Anime when?
Anime when?
Too edgy for today's fujos.
Went down hill once the step-brother tried fucking him.
Do Kazeki or a Heart of Thomas movie first
it was all downhill
once we found out the mother knew all along it was the icing on the feces cake.
One of the darkest manga I've ever read, surprised she was even allowed/able to make it.
But I do agree that the story is somewhat drawn out.
Do her one-shots as an anthology anime thing.
You could not force me to finish this manga. Literally what was Hagio Moto thinking?
Post Greg on the bed!
Pegging with Greg!
Inserting with Ian!
Probable the only time a fiction work made me legit rage
The chicken
name ONE character that suffered more than jeremy.
protip: you can't.
I legitimately don't understand all this praise this gets. Hagio clearly didn't do her research on the sensitive and difficult subject she attempted to tackle.
Becoming gregu's step child
Giving ass-birth to an egg!
Yeah, I sometimes even got the feeling like she agreed with Ian about Jeremy being at fault.
Everything after Gregu was kill was some bizarre shit desu as if Jeremy was seeing a fucked up nightmare
what is this.
does he deliver stuff in his bike?
down the hills in akina?
I consistently kept forgetting the story took place in the time it was written when they got to England.
A heartwarning story about family love and raising a child
initial d: bunta the rapist edition
Because it partially was. You can handwave it all you want, but if you do absolutely nothing about your abuse and then endlessly wallow in your angst then good luck, because nobody can fix your life for you. You can and should ask for help, but the bulk of work is on you.
That said, the manga is so hilariously over the top than doing anything reasonable there would seem insufficient.
i don't really think this one's for fujos in the first place
>Because it partially was. You can handwave it all you want, but if you do absolutely nothing about your abuse and then endlessly wallow in your angst then good luck, because nobody can fix your life for you. You can and should ask for help, but the bulk of work is on you.
Seek help.
Oh, my bad.
Too edgy for today's women.
Jojo 9 is looking fine
t. Ian
He was just a stupid teen who's been continuously raped and threatened by his step father who also used his shitty, mentally ill mother against him. Finding out that she knew all along and didn't do shit fucked him up even further.
No matter how you put it he's not at fault here and he certainly didn't seduce Gregu as Ian thought
This manga is like a fujo version of Ichi the Killer, Takashi Miike should do a live action adaptation
hopefully never
Delete this.