Why hasn't Araragi been arrested?
Why hasn't Araragi been arrested?
Because his parents are cops and so is he later on. Not to mention that he did nothing wrong.
because of bad writing
>Araragi's parents making the charges disappear every time their sex offender son gets collared for hanging around the neighborhood middle schoolers
Give me that novel, Nisio.
That's a good question
look at it this way: nobody reported him
Touching little Girls is nice
>user claimed this post was a joke
why would he? he's no pedo, he only does it ironically
arararararagi is too handsome, you cant send him to jail
This guy gets it
no problem, he will marry her
it's just araragi
you can't fucking stutter with a keyboard
snek a best
nothing wrong with touching little girls if they're dead first
>captcha: select all crosswalks
The cops take one look at the lolis he has to deal with, compliment him on his taste, and leave.
Every time I see this I think I'll finally watch the loli season but then I remember I'm about 4 seasons and 8 movies behind and I think fuck it.
It just happened again.
there is no evidence he ever molested a little girl.
God I wish that were me