ITT: moments in anime that give you goose flesh

ITT: moments in anime that give you goose flesh

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When this plays

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What a great sequence.

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Can we do manga as well?

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Fucking horrifying. There are some moments in Eva where the VAs really sound like someone is holding a knife to their throats.

Kaiji cut off his ear

The moment when Erwin said:"No, absolutely not! " in his final speech. Dude surely knows how to convince someone to commit suicide

Sahaquiel fight also

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When the battle highschool protag finally shows his powers and goes up against the oppression he's been suffering from while using nothing but an ordinary sword. Truly, battle highschool anime are the peak of the medium.

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The Finger scene and Tonegawa's apology gave me chills too.
As for other parts,it would be KazuyaProclaiming Kaiji a murderer

I don't even know if I want this to get a season 2. The rest of the manga is too sad.

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Meant to reply to

>Goose Flesh
Malfunction with this bot

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>"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."

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Pretomuch the entirety of Madoka Magica episode ten. I’ve never seen anything like that before.

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>literally just copy paste shit from entry level poets
Embarrassing. HxH truly is the Rick and Morty of anime.

This. Dont have anything more to add, just wanted to agree really bad.

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The countdown for the walpurgis night.

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Are you a retard? Why are you putting a quote that's completely unrelated to the series? The series was never about fighting evil or bad guy. Its always been about whether or not characters align to Gon's own self-interest.


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Karna vs Siegfried

The morality of most of the characters are moot throughout the series. Gon does not care unless it directly affects him. You missed the point

>goose flesh
goose bumps you uncultured monkey

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Still have yet to find a moment that surpasses this. Incredible what you can do with a completely normal setting.

KINO. 2.22 KINO, to be exact.

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How did we go from this to the abomination that is 3.33 and the abortion that 3.0+1.0 seems to be so far? What went wrong?

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Is there enough to do a whole season? maybe a couple of OVAs. I agree though, I would probably lose it if it happened

I don't know. But personally I really enjoyed 2.22 very much. The last half hour or so is absolutely fantastic.

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That scream when Asuka loses her eye, it's like her VA really got impaled


honestly i got chills from the vinland saga OP. don't hate me. I also cry while watching fairy tail. yeah im sensitive so waht?


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Please stop reminding me this exist I don't want to watch it yet again.
Maybe I'll just watch this and it will be enough for a while.

Rei throwing the lance as the Hallelujah Chorus peaks in Eva ep22

At 7:10 of symphogear G 10, when Miku first sings her character song while charging up her death laser.
So extremely ominous.

This episode was absolute kino

Almost any turn around moment for the protagonist in a hero themed anime like my hero or dragon ball because my legit dream is to be a super hero one day :(

Even after watching it 100 times

Same scene; different part

When Hibiki overexerts herself and starts to be consumed by her relic, Miku cracks her visor and just breaks into despair.

>Blame your own helplessness and feel despair

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>Goose flesh
Holy shit what?
Do you mean goosebumps?
I'm gonna start using goose flesh from now on, thanks OP

So this is spiral power, huh?
Not bad.

>yume no hero starts playing
also I just found out that the OST is by shiro sagisu
how come none of you fucks told me?

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Eva 26

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Literally the only manga that ever had me literally bawling.

Gridman got me a few times, whenever Anti transformed on screen I came a little

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Both Opening and ending make me shed a tear every time I listen to them.

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Netero vs Meruem was also goose skin

Attached: 21. Azumanga Daioh (2002) [DVD 480p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_24.09_[2017.11.10_08.47.36 (716x480, 20K)

She didn't deserve that much suffering

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>those sound effects
>that music ramping up

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>Saa, boku no yume wa doko?
>Sore wa... genjitsu no tsudzuki
>Boku no... genjitsu wa doko?
>Sore wa... yume no owari yo

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>Light grabs Death Note
>L: "Light?"
>Light starts screaming, getting back a shit ton of memories
>orchestral chorus is fucking SCREAMING
>everything calms down for a moment
>zoom in on Light's face
>"I've won."

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Amazing scene.


everything about that was perfect

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dozen of scenes from ping pong

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posting in a thread full of based niggas.

adding to the thread i always liked when Heero shit on everybody

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the specific part that gets me is when megarei sprouts its wings

it sounds fucking great (like most of the series and movie) with a 5.1 surround system

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that entire fight

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Godku BTFOing Jobren.

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This fucking scene, how could i have forgotten.

>when the OST kicks in

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Evangelion never was about giving to the fans what they wanted. Anno saw how many fans liked 2.0 and said "Did you like it? HUHUAHAUAHA!!! Just wait to see what I will do!! HUHUAHAUA!!!"

Anno hates Eva's fans, but loves their money.

>When the guitar solo comes in just as Naota is alone
I fucking love this detail

Nanashi walking through town killing the other Kaiju was another fantastic scene.

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Rikishi death

Is that a dead teammate?

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More things from Berserk than I can count.

The last scene of Lastman, but I couldn't find it, so here is another great scene instead.

Initial D, at the end of the first episode. And during the final race
Attack on Titan, when the female titan was revealed, and then when she got punched
Naruto, when Sasuke reveals his most powerful form and this kicks in:
and when Sasuke goes completely insane at the bridge talking to Kakashi.
Also during the original fight with Neji when Naruto gets his power back
Reading One Punch Man when Saitama demolishes the Sea King with one punch and nobody can believe what happened
DBZ when Goku goes SSJ for the first time
Reading Berserk when Guts goes rage mode in the dungeon


When this music kicks in

forgot the link for initial D

The goddamn series in general

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>Reading Berserk when Guts goes rage mode in the dungeon

Was initially going to call you a retard but on second thought this is extremely based. A not often talked about and really good character moment desu. Usually its all Guts and Griffith's duel in the snow, Griffith's speach to the Princess by the fountain, That profile shot with punished Griffith sitting in the river holding the Behelit, and when Guts and Casca kiss by the waterfall.

Answering that question is a pretty big spoiler for the series. The series is Touch, if you were interested in reading/watching it.It's his brother

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>LWA Anime when The Siren goes off for the V2
End of S1 is so fucking good because of this. Kaiji riding in the car mutilated and this plays.

>wow he shot a blue light into his red light and killed the guy in one hit
is this what the current generation of shounenshit looks like? fucking awful

I enjoyed Madoka episode 10z

Basically this

Every time i hear the zesshou music

Peco v Dragon match is literally one of the best things I've ever watched, not just anime but cinema and television in general.

This may be a bit out of left field and rather obscure, but my pick is the scene in Kawajiri's "The Running Man" segment of Neo Tokyo. Around the 9:05 mark, he lets out a scream that chills me right down to the bone. This is the English language version, specifically the MTV dub and not the streamline dub, but the other link is to the full film in better quality and in Japanese. I highly recommend this to everyone. I love The Running Man.

The aftermath's pretty good too.
>when the ending music cuts in before the credits
I love this cliche.


Hey, you will turn this into music thread

Well, whatever
Its usuallyy the saddest things
or the most uplifting


Neo Tokyo is hardly obscure, man. Its segments are all from big names, but Running Man is pretty great, I agree.

Absolutly based
This music gave me fucking thrills of epicness.

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I call it obscure just because it's barely talked about compared to something like Robot Carnival, plus, it's fallen into rights limbo and hasn't been in print for like 15 years. Such a tragedy. I'd kill for a bluray copy.

that was good, can't believe its been 5 years already

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is a masked hero to protect from bullies at the shrine a trope or something

>you can't see any borders from here

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user, do yourself a favor and watch Ping Pong, it's the best anime of the decade

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that's not what i asked

I don't think anyone can watch this series and not get goose bumps at the end.

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Not an amazing anime, but this sequence, with the original Japanese soundtrack, is powerful.

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Artist's new manga just feels so edgy, hope it'll end in healing like this one.

The rain music scene was better

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when the fuck is the sequel

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Simons comeback Speech during the fight on dai-gunzan.

Sequel movie coming in 2020

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Too bad I can only find the dub, Okabe's speech was way more emotive in the sub.

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Every scene in this video, goddamn is S1 a masterpiece

I don't think I've ever seen it anywhere else, so no.

These guys are absolutely amazing.

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And then straight after that it goes into chouginga with libera me from hell connecting both sequences

I don't know about this scene, but in ping pong it's used to symbolize that memory being a sacred place in his heart.

Yoshii didnt deserve his fate

Whole episode 18 of zero kara.
Eureka seven niji.
The episode of kimi to boku about the blonde guy and the girl in love with the fag. Hayaku haru.
Sunflower field on clannad.
Jimbe backstory on the manga.
Punpun ai memories fading away.
Oreimo 1st OP.
Shippuden first ending.
Special mention to barakamon first episode ending.

It's probably something that's either somewhat frequent in toku shows or something, or a one-off time but in something really influential.

>goose flesh
no you fucking moron

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When the first OP starts playing during the climax.

shirou is shit, UBW is shit. It looks nice, but it's still shit

Haven't had goosebumps in the last decade or so. I wonder if I'm broken.

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>he calls the Queen's royal swans' frightful follicles "goose flesh"
i shig

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He's trolling.

Based and Jojopilled

Don't worry you are just depressed probably, go to do outdoor shit,
Man I'm really old in this place just realized I have wasted 10 years on this place browsing other boards and quitting and coming but god we are really here forever.

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Most recently this. When the OST slowly kicks in during Eren's monologue.

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I cured my depression.

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it was the same for me until I watched the big bang from Seikaisuru Kado

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shonenspics should get out

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>"You must be so tired Yoshii"

Ippo's final Dempsey roll against Sendo in the anime

Ippo had some great moments. Some of the sad bittersweet moments were great too, one of the hardest I've cried was when Umezawa tried to apologise to Ippo and his mom.

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change the filename
he isn't dead ;_;

Sorry user, just a joke.

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this scene gets me every fucking time.

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> Shinji actually wanted to get into the damn robot
> Can't
> Friend dies
This fucking show man.

When an OP has a hard drop and it syncs well with the animation

> That double Rider Kick

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Literally every series where there is a climatic final fight scene.

Great moments

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When Eva-01 ascends from the NERV base in EoE and all the JIDF soldiers are like "The Devil has awakened" or something like that
Eva has a lot of those moments

Nothing in the sequels has surpassed this moment for me. Hibiki's scream is just so POWERFUL


For me it was this scene

Attached: [Erai-raw] Code Geass - Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 - 21 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_21.05_[20 (1280x720, 399K)

Then Anno immediately subverts your expectations and has it job to the MPEs

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thank you

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is it necessary to see the tv series before watching the movie?

Yes,if you want to get the "full experience" since you will have more context on the characters. Oh and don't skip E8.


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The way she says incubator is honestly so based.


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Is 3.33 really that bad? I just watched 2.22 last night and it was awesome, planned on watching 3.33 tonight.

>Yui waited until Asuka was dead to break free
What the fuck was her problem? Fucking bitch

top 5 anime twists of all time

The Rohan bit at 1:00, when you're expecting it to show him twice, but it keeps going as the singer holds on to the note.

>Uso bakari

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The Manga is fucking Kino. Do yourselves a favour and watch the Movie. It has the best CGI I've ever seen. SnKeks, HiatusxHiatusFags and One Cucks BTFO'D

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>Fucking bitch
That's your answer. Yui is a fucking bitch. Basically doomed humanity because she wanted to be a fucking mecha in space after earth dies.

For me it's the screams as everyone on Earth gets tanged at once after the MPEs commit ritual suicide

> "What's it like having the fluid inside your eyes boil?"

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He is stepping on himself in his mind.

What was his name again?

>Not fantasy
>Not magic
>Not tragedy
Just a normal guy admitting he is a complete creep and knowing full well he is gonna be completely ostracised for that

A jaded, cynical piece of shit who lists through life asserting that he would rather be left alone to just coast through it all because life is boring and tedious is being force to, for once in his miserable life, be introspective and admit to himself that he's full of shit and genuinely enjoys being around the friends who he pretends to be constantly fed up with. And admiring that, even if he had paradise offered to him on a silver platter, he would choose the life he has every time.

You bastard. I had repressed this. My heart. Fuck.

Yui is the biggest cunt in the show, worse than Ritsuko.

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Oh this one man. When Ippo dodges those two punches and then Inner Light kicks in is fucking hype.

>the most emotional background track I've ever heard plays during all of this

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Had to make sure Shinji was broken even more than he was before Third Impact started.

It made the entire show worth watching, not that it was that bad before. The ending kind of sucked since the shiki had no endgame after the village inhabitants were consumed or converted. Their population model demands that they constantly expand at a retarded rate, no tiny village could sustain them. They threw everyone's lives away on a fantasy, and the show's attempts to make you sympathize with them just fell apart.

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I'm a sucker for strong openings.

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Wait other than being a generic battle school whats the problem with this

That man has no arm hair. I have thick dark arm hair like a real man. Don't insult men by posting that pic again OP

I fucking died during the last pages of this fucking chapter, When the fucking CLOSEUP OF GUTS HAPPENS MY FUCKING HEART DIED

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They actually more than half of a 3 minute combat rush and you've got the gall to complain.

You deserve the decline of anime.


Not her kid, she doesn't care.

The doctor was based, I was losing my mind as the shiki were taking over but when he finally confronts them at the festival or whatever and blows everything open, it was worth it.

I would also let my son's girlfriend die a horrible death


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>I fucked up.

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She was a Reifag

I like how none of the other kyon clones get this aspect down

That's always how it happens. The classic work will touch on a pretty specific theme or concept, then the derivative works will imitate the superficial elements of the classic thinking that those superficial elements are what define the concept or theme.

Funnily enough, that same movie criticises nagato for being a rei clone

This scene

At least Pierrot treats their long running shows much better than Toei, even when they run concurrently like Naruto did with Bleach. But that's the only positive thing I can say about this.

Last couple of good moments before EoE became garbage

The last 1/3 of stone ocean was insane


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user, the fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth.

I'm sorry
I was completely fine untill that point.

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this is it chief

Peco unlocking hero mode against Kazama.

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for me it's this

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Attached: 02. Azumanga Daioh (2002) [DVD 480p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_14.30_[2017.08.19_18.28.54 (716x480, 47K)

Everything about this scene was so fucking perfect.
Absolutely kino.

too bad it will never be resolved

>nobody replied
Yea Forums is dead.

Nothing will ever come close to this.

you don't have to reply to signify you get the joke user

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>tfw recently watched a movie in an empty theater besides a couple who was sitting a row behind me
>friend that was gonna watch with me flaked
granted it was at a theater near my university during finals week while the theater was also under construction, but fuck, I really felt like a fucking loser.

Basically, when Inaho starts to fry the eggs.

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Inaho is an Alpha male.
Capital A for Autism.

See? You are also the victims of his egg frying.


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This shit every fucking time

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>Soffia dolcemente un venticello

you are a man of taste

> go ahead then. Finish me
> Actually goes ahead and finishes him
I loved this shit. It truly showed that this thing wasn't just Ichigo with a transformation. But just a fucking monster.

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the sound the hits from the dempsey roll + the animation quality +the soundtrack for that moment is fucking awesome

"Nothing can happen until you swing the bat."

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colossal feels

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This scene makes all the S U F F E R I N G Subarau goes and makes us go thru worth it.


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Is this bait? Honestly can't tell.



At least HxH doesn’t sucks

One thing I like about this show is that not everyone is good or evil. They are just person. Like when Netero do that devilish face or Gon and his dad in general

Yozakura was fucked up.

Attached: yozakura doggy slap.webm (460x258, 235K)

>goose flesh

>Libera Me from Hell starts playing

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Never before have i felt such rage for a fictional character that i don't even know. What the fuck. Why did he/she slap that poor puppy?

The puppy deserve it. There are always a bad boy as long the good boy exist.

>the mid-credits scene in ep 22
>the first title drop in ep 23
>the second title drop in ep 23
>the scene when Skyclad no Kansokusha starts playing
Most of the final quarter of S;G gets me rock hard desu

Came into this thead to post this

same this is still by far my favorite moment in symphogear

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For all the shitstorm sasuke arcs were, this few frames were just ended me

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whenever this plays

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It starts off very strong, but you'll see why people hate it.

based and checked

Not anime but i really like this, is one of my favotires

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this too, what a fucking manga

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>that's Deneb, Altair and Vega.
>ED starts playing
I think when that happened I did the onions smile

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The first time we ever see Takumi show any emotion and he starts driving like a fucking madman, bouncing off of guardrails and shit, all set to
alos it's after he pulls that ridiculous 360 spin when Shingo bumps him

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Imagine being Eren and having to fight to death Annie who you were in very good terms with, and then a day and a half later the two guys you thought were the most reliable friends you had turns out to be the Colossal and the Armored.


Is that how far apart the events were in universe?


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Good advice, user.

Kevin Penkin is a GOD

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I fucking wasn't ready for this. I didn't realize how much I was attached to Erwin until I realized he was going to die.

Yeah, Armin wake him up the day after the fight with Annie saying Titans were inside Wall Rose/Maria and then the day after he has to deal with Reiner and Bertholdt.
>This is... a story that you began, is it not?

Absolute Kruger-kino

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both the final fight and the ice imouto vs thunder chick were great fights

The timing in this scene was perfect.
That just lasts for just a little bit more than what you would expect and lets you sink in the mood of it.

what anime? google turns up nothing

when Tobi talks about his plan using the ten-tailed beast, and how his views as a "no body" reflects the truth. it is in the second half of episode 341. the OST is so fitting too it is unreal

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Just read this. Even knew the scene was coming and exactly what it'd entail, it sent shivers down me. Now THAT'S a fucking scene

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Sangatsu no lion
it was added to netflix pretty recently, both seasons

This whole thing is emotionally exhausting

Lelouch here with decent opinions

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Holy shit this


He only wanted what was best for humanity

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No Game No Life episode 6, pretty much all the last 5 minutes.

> mfw it breaks through the fog and the music swells

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But mainly when he flips the paper and King's Plan starts playing.

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Sorry for what?

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Oh god yes
Wing is the worst anime ever made retard
The entire episode to be honest dude
Yes. The ost and art destroyed me
R2 ruined the build up so I didn't give goosebumps fucks but good pic
Actual based
Based again

My nigga.
Best scene in the best animation movie I've seen.
I don't even play this game but the ending part always gets me.

The only show in a decade where even side characters get a slot for character development.

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>wish unknown
I thought she wished to save the cat in the op

That was decided by Shaft, not Urobuchi. Urobuchi never specifically said what her original wish was.

Very good one, for me it was this one.

"My name is Lelouch Vi Britannia eldest son of Empress Marianne! the prince who was abandoned by its empire! If anyone wish's to stop me let them try. If there are any whose despair can match my own!"

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our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks


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Name please?

my nigga

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She wanted the impact to happen, she waited until potential interference was taken out of equation before proceeding.

spoonfeed master kurosawa

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aka she's an awful person unfit to be called a mother
Pure kino

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i remember i watched this movie for the fist time on a school laptop and i thought someone was gonna find out i saw anime titties on a school laptop i was scared
Not the epic kind of goosebumps, mostly the making my skin crawl kind.

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Best slice of life ever.


Luffy vs Katakuri

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Random episode of metal Beyblade that was on tv, Ryuga the edgelord losing to the big bad, Rago I think his name was


I love it when shit happens in the middle of absolutely intense action that completely interrupts it with something awe-inspiring

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I wonder if you people realize that you take the most obvious and well known scenes in all anime, and jerk in a circle.

>bikki's arm
>bikki berserk
>7 billion swan songs
>carol singing
>punching k2 and wrestling a rocketship down a mountain
>I'll come back alive even if it kills me
>tranny letting out a manly as fuck scream
>trannies' song
there's a lot I'm not mentioning

Attached: peak male performance.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

God damn it

>What's wrong Simon? Did you lose your drill? Too bad.

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Jesus Christ, this, this entire scene. Never gonna forget that splitting arm.

This plus Any song from eureka 7 especially storywriter and second ed

Senko-san after credits scenes.

Why is every frame of this movie wallpaper worthy?

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Also skyfall scene in episode 48.

'specially since they're a good size n all

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Most scenes with Ougi

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Every single delinquent series has the moment where the MC gets in a decisive brawl against too many people, gets hit in the head with a blunt object, tanks it staying perfectly still in an angle where we can't see his head, then slowly lifts his bloody head up and only gets more angry.
I've seen it dozens of times but it never fails to get me hyped nonetheless.
'And now, this world shall know pain.'

Yeah I see that. Daddy gave you good advice.

shonenspics should leave