Sup Yea Forums!
I have a question for you all.
Can GER beat Goku, in his most powerful form?
I don't watch Dragon Ball, so I can't really say, how strong Goku is, but i'm pretty sure, he's more powerful than a god...
So what do you think? GER or Goku?
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are you retarded
>no, fuck you
dunno if he could beat him but goku wouldn't be able to do shit. i'd wager it would be a draw.
>i'm pretty sure he's more powerful than a god
What's the point of this match up then? Next question
Exacly what i was thinking, no one can counter it right? It never happened...
But GER is also like fucking OP so like...
Yes. Not only can Gold Experience Requiem negate the action, outcome, and willpower of its opponents it also keeps the ability to give life no inanimate objects. Goku has shitty guard and couldn't tank a simple laser beam to the chest. He was also slightly scratched by a bullet to the hand meaning that his skin is penetrable. All GER has to do is give life to a pebble and turn it into a life form that is poisonous and have it infect Goku. And since Goku can't tank diseases (The heart virus from the Android saga and the future Trunks timeline) or power level the disease out of his body (doing so only makes it worse). Goku has higher feats can GER, but since GER can negate anything and still come up with offensive strategies by other means that aren't physical strength, GER wins
Hit can beat ger
Broly can beat ger
Beerus can beat ger
GER. If we go by those stupid Death Battle rules, attacking any life-form created by GER will hit you back with the same force, so not only does Goku have no way of hitting Giorno, Giorno can.
>Goku has better feats than GER
debate over
GER isn't that special. All we saw him do was negate a stand ability, there's no way of proving how it would interact with more power opponents from other series. If I had to answer, I would put my money on Goku.
Goku also a big fucking clichee...
woW, hE's sO pOwerFuL!!!1111!!!
GER could fuck Goku up, without Giorno even realizing what happened...
Depends on who's doing the writing.
Goku gets smacked around a bit, gets mad, then unlocks a new transformation just as he's close to losing. Giorno does the usual "What?! He's so strong all of a sudden! That's impossible!!" before getting blown away by a single kamehameha.
They banter back and forth for awhile, some close calls are had as Giorno tries to find out Goku's weakness, then GER "lol, nope"s what would have probably been a fatal blow while giving a speech about truth and/or justice.
No. Goku would just destroy the planet from the other side GER isn't on. If an attack isn't aimed at GER it doesn't activate.
>If an attack isn't aimed at GER it doesn't activate.
[Citation needed]
>He thinks feats matter when GER can just no-sell literally anything Goku tries
>Kamehameha? lol, no
>Spirit Bomb? Kek, not happening
>Literally all of his transformations/power-ups? Nuh-uh, return to 0
isn't that what happened with pucci ?
>goku goes in orbit
>blasts the planet from the other side
>its range of influence extends from surface contact to even being in the mere attention field of GER.
If GER can't see the attack coming, he can't cancel it. Like said, Goku can just destroy the planet from the other side where GER can't see him and he is capable of doing it in base form.
>implying a planet being destroyed wouldn't be on the attention range of GER
Are you literally retarded?
>implying GER's attention range is beyond what it can see
There's nothing that suggests GER can reset the entire planet's destruction before Giorno dies in the vacuum of space unless you wank it to no limits
>isn't that what happened with pucci ?
No. In the games, he's flat-out immune to Made in Heaven as long as GER's active. Also worth mentioning that GER isn't a permanent upgrade.