To Be a Power in the Shadows

I can't be the only one to read the story of the next best chuuni after Megumin.

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He's literally batshit insane, he even admitted it himself.

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His sense of morals is literally fucked up.

I'm paraphrasing it, but he was so fucking autistic about being surviving a nuke that he said that sanity would not "bring him closer to the power in the shadows" he aspires to be.

Attached: Shadow Garden.png (2228x1600, 1.61M)

>starts spewing bullshit
>somewhat it ends up being true
Is he unaware of it himself but he has a prediction ability?Or something similar so 6° sense that allows to somewhat predict the future?
He even guesses where his sister was being taken captive.

His isekai ability is bending reality to fit whatever bullshit comes out of his mouth (not really), which is why I love this manga and novel when I started reading it last week.

pure coincidence

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No, it was all foreseen by Shadow-sama.
Sasuga Shadow-sama.

I can't wait for Shadow to stomp her sister.

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Now that I think about it I remember that in WN a girl in MC's original world and his classmate fell in love with him when he saved her from kidnappers.
I wonder if she will appear in isekai too.

I'm waiting for that too. WN updated today so based on the details there we'll get her + a male hero isekai'd to this world as a foil to the protag.

It's pure luck and coincidence, that's his gimmick. I found it to be quite funny at first but as the rest of the world develops around him I found it starting to get quite old. I got real tired of him as a character and much more interested in the ladies of Shadow Garden because they're basically conquering the world in the background and most of the comedy comes from them completely misconstruing him and it all working out.

Fox is a best.

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I noticed in the WN that he wasn't making more assertive claims as the story goes on and focuses more on improvisation, misdirection and omission of truth. He's a wordsmith but because he has power they buy into his bullshit of knowing a lot.
I never thought about it until I started writing this post but that's actually fairly interesting in my opinion. I look forward to seeing him interact with the others more.
We also have 2 more people in the Shadow Garden still not being introduced.
Fox a whore but cute

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I picked this novel up last week after reading the few chapters of the manga. It's very entertaining. Also saw a novel about a guy who develops telekinesis and decides to create a chuuni organization, which was also entertaining.

Beta >> all

best girl

>implying that Gamma isnt best girl
Reminder that Gamma agrees with MC building a harem and having a lot of children.

>"can't even walk 3 steps without tripping" gamma
Shit taste on the level of Rose.

Yeah, sorry. I misrembered name. I meant Delta.
Dog a best.

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>dog a best
Yeah, those high-leg panties are god tier for her outfit.
Didn't Shadow say that Shadow Garden has 2 beastmen in it? When is he going to reveal the other one I wonder.

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Why is Shadow-sama so perfect? He needs to save an elf princess with silvery hair, blue eyes, big tits and a mole under her eye and marry her.

Beta, pls .

I didn't know fantasy worlds had access to Yea Forums, Beta.

Fox and Alpha's (I think it was Alpha) mutual "He played us like a goddamn fiddle" moment was one of the best in the series.

>not appreciating Gamma's ludicrous levels of tryhard

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>>not appreciating Gamma's ludicrous levels of tryhard
I appreciate it but I prefer Claire's tryhard coddling of Cid instead.

Is this shadow but during a timeskip or something?

What do you mean user? That's John Smith. I didn't recognize him at first glance too

Shadow betrayed Shadow Garden for money.

Delta, Beta and Epsilon are best.
Delta is just cute, beta is a silverhaired big tiddy elf, (which puts her above the rest) and Epsilon has 1-2 chapters dedicated to explaining why shes so good at mana manipulation just to make a flat joke.

anime when
translated ln/wn where
I've read some of the LN and it was actually a breath of fresh air comparing to other isekai works currently on the market.

Would Epsilon even be able to control her slime boobs during sex with Cid?
>Epsilon starts training so that she can keep her boobs from falling during sex

What are you talking about? Yes, he lied to them, but it was so he can save them in the end! It was all according to Shadow-sama's plan!

WN is up to date, LN is fuckknowswhere.
What do you mean? It was all according to plan since Mitsugoshi should remain squeaky clean while the other company takes all the heat from the investigations from the kingdoms.

Poor male hero.
>female hero who will immediately backstab him for MC
>princesses of all the various countries allied with MC
>world's economy completly in control of MC
>criminal city and all its information sources, especially the whores, completly in MC's control
>past heroes who are still alive will probably ally with MC
>last boss Diabolos is slowly being resurrected by MC and will be by his side too
What can he even do? Play basedsauce?

Dont know why it changed to basedsauce.

Perfect setup for an edgy revenge story :^)

Yeah, but the motherfucker has no idea he controls this shit. He just thinks his underlings are his friends who are profiting off of his isekai knowledge.

what are you trying to say user? Do you like basedsauce of some kind? Maybe you should spell it out

So y sauce .

>you must go on without me
He's so fucking based.

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I only like Chuunis when they are cute girls

>wanted for taking hostage of the academy
>wanted for disrupting the god of war tournament
>wanted as accomplice of a princess who committed patricide
>dabbled in forgeries of currency
Shadow's got a lot waiting for him when the inevitable isekai heroes get summoned huh.

So is he a villain now or is the evil organization that he's fighting that powerful?

The cult has been controlling the various kingdoms from the shadow for centuries.
And as they disguise as a religion they can easily control the religious idiots.

I'd say hes about an anti-hero. Though, thats mostly because he gives zero shits and I'm pretty sure his loyalty and empathy towards others in the series doesn't expand past how someone would feel about RPG NPCs. Which is great.

>is he a villain now
Think of him as an arc 1-3 antagonist that is actually fighting something that the protagonist missed entirely or doesn't know about. That's literally what Cid's delusions are about. WN doesn't explain much but apparently Shadow Garden has a defector from the Order but as usual nobody tells him this.

>WN doesn't explain

How lazy. It's in the early chapters of the WN.

Shadows is so damn good, together with Tanaka and Death Mage it's probably my favorite novel among the ongoing ones I'm reading

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>Death Mage
My fucking nigga.

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I just want to see ketchupboi be confused why he's got the Holy Mother Killer title.

Ah. You see, I typically don't backtrack when I go from a manga to a novel, I just pick up the novel where the manga is. I know, it's bad.

Same. But there's things that the manga skips over, like Cid pocketing some of the gold coins that Gamma shows off, him showing Alexa the middle finger and others.

>doesn't want to stand out
>swoler than jotaro in high school
What did he mean by this

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Shadow was always batshit insane.

He was training to become a nuke. Not his fault that his muscle couldnt hide themselves.

That's why he's the best.

I can't believe that this goddamn idiot is the most genuinely entertaining protagonist I've read in forever.

Same, I came in expecting generic isekaishit and came out obsessed with reading more of the WN. It's fucking magic.

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>this is a protagonist

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he look like a cutie

Because of how insane he is I'm sure he'll be cross dressing in the future just to tick off a chuuni checklist or something.

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Chuuni LN preview. Anime soon in 2021-2022 I hope.

Let's hope it gets Madhouse with a good budget, this novel really deserves it!

There's the fear of the anime not living up to the manga/novel though. I hope whoever animates this gets it right.

Fuck this shit


I feel bad for Rose.
Not that it matters since she became Shadow Garden after that

at least she became literal satan afterwards ;^)

Wait what

Hes not just chuuni, hes an autist and a retard too.


I can't remember who is who.

So where can I read 143?
It's gone

The MC is so retarded that I just want to punch him in the face. Multiple times.

Delta and Cid's relationship is strangely closer than anyone. But I guess two retards can match well

When will Alexa join? She's one of the few characters that just meshes well comedically with everyone.