Clean shaven Gendo.
Clean shaven Gendo
Anno is a fucking hack who has taken his greatest creation and whored it out for money. He's no better than George Lucas at this point.
eating ayanami's bread!
eating ayanami's cheese!
Did capitalism ruin the creativity and vision of the Rebuilds?
They are fun actions movies with a decent soundtrack. Just shut down your brain and enjoy them.
The 26 episode TV series and EoE are another thing, that one enjoys at a different level.
I hope the razor ads helped bring in revenues to fund the fourth rebuild movie. Same goes with that "Millennial" magazine ad.
Drinking ayanami's coffee!
>fun actions movies
1.0's Ramiel fight and 2.0's Zeruel fight were great, but that is where it ends.
3.0 has no good fights in the entire thing, because for one the CGI is bad, and second the main actual fight is Asuka uselessly banging on Shinji/Kaworu's AT Field until she runs out of battery.
>tfw you're exactly like your father
Was this the only lesson from NGE?
Jesus Fucking Christ, Anno!
You'd do the same thing if you were in his shoes. Don't give me that artistic integrity bullshit.
At least George Lucas waited till all those zeros were confirmed in his check before selling his soul.
Whether it's good is another matter, but I don't think you're going to find anyone else in Japanese animation willing to live with the hassle of making a rotary fight.
I grew up rich so I have no concept of money and would 100% go bankrupt for artistic integrity
You joking? The toy companies were shown the designs for Phantom Menace before the film was even in post-production, long before the VFX team saw them.
I'm sorry, how much did George Lucas sell Star Wars to Disney for again?
*cough* $4 billion *cough*
>Life with other people is suffering but they can also do nice things making it worthwhile
Also Anno:
>Thanks for the money you fucking idiots
Why did Kaji never get rid of those stray hairs of stubble on his chin in the series?
To be fair, at least the vast majority of it is taking advantage of gambling addicts and not otaku.
Though I don't know how much overlap exists in Japan between the 2 groups.
woah a bottle with tits, just what I needed
Proof that in a head-to-head matchup Asuka is clearly the superior bottle/waifu
Because stubble is sexy. Ask Asuka and Misato.
Is there anything that doesn't have an Eva version? Are there Eva condoms too?
>Are there Eva condoms too?
Not worth marketing to NGE fans
Are you implying NGE fans must reproduce or never do sex
fucking madao
I just checked, there really aren't any licensed Evangelion condoms despite it having fucking everything else in merch, even lingerie.
kek. My sides.
he's not a hack. The rebuilds are a meta commentary
>fell for the Dollar Shave Club meme
These thing tug on your skin so much.
NGE chads cum inside every time.
>masturbating to underage anime girls is fucked up, dude; seriously re-evaluate your life
>lol jk, here's three Evangelion Strip Mahjong titles for you, you pathetic shits
This lmao 3.0 + 1.0 looks like a fuckin joke and the franchise has been disgusting for about 10+ years
>Instead of accepting the nearly 300% pay raise, George approached the Fox executives with a proposition. George generously offered to keep his salary at $150,000 in exchange for two seemingly insignificant requests: #1) That he retain all merchandising rights, and #2) that he would retain the rights to any sequels.
After he destroyed his legacy. Rebuild is nowhere near Prequel levels
>tfw you can't buy these online
Schick is owned by a company in Missouri. I wonder if they had to approve of this campaign.
The lesson is to not br like yout father
no matter what happened later, lucas is based for carnying the studios like that
I feel like Anno never actually said that in his work, is the thing. The masturbation to Asuka scene was more meant to show Shinji is at his lowest point, he's jerking it to a comatose girl, but I don't think any message is aimed at the audience until the film explicitly starts talking to the real world. So Anno never really cared if you jerked it to the girls, as long as you weren't running away from reality and denying friendships and bonds to stay loyal to your jerk pillow of Rei.
yeah, I mean, we all know Anno jerked off to some miyazaki loli before
We know that Shinji did nothing wrong, but western commentators on EoE are still going to claim that he did and that Anno disapproves of it. But it's better for everyone if we just let them think that and not know that there are multiple Evangelion dating sims.
Lucas is a top tier artist who let shit like all the good EU grow and was perfectly fine with other people expanding his universe. His handling of the EU made Star Wars go from a Star Trek level of "icon in it's time, but dated and just for nerds now" to "cultural icon two times over, and self sustaining popularity." If he had found a producer for himself that fucking put a filter on the Prequels, he would be loved, but he made those movies because he wanted to, not for money, since no one forced him to make those but himself.
i don't actually mind the prequels too much honestly, i just can't forgive him for the special edition of THX-1138
boy oh boy I love star wars fanfics
Wow, sounds exactly like Anno
It's called the shave impact you pleb.
I'll gladly watch an "ugly bastard" rape my "loli legacy" for $4 billion any day of the week... I'll even tongue clean him afterwards and call him "daddy".
eva tengas when
>no one posted it yet
Reminder that there is an alcoholic drink based off "that" liquid that was on shinji's hand during EoE.
I haven't seen Eva ones but I have seen and used Fist of the North Star condoms.
Just like Nasu
What's wrong with making a profit off of your own work?
Gotta pay the bills somehow.
>taken his greatest creation and whored it out for money
I don’t know man, I don’t think I’ve ever seen any Love & Pop merchandise anywhere.
Turns out a good shave was all he needed to feel happy and fulfilled in life.
Found these when i was walking around Tokyo. Not even Akihabara. Why these even exist, who will see them???