Evangelion 3.0+1.0

Is there any hope of it being good and redeeming the Rebuilds?

Attached: backing up backing up.webm (1920x818, 2.01M)

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Why did Tomino rip-off Evangelion for Xabungle?

Unless 2.0 Rei comes back? Lol nope and I doubt that's happening.

Dumb waifufag.


only if it's 3 hours long

Not unless there's a fifth movie

What was wrong with the first 10 minutes?

Fucking women drivers

Does Anno even give a shit what Westerners think of Eva? I mean he basically seems to care purely about Japan.

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I bet you'd love having Kaworu's dick up your ass.

He gives a shit about nobody he does his own thing which is both good and bad.

I lost my faith after I saw that shitty CG.

Where's the best place to download or stream the Rebuilds?

If I told you it's getting DMCA'd

All of Rebuild has shitty CG, I don't know why that's suddenly an issue now.

Depends, is he going anywhere with the ending of 2.0 or is he just gonna ignore his own fucking plot?

He did premier the teaser in fucking France, I’m sure he pays us some mind.

> is he going anywhere with the ending of 2.0
yea, watch 3.0.

I actually enjoy the rebuilds. I'm hoping for a greater mindfuck than the EoE.

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Feel like that was a test to make sure having the Eiffel Tower destroyed and used as a weapon by Mari did not offend anyone.

>1.0 was a shoddy, stripped down compilation movie
>2.0 was dumb fanservice
>3.0 was outright retarded
No. At this rate, 4.0 will be so bad it will make generic Pokémon movies look like a masterclass of good writing and direction in comparison.

By simply existing, the Rebuilds were already beyond redemption

I would, actually.

>Someone didn't like Avant 1 near me
Literally missing the point of Eva

Fucking kek.

It's too ugly to ever be good. Even if everything but the visuals were good, it still wouldn't redeem the previous ones.

I miss angel battles, 3.0 and this movie look like they're having too much action sequences against canon fodder.

Attached: so long gay Evas.webm (1920x818, 2.9M)

>anno making anything anywhere near as good as EoE ever again.

Your funny user.

What the fuck happened to analog controls? What's with this hologram haptic control bullshit?

>implying it will ever come out

Attached: hideaki-anno-master.png (640x300, 81K)

It's been 14 years, user.
I'm sure tech improved over that period of time.

Not bad, user. Not bad at all.

>between you and me, this is like the 6th or 7th time shinji's destroyed the world

Attached: rebuild 3.0 + 1.0 big reveal.jpg (626x465, 59K)

Reminder that instrumentality is heaven.

“Fly me to the Moon
And let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words hold my hand
Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for evermore”

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Rebuilds are already very good even if they aren't as good as the original series.
Brainlets who REEEEE at them for the dumbest reasons(especially about 3.0) are not going to like 3+1 no matter what so hopefully they don't even watch it so we don't have to suffer their retarded and butthurt opinions.

If you wanked over 2.0 and hated 3.0 there's no hope for 3.0+1.0

The garbage that raised more questions than answered? Seen it a long time ago.


literally Michael Bay Transformers cinematography.

Eva just looks like a badly coordinated orgy of animator dick measuring now. 2.0 had heart, mostly because of Rei's character developement, but 3 just flushed it all down the toilet.

>muh waifu

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IMO 3.0 felt the most traditionally Eva of them all. I missed the whole wtf is going on feeling from the previous 2 flicks.
Meanwhile 2.0 was literally setting up all of the fanservice plebs for a rude awakening. Rei and Shinji's bonding moments along with her thank you to Asuka were very wholesome though, but it was still a setup for a rude awakening nonetheless.

>get this fellas
>I made Rei fall in love with Shinji and vice-versa in 2.0
>then I killed her off in 3.33
>and will keep her dead in 3.0+1.0 because fuck waifus and fuck Rei

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IDK, it felt like onesided love from Rei to me.
Shinji definitely cares about her but it feels more like a brother-sister deal from is angle.

Friendly reminder

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>Is there any hope of it being good
>and redeeming the Rebuilds?

I found the 10 min footage on youtube but it's really shit quality

is there a decent version floating around somewhere?

So the gist of it is, they go to Paris to fetch Eva spare parts out of one of the European NERV facilities, to rebuild 02 and 08?

So 02 will be almost 50% french after repairs. Looking forward to it

Attached: m25_C387_eva02,vtol.jpg (630x356, 154K)


Rei will never win.

Attached: asuka wins.jpg (1182x958, 540K)

Rebuild of Evangelion 3.33+1.11: You Can (not) Win.

U have to be a real dummy to think such a crucial plot point is gonna go unexplained.

Evangelion's character arcs are all ripped off straight from Tomino's older shows, so it is fair game.

Europeans are all self hating cucks, so they probably celebrated.

Wouldn't be the first time.

Ok. Ok. Here's what will happen in 3.0+1.0

>Since WILLE have now Unit-01, Wunder, and other cool toys they somehow got in post-apocalypse world, AND Shinji is no longer needed by anyone, Asuka takes the page from Gendo's book, and leaves veggie-Shinji with some old guy in the corner of nowhere, before returning to Wunder.

>Without Shinji to fuck everything up yet again, Gendo is defeated with anticlimatic ease, since he is just a grown up NEET that wants his waifu.

>Wunder and Evas are destroyed and everyone moves on with their lives.

>Sakura and the new guys return home or whatever. They become productive members of society, restoring glorious Nippon economy.

>Asuka gets into lesbian relationship with female Kaji... err... I mean with Mari.

>Misato no longer burdened by leadership, blissfuly sinks back into alcoholism.

>Ritsuko goes on a quest to kill every single Rei clone remaining. It's been a long time since she last put a child in harm's way and she needs her fix.

>The old guy that got Shinji pushed on him, dies from a heart attack leaving catatonic Shinji to starve and die in his own piss and shit.

>Forgotten by everyone, their corpses is left to rot where they fell, for years to come.



Feel free to shower me with praises, while I'll whine and complain about you anyway.

>waifushit is the only possible reason why anyone could dislike 3.0

Now we know what these hexagons are

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Wheres the video?

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remember me?

Attached: EvanSheldon_Unit_02_(Beast_Mode).png (534x576, 237K)

It seems that the BGM will be available for free through the app

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Mari mentions Overlap compatability, so it seems Unit 08+02 is about to be built

EVA 303 is better than Rebuild.

The entry plugs Will be inserted one in the evasshole and the other in the evagina to signify the double penetration action mari and asuka do in their spare time

That's before we see Rei's hand dematerialize isn't it?

Rebuilds are already good and do not need redeeming. Just don't fuck up the end.

2.0 was a fuckin marvel movie. A very good one, but still.

The light show with the Zeruel fight was pretty cool, but it was also kind of awkward and jarring. Just a lot of weird effects all over the place with 01 looking like a literal god and completely untouchable. I prefer the feral hands-on approach from the tv series, with the leliel's end being my favorite. And a lot of the coloring of the rebuilds doesn't come close to the work done in nge, 01 looks so fucking awful with that neon green shit all over it.

Armisael is supposed to show up on this movie isn't it?
Man this is gonna suck, Rei 3 hardly has any soul this time.

What kind of horn/honk would this have on it?

No, after. But the chronology doesn't really matter in my opinion.

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She started getting a sense of self at the end of 3.0. I think they're going to build up her personality until the very end at which point her body will have to become the vessel for TRU Rei's soul or something like that.

I just hope Rei will actually survive for once and be able to live a happy life.

1.0 = ep 1-6
2.0 = ep 7-22
3.0 = ep 23-24
4.0 = ep 25-26/EoE

Rei wants to die though.

Then she needs to be happy enough living to not want to die.
Isn't that already the case when Shinji came to save her?

They already killed every angel, there was only 12 in Rebuild, aside from some screwy thing causes Kaworu to demote from 1st Angel to 13th Angel, and he is killed.
So all Angels are already dead going into 3.0+1.0, or at least should be dead

Shinji saved her because he loved her and saw no way she could be replaced. Stop trying to change Rei's character and let her have her eternal slumber in peace.

Lilith/Rei is still alive inside Unit 01.

>Another symbol of Western Civilisation destroyed? Bravo, Anno!

>Lilith/Rei is still alive inside Unit 01.
Okay, but all of Adam's offspring should be dead, not counting the Evas

What happened with the angel in mark 6? Was it killed or got merged with Eva-13, in theory disabled after Shinji plug extraction + self lancing?

Poka Rei is still alive inside Unit 01 and will return.

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Pokapoka Rei makes my heart go dokidoki.