Elf-san wa Yaserarenai

Will we ever see the return of max weight Erufuda?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Someone post the uncensored version.

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I want to rape that fat blob of grease

Speaking of elves. Hajimete no Gal author is doing new manga

There is no limit to her weight.

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Do fit girls love fat boys?


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>imagine when Efruda gets this big.

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Nobody likes fat boys.
Or atleast that's why nobody likes me

Incredibly fucking based.

Fat boys are terrible if they don't appreciate the effort their architect gf put into baking a dessert for them

Fat mem are gross. Period

I want to impregnate the fat elf

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Oh, the faggot's back

It'll be a wonderful day indeed

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This is not okay.

We're all gonna make it, brother


Fish is FRESH

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>fat mem

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Minotaur girl when

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This series doesn't need ageneral, you don't need to spam it whenever it's gone from the catalog and deadbump the threads for days.

You can’t hide being a minotaur in our world.

You can hide your horns, but you can't hide the milkers.


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Dude this is the best Manga ever written, of course it needs to be a general.

>This series doesn't need ageneral
Wrong, faggot

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I thought she was getting anally raped the previous page.

That weightlifting anime is making this board insufferable. /fit/ crossboarders are the worst kind of crossboarders. I'm glad we have comfy fat elf threads to fall back on

I just fatpost in /fit/ threads if there aren't any Elf-San threads around, to be honest. It's basically just derailing a blog, anyway

Bloatmaxxx mode for girls. Don't cut, just permabulk.


This also has fitness tips so we are quite lucky they haven’t latch on to this series.

There really is a massive overlap in fans. Pretty much those who like Elf San Wa will probably like Danberu. Both have thicc women failing to lose weight.

Seeing Peirce Brosnand getting posted in both threads is proof of this.

I like fit and thicc. Both are good.

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Not really.
One is about girls losing weight while Elf-san is just pretending its about girls losing weight but really it is about showing fat girls.

perfect, post more

I dont know man I'm not into girls that are already sticcs exercising to lose negligible amounts of weight. If the girls were noticeably fat it'd be different

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Elf San Wa still has fitness tips in it. Even though none of them have permanetly kept the weight off, the health tips are good when used with a diet that does not include potatoes.

I dont give a shit about that and neither should you. The quality of "health tips" is completely irrelevant to the main point of the anime: showing fat girls.

You nor anyone on this thread actually care about that portion of the manga, let's be real.

The purpose of elf san wa and the themes it shows are different. No one but an idiot would argue that it is made for health tips. I am just adressing the overlap: Fat girls and failing to lose weight.

Yeah man, I suppose Meth's porn work also featured fat girls was just a coincidence.

discuss this naughty goat

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>features fat girls
>fat girls the only thing the media is about

I never said once that Elf San Wa was not about fat girls. Please stop being retarded. I can compare two similar things and say they are related because of X Y and Z despite both being different things.

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>max weight
>implying there's a limit to her gluttony

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>sup fatty

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How long until Erufuda becomes this big?

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Based. Erufuda is a true limit-breaker

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See this is the problem. I can only assume this nonsensical response is one of your crossboard memes, and you dont seem to care that no one understands them but you.


>this thread

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>fit donk elf pic that doesn't focus on her delicious bubble butt
This was made specifically to piss people off.

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I hope not.

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Was there any proper uncensored chapters uploaded besides the sauna one?

Flower is THICK

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Not that I've seen, you might just need to get it physical.

Not thick enough. I don't know shit about plant biology, but is there any biological phenomena that makes plants bloat up or become engorged or something? Being the autist that I am, I'd like to think there's a realistic scientific way Kusahanada can become a hambeast?

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Well she did have that really powerful reaction to coffee. Maybe there's something else out there that would make her get "fat."

I mean, she's already quite a bit fatter than she is in her intro chapter. Compare this early drawing of her to how she looks in the most recent chapters, like and . She's gone from skinny with big tits to fairly chunky with gigantic tits. I wonder if Meth will ever actually explain that.

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Maybe just constant exposure to sunlight ad water? Inorganic fertilizer?

That is the thickest Meth has drawn her.

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More importantly, will we ever see any button popping? That's my fetish for my fat fetish.

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Crossing my fingers for next chapter being Orc-centric.

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she and all the other degenerates who love her belong on a cross.

>tfw Oga isn't possible in the real world

I would kill a man for that perfect combination of flab and muscle to be something women could actually achieve. It's yet another reason why 2D > 3D.

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>tfw puu chan doesn’t exist in the real world.

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>No adorable landwhale maid
It's a special kind of suffering

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Wrestler girls come close

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Is that a mother fucking UNDERTALE reference?

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Lord Brosnan, does this humble thread please thee?

>Still no chapter where Oga simulates being a mother by devouring massive amount of food to get a foodbaby

what the fuck mayn

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I kind of wonder what's going to become of this Architect meme. Yea Forums's memes have a way of leaking out into the real world due to meme magic. The Architect meme is getting pretty widespread and potent, maybe it will generate... something.

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They're all too thin.

sup lardass

Tell me about it. Satyr needs to kick her fattening shenanigans into overdrive

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It's true, all of it.

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yeah, a cross this dick.

Kusahanada has been a big flowey reference since the beach chapter

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So when's the next chapter coming out?

Before Half Life 3 gets released

it's fucking real. he thought about everything from the beginning

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Why would you want a 3rd one to begin with?

Does Human fuck white elf? It looks like they live together.

Yes, actually.

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No they just live together.

It seems like there's some heavy subtext, but they're never gonna bone on-panel.

Not really, no subtext anywhere plus he already called her a friend in the chapter where he defied the Auntie. Otherwise they are juts living together and nothing more. No romance subtext with any of the girls

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Eh, not NO subtext. Kusahanada very, very clearly wants to bone him. I mean she technically does bone him in the newest chapter, it was just... weird.

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rim job access

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They're practically a married couple at this point.

Not really on Ara Ara plant until the coffee stuff. Otherwise again no subtext. The only one whose actively showed interest in him is his boss.

Did Muni ever explain what happened to the other girls?

heart attack

I want him to end up with Best Elf but only when shes at her fattest

He definitely wants to the fatter she gets.

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Plants swell in response to pathogens. If Flower absorbed an irritant or illness, the affected area could permanently expand.

Do elves grow body hair?
What about fat, french-fries-eating elves with shit dietary habits?

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she looks really sensual here
must be the lips and messy hair strands


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>In a business suit
Fuck. She's got me

Eh, it'll pass as soon as it's over, just like most anime here.

I can’t imagine aunt is a virgin and I’m bothered by this. Can someone reassure me with head canon?

So like this then?

Attached: inconvenience_store_by_g_nibbles_dc1nywy-pre.jpg (1026x779, 114K)

Other Elf. Only a girl driven by pure gluttony like her can be called best girl

A man of culture I see.

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Here's a man who gets it

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Why would you want her as a virgin? Care to elaborate?

The Virgin /fit/trannies and the Chad Fatfags

I like both

But if you had to choose...

Strongfat is the best type

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Nah, women should be nothing but flab and blubber

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this one is pretty close


These threads have been ruined for a long while now by /trash/ and /d/ crossboarders. Don't kid yourself, if you don't see it, you're a part of the problem.

Fatposting is best posting, user. Face the facts

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because its what normal women look like instead of disgusting ham planets

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This. American pro wrestling is going through this weird feminist body positivity phase, so there's a bunch of fatties floating around everywhere. Some of them have fair amounts of muscles. Pic unrelated. She's just fat.

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She is perfect.

Why is her face thin while the rest of her body is fat?

Weightlifters usually are just strong fat people.


Silly gay user, hamplanets are top-tier!

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Puu never stops growing!

Meth should ask Munimuni if he can include Puu chan in elf san wa.

And her metabolism hasn't even slowed yet! Imagine!

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Kurofags deserve the rope.

I had a weird dream where I lived with Puu chan and had to play a game of chess with her.

I think I am going to this thread too often.

>I had a weird dream where I lived with Puu chan and had to play a game of chess with her.
Did you win and then claim her virginity as your prize? If not, both you and your dream are gay

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If only you hustled as hard as you hate

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I like how Jeetdoh can make Puu somehow not looking completely disgusting.

>Implying Puu-chan EVER looks disgusting

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Anime when?

Im more of Ayano guy, Speaking of which I wonder if some degenerate in japan would ever animate it, its technically a web comic

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Shame Xebec is dead.

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I won't be satisfied until Miyuki (the blonde one) reaches Ayano's current size

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Imagine how fucking huge Ayano will be by then.

Ayano would probably be somewhere in pic-related's ballpark

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I wonder just how far Fusa will go with the both of them, Ayano tripled her size in the span of a few years of highschool, and honestly I thought he'd end it there. But now there's going to be a college arc, and she'll presumably room with miyuki, it'll be interesting to see how big they get together.

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>fat elf thread
>no chapter dump
>airing out your fat fetish because "look at me I'm an attention whore!!"
Gas the fatfags

Has Fusa ever gone full blob/immobile with their girls before? Ayano's the biggest I've seen from them, so there's no telling how far they'll go! And dear fucking lord, I just want to grab a handful of Ayano's pudge and shake it around like a fucking madman

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Why not fit fags and loli lovers get to have their day.

This is the biggest i've ever seen him go. Granted I doubt he'll go full blob as he has realistic tone to his story, I can't really see him making Ayano immobile...

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Are fat rolls the new armpits/feet?

You can actually fuck fat rolls, I don't know if the same could be said about

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Time to watch wrestling again.

all according to keikaku

>Post it

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How new are you?

i am more interested in what happened to the human. did she just eat his clothes or did she actually digest them off him and regurgitate the rest?

or maybe she digested him completely and quickly conjured a clone out of wood and leaves. wouldn´t that be weird? haha...

Attached: Nutrients.jpg (716x1011, 122K)

>Lucoa will never be accidentally hit by a fattening hex that was meant to shrink her tits

Attached: enlarging_lucoa_1.png (3508x2480, 1.22M)

>Lucoa will never heft and jiggle her newfound blubber as her already matronly proportions balloon outwards

Attached: enlarging_lucoa_2.png (3508x2480, 1.2M)

>Lucoa will never shake her bulging fat ass in your face

Attached: enlarging_lucoa_3.png (3508x2480, 1.35M)

>Lucoa will never heave herself at you to give you the softest hug of your life

Attached: enlarging_lucoa_4.png (3508x2480, 1.34M)

>Lucoa will never squish you under more than a thousand pounds of soft, sweaty, dragon belly/titty meat

Attached: enlarging_lucoa_5.png (1600x1130, 1.08M)

>Lucoa will never hug you against her blobby mass with your entire body smushed between her flabby tits and chin fat

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god damn i was just thinking of girls like Asuka or Gina Carano where they just have a little softness to them, but this girl is perfect

You guys are terrible. I hate to be like ACK, but how can you claim to like them when you wish such terrible conditions, no, disfiguration to them. You are worse than shitters that fap to girls getting limbs amputed or on the level of guroshitters. How curel and shitty.

If you get erectile dysfuntion from this, it will probably be a divine retribution.

Attached: uuuuu.jpg (220x407, 39K)


So I could see that strong confident elf wahmen show me a shy cutesy face when I put it in.

You see disfigurement? My dear user, these are works of art. You can't compare this to someone making someone suffer like cutting off their limbs. This is the byproduct of extreme contentment, giving in to their hedonism as much as they please, with you taking care of them and being more than happy to support them in their constant desire to fulfill it. I fail to see how this is anything less than beautiful.

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neck yourself

Good man! Couldn't have put it better myself!

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You cruel monsters. Enemies of all waifus.

You say that as if they don't enjoy being free to kick back, unbutton their pants, and indulge to their heart's content!

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Where are you reading the newer pages? They're not on E-Hentai.

They don't, you just fucked yourself up fapping to freak content on Yea Forums and became delusional and/or a retard.

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Imagine being this triggered by women with healthy appetites getting to indulge themselves

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projecting some bullshit to cover your the shittiness of your fetish?

*cover up the shittiness
your brain damage is probably contagious

Attached: x23.jpg (506x991, 49K)

Nope! Just dropping truth bombs! What's wrong with letting your waifu enjoy eating what she wants?

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This one can't be beat. Thick fish is the best.

Angry newfag spotted. Take a good look at the people Meth follows on Twitter

Don't you want your waifu to be happy though? Don't you want her to feel relieved knowing that she doesn't have to worry about her appearance too much or worry about trivial things like counting calories just to appease an outdated notion of beauty? That she has a servant willing to spoil her and cater to her every whim? Knowing that no matter how much weight she packs on, even if she becomes an immobile blob, that your love for her will remain unfazed, if not intensified? Because that's what this fetish is, a celebration of a woman's true happiness.

Attached: Mamc-ch7-20.jpg (740x1080, 167K)

Nothing. The wrong part is that that is nowhere like what you are doing, you rotten fucktard failure of a human.

>Don't you want your waifu to be happy though?
Not into "waifu" hobby but I do. That is exactly why I am disgusted by you deranged faggots.

The type of people who draws stuff like THIS?!?!
Anyway I don't know how anyone can not tell Meth has a fat fetish(amongst other ones) after seeing his art.

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Well, now we know. You hate seeing women be happy. It's pretty cruel, if you ask me, but you do you

Attached: Realization.jpg (1333x1920, 690K)

Then you are lost. You have no idea what makes a waifu happy to begin with.

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no, fucktard, you just need to fap to a fetish that doesn't void your human being status
Probably also getting off internet and going out once a month or so

Why does the sight of well-fed, healthy women enjoying delicious food make you so mad, user?

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/fit/ is the fat fetish board.

>make you so mad, user?
it's you being a disgusting fucker, shitstain

Watching a woman enjoy herself to the fullest is enough for me to void my human being status? Shit dude, if that's all it takes then I guess I never needed it then. I didn't know human beings were such heartless monsters.

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How? Being letting women enjoy themselves with delicious cuisine?

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>letting women enjoy themselves
you keep saying that but the reality is that you get your sick sexual pleasure from seeing cute girls suffer, trash.
Actually I have to take back something I said, don't go out, it's good shit like you stays locked up wherever you are releasing you shitty stink.

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I'm sorry, do people smile when they're suffering?

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Are you retarded or just new?

This your first Elf-san thread, pal?

don't open your windows either, kthx

Post happy, well-fed women!

Attached: 2cc8259790959501bbd79ed882bf9ba15beee159c001bfe66fdf5286d63b47f0.jpg (413x534, 169K)

Look at the pure hedonistic bliss on these hungry girls' faces!

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Why do fat girls get so much hate?

>No greedy fat gf to stuff full of food until she's moaning in contentment

Attached: 6f362ea2ea3bb531aacbe96458ed363e6f26ba660557c6d144329d663d72268e.gif (400x225, 1.44M)

Do they? besides edgy shitheads which should just be ignored or told to fuck off, normal people probably feel pity

Thick fish is so sexy it should be illegal

Why are gluttons so sexy, lads?

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All forms of fish are great, fish three times a day, as she says but some are more cute even if kind flat

Attached: eromero.jpg (419x627, 93K)

Ego boost for normies, the only ones that deserve hate are the ones who have an inflated ego, or keeps pushing body positivity. I exclusively like fatties, but sometimes certain fatties have to be put in their place.

See this is actually cute. This picture implies she has control over herself and is active. But still likes to indulge on occasion. Perfectly healthy and pretty. You sick fucks who like women to be 300 pounds are either trolling for the (you)'s or actually mentally ill.

this user gets it

Attached: elf in shorts.jpg (196x296, 19K)

But why?
It’s the same ol Fish with the goofy personality only with tits.

>Agrees with the homo who's screeching about self-control and being active
>Posts Erufuda

>goofy personality

Attached: meroooo.jpg (1146x1650, 467K)

Did it not occur to you that hamplanets were once skinny girls who liked eating?

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I don’t know, I like seeing THICC girls acting superior and putting sticcs in their place.



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>You sick fucks who like women to be 300 pounds

But thats when they start looking hot

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Imagine not being a blobchad

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I don't get how people still can't understand that the fat stuff in this mango is comedy, and not (fanservice). Or actually, it is, but in moderation.
When Erufuda goes 150kg that is purely comedy, you have to remember that even if you happen to fap to that because you probably fap to anything.
Sure, actual hamwhale fetishist can read it too but they are missing the point and are like shounen readers complaining there are no uncensored pussies.

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300 pounds is actually a pretty nice weight though.
Visibly fat and soft but still mobile enough to not be too much of a burden.

You are fucking delusional.

>I don't get how people like things that I don't like!

Fuck you, it's a manga about WEIGHT LOSS

*futile attempts
But the reasoning is valid.

Attached: Has anybody actually lost weight.jpg (952x1145, 331K)

Dude, Meth was drawing fat girls for porn before doing this manga.
The fatness here is 100% for fanservice.

All the flavors of the world, and you have to be salty about the author's true fetish

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Oh, you are that guy.
Consider me baited my dude.

>This picture implies she has control over herself and is active
>implying they need control

>everything must be the same
If he wanted hambeasts he could do it again because it would still work as comedy, it would just be a more tragic and cruel comedy.
There is a good reason the girls are within the healthy spectrum of chubbing.

150kg women aren’t that big really.

Just the way murderers were all once babies. Who gives a fuck. What matters is that people are jerking off to blobs and slug creatures that dont even resemble females. And dont say it is for the happiness of the girl. I was 100 pounds overweight a few years ago and now that I am normal weight I can say with 100% certainty that being that fat is like being imprisoned, it's a nightmare.

Pretty sure Porc is within the unhealthy side of BMI. She is one of the fattest and also one of the shortest.

Maybe if they are 2m+ tall or serious (to the point of ugly) body builders.

And there it is. I knew your speging sounded familiar.

Attached: 1557648698967.png (320x320, 115K)

What are you even trying to say you retard

You are right, she could be, though women are a bit more resistant to the unhealthy effects because they don't get as much fat inside between guts.

I gave her slack because being an orc, she maight have part of that thicc just out of her body type, that is being literally big boned and very stubby. She might still be barely okay.

Attached: Z11.jpg (1146x1650, 551K)

>3D problems
Do you have anything to say that actually matters?

Attached: 1557417503726.gif (380x285, 1.97M)

>I can say with 100% certainty that being that fat is like being imprisoned
make that terminally ill

>Premise of the story is literally a woman trying to lose weight
You slobbering fucks can't be this dense

Nah man, I follow several 150kg nip women on twitter and the impression you get is that drawings where the girls look gigantic are a complete fantasy.

I'm sure they were all just prentending to be retarded, trolled you, right?
For ten years.

Attached: x9.jpg (1146x1650, 558K)

I lift to carry the women posted in these threads

When are we getting Peak Performance Erufuda back?

Attached: delicious_curves.png (1490x1268, 2.19M)

Careful with saying that IRL, user, some firemen a medics might actually into homicide for that, if you mean the hamplanet pictures.

Attached: Y8b.jpg (425x208, 39K)

Guess you skipped over the part where you fatfags jerk off to formless sacks of jello. When you get done taking a shit do you snap a pic to jerk off to it later?

Attached: 1561834330556.jpg (832x629, 46K)

Probably not but some people around these parts would probably fap to ones snapped by others. Just saying.

No, I simply enjoy the sight of happy women getting to indulge their desires to eat delicious food!

Attached: c870268419583b1399df0007ad7c3cd7-imagejpeg.jpg (1200x1183, 143K)

Yup its fanservice presented as comedy, same thing with Eiken club. Huge tits, but your supposed to laugh, even though you really watch it because its hot.

not wha to replied to, but yeeeeeah, right, bastard. The disgusting shitstains fapping to suffering of others like you are make me ashamed for being a man, or perhaps even a mammal/vertebrate and all the way to eucaryote.
WTF sicko i dont even, deer gif level digust.

Attached: 1560587569538.png (107x84, 10K)

This guy gets it.
It’s written so normalfags can enjoy it and get a laugh at it but it’s also fap material for those in the know.

What do you stand to gain from this?

Attached: D7yrsjRUIAI1Zfx.jpg (900x1200, 138K)

I'm not really seeing how wanting all women to starve makes you so high and mighty


Attached: 1559236753827.jpg (1228x868, 100K)

They are drawings bucko, no one is getting harmed.

We all love seeing cute girls eat good food. If it was really about women being happy and eating then they wouldn't have to be 300+ now would they. Now take for example a real thinking mans fetish

Attached: Senkosan+cutest+fox+girl+_1cb57aeb0693ba28cbdc7bc66017fb22.jpg (419x495, 72K)

You seem to operate strictly under the belief that these women are 3D

Attached: D-Rxim_U8AAuPUg.jpg (1216x1785, 115K)

I just like shit talking you queers because I get so much shit for being a footfag

Thanks, honestly it seems to be the formula for getting your fetish mainstream, just make it into a comedy. People are normally disarmed by comedy, so people who would hate fetish stuff would actually tolerate it and watch/ read the content. Its how you get people who are fat fags who Elf San.

>I can't read.
Fap all you want, sicko, just keep your shitty fetish for yourself.

Did you have a stroke?

>I like shit-talking people who haven't done anything to me because other people shit-talk me
That's sad, mate.

Fair enough. Now that I think about , while im not a foot fag (fat fag 4 life), there are hardly any threads dedicated to it.

Attached: 24465f9ba6d78b10b375a7848c0b5072-imagejpeg.jpg (1793x2048, 328K)

I just hope Danberu doesn’t make fitness too popular with the nips.
Then an Elf-san anime would be fucking impossible.

>just keep your shitty fetish for yourself
In case you missed it in just about every Elf-san thread there is, I'm not alone here. Believe it or not, this manga made by an artist with a fat fetish, appeals to people with fat fetishes. Mind blowing, I know.

What makes you a shitty sicko is getting of to that, doesn't really matter if it is real of imaginary. Getting aroused from guro and snuff isn't allright because you only fap to it when i is in a chinese cartoon.

>Guess you skipped over the part where you fatfags jerk off to formless sacks of jello
You never explained what is really wrong with this.

Attached: Fuu.gif (400x206, 735K)

>In case you missed it in just about every Elf-san thread there is, I'm not alone here.

>I-it's fine, there's more of us?
Just more reasons to be ashamed of yourself. I pity your parents.

How is liking fatties comparable to guro? You keep making this comparison but that doesn't make it any less nonsensical.

I have a wonderful relationship with them, actually. I'm quite happy with my life.

Attached: 1526884284811.jpg (1200x912, 80K)

Only a small minority of fat fags are aroused by possible health issues a fatty can have.

I like em big because they get bigger tits, bigger ass, bigger thighs, cute plump cheeks, a fuckable belly, a soft feeling, and I see them as being blissfully happy and cheery. Puu Chan is the perfect example of this.

Attached: BA2174BC-2380-4550-8DB6-1A00C88FF038.jpg (640x640, 36K)

>How is liking fatties comparable to guro?
Not getting that is the sign you have a problem, bro.

Not an answer man.

Says the oh-so-normal guy who beats off to sucking the fungus off of girls' dirty feet.

>Footfag can't distinguish between liking 2D fatties and liking 3D landwhales with 3D health issues
Color me surprised.

Attached: 1559949001224.png (1000x1500, 398K)


I'm not The most "weird" shit you would find about me is probably that I find 1970s porn movies more hot than anything later. I guess the only thing they lack is creampies. I'm pretty sure that's not kink and they are just objectively better and more pleasing to the eye.

Attached: it was the satyr.jpg (739x570, 145K)

Erufuda needs to find herself a nice feeder!

Attached: 1544659168052.jpg (1253x1822, 287K)

The problem lies in that he also has a muscle fetish

Meth happens to be an elder god of the fatfag pantheon who appreciates fat, muscle, and all the delicious goodness that lies between.

Attached: big_cyclops.png (1192x1500, 444K)

So you don't have an answer and now you've resorted to deflecting. Good to know.

Attached: dimension-w-05.jpg (854x480, 70K)

>I fap to guro /
>I fap to rape /
>I fap to people suffering from horrible health conditions
>You tell me what is wrong with me! Why are you silent!!!1One

Attached: 070.jpg (508x314, 46K)

Stop using fish for your shitposting.

She will be even fatter one day if we ever get a dream sequence.

not that guy but if you think liking fat chicks is the same as liking murder, you're the degenerate, you dumb fuck

bruh, you just have to keep feeding the fatfags?

Attached: 1492890324849.png (659x1200, 161K)

not before I bury my face in those elf feet

It's not the same, but it is still shitty. "Like" doesn't imply equality, just similarity.

>I fap to guro
But we don't
>I fap to rape
But we don't
>I fap to people suffering from horrible health conditions
Which is why it's all 2D. Where does any of that happen in anime and drawings? Why do you feel the need to bring 3D into this?

I think it's because they don't care whether the feet they suck or fap to are real or drawn, so they assume we all like 2D stuff in addition to real-life blobs with mold growing on them. Footfags don't have the capacity to consider that people might do things differently from them

I don't fap to any of that though, and most of what I do fap to is the girl explicitly being happy while fat. Is that really such a farfetched concept for you to comprehend?

Attached: tumblr_ohjet2iqit1snr7kpo1_128.gif (826x418, 771K)

But how is it shitty? You still haven't answered that question yet, so of course no one is taking you seriously.

>. Is that really such a farfetched concept for you to comprehend?
Which is your completely retarded excuse, because that's safely in the "said no one ever" territory.

>But how is it shitty?
Because you literally jerk off to women getting so fat they need to have their limbs chopped off!! Why do you fucknuts get to have threads when people do nothing but shit on foot fetishes??!

Diabeetus =/= Obesity

Attached: 13E9472A-25FF-428D-B70E-F9B2B5ACA860.png (1625x1027, 1.61M)

Don't indulge him. He'll cry himself to sleep eventually

Its impossible to draw an ugly pictue of asuna

>because that's safely in the "said no one ever" territory
I see some hasn't been in the Otafuku threads on /d/.

Where the hell is Nekokami?

Attached: Some Nekokami thing.jpg (391x561, 182K)

>Yea Forums larping


Where can I find more ?

Who the hell said anything about larping?

Attached: lots_a__lucoa_by_the_kappass_dbgx8es-pre.jpg (857x933, 86K)

>totally not doing exactly that

How would you guys legitimately feel if the story literally ends with all the main girls ending up as butterballs? Remember this is Meth and fatties are his fetish.


Isn't their stuff on Danbooru?


Is this the same guy? He draws the same waifu.

He hasn't ever drawn any shapeless blobs, so I don't think that's likely, anyway.

Time for me to go find out

The difference in body types is part of the apeal.
Maybe a few but all of them.

Attached: 3368e38ec1dc743db014629e2edf918d9ed98f58_546835_1146_1650.jpg (1146x1650, 629K)

>Doga Kobo will never make an Elf-san adaptation
>Doga Kobo will never team up with Sunrise Beyond to do it so that they have the former Xebec staff

Attached: Kelly - God crying.png (509x368, 145K)


Attached: 69608694_p5_master1200.jpg (708x1000, 494K)

I want to give Erufuda a cousin.

Attached: Ooeda.jpg (1146x1650, 657K)

We all know the series will be axed before like the sixth volume.

Isn't it really popular?

I want to feed Auntie all the ice cream she can eat until she's a blob!

It is relatively popular yes, I expect it to last a lot longer than that if Meth keeps things fresh.

>already masturbated
>see new chapter I haven't read yet
Methonium is an evil man

Attached: 1520110855771.jpg (380x380, 50K)

You're in for a treat, Flower is back and she is even fatter than she was in the beach chapter.


I want to see more of Flower's many different personalities.

>thick gyaru mommy in that tight denim

Attached: 1523430737836.gif (320x180, 934K)

I wonder what happens if she drinks alcohol?

>femdom chapter

Attached: 1539768588914.jpg (586x619, 174K)

>rape chapter

Attached: Poor human.jpg (543x444, 128K)

>thick gyaru flower mommy will never rape you
>thick gyaru flower mommy will never sit on your face and pin you down with her massive jean-clad ass
>thick gyaru flower mommy will never suffocate you with her sweater puppies

Attached: 1522020618939.jpg (773x659, 35K)

The user said if it "ends" with them ending up as whales, not before that happens.

I'd kill whatever author they used to replace Meth

Attached: 1484335082172.jpg (515x800, 123K)

>big brown amazon
Meth is a god

>How would you guys legitimately feel if the story literally ends with all the main girls ending up as butterballs? Remember this is Meth and fatties are his fetish.
My dick would need a wheelchair

Attached: 1561197389266.jpg (400x400, 64K)


Because flabby landwhale butterball blobs are hot!

Attached: blobchako.jpg (1400x534, 54K)

I would like you to explain the appeal in more specific terms.

Soon, as planned.

Attached: Naoe ''The Architect'' Tomoatsu.png (520x390, 185K)

Because meth is a god and will make it work

Attached: 1534589652092.png (1030x1500, 1.29M)

Is it that and also because you have a weight gain fetish as well?

>Pork and elf can work together.
Surprised but as expected it's rare in the tsunamis of trash Japan produces for every pearl it then throws to the swines.

Attached: 053.jpg (1353x1920, 826K)

Absolute softness, more rolls than a bakery, countless fuckable fat folds, big enough to be used as a bed, adorable, etc.

Attached: d81d2e9782f8bd180eaacb64a2e04ab5-imagejpeg.jpg (1469x1017, 124K)

Erufuda and Oku team up chapter fucking when?

Morbid obesity is disgusting, but I do sometimes like chubby. Meth understands how to make chubby work

Meth really is a pretty nice artist, isn't he? He's up there with the better fattywank artists, like KawaiiDebu and Jeetdoh.

Attached: 1559182916718.png (1100x1400, 278K)

He's one of the few Nip artists who can draw good asses consistently

He goes a bit past chubby though. As another user said, plump 2D ladies are really nice. Meth knows how to do softness unlike few others besides Uno Makoto can pull off.

Attached: fag.jpg (600x314, 67K)

You briefly made me think of a scenario where Oku is forced to violate Erufuda for reasons (no idea how, she's a good person, I guess magix, or Satyr?) but clumsily flubs doing so at every step with Erufuda ending up frustrated and and ultimately has to do all the raping work herself and they are both incapacitated for a few days.

Just look what you did, asshole.

Attached: x12.jpg (1333x1920, 599K)

Uno Makoto would be so good if he layed off the futas.

I like this guy but he falls under the same category as other fat fetish artists who do weight gain stuff and sequences jump the size growth so fast it just plain ruins the fattening of the character.

>Slightly chubby
>Then megafat
Hate that shit. I wish there were more people like Meth or Kip that kept the gain in moderation.

Nope. He ain’t that good.

Now, Kip is definitely up there.
If trinityfate didn’t go full furfagot he’d be up there too.

Kip is fucking awful my dude.

No hes not.
His taste in bodies is pretty nieched, but I would not say “No Lunch Break” and “Breakfast With Sister” is bad.
You may not like his style, but you can’t say that it is objectively bad like you could for an artist like MistyStuffer or AxelRose where beauty is removed by either the bad style or the lack of artistic skill.
I know its a bit of a stretch

>kd worse than kip
KD at least tries something other than 1 body type at the same 3/4 angle

Is there confirmation on whether he came inside her plant head or her

>objectively bad
His only real problem is his absolute garbage taste in fetishes. He's still a decent artist otherwise and can put out some good fat art every once in a while. His main problem is that he can't help but lean into his shit taste and inflation, but even then he's not even remotely in the same league as literal bottom of the barrel scum like fucking MistyStuffer.

Attached: 67944988_p0.png (1275x825, 699K)

What's funny is that for the longest time Axel WAS a bad fatty artist. His girls had pretty bad sphere bellies and he didn't fatten up their faces and limbs properly. Then, about four years ago, that all changed, and he started drawing really good-looking fat girls. I'm not sure why it changed, but I'm glad it did.

Is this the body possible on a furaidopoteto diet?

Who knows.
Alraune anatomy is kinda disturbing when you think about it.

>Kusahanada does not have a vagina
>you have to fuck the flower on her head

Attached: 6f5.jpg (427x365, 16K)

If she has everything else including bellybutton then she pretty sure has all those nice womanly things too.

Attached: x16.jpg (1146x1650, 574K)

We need to go straight to the source on this. Somebody find a D&D Monster Manual and look up alraunes.

Best actual fat artist is Pocharu.

What about The-Kappass and Better-With-Salt? They're newer but I think they're both pretty good.

>western artists
Jesus christ man, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>asking what is wrong with someone
>in a fattie love thread
a lot apparently

Attached: 1438992848527.jpg (545x545, 17K)

Better with Salt is perfect. I love his Lilly and Lucy artwork.

She absorbs water through body but drinks coffee with her mouth.
It's clear all the systems are doubled.

Attached: 008.jpg (1347x1920, 614K)

Not D&D, but Pathfinder (So 3.75) Bestiary 3:
An alraune relies on its supernaturally soothing odor to render enemies incapable of making hostile acts against it—even if the alraune attacks a foe, its calming scent can wipe away any thoughts of violence from its prey. At rest, an alraune appears to be merely a large thorny plant with a single enormous and brightly colored flower at its center. When an alraune attacks, its thorny vines lash out and its flower blooms, revealing an attractive, green-skinned humanoid form within. An alraune’s apparent gender can vary even from encounter to encounter, for the plant can reshape its humanoid portions as it desires to increase the likelihood of setting its victims at ease. Regardless of the
plant’s apparent gender, it is itself asexual and reproduces (typically once or twice per decade) by budding a single
offspring over the course of a spring season. Despite their appearance, alraunes are quite mobile (capable of walking almost like a spider upon their numerous long roots and thorny vines). They hunt by using commune with nature to locate potential prey, preferring humanoid flesh over all others. When an alraune needs prey, it uses its mind-affecting abilities to convince foes to dig their own graves and bury themselves—once a foe is helplessly buried in the soil, the alraune can feed from it via its flesh-burrowing roots, converting the victim’s blood and memories into the strange nutrients it so craves.

I dunno, not that user but I find both to be kinda boring. To compare, stuff like Ayano's wg diary is great. The pacing is perfect in how gradual it is while also showing clear progress with each update. Plus the girls in it are far and beyond the largest Fusa's ever done by the time the first part is complete and he's still going with a confirmed sequel. It's interesting to watch just to see how far this madlad will go.

No Lunch Break and BWS has none of that(at the very least, last time I checked either of them) . There's a very clear line Kip's afraid to cross so there's just long periods of stagnation in between the actual good shit. So yeah, I wouldn't say his work is bad aesthetically, just somewhat disappointing in execution.

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Is this the official English translation? This is awful, did the official release completely miss all the puns?

sasuga D&D faggots
I bet the medieval/early mordern lore wasn't this sterile.
>The humanoid-shaped Mandrake root or Mandragora officinarum was widely believed to be produced by the semen of hanged men under the gallows. Alchemists claimed that hanged men ejaculated after their necks were broken and that the earth absorbed their final "strengths".

You can try convincing me that a hot bodacious woman created by "cum strenghts" of lethaly desperate guys lacks a vagina.
protip etc

Attached: 007.jpg (1347x1920, 639K)

Given that background Kusahanada-san should literally be the biggest semen demon out of the cast with possible exception of Satyr which seems to be completely delusional about her true nature.

Attached: 115.jpg (1347x1920, 787K)

>An alraune’s apparent gender can vary even from encounter to encounter, for the plant can reshape its humanoid portions as it desires to increase the likelihood of setting its victims at ease.

I wonder if this is partly true of Kusahanada. Maybe this is the explanation for why she's fattened up. Maybe she noticed that Naoe seems to be drawn to Erufuda, so she chunked herself up because she really does want to bone him and she thinks he likes bigger girls.

Attached: D72-qhUV4AAbzTh.jpg (993x1738, 139K)

If they're rich

>complains about asexual propagation
>literally says it can assume the form most pleasing to the beholder
>not understanding that means you can fuck it without worry about pregnancy

Attached: 1458542065340.jpg (640x640, 114K)

What do you think her flower smells like?

Hmm, so if that is the strengths Mandrakes absorb and built upon, I guess we now know what was the precious thing human lost here

>literally did get raped

Poor Naoe.

>tfw no Oga mommy dom
Why even bother living

Attached: 46b63bd28b9f0c31e35e83ed5c596839.jpg (999x1200, 112K)

Inb4 Kusahanada-san starts growing a smallraune girl in a pot in the back of her store soon

>typical bloatmaxx response

Attached: 111a.jpg (800x521, 79K)

Are fries really that good? We don't have them in my country.

Attached: D-Xif4XVUAEf7DF.jpg (4096x2304, 967K)

They're good but overrated

Depends in the fries. Stuff like Smash Fries or Poutine are god-tier, though even lower quality fries are still decent at worst. Really it's just something that's hard to fuck up unless you go out of your way to do so.

Holy shit, who is this girl? This is a pretty good cosplay.

wow. She's even chubbyish but not in the face for the part.

PiggyNukka. She cool.

Attached: D-g-GyqUIAAx6GB.jpg (936x1920, 187K)

What a waste of fires.

God I hate fatfags go back to /trash/ you disgusting freaks

Cry harder

Attached: 1545543957305.jpg (2374x2545, 394K)

Be in denial all you want faggot, the fetish is already pseudo-mainstream and crawling out of /d/ into the light of society

>implying she didn't eat them all or get her friends to help her out

You need to hang around fat girls more often. PROTIP: they don't waste food.

She ate them all

>tfw you will never eat french fries that have touched a fat elf's lady parts

>liking fat people is mainstream
except it isn't unless you are a retard who thinks thick = fat

>Kinda sorta improved on detailing, coloring, and shading since he appeared on the scene
>Still draws the same basic body type and sameface after YEARS, only recently heard of the idea of fat going to other parts of the human body
>Those fucking comics lmao holy shit
>Actual basket case

>Been around for years, was always good, even did requests on Yea Forums years ago
>Only got better as time went on, see his most recent Aerith and Tifa pics
>Draws great sequences
>Cool dude overall


Kappass needs more practice time but he's gotten a lot better. BWS took off like a fighter jet in terms of gittin' good. I'd add Hypnagogum, Miramiraclerun, and Eishiban to the list of good western artists too.

Attached: 1491758584602.jpg (756x1058, 586K)

Its not about how much they improve or try.
Its about what they put out and at what quality.
Obviously if he/she gets better its a plus. But I am not fapping to their ability to improve.
I am fapping to the fat women they draw.

>His girls had pretty bad sphere bellies and he didn't fatten up their faces and limbs properly.
I feel like that can be pretty hot in it's own right, but it requires a VERY cartoonish artstyle to pull it off.

Looks like Naoe forgot to turn off his swag


I want to fuck her in that cosplay until my dick feels like it will fall off

i can hear this image
>s c h l a p

Yes, and KD's art is leagues above Kip's. You're fucking delusional if you think Kip's weird glossy stuffed puppets with guts jutting out 9 feet, scuffed waist to thigh connections, and horrifically inconsistent anatomy and sizes are better than KD's chunky goddesses. Their technical skill is incomparable

Based retard, Kip's issues are far deeper than subjective style
Newfag, western artists have outdone Nips in the fat community for a solid decade. Only recently have they begun to produce even a handful of decent artists like Muni and Fusa

>Kips issues are deeper than subjective style.
What then, whats wrong with him then?
If your refering to personal problems in his life then, tough shit, his problems and his art are seperate.

Agreed. Not a fan of him drawing guys now, bit his females are always top tier.

Attached: DxvdT6UVYAEYj71.jpg (787x999, 132K)

One of my biggest problems with Kip is that for the longest time I wasn't even sure if he (she?) liked fat girls. All his girls have a strong emphasis on their bellies, and they gain weight almost nowhere else. I love a good belly as much as any fatfucker, but I also love flabby arms, huge jiggly tits, a big flabby ass, and plump cheeks with a double chin. I like the whole package on a fat girl, with a slight preference on the buttocks. Kip didn't do that for the longest time, and he's not so good at doing it now that he's finally started.

Even though his girls are not super duper fat, Meth understands my needs.

Attached: N26.jpg (1146x1650, 626K)

Kip is just a hack.

That's 1/10 of her max weight she can achieve.

If Erufuda were left to her own devices I am completely certain that she would be immobile by now. When Naoe isn't actively badgering her to eat healthy and exercise she seems to put on huge amounts of weight at dizzying speeds.

>that time when she ate an entire years worth of fries in just a few weeks

Attached: 1443478085653.jpg (691x597, 27K)

I'd say SuperSpoe's worth a mention if only because his P&S stuff is top tier.

Attached: hidden_in_plain_sight_by_superspoe_dco363z-pr.jpg (774x1033, 80K)

Is this her maximum pregnancy alluring mode?

Attached: _art_trade__stocky_by_superspoe_d9xk70n-pre.jpg (908x880, 106K)

Post that one pic. You know the one.

Attached: erufuda.png (959x1500, 928K)

Attached: 1556982998309.png (1650x2550, 1.85M)

I gotcha.

Attached: cm__panty_and_mocking_by_superspoe_dbe97m4-pre.jpg (966x828, 117K)

Attached: there was an attempt,do you like it .jpg (1347x1920, 1.39M)

Nice, though I'm kinda confused about the blue hair.

She has blue hair

i love this series

Really? When was this, did Meth confirm that or something?

Attached: cm__stuffin__your_face_as_usual_by_superspoe_dbjcq5x-pre.jpg (692x1154, 111K)

I don't want to leave it grey.


Attached: 6262626262.png (973x898, 796K)

Yeah, she had blue hair (although a little more faded and less neon than in and ) in one of Meth's colored artworks of her. Trying to find one...

Here we go. December 6th, 2018

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at 8.02.55 AM.png (960x1260, 1.29M)

>everyone is bring up fat artists
>not one mention of MagicStraw or CozyNakovich
What the fuck.

Attached: db0guow-9ec6c595-da3b-46be-82ee-96f153759044.png (1000x551, 537K)

Huh, interesting. I would've just assumed she was blonde.

Well people assumed the same about Kusahanada

Ii probably just has to do with the shading and Manga being in black and white.

Attached: D9LlmZsUEAIOl-F.jpg (1450x2048, 251K)

Like this?

Attached: 1558210116689z.jpg (1347x1920, 1.39M)

>Now, Kip is definitely up there.
>If trinityfate didn’t go full furfagot he’d be up there too.

My Sides hahahahhaha, Gr8t B8t M8t

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Literally everything KD make's as of late is a true work of art, and he can actually make sssbbws look hot. Kip's comfort zone is really only thin chicks with a fat gut and hips, once he deviates from it it goes to shit. Kip would never be able to draw something like this, its always 2.5 d with him.

Attached: D7ys0xsUYAInCwJ.jpg (900x1200, 225K)

>Architect gf
If fuckin only. My gf likes my tummy but isn't an architect as far as I can tell

Attached: 4d7f2b38ec4c1ae384bbe4d869278925-imagepng.png (1284x876, 771K)

Seems a little better. I wasn't trying to insult your earlier colors or anything, though. Sorry if that's what it sounded like.

Kinda sad we didn’t see any of that.

No problem.
Just having fun learning doing edits.

Attached: This one was the first that i did.jpg (953x1297, 1.04M)

Do you think he’ll ever make another manga?

What hair color does she have?
She should be blonde when going gyaru, right?


Light green

Not gonna lie, I watched Dimension W just for this woman. She was the only memorable part about the anime.

Attached: Dimension-W-02-20.jpg (1280x720, 91K)


2D fetishes ! = real world.

Fuckers only apply real life logic when it comes to fat girls I swear.

sorry to burst your bubble but liking deplorable or even evil stuff still speaks about you even if you only fap to fantasies of those things

Damn, got to find some pictures now.

Liking fat girls is considered evil now? You need some serious help, dide.

Attached: 1560037690128.png (772x1143, 160K)

>deplorable or even evil stuff
Relative and completely subjective.

the problem is that you are fapping to something that is in reality extremely bad and painful for the individual that is suffering from it
the retards in this thread go lalala i don't know anything they are HAPPY HAPPY YOU HEAR, it's kinda disgusting
You should feel bad.

I fap to Loli on the daily, tell me again about how "you are fapping to something that is bad"

unpopular truth but you said it yourself

Cozy is in a league of their own

>For England, James?
>No... For Wales.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 46K)

They're all on mangadex

Just make a foot thread and relieve yourself some stress. Your sperging isn't entertaining anymore

user, I told you I am not a the feet fag, this is the second time that happened to you.

Are you samefagging all those hamplanet pictures in these thread yourself, since you are projecting "everybody against me is the same guy" so hard?

Wouldn't even be surprised, with the amount of autism around.

Why aren't the mods doing anything about blobfags? Surely spamming threads with /d/-tier fetish art not directly related to the manga is against the rules?

I've never understood how you faggots don't understand that being unable to separate your desires and how you act in daily life is a greater sign of immaturity than having the desires in the first place. A sizable portion of the population would have no qualms stealing or murdering for the sake of more food or to have a loved one all to themselves if we didn't exist in an advanced societal state with powerful police and a job market that punishes bad PR.

Have you never once desired something one of your friends had or wished you were fucking a model you saw on TV? According to your logic, you're irredeemably fucking evil just for having those thoughts. The same can be extrapolated to murder and pedo fetishes. Sometimes you can't help but pop a boner at something you know is socially wrong, and letting that desire out by drawing 2D art of it is infinitely healthier than repressing it for decades, snapping, and kidnapping an elementary schooler or murdering your neighbor or something.

Attached: you fatass.jpg (480x360, 92K)

Funny how you spin fapping to fantasies about evil stuff instead of rejecting them as the more moral state of mind, full-of-shit kun.

People would be more understanding of your dumb fetishes and lack of self control if you indeed kept them private, you know.
And not pushing them here, spamming and trying to make them go mainstream as was said itt. Kinda at odds with the "it's fine, it is just inside my mind" rhetoric here

Based Architect
Shut the fuck up retard.

No, rejecting them outright IS the more moral state of mind, but you'd have to literally fucking be Jesus Christ to claim you don't have evil thoughts yourself in some field or another. You're beyond deluded if you think you, a shitposter on Yea Forums, are as devout as a Buddhist monk at the end of a life of piety

>on-topic cosplay pic deleted
>shitty unrelated fatsos or rbosnan pics retained
the general state of Yea Forums

>don't have evil thoughts yourself in some field or another
>as devout as a Buddhist monk at the end of a life of piety
Nobody said that. I just don't boast about them and spam Yea Forums or other places about such shit like retards here
it's not like there's some thin line between these positions, user

>keeping the fat fetishes contained to a fat fetish thread about a manga made specifically to cater to fat fetishists isnt private enough
Eat shit.

Elf-san isn't a morbidly-obese blobfag manga, fuck off to /d/.

How much KG of danberu she lift?

Jesus Christ why can’t we just have a thread about chonky elves without people running in and sperging out anymore?

blobfags not getting deleted

Keep telling yourself that. You might actually believe it yourself someday.

Attached: 12.jpg (1146x1650, 367K)

Good fucking lord, just hide the thread, how autistic are you? It's not like we're invading your shounenshit or kyoanus threads like the Huntermumblers and DBSpics so often tend to do. This is a very clearly labelled Elf thread, fuck off.

Attached: autism.png (500x459, 23K)

>blob hamplanet faggots allowed on Yea Forums
>tasteful pregnancy pictures banned from /h/ and only allowed on fricking /d/
what the fuck Yea Forums, what the fuck

Attached: fair folk.jpg (604x454, 72K)

>This is a very clearly labelled Elf thread, fuck off.
Why don't you reeeee ad the blog faggots then?

They're attention whores, plain and simple. They're desperate for attention so they turn to concern trolling. I mostly interact with them to keep the thread bumped but now that it's almost over I have no use for them. So time to just ignore them and post fatties now.

Attached: tubby_tohru_by_better_with_salt_dcjh8lg-pre.jpg (786x1017, 83K)

She's fat, but she's not a morbidly-obese blob like what's getting spammed in here.

eeh, blob I mean
I swear, their brain damage must be contagious
Can't enjoy chubby elf comedy without getting mental equivalent of aids from 300kg degenerates

/h/ is one of the shittiest circlejerky boards on the website, they're like the definition of an unironic sekrit klub. I almost wish they would stick to trope discussion and hentai conventions and leave actual imageposting to /e/ and /d/ instead of having a weirdly arbitrary list of "acceptable" fetishes, kind of like the /vg/ to Yea Forums

You have a very concerning definition of "morbidly obese" user. Are you American by any chance?

Attached: plus_size_ultra__mina_ashido_by_jeetdoh_dbrq3bn-fullview.jpg (1024x443, 65K)


Yea Forums just had a really good preg thread not too long ago.

Attached: 70791928_p14.jpg (1677x1461, 560K)

Because it's become clear from months upon months of threads that blobfags make up the majority of Elf's fanbase you massive newfag. The handful of people who just want to discuss the manga narratively are in the vast minority. Fanbase majority decides the culture of their manga's threads

>implying it's not just 2-3 guys spamming

Make me, bitch. Oh right you can't. Is there anything worse than a backseat janitor?

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>128 ips
>just 2 or 3 guys spamming
Seems legit.

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Attached: cm__panty_playtime_by_superspoe_dd3epw7-pre.jpg (997x801, 99K)

Joy oh joy another Elf thread that's 90% repulsive levels of Fat art and 10% actually having shit to do with the actual manga

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>hit the bump limit before the /fit/ thread

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Make a thread with an Oga OP pic if you want muscle and shotaposting. Fatty in OP means fatty thread

What is there to even talk about? Everyone's just waiting for the next chapter at this point, the only thing to really speculate is just how much fatter Potato Elf's gonna get.

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Faggots get mad because he likes bellies and not hamplanets so he'll draw fat chick but he has a definite cutoff

Attached: 1511880497770.png (3222x2413, 3.64M)

>Because it's become clear from months upon months of threads that blobfags make up the majority of Elf's fanbase you massive newfa
Something like bitch-kun being majority of Nanoha fandom because every 4th post in the thread is his?

Attached: oh.png (939x491, 631K)

Well, it's been fun. See you guys next thread.

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Kip's not a fat artist, he panders more to stuffingfags and inflationfags, but straddles the line of fat so tantalizingly often that it's clear he's too afraid to give up on the hundreds of fatfags still on his Patreon. He's really shit at drawing fat, too, so it's all pretty disingenuous

Well yeah, see

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How can one man have such a masterful sense of culture?

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I think the one on left would stand out in the cast better. But if right is more his type, what can be done.

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Meth unironically made a series where every girl borders on being the best one

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If we ever get an anime adaptation, I hope they redesign her so that she takes cues from both ends.

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Post blobs elsewhere then, this is an Elf thread yet keep posting shit Yea Forums /d/ material

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I guess in the end it's better if the mods just prune these threads, after all. Sad but true.

Attached: 68910023_p2.png (900x900, 187K)

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Or you can just leave instead of crying like a bitch.

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Attached: 69188993_p2.png (900x900, 148K)

Basically, I'm only here for the new elf chapter and used to download the entire thread's edits automatically but now have to do it manually to avoid bloat shit, fatfags just ruin things like they did with Gyaruko, but at least they did so when the threads were on their tail end.

Attached: 69322618_p0.png (900x900, 321K)