Why hasn't Araragi been arrested?

Why hasn't Araragi been arrested?

Attached: Araragi Lolicon.webm (1920x1080, 2.75M)

Because his parents are cops and so is he later on. Not to mention that he did nothing wrong.

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because of bad writing

>Araragi's parents making the charges disappear every time their sex offender son gets collared for hanging around the neighborhood middle schoolers
Give me that novel, Nisio.

That's a good question

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look at it this way: nobody reported him

Touching little Girls is nice

>user claimed this post was a joke

why would he? he's no pedo, he only does it ironically

arararararagi is too handsome, you cant send him to jail

This guy gets it

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no problem, he will marry her

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it's just araragi


you can't fucking stutter with a keyboard

snek a best

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nothing wrong with touching little girls if they're dead first

>captcha: select all crosswalks

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The cops take one look at the lolis he has to deal with, compliment him on his taste, and leave.

Every time I see this I think I'll finally watch the loli season but then I remember I'm about 4 seasons and 8 movies behind and I think fuck it.
It just happened again.

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there is no evidence he ever molested a little girl.

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God I wish that were me