Name a more iconic manga panel Yea Forums, I will wait

Name a more iconic manga panel Yea Forums, I will wait.

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That isn't even the most iconic "face-off" panel.

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baste honestly

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Gurren Lagaan was great

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That shit isn't even iconic

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Any panel in Berserk is iconic.

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w..wait a minute!

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finally some good fucking food

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why do people keep reminding how good berserk was?
please stop salting that wound

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This was cool.
but then they dispensed with vegeta's stance as being anything sort of interesting or relevant.
After that arc, characters would just stand around powering up like faggots, like op.

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kengan asura was so good innit


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Vinland Saga King of Britain panel was pretty good too. Also this

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This or boats.

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>We're gonna see this animated soon
Can't fucking wait.
>inb4 cg horse

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.35_[2019.07.09_03.50.42].jpg (1920x1080, 197K)

Maybe it's Thorkell that's CG.

Maybe the real CG was the friends we made along the way.

We are all CG on this blessed day.

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This when cool when I was like 9 watching Toonami

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What's it like to be the only person with taste left on Yea Forums? Time for a reread!

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The only right answer, other is shit

based gantz poster

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I dropped the manga before. What is he apologizing for?

what is this from

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literally everything he's done. he gets called out on all of the awful things he's done, and that's his response

it was pretty fuckin' funny, also very in character. but god damn is Sasuke a shitlord.

Really? Where?

Fucking based. I tried a thread recently but got 0 reply

When Jiraiya died

what's going on in this panel?

Being Sasuke


Based uncle Donovan is going to show little Guts the pleasure of being cummed inside.

Oh I didn't notice some Chad was posting Enies Lobby already.

only correct answer, unironically

what chapter?

>implying its anything besides this

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Jesus, that's shitty though kinda based that he gives zero fucks.

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I cant find it

its from bleach mate hes just fucking with you

God dammit. Thanks mate

He is a psychopath after all

GO fuck yourself

>90% of Yea Forums thinks "iconic" means "good"
jesus christ

cringe, delete this

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Post something or shut up

Thread briming with retarded people posting their personals shitty mangas and don't even know what a fucking panel is. Fucking Yea Forums man...


True taste my son

Basically every panel this man ever drew counts

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>OP got BTFO by Kubo
How does he do it?

Anyone have the panel stitching with all the shit he's done?

Bleach, when Ulquiorra dies

Chapter 666

Iconic in terms of what? In Nipland or Yea Forums? This thread is basically people dumping their favourite panel of their favourite manga. You can bet someone will post a panel from Kaguya-sama and thinking its iconic.

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Is this the best manga hands down?

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Ashita no Joe.
You know the one.

Yeah, also the one right after where they are ascending into the sky together in a sun beam

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The most iconic panel

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the existence of Naruto

Godammit,that was too short and too good for a manga about jacking off in toilets

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Can anyone tell me why OPTs got banned? They were good and insightful. Did the mods ever say why?

How dare anyone post manga on anime & manga board.


best berserk animation

imo one afterwards is better

This make every damn berserk panel look like fairy tail

That's very easy.

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Even if the end was rushed at least they capped it strong.

where one can read this?

Have you tried the internet?

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yes, and can't find it.

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I just tried and found three sources in less than five minutes, look harder faggot.

oy vey!

You're better than me then

Alright, here's a hint:
Literally the first page on google you blithering idiot holy shit this isn't that hard

you don't get to bring friends

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Here to post an extremely underrated manga: Berserk. It's a masterpiece that not many people know of and I just want to share it with all of you. The storyline starts off simple enough, but the plot plunges deep down really quickly. If you like the idea of anger guy then I highly recom it!

This is the correct answer


> Later ends up in fairy paradise.

Attached: rurouni-kenshin-124955.jpg (800x1338, 88K)

That was easy

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A top contender for sure

based paste and CHECKED