I can't believe she's fucking DEAD!
Slime Isekai Manga ch. 59
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why is she pitching a tent?
I was told she gets resurrected.
At least they don't get to be dismembered and paraded in crucifixes rite?
It's okay, she gets better.
So is Rimuru going to have to end a country or two?
Feels like a chapter is skipped?
wow, i can't believe they really killed off a major character
>btw rimuru, have you heard of resurrection magic?
>a chance for a development for the MC following the death of a person important to him?
>lol no, res magic gg
this is exactly the reason why isekai is so looked down upon
>not only resurrect them but make them super strong and immortal as well
Tbf did anyone seriously believe the main fanservice character would be killed off just like that?
Name another one except slime where it happened.
death mage
and the point isn't at the resurrection magic itself, but that the MC must never suffer from any long-term or permanent repercussions of his dumb actions
>permanent repercussions of his dumb actions
but that's not what happened in slime, the humans were being greedy
Is the manga veering off the LN material or this "hope" just a false hope to make Rimuru's despair deeper and justify when he goes full Dark Lord
Most isekai with RPG STATUS mechanics don't even have a lolresu system in place, for some weird reason. And are shit just the same.
>someone important dies
this chapter makes it clear that if he didn't set the rule protecting humans in particular, it wouldn't be this bad
considering how quickly they mention she could be resurrected after showing her dead, probably not
I can't believe she's dead.
F, no way someone could possibly ever recover from that
that doesn't necarrily mean that they weren't going to be hurt at all because again the cause is still because the king was being greedy
Going full true demon lord is what lets him revive people as part of the harvest festival package each demon lord sends their named underlings once they ascend.
Humans have survived worse, a oni dying from that was just for drama.
>dead for half a chapter before magical asspull appears out of nowhere to save her
>even after MC's wikipedia ability told him it couldn't be done
Could've been cool if she actually died for good.
>anti-magic barrier and monster-weakening barrier
Elaborately-crafted drama
>oni that relies on pure power
>way above mere soldiers even with stacks of weakening spells
This. They should have been stayed dead.
Dont people in fantasy land rely on magic power to increase their power? I guess double debuff should have brought her down to a normal elite soldier level in terms of strenght and her skills with the swords are pitiful.Add to that she is busy protecting children and isnt allowed to kill humies because of orders.
I thought it was gonna show the monsters vs. the humans but it all happened offscreen instead.
Just let the stupid booboni die already
End of Chapter.
Monsters rely on magicules, guess what the anti-magic barrier does.
This is perfectly handled for the character, why there's people crying about res skills? He can do what he can do, nothing else.
>a chance for a development for the MC following the death of a person important to him?
>lol no, res magic gg
>this is exactly the reason why isekai is so looked down upon
Except it still does the "development" for the MC, just in a different way you'd expect. And no, I am not talking about something as simple as "That was close! I should be more careful in the future" here.
Hint: The method of resurrection is a method that 90+% of shounen MCs would reject.
Also... the character that gets the most development in this arc isn't Rimuru. Well, "not exactly" Rimuru.
The people here just want Rimuru to lose something, anything important to him, it's that simple really. If this was real life I'd call them envious where lessers want to see their betters lose and pulled down to their level.
It has nothing to do with being envious or anything though.
This is just the inherent flaw of the kind of poor writing that is commonly associated with isekai work. The Main Character always solves any and all problems that come their way in a way that benefits them the most.
They're able to just pull asspull after asspull whenever they are met with conflict. Sure the slime learned his lesson and will grow from the situation but now it will have nowhere near as much impact because "lol they're fine now I'll just make sure this never happens again and everyone is happy".
>slime learned his lesson
Except that's not what this arc is about user...
>mere soldiers
They are summoned Otherworlders, user. Did you already forget why countries summon them to begin with?
what does he do
Upper atmospheric death lasers.
Name all the asspulls that supposedly were made and I will tell you how these solutions to problems were properly foreshadowed.
Rimuru does an Evil Ritual that's called "Harvest Festival" as neccessary preperation for the revival ceremony. The Harvest Festival is something so detestable that any generic shounen protags would not only never do it themselves, but also view anyone who does as a villain.
In addition there is one character who gets character development that would be entirely impossible if the events didn't go this route, so there IS purpose to all of it.
God dammit just stay dead.
Imagine if this happen to this guy
>people angry the mc is gonna solve the problem once again
jeeze you guys sound like betas
Rimuri's rage is going to be a sight to behold.
She will live forever in my memory.
With a Goblin licking her ass???
>God dammit just stay dead.
I agree! We should get the most generic of all generic cliché "Character X dies for the sole purpose to give motivation, growth and characer development to Character Y!" because it just never gets old and is so cool and fun! /s
Glad you agree, you can go away now.
...or this guy.
this, because resurrection is definitely not cliche in isekai, the genre centered that has dying but not really as it's basis.
Not it's not. The "resurrection cliché" is always manifested in three ways:
1. Deus Ex Machina (e.g. "suddenly, out of nowhere, a bright light from the heavens falls down upon the dead and miraculously revives them!")
2. Friendship Power (e.g. "if we all pour our magic and feelings into this spell, then I am sure it will suceed! Let's do this, everyone! Unite our wills through the bonds of friendship we have developed!")
3. Self-Sacrifice (e.g. "give up your life/precious treasure/important ability to save your friends from death!")
Slime doesn't follow any of these clichés. Not at all. If anything it's closer to a "bad end where the sympathetic antagonist wins against the moralfag protag".
Yeah it sucks my friends die so I’ll slaughter tens of thousands of others who also had friends and families to bring them back because I can.
>Yeah it sucks my friends die so I’ll slaughter tens of thousands of others who also had friends and families to bring them back because I can.
t. moralfag
still upset they changed Shions "bend reality to make her food taste good" skill to "master chef"
>let's coexist with humans because I used to be one!
>you know straight up killing 20k in one afternoon and then summoning literally satan for shits and giggles isn't such a bad idea
death mage doesn't really count since the souls always return to him and he can just keep them as ghosts or make them a new body anyway, see Darcia
Damn it Rimuru is cute.
When do we get punished Rimuru out for revenge?
It still does that though? IIRC it's still called "Unique Skill Cook" in Japanese and still got the same effects as in the WN, but the official localizers from TurtlePress made some strange TL choices and mistranslations. All the "pseudo-stat sheets" at the end of LN vol. 5 have mistranslations all over the place (e.g. incorrectly labeling Diablo's skills as Ultimate Skills, even though he actually only has Unique Skills.)
So murderous Rimuru always has the mask on?
>Damn it Rimuru is cute.
Necromancer slime when?
really? I was rereading vol 5 after this chapter came out and it simply mentioned her having "cooking" skill and the whole immortal squad thing was never mentioned
I was a bit disappointed but mistranslation makes sense with all the he-he-he-he tier shit
War never changes
The "immortal squad" only gets mentioned in LN vol. 6. There are fanTLs of LN vol. 6 and 7 around, by the way.
As for cook, that gets mentioned in vol. 7.
within the next 1-3 chapters, I'd guess.
We have yet to see:
- The Fairy Tale being discussed and Rimuru reaching the conclusions from it to do what he must do
- Resolve the situation of Myulan, Youmu and Grucius, as well as Clayman's spying
- Have Rimuru's subordinates attack the Falmas forces that are maintaining the "Prison Field" (the "other barrier" mentioned in this chapter) and shut it down
- Hakurou and Geld vs Otherworlders
And once all that is over... hehehe.
>So murderous Rimuru always has the mask on?
I think he completely stops using the mask after this incident, but the manga might change that.
slime is trying to make Yea Forums gay.
considering the pacing of the mange it'll be 2 chapters at best
So, what is this first scene in manga?
Where are they going?
If you try to keep it simple, it can be interpreted as "the mangaka just wanting to make a 'dream about the future' start for the story".
If you are in a slightly conpiratory mood, then you can interpret this as somehow partially preserved memeories of a previous timeline where Rimuru ran into the King of the Orcs before Gelmud can turn him into Orc Lord/Orc Disaster, but in the end everything goes to hell and Rimuru and Tempest get wiped off the map.
Wait we are on the final timeline for the manga?
Yes, of course. Otherwise the events shown in this chapter wouldn't have happened.
In "previous timelines" Rimuru teleports to Tempest directly and Hinata fails to ambush him in Ingracia. Though that's where the "previous timelines" diverge between WN and LN.
In WN "previous timelines" Hinata failing to ambush leads to both Rimuru and Hinata participating in the initial battle between Tempest and Falmas. Tempest jobs hard and get wiped off the map.
In LN "previous timelines" Rimuru manages to stop the fighting before it breaks out and Rimuru and Hinata become friends later. But then the Eastern Empire attacks and wipes Tempest off the map.
But ultimately in both versions the "final timeline" is where Rimuru gets ambushed and delayed by Hinata, causing Shion and many others to die, which leads us to the "Harvest Festival".
So, when a character dies in isekai she go to another isekai?
the first timeline only exists to justify the convoluted hero plot point and soul time travel bullshit
thank god the ln makes it more comprehensible
Thanks good anons. I am looking forward to the next chapter.
Holy fuck I don't remember all that.
Fuck rimuru and his pacifist nature. He should kill Myulan and Hinata for this or at least tentacles rape them as punishment or something. I wish he would be a little edgy sometime. Being full on edgy is pretty stupid but once a while should be ok. Rimuru should fuck Hinata in front of her sex toy, same with Myulan.
But why?
>what a shitshow
Rimuru has a potty mouth now? Never expected a personality change like this.
This is just what I heard from someone who gave spoilers, but in the LN version (and also slightly in the WN version) it's implied that the whole situation in this arc is all according to alt!Timeline Rimuru's Keikaku.
So does Veldora ever get out of Slimbois stomach or....
That's hot because Hinata is hot.
Yeah he does later
In around 4-7 chapters is my guess.
literally right during post-war council
it's great since he's now chuuni as fuck and a bunch of country leaders are present
Is the LN completed or still ongoing? What about the WN?
WN RAWs complete, TL of mainstory complete, TL of afterstories on-going.
LN RAWs on-going at 14 volumes, official TL at 5 volumes, FanTL at 7 volumes.
Where do I read the WN from to know what happens next?
the whole backstory of shizuru just so rimuru a slime can get a permanent character for a body is so stupid.
how much must i suffer just to enjoy sol sim city elements?
This holy shit
I don't give a fuck about the SPLAT revenge porn, I just want my comfy citybuilder back
But it's all worth it just for Based Butler finally appearing in the mainstory.
That slime is PISSED
I don't know exactly what happens yet but sounds like he slaughtered an invading army.
It isn't though, someone else was the time traveler that sparked the change.
Going by the pace, the manga should reach it in about 20-30 chapters.
There's a shitton of edgy revenge isekai out there. Just go read those.
Stay on arifureta thread edgelord
I don't mean that though. At several points it was implied that Rimuru survived in the previous timeline and influenced the present timeline. Appearently in the LN version it's not just implied, but is actually openly shown to be true.
>Veldora soon
How much screen time? Is he gonna disappear again?
Slaughters an entire army of like 20k, those 3 who started it also die
if I were to start reading the ln on where the manga is off atm, what would I be missing?
>mah saint MC
Gets revived next chapter, lmaoo
>Gets revived next chapter, lmaoo
4+ chapters
>those 3 who started it also die
Dosen't two of them die a pretty pathetic death while one gets body jacked?
not all isekais tbqh
>I want oppai oni inside me.
Improved version.
Vol 5
he becomes a permanent character and is basically always present
there's few parts where he's not so relevant so he doesn't appear just like milim
in the best part of the novel dungeon simulator he's one of the main characters and then there's fighting with veldoras sister and other parts of the war arc
If Rimuru "eat" Shion´s body, will she get sugoi dekai oppai?
>reading manga
>not stealing women from their boyfriends instead
>High T shion
Hey, it's Goblin Jesus at least doing it.
The manga did a real good job of showing what a piece of shit Hinata is. Makes how she acts standoffish due to her immense guilt in the Travel Guide spinoff make more sense to those who haven't read the WN or LN.
Or this guy.
The mask was meant to stop him from fully embracing his anger and or monster instinct so he could at least keep the mindset of a human. Needless to say after this, he no longer gives a fuck about that at all. I just wonder if the slaughter will begin next chapter or if it will end with him summoning Diablo and co.
Probably not. Unlike the WN, the LN added a fairly long part before that where Rimuru's subordinates take care of the keypoints for the "other barrier" mentioned in this chapter, as well as the three Summoned Otherworlders that attacked earlier.
Ah, well at the rapid fire pace the manga moves it'll be 2-3 chapters at most. I just want the Dungeon Labyrinth arc to start for Best boy(outside of Diablo, because come on he's the best character period) Zegion and best Girl Apito to have their times to shine.
>not mentioning the best scammer fox girl that tricked rimuru to name her 7 times
its kinda shame no one tries to assault the slime
I wonder if we'll get to see the scene where Milim appears in her battleform in the manga soon.
this is a wish fulfillment, nigro
everything that happens is to the benefit of mc
Wanting a pacifist dumbass to be a little edgy sometime when needed doesn’t mean I want him to turn into a full on edgelord. If you like reading about an mc who take it up the ass and is ok with then that is on you, I am just putting out my opinion.
This is the thread I guess.
I've been looking and these are the new isekai that are selling well as LNs aside from the usual ones
Isekai Teni, Jirai Tsuki
Izure Saikyo no Renkinjutsushi?
Isekai de Tochi wo Katte Noujou wo Tsukurou
Hazure waku no "Joutai Ijou Skill" de Saikyou ni Natta Ore ga Subete wo Juurinsuru made
Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Boukenroku: Jichou wo Shiranai Kamigami no Shito
Futatabi Tensei shita Shounen wa S Rank Boukensha toshite Heion ni Sugosu (tensei not isekai)
Native Isekai-
Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu ~Sou da, Baikoku Shiyou~
Shin no Nakama janai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta no de, Henkou de Slow Life suru Koto ni Shimashita
no its not
go back you fucking jew
>master race
Makes sense.
>not!ais lobotomized herself
>the half-elf died
>kill 10,000 soldiers, consume their souls and become a demon lord
It feels like your idea of a pacifist is anyone whose first option isn't to murderfuck everyone on first contact.
>kill 10,000 soldiers, consume their souls and become a demon lord
That's far from "all" though
>spread Fake News to cover up that event and push all the blame on your best buddy
>actively participate in "regime changes" like bringing down one "dictator" on the pretext of helping an ally out and take the dictator's place in the isekai!masons, and in another instance literally installing a puppet government, while making an alliance with the isekai!illuminati, while also making an enemy out of isekai!rothschild-familiy
>actively dominate other countries via technology, economy, and culture
Those are indeed... pacifist methods, maybe?... some of them?
That event didn’t happen yet so rimuru is still a pacifist as of the current chapter and I am pushing for him doing more than that, like actually punishing all the people who were involve in this attack like Hinata and the other chick. I like the sol part of this story but I appreciate it more if the mc actually get mad when the situation requires it.
Well it's not like he had chance to do anything to Hinata or knew what was happening, obviously he knows she has connections with his waifu and want to at least clear shit up first if possible. The other girl if you mean the one that setup the inside barrier he already made note that she was trying to get him to react rashly and arrested her instead unless you mean the human girl from the trio that started this shit, I assume they get dealt with.
In the LN version, if he actually did that, he'd become mortal enemies with Ruminas though, because Ruminas likes Hinata as much as Chloe in this version and even recruited Hinata as her personal agent.
Death mage realy? He takes what nearly 350 chapters to res one person and even then it´s more of a build a new body to inhabate thing
If you're not the enemy you get peacefully taken over and your living standards forcefully improved with maybe a hot goblina wife being included somewhere in the deal while if you're the enemy only bad things are on the horizon.
In desu mage it takes him like 190 chapters to rebuild a body for his mom's damaged spirit to inhabit.
The labyrinth crew in general is pretty fun.
Aside from Van soulbreaking them as a result nothing much happens because the kid is a necromancer and will just shit out new bodies for them to inhabit and adjust them as needed.
>Shion Dead
Rimuru, pls.
middle panel is his eyes or ears showing?
Stop reading unironic Isekai, losers.
That looks atrocious.
>character dies
>they bring them back to life almost immediately
I sleep.
I was happy for a second thinking worst girl was actually dead. Severely disappointed...
>That looks atrocious.
Mitz Vah's art has always been pretty hit or miss, but the colored illustrations tend to turn out better than the uncolored ones.
Tell me about the fox. What is her plan?
>nukes new world without second thought
>Overlord Season 5 turns into a space adventure
How many chapters before Rimuro and his army wipe out Farmus kingdom from the map?
lastest chapter
>please save the town
>No, I'm edge
Honestly, this panel was great with the "Cannot be answered".
>the colored illustrations tend to turn out better than the uncolored ones
Agreed. That looks much better.
I wish we have more of the cute fairy overlord.
IDK, he has been like that the whole time in the LNs.
So the anime made him more cleaner? The comfy anime now is slightly less comfy.
Pretty much the whole world dies.
kys faggot, Oppai oni secretary is the best thing in this shit show. If it had been anyone else that had died I'd be okay with it. The secretary deserves to be revived.
Plus, she gets a pretty great upgrade and becomes an Oni wraith with an army of ghosts.
fuck, I don't remember this scene
Is this from a special?
Yes, OVA2 out this week.
(OVA 1 delayed to december)
Necessary scene.
Welp time to go farm some knight scum for exp.
And literally twist life to raise and make all those who died into immortals
>Diablo and Veldora soon
Cant wait for 2 best bois to show up.
Why is Diablo so based? I just cannot comprehend it. In the anime he even got fucking Sakurai to voice him.