Raildex NTR22

More Spoilers soon (Probably)

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Other urls found in this thread:


>that chest gap
She's a cow as an adult.

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ET phone home.

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I hope js06 blesses us soon

>"Hello, my name is Kamijou Touma. I'm a normal high school dragon that you could find anywhere"

You can tell from last volume

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Holy shit boys! That women could beat a dragon unconscious with one of them drills and she has FOUR of them! How the FUCK is Touma going to make a stand against somebody like this? I’m actually scared for Touma for once in my life. I mean.. he’s usually capable of holding his own but this is something else entirely. This is an actual monster! This is a MONSTER!

If she whipped one of those suckers on the floor I’m pretty sure she’d set the Yellowstone volcano off! They’ve got to be careful about how they handle this entity or it could be real trouble for everybody on the planet.

Maybe Aleister can distract her while Touma silently unbraids her hair from the back?

Comedy isn’t Aleisters strong point. Maybe Othinus can tell her about how she gave up literal god powers to live in a boys basement who will never love her back like a girlfriend? That’s almost a guaranteed laugh.

That’s true.

And Index too!

Hey guys? Look.

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Thank you

What do you like user?

Do you like Railgun songs?

I’ve got Railgun songs user.



i only watched up to episode 13 of railgun, user

Unfortunate. Who’s your favorite character so far?

Do you like Mikoto? I feel like that’s the character you’d gravitate towards.

>Did he notice the honey-blonde girl with the apple jam tea silently narrowing her eyes?

>She watched the pointy-haired boy smiling bitterly as he looked after the small girl.
That shanty town of Cucksaki

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>“Fool, sexuality and pleasure cannot be ranked by quality or morality. Even the rose represented by 10 petals in Rosicrucianism is a symbol of female reproduction. In other words, it’s a pus-…”

Anna a lewd girl

How powerful is Touma Forma Final?

It’s easily over 9k

Would he be able to protect his virginity against such a monster?

Can Kanzaki actually use a sword or is she only good because she has super speed?

Above God himself.

The solution is to lose it to Kuroko first.

God help him. Very few people on this earth are capable of resisting drills of average size. That’s how my sensei died. It’s a suicide mission to face drills like hers and make it back the same.

>people arguing about index, Misaki, mikoto ships based on vague spoilers like the last three volumes
>it's again going to be all false and have top tier Othinus banter and bonding
feels good to be a an Othifag

How can Index, Mikot, and Misaki compete? They're not even cool enough to ride a fucking bird

user, Touma chose Index.

Yeah, and Touma punished him for it

And then, too, chose Index.

user, Touma is Misaki's Miracle

And Index too!

I will choose to be comfy with my Pet Headcrab and Pet Fairy as well if possible

Index is definitely a girls name. I have no doubt about that.

Index is a pet name

thanks Jim

Keep coping skip reader-kun

Touma has always treated Index as a little sister, sometimes even daughter

Yeah, all the Amakusa are good with weapons in a non magic way. Kanzaki just isn't Aqua/Knight leader good.

That he wants to bang.

Welcome to Japan, the land of Incest fucboi.

>Othinus banter
>top tier

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Yeah but the other Touma chose Index and was going to kiss her while current Touma just picked her up and went back home

>tfw evolved beyond shipping and am just satisfied as long as Othinus is alive
Thanks for introducing the understanding memes, Kamachi. I love it.

You dont know that

They're one person now, user.

But understander means "wife", user.

So? Doesn't change that only IT by itself did something explicitly romantic.

This is hilarious.
Touma fights Touma claiming rights over Index only to fuse back into one and fuck off to Academy City with her, other girls be dammed.

Understander > Wife.

Fuck jannies and Raildex

According to Crowley, no.

why has no one in story questioned why index is Still living with Touma
why cant she just fuck off and live with Orsola and Sherry at the library

Crowley never had an understander, what does he knows?

Coronzon is his understander now.

Nice try Crowley but you don't get one just from sharing a body

3/4 Chapter 1= index fanservice
and, where the fuck my girl Othi-chan???

Could you learn to false flag better please? Thanks.

Speaking of Othinus, I find it funny none of the girls mentioned her being missing to IT Touma. I can somewhat imagine Misaki just thought he lost his doll, but the other two, especially Index, come on, pretending she never existed won't make her go away, you'll still have to share.

oi somefags feeling will getting hurt

I don't even think Misaka has properly met Othinus in fairy form yet. She probably thinks she is still dead.

>Shilling his Twatter account
Get a life you nigger

>I am a salty Indexcuck
Stay mad, Othichads run these threads

The Misakichads let you think that you do

You do get one from sharing a billion years together though, all Crowley has to do is give himself and Coronzon a few eons together and they'll be dandy.

Othichads and Shokuchads are allies

You’re goddamn right

>after all the bullying Index has gotten over the years Kamachi finally puts a reminder that yes, she is the main girl in the novel
Man, this feels good, fucking Kamikoto shitters

The blonde alliance

DongkyKongchats are NOT one of them

In the end we truly were
A Certain Magical Index

>she is the main girl in the novel

lmao, shit is being blown out of propotion, looking forward to your coping shitdexcuck

She already is an adult

>she is the main girl in the novel
>Episode NTR
>Crab Strikes back

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I'm having trouble comprehending what's going on with that dress.

>she is the main girl in the novel
Kamachi are you watching these?

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So magical she can win without being too relevant in every volume.

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Crowley had his wife divorce him BECAUSE she wasn't even his understander. He's busy crying over not having one, you just know he'd be taking Touma's dick if he could, that's why Othinus only tells Aleister off. Male or female.

For a second I read this as Pet Hamazura

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This is totally in character for Index though. Last time Fran asked where she went she was clearly still mad, and said maybe a bird ate her or something. Othinus and Index don't get along, they just tolerate each other.

It’s a huge dress on a small girl.
She shrunk.
Just look at the MURAKNEES, near them hangs the bottom part of her dress which was previously covering her privates.

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So she's a degenerate.

>the dress just barely covered Horos' vulva
Kamachi please, this is worse than whatever Salome's was

Did you miss the part where she used torture tools to try and get off?

Lessar is so cute

>So she's a degenerate.
>Uses Aiwass as a chair the second she is back
That was never a question.

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I really like the scene with Rimea here, best princess honestly. Doesn't like Aleister, but knows Touma has a soft spot for him and says to just talk about him as you would talk about any other human. It's too bad that with all the rose and rosenkruez themes it doesn't look like this will be a conversation Touma remembers. It's also a bit of a red flag that this Touma is noting the times Othinus was giving him directions but doesn't give a shit about where she currently is either.

Oho, they fix that shorts

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inner Touma reminds me of that old Kamijou Touma in OT1.

It's him.

Yeah, it looks like him but I don't think it's actually him.

He remembers Misaki, doesn't give a shit about Othinus, and isn't happy about saving the world, nor particularly chapped about letting someone die in front of him, it's clearly not any regular Touma. OT1 Touma would be more depressed about being a failure and NT Touma would be more worried about his source of tranquilizers.

Index understander is Touma,
Touma understander is Othinus.
Othinus understander is Sphynx
Sphynx understander is Index
Circe of life

>This was an informal gathering, but Kamijou had still done his best to dress up by copying the others around him.
This guy has saved the UK twice now and they won't even give him a lewd meido to help him get dressed.

Getting a suit on isn't hard.

No, Touma and Othinus are each other's understander, no one else

Touma could have been Aleister's understander, but his first understander got jealous.

>the dress just barely covered Horos' vulva

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No one ever said that a person can't understand multiple people. It's not like Touma and Othinus made a blood oath.

They sort of did, Touma got his blood all over her.

Now you know why he doesn't come around here anymore.

>===Part 4test
Don't think I didn't see that Js

Touma gets his blood on people all the time, it's no big deal.

still don't' see anything useful about Index(+Sphinx) plot down here, not even on the final 3rd act.

Can you just leave him alone?

Okay Othinus.

This version while similar was lacking in Autism levels. Even in comparison to pre amnesia OT Touma.
Poor thing was placed against NT mode with an actual combat ability and a War-god targeting system.
The definition of overkill.

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Not just that, he stole his wallet.

I said no one else

and phone

>loses wits and cunning for brute strength
>has a fairy guidance anyway so it turns OP instead

Was either Touma particularly upset about Aleister "dying"?

Touma is now the strongest?

Honestly this is the sort of reaction I would expect from NT Touma, they weren't super close, but he's getting recognition and Lillith is safe, so it's bittersweet. My issue is trying to think of this as OT1 "Oh god I cant save anything my life is so shit a bloo bloo" Touma. I think it's a seperate version entirely not one we've met before.

No, Index.
Index win his bowl

>Touma gets his blood on people all the time, it's no big deal.
>Oceans of blood and gore
>Entire continents made out of his corpses

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Someone said that Touma Completa would auto-win against anyone with consciousness

Well he did get to know him pretty well. Learned his past, punched him in the face, went on a date with her, went overseas with her, fought for her. Touma's motivation in the past two volumes was to protect Aleister and his child. He wanted for them to be able to live as father and daughter. But now the father is dead (as far as he knows), so I'd figured he'd be more broken up about it. He wasn't able to protect someone. This isn't like with Bersi whom he'd never even met. This is someone who was right in front of him, someone he tried to save with all his heart. And at the end, he couldn't even at least desperately tried to stop her bleeding in futility; he had to run away while his arm was on the verge of imploding.

So I'm wondering if Touma isn't more upset about what happened.

We have Tux Touma's reaction in CH1PT2. He seemed saddened and even brings up the idea that he could have stopped him. We'll have to wait and see if Hoodie Touma says anything, but supposedly both of them are "Touma," so it's probably not an out of character reaction.

Also if the whole Logical/Emotional sides thing is true that was the logical one's reaction, not the emotional one.

Logically speaking he should be a version of Touma with the memories from OT1 and before, but who has also sort of indirectly experienced everything that happened since then. So it only makes sense that he's slightly different from either of the Toumas we know.

I didn't say he didn't know him, I said they weren't close. Because Aleister in the end kept dragging Touma around and wasn't able to quite get her claws into his heart, since other people shooed him away, including himself. As far as he knows Aleister cleared up his name and managed to accomplish everything he wanted (except the magic bit which he would have tried to stop him from anyways), so it's overall a so-so ending rather than a tragic one. He might be more choked up, but I could also see him moving on. It's not like Touma hasn't seen people die plenty before in NT9. He's probably able to be somewhat rational about it so long as it doesn't occur right in front of him and doesn't feel too unfair.

Touman-tier when

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How it works?


>Philippines Arrests Alleged Manager of Mangamura Piracy Site
Nice try fag.

It just work.

Who's stronger, Touma or Christian?

>not Philippines Arrests Alleged Manager of AnonRaildex
Shoddily constructed baits like this makes me fear for the future of humanity as a whole


We don't know, we have to see what Christian can do?

In the spoiler it was said that he "created a model of the whole world and received all creation in the past, present and future."
Of course there is no evidence.

so did Othinus

Why Othinusfags so mad around on this chapter?

Quote one post you think is mad


>understanding memes,
He also introduced this meme in the spin-off.

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>Index(+Sphinx) plot
Index and Sphinx sometimes swaps their souls.

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I keep forgetting how fucking powerful Fraulein was, damn why does Beetle even need to protect her?

Men protect women.
That is Japan's philosophy, and its an enduring philosophy for most of the world even now.
It is certainly one that Kamachi has, and has narrated that Touma has it as well.

>I keep forgetting how fucking powerful Fraulein was
Kamachi even said that "perhaps Majin can find a way to harm her".
This is pretty crazy.

>That is Japan's philosophy
>No other country thinks men protect women
You cannot be this out of touch

Yeah Fraluien was overpowered before the brain feast, mainly because of her unstoppable desire for more which is why they sent someone on Kakines level to get her back. She is still powerful now but I'm not if she is as terrifying.

Also Beetle protects anyone he likes regardless of whether they're capable because the very foundation of his individuality was based on needing to protect rather than destroy, it's why many people call him a robot.

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He's the Beetle.
Hero of Justice™ & Lolis.

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>reading comprehension

When will this get updated?

After Part 3 is finished

Actually think he just stopped reading one line in.
No worries.
Here's Mikoto buttjobbing.

>top tier Othinus banter and bonding

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You got a problem, Interior?

So Interior doesn't care about Othinus? That's a little weird.

>BTFO Interior Touma so hard that he switches with Exterior and become dragon himself
>STILL gets BTFO'd by Exterior with IB
instincts and emotions>logic and reasoning

>the logical side doesn't care about the thing that tortured him for billions of years
Gee I wonder why.

Touma's emotions and instincts always overrode his logic and reasoning. If they didn't, he wouldn't be where he is. Most of his admirers admire him precisely for that reason. Would a logical person really try to fight the #1 Level 5 all on his own to save a bunch of clones? Would a reasonable person keep trying to fight a Magic God over and over despite how utterly hopeless it should be?

Also, his precognition should fall in the instinct category. That's always been one of his greatest weapons.

Is this already confirmed, or is this an assumption?

Even if you have a point, it's not like he's completely emotionless. It's not like you can just suddenly decide one day, "Nope, I actually hate her now".

How does this "interior" and "exterior" stuff work anyway? It's not as simple as saying Interior is Touma's inner self, right? Why does the Exterior still have roughly the same feelings for everyone while Interior's emotions only seem to stretch as far as up to his memory loss? Does everything that happened after his memory loss somehow now count for Interior?

>selfish Touma with his understander, who is a god of 3 gazillion domains, who beat the irregular Aleister, btfo a retard who uses 'logic'
Wow, how could this happen?

Can Exterior Touma forcefully turn into a dragon even with IB?

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Touma's always valued his emotions and instincts more than his logic. Whenever his brain tries to tell him something's a bad idea, he tells it to fuck off and runs to save the girl and punch some jerk's face anyway.

1st Accel Anime Episode 1 screen-shot come out like usual
Only 1 day, 4 hours, 5 minutes and few seconds until Accelerator Episode 1 airs

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No, It seems Touma (both of them) can only turned into Dragon if they have no IB and their emotion is a wreck.

External Touma however more stronger because he is the sensitive side of Touma

But that image is from Index season 1 episode 24.

Sasuga Tokiwadai ojous, and yes Mikoto dress is lewd af

I dunno. I don't know much about Thelema so I can't comprehend why Touma splits in two or why he can transform into dragons. One of you Thelema nerds, explain this to me.

Where does that power even come from?
IT is tuxedo Touma and has IB, so where does the dragon thing come from?

Touma's always been associated with dragons since Volume 2. We don't really understand why he's a shapeshifter though.

Hopefully when the volume is translated, we will learn where it come from

The spoilers said something about a "new self", the achievement of which would allow one to go beyond the Territories of God, which is the goal of the Order of the Rose and the Cross.

It's only the end of New Testament. Kamachi probably wants to keep some mysteries around. The mysteries surrounding Kamijou Touma have always been one of the biggest parts of the series. We probably won't learn everything until near the very end.

What's the new series even going to be about?

Gems, Lvl 6, Nuit, btfo mg etc

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>For me, Magician Crowley is still an eccentric pervert who could not compromise with the society around him and drowned himself in magic, drugs, and boys.
I wonder if Remea hates fags

>time-travel plot
>Shipping/Waifus was never important to the plot on next series.
>more Gay plot


I wish


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>othinus not even on the last illustration
Lol, so that's the power of Understanders...

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Part 3 will be about Index in casual clothes

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big jewish tiddies

>mikotards btfo
>misashits btfo
>othifags grasping at straws
>indexkeks getting cocky before trabslations
God I love Kamachi, I hope he keeps on ignoring America, dunking in UK, btfoing every single fan and overall drowning on these redpills.

I'm an anime only who largely loss interest after season 3. How different was Touma's original personality compared to his memory loss one?

What do you think of js06?

He was a jerk.

>volume has literally nothing to do with America
>bring them up anyways
the very definition of rent free

>reading comprehension
Why are Americans so dumb?

Why are you so obsessed?

He is an asshole.

Their culture is also disgusting.

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Based, Railgun 3 is saved, now it needs a delay

Do they mean that literally?

Nice. Nagai will save us raildexbros.

Accel had favorite place?

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Dunno. Considering that spoilers are in Chinese, i just tried to give a rough translation.

Here is nice intro. Accel wakes up with a Misaka clone on top of him. And then, while holding both of his hands on each of her breast, she tells him that she is just checking his pulse. Unlike the one with Touma, Accel can feel everything but he can't speak or even move because the network is pinning him down.

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is Part 3 going to have 2 Toumas?

No but he will have twice the suffering

18 Toumas. 18 Dragons.



Index transitioning from wearing a nun's habit to casual clothing is a subtle sign that Touma & Index had sex behind the scenes.

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Who else will become a Dragonshifter in Part 3?

Fuck shitdex

This, ruined the whole series

Watch as it turns out to be the same overreacting that happens every time one of the girls has focus as a heroine and Index is just more controversial.

Japs on twitter are saying that Kamindex won

Mikoto/Misaki fags are the Rukia/Sakura fags of Raildex. They're in for a rude awakening, maybe not now but by the end of the series.

Fucking this. Shitdex and misamisa is pure cancer.

I've been on 2ch and twitter all the time for the past couple days and I guarantee you no one won yet and Touma isn't in a relationship with anyone as of the end of NT.

crowley inspired ingun erotica

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Rukia outrage was mostly fabricated by people trying to match the Sakura one though

Nobody gave a shit about Bleach at the time, the few ones left were there for KUBO.

Do you mean js just trolling us?


Isn't that one 4 too much?

Kakine-sama reaching his own version of Keter

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Index is utter shit and so is Kakine.


Does Mikoto knows Index won?
If not this is pretty much pointless for her and wont give her character any development

js06 hasn't spoiled anything past chapter 2 and outright said he wouldn't clear any misconceptions people have

based yotsubachads

Touma lame dick gay as fuck since the OT's

Accelerator will fucking Touma

>Fujogrime are ESL's

>accelerator will fuck touma

Since Misaki dabbed on the UK
Can she dab on the new AC superintendent?

>touma will fuck accelerator

Yes, and she doesnt even need to use her power, just show him the Misakaface

Oh the irony.

*crack neck*

Touma's mother side of the family will all be dragonshifters

>muh special bloodline
oh no no no raildexbros...we were supposed to be different from generic shounenshit...

How are dragonshifters supposed to be stronger than magic gods?

Why Accelerator interest on Lilith?

Will Kimi be a dragonshifter?

Holy shit. Ara ara, Touya-san.

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Nah, the dragons from Daihaisei all fleed from his body and went to look for hosts, the hosts can shift into their respective dragons

Mikoto probably doesnt knows a thing since she was unconcious the whole time and you are all shitting on her
Poor girl

not canon

She apparently saves Touma with her will, so that's something.

I was pretty sure she was something weird the moment it came out that Touma's protagonism is inherited from his dad. It essentially makes her the winning heroine of a nonexistent prequel LN, and LN heroines in chuuni settings are rarely normal.

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Who gets the Shingeki no Dragon?

Touma obviously, thats why he is so autistic on getting what he wants


Well his cousin name does mean Youngest Princess of the Dragon King/God

Kamachi, where is my prequel?!

She's Touma's half sister


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Is this Accel's Othinus?
What about Hamazura?

LN prequel where Shiina falls from the sky into Touya's balcony as the Dragon Princess when? Guest starring Aleister Crowley and Hino Jinsaku as the down on his luck salaryman.

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So who's gonna get the BIG DRAGON COCK?

I can’t believe Touma won the Touma bowl

Touma x Touma BTFO all the shippers

They will have to share

A good family.

>Otohime is actually a dragon princess
>Shina was supposed to be the future Dragon Queen but went for Touya instead and live a normal life
>Touma's primary dragon and the first dragon we ever saw from his is called Dragon King
>Touma shapeshifts into a dragon

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And they just for whatever reason decided not to tell their son that he is actually a walking cosmic horror, for whatever reason.

Dion aka "cucked Takitsubo while being a deck of fucking cards" Fortune.
She possesses the mighty artifact - "Completely ordinary gum that could be bought pretty much anywhere" and a random number generator.

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He is dead.

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Yes. 545 is petzoned like Othinus. Hamazura has the craziest and most vicious pet of all.

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>broken mom and imouto
Come on, Kamachi, you just did it in Blood Sign!

He isn't a cosmic horror as long as IB is on, and as far as we know he's had it since birth. They probably thought it skipped a generation or something.

One good part from the new vol...
We get the call back from OT vol 1 where touma finally release pendex mode from index. After being released the feather (that erase touma memory) also came out. But this time he didn't forget and brush it off using his IB.

That is his mistress.

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What if IB can remotely negate magic or have an AoE negation


Terra was right.

>One good part from the new vol
The whole new volume literally consists of good parts.

about what?

>with Shiageluck
Might as well promote Shiage to a fucking magic god. Lesser men will lose on a literal deal with the devil, Shiage gets both a waifu and a powerup while betting on the end of the World. The guy would probably win every time with imperfect Magic God restriction of 50/50.

And that is one of them.

Dion IS busted but not THAT busted.
Shitters like Mugi will be shrekt on count of one but MG's bully her for lulz.

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About IB.

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It looks soooooo chuuni holy lord. This is awesome.

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This must happen, we must use anything we can to destroy Touma illusion of being a Normal Highschool Student.

So what exactly is going on? Is Touma actually a devil child that can transform into a dragon but got IB placed on him to contain his power? Is the one above god not an actual description but a promise of overthrowing god? Does he want index because he has an innate desire to violate all things holy?

Destroying Touma Illusion of being a Normal Highschool Student is the endgame of this series.

I bet even after turning into a dragon in this volume, and fighting himself, He seen going to believe he a Normal Highschool Student you can find anywhere.

Wait you can't turn into a dragon but that the most normal of normal things in the world?

>I bet even after turning into a dragon in this volume, and fighting himself, He seen going to believe he a Normal Highschool Student you can find anywhere.
Normal is relative.

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Anna will do what Othinus fail to do and rape Touma


I fucking hate Index
She ruined the whole volume

Yeah-yeah, now stop being smug and get the fuck away from the sealing.

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Fucking kek.

>reading manga
>not stealing women from their boyfriends instead


How can Touma job to a saint yet one-shot an angel with a punch?

>Anna will do what Othinus fail to do and rape Touma
Fukou da

>deludes himself into thinking all his normal high school classmates can turn into dragons as well and talks to them as if they could
>no one bats an eye because they already assumed he'd gone crazy back when he started talking to the little blonde doll on his shoulder all the time

If Anna pegs Touma she will become the best girl in the series

multidrill rape

Saint - fast fleshbag.
Angel - fast bullshit.
Touma hard counters bullshit if he is in the mood.
Also Gabe was never a "true" antagonist, poor thing wanted to get back home and T’s fist provided express delivery.

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Accel has his squid stand so probably not, without her then Misaki could dab on him anytime he has his choker off

>end of NT
>Mikoto and Accel dont have their talk
What a hack

They just don't understand the crap he been through. Most people would start talking to dolls and talking about turning into dragon after what he been through.

The fact that there even a piece of sanity left after all that is a amazing. Even Kyousuke from Blood Sign have, had a better time and more reasonable things happen to him then Touma. He was fighting a Semi all powerful ex-girlfriend

No one cares

They have nothing to talk about.

I do
NT3 says otherwise

Why would Accel waste his time with Mikoto?

I'm convinced that Touma's protagonism is his actual esper ability and that it just found a convenient weapon to wield in the form of IB.

Why would Mikoto waster her time with trash?

It's actually kinda funny how back in angel fall gabe was afraid of ib thinking it would delete him. Then NT tells us that it only exorcises summons. It didn't even kill that one scientist lady.


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>It didn't even kill that one scientist lady.
No but Freulen certainly did

>ESLfag can only regurgitate what others say
Imagine my shock.


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At this point in time Touma could see anything from Lovecraftian horror and not even care. At this point he would most likely be able to see there true form that made you go insane and be able to comprehension them too.

The Lovecraftian Gods may look at him and say he to far gone even for them.

F-fuck you Kamijou Touma

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Why should I care? I’m a Railgun fan.


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cute demon

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I don’t think that.

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We like that.

I do

Fraulien "spared" her by leaving only enough aim to survive but said she would finish her off if she tried to mess with her friends again.

>Talking to anyone about anything not involving Touma


Can Rimuru beat Touma?



She apaprently talks to Misaki about the sister's and nightmares in this volume.

What if he sucks him up?

What about Counselor and Acid? Could they beat Touma?

How can Kuroko even compete?

>What about Counselor and Acid?

>He doesnt knows about best twins

They’re girls. Don’t worry about it.

He dies the moment Touma's hand touches him


Counselor power wouldnt work on Touma, but Acid explosions and acid rain would work, also they would be too lewd for Touma

>Know something from isekai horse shit

Acid relies a lot on Counselor, so they would freak out that it doesnt works and lose instantly

Delay THIS



This already happened off-screen in NT3. Also, Accel won't shag Mikoto so give it up shipperfag

No. Magicians don’t die because they get touched.

He can't beat even Accel.

>This already happened off-screen in NT3
No it didnt

Hackmachi doesn't have the dexterity to show that

>Magicians don’t die
And fucking slime will.

Keep convincing yourself that

Because it is related to Touma too.

They are from Railgun you retarded cuck

What about Igor and Grichka? Can they beat Touma?

Everything is related to Touma user, AC was made for him


>They are from Railgun

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>Secret Chiefs
>returning characters like Ollerus/Thor/Kamisato
>Touma and IT
>Accel doing his job
>Hamazura being Hamazura
>whatever the fuck Aleister is up to
>insert new Kamachi ideas here

Naaah. With Coronzon, Kamachi showed that no one cares about these weaklings.

Unlike Magicans he has a body literally hold together by magic.

>he doesn't know
Elizard fucks up Accel because Michael is magic god tier and makes Gabriel look like a child

Nice fanfiction.

Wouldnt Touma unisekai any isekai protagonist with IB?

Only if they can survive it.

Only if them being isekai'd is a continuous spell or a curse.
He can't unteleport Kuroko, you know?

>Lolicifer-chan – The blond and helpful Magic Girl!
>Michael – The dorm manager Onee-san!
>Beelzebub – The calico cat!
And power levels no longer matter.

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At least one volume will end with the big twist that it took place entirely within Christian's box.

Spoiler: _____ win Toumabowl.
5 letters begin with I, and end with X

>MP this desperate for a friend

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I love how now that Aleister gone and esper-magician divide grew much thinner we're promised actual magick in Part 3.

I cant believe linux will win the Touma Bowl

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No this can't be happening. We Windowschads were supposed to be in charge.


Oh boy, more science characters jobbing, how exciting

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It’s not held together by magic at all. He’s just a monster.

The Touma finally buys a computer arc was a real gamechanger.


>user not getting the joke

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It's basically demolished now if the spoilers about rosicrucians using both is true. That means Anna might start having Necessarius and London use it as well
>Kanzaki starts using gadgets but still can't into the washing machine

>In their tongue he is Dovahkiin, Dragon born
Fu-Kou DA
I'm sorry guys that joke has been stuck in my head since yesterday

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Magicians are kind of dumb. You must forgive them.

Accel, Mikoto and Hamazura are magic characters now and no one cares about the rest.


Touma is very progressive. He wants an open-source relationship

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You have no idea how many shitty edits I'm going to start making because of this post

He is a creature that IB recognizes as abnormal. And will be killed instantly.

Why Nogi bitching about NTR?

Is that girl going to be okay? Her body doesn’t look like it can support the weight of her drills.


Please clap

Time to apply systemd to his backdoor.


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Imagine how wet Kanzaki would be for 2 Toumas

That’s not how it works. Othinus is also abnormal and she didn’t die because she got touched. The reason that works in Kazakiri is because she’s actually made up of magic and her body isn’t even physical. A monster isn’t completely made of magic. It just uses magic. In other words it wouldn’t die just by being touched.

Major Misaki cucking

I think you meant to type 2 Knight Leaders

>not magick

Fuck you Carlos.

>Gets a shitty PC
>No OC
>Tries to get anything for free
>Attempts to set it up
It fits.

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Mikoto is not the AAA, she doesnt knows anything about magic, unlike Accel or Hamazura

God damn it

>Mikoto knows NOTHING about magic

Is Kamachi the biggest hack ever? How the heck does Mikoto still not know about magic? Is it because she’s written to be dumber than a third grader or because Kamachi can’t risk Mikoto fighting magicians and taking the spotlight from Touma?

Fuck, Why you ruining kamidex happiness?

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>Touma marries a super computer
>it isn’t Mikoto or Misaki

>How the heck does Mikoto still not know about magic?
Archetype Controller affects her the strongest.



Stop trying to discredit Kamachi because Mikoto happens to have a character flaw

But which one? Touma seems like the kind of autist to install Gentoo or Kubuntu.

She only knows that it exists but Kamachi shut doens any opportunity for her to know more about it almost instantly
>NT2: not even allowed into Birdway infodump
>NT13: HP attacks just when Mikoto was gonna ask Touma
and so on

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I’m not. Believe me I could discredit one of the biggest hacks in the industry if I really wanted. I’m just asking why she still doesn’t know about magic after all this time.

>How the heck does Mikoto still not know about magic?
Why would she have a reason to assume it isnt just weird esper shit? Why would products of science assume its fucking magic? Are you retarded? Do you not understand the concept that AC is SCIENCE to the max?

Would Touma fall for the install gentoo meme?


He's the kind of autist that would stick with something old and reliable, like Slackware.

It’s not that simple.

Dark Matter can be literally anything, so yeah, she has reasons to think the magic shit can be science

>Touma gets to build his own excitement piece by piece

She knows about magic, she has seen more than enough of it. It's just that what she "knows" about magic is mainly AC's official cover story of "alternative esper powers" and nobody has told her that's bullshit.

Touma is Fukouda incarnate.
This is how Linux wins the bowl.
Touma will be fucking with it untill the world ends.

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>She knows about magic
Not really

Funny how everybody else seems to almost immediately find out.

KALI LINUX perfect!

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Touma will give Gentoo the Gengoo

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what joke schizo?

Wasn't it implied that Himegami has killed all the vampires? Either that or they aren't real

What will we see first? Vampires or actual alternative espers?

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Imagine how much debt she has to repay.

>He’s just a monster.
His very lifeforce is fused with magic in order to keep his cells funtionary

Who? Name them. Accel literally didnt figure it out until Birdway explained it and hes leagues beyond Mikoto

Mikoto doesnt believes in magic because she worked her ass off to become a Level 5, something that can make people strong by birth (Saints) is so out there for her

Would Mob be a level 5 esper or a level 6?



Misaki, she said it that the AAA was work of the 'occult'

Level 100

Accelerator and Gunha exist..

espers are boring
vampires would draw dimes and strap a rocket to himegami's back

WHOA, a MIND READER figured it out

Level 5, ??? is just a stronger Level 5, Mogami would also be a Level 5 even if he pulled a NT9 on Mob

And they are espers. So is Kakine. Between Accel's bullshit, Kakine's DM, and whatever the fuck Gunha has, give me one fucking reason why she wouldnt think that its just more weird esper shit.

Not really
She doesnt knows that he was born like that or that he is a gemstone

She doesn't know about gemstones and Accelerator is still artificial


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Pretty sure that Saten thinks that Xochilt isnt using any science in Railgun SS1


Kitten Mittens!

>Not generic as fuck since they have been done to death

>raildex is /g/ now
I'm always surprised how many other hobbies you fags have

>she said it that the AAA was work of the 'occult'
That only means she's willing to accept there's things outside of AC's science, unlike Mikoto. That's more of an attitude thing than it has to do with figuring it out. From the way they talked about the curse in NT18 alone it's pretty clear she doesn't have any more serious magic knowledge than Mikoto, which is actually a bit baffling considering she could just mindread it at any time.

All you want is for her to sperg out on him and for him to kill her so you can celebrate and post BTFO posts all day long.

That's where you remember who the author is and that it's not going to be played straight.

I hope she never gets rid of them now. They need to be a part of her the same way the flowers are part of Uiharu and AAA is part of Mikoto.

We are getting Railgun this month right?

Raildex is literally an amalgamation of Yea Forums, I've seen you fucks in almost every corner of the website


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>he hasn't read Vampire/Zombie

You're the sad figment of my twisted psyche\s tragic dividend. You're the un-me, I'm the real me, you wanna be me.


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I'm going to shoot my Gentgoo in your Ubuttu

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>We might get Vampires in part 3
All that build up for Part 3. Kamachi is a madman AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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Kamachi should just serialize Railgun novels in the hiatus between NT and Part 3
>But Fuyukawa has to draw the illustration
Not like not drawing illustrations would make Railgun have a faster pacing

How much would you pay Saten to maw you in the face with one of her puff pads?

She figured out right away that whatever Xochitl was using didn't feel like regular Esper stuff
Meanwhile Misaka keeps insisting on and on shit's magic no matter what Lessar said

Yes, we are getting Saten's misadventures this month.

Thats what happens when you have a fanbase thats been here for a decade

I don't know why Kamachi is so reluctant about this, at this point doesn't make much sense and it just seems pure stubbornness on his part. Unless it's a plotpoint for the future, which I doubt.

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Manga is easier to shill

How long is the hiatus going to be?
is it even an official hiatus?

To be fair no one should trust a bong like Lessar

>The vampire is also a Dragonshifter

Yes, more Saten Snake (actually I hope for the chapter ending with a cool cliffhanger)

Two years.

Till 2020

Is there a spoiler I missed that actually hints at vampires?


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It's not a hiatus, anons are just retarded, it's already the second half of 2019 and the gap between NT19 and 20 was 7 months

>Kamijou was looking something like a wet puppy and Mikoto winked at him (since she had apparently grown numb to her own embarrassment).


Fuck Saten, I just want Mikoto and the Angel Dragon fight

Is this the coolest part of the Railgun series?

Minimum 6 months, maximum 18 months. Longest we ever went before was 7 months. Also Some SS novels are getting released

>I just want Mikoto and the Angel Dragon fight
We already saw it and Mikoto got dabbed on.

Mikoto is such a piece of trash, guys. Amirite? This series would be considered one of the great masterpieces if she didn't exist. It really hurts to think about what could have been.

>What are shonen tropes
Mikoto only lost because she is gonna win in the rematch

If Saten had a high power level and wanted Toumas dick to the point of going blush blush moe whenever he was around would you like her?

Railgun is such trash now seriously

If she didnt exist then the series wouldnt be nearly as big

>wanted Toumas dick
Which one?

Those are the qualifications for any girl to be somewhat popular in this series.

When will Touma make another appearance in Railgun and dab on everyone again?

>when will I get to make an appearance in a better series

>The mascot of Linux is Tux the penguin
>Tux Touma this volume
the madman

Fucking kek. The Majority of Railgunfags would be pissed if this happened again.

Mikoto would dab on everyone if she knew magic, and we can have that

Me too user but that's not happening this month, If we are lucky, we'll see the start of the fight this year. Anyway I think this Saten chapters are a nice change of pace

we cant*

But nips loved sisters and daihaiseisai

Anyone know if CR or Funi are picking up Accel anime or are we gonna have a shitty fiasco of waiting a week or two for them to get their shit together?

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I hope saten gets shot for trespassing

I think they forgot Accel was airing

Some of you might like Touma's appearances in Railgun but the truth is, every time he shows up he detracts from Mikoto's strength as a protagonist. Two out of the four completed arcs so far involve him coming to save her ass. It's hard to take her seriously when she's a damsel in distress 50% of the time.

Why couldn't it have been Satan that Kakine kicked?

That would be based, Saten is technically a criminal now

Not the Nips.

Sadly, he's out of the country.
Hopefully we can get more Gunha though.

And Mikoto saves Touma's ass in Index all the time

Well, it's called Toaru Kagaku NO Railgun for a reason.

Sisters>SS3>Daihaisei>SS2>Cold Game>Dream Ranker>SS1>Level upper>Jailbreaker

Are you retarded? Gunha is in AB now, he isn't going to show in Railgun

If Kakine tried to kick Saten he’d probably slip on a banana and knock himself out. She’s got the luck of the Irish.


>Theres as much novel arcs as manga arcs now
Serialization when?

They probably wont do that because it would outsell the Index LNs

Such missed fortune

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Are we gonna have to have translation groups do it again?

And both the arcs without him have been shit. Mikoto does it to herself

I'm still not buying it, Touma Howard

Can you punch me if I do?

>More Raildexfags on twitter have finished reading NT22R now
>The only two things they all seem to agree on is that the volume was great and ToumaxAccel is endgame
Damn it fujos get to work already

No they weren't shit, you've just got stockholm syndrome for Touma. Dream Ranker actually had an interesting conclusion where the antagonist is actually allowed to "die" and not talked down. Of course anything that leaves the comfort zone of "speech #436454 followed by punch" makes people scared and confused.

The arcs without Misaki or Touma have been subpar at best. Fuyukawa's constant hiatus and pacing doesn't help.

But Qliphah....

They think Dream Ranker is shit because Mikoto didnt told the Robot that she was living her life correctly like Touma would even though they are completely different chaarcters and call her a failure or shit like that

He's in Level Upper, Touma vs Accel is the worst part of Sisters arc and Gunha/Touma part is the weakest of the latest fight of Daihasei

That difference is what makes Railgun worth reading. If I want to see Touma doing his thing I'll read the main series as usual.
Jailbreaker will be a chance for her to fix things once we get past these random side battles.

Accel likes dragon dick confirmed

>Of course anything that leaves the comfort zone of "speech #436454 followed by punch" makes people scared and confused.
If that were the case, I would have shit on Level upper too. Keep trying to push that narrative. Dream Ranker was largely carried by characters borrowed from the Accel manga of all things, Mikoto acted completely out of character because she just went "k lol" when robutt said she wanted to commit suicide. There has been no growth on Mikoto's part because she cant grow past her restraints due to the novels, meaning the side characters have to carry it. The problem is, side characters keep getting their problems resolves and moved out of the way. This is why the current arc is fucking ass too. Not to mention the pacing being fucking shit.

>no Mikoto and Lessar interactions in NT
What the fuck Kamachi?

Not him but Dream Ranker while having a good conclusion was absolutely abysmal getting there. The build up to it was paced poorly and boring. Fuyukawa seems to have a problem pacing Kamachi's ideas and outlines in which he starts off very strong at the start but the more he progresses the shittier it gets. The endings are generally well done though but Dream Ranker is the biggest example of Fumblekawa at work. I didnt feel engaged reading it while it was coming out and I think it made it worse re reading it all in one go. Mikoto just isn't an interesting protagonist where she is right now because it's still early OT before most of her development kicked in and her dealing with Doppel in the manga was a snoozefest.

>Touma vs Accel is the worst part of Sisters arc
This, it took Nagai to make it good

>Touma vs Accel is the worst part of Sisters arc and Gunha/Touma part is the weakest of the latest fight of Daihasei
Imagine having taste this shit

>got a better ending than Rensa

SS2 came out after NT8 was written I think

Are you ready everyone?

>AB is happening concurrently with Railgun

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Based Crowley shitting on Railguntards

Based Aleister.

>Yes, Miki, I'm ready for another Spin-off with better production than the main series. So gassed and happy!

Miki sure does seem confident about Accel's anime.

I remember reading it before NT5 came out, so I don't think so.
Did you confuse it with Amakusa SS that came with Railgun?

Based Aleister

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Miki can fuck off until I get told NT is gonna look nice

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>Toumafags are frogposters
That's gonna be a big yikes from me.

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>Railgun novel to tie NT into Part 3
Would be kino


What did the retard mean by this?

Imagine being genuinely sad that things are allowed to be not shit after one thing was shit.

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He probably means in Kamachi's timeline of things, because he's multiple volumes ahead of current releases

Kamachi probably wrote NT8 ages before it was published and he forgot about that little detail

Try opening the link, retard.

>Yea Forums tard in charge of judging people

>giving praise for the bare minimum

>He thinks there is gonna be NT after Shitdex 3

>Some twitter retard used a frog so all Toumafags are frogposters

I hope there is an NT so the series' reputation can sink further into the gutter.

What will Touma's reaction to best girl Squid be?

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>thread immediately goes to shit
This is why you dont post twitter shit

What a fucking faggot

>manga timeskips to Part 3
>limited series of novels covering NT, because Misaka's availbility on timeline is really spotty

>get off my boytoy, condom

>Nice, you got a pet too! I'll bring my crab next time and they can have a play date!

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Index a shit crab


I've always said that Dream Ranker would be kino in anime and I still stand by it
Not really, just between NT19 and NT20 theres two weeks of free time, same between NT10 and NT13

"I bet my pet can beat your pet"


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>"Oh, cute new pet. I hope you don't have to spend a lot of money to feed it"


Would she die if Touma touched her?

>Touma has a pet crab and an inhuman condom
>Accelerator emulates his hero by getting a squid condom

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also post WW3 Mikoto could be very interesting, too bad that gets ruined by drunk Touma

No, she'd just dematerialize.


An assumption, a pretty safe one though since we have an illustration of her with the other touma, and she's nowhere to be seen. Its doubtful she just teleports there, so he either knows she's with touma or doesnt care.

>my 545 is better than your 545

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That might have been the cracking noise in nt13

Considering Aleister says he's become like Anna and cant be defined as just an individual, its plausible

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>We don't really understand why he's a shapeshifter though.
Because that's literally the dragon thing.
Where did you think half-dragons come from?

Touma crossed the abyss?


Did Mikoto kept the AAA again even though it almost killed everyone?

It made me really dizzy actually.

You're making all of us look bad

The AAA only protected Mikoto, it did nothing wrong, it was Shitdex that attacked it

Mugino is for Kakine!

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Pendex only activated and attacked because Misaki awakened it

>"that was fast"
>"was our meeting fun?"
Who took her on a date?

>the core from OT16 is mentioned again

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When will Kamachi have Mikoto implement a Rensa sppech program into the AAA so it can communicate with her?
Or better yet give it the whole body so it can also be the cute fully robot girl the series is missing

So are there more than two toumas or did IT turn into an 8 headed dragon during the FC mikoto thing.

They did, he just forgot

Touma (Exterior) is heads, Touma/invisible thing is tails

>Dragons are touma or at least an aspect of him
>one escaped and it didn't show up in pictures, was effected by aim jammers, and controlled by whatever that girl's name is

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>he thinks its just one

Don't forget it was invisible in OT2 but visible outside of AC

He's a dividual

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Sphinx forgave Misaki so I do too

Can you date Misuzu?