First waifu

Who was your first waifu

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>having a waifu
This is where you should commit suicide.


It's first crush you retard.

Keep in mind, I was 12 at the time

Suicide is still encouraged and necessary.

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Shit, its was May, which means I must be older than you.
Which means I'm a relatively old fag.

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welcome to Yea Forums enjoy your stay newfag.

Die, normalfag.

t. assblasted roastie

My first, last and only waifu.

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get out normalfag

You’ll find your waifu someday, user.

Enjoy all the (You)s

Oops, wrong image. This is the one I meant to post. She's still likeable.

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>tfw no waifu
>tfw 20 husbandos

I need help

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It was May.

I watched pokemon from the start, but never liked Misty.

BASED and 3dpilled

I'm pleased to say that I finally have a waifu as of 2 weeks ago.

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First is best, and seeing this image in a cardlist catalog gave me a funny feeling.

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it was Pan!

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Which episode is this?

Dawn a cute

Unoriginal I know.

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May is still the best pokegirl after all these years.


Never had one cause I am not a virgin who changes "love interests" once per season like 99% of you faithless cretins.

nah she's vanilla and boring design wise

Does Jesse count as pokegirl? Cause if so she wins for sure.
Especially the ultrarare hair-down Jesse.

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There is no accounting for taste, but why did you pick the worst fruit?

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Vanilla or not, no pokegirl gets me harder than her. ORAS May also counts.

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holy shit was she cute

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If it helps, user, Sachi is my 2nd favourite.

>That time those Cthulhu monsters wanted to take her away and make her pregnant.
If it was an arc that needed to be revisited is that one.

here another (you) normalfag sorry you have yet to reach enlightenment.

Dawn was mine too, then I got too old for Lolita and moved on to Stocking from PSG and now Kurumi from Date A Live, who stood the test of time (badumtsh) for 5 years

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is their anything better than her

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no contest

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not ashamed, would do again. also fucked me up in the long term, I still have a kink for horns/kemonomimi and broken psychos.
fuck horny 12yo me for watching this for tits and ending up with this fetish

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the way she lusted after shota in the opening. I didn't understand it. But now I do.

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After more than 20 years Ryoko is still my only one waifu and I'm not ashamed of this a bit!

She is the perfect daughteru

Hey same

>all these replies from mad incels
Based as fuck

Timeless design and cute personality make her a classic.

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She only looks good with her hair down to be honest

Still mai waifu

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how was this not posted yet?

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Your taste got worse with time, holy shit.

I know I was too young to read it but damn I was so jealous of Yugo. She's hot as fuck

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because summer started a month ago and we're heading into autumn

>first waifu
I seriously hope you guys' first waifus are still your waifus otherwise you're disgrace that deserves stoning

I love her the most. Fight me.

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It's the 4th episode of the first OVA. Mihoshi Falls to the Land of the Stars.

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always number one

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In recent years I have come to the realization that my current IRL tastes may have come around due to being imprinted on Misa Hayase at a very early age.

I'm ready to throw hands
>tokyo Ryoko
Where are you standarts? Liking the flat, inferior and ruined version of the best girl. At least there isn't no "Ai" version there.

Gotta take the good with the bad. I will agree that OVA and Universe Ryoko is best Ryoko, though.


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This cutie, before I even knew what a waifu was.

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I wanna jizz in the wiz

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>I need help
Yes you do, phoneposter-kun.

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I still like Universe more tho.

You should wait to decide on one and then stick to her.

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>decide on one
I didn't chose my waifu; my waifu chose me.

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I probably should have worded it a bit differently. Either way you should only have one and she should be special to you

oh yeah, don't worry, only seasonalfags have multiple waifus.
I stay true to my only love, even though her latest series is garbage and I wish the author could just like wrap it up and be done with it.

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Why are you referring to it as a fetish?
all women are murderous and crazy so you're just attracted to the average woman

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>mentally a child
Sure you are attracted to an adult female body, but giving consent is a whole nother issue

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>having a 'first' waifu

Thank you I was the guy who asked, never seen the ovas.

Ah, a man of taste I see.

You're really missing out, man. It's a lot of fun.

Cecily Campbell is my first and only.

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I used to try my best to draw a naked misty and wack off to her when I was a horny middle-schooler. Simpler times.

Because you're supposed to be 18 and over to access this site

First anime I watched, still best girl in my eyes

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Revy, Two Hands. Black Lagoon. Now I gotta re-watch this fucking show. Also the first anime I ever watched.

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May, kid me thought Misty was stupid
Dawn was also high tier
Iris was lowest tier possible such a kid
Such a kid
Such a kid

ITT: People who claim to have a "waifu" because they think it's cool and hip

First and will be the last.

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This if I'm going to be truthful with you, biological relative.

She's still my waifu, along with my 7 other waifus.

>having a waifu
This is you.

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I'm with this guy.