Aqua deserves her own show

Aqua deserves her own show

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She is already carrying one show.

Is it strange that I want to lick her clean with my tongue?


How would you be able to clean anything with your tongue when her whole body is already self-purifying?

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>Vanir deserves it own show
Fixed for you

True, but Megumin really deserves it. Also, I hope Vanir and Wiz at least get an OVA or two with the story from the spinoffs one day.

>You can cum inside Aqua as much as you want and she will never get pregnant because your cum will turn into water inside her

I want an anime adaptation of Explosions LN

That would be great, but I'm not sure if the nips are too greedy to pay for more.

I hope the movie doing vol 5 entices a new season for vol 6 and 7. They were covering 2 vol a season.


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Also remember anons that vol 16 cones out August 1

Is it just me or Aqua is always disappointed of Konosuba because he never has lewl thoughts of her.

But she has her own show?

Demons are genderless, don't sexualize Vanir he is pure.

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This Konosuba dude sounds like a pretty cool guy.

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Any word out there on how long the movie will be? I hope it's an hour and a half or longer.
Let's hope CG gets off his ass and translates this shit quick.
Nigger what? His name is Kazuma, not Konosuba.

since megumeme is a crimson demon does that mean it's a tranny? i think it does

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Shut up, Kususuba

Since Aqua is a brainlet wanna be goddess, does that mean it's a retard? I think so

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Crimson demons aren't actually demons. But if you're desperate for tranny cock there's always Sylvia.

stupid tranny!

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Retard wannabe

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post penis

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I don't get this face.

She has her own show it's called Konosuba

Chris is best girl. No way around this fact.

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Crimson Demons are a genetically engineered super race that was the 3rd place prize in a gacha machine. Each one has a barcode on their body, Megumin's is on her ass and even Kazuma mentions this when they bathe together, Yunyun's is on her inner thigh.

If with show you mean hentai, yes.

>even Kazuma mentions this when they bathe together
Which volume is that one?

what was the hentai or anime where the Aqua seiyuu moans?

Megumin's petite body > lalatina's bodybuilder


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I think that was the manga

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I think it's volume 3.
Cock hungry goddess

Vol 3

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One where she goes on her own adventure alone or something and she gets bullied by literally everyone along the way

i think its call konosuba

Needs an isekai in the isekai episode.

Darkness would volunteer to be a Repentia

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I guess it was an indirect reference. Also Megumin outright restates the tattoo thing and reveals the location of Yun-yun's in Vol. 14. Though I didn't recall Megumin letting Kazuma see it as early as Vol 3. Expected it much later.

Shame that there is no sex that volume.

Oh, oh, I know. I know: What is parallel paradise???

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Konosuba is a fucking faggot. Just look at him.

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>appreciating the succ makes you a faggot

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That's not what I've implied. Konosuba is a faggot because he isn't dicking based Aqua on a daily basis. Just what the shit is wrong with this dude, unless he really is a huge fucking faggot. EXPLAIN THIS. You can't.

When he was talking about the age, was he referring to underage girls?

Just because it is a female one doesn't have the obligation to sex her. They are just friends

Indeed. Basically he wanted to figure out whether it'd be okay to go for the smoll explosion starfish, or if he'd still have to her older hag of a sister for a while.

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there are already 3 aquas. one in konosuba, one in kemono michi, and another in combatants.

>little/old Step sister fetish
A man of excellent taste.

Wiz is better.

>comparing a goddess to a slug

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dum aqua postr

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Why in every thread about Konosuba does everyone bully Aqua?

>Smug entitled goddess meets neet who doesn't buy her bullshit
Its a mystery.

Because she’s useless

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>ywn impregnate Aqua
Why live?

When are they announcing s3?

Asshurt NEETs who are angry at being rightfully mocked instead of pandered to.

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>americhads love Darkness and especially Aqua, hate Megumin
>nipnongs hate Aqua and especially Darkness and love Megumin

Why this be

I'm American and I NEED to have many children with Megumin.

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Jeffery Epstein uses Yea Forums?!?!

>Ass tattoo
That's kinda hot

Aqua deserves severe bullying.

Try again user

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Konosuba is a shit show anyway. Besides waifu material, there is no appealing quality to it.

The show adopts the first 4 vol of the LN. 5 and beyond are absolute top tier reads.

The recent one has Kazuma bully a priestess into borderline suicide.

Don't worry Aqua was the star of Isekai Quartet

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t. Useless goddess.

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And star of the frog feast

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She can eat and drink, so I doubt it works like that

Unf. Megumin is for breeding and tender loving

My daughterwifeprostitute MegumaXXX earns me so much money

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Okay, but what turned her into an elf?

orc semen

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