scared, pussy
>If our distant ancestors lifted around big rocks and trees for food, our spines would be so god tier right now.
Yeah, and we would also be gorillas throwing our own feces at each other. mental strength > physical strength. True patricians cultivate both.
>DLs are not some sort of black magic that can only be safely practiced under the guidance of third circle sages
It's a shame DLs have a bad rap, they don't deserve it. It's a simple, satisfying, and immensely beneficial exercise that some people treat like the plague
if you're training unsafely enough to injure yourself doing deadlifts, you will also injure yourself doing squats/bench/OHP or whatever else you do. safety is required when working with weights, that's not unique to deadlift
>Nobody advocates breathing randomly, though
the best advice I've ever seen was to breathe regardless of where you are in the lift. breathe naturally and consistently, don't hold your breath at all
Is this a proper form?
>But i have been spoiled by now to the point that rewatching it would be pointless
I don't get how spoiling can make someone not want to watch something at all. Even if you knew the cliff notes of the story, there are still so many things to enjoy in a show. Hell, you can even still enjoy the story knowing what will happen, sometimes moreso than being unspoiled.
please go back to snap city from whence you came
shit I din't even lift anything and that hurt my back
so THIS is what people are looking at when they say deadlifts are dangerous
They are wrong, stupidity is dangerous, not deadlifts
>I never hurt myself, so it's fine!
>So, go ahead and drive a car without training. You'll be fine.
>So, go ahead and prepare meals around the sharp objects and heat of surfaces in the kitchen without any warnings, including on cookers and hand-held blending tools you've never seen before. You'll be fine.
>I prefer to learn by myself, without any help, injuring myself and potentially causing lifelong injury, or maybe it's only a few months? rather than be patient and ask for assistance from a teacher or trainer who's experienced and happy to give me support.
You aren't strong enough to take my potion, traveler.
forget tips, try common sense
>if you eat too much you won't lose weight no matter how hard you exercise because you're more likely to burn out before burning all those calories
this actually happened between me and my sister
people just get very defensive about their food intake in general
Just keep your back straight
You're telling me it's okay to recommend complete beginners to do...anything, huh?
Does that apply to children, or just adults? What's the difference between children and adults, if that's the case? Wisdom? Experience? Neural pathways?
Does that apply to the elderly with dementia? Retarded people? Are they going to learn? Are they just going to do it right the first time and never have a problem?
Are you going to eat at a restaurant with a chef who's never cooked a meal, but, I mean it's fine, right? They can prepare vegetables in the kitchen, YOU aren't at any risk despite have paid for their services or sought out a restaurant to fulfill your dietary desires, right?
It's a deadlift, they don't need to be told to be patient and have someone give them instructions, right?
It's throwing a football, they don't need a coach to give them instruction, they'll learn on their own, right?
They're playing chess for the first time. They've heard of chess, they'll know what the rules are, right?
They've gotten haircuts their whole life! They could become a barber and no one would be unhappy if they screwed up their hairline with buzz-clippers...right?
The seasonal anime with a literature club talking about sex. Holy mother of cringe. Less than 3 minutes in.
One of these days his vertebrae are going to shoot out like those clay target disks.
>none of them are actually bulking
Do nips even know what these words mean?
I've been trying to incorporate deadlifts and barbell rows in my routine for a while now, but frankly I'm terrified of serious, back-intensive exercises. Even though I'm pretty confident in my squat form, a single poorly done set due to distraction will have me aching for the rest of the week. I dread trying to learn proper deadlifting form just through Internet videos, vague image diagrams, written advice and trial-and-error alone.
On the other hand, all the trainers at my gym just seem to have others do simple machine exercises for the most part. I don't want to part with my $$$ every week for 5-7 minutes of glorified spotting, but I don't have any particularly fit friends who could help me out instead.
Is there a happy medium for your two views?
are we going to get a episode about the 8 hour arm workout?
explains why mothers basement likes it so much. how does that cuck deal with the fact his girlfriend is most likely getting blacked by nigger cock every night?
It's true. This will be next episode, it will be the first half. They'll eat on the school rooftop, they'll notice Hibiki hase about 7000 Calories in her bento box filled with fried food and they'll tell her
>You know, you probably shouldn't eat all that
They'll explain why, of course, but that won't matter to the audience watching the show.
The audience will hear
>that's not the best food for your goal
but think they heard
>you're fat for enjoying KFC, loser
and instantly pause the video and scream.
My oncle once made pasta for me (by hand). Long noodles. So I go Itadakimasu and start to chop up the noodles so I can eat them easier. Should have seen the look on his face. Totally worth it.
Why are people completely fine with advice and criticism about excercise form, daily routines etc, but food in particular is such a touchy subject?
How is the implication
>"Your form's wrong, you ignorant retard."
different from
>"You're not eating correctly, fatass"
You are what you eat. That's why.
>So, go ahead and drive a car without training. You'll be fine.
Nobody is advocating doing deadlifts without training. Deadlifts are not significantly more dangerous to do than other lifts with training. Driving a truck versus a sedan might be more or less dangerous, but not significantly enough to warrant being deathly afraid of it, and thinking that all instances of use result SNAP CITY
>You're telling me it's okay to recommend complete beginners to do...anything, huh?
No, I'm telling you that recommending a beginner lifter to learn how to do deadlifts, with a PT, and focusing on proper form, and low weight, is absolutely a good thing
This. He doesn't know 'bout some good old pasta e fasul or minestrina.
The things I would do to that fat butt.
>but I don't have any particularly fit friends who could help me out instead.
look up videos on form, search the exercise on exrx.net for written explanations, and read the sticky over on /fit/ if you'd like. start slow, and low weight, until you gain confidence and want to go up in weight. you won't learn unless you try, but of course learn with caution. any lift is dangerous to do without proper form, and deadlift is not any different from other lifts in that regard.
This. Based.
I'm the latter user you referenced, and the point of my post was simply to dissuade someone from attempting a lift without any instruction at all. To give you advice about back-intensive exercises, due to the idea you dislike paying for 1:1 physical training though also not confident about researched form and instruction, I'll suggest this:
Lift lightweight.
You do not have to be setting PRs every time you hit the gym. You don't need to be loading up the bar with as much weight as you can comprehend, take a huge breath, and explode your body with pressure trying to move it. You don't have to do that.
Lift lightweight.
This is especially true when LEARNING or BEGINNING a lift you are inexperienced with! It's okay!! If you're worried about your deadlift form, then only put the smallest plate weight on the bar and spend the next 20 minutes practicing allllllllllll that research you did about form. If you're feeling tired or weak or aching about something, stop. Chances are, if you're doing this at a gym, there will be a guy who wants to impress you with his own "experience" (whatever that may be) and ask you if you want help. But maybe not. The point is:
Lift lightweight.
With practice will come confidence. Eventually, you'll feel like you can start pushing yourself towards strength goals and begin loading the bar. It's the same with any lift. Hell, it's the same with any activity EVER! Practice brings confidence! Are you not confident? Practice! Can't beat the game on "Very Hard?" Practice on "Easy!"
Lifting lightweight is practice. I suggest you practice.Do it a thousand times. Then a thousand times more. It will take time, it's not overnight. Practice with light weights.
shield hero. I cringed the entire first chapter because of how hard the author tried to make the MC a victim for self-inserters
They love eating. They do it every day. They choose what to eat, they aren't fed by someone else. Wo hear someone else tell them, "your choice isn't the best option available to you" is in this day and age, apparently so outright offensive and insulting that your are downright scum and a criminal for even saying it, even though they know you're right. Especially because they know you're right.
Ignorance is bliss. If you remove their ignorance and tell them health facts, suddenly you've removed their bliss. And now they're mad.
Same, but within 3 manga chapters. I read the Shogi one though.
I guess episode 2 is just too early, then. Let's see if they, with training, approach it later, how about?
For some people eating is the only enjoyable thing in their lives, telling them to stop eating is equal to telling them to stop enjoying themselves.
Acquire reading comprehension you retard
I actually lift. Does the trainer dude ever mention that he takes steroids? Most of that gym is obviously roiding.
Who cares?
Immersion ruined
It's more dangerous than other exercises because of the form, and because of the weight a person can end up lifting.
Ouch. I dont think youre suppose to life with your back, he should have probably brought his legs closer to the ground
t never worked out in my life
>when I started doing them they became my best lift for some reason
the back is strongh and you also use your legs a little (more or less depending on your form)
imagine deltoids the size of your hamstrings
Me but with NHK. Self-insert chads rise up.
its her first day in the gym, she does it later with proper help, right now she is not prepared and so is the target audience
so you had never invited a friend to the gym or seen someone in his first day at the gym i guess?
i advice you to not be a teacher in anyway, for any type of thing
Hahaha, oof!
What the other anons said, also there is the subject of recovery. Deadlifts use more muscle groups albeit through a smaller range of motion, its one of the hardest excercises to recover from.
that hurts, i fucking felt my back snap
Hey OP...
Post body.
By the way, that's excellent advice. You really should get yourself and your body used to lifting for a bit before you start incorporating deadlifts. Especially since noobs love to ego-lift, and there's no better ticket to snap-city than ego-deadlifts.
They missed out this episode to not have Ayaka in her pajamas at home. And they didn't have the 1st page so they missed more cult movie joke references.
Lucky Star, because it was so boring. I thought it was a cute slice of life at first, but then it reached an episode where the girls did literally, and I do mean literally, nothing the whole episode except sit on the floor talking about the best way to cook a certain food. An entire episode. It made me question "Why the hell am I watching this?"
Is this the Danberu thread?
I don't know anything about lifting but isn't picking heavy things off the ground one of the most common things you would do in real life? I'm completely dyel but when I worked in a warehouse for a while that and lifting things up onto shelves was all I did. that and pushing pallets of shit around.
I almost never drop anime once I start watching it, but from the recent ones:
>Mahoutsukai no Yome
I don't know what I expected and everyone were saying how good this is. But all I saw in the two episodes was some dumb tumblr romance fanfic for vanilla girls.
>Black Clover
Been a while since I watched a long-running shounen, so I thought why not.
>Ousama Game The Animation
One episode was enough for me to see how awful this... this... this shit is.
But at least OP/ED songs were good.
Honorable mention goes to Hyouka.
I watched it till the end but I was on the verge of dropping it after each consecutive episode.
It was the most boring anime I've EVER watched.
I honestly can't comprehend why it has such high ratings, out of 22 episodes there were like two or three good ones.
keep curvin wormchad
Is their exercices available for men or it's just for women and fags ?
If youre not lifting weights youre doing a womans workout
But lifting weights is for fags
So real men bask in obesity
Overlord's mid first season. Bored.
>So real men bask in obesity
Fuck you. Obesity is a shit. I went from 154kg to 110kg. I still have a long way to go but i look and feel miles better. Go to the gym and eat right. It's not even hard. I hate myself for ever living like a humanoid pig. It's especially hilarious when you count calories and realize that you can basically eat whatever the fuck you want as long as you consume less calories than you burn in a day. I went to the movies last week and had a big popcorn and coke and still lost 1kg that week. Stop being lazy and eat shit.
>Every viewer will
No. Just the amerifats. This is all it takes to make americans seethe
Nips don't care about fat mutts opinion
How much weight did you lose in burger metrics?
Well, I did mean English-speaking countries, yes. The United States of America citizens, the nations of England, the Canadians with thin atmosphere and thin skin. If they get exposed to the idea that other people are allowed to judge them negatively for living a lifestyle and making dietary decisions that do not improve their own level of health or their communities' perceptions of standard-of-living...
I'm happy to know Japan won't be bothered by an extreme minority group's protest. But holy shit will the majority western viewer of funimation subs be a pissant when it hears they've been making a mistake to skip breakfast every day only to follow it up with a carbohydrate-loaded lunch numbering in the thousands upon thousands upon thousands of Calories.
They'll hear Akemi note this fried food is bad and interpret it as, "this entire food, no matter how it's prepared, is bad."
They'll hear that skipping breakfast only to binge eat later in the day is bad and interpret it as, "fasting doesn't work, no human should ever fast."
They'll hear that eating steamed food or boiled food is better for you in both calories and nutrients and interpret it as, "you should eat food with bad flavor and tastes awful and never ever eat tasty things ever again, you're a bad human for ever enjoying a meal."
They'll hear, "eat less to lose more" and be mad. Alllll these threads are proof enough. And Episode 3 has a good portion dedicated to focusing on that little fact. And boy oh boy, are people going to feel "triggered."
A lot of these seasons are usually 13ish episode so it takes a lot for me to not at least finish a season before I drop the anime. Only shows I've ever dropped midseason have been Denpa Kyoushi, Fukumenkei Noise, Noucome, Radiant, Seiren, and Shingeki no Kyojin.
And they're all garbage can shows so whatever
Fairy Gone. It's more "quirky youth becomes magical warrior" bullshit. Pretty sure Fire Force is also retarded for the same reason.
Dropped Dr. Rick and Morty when I saw E equals MC squared on Senku's shirt.
That's reasonable. I've not yet dropped it, but that definitely stuck in my craw.
You can still get a pretty strong back without weightlifting
Some swimmer's backs especially in the trunk area of their body naturally become strong and muscular without any lifting at all.
Yes, trunk also includes your back and not the front technically.
I never did it myself but some people even lift weights in the swimming pool. Does that even work?
154kg = 339.512 pounds
110 kg = 242.508 pounds
That poster you were replying too lost an impressive 97.004 pounds.
>welcome to /fit/, you’re here forever
I never considered the /pol/ curse to apply to the average human’s diet but holy lmao
Machio is a literal natty god
For a show about science I am SO MAD they think it's acceptable to draw e=mc2. Dropped instantly. Nothing they have ever said is right, anywhere. The entire studio and any project they've ever done prior to Dr. Stone is also wrong. Anyone who has ever watching anything by them ever is also a bad human and I demand they apologize to me personally for wasting my precious time I charitably gave before being lambasted by e=mc2 I am so angry.
Off the top of my head:
K-On! - 2 episodes in. The humor sucked, the animation sucked and the characters sucked. It had no redeemable qualities.
Madoka - 0 episodes in. The fanbase is so edgy and insufferable that I get a profound sense of disgust even thinking about it.
I think you're a huge faggot if you even contemplate self-inserting in a CGDCT show with an all-female cast comprised mostly of children.
I cant begin to imagine having such shit taste
too many asspulls.
Because they didn't want to accidentally hit the uranium and risk radioactive contamination? I mean it might not have actually been that big of a risk in the end but people tend to freak out around radiation.
>why yes, I do enjoy camping, how did you know?
i like the chocolate flavour. Tastes good to me.
My hardest drop was probably Akame ga Kill when the scissors girl died right after having her whole sad backstory infodumped. It was so painfully generic and predictable that it made me realize how dumb the series essentially was.
It was interesting because at the time it was presented as some deconstruction of a hero‘s journey when it was just a dumb edgefest. Apparently the anime original ending was so retarded that it made everyone with a few braincells dislike the show.
It gave us the dragon sperm bathtub meme at least, that’s gotta be worth something.
I remember when I was a kid my grandma sometimes cut the spaghetti so that it’s easier to eat and my mum lost her shit every time.
>Apparently the anime original ending was so retarded that it made everyone with a few braincells dislike the show.
Trust me, the manga ending wasn't any better.
Violet Evergarden twice. Came back to it because I thought it might get better but it never does. Looks kinda ok but its not very inspired.
You haven't missed much. It never goes anywhere.
I was trained to lift like a singer. On the push, exhale and contract your core, which stabilizes your entire trunk. It feels comfortable to me so I continue to do it. The big guy who I talk to a lot and is a competition lifter at age 45 does as you say. Hold breath for rep. Breathe at the top. But honestly he didn't even know he did it that way until I asked him how he breathes.
>posting the inferior version
I actually dropped Madoka once before and came back to it a year later or so and finished it off. If you ignore the fans its actually not a bad show. Just saying.Still if you've watched a lot of anime already then its not going to be as big a deal as many of the anons who watched it as one of their first anime.
>Snap city bitch snap snap city bitch
>Snap city bitch snaps made yo granny twitch
What's wrong with that statement? Yes, the deadlift is a good lift, but there are plenty of people that fuck it up because they don't understand the proper form, and also try to go way too heavy on it only to fuck their backs up. Snap city is a meme for a reason, that and squats generally fuck people up who don't work on their form first and foremost.
Also related to the OP's subject, Lucky Star. I have never been able to sit through it for more than a few episodes, even when it was popular on Yea Forums.
This is what people mean when they make fun of plotfags or when Yea Forums makes fun of people who read for the plot, they mean people who only want to know what happens next and can't appreciate it beyond that, they can't appreciate direction/prose/whatever, they can't appreciate the story on a holistic level as opposed to just the moment to moment plot, so they get ultrafiltered by entry level shit like NGE and Primer and 2001. Obviously plot is important, but it's not the be all and end all, plenty of great books and films have very little plot (these brainlets would dismiss Ulysses or Proust or any slow cinema because 'durr nothings happening').
Spoilers don't matter.
I'm not /fit/ but that hurt to watch
Nice one faggot, now that autist who insists that people who don't like Madoka haven't watched it has a screencap to spam.
I know it's you though
Cookies and Creme Muscle Milk tastes like a fucking fine dessert. You are retarded.
As one user said. This is Japanese show meant for Japanese audiences. Japanese don't get all up in arms over defending their shit diet because they support fat shaming (a good thing). The only people getting upset over diet advice are the American audience and maybe some brits. These countries aren't 60%+ overweight population for no reason.
>Generikano Shitatani was just your average high school otaku until one day...
Yeah they taste like shit and all they are is SUGAR anyway these people know nothing about actual nutrition.
Eat your chicken breasts, brown rice, and mixed vegetables in portions that compliment your diet. The multivitamin and protein powder covers the rest. What is there more to know?
That one show about the traumatized pianist kid.
Dropped it the instant the girl started coughing up blood. You don't get to play that card without some subtlety and buildup
>It's another "user thinks Japan cares about the international market" episode
To be fair whatever happens in America will happen in Europe a decade or two later (depending on the country and how Americanized they are). We're going to see "fat shaming" become a thing here before long. Especially considering even in France, the country famous for "eat fatty shit and don't get fat" pro-tip: dietary fat doesn't result in bodyfat per se is struggling with increasing obesity rates.
But Jeff told me deadlifts are killing my gains.
Was that in one of his clickbait "X ARE KILLING YOUR GAINZ" videos, where it basically comes down to "the exercise is good for you but don't do it incorrectly"?
His name a Jeff
I love that this show is fat shaming!
I love that this show will give out diet tips!
I love this show! You have no idea how much!
I'm defending nothing!
I hate fat, lazy slobs!
What I hate, in relation to that post, is that this place I visit on the internet called Yea Forums is filled with FUCKING LOSERS that WILL NEVER SHUT UP when they hear they're wrong and other people are better & happier than them for making choices that they could have and should have.
You want to know why they'll post in Danberu threads afterwards anyway?
Open this spoilered image.
That's right. That's why. They want to, they think they are, and lol amirite pls love me.
This desu, every single part of the series I’ve criticized was met with “oh just watch the next part it gets better”. Except it never did
No, it's an episode
>Fucking Hell, even more faggots will spam my beloved series' threads now because hearing the word "insulin" just made them explode
No probs with the show, no probs with the company, no probs with the nation.
Probs with shitposting triggered faggots.
My friend actually injured himself doing a deadlift with too much weight, now he gotta do a spine surgery, be careful out there
>using supps
The only supps I need are a good diet
On Yea Forums? You know that tumblr's last attempt to invade Yea Forums ended in a suicide, right?
They'll teach you some diet tips next episode. Wanna pick back up and hear 'em??? Think that will enthuse you?
Only exercises where I ruined my lower back for a week was deadlifts and stiff legged deadlifts. Didn't stretch and no warmup set. Those 2 are second in importance to form but if you don't want to fuck up your back, I recommend warming up your muscles.
Dude if you lift like a singer you should never hold you breath at any point. In general, holding your breath is how you pass out whenever you do something challenging.
that's true tho my friend injured his back when he first did it
That's his fault for not doing it properly.
yeah he's a newbie , i'm just saying that she's right and OP is stupid because he dropped the show
You are correct. I do not hold my breath when I lift. Example: When I diddle, I set up, go down and grip the bar, exhale and brace, inhale into my tightened core, then exhale while executing the lift, inhaling when I return to the ground but keeping my core right throughout the lift. The competition dude I talk to at my gym holds his breath during the lift and only breathes between reps.