Is fanservice necessary

Is Fanservice unethical?
How much of your enjoyment of anime depend upon lewds and creeper shots?

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The right kind of fanservice is when it isn't obtrusive, but just a little something extra.

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>Is Fanservice unethical?

Fanservice is exploitative, creepy, and demeaning.

You have to go back, faggot.

Do you consider killing anime characters unethical?

Do you consider Demon King is a terrorist

>exploiting imaginary woman is wrong
Based retard, made me reply.

They aren't real so it's fine. 3D Porn on the other hand is completely unethical and should be banned immediately

Towards whom? The drawings? Oh fuck me, I just feel for bait.

>Is Fanservice unethical?
No, that's stupid.
>How much of your enjoyment of anime depend upon lewds and creeper shots?
Depends on the anime. If it's ecchi and that's what I want to watch, the more lewd the better. If it's something else and there's gratitious lewdness in it, then I will usually drop it.

its literally non present since 2014
anime is dead
ecchi is dead
fuck this gay world

I prefer non-sexual fanservices.

>Is Fanservice unethical?
Only if the girls are over 15.

Who cares? Nips don't give a shit and the West has no means of influencing their fucking comics.


>Is fanservice necessary
>Is Fanservice unethical?
>How much of your enjoyment of anime depend upon lewds and creeper shots?
Francie such a cute.

Impeccable taste, user.

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Nothing in art is “necessary”. There is literally nothing wrong with sexy girls and the male gaze in visual media.

There hasn't been enough fanservice lately, if anything.

My deeply tanned compatriot.

Of course it depends on the shows special situation and qualities.
Excessive fanservice would have ruined Madoka, but it's what saves other shows, like Monogatari.