Sōichirō Yamamoto

What is the appeal of Sōichirō Yamamoto's art?

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's an enigma

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To appeal to pathetic, loser degenerate pedophiles such as you

A mystery

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Makes sense

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Takagi season 2 is usually polled as one of the most anticipated shows for this season in Japan so he's doing something right.

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The same character over and over and over and over

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Some of his art reminds me a bit of haguhagu's style

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What about this one
This one is different!

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I sometimes wonder if that's just his h pseudonym or something

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yeah it can change from time to time

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Receding hairlines.
Makes it easier to relate to.

some oni

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I’m not a pathetic loser degenerate

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Their feets look weird

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What is she hiding?

who knows

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t. Gay

>more than 30 replies
>no one posted zombie girl
is she the black sheep of soichiro's girls?

post it m8 I don't have it in my folder

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me on the left

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>5heads touching

very lewd

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how an immature and emotional retard like Nishikata was able to tap that is beyond comprehension

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anime adaption of adult takagi when?

Attached: 45097789_2269185226429792_7473434264034344960_n.jpg (678x960, 68K)

He probably lost a bet.

>implying it's his daughter

Doesn't matter. You only need a big dick to get laid user.

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not his daughter user, the guy shy's away and massively flusters from simple affection let alone a kiss from his wife, its implied their relationship is one of roommates rather than a couple. however chi was conceived its obvious he wasn't present for it.

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You people need professional help.

the only professional help I need is ummmmmmmmmm

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>implying Tagaki wouldn't make him watch.

>cucks still seething

bold of you to asume that even as an adult he's already passed first base. even if she were to just lay there in lingerie waiting for him to ravish her, he'd just freeze up, blush furiousl and debate in his head as to what game she playing on him before running out of the room with some excuse. it might seem a joke but recent trend in the manga show it to be this way. how chi came to be is a mystery

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He makes flat actually look appealing.

its the eyes, he figured out how to express desire, they all look inviting, like they want you around regardless of what they're actually saying/doing

like bedroom eyes but not necessarily sexual

Flat is the only option

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lol ok pedo


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you know you wanna fuck these girls (who have no real world analog)

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Blessed thread.


foreheads are liberation

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The appeal to me is cute girls with cute fiveheads that fill me with an unholy primal desire to cover them in semen.

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This is a man who knows what he likes

I just wanna coat them in cum

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Isn't Asagao just gonna get eaten up by a boy who knows how to cook and trades meat for her pussy?

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we all love foreheads don't we?

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smug expressions

smug and lewd

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Fuck foreheads

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NinjaHead > ShogiHead > 5Head

Smug 5head.

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some Nezuko he drew

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His series are all cute and funny

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It's like they drew long hair on a ten year old boy.

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His stories revolve around kids "hatsukoi" the kind of shit your kind wallow in misery over

His stories involve precocious kids getting plowed in hot springs by fat old men

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How much fishnet do they wear under those clothes?

Wtf stop posting pics you degenerates my dick is hard now


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He shouldn't, my dick would probably explode if he did.

Yeah I'm thinking this is the best thread of all time

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And? Did you ever experience a "hatsugoi" like with Takagi-san?

Am I the only one that noticed?

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Big eyes. Somehow he makes them sparkle like jewels.

>Belly presentation
>lordosis posture
This should be illegal

I guess so. What is it?

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i don't believe that he didn't draw porn, there must be something somewhere



>off course

Ah, I see now. Just a small typo.

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The spin-off featuring their older self and their only one child killed all the sexual tension the series had.
Prove me wrong.

>reading manga
>not stealing women from their boyfriends instead


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It creates a desire for the intense forehead licking.

I thought it was just him wanting to draw an ever smaller Takagi

matryoshka takagi

Uncultured opinion

Mary being spelled Merry is way more egregious.

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Is there any with her making a devilish face or her mouth open? Asking for a friend, thanks.

I... tried

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it's kinda hard to draw a smol butt, so good job

Why is this acceptable? How is it o.k.?
These girls are C H I L D R E N !

If you have problem with these, then I hope you don't walk past elementary schools, what with how kids these days dressed...

Their artstyles are plenty different. Also they follow each other on soc media and interact plenty.

Nothing explicit, but check this out!

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>These girls are C H I L D R E N !
Precisely. That's what makes it hot.

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I bet the dude must have a huge stash of porn that he drew for himself.

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I want to see his Kuro intensified

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>t. Gay
>implying child molesters aren't mostly gays
>implying traumatizing children with premature and extreme exposure to sexuality to destroy their standards of normalcy isn't how they reproduce

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What is it with autists who get set off by one-word comments and go on crazy rants like this? This is a thread about Takagi-san's mangaka and his attraction to children, you're making it weird.

Besides, the majority of child molestation isn't committed by people with predispositions for pedophilia or homosexuality. The lust is for power and control.

Hey watch it buddy. I'm only a lolicon ironically.

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It's like Tomo's parents. If you keep pushing and poking, at some point it just breaks, and the guy becomes a beast, which she probably does to get him to go all out in sex.

Proportionately more gays are pedos but absolutely there are way more straight pedos

>Off course.
>What's name?
>He is my best Hero.
>Good !
>Me too !!

I can forgive the Merry spelling because Millennials love spelling their kids' names in "alternative" ways. I hope that's not an actual English textbook though.

pawoo.net /users/udon122/following

Says it all, really. Total lolicon. Stroking it to small and flat girls and then uses his lust to draw small and flat girls that turn his readers into beasts themselves.

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>imagine living in world where you need to misspell a word to avoid DMCA'ing because fictional textbook

Though when you look at "proportionally more minorities" with data like this you always have to account for minority groups being hundreds of times more inclined to grow up in shitty situations that screw their brains over for life. Like how most Native Americans can tell you about their grandparents having gone to boarding schools where their language and culture were beaten out of them physically and emotionally. Then they grew up and developed drug and alcohol abuse problems that carried over to future generations.

That's a ridiculously tame pawoo account.

He has some deleted stuff which disappeared around when anime started. Not outright smut, but for example there's this, which has a no-cum no-hearts version you can find on his other accounts.

Attached: a3e5585f588e4d92.jpg (907x1280, 254K)

t. exposed gay pedo

I like how the second couple in Takagi has this overwhelming eroticism and immorality even though they both look like the most unassuming kids.

Attached: Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san - 04 - Large 05.jpg (1280x720, 182K)

What cum? All I'm seeing is just a kid innocently enjoyed milk.

Heh, anyhow, I would pay a good money for H stuffs by this author.

>most unassuming kids.

It's always the unassuming ones, user.


Hey, it was innocuous until he deleted it, proving he had something to hide.
It's so hot.

Attached: karakai_jouzu_no_takagi_san_58_1.jpg (728x1052, 106K)

Got anymore deleted stuff?

>Hey, it was innocuous until he deleted it, proving he had something to hide.

Hey, don't blame the guy, I wouldn't want people to see milk stains on my stuffs too.

It's this sort of physique/frame that he and some other artists draw for their girls.

Attached: __phi_kyokugen_dasshutsu_and_etc_drawn_by_season_artist__db32a2834e463154a462a3baaf9d78ce.jpg (743x1002, 96K)

Nah, I hadn't saved them and so that was the only one I could get back because I had it in a dm log. If there were more it'd have been one or two tops and this is the one I remembered most vividly so it should be the lewdest.

>so it should be the lewdest.

If so, then this IS one of the tamest pawoo account.

Dude's pretty good at restraining himself.

Do they fuck?


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Just because a girl is brown doesn't make it any more right to abuse her or do sexual things she doesn't want if she's under 18. Keep this in mind.


Fivehead a cute

How is this relevant?

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However, it does make it hotter. Especially with tanlines.

>brown girl
>not wanting to do sexual things

Attached: CNv5oyfUsAA4ZJu.jpg (3212x4913, 973K)

That's a boy and you're probably gay.

Without consent, this kind of relationship is morally wrong and should be condemned by all.

I would never do anything inappropriate with a child unless she wanted me to

Like a certain lolicon artist once said, it'd be nice to see him draw porn. Another certainly well known lolicon artist also confessed to altering his art in order to draw porn of his characters.

That second sentence sounds weird. I meant to say another lolicon artist confessed to taking Yamamoto's art and changing it to make the characters naked/getting fucked for their self amusement.

Why is Yea Forums suddenly full of lolicons?

This type of girl would consent to anything, though.

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>62 IPs

So like half of Yea Forums?

For a kiddy diddler he's been remarkable restraintful when it comes to inserting fanservice into his works.

So how long until he's v&?

Brown little Girls are the best

They are still collecting evidence so they can arrest the made in abyss guy too in one big bust.

She physically can't. She is a child.


Attached: 73673699_p0.jpg (5100x5997, 3.5M)

Those heart eyes disagree.

Even better

If she is old enough to talk she physically can.

it's been like this since the beginning m8. Moot even added a loli board at one point.

Attached: 57372983_p0.jpg (2150x3035, 1.98M)

And he also deleted it when he realized that he hates them.

yeah but it's nothing new

not true

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>Have a 14 years old waifu
>Made a Loli board
>Only deleted It when your website became popular.

>Only deleted It when your website became popular.
No, moot realized google archives every cp.
Why waste money on hosting it when he can get it and even get paid for it.

Most succesful lolicon mangaka since Miura?

Surprised that no one else has posted this one yet, given that this is a Souichiro Yamamoto thread.

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Would Takagi ever pull a How Cute on Nishikata?

There a lot more like tsukushi,watsuki,
Ryukishi07 or yabuki but the more important ones are always in the closet like miyazaki or toriyama and also watsuki(not long ago).

Little girls

Are the best

How to get an lgf?

Is that a Japanese finger box?

Soft, clean girls.

>Japan has ceremonial finger boxes
Truly the most culturally advanced nation

foreheads are cute

The most recent chapter showed him not blushing when she saw her naked. He's clearly seen her nude several times before, he just blushes when he's being teased.

Silly user, I'm not a pathetic loser!

Realistically speaking, you shouldn't post that kinda stuff about kids.

Why all his Girls look like iori?

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I do what i want

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Made for flicking

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Its cute

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Sexy desing but no way that i'm watching the anime.

It's a good thing people are only posting drawings then.

Attached: 62576843_p1.jpg (2119x2155, 2.19M)

More like, most successful romantic comedy. Most normal people have had a relationship like Nishikata and Takagi in middle school.

There have been a few healing threads in Yea Forums today, despite obvious casual as fuck/ anime only threads. Thanks for the treat everyone.

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I just made this thread as an excuse to dump my folder. Cheers m8

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Whats his fetish with all the characters saying "good night" he has so many that say that as a text bubble

I honestly have no idea

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Which girls are 3 and 2?

It's just cause he was posting them on twitter as a good night for a while.

It’s the lewdest possible situation which is 100% innocent.

2 is from Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi
3 is from Ashita wa Doyoubi

Artist really loves them foreheads

blessed thread

Attached: 63744810_p0.jpg (2308x3365, 3.15M)

Chin up user, there are still plenty of artists who draw overweight used up hags for pouty pissy pants moralfags like yourself.

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Cute Dororo!

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Sexy outfit but the horns are bizarre

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Lol all these triggered pedofag replies. A hit dog will holler.

but bro... you're one of the replies... :o

BEST image in the thread don't mind me

Go to bed Quentin Tarantino.

>Lol all these triggered pedofag replies.
self-awareness, smoothbrain.
have one, at least.

Attached: 63744810_p4.jpg (2377x2993, 2.99M)

have you even been here for more than 5 minutes?


Seriously, how the fuck does this dude draw so much? He has 3 different manga that have been serialized and he still manages to draw sketches and shit
Is he human?

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>mutual masturbation contest
>whoever cums first loses and has to obey the winner
>realises too late he can't tell if she's cumming
>"I order you to stick it in"

I pointed out "off course" in the episode thread. Nobody responded.

I hope it doesn't happen, because I want more Takagi, but if he gets isekaied, I hope to god his buddy doesn't wipe his hdd, and instead uploads all his 7head porn sketches.

Hey, I may enjoy the company of little boys, but I only stick it in cute and funny places, which they lack.

Hnnnnggg why are lolis so fucking sexy

The flat chests.

I mean, I checked the link above, and literally the top post on one of the guys(I picked at random) he's following is a girl pissing through her pantsu. So yeah, tame, for pawoo.

>those kanji
Chinese zodiac.
Rat Tiger Rabbit
Dragon Snake Horse
Goat Monkey Dog

I like them all especially the girls with lewd expressions

I'm backing up your folder. Cheers, mate.

Nice try, but I'm not crossing that Bridge.

Realistically speaking, you shouldn't post

Attached: A014.jpg (1214x1719, 342K)

Sounds about right

Attached: Yes.jpg (1077x804, 104K)

I want to marry the twins

>not having Takagi puncture his condom on her most fertile date then she teases him that he couldn't get her pregnant even if they did it raw

This man is my God. His girls are so delicious.

He's a great follow on Twitter if you don't want outright loli porn on your timeline but do want daily recommendations of loli artists who do both porn and cute shit

Attached: nezuko.jpg (2892x4096, 732K)

Attached: 63744810_p7.jpg (1427x2464, 1.31M)

Top middle: First girl on the left
Top right: Second girl in the center.
Middle left: Third girl on the right.

I'd watch a show starring these three.

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How do I draw like him?

Attached: 56118818_p0.jpg (1299x1890, 681K)

1. Draw light bulb.
2. Give hair on top of head zero volume.
3. Draw stick body.
4. ???
5. Profit.

That doesn't sound like it would turn out erotic.
His drawings are erotic.
Therefore, that doesn't sound like it would turn out like his drawings.

*Cesare fuck

hentai featuring

Top left: Second girl in the center
Middle left: Second girl in the center.
Bottom left: Third girl on the right.

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>ne, nishikata, I bet you couldn't even go ten rounds with me tonight
>why you, takagi-san, i'll pound you raw tonight

I'm not into teasing or anything like that but Takagi herself is really damn cute

would I like the show?

You think she's his daughter?

Attached: mpv-shot0194.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)


Yes, the enjoyment from the show/manga hardly comes from the teasing itself.

Reading this thread I now feel sexually aroused

Attached: 56118818_p7.jpg (1516x2205, 1.13M)

where is the mod
we need this guy out of the building

They're clearly planning on using a condom in that picture, though.

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The one you should wonder about is the Nishikata clone that Chi encounters, maybe Nishikata is the one cheating


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I'm not sure but I think this guy might be a lolicon

No way

All men are lolicons, most just refuse to show their power levels.


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Idk, there's been a lot worse stuff than Takagi-san published in Japan. If he wanted to depict child sex he could've done it by now.

Puberty plays a lot into the tension between Takagi and Nishikata, but it's biologically realistic for the age they're at and doesn't go over the top.

Not true, the majority are brainwashed by society.

The condom is for nishikata

Man I wish this was a show

Takagi is getting a S2. after that might be a chance another one of his series gets an anime.

Chi is too much of a dumbass to NOT be a Nishikata.

W E W.
This made me remove the article of clothing covering my lower body.[/spoiler[

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What kind of fucking ninjas are these!!

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The smugs he makes make me cóm

tried explaining to my sister why he's good
she didnt get it

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you tried what?

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Naked lolis?

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The Nar*to kind.

>fucking ninjas
I wish

Kula makes me diamonds.

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>not flat

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debochin-neko artist.

Started reading Kaijuu no Tokage. Even though Yamamoto Souichirou isnt the artist, he's still the writer. The teasing is on another level.

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What are you doing here then?

His art is reminiscent of Toriyama's. Or at least, the focus on 8heads.

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Hope you're enjoying it. I'm the dude (Advent) who's doing all the work & uploading the english scans of it. Next chapters will be coming later this month.

Thank you Satan, for helping beat the summer heat with a sweet ice loli.

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jesus fucking christ lads I didn't realize this artist had so many great works. I had some of his works saved but never bothered to look into the sauce but now my eyes have been opened. God bless you for making this thread OP and the people dumping. I love you all

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Thanks user. Other user here, enjoying it as well.

Cunny cunny cunny cunny CUNNY!

Nah. Anything without a curve is a major turn off for me.

he draws all the foreheads i could ever need

Haguhagu art style is somewhat similar as his.


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Between him and the centaur worries author, my twitter feed is almost always cute and funny.

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I need more sasha and haguhagu lolis in my life

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These girls are all very cute and they make me laugh.

He knows how to capture the subtle eroticism of children

Confident girls with flat chests wearing bikinis is my fetish.

I'm shocked this thread is still up. Thanks for dumping m8's

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The power of lolis.

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All those cute toes.

Now these are ninjas I can get behind

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I want to impregnate.

I think you meant to say
>She's physically not a child
Because she is a drawing

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May this thread never die.

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The new girl from Shogi Senpai actually has a chest that's not as flat as an iron.

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Oh no!

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He has a real appreciaton for slender figures, and i love him for it

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time to fap

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The line work up close is so loose and choppy yet the over all image still seems soft and cute I wish I could draw like that

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live action Takagi-san when?

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Hopefully never, would taint the experience of actual good stuff

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I'm really liking that shogi manga he does.

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Based and unexpected Savy poster

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Extremely divine thread.

Funny how Yea Forums still loves this shitty story after there was an entire chapter about NTR

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Especially that scene in Moto where she gives birth to another man's child

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Can you build a solar furnace if you'll place a million of loli foreheads in a parabola?

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Here's a link to, as far as i know, the only public art of his that has an exposed nipple. Imgur because i don't want a vacation.


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This guy should stop making shitty manga with shitty stories and start making doijins ffs

his girls are very funny and cute

People are even less inclined to pay for porn than they are for manga.

God bless

I get that. But all his manga are boring. The only thing that makes him money is his art and all who jumps the takagi train

That Troll is extremely Japanese.

The high temperatures would be very dangerous and the lolis would melt

fore heads

On the other hand, that's a lot of loli sweat to lick off.

image limit reached. Anyone wanna start another thread?

just let it end, friend

here you go

this guy got a lot of you's and everyone just took the bait

Holy fuck

you have to go back

Loli Fiveheads are too sexual, it should be illegal for it to be exposed, they need to be wrapped up to not induce urges.

You're in the wrong neighborhood buddy

Thank God for Sōichirō Yamamoto. I could look at these pictures all day these girls are so cute. For once OP was pretty cool


I am enjoying it! Thanks for translating.

To be fair both takagi manga are short considering their schedule, I don't remember if the Ninja manga is monthly too.

His art is so wholesome.

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Why does he have "oyasumi" in a lot of his drawings

Japanese salarymen like seeing cute 5head lolis telling them "good night" in their twitter feed before going to sleep.

Jannies deleted it, sorry

Soul-healing thread.