Is Demon Slayer a well written series?

Is Demon Slayer a well written series?

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I read it because of Togashi recommendation and it was filled with cliches like powerups with the power of friendship, big bad evil general with a bunch of big bad evil evil officers below him, and to top it off MC is the chosen one. Very stock shonen manga and the execution is amateur at best. I don't know why he likes it.

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Has some clichés from shonen genre, but at the end it has a pretty fun cast.

Better written than Black clover

>I read it because of Togashi recommendation
>Very stock shonen manga and the execution is amateur at best.
>I don't know why he likes it.
>Very stock shonen manga
>execution is amateur
>at best
>Togashi likes it
really big-brain HxHCHAD, you can't craw a conclusion from correlating pieces of data? Thought you were supposed to be intelligent? Oh, that's right, you're indoctrinated by your own fragile sense of superiority, built on the falsehood that HxH is anything but pedantic drivel by a closeted pedophile who hates drawing but writing is only slightly better, as shown.

You're a fucking moron like most HxHTARDS and your post proves it beyond a reasonable shadow of a doubt..

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Got bored pretty fast

im glad that the cast is not serious and behave like average teenagers. their chemistry is so wonderful

It's nothing special but Nezuko is basically perfect

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It's fun.

the take away is obviously that Togashi is a fucking retard with bad taste

shonen shit

yeah it's pretty well written
I love how gentle but uncompromising the main character is.
When Zenitsu and boar dude were introduced I did not like how obnoxious they were but they slowly grew on me. especially Zenitsu's exaggerated faces.
The plot moves fairly quickly but it does not feel rushed. We don't have yearly timeskipes (except the intro). Usually training and recovery takes weeks to months after major fights.

I think the plot convenient events or "asspulls" are generally pretty well executed. The Akaza fight and Tanjiro being able to see the "invisible world" is so far my favorite moment and fight.

The plot pace is pretty good, I don't feel like the fights drag on for to long. This is a series that could have expand for years if the author wanted to fuck around with lower moon fights.

I not doing anything new or unique but it does execute it tropes and cliches well. It cast is fun and likeable.
>powerup with the power of friendship
They barely did those in the manga, and the MC actually got his butt kick everytime he used his ass-pull power for the first time.
> the MC is the chosen one
So was other people in the manga. There nothing inheriting bad about the chosen one narrative, it only when hack writer use it as the shortcut for story telling
> big bad evil general with a bunch of big bad evil evil officers below him
Again, nothing inhereting abd about it as long as the characters is interesting. And they are.

I quite like it but of course I do aware of the flaws. So it's a decent battle shonen, not the best but probably not the worst. There are room for the author to improve tho. The way Wani handle things can feel a bit rush or some plot elements feel like it comes out of nowhere. There were foreshadow but some still feel a bit rush. To be honest, those could be solved by spend more time on non-battle part a bit more. Basically it's the opposite of many shonen where it takes too long to go anywhere while Kimetsu is too rushed.

Fuck no Muzan is the only reason to read this garbage.

Is this manga anymore? Looks like a light novel with pics.

You can really tell this user is mindbroken.

It's a battle shonen with most of the bad parts of that genre either absent or done right

>all fights are to the death
>no power of friendship
>MC's niceness isn't unrealistic or contrived
>Powerups are foreshadowed and don't singlehandedly clinch fights
>good characterization
>consistent power scaling
>enemies are stronger so teamwork and coordination are a must

Based and michael jacksonpilled

It's a pretty great series, but some of the designs are fucking atrocious.
The hairs sometimes look like out of a Katou Jun doujin.

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>consistent power scaling
>enemies are stronger so teamwork and coordination are a must
that was the case until Moon 4 and 5 showed up.

>MC is from a super special ancient mary sue line of people who can use the most powerful techniques
nah, it's garbage like every shonen

God no. It's generic for sure, but even when other typical shounen sometimes present something interesting to pull you in, this series fails to do that. It's a real disappointment because the anime looks great animation wise but everything else is just straight up terrible. The nail in the coffin for me was the unbelievably boring fights. I can stomach a lot of shit from shounen but if the fights are bad and uninteresting then the whole series just loses all value.

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>>all fights are to the death
Death of the demons. Demons that no one cares.
>>no power of friendship
There are asspulls and plot conveniences anyway
>>MC's niceness isn't unrealistic or contrived
The characters are the best part of the show
>>Powerups are foreshadowed and don't singlehandedly clinch fights
Nope. Tanjiorou was a nobody, now he's a special snowflake with a new move for every new fight.
>>good characterization
Again, the cast is the best
>>consistent power scaling
Again, nope.
>>enemies are stronger so teamwork and coordination are a must
Conceptually. In reality, all the fights are "I'll show you my true power" mess.