Okay what the fuck was that?
Okay what the fuck was that?
Lincoln Ross
Kayden Wright
tales of a lonely gay
Nathan Brown
Parker Cook
subversion done right
Liam Brooks
One of the biggest 'fuck yous' to escapist otaku within the last 10 years.
Dominic Reed
I just watched 2.22 last night, thought it was dope.
Is 3.33 really as bad as people make it out to be?
Nathaniel Fisher
If you actually unironically liked 2.0 then you're going to hate 3.0
Jose Smith
Only thorough analysts and patricians with an minimum IQ of least 115+ can truly appreciate and understand the plot, themes and messages behind 3.33.
Brayden Martin
I like it insomuch as it's not a remixed retread of NGE, the way 1.11 and 2.22 were. I applaud them for having the balls to go kind of apeshit with it, even if the execution wasn't the best.
Adam Powell
Anno's failed love letter to Ikuhara, part 2