Manga and anime are always improved by adding lesbians.
Prove me wrong.
Manga and anime are always improved by adding lesbians.
Prove me wrong.
I can't. I can think of the addition of lesbians ruining Yea Forums shit, but every addition of lesbians in Yea Forums stuff has been very positive.
It should go without saying but it's because Japs do it because they want to. Whenever you see it in western shit it's usually to jerk off their own egos on how progressive they are. The difference in ideologies has a clear effect on the quality of the work itself.
Horribly wrong. I can't count how many times I'm enjoying a nice het romance and then suddenly some asshole lesbo shows up shitting all over the male MC and sexually harrassing the female MC with no comeuppance only to get a "Boohoo I like girls" sobstory.
Get that shit out.
false, due to homosexuality being a sin
Yeah lesbians don't ruin threads. The mentally ill/u/ fags they attract do.
Depends on the genre/ focus of story. I can't really imagine a male soccer story having much excuse to suddenly drop the main plot to talk about the manager girl being a lesbo. Probably would be fine if it was mentioned in passing though.
I pray every day that Allah will strike down you faggots and faggot lovers.
Can’t wait for Islam to rise to prominence so we can go back to hanging gay people off trees.
in the New King Weebs Version
She could seduce the other female coach of the opposing team to learn about their tactics
based sandnigger
they are improved as long as the lesbo has boundaries... ones that are basically self-inserts for sexual harassers are shit.
>Can’t wait for Islam to rise to prominence
[freedom intensifies]
Lesbianism was always OK in the Abrahamic religions
You're supposed to self-insert as the one being harassed, though.
I mean not necessarily. star vs FOE has some(if you're looking for it) implied lesbianism
No one said lesbians ruined every Yea Forums thing they went in. That's a discussion for Yea Forums.
This Yea Forums thread suggests that lesbians make anime and manga better.
Ben-To was praised for everything except the lesbian. Everyone hated her.
Most Yea Forumsnons wank over lesbos to show how progressive they are, though.
Nah, we just like lesbians. That's honestly why even most /u/fags do it.
yuri that's used purely as a gag is horseshit and needs to be stopped
yuri isn't a gag no more, it seems are taking it for real.
I agree with you on that one.
There are innumerable examples of it done wrong in innumerable Mangas, the problem with japs is usually that when they introduce a gay character they make "being gay" their only defining trait and as such its quite bad whenever they do. in theory there's nothing wrong with adding a homosexual character and it can in fact enrich the series as long as the character is well portrayed and defined, however this can be resumed to:
"adding a good enjoyable character improves any story" their sexuality has nothing to do with it.
>watch non-yuri anime
>suddenly, lesbian character
>grossed out by the thought of normalfags watching and enjoying it
>drop the anime and pretend i never watched it
Yuri characters don't have a place in anime outside of their designated genre.
I remember Ben-To
>grossed out by the thought of someone else enjoying the show you're watching
Is this what autism looks like?
Yuri is a gift from the gods itself.
I liked this one