Index won
Index won
I'm sure this is going to be a great thread
NONONONONONO Kamikoto/Kamisaki bros how could this have happened!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember all those times Misakikeks tried to convince everyone that Misaki would "automatically win" if Touma ever remembered her?
>shipping retardation
Go make your own thread then
>Subject isn't Raildex
new thread please
user how DARE you call out such quality and thoughtful posts such as and the REALLY insightful as retarded!
It was worse coming from Misakafags who virtually shitposted every girl who was sort of a threat to Kamikoto despite it never existed out of doujins.
That was why by proxy Misakafags became the most hated fanbase on Raildex threads for the years to come.
>replying to yourself
We can see that the IP count didn't go up, stop embarrassing yourself.
>Misaki takes control of Misaka
>Misaka seems to still be friends with her at the end
I really don't see how these 2 statements can co-exist, since 1 is an image and the other is a spoiler I'm assuming the spoiler is BS
I hate you all
Friends let friends poke around inside their heads
she also said she was sorry so that makes it okay
IT has some shit taste
Who won the Touma? Index?
Kamachi is a hack
>Misaki dabbed on the UK and the Queen
Mikoto knows she would have reacted the same if she was in her position, she knows this because she is her understander
That sounds fucked up. I would unfriend Misaki if she actually did it seriously for self-gain reasons. Ain't no apology will make that okay.
MisaMisa is canon nothing can break them up
D-did Misaka really lose the Toumabowl?
Shitdex, both Toumas
Misamisa confirmed?
She lost it after OT1
Yes but won the Misakibowl
She fell for the fake she never really loved Touma
>silver loli won
I wish Kamachi would just give in and make himself happy with a blonde loli end get already.
I think Mikoto EM barrier caused her enough damage from MO that it made her unconcious, so Misaki can control her with MO but not quite
Is it really official? No bullshit?
Theres no fake, they are both equally Touma
So the title girl won? What a surprise.
At least our boy's got a really nice hometown to settle into, real big and cozy. The fields just need a good plowing is all.
Cope Misacuck
The title girl that barely appeared, yes
Did Index renounce her position as a nun?
just give me the details, user.
Didn't the ad for part 3 call the next part a continuation of Touma and Index's story?
This is starting to get real funny, especially on how big the misinformation spread.
Not gonna correct you guys at all
Misaka's and Misaki's are better
Yes, we read js06's post too. You don't have to regurgitate what he said.
Index is literally the worst girl of the series, literally any one would be better even Touma x Elizard
inb4 Touma breaks the bro-code and fucks tsuchi's sister. Speaking of which what are the chances the next time we see her she's pregnant
Tsuchi fucked off in NT18
Its a continuation of science (Touma) and magic (Index)
>Touma science
>Index magic
>when neither Touma or Index are the actual leaders of either science or magic
>magic (Index)
Why does Kamachi keeps forcing fake relevancy on Index?
fucked off to fuck his 'sister'?
Touma's not even science, period. His only claim to "science" is having gone through esper program (which you can even fairly doubt)
Maybe Kamachi knows more than we do about the literal repository of magical knowledge that is Index
>muh normal life
>muh ordinary student you can find everywhere
Meanwhile IT had the hots and wanted to fuck a nun because he feeds her and because he fucking can. That was the most sensible and realistic thing Kamachi has every written.
Of course fucking Touma had to be jealous of himself and ending fighting Touma for the rights to fuck Index.
what a waste, glad i stopped reading this
Will Railgun get delayed for Winter 2020?
Based. Index is going to be a tremendous babe when she grows up into a JK.
>When Touma(science) and Index(magic) cross paths, the story truly starts!
>mfw it actually meant sex crossing magick
>Anons actually thinking Touma will actually date anyone before the epilogue of the last volume of the series
If he did then he would have made her more relevant instead of killing the only thing she had going for her
I don't think that's what it means, and I don't think Touma and Index are official just yet, but I do think it's headed that way based off spoilers. Assuming all spoilers are true, I'm kind of expected a cute little "S-should I just ask her out? E-eh, what if she decides she doesn't like me? Dragons, and all..." or whatever anxieties Kamachi could give Touma before finally dropping the bomb and making it official. However, I acknowledge that the spoilers may not be completely true. So there's that, too.
Actually Pendex was gone thanks to Mina. What Misaki did was forcing a pseudo Pendex on Index which btw means Index should be able to freely use her own magic without relying on devices which reflects the FREE WILL Aleister says comes from Horus.
Pre Amnesia Touma was more of a Chad just Touma's real life father.
Pre Amnesia Touma hit on girls like Fukiyose Seiri on a daily basis.
Yeah its bullshit the author retconned Touma's love of tits for flat chests.
In part 3, I mean
Shut the fuck up and post Mikoto's butt unless js06 updates
>part 3 in 2020
It's all but confirmed now
The spoilers say that Pendex is gone forever
I just said that.
You're wrong on both accounts, Touma did that when he was younger, he wasn't hitting on anyone in OT1. And he still wants a dorm manager, he accepts Misaki's apology for being selfish
Shitdex a shit
I’ll do you one better
Does Dion do anything in this volume?
Cuck Rikou
Index won the most hated anime character ever award, Congrats!
Butt not found
can't find any panties either.
She was always shit
Wait for AoT4 to air and you'll see true hatred for a girl
some naruto character won that ages ago
Does Raika reads the novels?
Does he knows that his girl got cuck'd?
Having a burning hatred for a character is hasn't been relevant for a decade and has barely any screentime makes no sense.
Star Wars BUNS!
Well Index is relevant now, so that makes all the feelings resurface
Cute and canon!
Shitposting and delusional!
>Cute and Canon tier
>Cute tier
>Cringe tier
>IT smacked this ass
How wet do you think she will be in that scene?
Most of your cute tier ships belong in cringe teir, and one of your cute and canon tier belongs in cringe, too. But a lot of it is acceptable
Hahaha holy fuck Indexfags are going to be on suicide watch when it turns out this was blown way out of proportion
FTFY. There is only one.
That what you’ll be doing in a few days when it amounts to nothing. If Index actually got anywhere people would be talking about t. The silence is deafening.
Make that two
I want to see you cry like a little cunt when your retarded, dick jacking /u/ fantasy gets denied.
Kamikoto and Kamisakifags got destroyed so its fine by me
There can only be one.
>seething this much
Fite me faget
Redpill me on Index
Do we like her?
Cry bitch, cry! Your shitty pairing is never going to happen outside your imagination. It's all shallow bullshit to get pigs like you to keep reading.
Nips like her, but oldfags still cling to the 2000s when tsunderes were the hype so when other series ended they flooded Index threads before it turned Raildex.
Whatever the only one who got somewhat romantic development was with her so who cares.
I dont know about you but her reaction to seeing without and arm wasnt one of concern but biting him so Im gonna say no
cringe af post
>anything cringier than being a /u/tard
Is Misaki taller than Mikoto? I thought Mikoto was supposed to be taller.
being a raildexcuck
why the fuck do you even bother replying
some of you honestly sound like you're legitimately getting high blood pressure from the most inane shit possible
When this supposed attempt of kiss from Touma happened?
Which chapter?
Post proof or it's fake news.
I'm liking Rimea here, honestly.
>“I have no intention of mourning a traitor like Aleister and I do not want anyone thinking otherwise.”
Based Rimea.
I hope their marriage is a highly domestically abusive one.
>“I have no intention of mourning a traitor like Aleister and I do not want anyone thinking otherwise.”
Rimea is based.
Rimea a cute
She does looks good in casual clothes
I rather interested why she with TouBros
>“What someone considers the best possible choice cannot be determined by anyone else. If that is what that criminal chose, there is no negating the action he took, no matter how we might judge it. For me, Magician Crowley is still an eccentric pervert who could not compromise with the society around him and drowned himself in magic, drugs, and boys. But the Board Chairman Aleister you knew was different, wasn’t he? Then go tell people about the person you saw from your position by his side. Throw out all those official titles and tell people about Aleister Crowley simply as a human.”
>drowned himself in magic, drugs, and boys
Fucking Aleister.
Oh is Index finally over?
How did it end?
>Kamikoto and Kamisakifags got destroyed so its fine by me
As expected.
Misamisa and Kamikuro are supreme.
Mikoto won.
Canonically speaking Index has a great ass and nice legs.
And on the other hand for some reason Haimura always gives shitty stick legs to Misaka and Misaki.
>Oh is Index finally over?
Part 2 is. Part 3 is starting up next year.
>Sphinx has been eating weird shit and surviving
First the non aging and now this? What the fuck is this cat?
Older women
He's the mount of a god, he's probably going to spawn some sort of new species, as far as non-aging goes Touma's only had him for what 4-5 months?
>That would probably change once the caffeine kicked in, but Kamijou had no choice but to look after her for the time being. He used a handkerchief to wipe off her mouth and the lace around her neck before brushing the cracker crumbs off of her dress. They were unsalted crackers, so the calico cat licked at the ones that fell into her lap.
>Did he notice the honey-blonde girl with the apple jam tea silently narrowing her eyes?
The cuckening starts
Accel and Railgun will revitalize the franchise after Index 3 being a complete dissapointment
I need more Rimea.
Kittens are usually an adult around 5-6 months.
They're Asian and Index is white
That is awfully accurate.
Kissu attempt when? I want to see Misaki blow a gasket.
Post more coward
>great ass and nice legs
Stop bullshiting people, we aren't blind. Index has the same chicken legs as any other girl drawn by Haimura. Nogi's Misaki thigh game, on the othe other hand, now THAT is a sight to behold. Fuyukawa has occasionally drawn some pretty nice Mikoto thighs too.
The Aliester Touma knew wasn't a lot different
Touma had to hide his boner when he saw Index's ass
You can literally see the artworks. Stop denying reality.
She didn't do drugs though.
Needs to take care of that loli body
>Did he notice the honey-blonde girl with the apple jam tea silently narrowing her eyes?
>She watched the pointy-haired boy smiling bitterly as he looked after the small girl.
>betraying Mikoto and enslaving a town just to watch your crush put the moves on another girl
Misaki is a high form cuck. At least with regular touma you can think well he doesn't remember. But this one knows her and flirts with other women in front of her.
It didn't
damn it
You fucking fool
I want to fuck Misuzu!
I want to give Mikoto a brother and I want to make Misuzu a grandma
So the good tsundere lost to the shitty tsundere.
>any tsundere
Shit taste.
Are you saying Nagataro is bad?
Why is Misaki such a salty bitch?
Mikoto won, just not the Toumabowl
Senpai is the tsundere though.
>implying anyone “””won”””
>actually believing delusional Indexfags
Get it together
I agree, it sucks that Floris lost.
>shipfags STILL pushing their agenda
Concession accepted
Yes, I've seen the artwork and they all have chicken legs and man hips, except for a couple of Orsola illustrations from a couple of volumes back, and that one Misaki promotional illustration.
"Indexfags" didn't even exist until now
You retards don't understand that they only appeared to bait Mikoto/Misaki fags and it's working
I've always been an Indexfag.
>The once ordinary highschool boy is now an ordinary college student living with a not-so-ordinary JK nun. This not-so-ordinary couple spends their ordonary days, hopefully in peace.
>But that peace is not meant to be...
But they totally aren't cancerous! You're just immature!
You didnt
Keep coping
Index should marry to wife beater Touma
There was always one or two. But yea, most of it is just shitposters latching on to the flavor of the volume shitposting
If a girl has a spinoff. They were always destined to lose.
I'm a Misakifag who doesn't care about shipping shit, and even though I deliberately avoid replying to these newly-converted "Indexfags" shitposters they're still a nuisance to me just on account of clogging up the thread with their ebin trolling.
I don't care about Touma dating anyone I just want to see him sticking his dick in them
I hope this shit doesn't continue for the half year of no new volume until part 3 where everything will be inevitably on the status quo again.
Hurry the fuck up and do your job mods
Misaki a pile of shit
Oh for fucks sake, can you actually look at this and have the audacity to say her legs are any different from the other sticks Haimura draws? The only remarkable trait Index has is how consistently shitty she is every volume.
I'm so out of the loop on this series. How did Index win?
so I'm guessing the 3rd "Series" who look into ayylmaos?
nice dress
All the non-virgins Kamachi protags are in Zashiki Warashi. You won't find them anywhere else.
Holy fuck I hate Index now
>“Hold it, Shokuhou. Why does it sound like you know that idiot’s tastes?”
>“Take a wild guess.”
>The honey-blonde girl smiled while toying with the silver emergency whistle hidden at her chest.
Wait does Misaka know something about Misaki's past with Touman?
We are not ever getting updates are we?
WE STILL don't have proper translations faggot
>Indexhaters in full defensive shitpost mode over a few unconfirmed spoilers
Railgun S3 needs to provide many more scenes like those when the plot allows it.
No, that's why she's asking.
If Misaki doesn't tell Mikoto this volume i'll be super upset
How can one character live in everyones' heads so rent free?
Things will more or less settle by the time an actual translation drops and people realize this volume has changed nothing about the status quo and Touma has neither picked nor rejected anyone. Why would he when there's still otaku's money to collect? I actually wish Touma rejected Misaki or Mikoto so we can stop pretending like either of them isn't way too good for a bum like him (no offense, I like the guy but come on) so they can move in with their lifes and do more of the badass shit they do in Railgun, even if it means they'd appear less.
She doesnt, its just fags blowing things out of proportion to bait Misaka and Misakifags
What happened to Anna?
The spoilers are she became archbishop after lobying with Elizard. She might have boosted Misaki's powers. Aiwass tried to double cross her and got fucked up.
>a status quo ending
>he thinks Kamachi has the balls to do anything drastic
>no more Aleister in charge
>status quo
Only brainlets can't see the consequences that are coming in part 3.
Try again
Back to your cage.
oh wow, another generic anime villain will appear in part 3, what a surprise
You tell me
>Anna is archbishop
>Accelerator is superintendent
There's no way this ends well for either places.
Wild future prediction for mid to late part 3
Accelerator vs Anna, with a lot of build up, and a number of "spin off" fights since Accelerator for sure won't be fighting alone, and while Anna currently seems pretty smug and sure of herself and her only ally as of now seems to not care that much about her for her, I feel as though she also would not fight alone by the time this fight takes place. I also feel that Accelerator will fight for Touma, as opposed to be a target himself, or protecting Last Order.
Oh wow, another generic shitpost that's been repeated for the past 50 threads by now, i see your creativity is about the same as kamachi's
Why would you think that? Misaki has always been portrayed as the marginally but visibly taller of the two ever since her introduction.
So you agree with me? Based
>While she crossed her slender legs, stretched her arms up, and leaned back in the chair, she opened her mouth again. The strange part was how her motions themselves looked like someone relaxing in the tub.
>And that did not change as she rubbed her slender neck like she was longing for a collar she had never before worn. She also gave a bewitching smile with her unnaturally pure and soft skin exposed.
>She even licked her lips.
Okay, did Touma get molested?
>Aiwass apparently fucks off from Anna
>Accelerator is needed to reach Aiwass's Core
>Accelerator becomes a priest similar to Anna and draws power from the Secret Ayy Lmao's to power the Clonoth
>Huge Conceptual Tree vs Miracle Bitch shitshow
Would it be kino?
I bet Accel will do a shit job and AC will get worse
Okay but why are the dresses so fucking ugly? Middle is alright but the color choices for other two are horrible
I agree with the fact that you're as creative as you claim Kamachi to be, not that I agree with you
Based MisaMisafag
IndexCHAD since day one reporting.
Haimura is shit
Feels good to be a winner.
>outing yourself as a Sh*tdex fag
It takes balls to be this cringe
I sincerely doubt it. He looks incredibly happy in the last illustration, and not a "I'm gonna fucking kill every last one of you bastards" way, either. He genuinely looks as though he's finally got what he's been longing for. I expect he will shape up Academy City to be the wonderful place Mikoto was used to advertise it as. I'm not sure what his plans are yet, but I can only assume he has some and they are good natured.
Indexfags have always been there. Even before 2017.
>implying Accel would harm a loli
Just look at his reaction Birdway getting shot or having Fremea in protectzone after one meeting. The only way he would do it if she hands on tried to kill LO.
Index and Chad don't go together, if anything, Shitdex is like a doll you can fuck whenever you want
If she's a threat to either Touma or people he knows, I doubt he'd give a fuck what she looked like. We also don't know if she'll keep that form. For all we know, she might be able to shift, too, or will gain another new form.
What happens?
I thought Index was a nun and wasn't allowed to have a sexual relationship with a man.
So what you're telling me is Accel is going to hate-fuck Anna into submission?
So touma is finally going to enjoy that loli cunny now?
Touma tries to kiss Index but gets interrupted by Touma
WW4 soon, Part 3 will start with London being nuked
It is ok. She's in training.
Why is Touma such a dick to Touma?
Did Misaki prove him right?
Imagine being cucked by yourself
They aren't that tough if Misaki can make the leadership her bitches
When is Misaka gonna get fed up with all this Dragon and memory shit and go fucking nuclear?
Anna is the actual leader now though
She's Anglican not Catholic. And also is in training not the real thing.
I love Index.
speaking of that
>Salome warns about Mikoto and all we get is her shooting up bridge over refugees and she has been fine ever since even with the AAA
>Meanwhile Misaki goes full betrayal at the drop a hat mind controls everyone and tries to help take out touma over muh miracle
This. If a nun hasn't taken her vows, she can abandon her training and marry.
This ^
Accelerator is going to realize how leashed AC was in the hands of Aleister and political monsters like America will only take advantage of this new situation. The main development around him since OT3 was that despite doing more and more heroic things, his label remains that of a villain around others.
Qliphah, I choose you.
Can anyone post that webm of Index on Index S3 where she lies down on the ground and we can see somehow her ass lines?
To be fair she was actually trying to kill them
There's more potential in him failing as a leader than otherwise. Maybe make LO disagree with some of his decisions and build drama from there instead of making him fail? The last thing science needs right now is things becoming peaceful and rosey.
I think Kamachi is letting this on the backburner for now so he can drop it all at once
Point still stands.
She didn't need to, he was always right.
>someone drew Touma and Index like this
I want them to grow up in the next part and form their own team along with that shota that was a friend of Frenda.
Last Order already has a drama option with 545
>LO disagrees with him
Highly unlikely that the dude who has spent years hating the dark side and being immersed in it would suddenly start doing shady shit in his position of power, especially when he's connected to Will who'd be spying on him 24/7 to begin with. I think it's more likely he will face opposition than he will make bad decisions. He'd need to either try and smooth shit over with the other churches or other nations or decide to have AC remain entirely connectionless with them, things like that.
>Try searching for twitter reactions
>Almost all people talking about the plot and what they thought of it with very few shipping shit
Never thought I'd see the day Yea Forums would be worse than Japan at this
All this shitposting is gonna cause nuclear threads once js06 gets to ch4 and the epilogue
Nips are Mikasafags so they're probably buttblasted that she lost and don't want to talk about shipping shit.
Where is he at right now?
Its just one Shitdexfag blowing things out of proportions
Part 2 is ending and we still don't know Index's true name. If she attends school in Part 3 she can't go around calling herself Index.
Her legal name is Index.
They either wouldn't be talking about the novel at all or would be talkig angrily about it if it was about that.
What the fuck?
Sasuga comedy director.
Isn't she like 10 years old?
Only the body is so it's a moral grey area.
>Academy City Chairman The Accelerator
No, Indexpedo
spooky birdway.
Accel only needs to deploy a bit of Dark Matter to make America cower in fear
This is more likely than Accel failing as Accel seems to be set up to always succeed in the end even though there are massive struggles along the way. This I feel won't be any different.
I'm more curious if Accelerator will be open about being the Superintendent or if his identity as it will be kept a secret somewhat similar to Crowley. Maybe he might just call himself Crowley anyways as an alias when dealing with outsiders and shit.
>using joke matter when he could use his own superior power
>everyone thinks the controversial part of the novel is Misaki or a girl
People who preferred OT Touma's moralfagging will feel sick by the end of this volume
>gets jammed
>gets shot
Maybe he'll use his real name. No one knows it
Is Touma still calling himself a normal high school boy after everything that happen in this volume?
He said he's forgotten it but I wouldn't be surprised if he could just pull up a file at this point and check it out, or someone like Mina or Qliphah could just tell him.
Moralfag Touma was pure garbage so no
Good, there's only one Touma to me.
>Connects himself to the conceptual tree and the AIM network spread throughout the phase
Accel's first order as superintendent will be to force Touma to marry him
But OT Touma's moralfagging was just bullshit he made up on the spot.
>blowing your load at the first inconvenience
>Other countries take notice and counters it
Touma wants Accelerator's dick anyway
>implying Accelerator's boipussy isn't already Touma's exclusive property
Touma is a bottom.
How can you counter a metaphysical tree if you aren't a Miracle?
We've got no updates, what did you expect?
We can only shitpost so much
>He thinks there isnt more Rosicrucians
Take this unsightly fujofaggotry somewhere else
No. Accelerator is going to fuck the shit out of Touma at Touma's own request and you're going to like it.
Seethe and cope.
Stop being stubborn
I REALLY hate you faggots
Mikoto is Misaki's miracle
Oh did I say Touma would request Accelerator topping? I meant he'll lustfully beg.
Birdway x Anna shenanigans when?
Touma is a bottom, deal with it
Not with that buff arm
First we need more Lessway.
Accel will pick the Misaka clones' tight ass over 545's onahole without a second thought.
What were they even up to during all the shit that's been happening?
Lessar tried jacking the sword from Hamazura in NT22
Literally this
I've been writing my own autistic shounen power fantasy ideas for a novel or webcomic or something for a while now. I've heard of index but didn't know anything about it and looked it up today to see what it's about and I realised that I have the same gimmick as the MC from index does- his ability is to cancel other people's abilities. In my version it becomes a bit more complicated than that but I'm guessing that's probably true of index as well. In any case I'm wondering whether to drop this and go with something else but what I really want to know is if index is good- I'm on the fence about watching or reading it because I don't want to unconsciously steal ideas from it by reading it and absorbing them. I'm willing to try LNs and I would be interested to see how a shounen-type story is written as an LN- is it fine to pick that up or should I try the anime as well as or instead of? Thanks.
Haven't touched toaru since like Coronzon was getting bullied, what happened?
Nice blog.
Read the novels and do whatever you want. People steal the ideas of others. The Avengers are just the moderm interpretation of The Three Musketeers and even those are interpretations of olders stories, dating long time ago.
Misaka and Misaki got cuck
>I don't want to unconsciously steal ideas from it by reading it and absorbing them
But writers do that all the time.
Asta from Black Clover has pretty much the same power as Touma but the series are entirely different
Kamachi made obscure foreshadowing relevant again
The new competition will be who gets their kiss first, Index or Last Order
There is no AccelWorst and Accel is the "bottom" except for 545 & Touma. I wonder who could be behind this post.
Will wants to domme Accelerator, how cute
New soda cans for the Toaru soda machine.
Touma isn’t the only character with power nullification.
>For example, the dragon is used to signify the devil, yet it is also used in house crests
Touma confirmed to be Satan
>Last Order happily showing off a cooked 545
Thank you, I'll probably give the series a shot. Is it better recommended to experience it with the LN or anime?
the LN.
the anime sucks.
LN is unquestionably better for all seasons, especially 3, but the anime can get you into the setting well
Even Nogi is suprised.
forgive me if I'm completely out of the loop, but is the series concluding or is it already finished
also if this is true, im loving the fireworks
Whelp dropped. So much time wasted.
Nogi is based
Misaki is pretty
The second part of the novel ended with a happy ending for (almost) everyone. The series will continue with a third part starting in 2020 but until then, Touma is with Index in his department.
Index is probably the only one among the old series from the LN boom that's still going strong and releasing at a decent rate.
Completed Toumathulu is eldritch bullshit tier.
Lucifer-chan would hardly qualify as an onahole.
My brother
Vampire loli became a relevant thing yet?
I get the feeling little stuff like this is why Railgun is getting pushed back to Winter, I'm very fine with this situation.
>We have no plot details to talk about
>As such, no one talks about the plot
You should be able to solve this
Accel was curious about her body the moment he saw her. The onahole on her forehead is the part that strikes him the most. The mad scientist part of him wants to dissect 545 and analyze her body.
Power nullification is like super common dude
>The mad scientist in me wants to cut you open and examine your insides
>But the teen in me whats to get in your insides.
>I want them to grow up in the next part
HC will age up LO a bit to match the other SISTERS per Will-chan's request.
Try searching for "astolfo charlemagne". The result would be more shocking. Imagine your entirely existence being slowly replaced by an anime character using your name.
>check back on earth
>people are now fapping to your fictional self who has taken your real self place in history
must be one hell of a ride
>replaced by an anime character using your name.
Damn! I tried Aleister Crowley and found only a bald dude. How does other characters do it?
>quite a few nips putting 22R in their top 3
The problem is Aleister is rather famous in real life. He literally started a cult. Being a small time dude from history with little art or pictures of yourself makes it a lot easier to be overwritten.
I'm hardly surprised. Even without knowing anything about it, just knowing Touma comes out at some point to fight another Touma already puts it as a wild ride among the top 5 or so.
In some alternate reality, Index is immenselly popular and people studying magick unironically are finding pictures of a light novel character.
To be honest, if you studied Aleister enough you'd find Index quickly still thanks to the wiki
How popular index is isn't really the issue compared to Crowley. Fate didn't totally overshadow King Arthur, and it's super fucking popular. The problem is Arthur himself is also very pervasive to many cultures.
I was about to start reading this because I liked Misaka in the anime. Is it still worth my time?
>his real name
Will has been lurking inside his brain for a long time now. Maybe she knows what his real name is. The Misaka network is keeping it to themselves because they want it to belong only to them. His real name might spill out on one of Misaka network's private tweets.
more Measure Heart pls
I wonder how normal people feel when they try to look up some historical/mythical figure and they get a highly sexualized cartoon character in their face.
Misaka gets a surprising amount of screen time compared to other characters. But if you want it for romantic development don't bother, there's about as much in the first two seasons as the rest of the series.
She'll come back to try and finagle favours out of Accelerator.
OP is shitposting but there's no romance
No need to resort to hyperbole just to chase him off.
I don't think Accelerator cares. Salome knew what it was and he didn't react to it. Also Salome stole the info from the Kamisato faction so if they managed to find it I don't see why he couldn't have before, too.
It's worth it because maybe once you're caught up you'll switch to a better Index waifu.
>finagle favours out of Accelerator.
She'll have to face his private army first. I doubt her powers will work on a Misaka clone nor can she outsmart them.
There's really no reason it shouldn't. Mental espers aren't all the same type and the sisters are far too weak to resist it anyways.
I'm not chasing him off but the most relevant one is Hamazura/Rikou, Touma's plot just isn't about romance
Sending the Sisters against Measure Heart is honestly one of the worst moves you could make. It's a subtle change, one clone will just tell the others she has a feeling she's nicer than she seems, the idea will propagate and spread and soon they'll be fawning over her even without the manipulation.
Any book with the three girls + Touma would sell a lot and become a fan fav in Japan. The novel community there is simply very romance-heavy to give shit about anything else.
Funny you should say that because no volume like that matches their favorites
And yet all the discussion online is about the plot.
This^. Nips care about fluff part and shipping Olympics quite a lot and that vol cover is basically blatant shilling.
I'm just glad we got a volume this weak around the end since it's supposed to end NT peacefully.
Really? 2ch threads are generally about the girls and their ships although the google translate might give the wrong idea
Post some threads, I'm kinda interested.
OT ended with 0 Touma's
NT is ending with 2 Touma's
Will be back down to 1 Touma at the end of part 3? Or will he turn into Aleister and we have billions of him?
Finally, some tasty bait
>Dragon’s cum bucket ever being proactive
>Rapist Dragon in berserk mode is nice and cute
Which Touma was the one who stopped the other from kissing Index, Tuxedo Touma or Hoodie Touma?
Who is the cum bucket for? Othinus? Or is he generally scared of fucking a girl without going feral on them?
Touma X Floris
They both are "Touma".
Tuxedo is a "steal your girl" calm and calculating Touma, he is responsible for tactics and moments of Touma's IQ showing iteslf.
Hoodie is
>Dragon with brain offline
>War God is his laser pointer
>Gives no shit
>reached str cap. TWICE.
>NT Touma as a pilot
Guess what happens when they meet.
what? what happens?
STR beats INT. There you go.
Do they both fight in dragon mode?
How is that bait? Nips care about shipping shit as well as chuunishit. Sure, the most devoted fans lean towards the latter, but there are plenty of people following for their favorite female.
Lads, when will asspulls happen and TouMAN gets his memories back?
>I'm glad we got a weak volume
>Hasn't even read it
>Not bait
Oh shit, it's just retarded. My mistake. Carry on wormslut.
One, I’m not him, and Two, that’s a spelling error. No one else is on to take any more of your bait, by the way.
Is Hestia going to win?
I'd love to see how you think you can fix that sentence with a spelling error
Will LO be able to hack Accelerator's brain and make him willing to kiss her?
>with my tactics and wit, surely, I will beat my exterior brute self with cunning, and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- I want to become dragon instead
Tux Touma had no chance
Meh. I can't believe Kamachi would stoop that low to destroy the sales of his series.
But hey, Gotta do a big departure for Part3 like he did OT to NT
no, Ryuu
Reminder that any girl after the Acceleration Bowl could have won if they did not give up.
Shitdex a fucking shit
So first girl won? This writer wasn't supposed to be crazy and unpredictable
Astolfo is fictional.
>all these retards actually getting upset or dropping the series from a fag blowing something out of proportion
Well done OP. You’re still a fag though
Didn’t mean to quote
He's a fag too
Mikoto a cute
I don't care who Touma end up with, it could Bob from down the street, Touma's cousin or Aogami Pierce for all I care.
I just like the story
Why is watching Misaki be cucked by a girl who was basically her so funny?
Touma x Aogami Pierce the true endgame.
>it could Bob from down the street
That’s Othinus.
>Touma's cousin.
Touma finally achieves his Dragon Lord form and does Otohime in some fucked up family ritual?
>Aogami Pierce
Fukiyose 2vs1 and executes both of them.
To anyone who's filtered out Yea Forums-speak, how much of the thread is filtered?
She's normally very prideful, it makes her pain more delicious.
Aaww, that's a good one user. MisaMisa is good for the heart, I guess.
So let me get this straight. ET Touma is a mindless dragon who can shift into more than one type of dragon with NT 9 mentality and Othinus basically laser pointing the way while IT Touma can also become a dragon when IB is removed from him but retains intelligence and tactics
They are each other's understander.
I want to drink Misaki's juices all day every day.
The prettiest.
Oh NOW you have crossed the line motherfucker!
IF this really happen then Mikoto and Accel well happen cause he already have two of her clones living with him
Last time I checked out this series Aleister had become six billion girls or whatever.
What happened since then, could I get a quick rundown?
They havent even gotten their talk yet
Not a billion girls, a billion different "possibilities" so men, women, children etc. Although most of them were monsters used as cannon fodder.
Lola/Laura was a demon and everyone got together to kick her ass (except Hamazura who teamed up with her to get what he wanted).
Aleister is no longer the controller of AC, he handed over the responsibility to Accelerator.
What well happen to Othinus
My gf
So that’s all that happened since then?
Aleister is now THE concentrated best girl.
Also is considered ded by everyone.
He is a single "female" that has ever received a personal warning from Othinus about trespassing on personal property.
>U no touch human. Mine. I licked it.
Touma is a Double Dragon.
Shrimp ate all the eggs.
Accel is AC’s superintendent.
Misaki has an artifact that summons a legit White Eyes Blue Dragon that shits on IB and she took over the ENTIERTY of England including queen Elizard under her control.
Touma and Index are back in the AC and things seem to be back to normal.
That's the biggest stuff, now the current volume is focusing on IT.
What the fuck, Misaki is relevant now? Why did she do that?
>Why did she do that?
To get Touma's dick.
Fake spoiler, she only took control of a fraction of english forces. Touma split in two and one remembers her, so she sided with that one.
Then she proceeds to fuck it up by accidentally pitting Pendex and AAA against each other, then the characters forgive her because reasons.
Too much cuckening by the headcrab
One Aleister become a little girl as one possibility, the others became monsters and attacked UK. Shit happens and everybody went bonkers in bongland summoned ancient Egyptian-Greek combo magic because Aleister is literally immune to all modern western magic barring magic that his contemporaries aka the Golden Dawn thought of their own, but luckily no one dies other than the Aleister possibilities aka Crowley's Hazards.
Now Crowley thinks Lola Stuart is his daughter who was possessed by Coronzon, an ancient demon of the abyss summoned by his old rival Mathers. He goes to the UK alongside Touma, Othinus, Accel, Hamazura, Index, and Takitsubo, also Magic Gods Nephthys and Niang-Niang because they want to see some action leaving behind his reincarnated infant daughter Lilith with Mina, Mather's wife, who is now a living grimoire/tarot super computer assistant for him alongside Heaven Canceller. They are tasked in saving Lilith because Aiwass who "saved" her did a piss poor job and just got his ass kicked by Coronzon. In order to stop save her daughter, Crowley must get to Edinburgh Castle where Mathers's body was buried and banish Coronzon forever. But Coronzon/Lola created a bunch of tarot cards to replicate a bunch of members from the Golden Dawn in their heyday just in case Crowley comes back. She can't do anything at that moment because Crowley sealed her in AC temporarily
After a highway chase in which Misaka and Misaki join in too because Misaka wanted to save his daughter from the batshit insanity in London, Crowley finally accepts Christianity and beats Mathers and also disconnects the ley line that enables the Golden Dawn member/tarot things to exist.
Crowley goes to Edinburgh, does some spell on real Mathers's corpse, and thinks Lola, who has arrived in demon wings thanks to AAA, is saved now. But surprise Coronzon/Lola is a fucking liar and Crowley is a fucking retard, she just made her own vessel so now she tries to destroy the world.
Why wouldnt Mikoto forgive her?
She did a far worse thing in Daihaisei and they have been besties since then
Mikoto makes Misaki orgasm three times in a row with her big black bike
>Misaki is relevant now?
Misaki became relevant the moment Misaka asked for help on AAA. So she has to tag along because Misaka is a baka sometimes and literally forgot she can use electricity.
>Why did she do that?
Crab had to take vengeance on the bee after this scene.
She sided with the Touma that doesn't remember her?
Didn't Othinus tell Misaki to stay away too?
>injures Touma's scalp all the time
>punishes him for every little thing
>makes him sleep in the bathroom at his own apartment
>drains his funds by being a glutton
>starving him because [see above]
Why do people like this little shit, again?
She even kicked her in the face and called her a bitch
>first reaction to seeing Touma without an arm is to bite him
I dont, i hope she dies
Misaki pls leave.
which volume i only read till NT 17 kisamoto shit arc
Nah she just kicked the cow in the face.
Then proceeded to guide her Human to save the dumb cow once Misaki tried to smuggle his frozen arm and got rekt by demon spawn.
While Aleister got an entire sentence out of her.
To be fair, Misaki was horny as fuck because of Mikoto, Othinus only smelled the horniness coming from her and became defensive instantly since she has lots of experience on what would happen soon
Wow, this entire arc really shits on Misaki.
She has a Mikoto
Coming Soon...
Won't you fuck off already? It's really getting tiresome
I mean, headcrab is shit and honestly that list perfectly depicts the vile creature.
But there is one misstep in it.
As you see
>makes him sleep in the bathroom at his own apartment
this is false.
Touma is sleeping in the bathtub willingly out of his own accord, and for several reasons.
But mainly to avoid accidental self cucking.
>Watch two shows with Yuka Iguchi playing the role of girl closest to the MC
>In one she's kind, supportive, and quite easy to root for, is basically the MC's main motivation
>In the other, she's a horrendous parasite that makes me want to skip every scene she's in, makes you wonder why the MC bothers with her at all
It really throws me off sometimes.
What was the other show?
Index is literally worst girl, but this is entirely Kamachi's fault since he clearly wants us to hate her, he never gave her any scenes where she is likeable
>crab is worst girl
>Still wins
It can't keep happening
At least she has an actual character, unlike shitdex who is just a parasite
Snek is rock bottom.
Symphogear. Miku is the polar opposite of Index.
Nah. Best girls got the inevitability factor.
Crab can’t outlive Shinobu.
Crab can’t outlast Odin.
Both are inseparable from the respectable MC's.
Blonds score twice.
when is the accelerator anime airing?
Touma, unlike Araragi, can die pretty soon
Because she's cute
Its literally 1-2 legit indexfags and the rest are ebin shitposters trying to jump in on the flavor of the novel shitposting. Its like how there werent that many anti-Accel fags until last volume
She is shit*
Still makes me chuckle
>Regenerating dragon King fused with the power to fuck anything and everything in sight
And if he still somehow manages to an hero.
>"If this kills you, I will bind your soul to mine as my property!!”
Index didnt win shit though
Fuck off back to twitter.
Othinus is powerless though
She won the almost kissu, thats more than enough since Touma wanted to kiss her
Fukiyose was almost kissed
But not on purpose
This Touma was the logical and unfeeling Touma, thus he was just trying to settle down. Index is the most logical choice because she lives with him. There is no feelings behind it.
>js06 never specified who he almost kissed
>people assume its Index for some reason
Inb4 its some random ass character
>According to Touma its completely logical to cuck Misaki
people assume it's Index because she's got two illustrations with the Toumas
There is already fanarts of Index almost being kissed by Tuxedo Touma and nips saying that Kamindex is cute on twitter
There is literally almost no buzz at all about shipping kek.
Look harder
The fact that you even need to "look harder" should tell you a lot.
Wow, this makes Index actually look like a beautiful woman instead a goofy child in a puffy dress.
Is IT Ougi?
Kind off but not really.
I want to believe as well
Depending on context and readers POV, any one of those three could qualify as first girl.
Do you have the one with Index's butt wearing a panty with a cross print?
Why would I save shit?
that makes me seethe