Honest opinions on Naruto?

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it was fun back then, but once you grow up it's utter shit.
Madara did nothing wrong tho

Better than One Piece.

one of the best anime's created of all time but boruto was a mistake.

People treat it like the holy grail of shounen but it just seemed really bad when I went through it myself. Every time someone gets into a fight you have to wade through ages of backstory, told in a way that never just gets to the point in a reasonable amount of time. Kishimoto has no idea how to be concise. Every opponent lets everyone stand there staring them down, talking or just thinking to themselves, in real time, endlessly because it's inconceivable that characters move at anything other than Kishimoto pace in the world.

The power interaction and skill use tries to be clever but literally everything can be Just A Trick in dozens of different ways with no hint or forewarning used whatsoever, so every time it happens feels like just a pointless delay to the outcome until it is arbitrarily decided that the next one won't be a Trick and they conveniently don't use it.

Extremely bad
4/10 writing

Despite flaws, I enjoyed it heavily 8/10.

pretty great but lost its way. peak naruto was trying to figure out the mystery of pain and jirayas final battle

>People treat it like the holy grail of shounen
I hope this is a rare copypasta

Biggest potential from any series. The ninja system was really cool from ranks like genin to jonin, C to S, the different countries each with feudal lords and a single ninja village per country, etc. Basically the lore and atmosphere made it so investing, but the main characters and their story dragged it and in shounen fashion turned the reality of the world into a shape reflected by the main characters' goals.

This user gets it.

As it was airing I never thought it was legitimately good/well-written, just enjoyable fun to turn your brain off to. And that was Part 1. In my opinion Shippuden should never have happened - Kishimoto's skill at drawing perspective and dynamic poses took a noticable hit when the whole cast got taller, and it never really recovered.

Also I know it's a shounen and all but the way he writes female characters as "female" (read: the perception of a girl that someone who still believes in "cooties" would think) first and "characters" second is so bad it's very difficult to tolerate. We get it, the entire female cast (save for Hinata) finds Sasuke attractive. I feel like I'm losing braincells just reading it.

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Its really good, as someone who read it all the way through after it finished. There was a strong character arc with Naruto about how to accept yourself, and a strong theme throughout the series about coming to appreciate yourself for who you are and how your bonds in life help you get past the bad. I also appreciate how Naruto developed into someone who was strong as shit, but always tried to find a peaceful way out before the fight, and was willing to forgive people if they were willing to change. The only part I wasn't a fan of was Kishimoto pulling the reincarnation and Kaguya stuff out his ass, it felt like someone, editorial or Kishimoto himself, had decided the finale had to be against an unambiguous bad guy and at grand scale no matter what, and it would've been better if they just had the Sage of Six Paths give them Sealing Jutsu to invoke on Madara. Little ironic twist of him living forever and free from the world, but isolated and chained by his own failure.
Still, I'd say it's the best of the Big Three of it's time. Really fond of the story, I fucking hate Boruto and it's fanfiction story so much.

It's shit.

I like it.

I don't know, man. Tsunade was a good character, and Ino had some damn good writing for her and the squad during the arc focused around her squad. The only girl I'd say got especially shafted was Tenten, because she was actually nothing, had some kind of plan in the War arc, but for some reason they dropped her sealing plan and she got Tsukiyomi'd with the rest of the world.


Underrated manga because of how shit the anime was.
Great at times (chunin exams) but the pacing went to shit after the time skip.

>Pre shippuden
>post shippuden

Good until the first timeskip.

I remember first getting into Naruto, coming from other shounen that had pretty shitty girls, and coming to realize I had not truly understood what REAL shit girls are until Naruto. They're so fucking bad it's unreal.

It's crap.

No stealth
No tactics
No development of characters

Naruto never grew up. He just got older.

Dropped it in the middle of the chunin exams. It and Bleach were pretty good for the first couple of arcs (maybe because I was like 11-14 when I was reading/watching them though) but I just never felt the desire to continue after a certain point.

Fuck off Narutard


Barely a 5/10 but still one of the best shonen ever

When I was younger I felt the childhood arc was godtier, and shippuden just fell until it was hot garbage. I dropped it when Jiraiya died.
Last year, reread it in it's entirety.
>Naruto starts off as one of the most insufferable characters I've ever seen in a manga, but he grows as the series goes on. Not "grows" as in undergos drastic transformation, but he stops shouting at everything, is introspective about who he is, and embraces himself. By the end, he was my favorite character.
>Sasuke is the exact opposite, he starts off as cool and any scene with him is 100% better than any with Naruto, but he regresses as a character as the series goes on and is unsufferable toward the middle of shippuden. His relationship with Itachi and his interactions with the characters at the end salvage him to a degree, but goddamn what a shitshow.
>The manga is a slog until you reach Mist Bridge arc, and it becomes a slog again until the Chuunin exam tournament. Continues to rise until it nosedives in Shippuden. From about volume 32 to 39 the series is nearly unreadable, as BOTH protagonists are insufferable cunts. Around volume 42 the series picks back up and honestly, the last 30 volumes are some of the best shonen out there. Its just a shame that those first 42 volumes are required to enjoy it to the fullest.

Pre-time skip - 8/10 shounen battle
Post-time skip - complete shit

>the last 30 volumes are some of the best shonen out there.
Imagine actually believing this. Imagine thinking Kaguya was a good idea.

I don't see what was so bad about Kaguya? Random badguy pulling strings that ties in to the origin of the heroes powers. Sure, Kaguya wasn't a 10/10 but she was alright.

I'm not sure what it is, but despite multiple attempts, I've just never been able to get into it, and that's coming from someone who has enjoyed Dragon Ball, One Piece, and Bleach.

Not him, but Kaguya misses the point. I posted something similar a few days ago, I'll try to explain again. The series is spent showing us the atrocities of the shinobi world (Naruto has a demon sealed inside him, Zabuza tells us ninja are merely tools, Neji is cursed by his own family, Gaara's father tried to kill him, Sasuke's brother killed his entire family, etc.), which eventually builds to Pain who can't stand it anymore and wants the world to be at peace. He decides there can only be peace if pain is shared, so distribute nukes to everyone and wait for them to be used. His motives are good but the flaw he acknowledges is subsequent generations will not know pain and will need to nuke each other again. His war/peace/war/peace plan is the best he can come up with within the existing framework of the world. Obito builds on this further: he sees the same suffering in the world but the key difference is he fundamentally rejects that the world has to contain such suffering. Philosophically this is the is-ought problem. Nagato sees that existence is painful and it doesn't occur to him that it doesn't have to be, while Obito sees that existence is painful and decides that pain itself ought to be erased. Madara completes the thought. He knows the world is shit, knows it ought to be changed, but he also knows one more thing that Pain and Obito don't: that it's impossible to fix because people actually want to fight. That's why his plan and the plan he bequeaths to Obito is to put the world under an illusion. This builds to Naruto vs. Sasuke at the end, because although Sasuke has rejected the specific methodology, he has practically accepted the Nagato, Obito, and Madara line of thinking.

I don't hate Kaguya, I just find her out of place. She adds nothing thematically and serves only to weaken the progression.

Trips of truth. The other issue is Kaguya is simply thrown in right at the end. I actually find much of original Naruto to be fantastic but it falls off hard in Shippuden. If I could change it up I would do these things:
>Sasuke no longer becomes a super edge lord. Instead he is truly seeking his path forward after the Itachi reveal
>Build up the other nations a bit more beforehand via travels of the other Leaf teams
>Build up the Leaf ninjas themselves during these travels
>Pain doesn't revive anyone but instead less major characters die
>War arc is now between smaller nations manipulated by Obito (with support from zombie ninjas) and the main nations
>Obito is not the coolest guy
>Begin to hint at Kaguya earlier
>Madara is actually so horribly damaged by Guy that Kaguya is forced to reveal herself early
>Guy dies but thanks to this preemptive reveal Naruto and Sasuke defeat Kaguya

good characters, awesome skills, decent world building but dogshit story

Started off fun, dropped off after the Zabuza arc. The chuunin exams were a good trournament arc, but it kept fucking going.

Pain bringing everybody back to life ruined everything.

Part 2 dealt with the core themes of the series better than part 1. BecauseHard work wasn't the main theme of Naruto. It was about not giving up and learning to understand one another






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The first 100 or so chapters are pretty good shonen. Then the quality starts going up and down and and ultimately becomes a ridiculous mess with countless asspulls, bad storytelling and fucking aliens or whatever



It's hot fucking trash but I love it

Good anime but much lost potential

Stop samefagging your shit thread, Narutard

If you take out the fillers and finish it before pains arc epilogue, its one of the Best anime ever. It went terrible downhill after that

I tried rereading the series. Dropped it at Zabuza arc. It was pretty garbage to be honest.

At least it's not boku no nothing happens

I love it Tbh.

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>Naruto never grew up
Do you see Naruto from Part 1 or Shippuuden sitting behind a shelf full of books?

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>Madara did nothing wrong
Very correct opinion.

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amazing potential with the storu and setting. the world itself was really cool but what they did with it was kinda shit. coming from someone who enjoyed the series.

It had its weak moments but overall it was very enjoyable and I liked majority of the characters.
Naruto 8/10
Naruto shippuden 9/10
The manga 9/10

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You guys remember that hour long video that could basically be boiled down to "Naruto is bad because it's about hard work but Naruto never worked hard!" I have to wonder how you miss the point of a manga so bad when Chapter fucking One spells out the exact thing Naruto will be about, aka finding self acceptance/confidence, that your bonds with others are important, and even so called monsters can be good people if someone can reach out to them. It's the hardest signpost I've seen a manga give its readers and people will still fuck it up because "muh Freezer Saga was about hard work beating natural talent, so all Shonen is supposed to be like that!"


also this

>hint at Kaguya earlier
Hinting earlier is only part of the problem, what will Kaguya actually add to the story? She has mid-boss tier motivations like the lower Akatsuki members but without the charisma. She doesn't offer anything to the narrative except a fight.
>not the coolest guy
He's the coolest guy in my heart, always.

Wasted potential.
Part 1 looked promising with the ninja premise & "hard working underdog can beat a genious" theme.
After the exam arc however the theme got trashed, and the story should also be just renamed "Sasuke".

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>first statement
Not entirely true
>second statement
Complete bullshit

it is a cult masterpiece, what else can be said

>the story should also be just renamed "Sasuke".
Right? Why can't they just stop constantly dick riding the Uchihas? Strongest ninjas ever: Madara, Obito, Hashirama, Naruto, Sasuke. 3 of them are Uchihas. Just because they have magic eyeballs they win?

Like Dragon Ball it went tits up post time skip.

Completely correct, if Kishimoto had a few high quality editors to go through the whole story before he started it would have been an easy 10/10 masterpiece the likes of which have not been seen for an era.

Fuckin, solid, really good "part 1". I honestly like a lot of it. Timeskip isn't an immediate nose dive, but aside from a few rare moments, most of it sucks. More importantly, it's wasted potential. Why even have teams and loads of side characters when almost none of them do ANYTHING?

Interesting at first, but then drags on. The anime is shit.

Shits on dragon balls and one piece but its nothing more than a golden piece of shit.

Gennin and chunnin arcs are so fucking good, shippuden is really good except kaguya arc where they just forget how to write naruto (the last battle was one of the best in the entire anime)

Temari, Tsunade, Hinata...

The only one note females were Sakura and Ino. I don't think his female character writing is bad. He's no Ohba, who CLEARLY has some very bizarre understanding of women

I like the idea of Sasuke turning traitor and leaving. It felt at first like it wasn't a choice he was absolutely certain of, so it was complicated and cool.

However, the way it's handled post-timeskip he's just a fucking asshole

A classic jump series. Friendship power, a lot of battles you know the main character is gonna win, villains who deep down are 'not so bad' and easily forgiven, convenient power (that only 1 character can use effectively), etc. The usual.

The only battle shonen I never even considered to drop, while all others got the axe at some point. There was something about the ambiguity of the "villains" that always managed to reel me back in. Something garbage like One Piss never truly managed to do, since the vast majority of bad guys are just bad for the sake of smashsmash.

Nothing more cancerous than Narutards treating Yea Forums like MAL.


anime is shit
manga is okay until 430, naruto>pain broke the story, the final arc and the ending are awful


Naruto: 7/10
Shitppuden: 3/10

>2 threads
Sick spam. Thanks for providing the archive link.

I like it. It’s fun, does humor better than most shonen(especially OP), and Rock Lee is amazing. Rewatching the ”Kai” recut rn with my little sister, it’s very fun to see her experience it for the first time, and that it is still appreciated by the younger generation.

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Naruto was alright until the time-skip, and was pretty cool during the Chu-Nin arc.
Hell, the written exam chapters were HunterXHunter-tier.

However, other than that, it sucks.

Fuck off back to >>>/reddit/ /MAL/ with your shitty templates, Narutard

pretty shit.

Isn’t that just some of the teenage girls, though(which to be fair, is pretty realistic)? I think most female characters are fine, up till now at least. Temari, Tenten, Anko, Tsunade, are all pretty cool.

>Naruto could have been Yu Yu Hakusho with JoJo fashion design if anybody actually gave a shit

It hurts

I really liked it when it started off but eventually my interest fizzled and I gave up on it years before it ended.

The video has been already debunked.
Watch Naruto the self made underdog and in defense of talk no jutsu if you want more accurate look on the character from people who actually watched and read the full series.

Goes to shit the moment Deidara blows himself up and stays at that shitty shitty level.

Kishimoto starts pulling ideas out of his ass like having Sasuke survive impossible odds, Tobi being the central villain, feelings and zombies start becoming big themes and reincarnation horse shit starts getting enforced on Naruto and Sasuke explaining why they are so important.

Early Naruto however is still fine up until Part 2.

> "hard working underdog can beat a genious" theme.

This was never a thing, Naruto was special from the get go, Neji and Sasuke thinking he's a loser at first doesn't mean he wasn't always special

How would you fix Naruto?

The manga is good. Almost everyone here hates it because they're either pretentious elitists who only likes "mature and deep" anime or moefag pedophiles

More Sage Madara screentime

It was certainly one of the bigger themes in Natuto. It was present in Naruto’s early character arc, and the focus of Lee’s character arc. Or maybe not outright stating it ”can” beat incredible talent, but rather posing the question: ”Can extreme hard work beat enormous talent?”

It became bad after the pain arc and naruhina was a mistake

the worst part is, hinata has no fucking development through the manga. Hell, she has like 5 pages of screentime. The anime pushed naruhina way too hard with fillers

Make Sasuke a girl and ship her with Naruto. Then we would have a whole "star crossed lovers" trope to play with, its cliche but still better than that dumbass Hinatard

Almost all people who talk shit about Naruto love moe shit and CGDCT.

What song is he referencing?

Part 1 was kino. Part 2 was bad but had its moments. The 4th great ninja war was the absolute worst arc I have ever followed in any show in any form of entertainment. It's so bad that it should be kept in museum to show future generations how bad an author can fuck up own work. Just remember that steaming pile of shit makes me angry.

Togashi should sue this hack along with every credible author he ripped off, Kishi contributed next to nothing in shounen. Everything down to his volume cover is an uninspired, laughably taking the colourful frog design from hxh volume 1 and the Goku inspired outfit of Naruto's costume. Literally the worst writer and artist he couldn't even be bothered to draw Naruto in his first outfit for the time skip instead opting for a far simpler design along with every other character until the end of the last arc where just about every character say for the main characters look the same

I also dropped when based Hiraya died mostly because the series was mostly a Sasuke riding cock parade, i pick it up again when it ended a couple years ago and god be damned it was awful, i can see why people licked but i hated.

Started rewatching it recently, almost at episode 60

It's amazing desu, it and part 1 of dragon ball stand so much higher than other shounen

Lee's and later on Guy's character was about hard work. Naruto's character arc was always about approval and setting himself to be more than other people though of him, but not in a fighting sense, the point of Neji wasn't to show how weak Naruto was and how low potential he had , Neji's character represented determinism in a social sense, Neji had his role in his Clan and Naruto had his role in the Village (being an outcast) and he could never change that

Think about it, Naruto had been spamming Shadow Clones from the beggining (which everyone thought was impressive, even while he was fighting Neji), had just summoned Gamabunta chapters before the fight and always had a Demon inside him. Strenght wise Naruto's character was always much more of "Huge hidden potential" type than "Hard working weakling" type

1. Switch Sakura and Hinata's places
2. No Mangekyo Sharingan
3. Have Sasuke go to Orochimaru because he finds out that Danzo engineered the Uchiha massacre
4. Give Naruto a wider variety of techniques to use post timeskip
5. Get rid of sage mode entirely and have Naruto learn to control the 9 tails before he fights Pain
6. After Sasuke kills Itachi have Sasuke come back to the village to assassinate Danzo. Have Sasuke succeed in killing Danzo but get imprisoned by the Leaf village after
7. No Madara or Kaguya, Obito is the final boss
8. Rewrite the war arc so that it's a bunch of smaller nation's that have been manipulated by Obito fighting against the great nations instead of a fucking zetsu army
9. Have Sasuke bust out of prison during this war arc and head to the front lines to help
10. No redemption for Obito, have him be killed by Naruto and Sasuke after he puts everyone into Tsukuyomi
11. No reincarnation bullshit for Naruto and Sasuke
12. still have Sasuke and Naruto fight because Sasuke wants to kill all the Tsukuyomi'd kage and destroy the Village system but have Naruto talk no jutsu Sasuke into becoming Hokage and reforming peacefully after they fight.
13. End the series with Hokage Sasuke and Naruto just being a respected high level Jonin
14. Also give Naruto and Hinata an actual romance after the pain arc confession


It's a good manga. It derails at the end, but it's not that bad.

I didn't hate how it originally went even tho I had some problems with it but your vision isn't bad either Tbh, especially with the nations fighting each other.

> Complete bullshit
Be that as it may, but at least Pain, Madara and Obito came up with SOME solution. Though I am still not sure why didn't they simply use Moon to condition people NOT to fight. I mean Shisui's eyes could do it.

Naruto and Alliance only ever achieved peace because Obito went full Lelouch and united the world against himself. Sasuke had the right idea in the end but it was simply redundant at that point.

In fact, we can safely say that Pain's idea won - the world knew pain and thus stopped wars. The only problem is that Boruto showed that peace did not last even a generation and that we now have means for advanced global warfare in the form of Kote, Kara brand artifitial humans, and Orochimary Sage Mode induced clones.

And to some extend Sasuke idea came to pass too in the form of Moon People threat.

Naruto as a character did not came up with an answer to Pain's dilemma.

Keep the focus on smaller scale missions and make the stories more character driven. Never let powerlevels seriously escalate.

Which is why Gaara's father actually beeing a decent guy all along, his mother really having loved him and died at childbirth, and the fact his uncle was just ordered to pretend he hates him are some of the worst, woldundermining and pointless deciscions that not only are bad on its own, but undermine previous content in its quality.

You had me until #13.

>No Madara or Kaguya

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Tobi should have been Izuna

Reminder that the proper way to deal with Uchiha is to fuck them. Tobirama admits that they are a clan of love, they just react equally negatively if spurred or tragedy occurs. Thus, the correct way is to constantly show them love and dick them into submission. The evil Uchiha are the ones who failed to receive proper sexual intercourse. Madara failed to get Hashirama's wood. Obito failed to get Rin. In all those cases, the absence of sex is what caused it. The proper way is to dick the Uchiha so they would happily accept your dominance as they give birth to your kids. Make love, not war. Fuck them, not fight them

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Shut the fuck up and go back to /y/

What would I do there? I ship Madara with myself, not other men. He's absolutely not gay.

This. But pierrot gave some good fights. Kishimot gave us cool techniques. Naruto

Small changes like naruto learning rasen shuriken during the timeskip would have been kino. Also hyuga and uchiha utilized better. Throw away fate and sakura too.

>little sister

Reading this makes me nauseate.

But what if I want to get fucked by an Uchiha?

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1) Actually develop characters, especially before there will be a reason to kill them. Characters are what should drive series forward, but more than select few.
2) Uchiha shouldn't be the root of all that is wrong in ninja world - the series are called "Naruto" not "Uchiha doing things, and main character is their target because of what's sealed in him, not because of him being his own person". Sasuke was more connected to Akatsuki plot because of Uchiha influence, while Naruto was only related to it through Kyuubi.
3) Actually explore Naruto's ancestry sooner and not in an offhanded way during his training to get Kyuubi's power at the final stage of the series. Optionally include Karin in it, and have it happen before Pain arc, so there could be realisation for Naruto that he's facing a member of his Clan
4) Have Naruto meet other Jinchuuriki before they are captured by Akatsuki, as some of them were close-but-not-close-enough with their Bijuu to use their power well but not be Perfect Jinchuuriki (see: Roshi). Good written arc of Naruto had character development of both Naruto and the other character that affected him (see: Zabuza, Gaara), while Bee was someone who had his character arc happen in the past and was more of a plot device when he appeared.
5) Have Naruto actually know some more jutsu after the time skip, at least let him use Rasengan without clones, and give him Toad Oil Bullet, if he's not getting Fuuton off-screen.
6) Have female characters be "characters" first and "females" second, and actually explore their skills. Sakura ended up an inferior copy of Tsunade that never explored her genjutsu skills, which leads to next point:
7) Swap Hinata and Sakura. Sakura fits better in Team Kurenai for her character and skill growth (she wouldn't even be that much sidelined when point 1 stays), while Hinata would fit much better thematically in Team 7 that considers of orphans, outcasts, and people who strives or striven for acceptance of others.

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it was fine. take out a bunch of filler bullshit from shippuden make sasuke and the uchiha not the main plot point and half the great ninja war and it would have been better.


Good entertaining story drawn out too long

Good for what it is. 6/10 overall, though definitely had some 10/10 moments.

I'm a fujo, the fanfiction and fanart are 10/10. Actual story is maybe 7/10, I still love it though. It's the Harry Potter of anime for me.

naruto looks so soulless

tits or GTFO

Started pretty good, ended very meh. Sasuke was the worst part about the plot due do how wishy washy his motives were. Every time you saw him he had a different goal. To top it all off naruto cares a lot for sasuke but the only time we as the readers get to see their relationship grow is the zabuza arc. Honestly there shoulde been more development between naruto and sasuke before he left.

I do kind of agree with you but honestly I still enjoy the hell out of part 1. Part 1 is seriously great. 2 not so much but still enjoyable. But there are far too many episodes for me to rewatch.

Naruto uses too much fan service for a decent plot. I don't see why you need to depict Tsunade like that. For example AoT doesn't use much fan service, because it has a good plot.

I can understand being mad that Jiraiya dies making you drop it but that arc is probably the best one in the whole manga IMO, maybe tied with Sasuke Retrieval and definitely the best thing to come from Shippuden.

Every arc about Sasuke is boring shit tier. I wish Obito and Madara were the only Uchihas in the series. They're the only good ones.

It was good because of how it affect Naruto
he was so driven with a lust for revenge that Shikamaru of all people had to give him a pep talk

I thought it was pretty bad, even from the very beginning. It feels so derivative and it's poorly written. I never reached the so-called worst parts.

Why is War arc so hated? It has Madara in it.

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Pretty bland. Never liked it.

Holy fuck.

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>It has Madara in it.

Sorry for the late response but seek help

Very mean. Madara carried the series.

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No, he sank it.

Not the worst thing I’ve read, but could be better

he clearly hasn't fucking read any of them, he still has the maturity of a 5 year old retard

How so? He was the best villain.

If by "best" you mean the one who deserved to die the most, then yeah, he was.


>deserved to die the most
W-why? He did absolutely nothing wrong. He did only what we thought was best.

You're delusional.
And he was a bastard.

He wanted to save the world and make everyone happy. He would sacrifice himself for the good of all people.

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His plan would have resulted in extinction.

Is that a bad thing? He'd probably reproduce with Kaguya and start a new, pure generation.

The Plagueofgripes one?

Yeah, that's objectively a horrible thing.

sasuke was much more interesting than narutos double digit IQ obnoxious ass, but I hate all shonen MCs theyre all retarded and unlikeable

How about do something with the other villages throughout the story instead of shoehorning in an alliance in the last 3rd

He thought that was for the best. His intentions were pure. He is a little naive and his mental state isn't the best, but he just wanted to make people happy the only way he knew how. There was nobody to tell him it was wrong. Nobody offered him other viable options.

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>His intentions
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Madara is the only the thing that made the last part of Naruto bearable.

For me it's better than one piece, Dragon ball, bnha, black clover, bleach, blue exorcist, shaman king, hitman reborn, seven deadly sins, fairy tail.
When it comes to battle shounen I do think Naruto did a fairly good job ( good plot twists, amazing fight scenes, God tier soundtracks, good complex characters and villans)

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In that case we all go to hell. But Madara doesn't believe in hell. He is religion himself. Or that's what he wanted to be.
This. I watched for him and Obito. I stopped caring about the main cast long before the war.

Read first four volumes a decade and a half ago. I wanted to like it but the storytelling was irresponsible and cheap. Dropped it after yet another cliffhanger which almost certainly would be completely undone by the first chapter of the fifth volume.

Naruto was good

Shippuden was okay

Boruto is utter shit


>No redemption for Obito
Garbage. Even in Kakashi gaiden you can see hes the Naruto of his team. If anything his redemption is the only one that made sense. Naruto had no answer to Pain, for example.

Naruto should grow his hair longer, his current hairstyle does not work with being blonde.
He'd likely have red beard though, stuff like that happens quite often.

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it had some cool stuff, but got worse as time went on.

Never bothered with it really, always thought that the idea of a ninja in bright orange was retarded. Doesn't help that the average fan seems to be straight out of special ed class.

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This. He had less asspulls as well.
>muh sealed demon who I can convert
>muh favoritism by Sage of Six Paths because Naruto is essentially Ashura

Uchihas aren't low IQ like the Senjus.

Better than One Piece/10

There are 2 Uchihas and only 1 Senju currently. Is Tobirama rolling in his grave right now?

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Senjus don't exist anymore. They assimiliated into Konoha and only their "will of fire" exists. They're the biggest cucks in the story. Their envy of the Uchiha's ethnic solidarity made them subvert Itachi.

There's Tsunade, but she is only half I guess

Actually, Senjus were smart: Tsunade and Hashirama had at least above average IQ and Tobirama was genius.

>Madara failed to get Hashirama's wood.
Top fucking kek

>implying Senju didn't become nobles at the daimyo's court while members of the lesser clans still dying for their will of fire
>implying Hashirama's descendants ain't filthy rich and powerful politicians while even Senju woman, Tsunade, could drink and gamble most of her life and still become hokage on a whim (she didn't even wanted this job, her social status was already higher than hokage)

Part 1 is a fantastic shonen series, part 2 is very hit or miss with some big powerscaling problems after the Pain Invasion arc. Ultimately a decent series that gets a lot of hate because it's ridiculously popular in the west and overrated by normalfags.

tl;dr it was best when it was a Hunter x Hunter ripoff.

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Plagueofgripes flat out admitted that he was wrong about Naruto being lazy.

Part 1 of Naruto was amazing. Studio perriot put in work as well. I'm surprised how Kishi managed to hold up Naruto so well for 200 chapters. Loved how Kishi ditched the conventional ninja look, and made it his own.

Say what you want about Naruto being a HxH ripoff, but he took what Togashi did, and done it better

Isn't Naruto part Senju?

No, Uzumaki are related to Senju but not Senju.

OK I know kishimoto was inspired by togashi but most of the inspiration didn't come from hxh itself.
Sasuke was inspired from Hiei and another series called Sasuke.
Naruto was inspired from guko.
The Chūnin Exams are the only thing comes to my mind when I think about a rip off but it was way better and more interesting anyway.
Other that I don't think anyone can watch hxh and Naruto and say they are identical or even know Naruto was inspired by hxh because the difference between them is huge.
The world building, the system of ninjas, the aesthetic, the themes.
You can't say it's a rip off when basically 95% difference between the two series exist.

Never understood the part 1 wanking. "Muh hard work eeeeeh!!! B-but m-my self-insert underdog, g-guyss??"
Yes, it was great, but saying that "it's fantastic", but "Shippuden is really bad" is beyond me because it was Shippuden that gave us most of the greatest things about this series for me. Rewatching part 1 now and it has lots of fucking problems too, as many as Shippuden. War arc is divisive, but had its moments too. I will never get the hate for part 2 though. Probably the same retards that genuinely don't understand why didn't Sasuke protect Konoha after Itachi reveal

Early Shippuden is very underrated, all because the War Arcs completely overshadows everyone's memory, had Naruto been divided into 3 Parts it wouldn't be the same
>Part 1: Prologue - Sasuke Recovery Mission
>Part 2: Kazekage Rescue Mission - Pain's Invasion
>Part 3: Five Kage Summit - Epilogue
Part 2 is more or less at the same level as Part 1, with lower lows but higher highs

I like Kaguya.

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Reading the manga it's not as bad as people say. It's an average battle manga that got popular and contrarians complained because they were annoyed with it being hyped.

I didn't like the Zabusa Arc. I didn't like the Exams.
I only started to like it with Tsunade and Sasuke retrieval and Shippuden was shit.

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Pre-timeskip Naruto is alright, post-timeskip goes to shit extremely quickly after most of the Akatsuki were defeated.

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it was good, with a different (more tactical) take on shonen battles, until it became nothing but another power level and world ending secret technique shit show with increasingly strong homosexual undertones that the author might have been feeling toward his own character.

considering the current state of shonen, man we had a good time with it.

>1. Switch Sakura and Hinata's places
This is where I stopped reading.

Only truly based post itt, this guy has sex

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My unpopular opinion is that even the parts people say are good are fucking near unwatchable, like the fucking perpetually grey, mist-covered Zabuza arc.