On chapter 236 it says Hina is going to make her move.
So probably Hina is going to stay with MC until he realises that he really likes Rui.
Game over Hina fags!
On chapter 236 it says Hina is going to make her move.
So probably Hina is going to stay with MC until he realises that he really likes Rui.
Game over Hina fags!
Rui a shit
Hina a best
Can't I love both? Its so hard to choose between the two.
Hina is gonna win though.
Rui a shit
Posting this again,
Chapter 73.
MC is not wearing the ring Hina gave him.
Thus MC is with Rui now.
I love how Hinafags are illiterate and all they ever respond with is "rEaD tHe MaNgA". Like everything in the manga doesn't point to a Rui win. Morons lmao
>MC is not wearing the ring Hina gave him.
Did you forget that Natsuo told Hina he would buy her a better one?
Everything points to a Hina end though.
Rui a best. if Rui wins, I will suck my dick.
>the fire works festival - trope
> Natsuo telling Hina "out of everyone i want you to be the most..." - trope
> Natsuo and Hina share an umbrealla - trope
> Natsuo giving Hina a lap pillow - trope
> protecting Hina from the stabbing - trope
> approval from parents because of 'fate'
> wishing at the shrine 'if its not too much to ask, after i'd also like natsuo and i to..." - trope
> "you can tell me anything i don't know what i can do but i'll do all i can" - trope
> "i'll always be by your side Hina" - trope
> "your the only one, my precious... brother" - trope
> "you two really are family, you and your sister", and other comments suggesting they're meants for each other - trope
> "ive decided to dedicate the rest of my life to Natsuo" - trope
> "Hina you will never be happy if you arn't honest with yourself" - trope
> "follow your heart Hina" - trope
> "i've never regretted meeting Hina, not once" - trope
> Natsuo touches his scare thinking of Hina
> Natsuo is forced to think of the biggest turnoffs in order to not be turned on/attracted to Hina
> "are you talking about your sister? or your lover?" - trope
> "he was being really chummy with his sister" - trope
> kissing by Serizawa because of how close he was with Hina
all that DURING the relationship with Rui.
>Hina puts herself in Danger to save Natsuo from druggies
>Hina holds onto Natsuos dream
> Hina now lives with Natsuo
We say read the manga because literally everything points to a Hina ending. That you can casually ignore all this and say otherwise proves you dont read shit.
You post is every thread and get BTFO. Do you have a mental problem? Dementia perhaps?
post it all you want. The ring Natsuo was given was an accessory, not a wedding band. there is a difference.
Just had to set yourself up to be completed but blasted didn't you nigger?
So? Every girl is shit and unlikable so lol ok
>Morons lmao
>Just had to set yourself up to be completed but blasted didn't you nigger?
You say everything points to a rui ending though. But you cant even use the story to prove it.
You say Rui has all the tropes. but cant even list one and ignore all of Hinas.
You say the story points to a Rui ending, but ignore all of Hinas points and all the points of Rui and chef
you smugly dismiss all the lists saying they mean nothing and we're autistic for making them, but ignore the fact they make up the story itself.
its like auguring with a child. Heres several big ass lists proving Hina will win and here is one sentence that Rui could.
do you even have an augument? do you even have anything to add to make a point? all you got is shitposting and calling people niggers if they prove you wrong. at least bring something to make your point. but you cant even do that.
user, My guy I was replying to the ruifag with your post. I was saying he was setting himself to to be butt blasted as I knew you'd post that.
Tbh you're not wrong OP. Being a prick about it but you're not wrong. IF she makes a move then yes she loses. And it says might. But I can see Kei doing this and hacking in a Rui end. No reason for Hina to make a move unless kei plans to make her lose.
ma bad bro. had to tell.
>hard to tell
All good. Notice how they never refute these points of the reminder anons points. It's hilarious.
lol, yep. Those Hinafags are the worst. Only thing comparable around these parts are Yukinofags, but they do it from the winning side so it's difficult to argue against the illogical fallacies of Oregairu's writings. Hinafags just scream at a wall as it closes in to crush them.
How could you still care? I just started hating all of them about 100 chapters in.
except Yukino has her own share of false flags and her tropes can be countered by tropes the other heroines have, so her chances of winning are up in the air. thats different compared to Hina whose flags are constant and building while the only flags Rui has gotten has been with Chef.
>Hinafags just scream at a wall
thats all Ruifags are. they provide nothing at all and just say the same stuff over and over that dont even add to anything. at least Hinas flags have increased since the breakups, if Rui had a chance, we'd at least admit it. If Ruifags points where solid, we'd concede and wait for the story to play out, but the fact is their points they make are weak and dont even mean anything or are just plain wrong.
Are you serious? I wasnt agreeing with you, you nigger. Look again. I was pointing to a post you ruifags never acknowledge. Case in point as you ignored it again.
He's agreeing with you dipshit. Hina a shit and this guy is a fag
> Hina
Can you even imagine, hooking up with a used goods who fools around with engaged men?
that was the mans fault. he kept it hidden for ages.
How the fuck can he be agreeing with me when i was saying that the Ruifag is going to get buttblasted? And he did get BTFO. Not refuting the points again. Fucking Ruifags in a nutshell.
I wonder if they're even real Ruifags. in every other shipping thread like the quintuplets, each sister has their own list and tropes to build on made by their quintfags, while ruifags do nothing.
I'll have you know called a fag. Dont worry about them providing evidence for Ruis endgame or refuting points for Hinas. That's more than enough right?
so for you a fag is someone who brings story points, tropes, logic and proof to make his points.
you must have a religious, anti vaxer, flat earther cult mentality. or you arnt even a ruifag and are just trolling. pity you cant be banned for that, ruifags spreading false info is the real cancer of these threads
Old Hag
This. They never post panels of the actual manga, and when they do bring up the actual canon source material instead of going to their deluded headcanons, they twist the story around to fit their narrative. In the previous thread, you had a a Ruifag state that Chef was just introduced a few chapters ago even though it's been over 80. They're mental.
Both girls suck. This is the answer
i guess.
i just miss the actual discussions these threads had before Rui broke up with Natsuo. then there was actual debates and things to think on and take seriously. now the quality of ruifags has been reduced to screaming children.
Hell, i even binged the whole thing multiple times to see if Rui had any chance of being endgame. while she did have tropes, they were all tiny and only lasted till she and Natsuo started dating, after that she got all the tropes of breaking up and started building some with Chef.
i also noticed Sasugas writing style. What is eventually established in the story is hinted and built up throughout several arcs.
Natsuo dating Hina
Natsuo dating Rui
Natsuo and Rui rejecting Momo and Alex
Natsuo and Ruis breakup
Miyabis failure
Each were hinted and troped up several arcs before they happen. its why Hina is endgame since is part her style of build up.
Its why Miyabi was doomed to failed since Natsuo only thought about Miyabi seriously during the a single arc instead of building it though arcs as per Sasugas style
Its also why Rui and Chefs will date as their attraction to each other has been shown throughout the arcs.
This. Go read Good Ending guys, it's same same structure lmao
Literally a worse version of Kusokari, if that's even possible
Ruifags are trully delusionals.
>Its also why Rui and Chefs will date as their attraction to each other has been shown throughout the arcs.
This. She's slowly been building this shit up. Even when Rui was still with Natsuo and telling herself that Chef was just a friend and there was nothing wrong with hanging out with him, there's a scene where they're fixing the broken cup together and she gets a bit overwhelmed when he gets super close to her. Slowly, but surely getting closer. He's not been treating like a joke or throwaway character like Miyabi was.
>it says Hina is going to make her move.
Hina is so pure and she is not like Rui
>So probably Hina is going to stay with MC until he realises that he really likes her.
Momo is the best grill because she lucked out not being trapped on this shit. Fight me, fags.