Gintama End

I've never seen a gintama thread, and just read the end. What did you all think? Also, was the Tama future bit just a Maduo gag or what? will the anime get to wrap it up or is it another thing where anime only never gets closure?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>nobody likes gintama

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jannies please delete, no replies

There you are, Gintama thread.

I liked all over for you.

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Oh my... a mistake was made.

I meant looked all over for you.

I still like you though.

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Last chapter was discussed here weeks ago, thread reached bumping limits as a nice farewell. So far, Sorachi wrote himself into a corner so most of the fans were begging for any type of conclusion. And we got it.

my savior
stop being so creepy senpai

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yes it was a "conclusion" that spanned a lot of pages but they were all basically fan fics from the minds of the characters themselves. it was really disappointing when I wanted to see how everyone was doing, that it was just character monologues. Funny? yes. Fulfilling? No. and don't forget the best ship of all time never happening. pic very related

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It's a status quo ending. Which is perfectly fine for this series. Fuck ship niggers and fuck Naruto endings.

so does anyone know if madao made up the whole future tama thing or was it real and madao just embellished it while tama was sleeping?

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>fuck ship niggers
perfectly fine
but to have all but the last 2 pages be a running gag, which is kinda fitting, I also would have like some closure on the characters, which would have also been fitting. you can't just pretend like Gintama didn't have drama or romance. Comedy was used as a medium to describe and evolve characters, it wasn't an end game.

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No can do, I must express my gratitude to you, Sakata-kun

sakata-kun janai!

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Hmm, I could've sworn your name was Zura, but now I see that you have a bald spot on your head that is a bit swollen so I must be mistaken, Zuramp-kun.

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>I've never seen a gintama thread
you poor soul.

>What did you all think?
Pic related.

>will the anime get to wrap it up or is it another thing where anime only never gets closure?
the animu's caught up just fine and will continue soon-ish. They will finish it.

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ah it's okay ogre-san, let's play a license free version of uno.
also, does anyone know that song that plays in the anime right when shit gets real it's like:
ba-dum da duuuuuuuum
ba-dum da duuuum duuuuum
ba-dum da dooooo-de dooooooooo
and i cry everytim
been looking for a while now.

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I have no idea which this badum dum ba-dum song is but I hope it's in this video I found on the interweb.

i hope they finish too. it's really hard sometimes (maybe it's just me) to distinguish features in black and white. same reason i don't drive at sunset: everything starts looking the same color and it becomes hard to distinguish features. maybe it's just my eyes, who knows, but I'd love to see this final, very emotional arc animated.

I keep forgetting to take a picture of myself when posting.

This computer technology stuff sure is amazing though.

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its a slow song that builds up to a crescendo usually as gin is about to do something cool
so perhaps read to original comment in that manner. thank you so much nonetheless.

Same, though I consider the current studio / director to be a bit sub-par compared to some of the older arcs. Maybe they serious the fuck up for the finale and outdo themselves, but we'll see.

no problem ogre san, just plant flowers you can always ask gigi to do tech for you

who knows but in my mind already this is the only shounen i actually give a damn about. and i laughed my ass off all the way through.

Ah yes, I'll have things to ask him for other reasons.

You see I found him defecating outside my shop. While I do need manure for my plants, I think this is a bit direct in my opinion.
I must ask him to be a bit less conspicuous with his methods of bringing me the goods.

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ah it's okay ogre-san gigi told me he'd visit the onsen with you later to make up for it
be sure to scrub his back well, as he's old and can't reach

Uchuu ichi baka na samurai da

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I'll be sure to bring my pa. He was in such a good mood last time.

Glad that you found your ba-dam-bam-dum, user.kun.

It's time to close the shop and close these gentle eyes and go to bed.

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nn ogre

When is the announcement for gintama Z?

not until gin defeats bargain bin master roshi
and a paid off green painted maduo in the tournament

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i was hoping to get some insight on the whole future tama bit and whether it was madao just doing his thing or if it was real.
as it is, i believe it is real. if you follow the arc, madao interjects like everyone else but hyperbolizes everything in his favor as madao is want to do. However the chapter starts this way and it's only until tama reaches into her memory that the hiijinks begin. Therefore, sadly i think tama is alone in the future, with the recorded memories of her friends. I wonder how the culture shock will affect her but then again, she basically got to know Gin through dragon warrior references and such so who knows.Either way, i want to know what's going on NOW (edo) god damnit!
some are confused and think gintama is about laughs
comedy is a medium through which we see the development of the characters and those around them. Literally how odd jobs became a force to save the world and formed bonds that would have friends rushing in to danger to help them. to spend all but the last two pages seems like a cop out. One more chapter would have been fine.
fuck the haters, zura janai, katsura da

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there has to be someone out there that loves Gintama as much as i do...or else, well Ill be just another unemployed bum. saving the world without recognition. It's okay though-hey!
Hey godamnit that's my box!
well in the end, everyone say a shining star, a hero if you will. someone with no ties to the corporate elites. No ties to government.
A renegade. A man doing what he will-
"hey you gotta pay for that"
sorry guys, duty awaits

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anyone got a tl;dr? Love the series but find the anime far more enjoyable than the manga

i can
where did you stop

you could just wait a couple more months and continue the show tho

basically the last season
Yeah just eh, I kinda think it ended in a predictable fashion but just unsure

okay so basically the shriveled up bitch boi ayy lmaos decide to come to earth seeking the energy that earth uses. why? they think they can use yoshida's biology and become immortal. They don't give AF what happens to earth, i mean, would you? so in any case a big fleet shows up, and Gin and co. (and by company i mean literally everyone in town) storms the reactor. I feel like i should stop though because not only is it complicated and JUICY but I couldn't do it justice. hmm
i can't search a good answer hold on.

chapter 687

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it's been a while but this SHOULD be a good jump off.

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Holy fuck a Gintama thread. I started watching it 2 months ago with a friend, currently on 176 and it's really fucking enjoyable.
Kagura is peak heroine.

>japanese family guy

keep going my man
funny, dramatic, great OST
do it

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cool tell me more

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>i heard you boys were having a gintama thread
>how bout a knifu?

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