nanohodo desu....
Nanohodo desu
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Two higurashi threads in two days? This must be some sort of miracle
>Rika thread
>can't talk about fucking her without a certain female shitposter derailing the thread
Me on right
All Higurashi girls are best girls.
Well it is summer time
God I wish that was me
Watanagashi has passed
I want my own Mion
I don't get it.
Since Rika kept dying she's insecure that she never got to grow up.
me on left
Rena seems like the type to go on crystal cafe
Why go there when she can go to my house and be happy
Imagine manhandling rika tiny body
Fuck Rika
Oh my~
You DID forgive her.. right?
should i buy higurashi tshirts from aliexpress bros...
I dunno if they'll fit, but yeah why not. Jlist used to have one but they stopped selling shirts for whatever reason
Opprotunity may only knock once but akasaka's gonna be knocking a LOT more if you know what I mean
He's gonna be knocking out yamainu goons obviously
that one looks really cool, there isn't much on aliexpress
Reverse image search did nothing. Where can I find this shirt?
tonight im gonn fap with higurashi
What was her problem?
Good call
Now that is not a series I've seen in a long time.
>tfw you got a popup about strawberrypanic making a new video.
Already been 12 years (soon).
>wheee, hyper XD I wanted to make a higurashi amv for a while, enjoy ^^ *evil giggle*
Yeah that's where the MSI fans and Higurashi fans intersect. Weird that I miss it.
I miss that era.
keep em comin lad
higurashi is a fine art
Fuck you guys. Yanderes are hot.
but why parasytes?
It's oyashiro sama no tatari, I aint gotta explain shit
I want to adopt Satoko, help cure her and bring her brother back!
Stop it!
I accidentally the whole thing
It's okay. I can adopt another Satoko from another timeline!
what a stupid maid
Jesus, someone feed her something. She's all skin and bones.
ok I gave her some milk
oh god pedobear is gonna get satoko
>Keiichi ends up picking Mion
Would you let her in?
..Better let her in
blessed thread
I'm taking Rena home with me!
This thread stinks like oldfags, literally there's so much dust around that I can't breathe or see and the virgin scent is makes me nauseous
I haven't the faintest what you're talking about
>higurashi thread dies queitly in the middle of the night
>Rika pasta hasn't been posted
And I'm keeping it that way
Thank you, user. We really need more good people around.
I'll cold clock anyone with my freakishly large yaoi hands
wtf please tell me this isn't real
A man without a good pair of big, manly, veiny, stone-like but warmy hands that allows him to express all his wildness, personality and desires to protect someone can't truly be a man.