Violet Evergarden

Why did they skip the most interesting parts?

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They chuuni shit was entertaining. But Kyoanus wanted the show to be bland and uninteresting.

The Novels are vastly superior to the anime.

By a fucking mile. Literally couldn't hold back my tears over every single chapter.

They're saving the best part for the movie.

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Kyoanus doesn't know what their key audience wants so VEG ended up being a mediocre anime that only a handful of autistic faggots on Yea Forums remembers

she was literally autistic like full blown tard with tard strength in the LN to the point where her behavior isnt cute and kyoani likes cute things

So in the books was the Major really just chilling in the woods while his autistic lover goes through severe emotional trauma?

yes and shes way worse off in the LN like Claudia tries to be there for her treating her like a daughter but she literally only cares about the Major and has lil autism fits and doesnt really develop emotionally at all by the end(in the anime she actually makes alot more headway)

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I have so many filters for this garbage anime

Not as many at VEG video itself does

Author obviously still plans on extending the story while the anime has an ending in mind.

Why the fuck didn't we get any axe surfing!?

More importantly, why didn't we see any other people with robot prosthetics? It made Violet look like a special snowflake. Was there anyone else in the LN that had robot hands/legs?

yes? I vaguely remember them mentioning seeing some other people with prosthetic I think it was during the mail drop thing and prior I think it was mentioned when Claudia was talking bout Violets

Because she IS a fucking snowflake. Like, come on, she is a Mary Sue bewitchingly beautiful super soldier undying demigoddess with a special unit formed exclusively around her.

Thats literally every single shonen and 99% of all fighting based anime they all have a gary stu or mary sue protag that is like that

Except VEG is trying to be grounded, serious and so on

its serious in the terms of its world like in youjo senki the magic shit is normal for that world like how in VEG the tech is on a diff timeline than ours and there are some light fantasy elements sprinkled in Violet being one of them

Kyoani tends to fall back onto the CRYHARD brand of storytelling from their KEY-adaption days. Something Pixar is prone to as well. Why come up with a compelling story, if you can pull at the heartstrings with melodrama and call it a day? "Look here! There's a loli and her mom is dying! Feel sad yet?" It's an easy way to make stuff seem profound.

They show no signs of letting up on it either. Their next gig is about a magical catalog that can somehow stop arranged marriages.

>Kyoani tends to fall back onto the CRYHARD brand of storytelling from their KEY-adaption days.
And they failed terribly. Kyoanus is dead.

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