Ai only knows how to hide his sadness by making jokes and being evil. When will he end it?

Attached: 1562757946016.jpg (1280x720, 407K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Good looking OP pic for a change

Better question is why Pandor didn't shoot him before throwing him of plane?

So what's pandor's deal with bees?

Attached: toplogina babee.png (1280x720, 523K)

need more villains, s2 already dull enough Bohman and Lightning dueling everyone


Does revolver count as another villain for soulburner?


Attached: Trisbaena.jpg (640x369, 45K)

why is the CGI so horrible? Zexal did them fine

>2 episodes on Akira & Aoi jobbing
>Just for the final twist that Aoi gets to run away

I want next spoiler batch already.

ZEXAL was high budget in general.
VRAINS had a messed production since the beginning.

I'm not sure about that, but he did notably enter through akira's brain.

did Arc-V really hurt the series this much?

That combined with the state of the industry maybe.

That along with some people's faith in the franchise.

Topologina Nabee when?

Attached: HEY! LISTEN!.png (323x308, 62K)

How can the AI created to be a countermeasure to another AI be so confused by it?

Attached: pandor confused.webm (1280x720, 2.37M)

Because Ai is an idiot.

>Aoi will finally do something relevant this season

It makes me wonder how will people go about it, seeing how she was jobbing for like 100 episodes. Will people suddenly forget?

Lmao what with this old time shoujo effect?

She will just job as always. There is no season she hasn't jobbed.

It was so shitty animators are still running away from it.

>Lmao what with this old time shoujo effect?
That's how vrains likes it.

Attached: 1532561173026.png (1280x738, 1.07M)

Pandor has failed, initiate protocol Pi-GUI

Attached: piggu.png (183x254, 63K)

Cut blue slut screentime and give me more Pandor instead.

I fucking love AI! !!

>be Roboppifag
>want Appliancers printed
>Topologic main deck cards shown
>now I want both
Please konami stop blue balling me

Attached: TopologicZerovoros.jpg (1243x2048, 793K)

Her name is blue maiden, and no.

Attached: pandor on aoi's wrist.png (1280x720, 750K)


Based Ai will kill Blue Jobber soon

>those people who wanted main deck topologics
>now there here but not under the same name

Attached: waiting for this moment.png (1280x720, 730K)


Attached: 1557241994287.gif (802x602, 2.27M)

>trap card named ai shadow
>is ai wearing an eye shadow
these fucking cards are killing me

Attached: ai shadow.png (1268x1080, 1011K)

As soon as pandor wants to win.

Attached: Topologina Nabee.png (1280x720, 496K)

My problem is that it's so fucking close but I guess that's a good thing. Support cards could have "Topologi" as the archetype
Kind of a parallel to Rokkets and Borrels as well although at least Rokkets aren't called Borrals

>Revolver vs Pandor happens
>Pandor tries to use meme tactics like Mirror Force, but Revolver knows them well and easily dominates the duel
>Pandor top decks Topologina Nabee that is her new tactic, not known by a Revolver and wins the duel
You heard it here first.

What the heck was with him and Nabee in this episode?

Attached: 1558789797396.png (890x900, 221K)

>Pandor joins Ai
>Ai makes Topologina Nabee and gives it to her as a present
>beats Revolver with it

Pandor can read emotions, he was keeping himself occupied with a running joke

Rate this season so far

Attached: A63F5929-2F2B-40C3-B94E-5D8EE130CF77.png (1280x720, 714K)

>Support cards could have "Topologi" as the archetype
Does that really happen? It's not an exactly comparable relationship either. Rokkets are ammo for Borrels. Topologina are bees.

>Am Ai weak at dueling?
Loving the season so far.
>Playmaker can lose
>Pandor gave us Topologinas
>Roboppi exists and has best deck
>Ai is a joy to watch on screen
>Go is a joy to watch on screen
>Akira about to duel again

Attached: Roboppi200.jpg (548x662, 55K)

>Pandor lost (not because of not using Nabee) but because her protection trap was useless versus fire phoenix effect
Nice counter AI you made there Revolver.
How about next time you give her some actual AI abilities instead of just having her being a topologic masturbation machine?

>Topolgina Nabee gets revealed
>it actually has an effect that would've won Pandor the game
>Ai was playing her the wholetime

>Does that really happen?
Yeah, it happens all the time. Steelswarm and Evilswarm share "lswarm" support for example.
>It's not an exactly comparable relationship either. Rokkets are ammo for Borrels. Topologina are bees.
Rokkets may share a more lore-based explanation for it but they do share similarities as they technically aren't part of the same archetype and utilize themselves to better the boss monsters

It's kinda fun, but I also kinda don't care about what's happening.

Attached: 1558529051300.png (920x1080, 1.31M)

>be really sad that everybody from your pseudo-family died
>deal with it by being edgy and pseudo-killing people, wreaking havoc and making silly jokes when somebody is on to you

It's already my favorite (and I do like Vrains), Ai is fantastic and him being the antagonist after all that's happen should draw out a lot of emotion.

Attached: 1558638839017.jpg (630x485, 53K)

>Yeah, it happens all the time.
Topologina seem like they only support their sub archetype.
> but they do share similarities as they technically aren't part of the same archetype and utilize themselves to better the boss monsters
Alright sure.

Is it really that hard to aim at the correct post for quoting?

They can always go Fluffal/Edge Imp/Frightfur route

>Playmaker can lose
Not with like 30 more episodes left, no.

Depends on if they make a big deal out of it.

Topologina Nabee when?

>nabee is now going to be a meme for like 30 weeks
God just fucking kill me

The entire remaining cast would be depressed if Playmaker lost. Akira's death will be enough of a reason to bring everyone down for a few episodes, and then the heroes will stage a comeback.

Who would have thought the secret to making VRAINS go from a 3 to a 7 was to make Ai human?

Attached: D_GyEZmUcAAr9fb.jpg (1200x675, 101K)

>was to make Ai protagonist?

It seems like Soulburner isn't phased. He's going into vrains to wander around on his own.

>Dropped Vrains at around ep 40
>Just watched this as a whim
Tell me about this cute robo lady

Attached: maxresdefault (3).jpg (1280x720, 63K)

This is what happens when joke characters duel.

It's Revolver's AI daughter.
She's supposed to hunt rogue AIs and has light version of Asimov's laws programmed in.

>3rd season proved to be nothing but a waste of time
Who could’ve guessed. Fuck yugioh animes.

At the end of season 2, every Ignis but Ai died and now he is hunting down SOL Tech to take control of LINK VRAINS. Revolver agreed to help stop him and made Pandor who is designed to be an Anti-AI AI so that they can win. Pandor is in a majority of the MCs duel disks and therefore has spectated pretty much every duel of the season to try and figure out how to beat Ai.
You are missing out on the true cute robo and that is Roboppi (Yusaku's vacuum given sentience)

Attached: Roboppi180.png (1024x1280, 1.66M)

Based Roboppifriend

She's arm candy that runs Topologic vaginas with bee puns.

>You are missing out on the true cute robo
It may be machine type but it's also a boy.

>boys can't be cute

Attached: Roboppi13.png (878x786, 692K)

Season 3 started with a recap episode and you should watch that instead of Season 2.

I keep reading these things as Tropologics. The fuck is topologic anyway? I thought the guy had a hard on for Guns shaped like Dragons.

Kek. Does Revolver ever have any father daughter moments with her


Considering his autism with most AI technology? Probably not

He's proud of her and shows her to everybody.

I don't know how to feel about this current arc
Ai's a good villain but outside of Blood Shepard and Hanoi, this arc is just Ai throwing a shitfit and killing off a bunch of people who would probably try their best and help him if he bothered to sit down and talk.
Nobody in this arc actually wants to be here except Ai and its kinda awkward

Topologics are a reference to network topology which is how networks are designed with links and nodes. It also references topology in mathematics which produces their wacky designs like Bomber's tail.
The LINK-4s (with the exception of Zeroboros) are named after different types of computer attacks. A Topologic bomber and Gumblar is just a virus.
Data storms usually manifest into cards that the player needs at the time and usually fit with their personality such as how Yusaku kept getting Code Talkers and Bohman got his Hydradrive bosses. Revolver really fucking hates Cyberse and therefore getting monsters based on network attacks etc. fits that

Attached: TopologicTrisbikea.jpg (960x847, 814K)

He's crossing as many lines as he can.

Attached: they don't forgive.png (1280x720, 681K)

Of or relating to the study of objects that are preserved through continuous deformation. Presumably it's meant to refer to network topology (the arrangement of devices in a network), but the monsters have topologic geometries in their designs (Bomber Dragon's tail is a Mobius strip, Trisbaena is shaped like a trefoil knot).
I like the implication that Pandor's vagina undergoes continuous deformation.

Attached: screenshot0054.png (1920x1080, 1.74M)

The only justification I'm seeing in this is Suicide by Playmaker because I'm likely the majority of them would forgive him for everything north of outright killing Akira

Topologics are Cyberse though.

He uses it because he's
>fighting poison with poison
I believe he's just being tsundere

He made an AI to combat an AI, he’s long proven to be a hypocrite Baka

>with the exception of Zeroboros
That will never not annoy me. It's like they half-heartedly tried to combine zero day and virus, but just gave up.

>Ai only knows how to hide his sadness by making jokes and being evil.
Just like me.

The difference is people like some of his jokes.

? Is pretty good by Anime standards

Attached: 67d.jpg (1736x980, 128K)

It's a combination of Zero and Ouroboros.
They could've went with
>Topologic Zeroboros Day
and it would've still worked even if it was a bit awkward

Does anyone else think that the reason why Topologinas are based on bees is because of OWASP?

Attached: 1562625360075.png (700x618, 159K)

He's still right though. Zexals CGI monsters are actually pretty good

>sees the new Isekai anime where the bullet just awkward slides into a monster head
Oh baby, and I remember when I used to make fun of older anime animation or when they used CGI like 5D’s.

People pay too much attention to her for it to be OWASP.

Attached: 1490300877441.jpg (409x427, 36K)

There's always the "humans are bad" bit.

Attached: worst.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Pandor looks shocked as if Ai just told her she is even flatter than Aoi

Attached: D_EG-BYU4AAlicp.jpg (662x1200, 223K)

It's a mixed bag. Early zexal CG was complete ass and I think generally VRAINS' CG has been pretty good across the board. I can't really think of many examples where it is shit. A majority of the animation problems come from the 2D side


Attached: D_GxvUlUYAATH7T.jpg (1024x576, 70K)

Ai know ;_;

>A desert
>A hurricane
>A forest fire

S1 was a 4/10, S2 was a 3/10 and so far S3 is a 7/10. Season 3 alone could save VRAINS for irrelevancy if it stays as enjoyable

Attached: D_GxvUiU4AAxJ2i.jpg (1024x576, 147K)

She's an AI, she already knows.

What S3 really needs is some sort of end game. So far it's been nothing beyond Ai and Roboppi btfo'ing some jobbers because he's sad. The duels may have been fairly entertaining but this isn't enough to carry an entire arc if this goes the predictable route.

I want to fuck Pandor

We all do user

Is obvious Pandor or some other Ai will be the final villain

Attached: 1500005718144.png (1280x720, 271K)

>a desert
Deforestation and uncontrolled agriculture can do this.
>a hurricane
Conspiracies about climate change or conspiracies about weather control.
>a forest fire
Humans can cause those just being careless. Some of these require big jumps though.

>Ai is only doing this to get euthanized by Playmaker
>Ceremonial duel is Revolver vs Playmaker

Can you call any of it entertaining if we all can see it from a mile away that Ai can’t lose to anyone aside from maybe Playmaker and then a true final boss shows up on the level of some God or whatever that gets beaten by the power of anime Yugioh MC’s.

So pandor is the designated girl who doesn't play something girly?

Attached: topologina sassabee.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

>queen bee to a cyber hive
>not girly
Tsk tsk tsk

Thats not girly. Thats feminine

Why does revolver make feminine AI and why do they look cuter than the other ones like Aqua

Her boss monsters are just topologics though.

He made pandor based off pandora because he's an obsessive mythfag like his father. Still made her flat though.

Is Nabee a pun of Navy?

>Not girly
Anna 2.0 never ever

>30 more weeks of everybody jobbing to Ai

What's the exact purpose of this function?

Attached: Ai's grapple hand.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

VRAINS is saved!

We don't have enough characters left for that.
Also Soulburner vs Revolver will interrupt his endless duel streak

It's not like anna. It's just technological.

Attached: topologina gatsbee.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

>Make archetype dedicated to turboing out Topologics
>Make a Link for them
>Not a Topologic

just like striker dragon.


What do you want to see from Aoi's designated friend character?

Attached: 1541640080080.png (1280x738, 959K)

NAVIgator also bee

to have boobs

the cunny

to remain flat

On an avatar she might make?


We know Aoi and Akira are the last ones to die to Ai. Next is Roboppi jobbing

Attached: D_GvR_eU4AACcA2.jpg (638x359, 45K)

It took 37 episodes for specter to lose. 39 for haru to lose. Why would roboppi go away so easy?

Aoi doesn't die though. The OP is as transparent as it gets.

Nobody said Roboppi is leaving. Just because he is losing a duel doesn't mean he is going to di like the other irrelevant characters

We don't know exactly what happens to that consciousness data.

Attached: give me the code key.png (1280x720, 473K)

Revolver is a gay jobber

>Just because he is losing a duel
Thats who it works in VRAINS user.
You lose, you "die" until the end of the arc.

>loses multiple times and proves how inept she is as a player
>gets spared from Ai’s Rampage because even if she couldn’t help Akira in any actual way, she’s the female character of interest
>series ends with her playing cheer leader
What a garbage character

He doesn't seem like windy or bohman.

It seems boobs is what Nips are looking for judging from the fanart.

Attached: Miyu & Aoi.jpg (855x985, 147K)

I don't understand.

Well they're dumb. Miyu's not even wearing a skirt that doubles as shorts in that picture.

Why doesn't Revolver just make anime Gumblar turn 1 every duel and auto-win?

Attached: full handwipe.png (890x725, 406K)

REad. The. cARD.

How would he show off all his dragon and old trap cards if he did that?

Attached: mind crush.png (1280x720, 972K)

>oh man you summoned two topologic dragons in the same turn wow this deck is so consistent and should be bough through seal product made officially by konami sold at many convenient locations *wink*
How did they get away with that scene?

Banned. They can’t showcase it anymore, also f.w doesn’t count since it’s a protagonist ace

>If another monster is Special Summoned to a zone a Link Monster points to, while this monster is on the field and you have a card in your hand: Destroy all cards in each player's hand
Your point?

I don't know, but maybe they'll print topologinas?

Attached: topologic spam.png (1280x720, 701K)

>Topologic + vagina
How did they get away with it?

Some post last thread said it was "regina".

>less boring af playmaker
>more based ai
>anime improves
Makes you think

What's your thoughts on this face?

Attached: GATSBEE.png (1280x720, 764K)

It isn't the 1st time they did that. BM vs Chadman had Ai noting Marincess Sea Horse was a 1-card Marbled Rock. And I don't recall what he exactly said, but in the SB vs Windy Duel something similar happened.

the fuck does extra link means?

are you even watching the show or play the game?

They got away with Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon, they can get away with Topologina.

When there are enough co-linked monsters to have both monsters in the extra zones linked.

i think Ai doesn't want to show that he is loving the pun names of pandor's cards, maybe Ai has to step up his pun cards in his next duel

He's so cute. I want to give him rapid but soft kisses.

Attached: Extra_Link.png (640x456, 684K)

>less boring af playmaker

They finally have a good character but they don't know what to do with him so they are just having him duel and kill the entire cast.

Playmaker has less screentime and he is a fucking snooze

I was thinking that maybe the Miyu part is just a flashback so you may do good in not hoping here...

Attached: northwemko sighing.jpg (1927x1642, 1.14M)

Everyone loves vagina. Yummy.

>I was thinking that maybe the Miyu part is just a flashback
How is that bad? It could cut to Aoi talking to Miyu in the hospital.

Wow not just one, but two firewall dragons.

Zeroboros and trisbaena are based on mythological serpents and not viruses, zeroboros could also be a strict upgrade if trisbaena

hi Pandor

Tindangles will be tier one soon.

Attached: tindangle.png (1280x720, 1.02M)

Even the preview didn't have a new card for Akira, Tindangles are doomed.

Well it didn't show new marincess cards either. But there's going to be a "new ace" according to spoilers anyhow.

Pandor exists to counter the ignis.

Making Ai the main villain is so upsetting yet so enjoyable.

is it upsetting because it was predictable?

How would they fix fire phoenix?

Attached: 1562770476523.jpg (1920x2160, 962K)


Attached: Jim Crocodile Cook.jpg (640x480, 176K)

Retire kuriboh.

Attached: donyoribo.png (1280x720, 1.02M)

What theoretical effect does nabee have?

Attached: does nabee exist.png (1280x720, 463K)

The only thing that needs to be fixed is Crunchy's staff. Move the "and" between "0" and "you".

I wouldn't want it any other way

Attached: D_GwTjsUYAErwFx.jpg (1200x675, 93K)

Only in TCGland.

Here's a dated semi-related joke

Attached: SuperPoly.png (640x720, 545K)

Why did they recycle that card?

So far Hydradrives look better than @ignister.

Attached: earth golem @ignister.png (1280x720, 1006K)

Only one week to finally get to see Aoi and Miyu showing what really friendship looks like.

Attached: 1554168019197.jpg (924x1003, 93K)

It doesn't feel right. I don't think Aoi can tell her about what happened to Aqua. Miyu might never know who exactly saved her.

STFU Yugioh VRains fans! You don’t own the rights to the shit if your fucking ranting about it like Yugi tubers. Next anime will blast VRains out of Ignis or bs Cyberse/Link world.

Its not like if the bar is set too high for that lmao

>Next anime will blast VRains out of Ignis or bs Cyberse/Link world.
Not once has any of the anime blown out any of the other anime.

Because Ono or whatever his name was had nothing but contempt for GX.

Attached: 2D and 3D Firewall.png (1280x1107, 2.39M)

Hand drawn firewall looks like a ghastly thin dragon wearing a striped shirt. Which is kind of cool in a way.

I’m convinced Crystal heart is a cursed Card and Aqua is the true villain than never died

How do you feel about 2D Decode from the early promo illustrations of Vrains?

Attached: t_kv Vrains.jpg (778x1080, 512K)

A little more stylish perhaps, and a bit darker blue. More commanding.

>Crystal Heart on Earth Golem's crotch

At least it's not cursed then.


I remember back when Decode was first revealed, people joked about him being the lovechild of Buster Blader and Elemental HERO Sparkman

I like comical Ai over serious Ai. Fits more to his character as a jokester.

Episode 110: 哀の苛立ち – Ai no Iradachi
(The Annnoyance of Sympathy)
Ai has discovered Akira and Blue Maiden in the network. In order to seize control of SOL Technologies' system, he challenges the two of them to a Duel. The Zaizen siblings protect each other and fend off Ai's attacks. With their minds as one, the two of them launch a counterattack against Ai.

Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker: Ishige Shoya
Kusanagi Shoichi: Kimura Subaru
Homura Takeru/Soulburner: Kaji Yuki
Kogami Ryoken/Revolver: Takeuchi Shunsuke
Ai: Sakurai Takahiro
Roboppy: Takahashi Minami
Zaizen Akira: Yamamoto Shoma
Zaizen Aoi/Blue Maiden: Nakashima Yuki
Pandor: Kim Hyang-Ri
Sugisaki Miyu: Fujiwara Natsumi

Script: 前川 淳 || Maekawa Atsushi
Storyboard: えらん|| Eran
Direction: 三家本泰美 || Mikamoto Yasumi
Animation Director(s): 佐藤瑞樹, 長谷川一生 || Satou Mizuki , Hasegawa Issei

RIP Akira

After Soulburner has a duel with Roboppi.

[ Cyberse / Effect ]
During damage calculation, if your "@Ignister" monster was attacked (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; you take no battle damage from that battle. When a card or effect is activated that would inflict damage, while you control an "@Ignister" monster (Quick Effect): Banish this card from your GY, then activate 1 of these effects;
● The damage inflicted by that effect becomes 0.
● Double the damage inflicted by that effect.
You can only use 1 "Donyoribo @Ignister" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

Attached: DonyoriboIgnister-JP-Anime-VR.png (417x545, 228K)

spare some support sir?

Attached: piggu.png (183x254, 63K)

Is Maekawa Aoi's official writer, because I feel that they get all the Aoi episodes.

Attached: Dtf-DCNUcAM0v_X.jpg (523x523, 42K)

Miyu's back.

Is Miyu having the same VA than last time?


He's written all but three of her duels. He's the only writer with vrains who's done a lot of magic girl stuff I think.

What was Ai thinking when he made this?

[ Cyberse / Effect ]
If both players have the same LP, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only use this effect of "Topologina Babee" once per turn.

Attached: TopologinaBabee-JP-Anime-VR.png (540x788, 432K)

Did Yoshida's write this episode? It had almost no plot development at all.

[ Cyberse / Effect ]
You can banish 2 "Topologina" monsters from your GY; Special Summon this card from your hand.

Attached: TopologinaBambee-JP-Anime-VR.png (430x628, 284K)

Feels weird that now Topologics will be related to bees.

Yeah he wrote it. But he's also written stuff like bohman's third duel.

Attached: Shinji_Weber.png (1280x720, 480K)

on an episode-to-episode basis, s3 so far is probably the most effort that's ever been put into Vrains
so the question is why it took 2 years for the staff to start caring a little bit about each episode like this

Maybe he needs to be holding gumblar or trisbaena.

>instead of virus and mythical serpents it's now bees

Its to promote the Topologics cards and their support. Otherwise, it help added a few things. Revolver, through Pandor, wouldn't mind if Ai ran away IF he give up his plan of attacking Akira, probably out of respect or potential future jobs relating to hunting Ai. Another point here is that Ai is basically fucking around during many duels and Pandor call him out on it.

Attached: pandor.png (1229x687, 469K)

What's wrong with them? Yugioh CGI has never bothered me unlike every other anime under the sun, Vrains being no exception. Zexal was just higher quality due to god-tier production

Attached: Darkfluid.webm (666x372, 2.96M)

pandor is the queen bee.

Attached: Shinji_Gumblar.png (1280x720, 770K)

And that's a good thing.

Attached: Number61Volcasaurus-JP-Anime-ZX-NC.png (1366x768, 1.05M)

the network bees will rise.

Boy, this is getting interesting. The whole episode looked amazing but I think I'd have rather Noh work on next week's episode instead.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-10-08-22-29.png (960x540, 505K)

I still don't really get what made Ai heel-turn so suddenly

When this card is activated: You can target 1 "@Ignister" monster you control; it gains 800 ATK (until the end of this turn), and if this card was activated during your opponent's turn, all your opponent's monsters must attack the targeted monster this turn, if able. Once per turn, after damage calculation, if your "@Ignister" monster battled an opponent's monster: You can destroy that opponent's monster. If this face-up card leaves the field: Draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Ai Shadow" once per turn.

Attached: AiShadow-JP-Anime-VR.png (350x538, 319K)

Yeah. The next episode doesn't look that good, sadly.

Probably some hidden truth twist.

No one likes the Zaizens proper anyway, let's get it over with quickly

Is the art implying AI crossdresses?

Eye Shadow

I suppose Revolver vs Ai comes after the SB vs Roboppy ep, right?

Attached: Ryoken owned by Ai chan.jpg (800x1131, 153K)

I don't think that's true.

Oh, shit. You're right. It's definitely a reference to that card. I wonder if the dub will keep the art uncensored.

Pandor was clearly the winner here. Nabee was a major blow.

Attached: damn.webm (1280x720, 1.76M)

As in as characters proper. I'm sure plenty of people "like" Aoi

>characters proper
No, I don't see what you're talking about. Sounds like another code for "characters I like".

Bottom-Center, Top-Center
[ Cyberse / Link / Effect ]
When this card is Link Summoned: You can return all "Topologina" monsters that were used for its Link Summon to your hand.
ATK / 1000 LINK – 2

Attached: TopologinaSassabee-JP-Anime-VR-NC.png (1920x1080, 1.93M)

[ Cyberse / Effect ]
You reveal this card in your hand and send 1 other "Topologina" monster from your hand to the GY; Special Summon this card to your zone your Link Monster points to.

Attached: TopologinaGatsbee-JP-Anime-VR.png (430x628, 279K)

I wish this had got a chance to attack.

Alright, point me towards plot threads or characteristics about the two of them people enjoy following or watching. Point me towards evidence of viewers enjoying seeing them on-screen dueling or otherwise (i.e. clear rating improvements on nico-nico during Go episodes). Describe something about them that's characteristically entertaining to watch (i.e. Playermaker/Soulburner's bang up job with their respective VO).

Most of Aoi's following exists in fanart of her or her monsters, not her dueling, on-screen presence or story threads.

Cute cardfu

>all these Aoi talking
At this point, Emma does a better job at being a yugirl than Aoi.

Attached: emma.jpg (1263x711, 76K)

Her brash nature and heroics. And I think my hunch was right. You might put too much credence in fan art.

Attached: 1551296384130.jpg (3097x1180, 627K)

Even as the villain, Ai is doing this.

Attached: screenshot0058.png (1920x1080, 1.18M)

Goddamn that looks painted on.

So what was that big blue blob it came out of, anyway?

Attached: screenshot0713.png (1280x720, 557K)

Lightning did it

The darkfluid.

Attached: pandor's hand.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Why did Revolver make an AI so cute?

Just a giant drop of water.

To have sex with her.

The pandora of legend is alluring.

She seem to be the secretary type

The full version of the third opening came out.

What's she gonna do with those fingers?

Attached: screenshot0057.png (1920x1080, 963K)

A Thousand Years of Death.

Attached: screenshot0047.png (1920x1080, 1.67M)

Split the card material because no sleeves.

She doesn't really have the hair for it though.

Attached: Backup Operator.png (407x593, 431K)

You can only control 1 "Topologina Honeycomb Beehicle". When this card is activated: You can add 1 "Topologina" monster from your Deck to your hand. If a Cyberse monster(s) you control would be destroyed by an opponent's card effect, you can banish this card instead. If this card in the Spell & Trap Zone is banished: You can target 1 of your banished "Topologina" cards; add it to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Topologina Honeycomb Beehicle" once per turn.

Attached: TopologinaHoneycombBeehicle-JP-Anime-VR.png (403x782, 301K)

What's going to happen to the plane after this duel?

Nothing. People just move on.

Attached: young go.png (1280x738, 406K)

Activate this card when a Link Monster(s) you control is destroyed by a card effect: Place counters on this card equal to that monster's Link Rating, then, if you have a banished "Topologina" monster(s), place that many additional counters on this card. Players never take battle damage if the amount is less than or equal to the number of counters on this card x 500. After damage calculation, if a monster battled, remove 1 counter from this card. When the last counter(s) is removed from this card, destroy it.

Attached: TopologinaBeeswax-JP-Anime-VR.png (822x768, 1.31M)

Thinking better about it, maybe it's intended to be the stand-in Main Deck monster for Linguriboh? That's the only reason I see for Hikky breaking the Deck's pretty defined monster line-up.


Ai is feeling unamused right now. Say something to cheer him up.

Attached: Vrains 110.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

Attached: 1541592377763.png (1280x738, 1.18M)

Akira would've won if it was 1v1 against ai. He'll do some stupid stunt to protect bluejobber, mark my words.

Attached: 2019_07_11_08.58.34.jpg (1920x1080, 212K)

I feel like Ai already knows he's an anime character and he can break the fourth wall at any time!

you know, Calling lyrics become way more powerful when you realize it's a message from Yusaku to Ai
It may be a knock off to other shows but their friendship is the best thing about VRAINS by far

Just watched the episode
Damn, somehow Ai just keeps getting better. So many duels of him in a row and I'm still not tired of him.

I hope this isn't the end of Pandor, just when I was starting to like her.

Another Pandor appears next week, who probably will have memories of their duel.

that's because it's one of the very few believable relationships in this show that run deeper than casual co-worker level

I dare to say it's the only one, Yusaku's bonding moments with characters like Kusanagi or Takeru feel too short and insubstantial to really feel like they're close friends

I'd say with Hotdog there's slightly more there than with Takeru. With Takeru, even as an optimist the most you could say it feels like those early stages of starting a true friendship rather than actually getting to see that friendship in full
I don't care that much about it overall, but I can buy into Akira and Aoi's sibling affection

But Aoi is the most hated character. And people call her a bigger jobber than Go, Emma, BS

It‘s funny how people still call Aoi the weakest duelist in this show

It‘s season 3 and Aoi still getting more hate than all other vrains characters combined. Without any reasons

>Aoi would've won if it was 1v1 against ai. She'll do some stupid stunt to protect Akira, mark my words.

>yfw soulburner, aoi and go all manage to beat an ignis before revulva
lmao I can't wait

her plot relevance is still 0%

single handedly saving the show

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 109 [720p]1.webm (640x360, 2.93M)


Attached: 1547782998276.png (1280x1431, 1.44M)

Funny. At least every other character is plot relevant. It makes me sick that people still hate her so much

That‘s why Emma and every other female is better. The main girl is always the worst character of each ygo show. Deal with it

Attached: 1558558979465.png (1920x1080, 1.11M)

>hate her so much
I don't see much hate these days. Most people already accepted the inevitable.

What do you exactly mean? Do you think Soulburner and Revolver will beat Ai? The motto for next weeks will be: ALL ABOARD THE AOI HATETRAIN

But she‘s still getting more hate than every other character. Whil Emma getting all the love. For what?

Dude, Emma is getting hate too. Not as much as Aoi but still

Every character is getting hate

I honestly don't understand what's with Revolver and Aoi that attract the most autistic posters.

even nu Ai?

nuAi is unfortunate enough to have his own dedicated anti as well

to me it's more like how utterly boring the vrains autistposters are when it comes to their repetitive posts. Fitting for how the show overall spent 2 years being boring and tepid, I guess

I think it is only two or three haters.

>boring and tepid
This is shit kids use to pass the time on a weekly basis at best. I know I wasn't thinking about it too deeply 4 or 5 series ago. You're probably just too old for it at this point.

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Attached: 10549379.jpg (300x300, 21K)

Design kinda resembles a meklord.

>a bunch of co-workers vs a bunch of other co-workers: the anime
how can anyone defend vrains when it pales in comparison to other spin offs as well? even its diehard apologists are snooze inducing

I think Zexal has the most touching and heartwarming ending out of all the other shows. How could you possibly hate someone like Yuma when he was so much of a good boi that he talked through someone like Vector who was pretty much so evil and so much of an asshole that even the other antagonists didn't like him?

I also think that Zexal's cast is the most vibrant and colorful after they each got through their angsty phases.

Attached: 1529756068740.jpg (460x503, 27K)

Oh, yes. Finally.

>tfw the 1st op started playing in the ending scene
>You start remembering all the things Yuma and Astral went through up to that scene

What kind of effect should Topologina Nabee have?

The a how is fine, the only problem was that they overdid duels instead of developing bonds between the characters. I wish the ~30 Eps lost in unnecessary duels against Revolver, Bohman and Blood Sheppard plus recaps had gone into season 1 Gx like episodes instead.

>people here like 5Ds and Zexal more than DM
You guys are fucking weird.

Attached: 69023083_p28.jpg (800x1152, 289K)

Nah bohman and blood shepherd are fine, revolver though definitely should not have gotten all those duels

I prefer GX and 5Ds to DM.

Nostalfags have their own contention threads.

How do people enjoy this shitshow.

The average age of this thread is probably too young for your to remember 2003 Kids WB. People here are probably more nostalgic for their first YGO show which was like GX or hell maybe even Zexal.


Attached: Vrains characters~01.jpg (1240x1713, 460K)

I remember the airing of the original ygo in my country yet I enjoyed some spin offs more than DM. DM is a still a masterpiece though.

Thanks, I've been looking forward to this.

Why can't they give us Yusaku dueling IRL using his dummy deck? I want to watch him flipping Man eater bug to destroy an UNGA link monster.

Attached: Sido-Man eater bug.jpg (778x822, 69K)

Considering how dead these threads are nowadays, most people don't.

>2 Yusakus, Ais, Soulbruners
>3 fucking Revolvers
Why does this fighting game have so many clones

I binged everything around the start of Arc-V.
DM drags and got a ton of shitty filler. Read the manga and watch Toei's adaptation instead.
VRAINS drags and got a ton of shitty plot.
Arc-V was a mistake.
Zexal>GX=5Ds>the rest>Arc-V
Zexal is on the top, because of it's production and how it got progressively better, instead of having minor disappointments in the middle, like GX and 5Ds.

>Arc-V was a mistake
And VRAINS isnt? Also
>implying there arent people who would rather have Arc-V again before VRAINS. And I wouldnt call GX mid arc dissapointment. But at the end I dont know why the fuck are we arguing again with this when this shit is personal opinion.

Posters here are most biased towards GX and 5DS. Probably watched it when they were in the intended age demographic and never let go

I'm not arguing, just sharing.
Also, unlike Arc-V, VRAINS haven't hooked me in and then gave me shit, retroactively ruining itself.

>He fell for the Barian police trick

Attached: 41421838_p0.jpg (640x1583, 568K)

His dummy deck didn't have maneater bug.

Only animeonlies do.

I still think DM has the best characters in the franchise and Kaiba is probably the most well written anime rival since Char fucking Aznable. DSOD was so satisfying as far as Kaiba's character arc went compared to how Char was handled in his sequel movie CCA or even Vegeta in new DBZ movied and as a longtime fan of the franchise it made me so happy.

Attached: yande.re 351711 kaiba_seto male noh_gil_bo seifuku yugi_moto yugioh.jpg (4086x5937, 2.76M)

>and Kaiba is probably the most well written anime rival since Char fucking Aznable
That gives too much credit to Char.

Leave Ai to me

Attached: ABOHSOLUTE Perfection.jpg (1920x1080, 227K)

CCA really fucked him up. I would say Kaz is a more consistent character writer than Tomino, but Kaz also had a break between projects obviously and Tomino was probably just burnt out and decided Char wanting a mommy was a good idea.

Attached: img_char_01_2x.png (1026x1610, 130K)

Autistlove soon?

Attached: 13154864687.png (1024x640, 318K)

It's bakura's pack fool.

Bakura fucking sucks.

I think it was pretty consistant actually.
Char always was a fuck up like that since the original show.

The yugioh cycle.
The series either starts out shit and gets better later or it starts out good and becomes shit later.

That's even worse. If VRAINS hasn't even hooked a lot of people, then why they still airing it? One can say that Arc-V did ruin itself for a lot of people, but for others? I enjoyed a lot the Standard arc, the Synchro arc had very fun duels and seeing nostalgic characters were fantastic for me, Jean was both entertaining and interesting to see, plus other things. Even Xyz arc had Kaito returning (although that's my bias for him), and that arc is the weakest for me. Fusion had more fun and enjoyable duels (although not on par with Synchro), and Battle Beast having some love was good to see.
VRAINS on the other hand never delivered good feelings for me, and I could just drop this show if it wasn't by the fact that I also play the game in real life so the card game is tied with the anime. And sometimes I could feel curious about why suddenly there is a Firewall green and Link5
I take something like Arc-V before VRAINS. At least there was enjoyment and I was always expecting something new

He just didn't get a lot of screen time. Just like regular yugi.

Attached: D65iLXQVsAAWFX0.jpg (1200x891, 266K)

I actuslly fell for it for a hot second, but I did like how he made fun of Yuma for falling for such an obvious bullshit lie.

Attached: CJLCP-6WgAA2Gr0-8762.jpg (625x625, 259K)

>If VRAINS hasn't even hooked a lot of people, then why they still airing it?
Because it's literally a commerical of a card game.
For it to be canned, the game must fail.

>Fusion had more fun and enjoyable duels (
>battle beast and LVL 0 man 2.0

Attached: Judai-Yuki-jaden-yuki-20921387-320-240.jpg (320x240, 12K)

If you was able to enjoy Xyz and Fusion - good for you, but majority of watchers hated them.

>If VRAINS hasn't even hooked a lot of people, then why they still airing it?
It hasn't hooked that one Yea Forums poster. And as always, to advertise cards.
>and I was always expecting something new
You spent most your the paragraph about arc-v describing your enjoyment being tied to legacy characters.

Both got plenty in the manga.

If you include pre dm or what? The dice arc doesn't add a lot of chapters.

I wonder when these sprites are getting used. They probably made ones for ArcV and VRAINS to give the Reisterstown something to do and as backup.

Attached: Zexal tag force sprites 5.png (196x262, 56K)

How does the autocorrector Fuck up so badly.

When will Yusaku use I:P Maskerena?

Attached: 1562789655951.png (438x634, 808K)

It's listed AFTER anime character cards, so most likely never.

Is she a cyberse?

So was gaia saber the lightning shadow. And that wasn't even cyberse.

>they don't know about

>implying I don't know about it
It's both adds little to the case of Char's retardation and a fanfic.

That's not true tho? Majority of people prefer DM. That said, if you ask me what series i like in all the franchise that definitely is the DM Manga and if you ask me which Anime do i like the most thats the GX Anime

Attached: 541528.jpg (1000x1003, 522K)

Since human Ai appeared it has been a lot of fun

Attached: 52839298_p0.png (675x900, 593K)

>Mayority of people prefer DM
Any rational person I know prefers 5Ds

>Also, unlike Arc-V, VRAINS haven't hooked me in and then gave me shit, retroactively ruining itself.
But hey at least ARC-V hooked you right? That alone proves how good it was. Hell i remember anons saying it could even dethroned DM as the best Yugioh in existence

Attached: 53944823_p0.jpg (1066x1500, 570K)

>I still think DM has the best characters in the franchise
>and Kaiba is probably the most well written anime rival
Please, i love Kaiba but if you think he is the peak of serious rival writing then you need to read more. Kaiba's whole character is that you can't take him serious. Not saying is bad but saying is the best ever is just a massive mistake

Attached: 656783.jpg (1586x2333, 1.01M)

Is time to face reality. Go will be the one to impregnate Aoi

Attached: 1498163544885.png (792x545, 616K)

>I wonder when these sprites are getting used
Ahhh never?
>They probably made ones for ArcV and VRAINS to give the Reisterstown something to do and as backup.
Are you stupid

That's not how you spell Chad Max.

Depends on how you split the fanbase. Have this poll that could only measure the japanese accurately.

Attached: 1521307406338.jpg (2387x2260, 1.46M)

>Any rational person I know prefers 5Ds.

Go only likes orphans.

Attached: go.png (1280x720, 996K)

Topologina Nabee
LV 4 DARK/Cyberse/Effect
ATK 1100. Def 700
You can only use each of this card effects once per turn
1) If your opponent controls a monster in the extra monster zone you can special summon this card from your hand.
2) (Quick Effect) You can discard this card; during this turns battle phase neither player takes battle or effect dmg also at the end of the turn special summon this card to a zone your link monster points to.

Kaiba is the only character in this show about card games for children I actually take seriously.

Attached: tumblr_lrzsmmzZQl1qlo3g4o1_1280.jpg (675x503, 27K)

How would this have stopped fire phoenix?

>neither player takes battle or effect dmg

But wasn't her hand empty?

Tbh, if you want to make a great Topologic support card, doubling their effect damage would be a great way.

Vrains went from a 4/10 with a solid 8/10 with just 2 new characters

My first show was DM, which I watched all the way back in the day. After I got over the nostalgia, I ended up concluding that the DM anime is a slog that needs Jou and Kaiba to carry it on their backs. Manga's fine though.

More irl interaction in S1 would have made it a 10/10 for me. Sigh.

Pandor and who?

Make it be an effect of a fusion that has to be linked.

Attached: Trickstar Band Sweet Guitar.png (1920x1090, 2.21M)

Best monster booty of all the franchise right here.

Attached: 1555176505058.png (1077x1180, 981K)

so can someone please explain the Nabee thing?

Ai likes stupid jokes.

Topologina Bomberbee
LV 1 DARK/Cyberse
Atk 0. Def 0
When the effect of a Dark Cyberse Link monster is activated, Youn banish this card and 1 Link monster in your GY ; the next time a Cyberse Link monster deals effect damage to your opponent during this turn that damage is doubled then if you control a Link-4 or higher monster in an extra Link state add 2 of your banished Topologina cards to your hand.

Really? Comeon now. DM is loved by nostalgiafags. It's literally genwunners.

I'm sure it has something to do with traditional Japanese rymes.

That's not how the naming scheme works. You have to use words with the "bee" sound at the end and then change them to have a "bee" spelling at the end.

There was a poll done by Konami of America where DM won overwhelmingly too.

Yeah but nobody who is a nostalgiafag posts in this thread. In this thread more people are nostalgic for GX and 5Ds because the average age in this thread I beleive is pretty young. Most GEEWUN DM fags I know are around 27 to 32 like me.

Attached: 4f1e121703c2cb5bd869042f2434961e.jpg (1417x1661, 327K)

How many more episodes left until the next series?

>Tfw Aoi dueling in real life never ever
Why are we still here?

Attached: Aoi pantieshot.jpg (900x1200, 248K)


Real life duels are extremely dangerous. Didn't you learn from this last one?

Attached: pandor vs Ai.png (1280x720, 723K)

yeah, what's up with that?

it's like the solid vision from arc-v

Why was Pandor able to generate virtual cards IN REAL LIFE

The VR technology is so strong that even with regenerative factors in vrains, virtual fragments can kill. Even when using the local VR network in den city instead of going directly in it can easily emulate the strength.

Attached: VR can kill.png (1280x720, 539K)

Name a more boring villain

Attached: AkabaLeo.png (1280x720, 504K)

I said boring, not incompetent in a hilarious way


At least he didn't show up on the last ep of the arc a la GX.

It was streaming. Her cards were all stored in the network and the hologram system just replicated her cards in real life.

I'm disappointed in how Arc-V and Vrains ended up, Arc-V was a victim of shitty writers and lazy director, Vrains is a victim of writers who don't care and a director who just wants to suck off one character. I have no hope at all for series number 7 and the game isn't even fun anymore for me I feel like that just as it was with pendulum, links will be nerfed into the ground and the rules will be changed again to accommodate yet another extra deck method

Do you mean Kagemaru or do you mean Darkness?

Attached: 1504313647823.jpg (640x480, 65K)

That's every YGO show final boss

31 more episodes. Wew time is really going fast

Attached: 1491175022278.jpg (1200x673, 74K)

>Vrains is a victim of writers who don't care
Writers that don't care about what?
>and a director who just wants to suck off one character.
Katsuya Asano only seems concerned with production issues given how many times he apologized for them. If he really had a huge hand in the plot you think he would say no to stuff like windy world.

The problem with Vrains is simply that it has "too much plot" and it doesn't give enough time to know better our cast or get truly attached to them, which is a shame, I like their designs and they could be a pretty fun crew if done right.

Are you sure? 31 episodes wouldn't carry us through mid March. 34-36 episodes would though.

Attached: 1562800367685.jpg (680x383, 56K)

Is VRAINS worth watching? I haven't watched yugioh since ZEXAL which was horrible. Also 5ds was the best series.

Avoid this season, trust me, otherwise you will be here until it ends and each episode kill oneself slowly and painfull indise even more

yeah, it'll probably end with 146/147 episodes

>Is VRAINS worth watching?
Under normal cirmcuntaces no. But you can if you watch all the recap episodes of summarising what happened in Season 1. For Season 2 you can just wtahc the first episode of Season 3 which recaps everything that happened and you are good to go. The season currently airing is pretty fun. Someone should really make a chart l

Attached: God this season sucks.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Maybe 143 or 144. 140 would just put it ending in mid February is all.

Vrains is great to marathon. Give it a try and you'll see.

Not Bakura or Z-ONE or Don Thousand. And it's probably not going to be whatever VRAINS brings out.

Anyone know when pic related is getting released? An user said it was getting released soon some weeks ago.

Attached: 75121251_p0.jpg (1024x780, 736K)

>which was horrible
Holy shit of a taste.

>An user said it was getting released soon some weeks ago.
I was joking

Does getting really angry about Akira count?

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Attached: Trickstar Batcat.webm (1004x568, 1.63M)

Definitely Rishid.

Attached: 1509337800986.jpg (498x380, 85K)

i imagine it's kind of awkward for a newcomer director who's much younger than yoshida to actually exercise much authority over the story in a culture that treasures seniority and experience
not to mention that just managing the outsource teams and supervising the visual parts of the show is probably a headache in of itself

His duel with Jono was great, you're off your rocker.

>RIP Akira
If akira is going down here then wouldnt Aoi have to go down too?

>yugioh cycle
To an extent it's true but it's never the same exact way each iteration. Zexal even in its "shitty" half at least had Kaito, Shark and the Tron family feud to float whatever highlights there were, while Vrains banked on the shitnoi.

Trap monsters are neat but being a reluctant stand in doesn't really help him be a memorable villain. I didn't even remember his name until I looked it up.

Well shes gonna die in a couple episodes and written out of the series till the end, so no.

Maybe in your fanfic. The longest she's been out is 12 or 13 episodes.

Attached: Kaiser-Seahorse.jpg (416x323, 67K)

>Sea Serpent
>light support

Attached: 40185540_p0.jpg (1346x789, 856K)

>Sea Serpents can only be WATER

Attached: LavalvalChain-PGL2-EN-GUR-1E.png (307x450, 366K)

Why didn't he abuse and just summon more copies of lead yoke to win his duels?

That one looks like a fire monster at least.

Why is this guy a beast and not a reptile?

Attached: AlligatorsSword-TF04-JP-VG.jpg (275x240, 34K)

>and not a reptile
>when he should really be asking why it isn't a beast warrior

I think guys like him and Garoozis should be reptiles instead of Beasts or Beast-Warriors but that's just me.

Can we post our favorite "pussy" monsters?

Attached: Marshmallon-TF04-JP-VG.png (275x208, 50K)

How many episodes until he summons darkfluid again?

Attached: 1562036876626.jpg (1199x338, 139K)

What did user mean by this?

Only real men use Watapon!

Attached: watapon.png (400x588, 432K)

He's going to make revolver regret being a programmer.

Attached: clever professor revolver.png (1280x720, 692K)

Is this guy pussy enough?

Attached: AGGUP.png (600x435, 475K)

that's "chad" dingus, they mean weak ass shit for stall like fucking swords of revealing light

That guy would ultimate pound every pussy in sight.

Damn, he grew extra muscle.

why is Darkness so weak? In fact all GX villains felt that way. Feels like even Yuma wouldn't have any problem dealing with them let alone Yusei or Yusaku who would wipe the floor with them

>Feels like even Yuma wouldn't have any problem dealing with them
You say that like Beyond the Hope isn't one of the most broken boss monsters in existence.

DM and GX villains look weak because of all the shit we have now

Darkness literally dies to a single piece of backrow removal. The field spell self-nukes his field if a backrow card is removed from the field and theres no protection effects

I want this guy to show up in the anime so badly.

Attached: 6983839.png (800x800, 423K)

Isn't anime WDoR basically invincible though? That said, I always hated the final duel of DM. Why didn't the Pharaoh just sac two of the Gods to bestow infinite power on the third? GG. Didn't even activate Ra's phoenix mode or anything. Could have just done that, wiped Yugi's field or whatever and swung with Obelisk for the win. Why didn't the Pharaoh activate any of the God abilities? Did he want Yugi to win or was it just bad writing?

Attached: ra.png (618x490, 568K)

>Why didn't the Pharaoh just sac two of the Gods to bestow infinite power on the third
Because that only existed in the pyramid of light movie that wasn't even canon to the anime?
>Didn't even activate Ra's phoenix mode or anything
That only activates when Ra is summoned from the graveyard, dumbass.

Is this good enough?

Attached: Gameciel The Sea Turtle Kaiju.png (66x108, 9K)

>Did he want Yugi to win
yes because that is how he gets to pass on

Winged Dragon of Ra? I posted a pic of it.

But I thought the whole point was for fate to determine if he was needed or not. If it wasn't a clean cut duel with both players going all out, it would be moot, right? I just don't get why he didn't do any of the busted god effects. Like sac 2 monsters and Obelisk inflicts 4000 damage to opponent. Wtf. Gay. All I'm sayin.

We need more light monsters.

Attached: magnus dux.png (1280x720, 925K)

Watapon turbo when

Because the three Egyptian Gods being summoned was a poorly thought out anime-only addition in general. Atem only summoned Osiris in the manga.


>Atem only summoned Obelisk in the manga.
Oh that's cool I've only read up to Kaiba vs Ishizu in battle city in the manga.

Ai will lose to Brave Max

An AI that uses Cyberses too.

It's a joke because Kaiba means seahorse. That's the only reason Kaiba has this card and it exists. Go fuck yourselves Japan.

Attached: tumblr_lrtzyh2Ao71qazivv.gif (460x345, 492K)

Close, but not quite.

Attached: golden allure queen.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Bad Writing.

In the Manga, Obelisk and Silent Swordsman LV5 had a Double KO and that's it.

>Kaiba means seahorse
Why did Takahashi use "Seahorse" as the name for the virus/dragon guy?

Aoi sitting in a chair

Attached: aoichair.jpg (1365x1293, 630K)

how did you make that cap, i tried but it came out looking like crap

1. Took every single screencap possible of that scene (59 pics in total)
2. Imported it into Image Composite Editor (took about an hour) and exported the stitch
3. Patched up some small misalignment issues in Photoshop
4. Used content aware to fill in the lower-left and upper-right corners

It's definitely not something you can take a couple of screencaps of and easily stitch together in MSPaint. The diagonal movement isn't too bad by itself, but the scene also contains very subtle lighting changes. Luckily, Image Composite Editor is able to account for all of that.

That dress is so short you could see her pussy if it was hiked up a half an inch higher.

But why would you bother?

Because in Japanese mythology seahorses were thought to be baby dragons and their name means 'dragon offspring' in Japanese.

That's fucking sweet.

Because Aoi has nice legs

Fair enough.

Literally the only answer

Blame Hikokubo

>you will never attend den city high
what a curse.

Attached: 1559739344572.png (1280x720, 653K)

I want to lick those tighs so badly.

why is neos wiseman a fusion in show but not for real?

Thanks for your work, user. I'll make sure it pays off later tonight

Don't lose hope, user. Tag force 7 isn't that far reached!

Unless it has vrains level VR it wouldn't be the same.

Konami was on crack regarding Anime - Irl cards transition.

ZEXAL is literally the best series you cancerous turd

Which character?

As a Zombie player, I would like to send cards to my own deck to the GY, but thanks for the nice art Konami

Attached: f4dbffa3.jpg (1591x1662, 297K)

There's only one good counter I can think of.

Attached: blasting the ruins.jpg (416x416, 45K)

>ai vs revolver
>they have a duel and Ai pushes Revolver into a corner
>revolver pulls out topologic zeroboros from the data storm and takes the lead
>ai reverses it back with a monster from super storm access
>revolver is forced to use Exploderokket dragon to exit the duel
Is this unlikely?

Attached: Topologic Zeroboros.png (757x771, 1.66M)

Something something lmao something something shit and something something vulva

it's very likely actually, why else would they make the structure deck so shit and delay the "shill" for this long, not to mention another fucking draw card

>get a new structure deck and multiple new bosses
>the best you can do is draw
lmao absolute state of shitvulva

This card art gives me overlords vibes. Maybe this is the yugioh version of Ainz.

>it's very likely actually, why else would they make the structure deck so shit and delay the "shill" for this long
Last time he got a three episode duel and they like to space out any non mc duels with at least one other duel.
>not to mention another fucking draw card
The other times he forced a draw it was just to get out of speed dueling to get into a master duel, but he won't have the opportunity to have multiple duels in a row here now. A draw card could just be used to get out of fighting soulburner so no actual consequences are felt as a result of soulburner's hang ups.

>pussyvulva is too scared to lose to chadburner
shitvulva deserves to lose to both Ai and soulburner

>so no actual consequences are felt as a result of soulburner's hang ups.
nope, soulburner won't be satisfied until he wins, which he deserves to

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 105 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.05_[2019.06.05_23.21.17].jpg (1280x815, 187K)

>nope, soulburner won't be satisfied until he wins,
Maybe. On the other hand he's been prone to suddenly overcoming emotional problems in duels, like when he overcame being scared of dueling when he dueled ryujiro. So it could go any number of ways.

If only Flame was still alive.

Attached: Flame is a cool name.png (1280x738, 471K)

I'm sure he still has him in his mind in some form somehow. Could just take two episodes of dueling for him to remember what flame wanted.

no, he wants revolver to be punished, and he will do it himself, he's been waiting 10 years for this moment, just like playmaker got his chance for revenge so will he, shitvulva will not get away from this

Well it could always go bad for him instead.

revenge never goes bad, playmaker had successful revenge, Ai will have successful revenge, chadburner will have successful revenge

>Yuma when he was so much of a good boi that he talked through someone like Vector who was pretty much so evil and so much of an asshole that even the other antagonists didn't like him?
That was a really good scene.

>revenge never goes bad
Soulburner immediately had bad consequences when he got revenge on windy.
>playmaker had successful revenge
No he didn't, he gave up.