
I'm halfway through reading this and wow, do I feel like a retard for not giving it a chance before. The art is amazing, easily on par with Berserk (and even surpassing it at times)
My only complaints are:
1)A lot of sameface. I forget who's who all the time during the group fights. Could be that I'm a brainlet though
2)A lot of dumb, visually noisy shonen action panels. Berserk's action was better paced, better drawn and easier to follow IMO

anyways Claymore thread, Teresa a cute

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I rabu Kurea

>easily on par with Berserk (and even surpassing it at times)

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Do you disagree?

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That scene was such an asspull.

Friendly reminder, Roxanne is best girl.

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Stop speedreading the series and take your time to apreciate the panels

The sameface gets better after you manage to distinct the girls based on how they talk or fight

Also, best sword coming through

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>I'm halfway through reading
Enjoy it while it last, its all down hill somewhere along the later half.

Can I at least look forward to more sweet /ss/?

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Claymore > Berserk

He becomes a big boy later on
A very muscular and burly one

Breddy gud stuff I have to say

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Lame. They getting together with him as a kid is way hotter

Both became shit except 1 is complete shit and the other is incomplete shit.

>A lot of dumb, visually noisy shonen action panels.
Cause it's a shonen manga and used to be on Shonen Jump.

It was SnT before SnT

Raki should of never been in the story at all. Fuck that guy

Why the comparison with beserk, its neither better no worse than beserk's story as a whole even though beserk will probably never be finish

>Fuck that guy
At least Clare should have, and maybe let some others have a chance too.

>do I feel like a retard for not giving it a chance before
Why not. I'm curious.
>1)A lot of sameface
It happens in anime, some of it is by design in this series though. I think the outward facial structures are somewhat different.
>A lot of dumb, visually noisy shonen action panels
As the fights got more convoluted I agree, but early on I thought it was very neat to follow
He should have been left off at some city where he could have lived happily. They shouldn't have forced him to be relevant in the story.

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I read it twice.
God damn, sometimes I think I already read all the good manga there is

The same face thing has always been a thing of the author's work. Also be prepared for crazy stuff later on.

>author couldn't top or do another angel denetsu tier comedy so had to go total 180
I'm sad boys

>The art is amazing, easily on par with Berserk

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Loved the moment when the first male awakened being was revealed

>first male awakened being
such a bad ass design sadly I think the author ran out of cool designs at the end

Miura is a better artist. However the monster design of Claymore is top tier. Also you know what
Yagi gave us that Miura never will? An ending.

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>An ending
It went too shonenshit, why did the power levels have to get so retarded?

>1/2 way through.
Things only go downhill from there.
The last 1/3 is a complete power level shit show.
Still my favorite manga though.

Do not disturb.

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Miura would have done that better though

I don't know man lots of things in that image you posted seem off

Also as someone who's into these sort of settings is the storyline actually good ,and is the main character actually interesting?

The former male #3 is like 20ft high in his awakened form.
Gallita is the tallest normal claymore at 6ft 1.
So the image isn't off, it's just the characters are vastly different sizes.

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That's one of claymore manga weaknesses
Clair is a bit boring.
The other warriors are way more interesting.
But the other characters more than make up for Clair being boring.

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Main villain is so shit I thought of dropping it several times. Speedreaded 40% of it

Yeah but even still, what is he doing? Standing there? That's why it looks like he's doing. Why is he just standing there while that big thing is smashing things?

I've read it three times and regularily look for fanfics. I love this series. It resembles Berserk just tiny little bit, but I never felt it tries to emulate it, so it stands on its own pretty well. I love the characters and while there is some missed potential here and there, its pretty good manga. And most importantly, its completed. The ending could have been even better, but I'm not complaining about what we got. It also avoids Darkness Induced Apathy, so its also a plus for me.

What really rustled my jimmies was the big plot twist that they didn't build upon. Like we were given a ton of context for the setting yet the story never really explored any of it. I feel like if the manga received a new adaptation today, it would have grown a lot more popular.

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Why no one is translating Soukyuu no Ariadne? Its by the same mangaka. Looks comfy.