Why does everyone hate Fugo again?

Why does everyone hate Fugo again?

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He had the balls to not have balls.

Didn't he make the wrong choice? Wouldn't Diavolo have tried to kill him anyway, since he was associated with Bruno et. al?

I liked him more than Caesar and Avdol, at least.

Why even introduce him?

I don't

He was originally gonna be part 5's Vanilla Ice but

he was supposed to come back as a villain but Araki was depressed at the time and started seeing the part 5 cast as his close friends, so he didn't want to write them fighting each other

>Tfw you realize they only got rid of him because if he was on the team diavolo would get rekt EZ PZ
that's what happens when you write yourself into a corner.

>Originally intended to betray the gang
>Araki was depressed at the time and refused to make a traitor story
>Fucks off in the middle of the story, never to be seen again
>Barely got any action with his badass stand

Basically he went "Nah Im good senpai" when the gang needed him the most. Some deaths could have been prevented storywise and Fugo couldve even grown as a character

diavolo would wipe the floor with him you retard

Yeah. His Stand was too OP.

1 on 1, yeah.
But with giorno and the others he wouldn't be able to get close without getting infected, and giorno has the antidote already so the group's good, they only have to not share it with him.

what did he mean by this

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>putting watermark on an image thats supposed to fool people
I hope we get a PHF ova, even though its unlikely just for more fugo and purple haze.

he has anger issues and is worried he'll snap and murder the group

Diavolo doesn't kill unless he actually has to, as shown by him ordering Doppio to spare the taxi driver and telling Bruno that if he left (in the basement) he would spare him. He's brutal, but not sadistic.


But he's paranoid. Why would he leave Fugo alive, someone who was under Bruno's command? How would Diavolo have known that Fugo really was out?

Fugo didn't betray the gang and even if he somehow saw the boss on the island he would likely should time skip so Fugo didn't remember it like with the cleaning lady.

>Fugo didn't betray the gang
Right. We know that. Bruno, Giorno, Abbachio, Mista, and Narancia know that.
Does Diavolo know that for certain? Probably not. But he knows that Bruno and co. betrayed him, and Fugo was part of them under Bruno. The only fishy thing is that Fugo isn't traveling with them. How does Diavolo know it's because Fugo dipped and he's not just plotting something else by having Fugo go solo?