Why does she hold this phallic object?
Is this going to be AOTS?
Machikado Mazoku
It represents her massive penis that she's going to shove up the other girls' bumholes.
sounds like my type of show
Cant wait for yuri demons.
I miss you.
this is dogakobo right, of course its going to be AOTS
JC Staff
>yuri demon
your getting me excited
What does the title mean?
using my handy dandy jisho
machikado = street corner
mazoku = demon
sounds like some kinda cheap whore
Picked up. When it will be released?
>posting the edit
1:30 AM JP so like 13 hours
Holy shit how did I survive 7 months with no Kirara?
Nice, I'll have time to sleep
About time to update this!
Too bad this and the baseball one probably suck too.
Where the fuck is Chotto Ippai anime adaptation!?
I believe this will be good, Machikado Mazoku is kinda popular, has a lot of fanart in comparison to other manga-only Kirara series, I remember it receiving a prize in 2015 as well.
Why is Kirara Carat so powerful?
There's Ochikobore Fruit Tart (Hanayamata author) which is pretty good.
and Koisuru Asteroid which is Slow Start-level bad.
and of course the godly sequels of Yuru and Gotchyusa.
>being this binary about it
I like some more than others but most of those shows were fun to watch.
Fuck off.
Demon dildo. It's very hard to take out.
It's good to see that people are still sharp against Yea Forums's repeated attempts even after the break.
>having this shit of a taste
>2019 Summer
Machikado Mazoku
>2019 Fall
Magia Record
Koisuru Asteroid
>2020 Winter
Heya Camp & Ochikobore Fruit Tart
>2020 Spring
>2020 Summer
Gochiusa S3
Kirara will rule this world
Where's Yuru Camp S2 in this?
Did anything other than some shorts ever get a date?
Heya Camp is already announced for Winter 2020, so maybe end of 2020 or beginning of 2021
Can't imagine it would still be that far off, it will probably come before Tamayomi at least I hope
tan demon girls are gross
The only gross thing about her is her small chest.
why the fuck is hidamari sketch shit you absolute assbiter
I'm trolled
you're trolling me
>liking sansha over slow start
but i liked yuyushiki
I wanna grab her tail.
I hate the "hype" Hidamari Sketch have, I have the feeling is one of those shows that you must have watched when it aired to like it so much, just to give some examples on that list, I enjoyed Kill Me Baby and Gochiusa much more, I would be mad at K-On though, stop talking shit about K-On alright?
Me on the left.
But K-On is the worst manga in that list.
if you grab it she might cry
What a dork. Why are all Kirara mcs lately dorks?
Haruka is not a dork.
I missed you guys!
You mean Oosora, not Takayama, right?
Dorks are easier to attack.
you're both irredeemable fags, her delicious flat brown chest is lovely
5 hours left
Satania vs Madoka
Is today the deadest day for shows? Just this, some music show with fags and fantasy usagi drop?
They looked really soft
Its not next season and its not airing at the same time as Heya Camp so thats not happening.
Think we will get a Kirara show in fall?
Is this show a yuri?
There's Fruit Tart and Koisuru Asteroid coming soon as well, but I don't remember if there's airing dates announced.
I can already feel best girl.
I know it's on the yuri side of Kirara and the main girls are shipped hard, don't know how their relationship develops, though.
But I've seen fans point character development as one of the strong points in the manga.
Yes, but one-sidedly kinda. Shadow Mistress Yuuko isn't a clever girl, please bear with her.
1 hour 30 mins
How can a human being have such utter shit taste?
God that's long
Best girl is Momo though. They're all good girls but Momo is simply da best.
I love how long her tail is.
I feel bad for forgetting about Anima Yell. It was a really fun show.
45 mins
She's hot.
Wait, is this by JC Staff?
>>you're trolling me
It's pretty obvious when there's only 2 options, good and shit.
Even my 2 least favourite Kirara are probably 3-4/10 and wouldn't deserve the term shit.
Neither have air dates. Fruit Tart does have staff and a studio (feel) so it could be next season. Asteroid has neither so its almost certainly 2020.
Its one of the 5 anime by JC staff this season. It will almost certainly look garbage so the source material will need to carry it.
Nothing wrong with them overall. Their last Kirara was Urara which was one of the nicer looking Kirara adaptions.
They also had AOTS last season.
>one of 5 anime by JC staff
>all in the same season
Fuck, I didn't want to have hope anyway
That was before they went to shit user and started to produce several anime a season.
They're generally fine with slice of life, its also by arguably the best director there.
>Wait, is this by JC Staff?
The director working on this is far more experienced in comedies so we're in potentially in good hands
The director's experience matters, but it won't help much if the studio is splitting their time and budget 5-way this season
>That was before they went to shit user
Last season wasn't that long ago.
Even though Million Arthur was only airing alongside one other show it was OPM, which you'd assume would've had their main team devoted to.
Even if it has some QUALITY moments it should still be fine. After Hachigatsu I'm sure this should look better at least.
>Momo voiced by the same VA that did Aru and Noa
Already confirmed best girl
stream where?
Look for a TBS stream
Thats true, maybe this will be the show they spend all their efforts on this season. We'll find out soon enough.
It will be better than the very bad baseball show at least. If its not, it'll be unwatchable.
It's nice that it's reuniting a few from Bocchi straight away.
Even if she got worst girl in Bocchi I'm hoping Kohara gets a more fun character. After Kukuri and how good she was on the Kaguya radio show I'm liking her quite a bit now.
wake up nigger
Thank you
Stream here
It begins
What? Why? Momo is explicitly an out and out muscle wizard. Don't they have monk or brawler classes?
>sharing umbrela
Kirara Fantasia still alive?
Oh this is Kirara? I wasn't on planning on picking this up because the summary sounded meh but can't ignore Kirara, Usually 8/10 shows.
It is not a very good RPG
Horny girls
Shadow mistressu
MC's voice is so cute
Two flat surfaces
CyTube stream: /r/
Ok, that's genius
This is pretty much guaranteed to be AOTS.
Also, we are probably going to get a lot of trouble with crack shit Gridman style if you know what I mean.
Cute dorks
we'll be fine, that a*k fag is dead
Damn. Just how tall is the pink head? About 6'0 I think
Cutest show of the season already, I love it.
5'4 last she measured. Shamiko is just a womanlet and is literally cursed to be one.
what happened to him?
Did he finally get treated for his mental illness?
God I wish that were me
Cute Satania
Subs in 30 mins
He's still around, but I haven't seen him unleash his full autism in a while.
Please be kind to Shamiko. She is a slow girl but not Satania slow.
I want to IMAGINE her mom.
what's stopping you
Tail licking is lewd as fuck. Thanks To-LoveRu.
Males don't exist in their dimension.
>playing hide & seek
>playing papercup phone
These two will make the show for me
Always take the oyakodon route
>cursed to be short
>not cursed to be flat
I like this way of dealing with demon girls.
No, no, one is obviously beyond flat, concave.
Yes, butt Haruka. Kiss Haruka is not recent
Kirara Fantasia anime fucking when?
>yellow meme subs
oh no
oh yes
>swap swap never
It ended didn't it?
>[HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 01 [720p].mkv
I'm curious about Momo's scars
Why is the filesize so small?
light yuri
you are yuri
So much untranslated text in this episode
Yes. One sided yuri. Please give Shamiko time to catch up.
>hi-dive subs
RIP in pieces.
I'm waiting for the superior indosubs
She'll get there
Welp, this fucking explains everything
cute imouto
God damn,
they sure have a lot of cute fanart already
So, what do you guys think of the first episode?
Shamiko a cute, A CUTE!!!
Even if there's only 3 shows airing it looks like it'll be the best day of the week so far with this and UchiMusume having good starts.
Pretty lame.
Can't believe I hinged by bet on Thursdays being watchable this season on this garbage.
I can read the hiragana
I think it is KameX, as in Kamen rider
The first 2 kanji are for 10 and 5
It was ok
I thought it was about $365
AOTS material
Shinkansen loli?
How the fuck do you even live on $400 a month?
Sentai/HIDIVE simulcast.
Easily if the rent is already paid.
oh god hidive / sentai
prepare for fucked typesetting on HS unless we wait for erai
I've lived on less than that. It translates to a decent amount where I live.
Got some KMB vibes from it which isn't a bad thing.
Same, but Japan is fucking expensive. Plus she has two kids
Reminds me a lot of Manzai routines.
I'll probably wait for erai for the next ones assuming they aren't ridiculously late.
The amount of text jumping to the middle of the screen was a bit annoying.
Disappointed with budget but the soundwork is making up for it. Really should have been dogakobo that got this. Shamiko's VA is cute but her KISAMA should be sharper than what we got today. Lilith's VA is good too but wish they had gotten Koyama or Wakamoto to voice the cat.
Felt a bit like a slideshow, but it was cute.
so when is the manga getting translated
I love it. It's pretty fast-paced and the humor is great.
The sound direction was cute but sometimes a little over the top. This will be the designated cute girls anime this season and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Watch out Yea Forums!
This part got me good.
I enjoyed it, I don't see the QUALITY people were expecting or those who have already said it was low budgeted. It was funny and cute, that's all I need.
Too fast for me, barely any of the jokes had weight. Also somewhat baffled at how consistently monotone the voice work is. Feels intentional but I don't see the purpose.
dogakobo is too busy with /fit/chads
they don't have time for another same-y kirara show
>Too fast for me
Looks like you have to marathon all seasons of Teekyuu until you acquire mastery over time.
This is pretty good.
Oyakodon with a side egg.
Is that a proper way to talk to midgets
I like it. Evil demon a cute. Magical girl seems to be cool too. Picked up.
This rude /fit/ mahou shoujo is pretty good.
when will they learn
She is jealous of the short ones boobs isn't she.
Seems like we'll hit the end of volume 1 in ep 5 going by the announced ep titles so they'll either have to rearrange some chapters to move the end of vol 2 or end the anime on their date in vol 3. Nothing else really works as a good place to break off. Last couple of minutes were anime original btw and a pretty nice touch to feature the family a bit more early on.
>another same-y kirara show
It gets a bit more distinct after vol 1. And it's not like dogakobo hasn't done multiple shows at once before.
Will HS ever fix that?
I have my Nobunaga no Shinobi license so rapid delivery is not a problem. This is more like it's too fast to let anything settle, but not fast enough that the breakneck pace becomes funny in and of itself.
I guess, dunno if the deadpan style was the best fit for this type of show though. As long as others find it funny.
When is horriblesubs going to fix their handling of multiple tracks, this was really fucking aggravating
Just learn runes, typesetthing pointless trivia like that is just ugly clutter with official distributors.
Nope. She likes every bit of Shamiko.
>Satania clones
this one's cuter than Satania and maybe less of a shitter
This one isn't anywhere as smug or devilish, but she's about the same level of dorkness.
The timing/pacing of the jokes seems a bit weird. I'll stick with it for a couple more episodes to see how it goes.
>Is today the deadest day for shows?
Tuesday is dedday
Kaho-chan, is that you?
Wow JC didn't muck this up.
What the fuck did I just watch
>yuridorks MCs
this episode was dangerously close to AOTS territory
They are usually good enough at CGDCT stuff. They've just been overworking with all the shows they make lately.
i'd really like it if they did but i don't even know if they're aware there is a issue
>light yuri
nice try.
I wanna bully this demon
stay in your containment threads
cute demon girl goes :3, is bullied
Why this particular series got garbage burger subs. Holy fuck, it's way worse than gabu.
I lied, it's actually dark yuri
The lanklet looks like she ought to be a midget.
Are there scans of vol 5 out in the public raws?
This was pretty entertaining. Also, for some reason it reminds me of Last Period.
>i don't even know if they're aware there is a issue
Considering the shit scanlators often get for any issues I'd assume HS have probably heard about it a lot by now.
>When is horriblesubs going to fix their handling of multiple tracks, this was really fucking aggravating
The subs and typesetting are way better if you watch it on HIDIVE's player
What a bizzare humor style this anime has
Pink girl's hairclips are retarded.
in the end gabu subs weren't that bad, except 2 or 3 idiotic memes, everything else was decent. Including honorifics and name order.
why is Yuki in the ED
In a time where Netflix snipes random shows (including S2s of things they didn't have before) and holds their subs hostage until the end of the season, I'd rather have Hidive than nothing.
They're are notoriously lazy. I'm sure people have brought it up on their discord or IRC but they just ignore them. Subs are 'good enough' so why bother basically. They only act if it's a major fuckup and a lot of people bug them about it.
if she's not careful with that tail she's going to flash somebody
Dunno why this bit in particular got me so much but had to pause the episode so I could catch my breath from laughing. Best first episode of the season
Netflix series are getting fansubs at least. Kakegurui has nauti with man of culture 2nd sub track, Takagi has based user subs.
Fuck hidive. I'm pretty sure that if this series had no subs, some anons would deliver decent ones.
>Fucking dollars in subs.
no, fuck this shit. I'd rather pay for Japanese subs than watching this garbage.
lots of nice faces and webms for my collection :)
So this sleeper show is the comedy of this season, uh. Didn't expect that.
I'm skipping this until fixed fansubs will appear.
semen demon
>she sees your dick
Same, I’m waiting for erai to come out.
Will the anime make it to some good yuri parts?
If the OP or ED turn up at Mogra it looks like we'll have some good webm for it from this series.
Cutest of the season.
Why are EOPs so dumb? As if you'd understand 4万 off the top of your head anyway.
she changes into clothes later that she doesn't need to worry about flashing to people
You are right but at this point I'm too used to getting subs right when an episode releases. Waiting for subs makes me autistically seethe.
I'm waiting on Erai-raws and the manga
I don't care about typesetting. I'm talking about fixed translation.
she got them moves, so much is certain
Nice. With my shitty grammar, I'm considered as EOP. If you knew some Japanese, you'd know that dollars are only top of the iceberg.
No wonder everything is going to shit
Is your gif ok?
I prefer waiting than consuming garbage to be honest.
Should I read the manga?
Is it good?
God I love it already.
exccellent gif
Isekai is cancelled!
>can defeat truck-kun
she's a keeper
Yeah, I'm not even bothered by her flesh fang, which works here, and is super cute too. Unlike that slut from the magical school club animu. Why doesn't it work there? What's the difference?
It's fucking sad that almost no one cares about having accurate subs anymore.
And subs are getting worse and worse. Just wait till they start changing character names and setting completely like they are doing with video games.
That's actually trunk-kun, not truck-kun. Isekai still has a chance.
I don't know! Waaaahhhhhh
They have 4
This. Danmachi S2, Accel, and Mom Isekai
How bad are the subs? Are they GabDrop tier?
Through the Dark Lord. Amen.
you can always learn japanese if it bothers you that much
Some fuckups here and there, also no signs but it's readable enough and far from the level of constant memery you mentioned. I'd say it's about on par with Hidive's subs in general.
stella no mahou tier
Obligatory, thanks based SNSBu for saving this series.
Made for headpats and to dry laundry.
>you can always learn japanese if it bothers you that much
Thanks. You're so fucking helpful like these idiots with FBI meme are funny.
BTW, give me Japanese subs, then I'll stop complaining. I can't watch anime raw without Japanese subs.
Aside from a lack of honorifics and changing Japanese money to dollars, the subs were all accurate. You sound butthurt just because it doesn't appeal to weebs - not actually an issue with accuracy.
Hopefully they come around to save this show too.
What major inaccuracies were in this episode?
get the fuck off out there
Like it. But the untranslated text triggers my autism
yeah, kinda fucked for just released stuff when it comes to nipsubs. Having to re-time yourself is also annoying.
>the subs were all accurate
Nah. They got a fair few japanisms wrong during the episode. Did they get a newbie to work on these?
herkz or other idiot from nyazi comment section
What the fuck are you on dude.
You're right on the other points though, or at the very least I didn't see anything that bothered me as much as overlocalized memesubs do. Just like most other Hidive subs, they should be fine if you aren't feeling patient enough to wait for someone to give them more attention.
They also don't translate important on screen text. This annoyed me a lot.
guess who is doing s4?
This first episode is too good. Can it keep it up?
all the on-screen text is translated if you watch on the actual platform.
rippers get fucked.
Where did this show even come from? What is the source material? Was it hyped?
It just has to. OR ELSE.
It’s the Kirara greatness, user.
Kirara, Kirara, No.
I liked it. It was pretty fast paced though and I don't know if it gave itself a chance to sink in yet.
I love this show.
Well fuck. What is the actual platform? I know HS fucks up text from HiDive and Funi, but I've never seen it remove text.
>Satania (but in cute) vs. Madoka
>also Madoka is with cute Satania, not against her
pretty clever remix. Satania BTFO.
>Slow Start-tier shit anime
>Slow Start-tier shit subs
Look at those poverty stains on the walls.
Kill yourself Yea Forumstard. Don't use images from anime you haven't seen to shitpost with.
>popular enough to get adapted, but still no raws past the first volume found anywhere
is this worth forking over for?
Clearly this is the only one they're putting effort into, thank fuck.
That explains it. I love most Kirara shows.
Was rereading the books and a future neighbour apparently rents the place for 120yen a month after some discount. It explains a fair bit on how they manage.
>Also somewhat baffled at how consistently monotone the voice work is.
It sounded like this was the first time they read the script, and/or haven't slept in a week.
The last time JC staff adapted a fantasy CGDCT SoL manga (Urara Meirochou) it sold like shit, this show will probably sell like shit too and they won't make a season 2.
Kirara anime sales ranking:
========S TIER========
(2009) 43,878 K-ON!
(2010) 39,519 K-ON!!
========A TIER========
(2018) 14,110 Yuru Camp
(2015) 13,597 Gochuumon wa Usagi desu Ka??
(2014) 11,404 Gochuumon wa Usagi desu Ka?
========B TIER========
(2010) *8,848 Hidamari Sketchx
(2008) *8,688 Hidamari Sketch×365
(2012) *7,542 Hidamari Sketch×Honeycomb
(2013) *6,773 Kiniro Mosaic
(2007) *6,508 Hidamari Sketch
(2016) *5,886 NEW GAME!
========C TIER========
(2011) *5,515 A Channel
(2015) *5,315 Hello!!Kiniro Mosaic
(2009) *4,904 GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class
(2017) *3,636 NEW GAME!!
(2014) *3,556 Hanayamata
(2013) *3,334 Yuyushiki
(2017) *3,167 Blend S
(2015) *2,765 Gakkou Gurashi!
(2011) *2,559 Yumekui Merry
(2014) *2,376 Sakura Trick
(2012) *2,321 Acchi Kocchi
(2016) *2,140 Sansha Sanyou
(2015) *1,842 Joukamachi no Dandelion
(2015) *1,668 Wakaba Girl
(2018) *1,661 Slow Start
(2015) *1,650 Koufuku Graffiti
(2018) *1,449 Comic Girls
(2009) *1,218 Kanamemo
(2018) *1,184 Harukana Receive
(2016) *1,106 Anne Happy
(2012) ,987 Kill me Baby
(2018) ,959 Anima Yell!
(2017) ,878 Urara Meirochou
(2016) ,670 Stella no Mahou
Yes. Do it for our dark lord Shamiko.
I really hope you guys don't do this. It's really disrespectful.
Fuck off.
Why does she seem so happy about the idea of her older sister becoming a succubus?
Slow start got really nice and accurate edit subs. I doubt that this series will get any.
My wife Hotaru has become a mother
She wants to be seduced by her.
Reminder to always ignore Yea Forumstards.
She's just based like that.
Ah, I see. Her first born totally comes after Komari.
i cant unsee it
I don't see any game discussion in the thread though? Unless you mean the couple of tards shilling the kirara mobage
Don't forget to dump the raws for us.
This is canon now.
I was interested in this show from the description, but it's just generic "cute girls all hang out and everyone thinks it's Yuri" show again?
user confirmed for niichan
Kill yourself.
>Hotaru is a descendant of darkness.
Makes sense, so that's also why MC is a womanlet.
Having watched more slice of life anime than most people here I have to say that this show is mediocre at best. It's still entertaining, though.
If I were to rank it in relation to all slice of life anime it would go something like:
SoL anime ranking:
>Best work of art ever made in the history of mankind tier
>Elder God tier
Haibane Renmei
Natsume Yuujinchou
>God Tier
Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
Tamako Market
Strike Witches
>Great tier
Windy Tales
Flying Witch
>Good tier
New Game season 1 (and season 1 alone)
Lucky Star
Manabi Straight
Gin no Saji
Comic Girls
>Mediocre tier
Machikado Mazoku
Non Non Biyori
Hidamari Sketch
Yuru Yuri
Yuru Camp
Urara Meirochou
>Bad tier
All Kirara anime that weren't mentioned above except the following:
>Shit tier
Stella no Mahou
New Game season 2
Yuri will not be appearing in this anime
there is yuri though
Left or right?
I see... Yuko does have that Komari-tier dorkiness in her.
I was talking about her husband, Komari.
Both, on me.
If these two aren't in every episode we're going to have a huge problem.
Having watched more SoL and more anime in general than you, you're opinion is shit.
Left on right
Komari is the last person who would call Hotarun a womanlet, don't call me that
Right on left.
Why don't you just watch the first episode and decide for yourself what you think about it, like all civilized people who enjoy anime do?
Left on right.
Maybe Given is more your speed.
I hope they make at least a few appearances. I wasn't expecting mob dorks to turn up while the main characters were talking.
I meant that Komari is the husband.
English is hard.
Can Shamiko beat Kaos on a fistfight?
I want to literally be Momo
>Non Non Biyori
>Mediocre tier
this is bait
No shit.
What is hard is trying to find the chapter where Komari genderbends, you don't make sense either way
but girl has cute horns and cute tail
Are these the same guys who did the chord-telephone a bit later, or earlier? That was fun. Moshi, moshi.
Look at this handsome woman.
I just checked the thread before downloading it and all I can see is yuri shipping and even hoping "that man" doesn't show up, which is disappointing. I loved Yuru Camp because there wasn't any of that forced shit in the show. I just want a reverse magical girl show about poverty.
Sorry, I prefer to not watch homosexual shit regardless of type.
lanklet faggot
These subs are so bad that even people on MAL are complaining about it.
IPS science babies, Japan is one of the countries leading the research for a reason.
Well, if this kind of content triggers you then too fucking bad. Go somewhere else.
where's the father
Don't you ever get tired of constantly shitposting?
where are her horns
where are her eyebrows
I can't love a woman without beautiful horns
I have no idea how you related that meme to my post about genderbending but ok.
You're free to leave to watch something you enjoy instead, or stay here being a triggered salty faggot, your choice.
Even without iPS there's also the possibility of a futanari dick. Magic and demons are involved after all.
Don't you ever get tired of being so upset about your fetish?
He only came to this thread to shitpost, you morons.
yes I love dicks
Komari probably got lost at the beach again, but fear not, a bunch of very nice pals are taking good care of her.
In non non biyori, not so much. The most supernatural thing there is Hotaru's JAV body for her age
>Anons having fun enjoying a cute show
>while you get triggered over said show's content
Gee user, I wonder who's upset here.
>sucker for kirara shows
>horn fetish
Gonna be hard to find the father between all of them.
Don't you ever get tired of being so upset about stuff you don't like?
Komari is the father you dumbfuck. Pay some attention, now would you?
What a dame demon
Don't bother, it's just another anti-yuri shitposter.
How gay is it?
But Komari is not a man, have you seen the show at all? The only male is her brother
Not particularly so far, who knows about later on.
What's her endgame? Why didn't she kill that damn demon on the spot, as is her divine duty? What's going on here? Are we being doublecrossed and bamboozled this early on?
Not enough.
Pretty gay later but they are all dorks so their relationship will at least take a long time to develop.
Stop being so defensive that someone's disappointed that this show is going to be utterly uninteresting and littered. No need to project here.
She's going to seduce her first, then kill her in the last episode.
She's not even worth the effort.
Love at first sight.
I liked it, sounds pretty fun and right up my alley. Didn't know it was a Kirara show but I'm glad it is.
Needs a SICP edit
Cute friends.
Someone like you should've been sent to a concentration camp.
Summer is saved
Ah, I see. So it's basically like Milkey Holmes. Awesome.
why does everyone have gradient hair
By Dogakobo
That would just be giving in to enjoying bad things though
No idea, they didnt in the manga
Feels nice having many different kinds of cute girl shows in a season.
No? just don't watch things you think are bad.
Absolutely fantastic, probably AOTS for me.
Girls are super cute, I fucking love all these dorks already. Jokes and delivery are perfect, for once the show is without typical japanese "humor" bullshit. My sides were obliterated by the end of episode.
Not enough nudity.
Bad things are bad
Yes, and you don't need to watch them, neither to participate in discussions about them.
Can't believe Sailor Moon shows more than this
Finally something that's worth watching, this season had nothing but shounen so far.
Funny and cute, best first episode this season so far for me.
This anime has Urara level of animation which means it's not shit by JC standards.
she'll never find true power until she embraces the naked transformation
I like it. Looks great.
I miss Comic Girls so much, anons... at least this show's MC is kinda like Kaos
Too bad.
She's too cute to be like Kaos.
It's nice that the 4 cute girls shows I'm watching have all been good so far. With this one being the last to air it felt like it would decide whether Summer would be good or not.
Hopefully they can keep it up and the 2 shows I'm watching with bad first episodes improve. Still better than I was expecting the season to be anyway.
Yeah, it's pretty fucking good.
>It's nice that the 4 cute girls shows I'm watching have all been good so far.
Which ones? Dumbbell has males in it so it's shit, Joshikousei not only has males in it but the MC is also a slut so it's double shit and Sounan Desuka is animated like shit. This is the only good cute girls show this season.
You need to get your eyes checked if you think this comes close to Urara's animation.
is the time of horns upon us
This is your mind on /u/.
Post her lezing out with her gf.
She's not yet as perverted as Kaos.
Urara deserved so much better... the manga is the best 4koma I've ever read by far, it puts everything else Kirara published to shame.
Do bigger SICP books grant more knowledge?
His mind on retardation for sure, not on yuri, since yuri manga has male characters too.
It's your mind on (You)s and you're making him get off.
they're more powerful while office chair jousting
I know this is bait but it just boggles me that people post things like this unironically sometimes.
So that's why the forced yuri x antiyuri shitposting got so much traction, those retards simply mistook /u/ for (You).
Poe's law really makes online anonymous imageboard interaction hard.
>Gay Guys playing music
>Gay Girls larping Precure
Thursday/Friday is quite something.
More like bad yuri manga have male characters in them.
I was being serious. The point of cute girl shows is seeing girls being cute and there is nothing cute about seeing a girl with another man.
How can she withstand such power?
This might come as a shock but there's people who definitely think like that. There's a high chance it's a legit post
it's okay as long as the guy is cute too
I'm here for cute
How terrifying.
prickposter is not a legit poster.
And people who are retarded on that level aren't taken seriously anywhere, not even on /u/, so there's no reason for Yea Forums to answer them seriously.
Why are you not watching the JC yuri idols?
She strong.
I think like this
>there is nothing cute about seeing a girl with another man.
It brings back the bad memories, huh?
>another AOTS by Kirara
I want to glaze those cinnamon buns
>there is nothing cute about seeing a girl with another man.
It could work.
Imagine being a male background character in a yuri show. Life would be hopeless. You would die alone while seeing happy lesbian couples everywhere.
quite a lot of them get happy endings.
a decent amount of yuri manga has guys getting even main girls impregnated.
Imouto also has demon genes.
Name 5
I didn't want to let him know considering he's a fag and would probably just say the animation is shit if Sounan Desuka isn't good enough for him.
That was the 4th one I was referring to instead of Joshikousei, which doesn't really have cute girls and isn't funny so far.
Oh, right. I'm not an expert on yuri.
I thought the anime of the season would be Dr Stone, Firefighter anime or Cop Craft
You're telling me it's devilgirl?
He meant CGDCT series. Guys in those are totally irrelevant.
Dunno, don't remember the names.
>I thought the anime of the season would be Dr Stone, Firefighter anime or Cop Craft
What fucking Beaner threads have you been hanging out?
Sure thing user
Maybe that's why you're a fucking zanen.
Well, they mostly don't exist as well in CGDCT, so it's not like they're sad there either.
Of course it is.
Very cute!
He's watching lolicop too so he might be from some slightly civilized part of South America.
Doesn't seem like dudes have a hard time in cute girl shows. Most of them are fathers too, so unvirgins and sucessful
French Guiana?
>Shounen Jump shit
Filled to the brim with Beaners and Niggers
>Manga Time Kirara shit
Filled to the brim with Crackers and Japs
Not surprised that superior races have superior taste in entertainment.
New rip with on screen text when?
>imouto pushes her big sister into becoming an anal prostitute so she could get neat things
why do i love this trope so much?
Not only that, but gradients of the weirdest colors
Is this show too gay for Erai-raws?
>Well fuck. What is the actual platform? I know HS fucks up text from HiDive and Funi, but I've never seen it remove text.
I'd imagine there's a secondary layer of subs the rippers don't bother grabbing
That's why this one tried to send Shamiko to a parallel world.
It prevents shotgun marriages
You've somehow managed to make the worst post in this thread and that is quite the accomplishment.
Nice thighs.
Late to the thread but it's looking like AOTS for me. Only shortcoming is that MC should have been flat.
I like how she's bustier than Momo and I hope she tries to use her breasts to bully her.
>Truck drivers - no sense of right and wrong
>assfags unironically like to get shit smeared on their dicks
I'm glad I'm an oppaibro.
Every time. You retards keep thinking about shit because you have a repressed scat fetish.
Assfags and analfags aren't the same retard.
it's a shame we'll never get sound webm's
the VA's reading of this makes me want more angry demon noises
Now you're being retarded.
How did Komari grow a tail?
She had a daughter, and then the daughter grow a tail.
She didn't, it's plugged.
let me blow your mind even further - analfags and scatfags aren't the same either
Everybody but the scatfags in denial know that.
If the only thing she needs is blood from the magical girl in the statue that is easy, the statue is already phallic.
If only I had two parallel dicks, that would be excellent. If only.
Bocchi? more like Bitcchi
Rectal blood.
Don't forget the horns that make it harder to come out.
>destined to find and murderize madoka and her gang
Gotta admit, that's, while rather basic, also a pretty damn badass plot.
>Shamiko is not voiced by Ozaki Yuka
Damn, I was almost sure.
I love all her little angry noises
This was so much worse than Comic Girls, why didn't we get a Comic Girls season 2 instead?
First episode was good.
I hope it won't start to rely too much on yuribait like other Kirara shows.
Kill yourself.
MC confirmed for Hotarun's and Komari's magic baby.
Nexus busy with Chibi Mecha
Good job user, her body was already on the right mindset
What if Homura decides to show up at some point? Wouldn't she be super jelly if she saw Madoka with her lewd horned demon fooling around just like that? Will this kickstart the final conclusion we've been waiting for since Rebellion aired?
I think it shuffled the events of the manga a bit too much
Seething delusional yurifag.
>this and Uchi on the same day
I'm gonna die
Momo will frequently feel like she's in love with Shamiko down the road, so ready yourself.
Take the piece of shit that is Madoka out of this thread.
Is this the yearly GA thread?
shes already there
Good luck with that faggot.
The other two upcoming Kirara shows are on the yuri side as well, btw.
Stella got it much worse with the adaptation, and it's a brilliant 4-koma in its own right (even if it's a school thing, not something from Miracle that's been known for amazing settings)
Should I watch this?
Wait, exactly how bad is it? Does it really need us to save it? If it's that terrible I can run a TLC on it, at least.
Thanks for the warning.
Nobody liked comic girls
Why not?
I only thought it was a 5/10 though.
All the people who watch Kirara anime are smelly neckbeards. Prove me wrong.
oh my, this is so going to get out of hands at some point. Look at her smile. Her god damn smile.
Including you, of course.
Stabby stabby smile.
Well, Kirara is a seinen magazine, what did you expect?
but I'm a girl
>my picture good mooted
Speak for yourself faggot.
>Prove me wrong.
I can't.
Re-timing is much easier once you remember that ads are always divisible by 15s, no need to load in the video file even.
I get you, that's exactly why I upload all the subs I can find (mostly ripping from Netflix) to kitsunekko. Not sure if Mazoku will be there, pretty unlikely, but let's hope.
But actually you should also check anicobin, they post nearly complete (90%-ish) transcripts for almost every show, though technically for commentary matome purposes. And since this is an adaptation, get the manga raws, it will probably be word for word in most scenes. There are some tricks when captions aren't available. Sometimes it's worth checking yomu.tv, but it's kinda sucky.