Is this really how Japanese people see us?
Is this really how Japanese people see us?
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Its true
yes and it's glorious
I personally love seeing stereotypes of americans since they are always outlandish as hell and it always makes me laugh
whiteuu piguu GO HOAAM
It's not wrong, just needs more guns
How popular is Elvis in Japan?
This. I hate PC culture and because it stops us from producing and enjoying shit like this.
Is it true that americans clap when they watch anime?
Back when anime was based and not cringe
Same. Pic related was the only time I had mixed feelings about it though.
>Is it true that Americans clap
You already know the answer.
This. Stereotypes make for comedy gold when people have the decency to use them without drowning the material in political undertones. Sadly, by the turn of the century people forgot about this as we ushered in a generation of morally bankrupt and value-deprived retards that'll stoop to any low to get their kicks.
God i hope so. The reality is that most of America is boring as shit.
>third cheerleeder is a tranny
We have the best stereotypes, don't we folks...
>caring about what other countries think about America
Blow it out your ass
Add a few hundred pounds, and then yes.
As an American that's how I see myself.
Take it as a complement, in reality its way worse
I'm not a fucking gringo, also that's a lot better than what the rest of the world imagines you looks
It is spelt "compliment". Complement would mean something else. American English btw
nani the fuck America
I miss when caricatures of men were always hypermacho musclehead one-man-army types instead of this noodle armed hipster shit we got now. Gave me something laugh at but also strive for.
It was, before we got on track to irreparably become minority-majority failed third world state.
my bad, I wasn't sure the exact spelling so I used google and that fucking translator still showed me that complement translates to compliment in my language
Well they aren't wrong
They have a hard time seeing with those squinty eyes
>that hair
Powerful Rangers were great though
I know. Shit still made me laugh but a small part of me was like "Fuck man that's Jason and Tommy".
Give or take. Sometimes it's fat and ugly, other times it's more obnoxious. Either way if the nearest WHITU PIGGU goes to Japan, they'll still get a pretty good selection of woman trying to jump on there dick for either free english lessons or a blue eyes baby.
would be more accurate if it was a nigga
Lupin really hates America, they're always shown as the villains that manipulate others behind the scenes.
>hating on the Powerful Rangers
Choke on it.
If I were to generalize ALL Americans (Hard since every state is so different, but I'll try)
>Loud, boisterous, and extremely expressive, but weirdly stoic at certain times and about certain things
>Immediately has sex with the whole neighborhood upon hitting 18 (Everything), after that, they are extremely prudish and reserved about sex. May have random repressed sexual urges every once and a while that makes them do stupid things
>Mostly Christian and its deviations. Worships Jesus, the bible, the constitution, and the wife (Old ball and chain') in that order
>EXTREMELY individualistic and independent, leaves family at age 13. If they have children, leaves them to be raised by the wild west
>FREEDOM and loves being free (To do what you want when you want), even if it harms others, usually harms himself with said FREEDOM
>Hates degeneracy that comes from freedoms yet loves the thrill of fighting it (Sometimes partakes in it)
>Both tall (6' tall) and somewhat fat but still muscular. Every man has a dadbod, fratbod, or is an ox/strongman
>Bigger is better, always
>Average skin tone is slightly tan German, most are german/brit/irish with some slavic/ital/span influences
>Hairy but refined (Shaved, trimmed, styled)
>Ignorant but not arrogant like a Brit
>Stupid but experienced
>Unlimited courageousness due to ignorance
>Would die for a friend, but makes friends with everyone. Upmost cruelty to enemies, upmost ass-kissing to friends
>Always formal and strictly business when money is present, sandals with socks and wifebeater casual every other time
>Obsessed with looks, first impressions, and image. Also obsessed with material goods and wealth
>Everything is political, everything
>Everything has a brand and a price (Huge corporatism culture, huge "making it" culture)
>hates details, reading, writing, long sentences/paragraphs, complicated things
>loves simple, easy, free, short, small-talk
This is my unbiased non-meme answer.
Long flowing blonde haired, blue eyed, pale skinned and big titted American ladies are golden pinnacles of Japanese portrayal of America.
>Americans get portrayed as some ridiculous caricature meant to be laughed at
>British get to be normal characters that are part of the cast and main story, no over the top caricatures
Fuck, if I ever visit Japan and someone asks me where I'm from, I'm just gonna say England.
They'll probably already know because of your accent.
you will get found out if you're black
Baccano is a decent deconstruction as in it avoids many tropes involving Japan's stereotypical portrayal of America.
Chinese characters (save from series set in China) are more or less almost always stereotyped in a ridiculous fashion too.
I'm willing to bet that someone in Japan learning English probably won't be able to tell the difference in accents that easily.
t. Britcuck who thinks his country isn't a total embarrassment
Japs don't give a shit. All white people are the same to them.
Someone post the British breakfast
Didn't have space for
>Obnoxiously welcoming and friendly but also obnoxiously racist and prejudice
>Night and day, black and white, left vs right, up and down, everything is ROAD A or ROAD B, no in between. All in or all out, draw first or die first (all due to the nature of capitalism).
>Moderate agreeable fence sitters until they're not, then they nuke you
>Short sighted, act first think 'maybe' later
>Men mostly have brown/black hair, women all either have blonde hair or they dye their hair blonde
>Men are work obsessed and sell their souls to their wives. Hate having to think and doing nothing, so will always be doing something to counteract this
>Women have HUGE herd mentality, all huddle around each other, gossip, shit talk, peer pressure, choir girls, who all strive to look like Barbie (The IDEAL American woman, to the point of a creepy obsession). Grown adult american women are like high schoolers. Since they're everywhere, America and its media feels like one big high school
>where shoes in house for some reason (Even on bed, wtf?), treat animals -especially dogs- like humans
Homer Simpson is honestly your average american
what exactly am I looking at here?
>they wear shoes inside their homes in america
to be honest only asian countries don't wear shoes inside their house for some reason. I usually wear flipfl-ops when I'm home but that's because all my shoes are work boots and I get tired.
I'm willing to bet that someone in Japan learning English probably hasn't heard anything other than American English at all.
hell yeah brother
Official parody Sentai.
>Men are work obsessed and sell their souls to their wives
That’s Japan.
Took me a while to notice the star spangled belt and neck
breddy gud
I thought Euros don't either? Americans do it because they're so work obsessed (I think the real answer is that it came from suburbia culture), they don't even really consider their home a comfortable place to rest. Even the home is a place for business and politics, hence, they see it okay to keep their shoes on inside.
I also think Americans think of the feet as more sexual for this reason (Since footwear is on more), and have more foot fetishism, but that's just a theory of mine.
It's America too. Most men work trade jobs with 6 day 12 hour shift work weeks, go home, eat, maybe fuck their wife while watching some tv, get fat and repeat.
>Euros don't either
I can confirm that's absolutely fake. come to France any day or visit Spain or Italy
im canadian and we do not wear shoes inside at all ever
no one gives a fuck about canada
overtly masculine obnoxious assholes are great
>Canadians are stereotyped as very nice people
>In reality they are the most cancerous shitposters on Yea Forums
Why is this?
Canadians are all retards and assholes, if you’ve ever watched Trailer Park Boys you would know that
Yeah, but you still wear your hajib.
they used to be really nice people until they got run over by the PC culture and became unlikable assholes
I hope so.
Literally retarded maple syrup drinkers.
>watching Heavens Feel 2
>Gilgamesh appears
>unironic standing ovation
shooting up theaters makes sense now I suppose
this reminds me of how aparently speedy gonzales is "offensive" yet mexicans absolutely love that shit
I always take my shoes off when I enter my home and I live in the Midwest.
I don't know about that. Brits normally get portrayed as literal nobility who are universally horrible at cooking.
It's capitalism you fools.
what if a bear gets inside your house? would you have enough time to tie your shoes, grab your gun and run like hell?
Well it's true that we do swear rather profusely.
Brits are boring as hell in real life too
American girls are my absolute favorite stereotype
>Be born to American mother
>Leave a tip
better than reality desu
If you have the gun, why do you need to run?
Just shoot the bear.
This stereotype is much more flattering than what Americans are actually like.
I'm not One-gun man, the chances of killing a bear with just a gun in the first shot are very slim, many people get their faces eaten by bears every year because they thought some bullets would magically stop a rampaging hungry bear.
I love these things.
Almost all of this is regional, and combining stereotypes of ridiculously different people.
Especially the sex attitudes. Conservative Christians wait til marriage. Decades of social programming in movies, porno, and public school produces sex obsessed hedonists.
>Loud, boisterous, and extremely expressive, but weirdly stoic at certain times and about certain things
Americans can talk much louder, but that depends on what kind of group they were raised in. Italians/Micks/Hicks/Blacks? Loud. Middle Class Briton/German families? Quieter. People in the western states (but not coastal) tend to be quieter and calmer.
>Obsessed with looks, first impressions, and image. Also obsessed with material goods and wealth
>Everything is political, everything
>Everything has a brand and a price (Huge corporatism culture, huge "making it" culture)
That's American corporate/yuppy/hipster culture in NYC and LA. Most people in this country do not behave this way. Most Americans have a simple lifetstlye that's been fatefully exposed to the consumerist nightmare of being the cutting edge of technological, cultural, and industrial changes. Almost all of the negative parts of America (Obesity, Shallowness, Stupidity, Vanity) have to do with the fact America is always on the forefront of sudden cultural/technological change that the rest of the world feels second, and the executives and leaders of the business and government world, at some point, sent new technology and ideas straight to the public without thought of the long term effects (think plastics, fast food, microwave food, sexual liberation, public education). American leadership is technologically obsessed and obsessed with change, and it's grossly cost the public health.
>Would die for a friend, but makes friends with everyone. Upmost cruelty to enemies, upmost ass-kissing to friends
That's more of a national foreign policy ethos. And that's pretty true for our national image.
This. Especially when they aren’t even that negative. Portraying as loud, cussing, cowboy Elvises? Well that’s just plain fun. It would be a bit different if the stereotype was genuine and not comedic. You have to be able to poke fun at yourself. And when it’s a foreigner who has a hilariously misguided perception of what actual Americans are? The results are even better.
So you think Conservative Christians who are indoctrinated by their church and Fox News are better than the rest of society?
You think that they are free thinkers and the rest of the nation is a bunch of 'sheep'?
Cause that's what you said.
City Culture is American Culture, hick culture is just what the cities thought 20 years ago. NYC and LA are just as if not more American than any shitty Kentucky hamlet.
t. cityfag
No, they're just an especially loud minority that the rest of the world take as representative of the whole country because most of the country, especially the midwest and non-coastal western states, are more reasonable and reserved. The majority don't scream about politics and gender issues at the top of their lungs like the coasts do. The loud minority does not the entire nation make. "City Culture" is just the product of the media that is displayed for the rest of the world to see. Most people in the city live more socially isolated lives than it would appear.
Remember, my taxes pay for your roads, your water, and your power. Be more polite to the people propping you up.
this guy is a lot more redpilled than I would have expected him to be
This. I honestly wish real life were more like this. I'd take the Japanese caricatures of Americans as loud, macho, boisterous, passionate assholes (occasionally with a hidden heart of gold) over the whiny, overly political-minded, defensive, dispassionate, victim complex shits that I'm stuck with in my country.
>free thinkers and the rest of the nation is a bunch of 'sheep'?
They're closer than you are. Because those dumb old hicks are descended from a multitude of Protestant malcontents, for the most part. And those same Protestant malcontents go through a generation of a dysfunctional public schooling (American public education is provable garbage) and Hollywood movies, and still believe what they believe.
>who are indoctrinated by their church and Fox News
Are you serious? The hedonists and the left are the product of provable and planned indoctrination. This is a fairly traceable fact, because many propagandists and leftists have written and outlined their plans in writing, decades before anything started moving politically. See pic related and
How can you hate opportunities for there to be random English because the character is from Burgerstan
Most of the country steals money from the cities and then bitches that the cities are rich.
Most of the country apes whatever culture the cities had 10 years back and pretend that it is original. You say reasonable and reserved, I say backwards and overcompensating.
Acting like people being ignorant of politics is a good thing doesn't even make sense. It just lends credence to the idea that Hicks vote against their own interests. Saying that them being behind the rest of the world on gender issues is a good thing is also stupid.
'Country Culture' is just a reaction to 'City Culture', whatever the cities say, hicks roll out in droves to say the opposite.
So that's where Paul Phoenix's new outfit in Tekken 7 came from...
He woke up after that whole rape accusation fiasco.
Those 'protestant malcontents' as you put it are indoctrinated from birth into a cult that believes that any dissent from the dogma means the dissenter is going to Hell. That is the opposite of free thought.
These 'malcontents' block out facts, differing opinions, and outside information so that they don't have to face their own stupidity.
The denial of Evolution is the number 1 example of this. Care to justify that?
As for indoctrination get real. Look at movements like the '70s New Conservatism, Nixon and Goldwater's Southern Strategy. The 'Christian Right' movement including the Moral Majority scheme, and Rupert Murdoch's Fox News channel - which was literally created to spread an idea system.
Remember despite what they say Fox is the largest News Company in the US.
These were all movements organized from the top down designed to manipulate and indoctrinate the common people.
Pic related is the wonderful idea for education created by the people that you support. See how unbelievably shitty it is. Wonder why that is?
Aren’t both of those characters American?
that sounds like something out of mark trail
That's how I feel about Hermes.
We have military bases in Japan, so their experience with americans are usually military men, in turn they're loud, swear heavily, eat large amounts of food quickly, and drown everything in condiments because Japanese food is bland compared to american tastes.
It's much like how in the 90s asians with cameras was a common sterotype because when you'd usually see asians in the city they'd be tourists carrying cameras, and asking you to take their picture.
is he tittyfucking that piece of bread?
I'm German, I never wear shoes inside.
Just like real life.
This. I think it also greatly depends on the stereotypes themselves, though. I love the oddly specific things like "the French smell and wear garlic necklaces", "Indian designated shitting streets" or "Germans are incapable of humor and their women look like men", but I'm sick and tired of trite WW2 shit like "surrender-monkeys" or "Germans are nazis". Those aren't even stereotypes, just historical events.
I'm glad that all major american stereotypes have been spared from that kind of shit, and that half of them are basically compliments.
duh! of course Germans don't wear shoes inside, it would dirt your praying mat.
I don't know, I'm not American
How have I never seen anything from this wonderful work before?
Same. America through the eyes of the Japanese in anime is the true America we should strive for.
I googled this and cannot find him saying, can you lonk
Satan you know that's not Jersey
best post in the thread
Yeah Pegasus is also American. For some reason 4kids changed his name to Maximilien Pegasus from Pegasus J. Crawford for seemingly no reason.
>From New Jersey.
>Doesn't look Italian.
>Does look Mexican or Puerto Rican
>Doesn't look black or half black.
>Doesn't even look like general white trash.
Do research, Nips.
>Niggas so black they're literally silhouettes.
Can't make this shit up.
There is no better American than Adam dudley
Well the first few points sound great lol
Literally nothing is wrong with any of those in your pic except spending too much on teachers.
The way she says "America" is really cute.
I want fucking ketchup and fucking mustard on my fucking hot dog.
It's all reasonable stuff until it hits the "Controversial theories" point, which is when the agenda really starts to rear its head.
He's so precious
well, he's fucking right, who the fuck puts fucking mayonnaise on their fucking french fries?
>inb4 a fucking leaf
It says specifically to allow any theory to be openly discussed, there's nothing wrong with that at all. The problem we have now is people being shouted down, attacked or kicked out for saying anything against what's "accepted" by the schools.
>not kikes
Too thin.
Are you saying that you don't see Americans like that? Because that's exactly how I look.
Also, it predicted the 56% thing quite right.
>Being this politically blind to any sort of agenda.
It's anti-intellectualism disguised as "liberal and critical thinking open to respectful discussion". 95% confidence rate, question everything; sounds nice, just like the scientific method, right? In reality, the implication is already right there in the text: it's just an excuse to debate hot-button topics like evolution and global warming, which have long since devolved into "pop-science", where everyone thinks their personal opinion on the topic matters. It would be nice if school curriculums had the time to debate the validity of every molecular or gravitational theorem that gets brought up and research dozens of opposing views on the matter, but there's only so much time as it is, especially on the already inefficient budget of American schools.
It's just old fashioned kikery and disingenuity. The first propositions as a matter of fact are largely dress-up that's impossible to argue against for the meat of the matter, the latter three points.
>Canadians are stereotyped as very nice people
They won't talk shit to your face.
Fucking this holy shit.
I'm not blind at all after being stabbed in the back by the gays and their friends by this exact same shit. They advocated to be allowed by appealing to the belief of freedom then as soon as they got the foothold they started trying to push through speech laws. And before you claim that this is something I got from /pol/ I discussed these topics with gays I knew they were all in favor of shutting down opposing speech. Bringing back the concept of free and open debate is the only way to bring things to a middle ground before it turns into an even worse shitstorm. As for the last two points, I'm a firm believer that lack of parenting and over reliance on daycare is the cause for a lot of the problems cropping up, though just getting rid of daycare and kindergarden won't fix those alone. The last one you do have a point on sounding shady, it's no surprise though it's a culture war.
It's just the scientific equivalent of "we want every historical reference to slaves to open with a lengthy side note about how this was merely due to the mentality and socio-economic demand of the times, and that slavery is a morally reprehensible practice. Same for whenever rape and child marriages are brought up. We just want people to be aware of how social norms change over the ages due to a variety of factors, seriously!" Regardless of any validity it may have, it's pedantic, wasteful and largely agenda-driven.
Anyone what episode this is? Or have the Japanese dub of this scene? I can't find it anywhere.
I'm not a burger, faggot.
Straya here
You take your fukkin boots off before you come inside my house cunt or I'll fukkin have your guts for garters you fucking derro.
It should be renamed Dwarf_Fortress_Combat_Log.jpg
It's a /pol/ copypasta over a picture of Aziz in an attempted character assassination.
>pedantic, wasteful and largely agenda-driven.
Pretty much describes the education system as it already is
I lived in Japan as an exchange student in high school almost exactly 20 years ago for a bit over a year.
As far as stereotypes went then they believed this:
>We eat a lot- not an "lol amerifat" thing but in general any American can put away 2-3 times what an average Japanese can. This isn't a negative stereotype, it's literally almost considered impressive.
>They think in general we're really warm, friendly, affable, welcoming, outgoing. This also makes us kind of intimidating.
>Everyone owns a gun and knows how to use one
>All we eat is bread
>We butt into other peoples' business. Seen as both a good and negative trait. Americans do stuff like confront train gropers and break up drunks fighting and other shit like that, but stuff like the latter while viewed as nice is very "inharmonious".
>Tall, generally.
>boorish, unable to read a room.
>Exceedingly nice, but not polite, not really willing to learn or do the lame as shit Japanese politeness strata.
>Basically all of the above traits that sound positive are also considered negative low-key because again- it's inharmonious. Don't yell at that groper stupid gaijin, why are you stopping those drunk businessmen from rolling around in the street damn gaijin, don't be so loud shitty gaijin, you're just making a scene and it's hard for me to pretend I'm not seeing it because for some reason our genetic disposition is to literally pretend anything out of place doesn't exist
One of my friends who also went has natural blazing red hair and all the girls wouldn't stop touching it. No, neither he nor I scored because we were completely retarded and knew very little of the culture outside of the basics. Most of the girls weren't terribly attractive either but it was relatively rural Japan.
for some reason the jap ronald mcdonald bothers me more than Adam
It's the last or second to last episode
This. Most of the time I’m just laughing my ass off at how over the top these stereotypes are. It’s the same principle as to why Apu is generally liked by Indians.
Even bringing up for example Creationism lends it more validity than it deserves.
Doing something like that only confuses and misleads the students.
Thank you!
>All we eat is bread
Explain this one?
>We butt into other peoples' business
We don't turn a blind eye to 5 punks keeping a teenage girl as a sex slave while they slowly kill her over several months, no.
I went to a private high school my senior year that had a lot of international students as boarders. Couple of japs. One of them was okay, seemed like he had learned to blend in alright. Hosted another one at my house over break, he never left the guest bedroom except at mealtimes and barely even spoke. Was really just kind of awkward having him around. Plus I had to postpone a date with my girlfriend the night the dorms closed because he took fucking forever to get his shit packed.
I didn't understand it at all until I got home and my Japanese teacher explained that basically bread wasn't really much of a thing (not that it didn't exist- it totally did. It just wasn't a staple) in Japan until after the war. A lot of the food aid brought to Japan from the States was grain and it got pretty popular then and was seen as a treat.
My family didn't host but we had a pretty big (20+) group of Japanese exchange students at my HS my senior year.
They were all pretty nice but their level of english fluency varied wildly. Me and my friend are still friends with one of them to this day. He uh, currently is a NEET and basically lived out of a net cafe for most of the early 2000's
Depends on the creator but the stereotype is generally that Americans are trigger-happy gun nuts who will use any excuse to whip out their weapons and shove them in people's faces.
we're just honest
it's not our fault you're as bad as you are
My parents hosted at least one Japanese girl once. Kanna. She made miso soup for us when I was visiting and I learned, in that one meal, how to use chopsticks. She was impressed, I think. She also accidently(?) flashed me while I was teasing our late cat.
She was amazed by the concept of the prom, because that's not a thing, and had a great time with her date.
Sadly, after she went back, we lost contact with her shortly after the events of March 2011.
One day, while everyone was out, I stole a pair of her panties and kept it in a baggie until I moved out of my old house 4 years ago
God, I hope so.
>her date.
Why wasn't it you?
I was 27 at the time
So? It's not like they card you at the door.
Japan has always had an interesting relationship with America. The man who basically strong-armed Japan into opening it's borders to trade after centuries of isolation with an impressive show of force by leading a fleet of advanced warships to their shores was an American naval officer, Commodore Matthew Perry. Japan was part of the same alliance as America during WWI (though only because they stole Germany's colonial territories in the Pacific).
Then they got into a fight with the US over a trade embargo the US placed on them over their alliance with Nazi Germany. After they got nuked, Japan went nuts over everything American including animation which was what inspired Osamu Tezuka's art style that modern anime art styles we know today descended from (and why black people in anime to this day tend to have big, noticable lips albeit the size of said lips has gone down considerably over the decades).
Sorry meant to say "for a while"
Not me, but this. And also, I was visiting at the time. And my parents told me to consider her like a younger sister. So I did.
You'd steal a younger sister's panties?
Also, if she went to prom she was legal. Not sure why your parents wanted to cock block you.
Now thats a coon I dont mind meetin'
You can be under aged in Senior year, I graduated at 17 for example.
16 will get you 20, 17 is the same.
IIRC it was more because suburbia doesn't much lend itself to muddy tracks and such, since you're generally walking on pavements and such
>what an average Japanese can
It's not that they cant
It's that they dont.
They eat until they're satisfied, they don't eat until they're full.
Japanese eat rice with every meal, being considered the staple of their diet.
When they think of foreigners they assume we eat bread with every meal just like they do with rice.
This isn't exclusive to Americans, this is their view on foreign people as a whole.
Because by their logic "if we eat rice 3x a day, and if they dont really eat rice in America, therefore they eat bread 3x a day".
School lunch in Japan always comes with rice or bread. No exceptions.
As a Canadian, this is absolutely the truth. We are nice in public but behind backs we are rude and racist as fuck more often than not. We aren't retards like most Americans and bring that shit out in public.
Norwayfag here, this is how WE stereotype Americans:
Is this the kind of stuff Americans would get angry about these days? I'm not even sure.
this is literally me irl
The only things that really gets Americans is if you stereotype them as racist or weak, that is a big deal over here.
Most everything else is fair game. Even calling us retards is better.
If she's from Princeton it's only confusing she looks white and not Asian.
Honestly, that one is pretty much reality. Can't say much about Ohio, but otherwise seems real.
Mixing Mayo and ketchup to make fry sauce is awesome.
The Ohio thing is mostly because American music is heavily stereotyped as country music or (nowadays) rap music, and country is associated with Ohio and Nashville.
Fucking this.
That seems about right.
Sauce? Image search just pulls up hentai.
I'm from New York, damn it!
Not even the best American in Kengan Ashura
Japans and their stereotypes are some of my favorite. Because they never go into the realm of malice. As in you never feel like they hate those they stereotype. G Gundam is one of the best examples of this. Chibodee and Gundam Maxter are some of the funniest things to an American cause of how over the top it is.
Its something that seemingly only Japan has been able to really get right without it becoming out right bile.
That being said
I need more Texas stereotypes in my Anime damn it! I see a ton of Italian and Spanish stereotypes (my ancestry) but no Texan step it up Japan.
This scene reminded me of Airplane!
Is that the original 4Kids version?
Because it is gay, so its more accurate for it being european
>Yo-kai Watch 3 (along with the third season of the anime) is a Japanese interpretation of America
>Filled with obese and loud human characters, and many of the Yokai are based off of food
>The food items are heavily exaggerated, and many of the best foods have a dozen toppings and extra addons to them
>I need more Texas stereotypes in my Anime damn it!
Howdy y'all!
Just wait for Rawhide Kobayashi to work his way up the ladder.
The only saints in Japan are the Japanese. Everyone else is beneath them, especially people with darker skin.
why do you know all of this
Too long Did not read
Americans are not predominatly loud gun totting white and blonde caucasians. But japanese anime still insist on using 1950s stereotypes of murica.
America is an hebrew country, didn't you know?
> hasn't seen Abenobashi
Son, your school needs you! Get back.
Modern representation of black people in anime is much better.
aviator shades
blonde hair
funny accent
large nose
80s and 90s pop culture
large breast