Yet another yuri show is anime of the season

>yet another yuri show is anime of the season
How can hetshitters even begin to compete?

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Suck my dick, faggot.

Why do yuriniggers have no standards whatsoever?

yuzumori anime when

You posted the wrong anime, but your statement is technically correct.

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Kanata no Astra's the anime of the season so far, even does the survivalism theme better. That said it's really creative how many fetishes Sou Nan Desu Ka manages to cram in.

Sounan desu ka does not seem to actually be a survivalism show, it seems that its actually a yuri harem show where the survival situation is only a excuse for the MC to fondle the three more ignorant girls.

>it's another false flag as a yurifag thread

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While I agree that a yuri series was AOTS last season some series haven't even started this season to judge it.

>everything i don't like is a false flag
The state of hetcels

Million Arthur?

That user is a yurishitter you dumb fuck. Also OP is a retard if he thinks Sounan desu ka is yuri


Take off your het goggles

From the series I watched that was the only yuri one and was a nice surprise with how much better than S1 it was.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Hangyakusei Million Arthur 2nd Season - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.39_[2019.04.25_16.43. (1920x1080, 236K)

Yes because I'm obviously seeing het in an anime about girls stranded on an island. There isn't romance period you dumb faggot with a lesbian fetish. You have a mental illness, seek help.

>it's only yuri if romance is involved

>girls love
>isn't about girls love
You don't even know the genre you're obsessed with. And subtext is not yuri, it's just yurifags doubling down on their idiocy.

>subtext is not yuri
OP is retarded but you're wrong.
>b-but I say it's d-delusions
Still wrong.

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I'm a yurifag, and I think this show looks like crap just from the PV.

Fuck you Ruri. Subtext is not yuri

The fucking shithole of hetshitters.

Attached: KumiRei.jpg (5000x3535, 730K)

>Source: dude, trust me
I got second hand embarrassment from reading some of those straightfag posts

Fragtime got an anime
Everything is possible.

>Love Live (and no the 1 million doujins don't make it yuri)
>Shinmai Shimai no Futari Gohan
These are just some of the series that dynasty scans lists as subtext. Judging from their content subtext is not yuri. Now shoo, faggot. Unless you can prove why subtext is yuri. Otherwise, shoo!