Doesn't it makes sense the fire fairy was the hottest of the four?
Doesn't it makes sense the fire fairy was the hottest of the four?
s2 when?
>liking the social media addict better than the literal perfection that is Water Fairy
Yep, Water was easily the best
She's the perfect medium sized girl
How does that stay up? Are her nipples sticky?
thank you
silphy is the sexiest
That's not Muse though.
Aether fairy was the hottest
she wasn't tho
dumb dumb big tits mcgee was
I like earth. I don't mind that she jacks off to gay dudes.
She was always on her fucking phone, major turnoff.
On a purely physical level Sylphy is the hottest. If you consider looks and personality and the overall whole package then Muse is by far #1.
I want to fuck all of them.
What's the anime?
Thanks user
Ichika no Ecchi
still one of my favorite shitpost webms
She was best and it was not close.