Which one, Yea Forums?

Which one, Yea Forums?

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this one

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how far can you manipulate someone into doing something with the death note before they die?

>Force person to watch gay cuck porn and spend money on ethots 72 hours before dying of a heart attack


I forgot: do people die when Geass is dispelled?
Because if not - it has much greater potential, but is more dangerous to use in return.
After all you have to literally stare target in the eye.

Light would've won if instead of heart attacks he would've dished out deadly diarrhea.
The world would literally shit their pants in terror.

>do people die when Geass is dispelled?
No. Naturally there is no way to dispel Geass. Orange got man-made Geass-dispelling technology installed and no one died when he used it.

As long as they are physically able to do that, it'll work. If there is physical way to get somewhere within specified time frame, person will do it. I remember Light also tested whether subjects can do stuff based on knowledge they don't have and found out they could not, for example if you tell some regular joe to write you down nuclear passcodes and kill himself by jumping from the building, he'll just die of heart attack because he can't give you passcodes as he doesn't know them.

>As long as they are physically able to do that
isnt that the exact same as a geass except they always die at the end

Geass, i would make bitches suck my dick.

Should be. Shirley died after all despite getting geass'd while deadly wounded. It looks like as long as there is possibility, even if it's 0,04 sec timeframe, then it'll be done.

I grew up with watching gayass so that.

With the Death Note you can trigger it remotely, as long as you know their true name and face. Lelouch's Geass requires the subject to see and hear him at the time it's being used. They both have their advantages and disadvantages.

With Geass you could basically enslave entire governments.

I give. Yea Forums's nothing but porn. What's on the tele.

Reminder that DN also seems to be limited and it's physical object which means it can be lost, stolen, destroyed etc and does not come with any additional responsibility while Geass is given by someone else that might want something in return + grows stronger with use, till you can't really disable it on will.

You're breathtaking

The Death Note needs more management, considering that it has harder requirement to activate as well. Geass is more automatic, which means you need to be careful about that as well.

Either way, once people find out the requirements (name and face, or looking into his eye) then it's fairly easy to counteract. So keeping it a secret is extremely important.

>given by someone else that might want something in return
Isn't that what a Geass is? A contractor gives someone power in exchange for the contracted one to fulfill the contractor's needs.

Death note, because the first third is really good, as opposed to Code Geass where none of it is good.

I wouldn't be so sure. There was whole bunch of Geass'd kids that seemed to be just a tools, like from a factory line. Rolo was one of them after all. There wasn't any mention about whether they all got contracted or not.

The most rational conclusion would be VV. He's a fucking contractor slut compared to CC. And what you said doesn't contradict my statement.

That is an option, but since there is no confirmation I wouldn't base anything on it.
No, it does not. Whole thing is a reminder because it seemed like it'd come down to "it's the same shit except inflicting mechanism and death of subject"

Geass, a man could quickly become richt and powerful with geass. After some time you can become the shadow ruler of entire countries and manipulate the economy. Just just climb the social ladders and geass your way to the very top. With geass you can force anyone to do anything you want, you can even force them to be loyal to you for the rest of their lives. It's the wet dream of any dictator.

But geass effect differs depending on human. How do you know you won't get useless one?

Useless superpower is still one superpower more than I have.
Also OP clearly depicted Lelouch geass.

With Geass I could get a girlfriend(male)

I mean I probably would too but that sounds awfully pathetic.
Like at least dominate people for money and find yourself an enjou jks that'll be more honest.

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death note kill jews

They all have fake names.

Give me the Gayass, I'm too lazy and dumb to learn people's names.

Doesn't the death note fuck you over once you die?

It does.

I'm with this guy. I don't want to have to learn names, remember faces, or hide the Note in super complex ways where no one could ever find or touch it.

You know you have to go outside and talk people face to face to use Geass, right?

>power to kill people by writing
>power to make anyone do what you say without fail
You're a fucking idiot OP.

Geass can allow eternal commands, for example.

>When i say the word orenguntu you will do everything I tell you do including having sex with me

>power to make anyone do what you say without fail
Your genes are telling you to procreate how's that going for them?

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death note can do both of those though, the first just has to eventually die

I would geass shirley to be my wife.

Death Note control lasts a very limited amount of time.

you can make some president kill millions with geass

you can only kill one person with the death note.

Oh fuck I forgot about that detail.
Well shit, can I get some kind of AOE Geass like Mao had?