Attached: mpv-shot0005.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

Other urls found in this thread:!VF41mCTD!e9dorEJi2eVJg7tqWSnaaA

Personally, I prefer fat tummies

Attached: guts.jpg (858x1200, 183K)

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Attached: guts-5.jpg (1464x2048, 441K)

Do exercise

Why would anyone save this unironically is beyond me

does this count as "spamming/flooding"


Attached: 87b5ada4ad15c1c01ff8e93293133824.gif (329x424, 971K)

Well yes, it's the same fag continuously posting pics without even text. Not like I care enough to report him, I'm loving this kneejerk reaction on Yea Forums and tumblretards on twitter because of an anime "body shaming" fat people

Attached: 67da63e749193906fb93b6662ccdaaa0.png (619x939, 284K)

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Attached: 1559664297704.jpg (1654x1654, 354K)!VF41mCTD!e9dorEJi2eVJg7tqWSnaaA
I'll just leave this here

Attached: 1547001627861.png (692x1028, 887K)

video games aren't anime, user

Pokemon is also riding the toned abs wave.

Attached: __saitou_pokemon_game_and_etc_drawn_by_akchu__ba57450d7932230e1a722a3f4a109b15.jpg (900x1489, 147K)

Attached: 1556982998309.png (1650x2550, 1.85M)

Will there be a episode about steroids?

do you have edit/upload permissions on that mega?

I'm the maker of it.

Will there be an episode about the girls not following their routines and getting washed-up and fat?

Attached: pdo715UKwX1sub6c7o2_1280.jpg (716x631, 95K)

>slightly toned abs and nothing else

reminder to report and ignore seething shitters

Because it's hot

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-07 at 6.47.14 PM.png (800x1200, 996K)

I love you, fatposters.

what board would I upload an old abs girl with underboob I found that you don't have?
I just want to lick them

/d/ muscle girls thread.

real life, not eastern art

theres no such thing as "toning" faggots

It works?

Attached: 345456547.png (1351x617, 925K)

>Toned tummy
>Normal everything else
Why are nips so afraid of full body definition on girls?

Attached: sample_90f77c2717fdaff1077929aa2b1f3162.jpg (850x1408, 652K)

It's a hard and (almost) thankless job, but somebody has to step up and do it!

Attached: 1553046677782.jpg (1288x2312, 1.46M)

it is a fierce battle. the fatfags are in the midst of a full frontal assault. the muwclefag front is waning. could this be victory for the fatfags? on musclefag territory, no less?

Attached: hghgghgh.jpg (609x534, 30K)

Just find some filedrop site, and link here. I'll pick it up if I see it as good.

You haven't even seen the depths of my arsenal

Attached: illust_62155955_20181130_060633.png (815x1085, 343K)

There's even a fat elf thread up if this guy actually just wanted to enjoy his paraphilia instead of enjoying trolling.

Attached: push button does nothing.png (901x538, 42K)

please don't send him to that thread, I enjoy that manga and don't want people to shit it up with this garbage

Bretty good.

I can post in both, if you guys want

Attached: 2353586487.png (826x1084, 434K)

Do it!



Attached: 1556485164908.jpg (1634x2706, 1.37M)

IMAGINE being so salty about being fat that you spam fatties in fit thread LMAO AT YOUR HEART ATTACK FATTY

Attached: 1ef3234fsdr3254.jpg (486x409, 45K)

of course, but that doesn't mean toned isn't an accurate description of her tummy

Attached: D_C7DBwUEAEhXSr.jpg (992x1403, 139K)

fat enablers should hang

Maybe if you assume I'm fat for the millionth time, that might deter me

Attached: 1557027653611.jpg (2048x1083, 183K)

More like fat bellies should hang, amirite?

Why are tummy threads always raid by fatfags?

Attached: DpubAybUYAA04QW.jpg (945x1024, 197K)

Fat tummies are tummies too

Attached: 1506233459433-1.jpg (900x1200, 100K)

they noticed a cancer vacuum left by the furries and homos who used to spam threads they didn't like with their disgusting fetish and decided they'd fill that hole with their excess blubber

Attached: 1562728410991.png (750x900, 405K)

Nah, I just find it fun

Attached: metric_ton_of_meaty_training_by_darkfireballz-dc14vjl.jpg (1600x1000, 601K)

so salty

Attached: 1560028206627.jpg (1280x1800, 136K)

Yup, you really nailed me good. I'm fighting back tears as we speak

Attached: angry_chunk.jpg (1287x1586, 1.27M)

How about backs?

Attached: 1551114259535.jpg (850x1189, 129K)

I've got those too, don't you worry

Attached: 1516306330201.jpg (1200x846, 63K)

nice, I like it

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Are the /fit/fags mounting a comeback?

Attached: D8JdhE6UYAArsab.jpg (1249x868, 74K)

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Attached: 75630660_p1.png (595x842, 425K)

I'm only here for a half hour before I go rock climbing with my active friends, fatfag

Attached: 1562382907983.gif (500x281, 2.62M)

Attached: 75640760_p0.jpg (1200x908, 554K)

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Have fun with that! Are you new to it, or do you do it often already?

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Attached: D--VZTaUEAE5sjE.jpg (598x1014, 62K)

>This window will close in 3 seconds...

Attached: D4PuqCUUwAYDA7A.jpg (1034x1384, 120K)

Attached: 75640324_p0.png (1300x1839, 795K)

I wish I could bury my face in her tummy and suffocate there

Attached: 1562770228992.png (846x1504, 682K)

Blobs aren't considered tummies by physiology.

Attached: 35d6il.jpg (579x431, 88K)

I try to do some form of exercise every day, so I've been climbing for a while.

Attached: 1562595118511.jpg (500x708, 82K)

It's like you actually have a chub fetish but deliberately baited user to give it to you to spite your shitpost thread.
I hope you agree, because it makes you appear more human.

Attached: 75645486_p0.jpg (5846x8267, 2.18M)

Attached: D-_GjXvX4AUaXOe.jpg (1356x1947, 193K)

Jesus christ I'm no /fit/fag but someone get this landwhaler out of here.

Attached: 1562603901920.jpg (379x600, 90K)

What about shameless exhibitionist?

Attached: 1513509219245.png (1000x2300, 1.65M)

I could say the same about Puu-chan's tummy

Attached: D0t3ZylUYAEu1Ny.jpg_large.jpg (1056x1093, 65K)

Sheesh, sorry for posting tummies in a tummy thread

Attached: IMG_20181130_055642.jpg (1020x1447, 123K)

Use a rower instead, its more fun.

Top 10 moggings of all time

Attached: 1562397933197.jpg (2196x1600, 1.2M)

Attached: 1562415048680.jpg (847x1200, 123K)

Why? I'm posting tummies

Attached: illust_66097783_20181130_060447.png (1493x1052, 619K)


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Attached: D-yAB4zU8AAlZ5c.jpg (1391x1962, 183K)

Here's how to get it.

Attached: IMG_20190710_215615.jpg (1125x1580, 222K)



you now know as much as I do
use the tools available to you to find the truth

Attached: file.png (363x384, 12K)

[発煙器官] 筋肉質なお姉さんで遊ぼう

Is Hibiki naturally dark skinned or does she tan?

I assume that she tans because she also has blonde hair, going for that kino gyaru look.

Maybe but shes fully brown with no tanlines which is normally a thing for tanned characters

Attached: 2019-07-11.png (1920x1080, 1.2M)


Attached: 2019-07-11 (3).png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

this is peak performance

Attached: D_H3SofUcAAwIxZ.png (556x651, 433K)

These "gyaru" characters are almost always based on Okinawan women, who are/were darker than regular Japanese people, and regularly come together with a strong dialect.

What does Karate girl look like?

Attached: tfw no karate gf.png (715x1013, 247K)

>screenshot saved to cloud drive
keked hard

Attached: Ayaka! Nice Abs!!.webm (960x540, 271K)


You bet. Give it a try, see how long you can hold that form before you can't hold that form anymore. 30 seconds? 1 minute? I wonder, can you reach 5 minutes?

Do it everyday!

Attached: Episode Summary - Planks.webm (960x540, 644K)

Attached: 1562772957105.jpg (1920x1839, 1.02M)

oh my god

Attached: gokumi.jpg (3332x1128, 312K)

Attached: SO CAN TANLINES.webm (960x540, 155K)

Attached: Loli of Approval.jpg (235x221, 11K)

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Attached: 1497391770989.png (1058x1452, 1.22M)

>super fit short haired tomboy
>frilly/girly swimsuit

Jesus I'm considering the 2D > 3D team now

Attached: 9c0.jpg (426x341, 31K)

Okinawans are ethnically different, but the main reason they tend to be darker is because they tend to spend a lot of time at the beach. They still get tanlines.

Okinawa is Japan's equivalent to Hawaii for the U.S. Island folks in a tropical paradise.
I lived there for 4 years

Attached: Very tanned.png (250x300, 83K)

Err, wrong pic.

Attached: 1516568456173.png (768x1240, 640K)

Attached: 1497466685090.png (1046x1570, 1.01M)

Why did the fatfag stuff get deleted?

Attached: Confused(14).png (400x300, 56K)

Because someone understands values.

Attached: umph.png (960x1361, 617K)

dumb confusionposter

That's sad...
People are too rude these days and resort to banning and deletion at will
We all need to apreciate eachother and coexist together friends

Attached: 1562536874410.png (1014x953, 585K)

I have no problem with fatfags making a thread for their own degenerate fetish. at most I'll make a single post in there calling them filth, but then I'll close the tab and be on my way. if they want to have their own fatfag thread then by all means they can do that
but they don't do that. they come into fitgirl threads and spam their filth. for that they deserve to die.

Attached: 75655847_p0.jpg (822x2000, 193K)

Other characters call them Gyarus and their other family members are pale. You saw a sister this episode. Pic related.

Attached: 1562814094597.png (800x1134, 679K)

fuck off faggot, its literally only seething shitposters spamming pics of what they look like

Attached: 5CbMUVA.jpg (850x850, 107K)

>normal everything else
>Red's girl
>Red's girl who happens to be packing between her legs

Nice blog

Attached: unvirgin.jpg (347x308, 28K)

>women with abs

What the fuck do you have any idea what gyarus are

Was it regular fat/thick/plump or Blobspammer's stuff?

Better for the back than situps. I do leg raises on a pullup bar too if you don't like static workouts

>women with abs
>dark skinned women with abs
Holy fuck I want to lick them one pec at a time and then cum all over them, literally one of the hottest things on a girl


Yes, it is actually very easy to start toning your gut by planking. I have been slowly doing these to break up scar tissue in my torso.

I knew Yea Forums was gay but not that gay.

Good Nigga

Attached: IMG_20190711_121619.jpg (720x538, 104K)

Epiisode3 preview!

>even closer to shimakaze
my penis is ok with this

Attached: 3.png (715x1013, 357K)

The duality of man.

What happened to you isekai gone wrong?

>That fourth panel

Attached: 5.jpg (1200x1752, 663K)

>Age 29
So she really is a cleric

Works surprisingly well and fast. Once you can do 2 minutes, you should switch to more difficult planks, however.

Attached: __asterio_12_beast__3b981ec84ce620430d1e1d77bf5fce49.png (2000x5000, 2.22M)


Toned tummies should only be for short-haired girls
Yeah or Nah?

>I have been slowly doing these to break up scar tissue in my torso
Just say you started working out because a girl broke your heart, dude.


Deliciously thick women

no underboob from sensei like: makes me sad but Machio ripping clothes like Kenshiro was perfect as expected

The definition of "deliciously thick'' varies from man to man. I presume you think morbidly obese is thick.

Can´t wait for the kengan asura cameo

Attached: F7.jpg (960x1361, 684K)

We had Gaolang's portrait at Ayaka's family gym

>The CGI is 90s era bad

That line made me think about zoomers, and how they live in a time where things I lived through were before they were born. Maybe they see that time in the same way I see the 80s, 70s and 60s. Time is a funny thing.

That’s my university and my hometown! Nice!

Attached: 293FB30A-C40C-4F67-9DD6-90A7AAAD29CA.png (1136x640, 1.31M)

Anyone actually verify that research?

What does "more difficult planks" entail?

Not really sure

My favorite tummy

Attached: 540.jpg (912x1387, 267K)

The tan lines are not defined enough.

How do you get prominent wrists?

There's many plank variations that are all harder than standard planks. You can do one leg planks, planks where your feet are on a raised platform, planks where your legs are constantly alternating over each other. I like wall planks, which are where you push your feet into a wall and try to keep level. That one works your arms a lot.

Attached: 5159710[1].jpg (328x172, 13K)

are all these from Danberu Nan Kiro Moteru?

Episode 2, yes

Who is this masked girl and can I find more in the archive?

user, I...

Not Yea Forums related but

Attached: riju loli abs.jpg (3573x1019, 1.54M)

Does anyone know if having abs like this helps with labor and delivery? It would be a shame for these girls to not breed.

post more traps


its time

Attached: yukina flex.webm (960x540, 1.33M)

They don't help at all. Having wider and strong hips, along with thighs is what helps. Also those abs will eventually disappear because a woman getting pregnant has certain hormones get activated that leads to increased weight gain and fat retention.

That's so sad.

I think a woman with abs would probably make fucked up babies, because the hard abs would crush the baby and stop it from growing.

Attached: DB1243C6-E70B-40E2-A793-18DE57D031A7.jpg (600x1105, 385K)

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were you talking belts on the powerlifting thread on fit?

this /fit/fag reactor I´m watching says BCAA and golden time aren´t bullshit, who do I believe?

Don't mess with me, Nagatoro

bcaas aren't a meme but you dont need a supplement for them because they are easily attainable by normal food.

anabolic window is a meme

Attached: 1562817842117.png (960x1361, 671K)

Elf threads have been ruined for months now by the fatfags, especially that one faggot who very obviously just uses the threads for dumbing lardasses and doesn't give a shit about the manga and then replies "lol you gay" to everyone calling him out.

It's not a meme. It make perfect sense to take some quick absorbing protein at the time when your muscles are engorged with blood. The recovery process in your muscles starts as soon as they are worked out, so why not just give those fibres the building blocks they need to repair themselves right away?

It's not bullshit, but it is exaggerated. Fast absorption of nutrients, water, chemicals, etc. close to when your body demands is a good thing.

Just don't feel like you'll "miss" something if you aren't gorging yourself at a buffet after a jog or something.

Attached: Welcome To the Silverman Gym Bar.webm (960x540, 538K)


I'm afraid of watching this shit because I've already been mentally wrestling with the idea and preparing to buy gym membership, now I'll watch this fucking gay shit, go to the gym with unrealistic expectations and get fucking laughed at because my deadlift form is shit.

I've been to the gym before, but the above will happen to some anons.

Attached: Trying hardest.png (1609x909, 2.02M)

There is lack of muscle thighs crushing watermelons

Attached: sayo 2.jpg (713x1000, 588K)

>do the plank shit
>can do 2 minutes easily, maybe even 5, but my arms hurt more than my abs
I'm fucking something up aren't I

Eh, nobody's going to laugh at you, except for thot's who are going to be filtered out soon enough anyways.
If you're really that self conscious, try finding a friend or family who works out at the gym and go with them

Because you are so fat that your belly hits the ground.

Attached: work out.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

rude >:T


I'm 65kg at 180cm with basically no muscle since I used to sit at home all the time and play vidya, user. I'm practically a skeleton.

Attached: 1509089071359.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Attached: 1550514011401.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

You could be arching your back in a weird way which moves the weight off of your abs. However, at that weight/height, it's more likely that you just have weak arms.

Planks are easy mode anyway, especially for a lanklet. Try cable crunches, or decline crunches when you're more advanced.

>my arms hurt more than my abs
Same here. I definitely can't go for 5 minutes though.

That's even better

Attached: saitou (pokemon) 50.jpg (1485x2090, 531K)

Attached: mirabell bikini.png (1266x2049, 1.05M)

Unironically yeah, plank is amazing and really hard if you do it well.

are you sure you are doing it right user? look at some youtub video

Man I really wish I had a fit JK lovingly bullying me while I was in high school.

That's krekk0v's Joey


Fit tomboy midriff

My fucking dick

I just took a regular spoon of fiber what am I in for?

Attached: 1562182815236.jpg (1280x1386, 215K)

Attached: 1475882940492.jpg (827x1170, 304K)

Go on.

Attached: 1523092397580.jpg (1920x2580, 1003K)

I don't like really defined abs on women. I guess I just like women to look really feminine? Like this is a 36-year-old, and stomach looks great to me, and I think Rock solid abs would gross me out.

Attached: Dzb7ZGoVYAAd003.jpg (768x1024, 75K)

I mean, this image is posted in basically every fit or tomboy thread in existence, but

there's a good reason why

Attached: 1554414372240.jpg (1014x1500, 696K)

how long until the uncensored bluray?

They are just closet homos too afraid to come out so they follow the "musclewaifu" meme.

Step side for my wife, please.

Attached: 1561303258185.jpg (1153x1622, 219K)

i would report you, but i don't give enough of a shit

Attached: 1541240860146.gif (540x280, 2.1M)

Nice projection homo

Everyone has abs, you fool. It's just that most of us have them covered by several layers of fat.

I haven't had the chance to post this image. Maybe I did once or twice.
This has earned it.

Attached: 1429261367945.jpg (400x489, 92K)

Is this plank shit really effective if you do it for only 30 seconds?

Depends on how long you think you're able to hold it.

For starters yes. 3 sets 30 seconds each with a one minute break in between. Don't forget to side plank as well.

yeah planks are legit

Initially yes. Do it and see how you feel. If it's easy challenge yourself to do 45 seconds, then when that is easy, 1 minute... etc.


Attached: 1499562464164.jpg (1018x1440, 89K)

So it's just staying there? Doing nothing else in that position during a determined amount of time?

You're not doing nothing, you're using muscles to hold that position.

Yes. It's harder than it seems

I literally thought this was a man's tummy.

there's something odd about this hibiki

beautiful man

you can do certain movements to make it harder

Keeping your core tight, back straight, and body from touching the floor is harder than you think it is.

Give it a try. I mean it, right now (if you're at home). Try to hold it through a new song on your playlist. I bet your form, that simple form she showed you, will break before the song ends.

Slightly pudgy > normal > fit > six packs for women.

Attached: 1425738687803.gif (320x180, 2.59M)

wow gay

No you

Attached: 213245342562.png (1526x2142, 2.25M)

I'm going to need a source.

Tan lines

Look up the tags bro

or you could hit the giant "SAUCENAO" button next to the image, that usually works for me

i couldnt even do three bench press reps with just the barbell the first time i went to the gym.

and anyone who's worth a shit will correct someone's bad deadlift form if they see it happening

Attached: c004.png (869x1233, 1.26M)

have you NEVER done a plank before in your life?

Its not hard to get one if you are consistent.

>eat less calories then you burn
>get plenty of sleep
>do tons of cardio and some ab and stomach crunching excerises
>cut out stuff with lots of sugars and carbs



Way too skinny, gross.

>>Google university of zagreb dynamic stretching

imagine being imagined


ayaka is literally perfect

Attached: [Erai-raws] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.08_[2019.07.10_12.55.57].jpg (1280x720, 113K)

where are her eyebrows

Attached: fddd09bd36e794345ad33d2fbf4f6dea.gif (450x339, 83K)

if you had never done it before you will have a hardtime doing even 30 seconds

>bro science

Attached: run, your lazy bastards.jpg (1366x768, 367K)

>bro science
>Athlean X

Come on, son. Do you not even do your facepulls?

if Ayaka had brows my dick wouldn't be able to survive

Attached: ayakabrows.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

so i went back and check your dumb brotuber video and the faggot keep talking from the point of view of a hardcore gym adict
obviosly to him this exercise is nothing, but he is totally dismissing it like the people that will do planks have some core strenght to begin with

Yeah I know your advice is for newbies. I just wanted an excuse to post some Jeff.


Whats she going to teach me exactly? She has no muscles. Give me the dude with the tiny head any day of the week.

I cannot think of a simpler core exercise than a plank, can you?
People doing sit-ups or crunches for the first time will lock their hands behind their head after 1 or 2 and start ripping their skull forward, jerking their body forward, slamming their back back onto the ground.
People can't do a dragon flag, let alone 3 sets of 15.

And I've seen all the Jeff Athlean X personal trainer and team trainer for professional baseball teams and other famous people etc. et.c guy. I know his stance on planks. And you know what it is? It's NOT LIMITED to that video posted. He explicitly says:
>Planks are great for beginners
He just doesn't think you can continue progress on improving your core when you can hold a plank INDEFINITELY.

Did it look like Hibiki, the girl "planks" were introduced to (who had never done a plank before in her life, not even heard of one), was having an easy time holding that form for 30 seconds?
No. She is a beginner. All she needed to be taught for this core exercise was
>back straight
>core tight
>arms bent
>hold that position
Simple. And, an anime show about teaching the most beginner of beginners the simplest and safest ways to perform strength-training exercises and fitness improvement advice, a plank is terrific advice for Episode 2.

Attached: Planks.webm (960x540, 454K)

Attached: 8ecd74044dc083ee9c8f2311da28c40cIMG_186.jpg (835x1200, 418K)

Not only is she hot as fuck but she actually likes 80s and 90s action movies. That alone automatically makes a top tier female.

Make sure your keeping your core completely straight. If your slumping in the middle then your arms will be taking all the weight and your middle won't be working hard enough. That or you need to work out your arms a little too.

110lbs at 5'2"? That's a perfect ratio. She's only over 100lbs at all because of the muscle she's packing.

>the main heroine is 55.4 kg and considers that too thicc

Attached: 1541144836880.jpg (580x548, 34K)

Pretty much this. Planks are the walking of the fitness world. Revolutionary if you've never done it before but your not gonna get much out of them when you can do them forever.

How tall is she?



I probably was slumping, thanks for the advice. My arms are so fucking weak I actually have no idea what to start with since SS may be too much. Probably some free movements with the dumbbells, right?


i only do RDLs

You don't know what you're missing.

If your really struggling then some pushups and really light dumbbells are gonna have to do till you can find a decent program to start out with. Either way your gonna want to get into a routine sooner or later. It doesn't have to be anything cray at the start. Just a little something to get your muscles used to doing stuff.

I'm as short and not even at 15 yo I had such a weight. Fuck nips for making me feel fat.

Attached: 1407178510776.jpg (640x360, 30K)

shiiiit, did the new chapter came out allredy or this is a raw page?

Shimarin but hot



Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.29.667.jpg (1620x911, 155K)

How is someone who has basically no strength and can barely do basic exercises able to do this?

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A true man of culture

This and her thunder thighs. Her tree trunks give her a good bit of natural skill when it comes to pushing off the ground, therefore generating force. Yeah it's good to have a nice chest and arms but without your contact to the ground you ain't making significant force. Unless you can spin in midair I suppose.

When did I say planks are actually bad? I just saw an excuse to post some Jeff, as I said here


That's her character's joke when it comes to applying use for her fat. There's a lot of energy (power) in there she doesn't know about. It's a comedy show.

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Go do your face pulls, kid.

How is she ONLY 55kg?

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her true father is secretly wakatzuki takeshi and her muscle fibers and 100x as dense as normal

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>fatfags now have their fetish fuel
Ah damn.

>That treasure trail

What isn´t killing my gains?

Eating big
4 scoops

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Jacking off to Jeff.

i want to fuck sensei with all my gym bros

I want to fuck my gym bros while sensei looks

nigger did you really just say this
if we weren't on Yea Forums I could post about a dozen examples of fit women with abs who got pregnant and most of them have delivered and had healthy kids. most of them are back to their pre-pregnancy bodies. the human body doesn't work like that

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Is this natty?

How do I do sit ups without hurting my ass bone

You don't do situps because they will put you in a wheelchair



user its girl abs
liking girls cannot be gay sillyhead

Absolutely the best

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Then what should be done?

when you eat 10 kilos a day, anything is natty

crunches, planks, rows, etc

Muh dic.

What's backsavingly different between a crunch and situp?

god I love this tomboy

crunches hut my ass bone too

Can´t wait for Jeff to make a video on how watching anime is killing my gains

You know what’s killing your gains?
This 8


Women are supposed to be soft, not hard.

Sure hope you marry that supposed woman. And your daughter is equally supposed. And your mom most love being supposed, and grandma, too, for that matter. Got a sister? I sure hope she's supposed. I bet any person in their lives appreciates everything they are and can do more because of how supposed they are. I wonder, can they get more supposed? I wonder if they aren't supposed enough if they could be more supposed, or maybe any level of supposed is totally acceptable. Just so long as they are not not supposed, I guess.

...are you supposed?

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I was trying to figure out what you were attempting to convey but then I realized you are a retarded SnKfag so I suppose the inanity is normal.

No, I only liked Shingeki no Kyojin while they were still trapped in the wall. I dropped it years and years ago. I saved that image because I like girls with fit bodies and I posted it because this is a thread for girls with fit bodies.

My conveyed attempt was that your idea of supposed is, at best, short-term. A "soft" woman might feel great in her youth (that you might share with her), but a "hard" woman is gonna be a lot more valuable. And, lemme tell ya, if you flex your right bicep right now as hard as you possibly can and then touch it and massage it and grope it...know that's about how "hard" your "not supposed" woman would feel.

Have some more abs that happen to be visible from this folder.

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you know you could´ve just posted "have sex" instead right?It wuold´ve been taken just as seriouesly too.

crunch only uses your abdominals, while sit ups use your hip flexors and tailbone as a fulcrum
try putting you legs on something raised, like a chair


Now that´s better!


>this thread


me tooooooooooooo

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>these low test gays who prefer fatties and ACTUALLY claim female abs are gay
It's the opposite, only homosexuals and subhumans don't like fit girls.

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You know the answer and let me tell you it's non negotiable.

Not really quality posting, that. Wouldn't you say? I thought I'd contribute to the discussion (and image count). Seemed like a better choice.

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how the fuck can you be 182cm and only weigh 62.5 kg? that's absurd.

Extremely low bodyfat %.

>enjoying thread
>look to the mirror next to me

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Sounds like you need to pick up some danberu.

> lemme tell ya, if you flex your right bicep right now as hard as you possibly can and then touch it and massage it and grope it
Thank you for this.

Levi had some good abs.

Yeah, fun stuff like Dubbs on Hobbit don't seem to happen anymore.

>being so insecure you think other people who find masculine traits on females to be unattractive or undesirable is somehow a bad thing

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Hey, alright.

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What's the difference between toned and defined tums?

She's a eugenic superhuman whose ultra dense muscles are only activated by intent to do violence.

Musclegirls are gayer than traps.

Straight men prefer chubby girls.

ok retard

>even giving him a (you)

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Possibly descendent of Waga

Zoomers will never understand how great Beast Wars was.

Go burn that fat, Burgergirl.

yes people do

if anyone's afraid of going to the gym/too poor

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Are dragon flags ok to start out with?

You won't be able to do one "to start with."
That was the joke. That's why they were introduced: they're HYPER SUPER HARD to do. Not for Ayaka and the super hyper elite gym boxers of course lol, but for a normal human being, you're not gonna just go ahead and do 3 sets of 10 Dragon Flags.

30 seconds of Planks will be hard enough.

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Isn't she at 56.1kg in the ep 2 weigh in?

Rattle me bones

Good for you user.

I wanted to try doing some at least. They look fun.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 11 [1080p]_00-07-56.142_01.jpg (1920x1080, 230K)

you can tell by her leg muscles and tan lines that she's a cyclist

Go ahead and give it a try! It won't cause you any harm because you'll likely only be able to lift your legs and when it comes time to lift your hips off the ground, you won't have the strength to do it. My prediction is your legs will go straight up and eventually you'll let your arms drop in frustration you can't get your hips up, your elbows will mount on the ground you're laying on, and eventually you'll press your hand into your hips and do some odd pseudo hand-stand except you're on your shoulder blades holding your body vertically with your hands on your hips and elbows digging into the ground while your chin is tucked into your sternum as your legs remain straight upwards for, like, 10 seconds and then you collapse.

Despite all that black spoiler, I am being honest with you; it won't cause you any harm. You can go ahead and try doing a dragon flag. I simply think it will end with a "try." If you haven't already, I also recommend you go ahead and hold a plank for 30 seconds.

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no one cares about you enough to even pay attention to you at the gym.

>He thinks people will give that much shit about him

You're cute.

I already did a plank and some squats after watching episode 2. I got my hips up, but I'm doing it on a mattress flat on my back. It's probably slightly wrong, but I guess I can keep on trying till I get it.

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The series is motivating me to exercise but my back isn't in the best condition I was paralized for 4 days unable to move an inch due to an acute herniated disc so I don't know what kind of exercises will be good for me.

Can't go wrong with slow jogging or arm curls, but strengthening your core muscles can help support your back, maybe glute bridges.

definitely consult a doctor to find out what's safe to do considering your past

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thank yo uso much for that

Swimming is low impact on joints and you can go as fast or as slow as you want.

I know cardio kills gainz but you gotta move a little bit. Lifting is still very intensive as you go up in weight and having some cardio capability is not a bad asset.

why go through the hassle when you can just kiss a boy

>Not wanting to flex a cep

cuz thats fucking gay dude

Fit girls are one of the main reasons why I got fit myself. I want a fit girl like Natsuo Ishido to be held in my arms and completely shed all her intensity and be the woman she is inside.

Do fit girls who shitpost on Yea Forums exist?

I'm sure some little girls like PE.

certainly not anattamy

that's just brown youmu

We're all gonna make it brehs
gym dudes are there for themselves, trust in the selfishness of man to not care about you

>not trusting your what your 2D idol says
Mirio is literally a goal and a motivator, read the manga

I literally only watch his videos for his diet and food advices
very useful for former /fat/ /fph/ like me

croatia is traditionally a gymnastics capital of europe going back to greek times

Sorry for late reply
Do not follow what this idiot said Exercises you must do are dragonflags, dynamic planks (side to side for example), leg raises on floor or bars, l-sit, strength exercises on gymnastic rings are solid for core stabilization as well, hollow body hold, arch hold.
tl;dr as long as you don't bend the spine you're good. Working abs is all about resistance

>not wanting to get big AND kiss boys

Is swimming duable on the sea? I live like 5 minutes away from my local beach and I can't be arsed to join a gym with a swimming pool

Let's talk about the real elephant in the room how none of the main characters appear to wear any sort of sports bra when working out.

No, swimming in the sea is impossible.
What kind of question is this? As long as it's water you can swim in it.

I hope you all exercised yesterday

be a 220 fat boi, did 5 mins plank yhe first time with some motivation from an army e5, a month later, he tricked me inot doing a 6 min plank. got my lower back hurt for entire week after that.

so dont do it if your ab aint strong rnough.

and you shoukd search better ab workout fron jeff from athlean x.

such as handstsnd facepull

thinly veiled /vp/

>kenshiro reference

Should I really skip stretching before a workout?

What I remember from on and a half decade of team sports you first do warmup laps then stretch than finish with more laps before a game.

Dynamic stretching improves performance. Static stretching will weaken your muscles and should only be done before you go to bed.

I assume you do not understand the difference, so I'll just say that one is jogging and the other is touching your toes for 10 seconds.


just warm up with lighter weights

>fitness is a masculine concept

you could have just ignored him. he's using the same argument that trapfags use when they claim they're definitely not gay despite being attracted to a dude with a penis.

No one gives her shit for being flat like Chihaya, Makoto, and Hibiki?

Like the other user said, there's two types of stretching.

Dynamic stretching
>Moving stretches, often integrated with cardio, very cardio-like
>They warm up flexibility
>Also get your blood flowing and gets your mind kind of ready for doing exercise
>Should be done on workout days and before a workout
>Should be extremely light and not tiring but gets your heartbeat and temperature up (don't run a mile before your workout)
>Recommended for those who have a hard time getting into "workout mode" or who are going to do something that requires flexibility or mobility (Almost all sports, crossfit, olympic shit, certain types of lifts)
>Should never be done after a workout, ever. Decreases recovery rate and increases injury rate
Static stretching
>Stationary stretches
>Stretches out muscle fibers and eases tension
>Relaxes you and puts you at ease, makes your muscles feel good
>Should be done on rest days, after workouts, or when going to bed (Kira mode)
>Recommended for anyone with muscle pain or injuries, also recommended for faster recovery and those of older age who are more prone to injury
>Should never be done before a workout, ever. Decreases strength and increases injury rate if done BEFORE a workout

Both are situational and can be skipped. Somehow, the fitness industry convinced everyone they need to do like 2 fucking hours of these memes each day so they can sell you mats/rollers/bands/etc. They're mostly a waste of time unless you know why you're doing them. I do not recommend spending more than 5 minutes on either of these a day. "Flexibility" and "mobility" are also kind of memes, your flexibility is determined by genetics and strength/BMI (How fat and out of shape you are limits your mobility, hence why low bf% people have high mobility). There's nothing you can really do to increase them besides losing weight and being less lanky.

ayaka's noppai are cute

Attached: [Erai-raws] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.00_[2019.07.10_12.48.42].jpg (1280x720, 293K)

I just want to lick a delicious brown muscle girl's toned abs and rub her strong arms and thick thighs.

Possibly a daughter of one of the fighters from Kengan Asura.

Reminder that rest days are not a meme, always leave at least 2 days a week for your body to recover. Don't worry about breaking routine if your body is too sore to do your lifting.

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Fit > Normal > Abs >>>>>>> Shit > Macho Abs > Skelly > Fat

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Planks are way more effective in terms of muscle activation and resulting training effect with the elbows a little forward of the shoulders. You can also place a small plate that would otherwise go on a barbell onto your lower back to add difficulty and progressive overload.

/fit/ out.

I sometimes can't tell whether someone is parodying this place, or if this is actually what people here are like.

The only people sufficiently lacking in self-attention there and who will actually notice you are more likely to offer advice and guidance than ridicule. Gyms are wholesome places, unless you go to the one of the big commercial operations.

Thank you user, is sprinting and throwing logs around in the forest as well?

I'm gonna go to the gym, get fit, and find me a muscle gf

Aren't Croats supposed to be on average the largest humans in the world?

>rarely any buff girls irl are attractive
why, bros....

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Because some of them take test for gains, also feminine and yuge muscles aren't really the standard

You still have so much to learn.

That hair looks like a boot.

>Flexibility" and "mobility" are also kind of memes, your flexibility is determined by genetics and strength/BMI (How fat and out of shape you are limits your mobility, hence why low bf% people have high mobility). There's nothing you can really do to increase them besides losing weight and being less lanky.
The rest of what you said is entirely accurate. This part is blatantly false. You can absolutely train flexibility regardless of your height or weight. Fatasses can do the split as easily as shredded folks if they have trained for it. Shredded folks aren't automatically flexible either. Flexibility and mobility are 100% trainable aspects of fitness and your genetic limits of them are no different than your genetic limits in physical strength and size. That is to say; unless you have some sort of deformity or mutation, you can generally accomplish your flexibility goals short of being a contortionist which requires double-jointedness or some other mutation that allows for beyond "normal" levels of range-of-motion. And furthermore, more range of motion begets more leverage and application of strength. If lifting heavy shit is your jam, do static stretches post workout or before bed just like you said, and again exactly as you said, not a whole lot of time is needed for improvement. 1-2 minutes tops per muscle group per day and you are already on your way to steady improvement.

boxing is literally all about core and leg strength, a strong upper body is literally only necessary for being able to withstand hits, to generate them
t. boxed for years

It's akin to baseball pitchers. All of their power comes from their legs and ass, most of them actually have literal toothpick arms but can chuck a fastball down the plate at 99 MPH because they've got thunder thighs generating all the torque.

>to generate them
not to generate them*

I apologize, but that's just my personal experience with flexibility and mobility. I tried for a year to work on both of those areas and they just simply never improved.

No problem, mate. I apologize for your circumstances but I don't want other folks to be discouraged and quit before they make flexibility gains thinking that, because it's difficult, it simply cannot be done due to poor genetics when in the vast majority of cases it isn't true.

throwing logs isn't ideal since there's no structure to easily scale and it's incredibly easy to hurt yourself doing it
sprinting is good though. look up high intensity interval training. tldr is sprint headlong for 30 seconds, jog for a minute to let your heart rate come down, and repeat

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Gawd Dayum.

Are they natty?

They are if they want to stay qualified to compete in their guessed sports!

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Balkans in general.

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I refuse to believe most of these fucking wrist exercises are actually doable

2D is better and really pretty girls don't need to get actually fit. That's just how society works.

This, on the other hand, is peak flab.

>TFW didn't even tried the dragon flags when I saw the episode
I did the planks yesterday for a minute each... kinda lame. Today I realized I can do dragon flags so I'm switching to that instead.

Literally a guy in bikini.

Give me a sunbaked Shimarin ty

Attached: arigato cow.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

This. I grew up with BW and RiD. I miss that feeling of going to toystores looking for transformers figures which weren't scalped to hell like they are now. First figure was this beautiful bastard. Too bad he never appeared in the show.

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From an artistic point of view the angle and proportions are well done

I can do a normal plank for 1 minute easily and I don't have abs like this, explain that. Hell, I can do a really low hollow body position for 1 minute as well.

I... I think I should go to the gym. For reasons.

While you need to build your muscles, having definition (anywhere) is just having low body fat %.

Literally everyone has abs like that.

If you can't see 'em, you're too fat.

>Literally everyone has abs like that.
No they don’t.

That just means your core is strong enough and stable to hold for a minute. Getting abs of that definition would mean you could hold a plank for like 5 mins.

>No they don’t.
Yes, they do.

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