I just picked this up
What are your thoughts on this Yea Forums?
Solo levelling
made for self inserting, it's alright i guess
The art and presentation are good, but overall pretty generic.
I really wish it wasn't
At the start it didn't feel like that
Isn’t this like, the most reddit manga of them all?
its so fucking good i dont care what you faggots think about it
waiting for it to devolve into porn
Since when was korean comics on-topic here?
Disgusting gookshit as everything that's made by those bug people
>10/10 story.
>9/10 art.
If it wasnt styled on the usual korean wide gap space it would be 10/10.
Its light novel is done and on how it was written its plenty enough for a good read.
Good if you want to get stomach cramps from laughing at all the hamfisted nationalism and MC wank.
Not gonna happen considering the autist that is the protagonist cares about only two things, level grinding like a bot in RO and collecting summons like a pokemon trainer.
Thanks for letting us know the chapter's out, jbstaff. Now quit being little shits and stop advertising this here.
It’s shit
It's a good hype series, but that's all you'll get from it, the art helps
>10/10 story
nearly as good as Kenja no Mago, just missed it by having arbitrary level ups instead of a reasonable increase of strength.
since forever newfag
korea #1 fuck nippon the novel
the art is pretty good but the story is incredibly generic gookshit powertrip schlock
entertaining enough I guess
Literally the only acceptable Korean comic. It’s good.
Good art but I don't like how the MC stopped getting his ass kicked so soon.
I'm loving it.
Its good and the humor is more college like instead of teenager.
>People tryin to cookup gookshit cuz they ate up the circle jerk hivemind.
>The story isn't even at half nor the climax yet.
>MuH MaNgA / ManwHa suPeriOtY cOmPlex
It's pretty good
In what universe is this an isekai? Have you even read a chapter of it?