Nanohodo desu

nanohodo desu....

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Two higurashi threads in two days? This must be some sort of miracle

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>Rika thread
>can't talk about fucking her without a certain female shitposter derailing the thread

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Me on right

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All Higurashi girls are best girls.

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Well it is summer time

God I wish that was me
Watanagashi has passed

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I want my own Mion

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I don't get it.

Since Rika kept dying she's insecure that she never got to grow up.

me on left

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Rena seems like the type to go on crystal cafe

Why go there when she can go to my house and be happy

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Imagine manhandling rika tiny body

Fuck Rika

Oh my~

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You DID forgive her.. right?

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should i buy higurashi tshirts from aliexpress bros...

I dunno if they'll fit, but yeah why not. Jlist used to have one but they stopped selling shirts for whatever reason

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Opprotunity may only knock once but akasaka's gonna be knocking a LOT more if you know what I mean
He's gonna be knocking out yamainu goons obviously

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that one looks really cool, there isn't much on aliexpress

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Reverse image search did nothing. Where can I find this shirt?

tonight im gonn fap with higurashi

What was her problem?

Attached: chidori.webm (1920x1080, 484K)

Good call

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Now that is not a series I've seen in a long time.

>tfw you got a popup about strawberrypanic making a new video.

Already been 12 years (soon).

>wheee, hyper XD I wanted to make a higurashi amv for a while, enjoy ^^ *evil giggle*
Yeah that's where the MSI fans and Higurashi fans intersect. Weird that I miss it.

I miss that era.

keep em comin lad

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higurashi is a fine art

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Fuck you guys. Yanderes are hot.

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but why parasytes?

It's oyashiro sama no tatari, I aint gotta explain shit

I want to adopt Satoko, help cure her and bring her brother back!

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Stop it!

I accidentally the whole thing

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It's okay. I can adopt another Satoko from another timeline!

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what a stupid maid

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Jesus, someone feed her something. She's all skin and bones.

ok I gave her some milk

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oh god pedobear is gonna get satoko

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>Keiichi ends up picking Mion

Would you let her in?

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..Better let her in

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blessed thread

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I'm taking Rena home with me!

This thread stinks like oldfags, literally there's so much dust around that I can't breathe or see and the virgin scent is makes me nauseous

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I haven't the faintest what you're talking about

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>higurashi thread dies queitly in the middle of the night

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>Rika pasta hasn't been posted

And I'm keeping it that way

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Thank you, user. We really need more good people around.

I'll cold clock anyone with my freakishly large yaoi hands

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wtf please tell me this isn't real

A man without a good pair of big, manly, veiny, stone-like but warmy hands that allows him to express all his wildness, personality and desires to protect someone can't truly be a man.