Which loli was better?
One Piece
Other urls found in this thread:
The fuckable one
I hope the two of them and Momo are good friends when they all meet.
This one.
Well this is new.
Remember: no such as thing as a powerful swordswoman
Delete this
Jealous Kuina has a bigger sword than you?
Probably more proficient at using it, too.
Tama, she is top cute.
Tama because she ensured Speed would be joining us for the rest of the arc instead of being some throwaway villain like Holdme. I actually like Toko more though.
I looked at the talk page for Kiku's wiki entry and laughed at all the losers arguing that he's a girl
HA !
Forget about that, I present you an idea Kiku's big tasty delicious beautiful girl cock raping your mouth until you pass out.
Already got some, with images to prove it.
You'll need to up your game.
I still can't believe Sanji failed to detect a trap.
How long till Smoothie and Friends show up so this party can get started
Who the hell knows? Oda has too many characters to juggle with so he ignores half of the cast and puts them in a black box. We still haven't seen Apoo yet.
I wanna kiss and worship Kuina's yonko-level cock.
I want to have sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation with Kiku
#893 = Kouhei Kureta/Shuuichi Ito
#894 = Aya Komaki/Yusuke Isouchi
Ep 893: Otama Takes the Stage: Luffy Vs Kaido Army.
Ep894: I Will Come Back: The Legend of Ace in Wano Country!
I want Kiku to rape me doggystyle.
Will Zoro miss Hiyori and Toko once he leaves Wano?
Judge should have honestly just had Reiju marry Smoothie, then none of this shit would have happened.
Upcoming Episode Titles
>Ep. 893: Otama Takes the Stage: Luffy Vs Kaido Army
>Ep. 894: I Will Come Back: The Legend of Ace in Wano Country!
>Ep. 895: The Strongest Bounty Hunter Cider (Filler)
>Ep. 896: Luffy Vs Carbonic King (Filler)
He'll return when he becomes the greatest swordsman
I want Speed to breed me like a stallion.
These quads.....maybe you're on to something
Queen can just smell dat snatch already!
i like sanji
Still hate his design its literally an egg with limbs.
Calm down Pudding-chan
Where's Katacutie?
I love them so much!!!
Poor Queen
how long has luffy been with his crew? I'm thinking legit only a year, not including the 2 year skip.
At most, yeah.
why the fuck does this look good?
which strawhat had the worst infance? usopp probably had the chillest one
I think it's a bit over a year. He said to Nami in some episode, "You treat me like this after all these years." What's amazing is how close they all are after only being together a year. Brook has been with them pretty much a month or two at most, then got shanghai'd away for 2 years.
Is it true the new director or animator for the whole Wano arc is an women and also an Zorofag? I think I heard it an week or 2 ago but I don't remember.
sanji obviously
>Hiyori worked as an oiran, being a dayu, the highest ranked of all of them.
>Oiran were courtesans in Japan.The oiran were considered a type of yūjo, "woman of pleasure" or prostitute. However, they are distinguished from ordinary yūjo in that they were entertainers, and many became celebrities even outside the pleasure districts.
Hiyori isn't a prostitute, she is just an entertainer and therefor, pure. FACT, sanjifags.
Directors name is Hiyori Kozuki
animator is a woman I believe. I hope she is a Zorofag because that means all of his fights will we excellent. This is his arc, fuck Luffy getting his new haki.
>Sanji will get NOTHING, this arc
They're both the MCs
>animator is a woman
Oh no bros that means we get no titties
you got your arc. now sit down and shut the fuck up in your raid suit
retard he got his raid suit
He got that at the end of WCI.
childhood* I dokn't even know if infance is english lmao
at least he had based zeff. robin on the other hand was all on her own when she was 8
I hope the next Udon chapter is 960, despite how unrealistic that is.
ok but he used it in wano
thats a man, baby
Marine bros... the pirates are laughing at us again...
I think most women prefer Zoro
Infancy is the word. They probably all had a shitty infancy besides Franky, Ussop, Chopper(mindless deer life), and maybe Brook? Luffy has absolutely 0 recollection of either parents, same with Zoro? Nami was abandoned, Sanji was expected of too much.
You know the best doujin authors are chicks, right?
Franky's parents tossed him overboard I can't imagine he had a good time.
Ussop and Franky are going to make it stronger in time for him to beat Queen and become Yonko Commander 2. The question is: Who will be Luffy's 3rd commander?
>Whorefags coping THIS hard
She is literally the sloppy seconds of an entire country filled with old men
Jimbei or Law.
>The question is: Who will be Luffy's 3rd commander?
Jim Beam, obviously
I was thinking Jimbei. Law will be his Shiki type rival possibly but also I see him dead at the end of this series. Anyhow. The commanders of the SHs: Zoro, Sanji, Jimbei. That's scary to face especially since none of them have DF but are insanely strong.
>the anime looks like the manga again
oh my fucking god which timeline we are living again?
I dunno, but it's weidly apealing, and the style seems to favor fluidity which is good for animation. I don't care if they put a lot of filler in wano as long as it looks decent, zoro killing all those dudes was nice, Oda is sadly so bad with swordfights that any liberties that the directors take to change them is welcome.
Anyone who says Toko kill yourself Zorofag.
Carrot is the only attractive female in the Straw Hat crew
Based and checked
Fuck that's too much filler fighting. I'm getting worried how much filler they are gonna add.
The one that's in the opening
So far I am really enjoying Wano kunni!
THICC sexy outlines and big, JUICY color palette
It is known.
Where is carrot again?
You didn't answer me last thread when I asked if her butt fur gets poopy
She'll make Sanji cut out the poopy butthair for her
>Luffy has absolutely 0 recollection of either parents
So what, he had dadan, his brothers, his grandfather, makino and the village seemed to care about him, luffy never gave two figs about his parents, his saddest moment was sabo's aparent death. We don't know much about Zoro's very early childhood but his time in the dojo was pretty chill. I'd say the one with the worst childhood is either nami who started nice but went to hell with arlong, sanji wjo started in eugenics hell but ended nice with zeff and robin who started lonely but not awful until the WG showed up and went full void century on ohara, so I'd say Robin for sure.
>she is just an entertainer and therefor, pure. FACT, sanjifags.
>Entertainer...isn't entertaining.
>Only knows a few song and none of them are good
>Her jokes aren't funny either
0/5 wouldn't hire again
>A literal background noise
How will Carrotfurfags cope?
The fact she even exists is enough.
The character design from east blue to sabaody was Noboru Koizumi whom has his own unique style but i really loved his art. During classic One Piece the episodes closest to Oa's work were the ones supervised by Eisaku Inoe.
The new character design Matsuda is an aprentice of Masayuki Sato (the cd and cad for strong world, z and gold)..Sato is regarded as the closest to Oda's new art style.
When will The Sixth Emperor, Buggy D. Clown make his grand reappearance?
After Weevil gets BTFO, the Warlord system will be disbanded.
Buggy will probably beat the shit out of a couple Admirals before meeting up with Luffy or Shanks.
Another shot from the Koizumi era
Also, it feels was really nostalgic to seen him in Whole Cake: sakugabooru.com
Fuck even QUALITY looks passable and good at best.
Bro, regardless of rank, an oiran's main activity is fucking their clients. The only way hiyori is pure is if kyoshiro truly is denjiro and the whole oiran shit is just a facade, maybe she has illusion powers like her fake death or something like that. Something that I don't understand is how someone with the power and social status such as orochi wasn't a regular client of her or didn't have exclusivity given how much of a celebrity she is and how much he likes her.
Me too, the only problem is there’s no smug Ichiji
>ywn take Robin to brown town
>none of them are good
Excuse fucking me? I watched that opening scene a dozen times, that song is a banger. I would hire her just to play that shit all the time
Maybe she's so hot people would pay just to look at her up close, and she's got the sales skills to fuck them out of all their money before they even manage to touch her.
We went over this countless times.
>thinking she immediately started off an oiran
>thinking she could become the number 1 top prostitute without fucking once
Stop shipping Zoro with a confirmed loose turbowhore.
A reminder that left will grow up to become the new sexy bomb of the world while right will grow up to look like an ugly landwhale, screencap this post.
That's easy to fix
Yes please. Kill that ugly cunt freak. Murder the shit out of her. You don’t have a single idea how looking at her ugly cunt face makes me so infuriated to the point of wanting to punch someone. I just want to lift her up by her ugly throat then crush her windpipes with my fingers, as she lays in the ground writhing I’d take a sharp pencil and stick it in the ground, then hold her head with my hand then shove the sharp pencil straight through her ugly cunt nostril. After that I won’t do anything, because leaving her to die to these wounds would be the most painful thing and it would please my heart greatly.
I fucking hate this ugly cunt.
Yes. Good. GOOD!
Carrot looks extra ugly in this picture
Honestly I don't even remember if it is supposed to be her or not.
new animation software
Right is insufferable and annoying
I hope she brutally gets killed
*cums in Toko*
Will we see the Beast Pirates reunion in the arc?
violet fucked doffy
>3dpd chink
>severe Photoshop edits
>probably surgery
Get this out of our face and fuck off to your containment board aka /jp/
Your mom fucked your dad
With all the photoshops and surgery they do they still look extremely unsightly.
I come back to this thread to see Otoko hate? This is an outrage!
Prepare for the cummies yet again
I hope Toko keeps her smile forever!
I bet Toko would let Sanji fuck her if he asked
She’s a prostitute’s servant, she knows about the sex
But Zoro's official role in the crew is pedophile. Why would Sanji try to take that from him?
Zoro can’t be a pedophile, he’s gay
>Zoros sword came from Wano
Fuck, I dont even remember if they mentioned Wano waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when he first got that sword. Did Oda have a grorious nippon island nation planned that far back?
Liking little boys also makes you a pedophile, user.
What the fuck is wrong with her waist?
Honestly can’t find her attractive. What the fuck.
Ryuuma's character predates the publication of One Piece.
>My daddy just died HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>waist thinner than her neck
How does this even happen? Aren't the vertbrae in your lumbar region supposed to be the thickest?
There are plenty of people in OP with legs so thin they'd snap like twigs under the weight of their upper bodies, why does this in particular bother you?
>that waist
>That smile
My heart
Well then Sanji won’t take Chopper away from him
Cute quads and cute boob grab
Not without leaving behind a gift for Hiyori
Having fucked up proportions is One Pieces thing.
*in Hiyori
someone at Toei is drawing with one hand if you catch my drift
>When your arms are thicker than your waist
Hey Yea Forums, i haven't watched the anime since they cut the content to 11 minutes an episode post timeskip. Is Wano REALLY worth picking back up or is it still 50% intro and recap?
Roranora Zoro: Worst Strawhat Fanbase or Worstest Strawhat Fanbase?
Zoro is a cool and handsome guy
Apparently the quality jumped up, but why would you ever watch the anime when the manga exists?
Accurate correction
should've looped the webm so that it doesn't pan out to show her playing the shamisen, for out of context purposes
His fanbase is full of bleachtards and people that were probably Sasukefags
People who don't want to protect Toko are probably worse than Hitler and Stalin combined
Me on the right
it's worth to hear Komurasaki playing Shamisen
I'm a Zorofag and also a Kakashifag
Samefagging this hard
>If two people agree on the same thing that I don’t agree on that means they’re samefaggimg
The absolute state of Zorofags.
That's exactly why I asked. I already have my headcanon VAs for everyone in Wano. I don't want to risk ruining the arc like I did when I saw the big mom song in my recommended
He mad
dumb fag
Kakashi was the biggest Sasukefag
Wonder how many people are upset that they've been denied a peek
The VAs and music are always the best part though.
>27 responses
more than the 4/5 sanji apologists that care enough to shit up the thread
>Hey guys check this chart I just made up to favor my shitty character along with its lamest joke le where’s Zoro he is so bad with directions xDDDD
Nigga, do you really think Hiyori started whoring already at the highest rank? Of course she fucked her way up the hierarchy.
Me on the right
Holy shit, I didn't know Yea Forumstards still existed.
Tama and Kiku's VAs have been revealed to be Megumi Han (voice of Gon from HxH) and Mariya Ise (voice of Killua from HxH) respectively. What are your thoughts?
>slightly less cancerous than Hunterfags
… yay..?
>Less entertaining than them though
I think it's cute they we'll hear them together again. It's been a while
Funny that the two main characters of HxH are voicing a dumb bitch and a slut lol
haters gonna hate
I always thought Killua sounded hot...
>sanji fags are cringelords from 2008
feel free to add your shit opinion to the poll fucktard
It is transition filler or draggin 1/2 a chapter per episode. I'd take this kind of filler over it being a dragQUEEN.
I’m not giving you my google info
Fuck off, you insecure little bitch
A-At least his bounty is higher than marimo's
Here's a scene of her voicing a character literally orgasming if you're interested
>REEs for "made up poll"
>REEs for anti-poll-tampering
truly the best and brightest among us-
This that dialog about sleeping with other men makes her a whore.
which is which?
I fapped to this Robin so many times in my youth.
Imagine hearing that voice as you ravage her wonderful boipussi
Worst fanbase
Based. Zoro's fighting style literally relies on using the sharpest of edges
oof kiku just keeps getting worse
Remember when they made the New World out to be this super-dangerous Hell where people are broken physically and mentally? We've been here for a decade and we still haven't seen a single injury comparable to what we saw in early OP.
Why is One Piece so childish these days?
Kidd got his chunks of his body removed, or did you read past that?
O-ooof.....Toko is so s-stinky! Stinky cunny!
>why the fuck does this look good?
Do you really think nippon would disgrace themselves by animating their history poorly? This was Oda's plan all along.
Did we see his wounds? Huh? Did we little faggot? No. It happened off-screen like in any kids' show. OP used to be the cutting edge (no pun intended) but ever since the time-skip it has been sanitized. Remember when Doffy cut off Law's arm? That's the kind of brutal combat nu-One Piece doesn't have.
If only there was a date for this time machine screen shot, we'd know when it happens.
Please say something nice about my wife, Smoothie.
>Roger vs Garp AMV
I wonder what music AMVs of the far future will use.
She's got a tattoo I enjoy. I usually hate tattoos.
She's cute, like most of Linlin's daughters.
erry time
Ironically, the worst we've seen is Zoro's Baratie cuts, where removing his babdages caused him to bleed out on the spot, with even Arlong feeling fear over his healing scars.
Wish we had more badass moments like those.
How strange for an adult character to get a voice actresses that usually plays children roles.
Has some of the best DSLs in the series, so automatically upped in the looks department
Damn I wish I was around to see what the initial reactions were
Still has her hymen
Not if I have anything to say about it!!!
You do know we have an archive, right?
I fucking hate one piece theoricians
I don't want to pay for a pass lol
Oda seems to like them as he keeps taking their SBS questions
And his answers are usually
>You weren't supposed to point that out...
Are you retarded my dude? People host this shit for free. Just type 'Yea Forums archive' in google.
It really shocks me that you niggas know how to turn on a computer and post here and yet are oblivious to finding shit on the internet.
I don't want to download a virus, no thanks
>that feel when we no longer have the wheres my nigga zoro at posting
I miss it.
are you an actual boomer
Law got his arm detatched by Doflamingo
Yes, that's what I said hereNow name something comparable post time-skip. You fucking can't. OP has become too sanitized.
thank god they gave the prostitute different colored hair because she and robin look identical in the manga
Literally the same injury.
I'm so happy rn
Why is Oda's art so chicken scratchy?
didn't Oda hint at a huge final battle for Wano? I wanna see Jack shine and walk off some bad wounds
>shitposters still claim Jack is a jobber
Saving the animation budget for 10 years just for the grorious nihon arc.
I've noticed this lately. Its even noticeable when you compare Dressrosa and WCI chapters. Dressrosa looks a lot cleaner, oddly enough.
I had a weird dream where the spoilers were out today.
I love to DESTROY you know...
He used Caesar's gas
>Had those two killed
>Haven't gotten seen a villain get a brutal death since
I hope the nine chumps get some deaths.
Would you help Toko fulfill her dream of becoming a courtesan by letting practice sucking your cock?
how did he chop their limbs off with gas
He used a gas burner, Caesar did it a bunch of times.
I would make her my wife instead
Some other nigga posed as me while I was away, I know the archive exists but I was just seeing if anyone would want to mention anything that happened earlier
he carries two sickles and was shown crossing blades with the strongest samurai in Wano but you think he used a gas weapon to dismember minks
I would help by raping her infront of her dad's corpse.
Well how else did he stop the bleeding?
He didn't.
He used Caesar's gas to paralyze them.
they're literally dripping blood in the panel. people just don't bleed out in One Piece
most entertaining
i thought they said never again?
Movies always get filler episodes dedicated to them
They didn't say that, on the contrary, they said they would absolutely do it
Same, with exception of the pica voice episode and some of WCI, and I immensely enjoy Wano so far. far. It still has it's usual cheap parts and they'll only get worse but if they keep the good kind of stretching up I won't complain. youtube.com
Buggy is peerless
Law is handsome
Zoro is the most handsome
Jack never finishes anything he starts
This makes me so sad, why would they do this but give big mom panties?
>people just don't bleed out in One Piece
then what was the point of the blood transfusions subplot of Fishman island?
He should cute their heads off and delivered them to Kaido with King and Queen in the room>
>A-Am I based now bros!
>What the hell? That's disgusting!
Why didn't he just kill them?
Including bringing any women he's with to orgasm
Because he wanted to find out where Raizo is. Dead bodies can't talk.
This simulator has to be rigged, I once saw Javert drown in it.
Sure are good for a laugh though.
Tsuru with her hair down?
No wonder Speed is so pent up
>vol 93 sold in 3 days more than vol 92 in one week
>wano hasn't even started
>stampede not even out
We back
Post more kino thumbnails
But the sales are dropping
Do you think Speed has a regular vagina in the front and a horse penis in the back?
Maybe he gave Kaido those two's leg and arm.
Is this from that dumb theory channel that got posted a few threads back?
All you have to do it put Zoro front and center with his family
I do not
Proof that it's truly meant to be
You can't look at this without laughing.
christ you aren't kidding
Why is Luffy's head on Sengoku's body?
you got too cocky zorofags
Now if they would just fix the printing quality.
Esto esta sucediendo amigos!
How close is Zoro to base Luffy?
How close is RS Sanji to Zoro?
Leave the BIG BOY to us.
gear 4ths luffy > luffy using gear 3rd > gear 2nd luffy = zoro > luffy >>> RS Sanji >>> Sanji
Need a hand?
Base Luffy solo Zoro and Sanji at the same time
esto es el fin...imu
>just learning the haki zoro knew pre-ts
he one shots sanji though
I don't understand
No trabajo debajo de ti Imu
Cope, Luffy doesn't need G4 to destroy Zoro.
He would need G2 and G3, Base Zoro shits on Base Luffy.
As good as the anime looks again, I was literally disappointed at this. The slash lost the impact and impressiveness from this panel. Already off to a 6/10 start.
Everyone's is getting vergo'd
luffy's retarded durability wont do jackshit vs zoro's ryou
Nah, Law is the mostest handsome.
What Haki is rhythm of all things? Asking for a friend.
What is he trying to convey with those expressions?
It's treason then
W-what if Im actually has that kind of face
So how exactly does it work by not cutting leaves yet cutting steel? He heard Daz's steel and was able to cut it but how? Skill?
>These thumbnails
holy kek, good thing this isn't Dragon Ball
Haki, son. Reread the way Grandpa Hyo explains things, it's the same principle Zoro's sensei taught him.
Even Dragon Ball doesn't look like that, unless you're talking about Dragon Ball AF.
I have no idea where this brand of autism hails from.
Kaido’s missing his big boy shirt
>Luffy doesn't need G4 to destroy Zoro
A swing from fucking Cracker's sword swing cut luffy in G4
Base Luffy gets low/mid diff'd
Sure, not the actual Dragon Ball, but it takes in this stuff on the daily
I see. Good thing I'm re-reading and currently at Sabaody just when Haki is going to be info dumpped. I'm still a little lost right around there. Might need to re-read Zoro's fight with Daz too.
Cracker is stronger than Zoro
this is true but base luffy couldnt do fuck all versus him either
Law can defeat Cracker
he can defeat Zoro too
Just finished watching Dead End Adventure. One Piece has so much soul.
We're on levels of cringe I can't even quantify, keep going.
Before the time-skip, yes.
Just how hot is his head?
Cracker is stronger than Katakuri due to actually beating luffy if Nami wasn't there
Who's to say Zoro couldn't cut his shitty biscuits
You lost me.
infinite shitty biscuits
Sometimes they deliver
Cracker is a crybaby
His fight with Luffy showed he's vulnerable once his armor is broken
id bitch too if the most notorious rising pirate only won due to extreme bullshit
Lucky-ass tree getting dommed by Nami
Cracker is a hypocrite
He whined all the time that luffy eats his biscuits
He had Brulee and a rabbit in this fight
Luffy winning in ways like that was the reason Kaido straight up embarrassed him, glad it happened.
does anyone have the new opening creditless? i mean, on their computer
>nami face without the big tits
One of the reasons this series has such staying power is the reality checks can be pretty harsh.
Jokes aside, not really seeing it.
I prolly missed a joke but Luffy mostly won by eating him.
And then after too from Zou onwards.
After the time-skip the art got chicken-scratchy and blurry, the writing became forced, the panelling became dishonest and there no more steaks. The characters never interact anymore and all fights boil down to who has bigger haki.
Rebecca husband
You don't have to vomit walls of text at me, I'm just here to talk soul. Soul from a recent chapter:
this was p. great. it's hard to argue that one piece doesn't have soul, i wish that guy the best of luck.
>only one panel has backgrounds in it
>even then it's mostly blurred
What happened? OP didn't use to be Bleach
Don't forget the plane dialogues.
It'd feel too cluttered if every panel had backgrounds. Oda's never always had backgrounds, when a character's getting focus he usually omits them.
>The characters never interact anymore
this bothers me the most
after almost a week since over the top's premiere, i finally made my decision
How is Brand New World not in S but We Are is? Explain
I just wish it was true.
good list but Fight Togheter is garbage and Bon Voyage is A
>Over the top in A
yikes it only belongs in C or D because the song sucks
Meant to reply to this
>low on backgrounds pre ts
So clean and easy to look at
>high on backgrounds pre ts
Look at these great detailed settings
>high on backgrounds post ts
Cluttered shit, I can't tell wha'ts happening
>low on backgrounds post ts
Lazy and boring
>Kokoro no Chizu in S rank.
You are a man of taste
we are is a classic to me, nothing is really going to dethrone it. and brand new world is like, an A+, really... the only reason why it's not in the S tier is because water 7 > enies lobby
>Fight Togheter is garbage
fight together holds a pretty heavy sentimental value to me so i understand why its placing might confuse some anons
nah, song is excellent
This the song is just trash.
Shit taste detected
Remember when every arc we got tons of exposition and "scientific" explanations on the different islands? Like Rain Powder, or Sly Islands. It really felt like another world.
Now there's literally none of that, things just happen without it being explained.
Esto es el Puño que mato el Rocks!
Eh, Zou's a recent example of one being explained. Punk Hazard too.
Zou is literally one of the biggest mysteries of the series yet, what do you mean?
Zoro had a lucky childhood
>seeling yourself since the age of 13
god what a whore, enjoy your STD
You guys are imbecilles.
Oda wrote Zoro in a way he'll be always a credible threat to Luffy, because Luffy is weak to blades and resistent to hits. Similarly, Sanji is written in a way that he'll be always a threat to Zoro, but unlikely to defeat Luffy. This allows the speculation that you are doing and keeps people interested in the Monster Trio power dynamics.
In short:
Luffy is equal or stronger than Zoro, who is equal or stronger than Sanji. It'll always be like this, so that you can have hours of discussions on whether Zoro can beat Luffy and whether Sanji can beat Zoro.
thanks user, i needed some genuine girlcock after kikunojofags poisoned the well
A Sanjicuck wrote this.
That stupid reptile failed to protect her and she became a whore, good job you useless frog.
>Zoro, who is equal or stronger than Sanji
Punk Hazard, Sabaody, FI
Zou was classic wtfness.
Robin's cute/terror imagination is a treasure
Because Wano is generic jap land, there isn't any room to explore. It'd be beating a dead horse to tell a jap audience
>You see luffy, this is what we call a kimono
>Zoro a threat to Luffy
>Sanji a threat to Zoro
*valuable support you mean
Luffy Gear 4>>>Luffy Gear 2/3>>Raidsuit Sanji>>Zoro>Base Luffy>Sanji
erectile dysfunction:cured
>that imagination of the cat
She is so precious
So can we confirm that the reason she fell down the stairs was because she tripped on her own dick?
>>>Raidsuit Sanji>>Zoro
God no. Post Time Skip Sanj is an absolute cancer and the worst character in the series by far. However, for those obsessed with power dynamics, that's what Oda is writing.
Evidence: Luffy vs Zoro at Whiskey Peak. They fight seriously, it ends with no contest thus allowing infinite speculation and Oda makes them say ''so we'll finally find out who's the strongest between us''.
Similarly, you are never going to get a Sanji vs Zoro fight to the last man standing. Their rivarly is necessary to the economy of the story. You'll get teased with bounties and power ups so that you guys can keep fighting over who's stronger.
I don't like you.
That better be used in the finale of the anime.
If Kanjuros entire purpose in the story was to create this scene then it was worth it
Speed a cute! Cute!
Zoro is straight up stronger than Base Luffy, but will immediately get shit on when gears come into play
>Raidsuit Sanji>>Zoro
You're high
Base Sanji is already dogshit
The shittiest suit from the jobsmokes doesn't change this
This is an user who reads one piece like it should be read.
Will Holdem get more screen time than Bobbin?
Its so rare to see her cry ;_;
>we STILL don't have the song from after Luffy vs. Sanji
Who is the most based Scabbard?
Who is the worst?
Old OP looked so good...
Zoro is a bitch who can't handle a single wound, he barely can fight 200 million bounty mindbroken Killer or some random kinemon level samurai
Kanjuro or fatass
They are annoying for sure, espcaially the ones that feel the need to shit on other characters non stop. Zoro/Hiyorifags are okay.
>right now, it's life filled with dusts
>someday, I'll leave it up to
>everything's time
>if the world ever changes
>take me to myself that never knew a thing
>making sure that memories won't fade away
>I was singing since I was small
>warming the heart that dreams
>the secret melody that everyone imitated
>making sure that it can be done better this time
>right now, I keep on sighing
>everyone is still unable to
>grab the true dream
I always feel like this song is so fucking relevant to the hidden story and the melody makes me fear it'll be a bittersweet end at best.
So cold.
Why the fuck is the anime so funky?
This is how post-ts should look. I dare to show me a post-ts panel as good as this one.
what about
>ywn watch Zoro and Law double teaming Robin while Franky watches too
I don't have it but there's that one when they just arrive in Zou and Zoro and Law are unphased by Ryunosukes 'death'
Holdem is stronger than bobbin
Pretty sure Law and Zoro have the gays
i like it, user. if we are exchanging our own countries' take on the opening...
Nah, I didn't see it.
>franky watches
franky's the one fucking her
no double team needed, double cyborg penis
Fuck man Water 7/Enies Lobby was so good.
very nice
>this what cocklet frankytards believe
This is actually really catchy, well done Hiyori
Damn this shit is bangin, all memeing aside the 4kids rap is such a joke especially compared to shit like this
obviously, most probably before the banquet at the fire festival starts
>jack sits at the kids' table
Wano so far is literally sengoku rance.
>foreigners come from abroad secretly
>disguise as members of the japanese society
>luffy/rance befriend a cute l*li
>Evil fat shogun who is only powerful because of his soldiers
>have to defeat demon king/kaidou and his four generals
Also luffy is going through territory by territory, liberating them from the local minibosses
>play Sengoku Rance
>expect to get busy fappin'
>can't, too busy taking over Japan
Every time.
cope fujoshit
Handover the Spoilers or else...
One more week to go
why is Kevin Bacon doing there?
I love thriller bark so much.
I remember a time when people would hate on Thriller Bark because it wasn't as ebin as Enies Lobby.
I love it.
It's the peak arc for stupidity comfy comedy fags.
>one day in c tier
s m h
better than the recents jap openings
i like the song but the visuals are super boring
He's a big guy
>pirati, pirati
>zoro, zoro, zoro, zoro
Pls translate that word I can't help but misinterpret
>zoro, zoro, zoro, zoro
you gotta give me a timestamp, brother
0:29, 0:46, 0:50, and so on.
This retard didn't account for the fact that size means from the very bottom to the top. His size doesn't start from sea level, what a braindead faggot.
oooooh... yeah, that's "tesoro" which means "treasure" which is also the name for the villain of film gold
I think he might actually be a One Piece character.
Dude broke his chair at the Shanks/Gorosei reveal.
Thanks, I'll try my best to rehear that right.
how can a reaction channel be so kino
This video always makes me burst out laughing without fail. For this alone all his shit gets a free pass.
"pirati" means "pirates", by the way
I seriously hope faggots didn't spoil Kaido's form else I'll be mad.
No. They just spoiled the fact that Big Mom was going to show up in Wano
they did
He already got spoiled about Kaido thanks to the YouTube algorithm.
This immediately elevates the "Roger is Ace's father" reveal ten-fold in my mind. I don't even watch reaction shit but this is undeniably amazing in every way.
I understand that it's really hard to hide something that huge for an entire year. But goddamn did I really want to see his genuine reaction.
I love this. I wish I could feel genuine enthusiasm like this. All I feel is a weary amusement at the world.
This is the first time I've enjoyed a reaction video wtf is this
>Wake up
>No Spoilers
>"it's brulee!"
>"yeah, whatever..."
No chapter this week, Borsalino
Does this guy even speak American? I swear to god I can't understand a word he say.
>Urouge and Morel
Absolutely based.
Rikiya Koyama proving his range by voicing both a loving, devoted father and a deadbeat father
On Earth, the deepest sea level is about 11 km down.
Grand Line must be around 28 kms deep on average for Zou not to crash with sky islands.
Zunisha's diet is based on Sky Island apples and seaweed. I guess he sees them, avoids them and takes entire apple trees from them
Zunisha definitely does crash with Sky Islands. Wasn't Fishman Island about 10km deep?
Maybe he's only walking in secret extremely deep trenches. Maybe the water level used to be higher, too.
Sky Islands are rare, it's not hard to believe Zunisha never encountered one.
It has stuff for fightfags too (legendary zombie samurai vs Zoro, first whole crew battle, Nightmare Luffy Gear 2/Gear 3 combination), flashback fags (Brook has one of the best, what's even better not going by usual pattern), dramafags (Zoro sacrifice), lorefags (Wano and Kaido build up, Oars). It has something for everyone, that's TB strength.
where did you find this?
Nice but why the 2 filler episodes?
Fillers like Zoro wandering Wano in current episode is fine and was good, but 2 entire filler episode? Why?
Movie promotion filler, Stampede is coming August 9th.
Ehh what there really isn't much reality check
what can we say first the obvious is alabasta when luffy lose two time against crocodile then the only one I can think of is sabaody and marineford alongside the 2 year timeskip where luffy truly understood he was literally too weak to face anyone and now kaido's one shotting him in no time
really not enough to conclude that it's why this series has such serious staying power
Does Stampede take place in Wano?
Based Goda is foreshadowing peak female evolution. Wait and see.
No. This filler will most likely take you out of Wano, like SW filler did in ID. Though then they had the excuse with Shiki being mentioned.
The biggest part of its staying power might be that it feeds so many different tastes. I mean you have serious fight fags clinging to it just like people who mostly like the comedy parts. Also mysteries all over the place won't let you quit it as soon as you're interested.