Last week, Dengi and Power 2 guys broke their necks and got stuck on each other. "The devil also has the same body mechanics as the human.If you drink blood, you will be resurrected.」 2 people resurrected with blood "I've trained humans, but I've never trained demons.Drunk I thought about what to do.And finally with the brain that was done with alcohol.I'm the strongest Devil Hunter.The devil that can defeat the strongest me is the strongest wake...I will continue to hunt you until you can defeat me.」 Power"this guy is over!」 Denji and 2 people of power will take a challenge to the teacher, but they will be defeated.
Aki seems to have been disliked because he used the Fox in a rude way, so he can never use it again. The guidance of the Kyoto guys was a human career consultation in the idiosyncrasy. It is Kyoto-Gumi who advises to retire, but Aki strongly declines.On the way back to the Kyoto-Gumi, a woman who is in the exchange comes to visit Aki.
Denji and power seem to have been killed 20 times during training. 2 people are trying to escape for a moment, but the teacher decides to defeat with brain play from the fact that the head is being beaten by sake. Power " is it time to hit it with brains?!!」 I feel like I'm getting smarter!!」 High IQ counterattack plan start──!
Close your eyes to your writing skills.
Oliver Murphy
>High IQ counterattack plan start──! Oh god, oh yes, Fujimoto how can i send you more food?
Aiden James
Based Oji-san.
Landon Garcia
>Aki loses the contract with the fox devil Why does he keep losing bros?
Aiden Miller
>Aki lost his fruit >Now he's been dumped by fox The suffering continues
Ryder Gray
>might gain new waifu
I-it's not over, Akibros.
Christian Morales
fun and sad chapter at the same time, Fujimoto does it again!
holy shit denji and power get killed 20 times? Aki losing his fox contract seriously sucks, i didnt realise devils could just back out
Ayden Gutierrez
>Power " is it time to hit it with brains?!!」 >I feel like I'm getting smarter!!」 5000-10000 IQ?
Eli Foster
More like 50 IQ
Juan Long
Woman is the Suffering devil who will please beg Aki for a contract. He is too powerful.
Ayden Morgan
Aki only deserves suffering
Evan Gutierrez
That's more than the fox abusing Aki has
Juan Nguyen
Get fucked, Fox.
Cooper Hall
I hope they'll finally realize that Power can just pump Denji with her blood when he's injured or out of juice. Or maybe that wouldn't work since they're both devils
Hunter Brown
power needs blood to operate as well though
Hunter Nelson
Explain this to me. So Himeno is dead, Aki has two years left to live and now the Fox Devil has dumped him. Is being Aki suffering?
Ian Adams
He's fine
Ayden Powell
Dying in two years is a good thing, that's why he will get inmortality devil next.
Nicholas Thomas
he just needs to find a devil that gets off bad memories
Ethan Turner
No being aki is just kinda wacky
Julian Kelly
Two years until Aki goes to sleep and the suffering ends. lol suffering continues after death since Denji's will fuck Makima at Aki's funeral after he solos the Gun Devil
Connor Cruz
Aki is the new Agni. Soon he'll find out Himeno's body's been taken over by the ghost devil and he'll convince himself it's actually her
I don't know if want it, it was a scammer as well.
Asher Johnson
It will be Himeno's ghost for more suffering.
Matthew Thompson
hmm, I wondder. maybe im reading too much into it, but considering its appearance and flowers, I have a feeling its specifically interested in virgin females for contract.
Jaxson Bailey
>Himeno died a virgin Here likes Himeno. She never scored
Ryan Miller
Denji drank devil blood for like 3 days straight or something.
Brody Morales
>Power unleashes her IQ. Oh fuck
Blake Reyes
Yeah but I bet he happened to be his bloodtype or something like that
Connor Gray
>Aki contract the suffering devil >Everything is the same
Matthew Perez
maybe its being cocky, but the guy is indeed from first division, which would imply he's one of the strongest since he's still alive after all this time. wonder what his contract(s) is/are.
Nolan Gutierrez
Do devils even have something as blood types.
Austin Ross
Jaxon Baker
none, he beats devil's with his bare hands, maybe. on another note, apparently devil body parts are very valuable, I wonder if humans make drugs and weapons out of them.
Aki's going to need to find a new devil to contract with, right? Fox has fucked off and he can't use Curse without shortening his lifespan to the point where his goal is unachievable.
Ian Barnes
Most likely. Though we have to wait and see what this mistery woman's deal is.
Nathaniel Rivera
she's gonna be cute!
Wyatt Brown
And probably cuck Himeno's memory!
Benjamin James
give me chapter 31 through chapter 800 spoilers please
Levi Foster
Power and Denji fuck at the heat death of the universe
>High IQ counterattack plan start──! fucking lmao, love these two retards
Austin Martin
No drinks for cowards
Lincoln Phillips
Nameless Agni (San) and Nameless Judah (Luna) embrace as the universe is ending after drifting through space for an unspecified time. Which wouldn't be all that different from what user suggested here.Fire Punch is a revelatory work by Fujimoto Tatsuki that delves into the human condition like no other manga before it. It explores the concept of self and society at nearly every level. Reading Fire Punch has been described as an almost religious experience and those who haven't read it can only discriminate in unparalleled ignorance. For the good of humanity, read Fire Punch.
Daniel Richardson
You asked for a summary for like 10 years worth of future content and I gave you a fake summary. Do you have autism?
I just had a thought. Are Denji and Power capable of forming contracts and granting humans power? I just had a thought about Aki forming contracts with them and them having the stupidest and most trivial costs.
Ryder Edwards
you people are cringe
Luke Murphy
Cringe devil when?
Austin Collins
good thing you're here to set us straight
Adrian Perez
Benjamin Butler
I guess Power can, maybe. Doesn't Denji basically has his own contract with Pochita?
Brody Thomas
the real motherfucking contract is the friends we made along the motherfucking way
I mean suffering is even worse than deat so with this the conclusion is that these whole arcs are just about building up Aki to become the suffering devil and be final boss.
Xavier Nguyen
Noah Wood
Fujimoto Characters : >A look-alike is fine too >It doesn't matter who you are, but the role you play
Joshua Cox
Aki deserved it. Imagine such a faggot that you larp Seigi no mikata, pledge your lifespan and then cry after its taken
Even if he had a contract it is probably classified like Makima.
William Morales
>didn’t even take down the enemy that attacked you >the people closest to you, regardless of whether you admitted they were your friends, are dead >the two schmucks that have made your life a living hell are the first thing you see when you come to >you now have two years left to accomplish the one purpose you gave your life for and it’s become clear you will never be strong enough to do so >the one remaining ability you could potentially use against the enemy fucked off What a pussy lmao
Anthony Baker
>inb4 Aki will overuse the Curse's power to such an extent during the confrontation with gun devil it will backfire on him and instead of blissful death will curse him for eternal life
Mark my words. Aki’s gonna merge with a devil and it’s going to be the ghost devil. And it will have Himeno’s appearance. Aki will have to live the rest of his immortal life constantly taunted by the ghost devil.
Hudson Wilson
Thats correct, Aki played his cards poorly and cries about it. What a pussy
inb4 the results of the training arc is Power learning how to do BIG THINKS with her power at crucial moments. Like some sort of demon girl Jimmy Neutron.
>It doesn't matter who you are, but the role you play this is true, though
Anthony Gray
I have been saying he is best boy since the start so I'm glad that I was proven right. Now I need the fatass to spare him done happiness.
Justin Nguyen
what even is this conversation
Samuel Taylor
Henry Bennett
It still helps out other agents, it just quit its contract with Aki.
Cooper Adams
>ugguu, y-you hurt me.
What a fag. I thought he was based.
Thomas Davis
2 years->1 year->6months->3months->6weeks->3weeks->10days12 hours->5days6hours... technically he can use it an infinite amount of times, at least until the use time is longer than the invocation time.
That'd give us a third Aki smile so I'm all for it.
Hudson Sanders
There is a bit of a trade off since Denji needs someone to pull the cord and he needs a supply of blood after couple of revivals. Granted he’s not in endless pain for using it but it’s a bit more situational than Agni’s regeneration.
Ryder Peterson
What if they attach a devil's limb instead? Would be cool if he turns more devil-looking as the series goes on.
Nicholas Sullivan
Pretty sure Denji ain’t capable of doing shit like that yet since his regeneration is pretty limited.
Jonathan Wilson
Power will learn to control blood particles. Denji got ripped > she collects all his splattered blood and restarts him.
I don't want to go full /ic/ autist on you in this comfy chainsawman thread but at least i wanna say that you really should consider making his torso longer.
Christian Moore
I think his belt is also a bit high, too. I can still stretch him a bit. Once I'm done with the whole sketch I'll go stretchting it and moving it around before colouring.
Joshua Cruz
>the training is just literally just a guy drunkenly living out his slasher movie fantasies
Noah Morris
The holiday rushed the art
Landon Russell
Eh, I'll finish the sketch tomorrow or over the weekend. Power's face is going to take time.
>she openly tells him the booze is spiked >he drinks it anyway
Dylan Ross
He died as he lived.
Ian Ramirez
Power will probably have a "devil evolution" that turns her into literal blood like that Crowley guy from D. Gray Man
then she can go inside Denji who will provide her with even more blood through his chainsawing enemies. It's the perfect combination since they compliment each other.
And Aki looks like a sad but pretty tomboyish girl.
Mason Sanders
Nice cliffhanger what if it's his mom?
Luke Johnson
>high IQ plan I can't wait.
Matthew Moore
>Firepunch had the protagonist almost boning his sister >Chainsaw man is about to implicate some mom/son kinky shit Fujimoto needs to lay off the pipe.
Andrew Young
Denji and Power are just awesome together it's going to hurt like a bitch when Power dies and Denji just goes WELP
Jason Reyes
user, did you forget that Aki's whole family got killed before his eyes when he was a kid?
Nolan Lewis
Denji's perfectly flat ass
William Cox
imagine the smell
Isaac Ramirez
Imagine Power's never-washed pubic bush, all heavily matted and densely tangled together by various, long-since congealed bodily fluids.
I think they are about as durable as a decent grade iron. Power’s giant hammer fell from a tall building and it still retained its shape so I’m guessing it’s strong enough to be used as it’s intended object. Though I’m thinking if she’s low on blood or weak in general her constructs will not be that durablez
Cooper Reed
Why does she have that ceiling plank stabbed through her head.
I suppose every time he uses it it shorten his lifespan by half
Kayden Ward
Sensei is officially the best character. Don't @ me, waifufags
Noah Ross
Pretty durable if we were to go by that giant blood hammer that feel multiple stories and still retained its shape. Though I’m thinking the durability of her constructs depends on her health as well.
Leo Cox
Betcha they pissed and shit themselves in that moment.
Parker Sanchez
it means Reddit uploads are forbidden
Easton Rivera
Really just laying the pain right out there, huh, Fuji.
alright, guess who's the new girl is 1/ Himeno's relatives 2/ Childhood friend 3/ Kobeni 4/ Someone he saved from the past 5/ The chick who worked with Shad 6/ Aki has no fucking idea who that is
Luis Lopez
Seeing his look of surprise, and also considering the admission that basically anyone close to him is dead, I'd go with 1, relative of Himeno that looks similar to her.
Devilmen are arguably less immortal than Denji in general. He can be killed like any other human being yes but a tug on the cord and a splash of blood is all it takes to bring him back whole again. For devilmen they share the same weakness as your generic movie zombie. One good shot to their head and they are dead for reals.
Frankly speaking there are A LOT of things that needs some explanation in their world. Like why do certain devils choose to take over a corpse when it just limits their mortality to nigh human levels. If a devil is killed will another one be born to replace it since the fear of the concept is still there? Where did their devils even came from anyway?
Jose Brown
Don't forget to check back for the proper releases done by MS/VIZ. Consider this just a taste of what's to come.
No Power! you alraedy saw where that led Himeno to.
David Hernandez
who knew power was so caring
Ryan Davis
Thanks, lad. I can't wait to see what idiotic stratagem these knuckleheads break out, only to get their shit kicked in by the Master.
Anthony Ramirez
These fucking retards kek.
Thanks user.
Angel Anderson
Either a) they try to give him just some more alcohol to tip him over the edge of ethilic coma, or b) they try getting drunk themselves to become unpredictable, "become your enemy" or some shit.
Angel Barnes
Are they mentally stunted? I can understand Power but Denji?
Anthony Gutierrez
Power with the big brains is cute but doesn’t the fact that he can fuck them up easily while drunk means that he will be almost Makima levels of OP when sober?
Nolan Williams
>when sober >sober im-fucking-plying
Gavin Rivera
Or (if being devilman/fiend doesn't prevent it) they bite into each other and stay like that, invulnerable due to constantly regenerating from each other's blood in a positive-sum feedback.
Tyler Ross
Pretty sure Denji never went to school. Of course neither did Power. Basically they're both retards.
Anthony Price
I wonder what the drunk guy would've said about Aki's whole resolve being revenge
Jeremiah Gray
Denji never went to school. sure that caused some issues
Kayden Butler
>wanna run away together? So this just confirms that Denji will grow more affection for her as the series goes on. And her death will make Himeno’s look like a nap in a hotel bed.
At least Denji knows that they're fucked if they do that.
Isaac Hill
I wonder if he will go full rage mode
Julian Carter
She's face of the series at this point, too risky even for Fujimoto.
Christopher Sanders
Devil hunter-san is pretty scary. >I wish for toys that wouldn't break God those two are idiots. They're gonna die so much.
Noah Collins
When will Denji stop being a faggot and love Power? she would let him.
Bentley Cook
>Denji will grow more affection for her nigga is straight up losing his humanity and will make Devilman look like Iron Virgin jun.
Nathaniel Murphy
>too risky even for Fujimoto Lad, I ...
Sebastian Wright
Adoptive mother, then. Makes the incest less weird.
Tyler King
Logan Young
Our boy tasted forbidden fruit of free food send by WSJ readers, he will milk this series as long as he can.
Joshua Cox
First they take his apple, then they tell him to either suffer greater agony or go home and die on your own time. Rough time.
Jaxon Hall
The man must have a very high IQ himself.
Hunter Gonzalez
Wait wait user tell me more about the food incident please.
William Robinson
1/ Himeno's relatives Must be someone who really looks like her 2/ Childhood friend Could be but why would he be surprised or have her face hidden 3/ Kobeni No reason to hide her identity 4/ Someone he saved from the past Same as 2 5/ The chick who worked with Shad That's just stupid. Also she's blonde 6/ Aki has no fucking idea who that is Then he won't be surprised
Easton Gutierrez
Denji is Pochita larping as Denji with his memory, I'm sure
Evan Sullivan
7/Uchiha Madara
Justin Moore
>I always broke my toys as a child due to my strength >And so I wished for toys that wouldn't break
It’s not like Denji ever had a good concept of affection for another person, except for a chainsaw with legs. Also this is the most classic shounen troupe regarding characters who have lost their humanity, only to regain it back again slowly over time with the company of another.
Adam Brown
It's mostly that all author comments on WSJ by the Fujimoto are about food week in and week out, the one where he said that he's eating all the food fans send him sticking out. Also a video of him drawing and has fat hands.
Sebastian Hernandez
I liked the politically and morally incorrect hidden additions better.
>Feed him until he's so fucking fat he can't stand up from his desk, let alone leave the room to get distracted. >5 Chainsawman chapters a week.
The high IQ was the friends we made along the way all along.
Caleb Anderson
if we get more of this and spy x family, yes
James Garcia
You can almost see the IQ overflowing.
Thanks a lot, user!
Kayden Gray
Guy on fire all the time lived with a girl who LARPED as his little sister which lead to incest and no new Star Wars film being made.
Austin Morris
Fuji is cute!
Nolan Evans
We should send him food. What should we send him?
Jaxson Gutierrez
This, she's almost Togata level of important to keep the readers.
Michael Sanders
Or worse. He learns how to take advantage of the situation and refuses to release more chapters until the food is sent.
Nolan King
I love the running joke of Power and Denji being high IQ masterminds. If one of them doesn't seriously win the Nobel prize by the end of the series I'll be disappointed.
Asher Morgan
at least he got the girl in the end. doubt denji will get a nice end
Parker Ward
A filled but broken vending machine.
Liam Lopez
My reaction to Denji and Power's adorable relationship.
What do you think their plan is gonna be? Whatever it is I bet it's not gonna work.
Ethan Wilson
Fujimoto's manga in a nutshell.
John Powell
I didn't work hard but otherwise yes.
Tyler Mitchell
They’re gonna put a bottle of alcohol under a box held up by a stick attached to a string. As he looks at the trap with disappointment, power stabs him in the asshole.
Julian Thompson
Fucking fatass, you can't leave me hanging like this.
James Thompson
>Have to wait a week and a day for the next chapter I hate it
Colton Williams
>Bring your deceased, we cook them up for a funeral meal so no nutrients get wasted!
Jason Cruz
so are devil's not the only supernatural element in this world. can you just be born with augmented strength
>Oh? So you're approaching us? >I can't beat the shit out of you two if I don't get close.
Daniel Cruz
>Shocked Power Cute!
Nathaniel Scott
I want Power's origin, Fujimoto please. Is she more human than devil? Personality merge? Devil got access to girl memories? So many possibilities.
Cameron Edwards
>Is she more human than devil?
It's clearly not.
Carter Campbell
>”wanna run away together?” >no way fag
Evan Cox
Probably one of the oldest devils since shes the blood one. You can bet your ass theyre going to pull off Slaneesh birth trope where gun devil is born to the world and fights with older, powerful devils like Blood, fox etc
>imagine being a creatively free person untainted by WSJ NPC tier writing standards must be good
Adam Martin
At this point they spend 24/7 together. Home alone at night because Aki still in the hospital. Denji will realise that they're having fun together and understand each other, more so than Makima ever can.
Oliver Williams
Benjamin Barnes
Connor Cooper
Kobeni is old and busted, we mistery girl now.
Grayson Scott
>Denjis :O face I love him
Aiden Green
STOP IT WITH FAT JOKES ALREADY. There's better things to spend your time on. Send some food to this adress: "Japan, 〒601-8041 Kyōto-Fu, Kyōto-Shi, Minami-Ku", for example.
Parker Robinson
>Home alone at night because Aki still in the hospital H-how does the flat look? What will he come home to?
Denji will probably knock her up and it will be hilarious
Mason Wood
Helping him clean the house seems like something it would win him over inmediately. New girl better step up.
Cooper Fisher
I still wonder about what that prank was.
Carter Gray
it's Denji and Power so it must've been something extremely childish like >hahaha let's take a dump in the same toilet, not flush and let the door open
Jose Rodriguez
Lolno. If he's a really bad alcoholic going sober would send him into alcoholic withdrawal and he would be useless for at least half a week. Thus their best plan is to steal his alcohol and keep sober.
Nathaniel Nelson
Or he could turn into one of those really fucking angry drunkards who gets even more aggressive without alcohol. Sensei is pretty fucked up in the first place and I doubt it's because of the alcohol.
Just watch as they reveal that she has the same origin as Pochidenji
Nathan Lee
He's not that fat, but you can already kinda imagine him as being chunky.
Zachary Campbell
We all know what happened to Togata...
Austin Collins
Eh most shounen get kinda gorey but usually not this consistently Deku's mangled limbs were a lot grosser in the manga than the toned down purple bruises in the anime for example
Nicholas Walker
I want them to try some dumb jojotier asspull and for nothing to happen
Matthew Fisher
haha good thing we've never seen the negative consequences of living your life to get revenge, r-right
>it's just the goku and raditz special beam cannon bit
Nathaniel Watson
boobs are filled with life-giving milk,
Joshua Lopez
Happiness are just moments. You can achieve body and mental stability to not be sad though. Having your primary neccesities covered(food, a home, money etc) can bribg you more of those moments.
Connor Rogers
Well, it would be nice to have one.
Ayden Garcia
Nathaniel Ramirez
all WSJ manga turn to shit at some point. Predict which chapter for CSM.
Hunter James
Chapter when Power dies.
Carter Rogers
Makima final villain.
Nathaniel Nguyen
She probably won't just die, she will become the blood in his body which will overdrive his power into Devilman tiers of bullshit but make him completely broken morally