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Waifu thread
Brandon Butler
Other urls found in this thread:
Thomas Ward
Gavin Torres
why no new slayers anime in the age of absurd isekai/fantasy popularity?
Eli Johnson
Oh, I'm early to a waifu thread for once.
Kayden Wood
Brayden James
People really waifu yui????
James Collins
Always and forever I shall serve her.
Chase Green
Joseph Howard
Adam Walker
Zachary Wilson
Love her
oh a Mikkofriend, hi!
Nathaniel Lewis
Elijah Sanders
I don't like this template.
Thomas Moore
Fantasy hasn't been out of style since the 70s.
Evan Collins
her sister was better
Alexander Reyes
nice things are verboten
Brayden Murphy
LINA belongs to NAGA
Nicholas Peterson
Japanese kids don't even know what Slayers is anymore, only older millennials and Gen Xers have nostalgia for it but anime is mainly made for teens.
Owen Myers
Exquisite taste, my friend.
Christopher Davis
Caleb Thompson
Meanwhile, in real life...
Slayers is hitting an abnormal high after the 30th anniversary no one can really explain. It's phenomenal, even if you aren't a fan of the series, because if you can figure out just WHY it's had such a resurgence, it's entirely possible to find the pure formula to resurrect any dead series.
Ryan Harris
> pure formula to resurrect any dead series
Yeah like making enjoyable characters and bringing a TRUE DnD feeling of adventure. I blame the universal lack of exposition. You are just thrown head first to the wild right up until the end.
Also RAD 80's jap electronic music.
Adrian Cox
My wife, now and forever
Bentley Johnson
my man
Noah Lopez
Brayden Kelly
Bentley Young
Nathaniel Reyes
I love my bespectacled goddess with all my heart.
Hudson Mitchell
Julian Morales
Landon Green
Motoko is a cutie
Nathaniel Adams
Joseph Diaz
This is a 02 wank thread now
Landon Diaz
Landon Kelly
Beat me to it. Top tier taste, user.
Brayden Brooks
Connor Mitchell
Chase Lopez
William Peterson
Chase Ward
Thomas Ross
what do we do in this thread?
Easton Stewart
her voice is annoying
Easton Rogers
I love my apricot.
Mason Miller
Hanako and Miki are my favorite girls in KS. Now I want to do another playthrough.
Julian King
Colton Fisher
Colton Carter
I'm going to marry kuroneko
Jacob Adams
Luke Johnson
Mine now.
Asher Rivera
Not a single good waifu has been posted yet
Parker Rogers
Then go ahead and post one, user.
Charles Edwards
You must have shit taste cause all i see is top tier waifu
Jonathan Fisher
I dont have one, there isnt one girl up to my godlike standards.
For (you)
Jacob Cook
When did you meet your waifu?
Was it love at first sight or did it take some time?
How long have you been with your waifu?
On a scale of 1 to 10 how "serious" are you with how you feel about her? (1 being ironic normalfag-tier, 10 being her face tattooed on your heart)
Has she been your only waifu?
Jacob Sanchez
None of that Elementary School Prisma shit[!spoiler]
Hunter Gray
But Prillya is the sexiest Illya
Carter Harris
My future husband.
Jordan Evans
Lies and slander
Jackson Robinson
with her bf
Gabriel Taylor
I met her when I watched her series 5 years ago
I realised that I had fallen in love with her after I finished binge watching her series
I've been with her ever since then
Maybe like 8 or 9, I'm not quite as dedicated as some other waifufags I've seen
Yes she's the only girl I've ever loved
Henry James
My wife makes thousands of grown up neckbeard losers seethe and I'm proud of it.
Connor Long
Why does she make them seethe?
Kevin Jenkins
Henry Taylor
Based Ruriposter.
Charles Clark
Evan Wilson
Nolan Reed
It was over 10 years ago, some time around 2007-2008.
I was weirded out by her at first, but after it was explained why she was the way she was and she showed how brave and selfless she could be in the next chapter, I realized her greatness.
Ever since then.
8. Deducting a couple of points because I haven't been able to make as creative and elaborate tributes to her as others have for their waifus, but when it comes to how I feel, it's definitely a 10.
Yes, obviously.
Landon Sullivan
This is my wife. We live in the countryside where raise sheep and she makes fine wool garments.
Cooper Gray
They self insert as a 10 year old, and can't handle it when she has a banter with him because they think she's being "disrespectful".
Aaron Wood
cute bubble
Gabriel Robinson
2000s tier waifu
Luke Bennett
Benjamin Bennett
Do you argue with Yea Forumsnons who insult her?
Tyler Brooks
No, because she can stand up for herself.
Grayson Collins
Tyler Hill
Gabriel Hall
Easton Parker
Joseph Morgan
Parker Scott
Jaxson Murphy
Fantasy is still a thing. Adventure fantasy
is what's become a relic.
Noah Russell
Joseph Ortiz
Good choices
Jack James
Logan Bailey
Yes but I'm getting tired of it. She is still getting new content while they so-called "top" waifus are dead as fuck.
Blake Diaz
I used to I stopped because they're mostly stupid trolls anyway
Adam Thomas
Kevin Wright
Nathaniel Edwards
Jace Edwards
Lincoln Martin
10 years with my wife
Juan Barnes
literally noone self inserts as ash. She's just an annoying cunt whose voice is ear grating and easily has the shittiest personality of any main pokegirl.
Ryan Nelson
yoshika pls
Thomas Ortiz
Noah Kelly
Robert Foster
James Hall
I just got into Slayers, good stuff.
Alexander Perry
Charles Perez
Ryder Gonzalez
Parker Anderson
David Wood
In 2010 when her anime was still relatively new.
I thought Cecily was cute and attractive when I first saw her, but I didn't fall in love with her until I revisited her series in 2018 and read the manga.
For a about a year so far.
For me, it sure feels like a 10. I haven't done anything major yet, but I'm currently learning Japanese to be able to read the untranslated light novels, perhaps one day I might do a translation for them since it seems unlikely anyone else will ever do it.
Daniel Clark
Jack Carter
James Parker
Angel Torres
Owen Turner
I love my wife!
Matthew Fisher
Caleb Butler
She is precious
Isaiah Long
Oliver Evans
Saber, Saber, you're so cool,
Saber, Saber, clad in blue,
Saber, Saber, you're a knight,
Saber, Saber, be my wife!
How is it?
Ian Williams
My perfect sleepy angel.
Isaac Brown
Samuel Morris
Nolan Long
Maximum cute.
Nolan Young
Yes, I can't let my bespectacled goddess's honor be tarnished by Yea Forumsnons.
Ryder Brooks
Jaxon Jenkins
Charles Perry
Andrew Edwards
Why would anyone self insert as a perpetual loser?
Anthony James
2 years ago.
It took months to happen, and months more for me to realise it. 1+ year total.
Around 1 year now.
At least an 8. I haven't managed to buy merch of her. I don't quite believe in tributes and stuff like other anons do, though.
Most people don't even know her.
Christian Collins
based Cecilyfriend
I always thought she was cute and underrated
Jose Martin
posting my pretty little gutterflower
Jacob Richardson
Camden Scott
Posting best girl in case no one hasn't yet. If not, CLAIMED!
Elijah Thomas
can't top that. you won
Kevin Mitchell
Jaxon Reed
Probably the closest thing that I have.
Zachary Brooks
It should be illegal to be this fucking cute.
Kevin Thomas
mfw waifu under 18
Parker Lopez
I am in LOVE with this gem!
Jonathan Ortiz
Honestly, I don't have to. No matter the board, if someone talks shit some random user will defend her and call the detractor a faggot.
Carter Robinson
love knows no number
Grayson Morgan
Fuck off. Shitrena is the worst, and people only cry about Iris because she calls Ash a "kid".
So insulting!
>voice is ear grating
Aha, so you're a dubfaggot. Her JP voice is best of all Japanese main leads.
Lucas Brooks
Aoi Yuuki can be eargrating as fuck depending on the role. Ringo in Nichibros, for example.
Jose Gomez
Ryan Phillips
Her performance as Iris was amazing, so I don't care.
Dylan Gonzalez
As the guy you replied to im actually sorry for saying that. Im usually not one to shit on someones waifu and while i do dislike anime Iris i think game Iris is really cute and easily has my favorite champion theme
Julian Morales
Pic related
Owen Parker
>implying Iris in JP wasn't ear grating as well
Noah Evans
Easton Edwards
Some of those waifus that you guys posted aren't bad. So I'm gonna claim them for my waifu harem as well.
Evan Hill
good taste
Anthony Bailey
Heres your (you) dont use it up too quick
Dylan Martinez
Ryan Sanders
2010, but it was truly love in 2011, which is what I count.
Took time, i took a break from Persona 3 for several months but "that cute glasses girl Chihiro" was always on my mind back then.
8 years and counting!
10 but I'm not a tattoo guy. I wouldn't want her image on me because of how tattoos age, so if I had to get a tattoo I'd get the Justice Arcana.
Of course, always and forever.
That''s a waste of time. It's just a shame they can't see her for how sweet she is, but such is life.
Chase Johnson
Eli Allen
Been my waifu for almost 15 years.
Still love her dearly.
Ayden Baker
Austin Flores
>it took a lot of time
>two years and a month!
>8 or 9, because I feel like I can still do a lot more for her
Brandon Reyes
Logan Barnes
Fuuka is better.
Samuel Murphy
Remember to choose wisely your waifu.
Camden Young
that is not how this works, she chooses you.
Landon Moore
Maltyfag detected
Brody Morales
She's arguably the most popular character from anime in the last 10 years so I don't really have to. I do anyway because I love her.
Jaxson Roberts
stood the test of time desu
Jose Carter
>she chooses you
That's not true either. That's just legitimising harems because you can have multiple girls choosing you.
Jace Price
At any rate, a good waifu means a good laifu.
Ethan Ross
Figured I'd answer my own questions
>When did you meet your waifu?
I watched FSN in 2009 and then immediately played through her game. I basically fell deep in love with her after that but didn't know what else to call her until Yea Forums introduced to me the concept of a waifu. I hadn't even graduated high school, never had been in a relationship, I was strapping up to be alone the rest of my life because I was awkward as fuck and had exactly no confidence. I had struggled with depression back then and had frequent thoughts of suicide, but she always made me smile.
Always made me feel like I had something to work towards. A companion to be there by my side. 10 years later I'm getting married irl to my friend from high school that I moved across the country with.
>Was it love at first sight or did it take some time?
I didn't find her so incredibly endearing until after I finished her anime, and then when I read her route in the game I feel straight deep, deep in love with her. Never once in these 10 years have I forgotten about her.
>How long have you been with your waifu?
It's been over 10 years since I've met her, roughly that with her being my waifu. She's a source of nostalgia as well as a source of new stimulus because she's still so popular. She connects me to my adolescence and youthful days as well as keeping me engaged and working towards consuming her media and buying her figures and merch.
>On a scale of 1 to 10 how "serious" are you with how you feel about her? (1 being ironic normalfag-tier, 10 being her face tattooed on your heart)
It would be a 10 if I didn't have to save that spot for my future wife. If anything happened to my wife or we broke up I would dedicate my life to experiencing Arturia's visage however I could. I wonder if I would even feel depressed if that happened, or what I just be happy?\
>Has she been your only waifu?
Yes absolutely. No one has come close other than Horo or Sakura Matou.
I love her so much.
Evan Cox
It's just another way of saying you can't choose who you fall in love with
Sebastian Long
>married while still having a waifu
I can respect that. I don't think I could love my own wife as intensely as I do if I were married however. Because then I would be sharing my love, thoughts and feelings with two people basically. But to each their own.
Colton Hernandez
It gets weird at times. Honestly my feelings for Saber are strongest when I'm not able to spend much time with my wife because we both work very different shifts. I basically only get to spend maybe 50 hours with my wife a week and a portion of that is sleeping. I'm decently attractive and sometimes will have women hit on me at school or work, but I keep myself faithful to my wife... and waifu. Saber Arturia is the only women I've ever loved besides my future wife. I sometimes feel like I'm cheating on my wife with Saber, at least in my heart. My wife doesn't think that though it seems. I've talked to her about it.
Carson Reyes
>you can't choose who you fall in love with
That still doesn't exclude the potential for harems.
Tyler Gray
We're still here
Lincoln Johnson
Oliver Hughes
For me it's Rena!
Alexander Adams
Dominic White
1. In summer 2013 when I found her VN. I didn't read it until january 2015 though.
2. I took my sweet time falling in love with her, I read her story and it warmed my heart so much but I didn't realize it was true love until I finished reading it. That feeling of separation was horrible.
3. 4.5 years!
4. Roll d10 until you have something between 7 and 10. I always have doubts.
5. Yes!
Leo Diaz
Jonathan Brown
>Rui Araizumi went to the hospital AGAIN just yesterday for sickness
Please don't die, Rui ;_;
Wyatt Scott
I kinda wish Rui Araizumi would draw my waifu. Until then, there's at least this, which looks pretty nice on its own anyway.
Ryan Fisher
Nolan Ramirez
>When did you meet your waifu?
>Was it love at first sight or did it take some time?
Even though I take love very seriously I had never seen anyone like her, nobody that could elicit the same kind of feelings. That's why it didn't take long for me to decide to commit to her. Only a few months.
>How long have you been with your waifu?
Around 3 and a half years.
>On a scale of 1 to 10 how "serious" are you with how you feel about her?
Possibly a 10. I've done some silly stuff like transcribing the whole text of her LN character by character so I could have an easier time reading it. It took me 9 months for all three books. Which was kind of silly but I was really desperate to learn more about her.
I've also been trying to learn to draw and paint so I could make top-quality artwork of her, and I've been having some nice results so far. Not to mention I was able to find a new passion and develop a new talent I didn't know I had.
>Has she been your only waifu?
Mai is the kind of girl I see as my life partner, someone whom I would be able to raise a family with. She has every quality I look for in a girl and we have similar hobbies and interests. That's why I consider her my one and only waifu and true love.
Dylan Morris
Austin Rogers
What pet names or nicknames do you use for your beloved?
Nathan Jenkins
How is everyone doing today?
Samuel Robinson
Jason Jenkins
Horrible, as usual.
Lincoln Cook
Levi Garcia
Absolutely horrible, thank you
Ayden Gonzalez
My King.
Connor Bailey
Good! Thinking about going camping this weekend. I like to stay up by the campfire reading scenes with her from her visual novel until the fire is nothing but embers.
Hang in there guys.
Joshua Wright
>girlfriend and waifu
You don’t love either of them
Ayden Morgan
Posting this drooly autist
Joshua Turner
It's nice to meet all of your waifus. I first saw Diamond in 2017, so it will be 2 years this year!
Gavin Wright
Cameron Morris
Late 2017, but I didn't get into her series until 2018 due to real life obligations.
I fell in love with her otherworldly beauty at first, and then with her free-spirited personality after the first 10 episodes. I gave it enough time to see how she'd develop. She's just so passionate, charismatic, and always fascinated by everything!
About an 8. I don't go and collect every single piece of her merch in existence, but it's nice to have enough to show your dedication. I'm also a decent artist and draw her every chance I have.
Lastly, yes she has.
"Darling", of course!
Bentley Garcia
Henry Foster
Logan Edwards
Isaac Taylor
shes my ideal woman
Brandon Powell
Anthony Hernandez
Favorite Slayers Movie, go.
Favorite Slayers Season, go.
Justin Russell
The love of my life, my beautiful sweet potato wife.
Her name is Yuuri and I'm very much in love with her.
Daniel Thompson
Sorry, I had to take a break from the computer to help a roommate.
Premium for the art because it's closer to Rui's, but for story Return. The first movie felt like an extended OVA, the doll fight in Great is acceptable but overly crude, and Gorgeous was silly in a bad way.
Favorite season is Try because I simply couldn't stop watching once the climax hit, and having such excellent writers that a tertiary villain becomes someone you root for shows talent.
David Garcia
When her anime aired in 2017.
It took a while for me to realize that Yuuri was a lot more than a cute girl, I really didn't think I could feel something like this.
It's almost three years.
I'm not sure where I would fall in this scale, but I'd say I've done a lot because of my love for her, but I'm not really into tattoos anyways.
I've never loved anyone before.
They don't know what they're talking about and it would be a good use of my time to convince them that they're wrong.
Sweet potato.
My life is essentially uncomplicated.
I don't have any questions for you at the moment.
Cooper Harris
She is fun person.
Ryan Ross
Depends. Just because she's been around for a long time doesn't make her a "basic bitch" waifu.
Christian Thomas
You're a faggot.
Angel Wood
He's completely right
Isaac Gomez
Noah Bailey
I used to read Okayado's oneshot comics on danbooru and then found out one day he wrote a manga. There were only 6 chapters out around that time, so about 4 months after he started, in March 2013.
It definitely took a few years. I admittedly thought monstergirls were great for a long time, but it took me a while to really know that Miia was THE girl.
Since then it's been about 5 years now.
I'd say it's an 8. I know she'snot physically here with me, but she encourages me to be a better person and to strive to be great.
I don't think I've ever cared for a love as strongly as hers before.
Nah, I've never been one to. With people who read Monmusu or harem series in general, you kinda adopt a mindset that if they don't get it now, they never will get it.
My darling.
I started screenwriting again for the first time in years. I'm really happy I got my inspiration back again thanks to the help of another user here.
Blake Rodriguez
Isaiah Morgan
I love my apricot!
Julian Hill
Lincoln Long
did i mention i love my wife
more than anything in this world
i would sacrifice anything and everything
it would break me as a person to do some of the things I would be willing to do, maybe I would regret those things every day of my life.
but that pain would only bring me closer to her.
I love her so much, and all her beautiful pain.
Easton Cruz
Ryan Howard
I love my Lily flower!
Isaiah Sanchez
You are also a faggot. Love doesn't work the same way for everyone autist.
Benjamin Lee
Suwa is that you?
Matthew Long
Jose Brown
Kevin Young
She's my girl. I also like using cupcake. And I use creamsicle if I'm being cheeky.
Tired, but I'm doing well. Thanks for asking.
Jacob Gutierrez
>When did you meet your waifu?
Few years ago
>Was it love at first sight or did it take some time?
>How long have you been with your waifu?
So I was definitely attracted to her on a physical level at first, but once I started her series I found myself liking her more and more, and then it took me only a couple months to understand what was truly going on with my feelings and what she meant to me. Then I felt confident in calling her my waifu.
>On a scale of 1 to 10 how "serious" are you with how you feel about her? (1 being ironic normalfag-tier, 10 being her face tattooed on your heart)
Perception of the scale probably changes depending on who you ask, but I personally believe it's a 10. She's had such a big impact in my life and I probably wouldn't be here without her. I feel a deep connection with her, or at least as deep as a connection like this could go, and I wouldn't trade her for the world.
>Has she been your only waifu?
Usually not online, but I will IRL
She has one for me, I don't have one for her, I like the name Miia well enough.
Does your waifu have any character songs?
I love to listen to Miia's right before I go to bed
Oliver Gray
>it's just the /c/ thread but with less restrictions on content
Oliver Perez
that's not suwa
Aaron Barnes
More like the /c/ threads are just these with more restrictions. I'm just amazed this thread hasnt been deleted as always
Noah Green
Adam Johnson
Kevin Torres
I defend her honor but also try and keep other Saberfags in check so that they don't act like asshats when waving her banner.
My King is beautiful!
Cooper Morgan
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, just post wifeu
Jayden Howard
>When did you meet your waifu?
First met her around 2009 or 2010
>Was it love at first sight or did it take some time?
Took some time, about 3 years.
>How long have you been with your waifu?
Since 2012 I think, so 7.5 years. I was rewatching bake and she stuck out to me for some reason. Nise really sealed the deal though.
>On a scale of 1 to 10 how "serious" are you with how you feel about her? (1 being ironic normalfag-tier, 10 being her face tattooed on your heart)
Haven't experienced a greater love, so a 9 I suppose. I don't believe perfection exists. But she is definitely the best and still makes my heart do funny things when I see her. I'm glad there is a lot of artwork of hers.
>Has she been your only waifu?
Henry Jackson
Carter Campbell
Some men have hearts big enough to love more than one woman.
Jordan Gutierrez
The absolute state of Yea Forums.
Joshua Bell
Kevin Torres
Good taste
Joshua Nelson
Guess it's that time again here so here goes, and, well, this is going to be long so I guess please excuse me.
It was 2008, and I'd just bought Fate/Stay Night on DVD. Seeing her at first I only thought of her as a "creepy loli" trope character, but I definitely admit to enjoying her ability to switch from sweet little imouto to "I'm going to fucking splatter the guts of you and everyone else who gets in my way against the concrete, Onii-chan". I didn't feel any attachment at that point though.
I finished the show, and wanted to see more of the series, so I looked into everything I could. Spoilers, forum talk, upcoming projects, Prisma Illya's manga, etc.
Through spoilers I learned she was apparently going to die after the main route, and that was kind of sad. Then through more spoilers I learned she wasn't fully what she seemed, and that she was heavily implied to be the daughter of the main character's foster father, also, she was older than the main character. My curiosity was piqued, and I started feeling sympathy for her.
Then I learned her route was cut from the final project, and felt oddly sad. Gradually this sympathy turned to feeling unfairness for her. I searched for alternative material where she did have a route with a happy ending, found only short fanfics. I let it go.
Spin-off games of the series come out, Fate/Extra. There are a bunch of characters who take the forms of the original characters as references, but she's left out. It's kind of sad, I realize.
I experience the movie adapting the series' second route. She dies horrifically there, but by then I'm kind of desensitized. It's just one route of the 3.
Fate Zero's anime comes out, I see her born in the first episode to her loving parents. To my surprise I'm crying during the last scene when little 8 year old her is told by her father that he's leaving. She believes he'll come back, but I know she'll be alone for those ten years after, never seeing him again.
Justin Foster
Zero wraps up. Her fates start feeling even more unfair afterwards. I still block it out.
The Unlimited Blade Work anime comes, I know what's going to happen but I'm loving it. She has an original battle scene in the 3rd episode, it's great seeing her fight. She gets two additional scenes throughout the rest of the first season as well.
Season two approaches, and as we draw nearer to the episode where she dies I realize I'm dreading it happening. I know it will happen and I can't do anything about it, but I don't want it to happen because I really like seeing her, she has so much potential.
Between the two episodes (with a beautiful send off for her and her giant companion) I marathon Prisma Illya's two seasons to help the upcoming pain. I enjoy it a lot, but the girl in this isn't the one I grew attached to. I end up sympathizing more with a character who comes in during season two, who's a lot more like her.
The day comes when she has her heart ripped out, viciously, and I block out my sadness knowing this was inevitable. I still feel like it's unfair though.
There's a happy scene with her in the opening, I watch it each time after her death and feel saddened each time. I joke to a friend at the time that I won't be able to get through the opening anymore without crying.
Suddenly my feelings resolve themselves into one thought. If no one else can do justice to her, why don't I write that justice? I tell my friend I'll write her route, my own take on it that focuses on the adult side she hid away throughout most of the story.
I never write it, because I'm not confident in my writing. I do however start a roleplay blog for her on tumblr to try and get her character down. I set her post the original route where she survives, since she has the most potential there, as I saw her growing into a more empathetic person who tries her best to understand people and grow from the love she has for the main character, I craft her character this way.
Liam Torres
Note: I hadn't read the third route at this time, only synopsis that informed me of what happens, and fanfics.
Eventually I get picked up to join a Fate RP guild where everyone plays one of the main cast from Fate & Zero. Wanting to better my understanding of the character I'm writing out of admiration to live up to my peers, I read the third route finally.
Each scene brings me to tears, as I watch her empathize with the main character in a way she never did in any route before, showing so much love and growth, and selflessness because she cared about someone. I realized I understood her a lot more than I had realized beforehand.
Come to the end, her fate feels even more unfair. She doesn't even get mentioned by the main character during the epilogue, even after she sacrificed herself for him.
She deserved more, I realize. She deserved happiness.
I change my RP writing, now even more so focusing on fulfilling the life and potential she only got to fulfill before her end. It's fun, and really rewarding. I even meet someone who will let me ship his Shirou with my Illya, and somehow form a completely different (and really sweet) pairing with someone else long before that. But eventually I need to leave due to life growing more difficult. It hurts to leave my friends, but even more so it hurts to lose this outlet.
After reading the last route, is when I realize I love her a lot. A whole lot. To the point I would give anything to see her have fulfilled happiness.
Jaxson Hall
So? Fill out a complaint form at
Benjamin Carter
Between this I finally install and read through Hollow Ataraxia, but admittedly I'm skipping through scenes to get to hers. They're great, and many showcase her loving sweetness even more. Eventually I reread Hollow fully after this.
The third route gets a trilogy of movies, two of them having been released by now, and when I watch the first movie I realize so much of her was cut from the first movie's storyline. Come the second and she's been introduced properly, but her focus is reduced. A lot of those scenes that showed how much she loves the main character was cut. This really saddened me.
She's not getting much merchandise either aside from Prisma Illya, though this does grow with the second movie onwards. Still, I decide to buy what merch is out, and after delving more into being a buyfag, I look for old merchandise of her and buy what I want, and can. I amass a large collection and dedicate a shelf to her.
Because, if her creator's won't fully appreciate her, I want to. She's not a conventional Waifu, she's not someone I'm attached to on a romantic level, but there's a higher level of empathy I feel towards her than any other character, and honestly, she inspires me to be a better person. She is my waifu.
So, uh, 10 I guess. Maybe not her face, but I'd seriously consider getting a tattoo of her unique character symbol.
Grayson Miller
Holy fucking shit. Being an Illyafag truly is the greatest suffering imaginable. Please continue to be her champion user. You are a gentleman and a scholar. Just know that her route could definitely have been the best. I can't imagine this pain. As a saberfag I'm a spoiled brat compared to you.
Justin Smith
I love that collage of Illya you have to the right. Do you have the image file on hand?
Carter Ward
Don't reply to mudshits
Joseph Gutierrez
Severely and extremely underrated.
Objectively false.
Jaxon Powell
How can you insult something that is perfect?
Angel Gutierrez
By calling accusing her of being something she isn't.
I get that a lot on Yea Forums. Everyone calls my waifu a whore, but that's just not accurate.
Julian Cook
Good taste.
Brandon Long
Who's your waifu? If she's an idol then it's not unjustified.
Ryan Hughes
>seething sakurafag
Anthony Ortiz
Hunter Evans
Jaxson Howard
Nicholas Long
Who's that?
John Anderson
Fuck you I spent a solid 3 minutes writing that song.
Landon Perry
>Everyone calls my waifu a whore
Well, this one is my
Brandon Evans
Carson White
>When did you meet your waifu?
About 3 years ago.
>Was it love at first sight or did it take some time
It took a few days or weeks.
>How long have you been with your waifu?
3 years
>On a scale of 1 to 10 how "serious" are you with how you feel about her? (1 being ironic normalfag-tier, 10 being her face tattooed on your heart)
Guess that makes me a 9?
I spent about 5000 bucks on her stuff so far, with no end in sight.
>Has she been your only waifu?
Yes, although it's not the first character I fell for. As a kid I didn't know you could marry anime characters.
Colton Richardson
I claimed her 23 years ago.
Hunter Fisher
Copypastin from another thread:
I thought she was beautiful literally the first time I saw her. I used to be super into Touhou and Vocaloid, and because those are two of the pillars of Niconico, I naturally found the third, The iDOLM@STER. She always stood out to me, and I watched the first OVA with her and bought a figurine despite knowing very little about her (which I never do). She wasn't in the first anime so I didn't even bother watching it. When she finally got a real adaptation, I STILL didn't consider her my waifu because I felt like a fraud having never played the games. It wasn't until years later I finally accepted it doesn't matter how I got here, as long as I try to be worthy of her now.
>How long have you been with your waifu?
Four years maybe? I don't have a definite date.
>On a scale of 1 to 10 how "serious" are you with how you feel about her?
Seven or eight. I still feel undeserving, but I'm working on it.
>Has she been your only waifu?
No, but she is now.
Aaron Torres
Makoto Tamasaka from Tokyo 7th Sisters. A mobage that will never get an anime.
Levi Ortiz
I definitely won't stop, thank you Saber-user, you've really validated my feelings. I 100% believe it would've been, I just wish her creators realized that. You know back when I first watched FSN I was a Saberfag too, and I still really love her, I love all of the Fate girls in their own ways, but Saber's still special. Nothing compares to Illya though.
Admittedly it is definitely hard. Sometimes it feels like she's being forgotten about as she's brought up less & less on here and elsewhere, and I think that hurts the most. Saber/Rin/Sakura are the three heroines so they never die out, but Illya rarely even gets an honorary mention because TM screwed her over. Sometimes I wonder if people just want to forget about her existence in the first place and... I take it back, *that* is the part that hurts the most.
It makes me really appreciate when someone makes a post or comment about her, or when threads include her in pairing wars. Even if it never goes well, the acknowledgement means something.
I'm spiraling though and only focusing on the negative, especially being on these boards. It's not like she's ignored by Type-Moon, she just isn't notable when it comes to her creators nowadays, since they've moved onto other things. But works like the Emiya Cooking manga show a lot of love to her since the artist appreciates her a lot. I was really happy learning he was doing a comfy spin off since I already loved his fanart and the many images he did of her, and her and Shirou. And he's delivered on some really sweet chapters between them.
Then there's Grand Order creating her Pseudo servant version, and she's so lovingly crafted, I admit it sparks a little hope that maybe her character isn't done in the eyes of Nasu, especially if he wrote for her. (They gave her a pet bear she lovingly named Shirou noting it's the person she never wants to forget, I can't not love that.)
It can seem bleak, but I guess I still have faith left.
Charles Mitchell
Had to put this in a separate post since I reached post cap, but I wish I could say I did sadly, but it's an official print from one of Ufotable's Heaven's Feel campaign I bought off an auction so it's not like an original collage I cut together and could post. It's pretty large too, so scanning is difficult to get right.
Adrian Foster
I still don't know how I got so utterly bored with the game when I loved the music and some of the girls. Dickslicer is a cutie
Ryder Gray
When in doubt, always blame the renewal.
Henry Cooper