Is this the future of Nasuverse? I am not saying Fate because all other Typemoon franchises are equally irrelevant compared to it. But for me, FGO feels like a shitty excuse to just make more one dimensional characters, to be quite honest.
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Nasuverse will forever be tainted by some of the bad characters produced by FGO.
There's nothing wrong with best nurse.
I agree.
I like her design but her personality is a fucking joke
Your personality is a fucking joke.
>implying all of the characters in FGO suck
>implying modern Type-Moon can't make good characters
Salieri, Qin, and Izou are all great takes on the historical figures they represent. As far as the non-Servant characters go, all of the enemy Masters so far except for Ophelia have been interesting.
What are you taking About ???
Fate Grand Order Cahracter is Awesome Nobuuu
Let me guess, they made him CASTER? And his heroic deed that made him worthy to be recorded in Throne was poisoning Mozart?..
God, fuck Benkei
Salieri is an Avenger.
Avenger is a very special class. Salieri is literally who.
No, Avenger because anyone angry ends up as avengers these days. And not quite, he's an avenger because of the perceived public opinion of his feud with Mozart, it's implied to be not the true Salieri, so to speak, but what people expect Salieri to be.
So is Jeanne fucking Alter and Lobo
>is a very special class
That's what they said about Moon Cancer.
Avenger is barely special these days when there's dark jannu, gorgon, some angry wolf, count of monte cristo and demon lord nobunaga.
What class would he be?
Stop bullying Kaison, he's trying his best to redeem himself.
FGO has sort of retcon the class systems as being a thing that exists even before Fuyuki Grail War.
It's not a retcon. F/SN mentioned "the original servants" literally twice, we just misinterpreted it as being Counter Guardians (it's not).
What about Ushi?
Fair enough. Point is, Avenger is only determined to be special specifically in Fuyuki Grail. As of FGO, they can chuck anyone there when they need to drum up some hype like Demon Lord Nobunaga.
The historical Nightingale was not a nice woman. She was intelligent, hardworking, and just in all of her dealings, but it would be a great stretch of the imagination to pretend that she was nice. Let's look at one of her letters to a friend to get a sense of what her personality was like:
>You say somewhere that women have no attention. Yes. And I attribute this to want of sympathy. Nothing makes me so impatient as people complaining of their want of memory. How can you remember what you have never heard?… It makes me mad, the Women's Rights talk about “the want of a field” for them—when I know that I would gladly give £500 a year for a Woman Secretary. And two English Lady Superintendents have told me the same thing. And we can't get one.… They don't know the names of the Cabinet Ministers. They don't know the offices at the Horse Guards. They don't know who of the men of the day is dead and who is alive. They don't know which of the Churches has Bishops and which not. Now I'm sure I did not know these things. When I went to the Crimea I did not know a Colonel from a Corporal. But there are such things as Army Lists and Almanacs. Yet I never could find a woman who, out of sympathy, would consult one—for my work.
>...Women crave for being loved, not for loving. They scream out at you for sympathy all day long, they are incapable of giving any in return, for they cannot remember your affairs long enough to do so.… They cannot state a fact accurately to another, nor can that other attend to it accurately enough for it to become information. Now is not all this the result of want of sympathy?
FGO honestly didn't go wrong in making her a Berserker, and I'm glad that it preserves her single-minded dedication to nursing as the central aspect of her character.
Based Nurse
Some designs are great, but they completely sold out to make more money. The characters are lame and don't even try to relate to the legend anymore.
Like, are we supposed to think this is Attila the hun? Fucking sucks
Now I love Nightingale.
This. Even her skillset is interesting as hell. Idiots like to mock her because lol healer beserker but it actually works; her persistence bordering on obsession means that just because her main goal is healing doesn't mean she has to be nice about it and that if needs be, she's more than capable of dishing some dirt. Gameplay wise, she ends up being pretty fun in challenge quests where she can alternate between supporting allies while being the one dealing damage if needs be and her own skill plus NP actually makes her pretty sturdy.
For all the low effort shit in FGO, it feels like they actually did put some level of thought into crafting her character.
100% wrong. The Salieri you summon is an Avenger, and he has zero combat ability unless he acts like the memes expect him to act--that he was jealous of Mozart, hated Mozart, and killed Mozart, when the truth is that, just like in the real world, he was actually Mozart's friend.
Why does she always adjust the gloves on pics of her
Based as fuck. Nightingale is one of my favorites already.
Because she knows it makes my peepee grow.
Because adjusting gloves is peak /fa/ just like how adjusting glasses is peak otaku.
>I have read half your book thro' and I am immensely charmed by it. But some things I disagree with and more I do not understand. This does not apply to the characters, but to your conclusions, e.g. you say "women are more sympathetic than men." Now if I were to write a book out of my experience I should begin Women have no sympathy. Yours is the tradition. Mine is the conviction of experience. I have never found one woman who has altered her life by one iota for me or my opinions. Now look at my experience of men. A statesman, past middle age, absorbed in politics for a quarter of a century, out of sympathy with me, remodels his whole life and policy — learns a science the driest, the most technical, the most difficult, that of administration, as far as it concerns the lives of men, — not, as I learnt it, in the field from stirring experience, but by writing dry regulations in a London room by my sofa with me. This is what I call real sympathy.
Damn, she said WHAT?
>Like, are we supposed to think this is Attila the hun?
Nobody knows what Attila the Hun looked like. There are literally no surviving descriptions of his appearance.
Nurses and doctors must wear gloves to prevent transmittable diseases from being carried on their hands. Making sure your glove is tight is just proper conduct.
Here is the only known voice recording of Florence Nightingale. Keep in mind, it's probably not exactly what she sounded like given that the recording is over 200 years old and was made on a wax cylinder. Still you can hear your waifu if you wish.
"When I am no longer even a memory, just a name, I hope my voice may perpetuate the great work of my life. God bless my dear old comrades of Balaclava and bring them safe to shore. Florence Nightingale."
I bet she never thought she'd be turned into fap material for a Japanese phone game.
Whoops meant to say 100 not 200.
wow so she was a woman who awakened to the truth of bitches and whores?
Still, the Avenger class was always crafted especially for Angry Manjew by the Einzberns. Now it's just for edgy people who would otherwise have been Berserkers.
>granblue makes a lot of money so the devs fund passion projects like an RPG, fightan, and anime
>fgo makes a lot of money and Nasu forgets about the tsukihime remake other than redesigning the girls to look more like saybeh
Berserkers aren't even filled with mad people anymore
They are still mad, just mad as in insane, not just mad in terms of super angry. And frankly, it's the right way forward. It would have been boring if all berserkers can go around screaming incoherently.
Explain one thing that's insane about Kintoki or Horsecock.
It does however mean that half the Berserkers are now forced to have have either low rank Mad Enhancement (low enough that they can still speak) or EX rank ME (the "abnormal" insanity ranking which means they can have strong ME but still verbalize).
Based Florence
It's insane that a Jap with blonde hair and is obsessed with gold won't fuck Shuten.
Really? You need an explanation on why a cyborg zombie centaur that is the result of superior fantasy china science is not sane?
Yeah, he doesn't quite fit, but that's more an exception than a rule. Him and Beowulf feels like they're there because there isn't a brawler class. That said however, Kintoki's profile talks a bit about how seeing women and children getting hurt is his berserk button (not unlike evil cat).
Reine as a servant when?
I don't have a slowpoke slow enough for you.
I thought she already is, even if "everyone can be a servant" is another FGO retcon bullshit
Perpetually childish. Bottomost rank of Mad Enhancement, anyway.
Due to his precognitive abilities, he behaves in manners that linear beings cannot sympathize with, basically putting him on a different wavelength than everyone else.
Why is a little girl so obsessed with knowing if a man lost his virginity or not?
Kintoki is a literal manchildren. Events even like to make fun of him being virgin.
Xiang Yu's mind operates on 4 dimensional chess level. Most people simply won't be able to understand his thought process.
Is the rent good underneath that rock?
You picked some bad examples. Xiang Yu doesn't have Mad Enhancement at all despite being a Berserker. Kintoki only has E rank Mad Enhancement, which means that he keeps his sanity when he fights in exchange for not getting any stat boosts.
Sima Yi is not Reine
Do we have to explain how Pseudo-Servants work again
the body's personality affects them
needs more slash emperor, the strongest in the nasuverse
Where are my Spanish and Australian servants Nasu? What about North America? Come on. Enough with Greek and Chinese
In the case of Waver and Reines, they both explicitly state that the corresponding heroic spirit has approved of them and sort of fucked off into the deepest corners of their subconscious after granting them access to all of their powers and abilities.
Hell, Reines even has Trimmau with her.
>North America
You already got Paul Bunyan.
Cortez soon
Mean South America
But yeah even the North deserves more love. Using Edison to avoid creating any president servants is retarded
There's a lot of joke servants and servants that honestly shouldn't exist. think if I had to remove the worst offenders, it would be:
-ALL of the Rome servants
-Jeanne D'arc (Alter)
-Nero Bride I mean come the fuck on
-Suzuka Gozen
-Lanling Wang
-Robin Hood (Just remove the 3rd skill, its not even related to his mythology at all.)
-Kid Gil
-All the Joke Artorias
-All the Summer variations
-Jaguar Man
-Edward Teach
-Astolfo How about we NEVER add this back in
-Sakamoto Ryōma
-Mephistopheles (Why is he a clown)
-Charles Babbage
-Xuanzang Sanzang
-Queen of Sheba
-Murasaki Shikibu, keep the third stages at the base for the design as that's how she was portrayed in the Diary
-Jack The Ripper (Strange Fake does this way better)
-Every Hassan except Cursed and Old Man
-Mochizuki Chiyome
-Katō Danzō
-Yu Miaoyi, this one shouldn't even be in the game at all. Keep this shit away from FGO.
-Darius III
-Eric Bloodaxe (such a lazy design)
-Tamamo Cat
-Minamoto no Raikō
-Arjuna (Alter)
-Paul Bunyan
-All Rulers except Holmes
-All Avengers except Dantes and Angra
-Remove Alter Egos.
-Abigail Williams
-Beast III/L
That's a lot of servants I would remove and that's not even taking a look at the mythology or facts behind each of them, this is me looking at the designs and trying to figure out what the fuck they were thinking.
Coatl is plenty for you monkey eaters
>Robin Hood
>joke servant
>remove Babbage
Ok, you just went full retard.
No fun fag
>Jeanne D'arc (Alter)
You need to read the first line of the post again.
I even said for Robin Hood, he's fine if you remove the 3rd Skill. May King isn't even a Robin Hood thing at all. Its like me adding for Artoria something about medieval England.
>the list of servants that don't make sense is now longer than full list of all Fate servants used to be a couple years ago
FGO was a mistake
>Jack The Ripper (Strange Fake does this way better)
Apoc Jack being a manifestation of dead children and aborted fetus is actually a pretty good concept and ties well into the lore of Jack the Ripper.
>this is me looking at the designs and trying to figure out what the fuck they were thinking.
There are dumb designs in FGO, but you are just retarded. Nightingale's design is great, fuck you. Also Holmes' design is the most unoriginal and those scales things behind him are dumb, so funny how that's the one you actually one to keep.
Shit taste. Also, I bet you didn't even read his profile. Kaison being a faker trying to redeem shit is a pretty interesting backstory.
t. Benkei
Yeah, it's so much more interesting to have yet another standard oh so powerful famous warrior with superior skills over 100+ weapons.
>-Robin Hood (Just remove the 3rd skill, its not even related to his mythology at all.)
Robin Hood in Fate is a merged persona like Hassan-i Sabbah, there have been several Robin Hoods.
The one we're most familiar with is also mythologically intertwined with the Green Man, as well as the King of May. It's his spin, in the same way each Hassan has a Zabaniya.
The fuck is wrong with Geronimo or Circe? Do you just not like them? Both are famous legendary figures.
>that's not even taking a look at the mythology or facts behind each of them
In other words, you're full of shit.
Its a game for otaku, of course they will create the alternative forms of servants as fanservice. But yeah there are too many of them. Some servants like Benkei or Teach are too historically popular to be removed. Jack the ripper in Strange Fake is cool. They should use him instead of fanservice for lolicon. At first Im also quite annoyed with Astofo but he gets better near the end of Apocrypha. He still sucks tho but not to the point I want to get rip of him
While joke servants are shit, characters with gimmick like Ryoma and unorthodox presentation is fine in my book.
Your list is just being mad
I agree. It's impressive that they didn't go for the low hanging fruit of making her some erotic/clumsy nurse and made her a Berserker who reflects some of the more intersting aspects of her personality. Her design is nice too, shame about her actual ingame art though.
When is Reine going to rape Waver?
redman is the best servant and idc what anyone says
Redman couldn't even save the world from one woman.
So are these two really in love with him or not? Gray is too young so it maybe just simple crush. Reines teases him too many times I cant take her feeling for him seriously. Its better if they dont love him that way cause Waver is a faggot. I dont care about Reines but Gray is too precious to get her heart broken
Redman sucked so bad he couldn't even kill himself.
Didn't most of your retarded and autistic rant, but
>complaining about Lanling of all people
The historical Lanling is a man who was simultaneously a brilliant general and yet so FABULOUS~ that people had a hard time taking him seriously unless he covered his face with a battle mask made to look like a leering demon. FGO did a legitimately good job with him, especially his NP. It recreates one of the most famous stories about his life, when he fought his way into a city that was besieged by a gigantic army, rallied all of the beleaguered soldiers there by announcing who he was and showing his face, and then proceeding to lead them to a great victory against overwhelming odds.
Implying Waver has a say in anything.
Designs CAN be unoriginal if they stick true to the fucking point of the character. Do you wonder why Sherlock Holmes is always portrayed as a calm detective who's able to break things down easily and somehow come out of situations where he really shouldn't?
But its NOT Benkei.
Strange Fake does it better and doesn't make Jack the Ripper a loli who mutters "mommy" all the time. It looks at the whole idea of not knowing who the murderer even was and the concept of Jack the Ripper itself. Its way more interesting then "Well you know how Jack murdered prostitutes? Now imagine if they were pregnant (which is hard to say) and imagine if they were all combined to make a loli that barely covers itself and murders people with the techniques it was murdered by".
It makes no sense at all.
Geronimo is a caster for some unknown reason despite being a hunter, a leader and a resistance fighter. The only thing they got right about him was his appearance in the America chapter. His Skills don't make sense at all both in a gameplay sense and have no relation to what he did in real life. Shamanism is a stretch even.
With Circe, I think its the fact that they play to the whole Pig thing to the point where it seems like a joke, when they lack focus on her actual portrayal. I don't think its too bad of a design. Change a few things with it and she's a good design overall. She's probably the least worst offender on the list.
Lanling I didn't know too much about, but I knew about the mask. It just feels odd for him to actually take it off then. I think his skills are great, I think the NP is good, I just think removing the mask defeats the purpose of making a skill about it and goes against the whole reason of wearing it.
Nurse is a fun historical figure, despite being a female that achieved a lot of merit, feminism cant used her as a model because she was really mean with them
>The fuck is wrong with Geronimo
do it again custer
>heard u talking shit
Ya love being fucking wrong?
"Amadeus Wolfgang Mozart! ....I am the one who kills you. Your reputation, your songs, your vestiges, I shall kill them all. Should you ever manifest in this world, this time for sure, I shall kill you with my own hands. O man loved by God, Gottlieb."
Though it surprises me he's not in the berserker class like how Penth is given her Achilles hate boner.
Loved how they brought up that movie and portrayed it as slandering him
Poor Waver he has long lost control of his life
Most women throughout history who accomplished a lot or held power despised the women's rights movement.
>I am most anxious to enlist everyone who can speak or write to join in checking this mad, wicked folly of “Women’s Rights,” with all its attendant horrors, on which her poor feeble sex is bent, forgetting every sense of womanly feelings and propriety. Feminists ought to get a good whipping. Were woman to “unsex” themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings and would surely perish without male protection. -Queen Victoria
Who's that?
Really makes one think
Can we just post based nurse?
They hated him because he told them the truth.
I can understand there being a comic relief character every now, but it's gotten way out of hand. Now it's rare that we ever get a servant that's even remotely historically accurate. FGO tertiaries actually think that tsundere goddesses, lewd saints, Otaku pirates (Edward fucking Teach...) is a good thing. While we're at it, why do the Lily version and more importantly, Alters, even exist as summonable servants?
FGO is a parody of the Fate series.
sorry? I can't hear y'all while literally shitting A class fake noble phantasms from my ass
>Throws a spear
The Fate series has been a parody since its second entry.
>Otaku pirates (Edward fucking Teach...)
There are pirate scholars who argue that Edward Teach personally killed less than 10 men and his reputation as an unstoppable bloodthirsty marauder was completely played up by himself and his crew so that ships would surrender instantly instead of fight, giving them an easier time at sea.
Fate died with Extra and CCC though. From that point on, they just went full retarded fanservice.
What made the concept of Fate cool and what FGO is completely the opposite of is taking historical figures, turn them into anime form, and then flesh them out as characters. And SPECIALLY their relationships with their masters. From the moment FGO brings characters in just to make a profit because they are hot/cool/joke or whatever, Fate is dead. Well, I haven't played them but I'd say that Extra and CCC already killed the franchise, but I'll leave that to other user.
Nightingale is now my favorite nurse.
Which makes it weird that CCC was the second best entry in the series after F/SN.
>blocked by magical shield from a servant who doesn't even have a legend to buff himself
>shield breaks
>Cu isn't even tired or harmed the whole fight
Did they directly mention Amadeus or just vaguely refer to it again like with Mozart’s mask?
Well, CCC is exactly what he wanted. Fleshed out characters with strong relationships between each other and their masters.
Reminder that Void is for (you)
What exactly does an Avenger-class function as anyway?
>archer didn't even need to win
>just pretend he is busy so Tohsaka can "beat" Caster
>still makes Lancer use his strongest attack
>fights Saber without a master a few minutes later
>Caladbolg is literally Lancer's nemesis
It isn't directly mentioned because, even though Amadeus is really well known, the meme that he killed Mozart or was Mozart's enemy far predates that movie. It goes back at least as far as Alexander Pushkin (the Russian poet) making a play about it in the early 1800s.
God Fate is such bullshit
>Caladbolg is literally Lancer's nemesis
Yes, when wielded by one who's Ulster-born. EMIYA might have originally been a ginger, but he's a Japanese ginger not one from Northern Ireland.
>Gets one shot from Saber in FSN
>Gets one shot from flying Saber in HA
How exactly is this character insane? It says her madness enhancement is rank C, but she seems perfectly sane to me.
he gets one shotted by Saber because he is surprised from seeing her, as she is the love he could never forget
archer is shirou from Fate route
It's still A rank and would have wrecked Lancer's shit against the spear thrown which is B rank
Did you play her trial quest? She has a striking lack of common sense.
>ends in a draw with Sasaki Kojiro
>Kojiro's agility is A+
>Archer's agility is C
Holy shit I can't cope with how much bullshit inconsistency this character is put through
>She has a striking lack of common sense.
That's Seibah though
Archer actually takes time to project and enhance broken phantasms, you know. Cu would never have let it happen, his combat style is relentless and untiring.
Aren't all saberfaces like that in one way or another?
>implying he can't trace Ulster genes
You cant exactly blame her for that.
Noone told the suber human death machine shit because her knights were suckups and never corrected her.
>oh look our king is excaliblasting the animals in the forest again
>she truly is an apex """hunter"""
>casting time is taken into account
>casting time is taken into account midfight
Have you ever watched a fucking anime in your life? Stop coming up with filler excuses
>Sasaki Kojiro kept up with Berserker
what the flying fuck is this shit? I went through Fate and UBW route and stopped HF midway
>casting time is taken into account midfight
It literally is in Fate outside of the video games, though. Did you not watch the UBW anime?
Nasu backpedaled and explained that Medea helped him in that fight. So it was boosted Kojirou VS debuffed Heracles, and all Kojirou managed was to push Heracles away, preventing his approach.
Unlike Berserkers, Avengers have an unnatural, kinda artificial rage. Jalter was conceived as the non existent version of Jeanne d'Arc who should be angry about the heretical burning thing. Dantes is brought as an avenger because that's what everyone knows about him while choosing to ignore he gave up on his revenge when he fucked up and went too far by getting an innocent child killed. And Angry Manjew was a regular dude who became a scapegoat against his will.
Salieri as well, the whole 'hating Mozart thing' was something people added to his character but he didn't do in real historical records.
Medea is supposedly a DnD tier mage which has access to all sorts of bullshit, too bad we never see any of it outside Prisma, she helped Kojiro.
Our Robin Hood is not the Robin of Loxley. In Fate, there were many people who used this alias, the one who we summoned was one of them and in his backstory, he was affiliated with May King and his unknown father was apparently a druid, hence his strange abilities and crossbow instead of a longbow. Dig some info before you start complaining.
Sure but Mozart and Salieri are heavily based on the movie.
I think it’s bullshit that Robin Hood is only an alias and they all look alike but we can’t get the original Robin, it’s always the same imposter no name.
why there no Jesus servant?
I for one think it's pretty cool that various english bandits would take on this name to get prestige and curry favor with the public. I find it logical and satisfying.
"Robin Hood" functions somewhat similarly to the "Hassan-i Sabbah" in that you get one who claimed the name not necessarily the first one.
Robin of Loxley exists in Fate, Lionheart mentioned him. Maybe someday he will be released, maybe not. We've got two Jack the Rippers already, Heracles and Alcides are very different too.
Explain the NP. Because the Yew Bow is an actual thing, except it isn't a crossbow like its shown in the NP. Its an actual bow.
Unless the NP is like Billy's where it isn't specific to the weapon he uses, explain how that's supposed to fit in with the use of the crossbow.
>A bow manufactured from yew wood found in the forest he used as his base while alive.
The yew is a sacred tree in Celtic and Norse cultures, and the act of producing a bow of yew holds a meaning of a ceremony to "become one with the forest".
Even the NP mentions its specifically a BOW. Not a crossbow.
Too busted and would cause a shitstorm, basically
Arjuna (Alter) is basically jesus
I like the concept but I don’t think that very iteration of Robin Hood we’re seen is the same person when there’s more variety when it comes to other servants.
>Even the NP mentions its specifically a BOW. Not a crossbow.
That's sophistry. The most important part of a crossbow is literally a bow.
He's busted as shit
then again that goes for a ton of them
Any berskerer could be Jesus honestly. Hell, Hercules is better than Jesus. Jesus died once and came back. Herc died a ton of times
He is most likely being saved for a momentous occasion. Even when you consider the fact that gods typically can't be summoned as Heroic Spirits except by using loopholes and always get massively nerfed anyway when you do, Jesus would still probably be the greatest hero you could possibly summon given that he is the single most important person in all of human history.
Same reason there ain't no Muhammad servant
So you're saying its a trick. For who though? People who are trying to look up the bullshit they add into Fate characters now?
Jesus is too important to show on-screen. Nasu will dance around Jesus for the rest of his days, always implying he is massively important and never, ever putting him to pen.
If youre so hung up on that why dont you complain about how we didnt have an actual lancer in the lancer class till FGO?
He won't ever be summoned, that would be a shitshow no one wants to start. Moreover, Nasu has got a perfectly good reason not to implement him as second coming would start the apocalypse. Thus Jesus can and will deny any summon, regardless of how dire the situation is.
Sorry user, I don't follow you. Our faker Robin was a thing since 2010.
>Jesus would still probably be the greatest hero you could possibly summon given that he is the single most important person in all of human history
European history != All of human history, retard.
No he isn’t, God is.
>European history != All of human history, retard.
Except it is, nigger.
Don't remind me about shit like Boudica.
The fuck kind of argument is that?
Gilgamesh is an Archer in Stay Night, Emiya's most known weapon is his swords.
I'm not arguing that he shouldn't be classified as an Archer, I'm saying his NP refers to a bow when he uses a crossbow. This has nothing to do with who's defined as an Archer or Saber.
And even so, if you wanted to point that out, refer to the beginning of the post. Fate never stuck to those rules of "You have to be an Bow-wielder to be an Archer" or "You have to be a Lance-wielder to be a lancer".
Did they reveal design details for King Hassan?
Oh we can talk about her if we want. The Nerowank in FGO and outside of it ruins all the Roman leaders.
Youre arguing about schematics about a jap who can differentiate between a lance with a spear so why would ot be outlandish for a jap to not know the difference between a crossbow and a bow?
>like Demon Lord Nobunaga.
She has the class due to her leaning towards the rumors of her being a Demon King later in her life to the point that she has shifted from man to earth. She basically became the all destroying Demon people called her back then.
Months ago with Grand Order Material V.
The original concept for the Holy Grail was some random cup he grabbed. He outpowers the Grail. And while there are Servants who technically do so as well, Jesus probably is way above the Servant summoning system. There's a clear difference between mythological gods and the Judeo-Christian God, even in Fate.
Even the Grand Caster owed everything he was to God's gift, which was showed in his NP Ars Nova. Would be hard to believe that the son of God wouldn't be even above that.
Except it isn't. Europe was a third world shithole up until the 15th century. Countries like China and India contributed to about 50% of the world's GDP. Europe only gained importance after the industrial revolution
how tf is this dude supposed to be an assassin? He can't even be sneaky with FUCKING blue flames coming out of his skull, plus he is using a greatsword and IS 2 METERS TALL
>Founder of the world's largest religion, one practiced by over 1/4 of the world
>His religion supplanted the Roman Empire and dictated the political, social, economic, artistic, and intellectual development of Europe and the Americas for over 1000 years, even unto the present day
>The calendar used by the whole world has his death as its focal point
>The only people who don't know who he is are inbred savages like the inhabitants of Sentinel Island
I'm not even a Christfag. Why don't you tell me what figure you think is more worthy of being called the most important person in human history than Jesus Christ?
Look at this dumb Arian heretic
>Year is 2019
>People still dont know the difference between assassins and infiltrators
Okay. So you're telling me, someone's who's either hired or doing this as some kind of passion project about historical figures and their weapons is going to confuse a bow (弓) for something smaller, more compact and that is years ahead of bows called a crossbow (クロスボウ)
Are you fucking serious with this
Alright since Nasu has shit like King of Heros, King of Conquerors and King of Knights then i ask you Anons which Loli is the King of Lolis?
>blue flames coming out of skull
>plate armor
>2 meters tall
>presence concealment: EX
ok, nothing wrong with it, I'm such a fool for pointing it out, right?
Presence Concealment bucko.
Passionlip can sneak up on people with her 1 ton claws the size of small cars.
King Hassan only has rank A. A good hider but not the best. The Presence Concealment EX Hassan is from Fate/Strange Fake (affectionately called Spooky Hassan).
Who the fuck cares about GDP in the 15th century. The only thing that matters is what dictated the path the world had to follow and it was Euros doing. It were Euro who spawned the USA, it were Euro who conquered most of the world, it were Euro whose culture was the strongest. China for the most part of the history was busy with infighting, just like the whole continent of Europe. What India was doing I have no idea without checking the wiki, that is how irrelevant their issues were.
Will Reine ever get bigger boobs?
>he can do that because of x stat
asspull, but explained, basically
do you think servants are bound by physical laws? the very concept of presence concealment is already a thing, why question it then when KH has it at the highest level?
Semiramis is a posh queen with presence concealment C and Mordred is only capable of identifying that some servant is watching over them.
The First Hassan's entire shtick is that he can't conceal himself from his target. Whoever his current target is knows instinctively where Hassan is at all times, and this is intentional in order to instill fear in the target. Hassan himself even says that he's not an assassin, but an executioner.
>he is the single most important person in all of human history
I wasn't talking about Hitler tho
I agree with all of this except for Mr. Astolfo. He's a great character.
i dunno i'd still say jesus christ is more important.
but the real question is, who has a better chance of being in FGO, Hitler or Jesus?
Hitler would definitely be OP asf too, no lies, but I can't see him fitting the Fate Lore, unless he is a Lancer and wields the Longinus Spear
I agree. People get too caught up on the trap memes to see that Astolfo is actually a massive bro and a genuinely good person.
Can't wait for Babylonia to air and see posts like OP's getting buried under the most vicious shitposting and occasional waifufaggotry
Imagine, 3 months of Fate shitposts.
Jesus showing up as a Savior. Nasu fucking hates the modern era hero idea.
Except the real astolfo is nothing like him.
Sure, the whole quests about the hippogriff and lance is there. Nothing else though. And Astolfo never crossdressed either.
You know all of that is just a product of Colonialism, right? It's not that the world came to accept those things, you just imposed it on the world. Did you know that Pajeets had their own Vedic calendar and shit? Bet you didn't because it doesn't fit the "Eurocentric propaganda" that's being pushed since imperial times. Jesus Christ may be the most influential person in the world, but definitely not the most important. Also Japan being a Buddhist country makes Buddha more important to them than Christ.
I hope its actually 2 cour like most fate series are
>Servants no longer relative to their legends
>A lot of them become girls, just because
>Even more of them are just rehashes of the same waifus people already like, literal copy+paste the face in a new dress and then handwaive it
>Alter designs shoehorned onto other characters irrelevant to angra mainyu
FGO was the worst thing to happen to the Nasuverse, and Type-moon in general. Such potential ruined for mobage bucks and to give people 7 Arthurs, 3 Rins, 4 Shirous, 9 Cu Chulainns
>Salieri, Qin, and Izou are all great takes
>3 out of 15 servants made this year are passable.
That's a terrible fucking score.
>implying this wasn't the case with the original series too, just on a much smaller scale
That's....scary as hell.
If he wants to score a sneak critical he has presence concealment, plus he's shown to be able to change his appearance to an old man. But really, he fights like a knight, a really good one at that, enough to scare the shit out of Gawain. He's probably my favorite servant to come out of F/GO.
It has to be, Babylonia can't fit into 12 episodes. Tiamat alone is 4 episodes, at least.
The visual novels were fun, interesting, and refreshingly new. Then the series just went nowhere, infinitely recursing new waifus with zero thought.
is sunbathed Gawain the strongest servant of all?
His NP is pure Kino
Actually, there will be ten times more posts like OP's especially if FGO animu isn't going to explain shit 95% of which contradicts with canon TM lore
is this servant the one supposed to have unlimited teleportation?
Kenshin works well too, as it's not necessarily a genderbend seeing as Kenshin was very possibly a woman.
>Severe abdominal pains on a roughly monthly basis that lasted around a week, to the point that Kenshin's military campaigns were planned around it
>The only "man" in all of Japan that was allowed to freely enter the residence of the Shogun's concubines
>Never married or had any children
>What India was doing I have no idea without checking the wiki, that is how irrelevant their issues were.
>He says that while his ancestors were desperately trying to plot a course to India
There's a reason it was called the golden bird
No, but he is top tier. The huge downside is that in most HGWs he wouldn't be able to use Numeral of the Saint because magi duke it out during the night. He would still be very good though.
That would have been way funnier if Morderd took his outfit after disarming that trap because he scretly wanted to be cute too.
>still doesn't know the difference between an assassin and an infiltrator
Assassinations are usually done as surprise attacks. You don't surprise someone in a suit of flaming armour.
We are not talking about the wealthiest or most beautiful country, we are talking about the one which was more important in the grand scale. India was beaten into oblivion and today it is a shithole, truly a loser amongst nations.
Do you remember in the Epic of Gilgamesh, when Gilgamesh acquired all the weapons that would be used by later heroes and flung them at people
Do you remember in middle eastern history, when Hassan-i Sabbah was actually the 19 zabaniyya and not one guy
Do you remember when Sasaki Kojirou wasn't real and King Arthur was a girl
>wwn have Fuhrer as a Servant
CCC was amazingly interesting. F/GO's first arc had a very strong finish and was rising action since the 4th singularity.
Treat F/GO events like you've treated Hollow Ataraxia all these years, you whiny bitch.
>being sneaky is literal assassin archetype
>the best assassin isn't
>muh stop pointing it out and ruining my fantasy
cry more, incel
I want to protect her smile.
See He doesn't surprise you, he just walks right up to you and challenges you to defend yourself before lopping your head off.
Ummm bro the most famous "assassin" and "secret agent" movies from the recent media were about James Bond, Jason Bourne and John Wick. While Bourne tried to maintain the covert ops idea in first and second movie, it was also filled with guns blazing chaos. For Japan the most famous modern assassin would be Golgo who doesnt shy away from running around with submachine guns and assault rifles when is not sniping people.
>b-b-but thats modern and Hassan is from medieval Syria
Nasu is not.
The problem here is that you think only the west matters and that's a totally racist point of view. Japan is not a western country and Nasu ain't Catholic. Why would you think Jesus is more important to him that fucking Buddha?
Thats how first hassan killed ozymandias in his fortress.
He just walked right in behead him for being a heretic and walked the fuck out.
if Buddha was a bigger deal, he wouldn't have appeared at all, they would've hyped him the most they can just to milk it endlessly
If you think otherwise you are just coping
It started as a fucking porn game. A porn game.
Stop pretending it was ever more than waifushit.
>Have you ever watched a fucking anime in your life? Stop coming up with filler excuses
Casting time is literally the whole reason Shirou was able to beat Gilgamesh.
Have they hyped up Jesus at all?
Rule of Cool: he would never get killed mid casting or it would be lame
And fuck, my point stands, Archer only lost because he had nothing to win at that fight, he was Caster's servant and could probably spam UBW indefinitely
Who made the fucking holy grail HOLY in the first place?
There are more christians and muslims than buddhists. There have been more christians and muslims than buddhists for at least a thousand years.
>muh racist
Suck it up, bucko. European empires decided how the world rolled, that's the fact. I hardly am glad about it as while I am from Europe, most westerners either ignore my nation or despise us. And Nasu stated in F/SN that Japan is a country bumpkin comparing to old European nations. He kinda backpedalled making a lot of Japanese servants very powerful after all these years but alas.
Multiple reasons.
>Too strong to be summoned
>Has no reason to answer the call for the Grail War since he can basically create Grails at will
>Since he has a very strong connection with God it's possible that like Solomon he isn't even part of the Throne of Heroes at all.
>Endless shitstorm for Type Moon if he ever appears
Carefully, your majesty, your head is about to fall off.
Yes, ridiculously so. Nasu said that the turn of the AD calendar was one of the defining dips in Mystery of the world (on the same list as Gilgamesh rejecting the gods [start of the end of the age of gods], the death of King Solomon [true end of age of gods], the death of King Arthur [point of no return for gods], and the invention of the electric light [universal death of mystery via World Faith Domination]). Additionally Saint Martha got divinity just from being in His presence.
Well to be fair he acts more as an executioner than an assassin. His targets always know he is coming for them, but then can't do shit against him. Dude casually strolled in Ozzy's temple, took his head off and walked away.
Now you're just reaching
You should go back to your temple to fix your head Ozzy.
He is so fucking divine that Martha god Divinity C just by being near him.
>It started as a fucking porn game. A porn game.
I still don't understand why people say this. Aside from shitposting.
Disciples as new KOTR when?
>Too strong to be summoned
That's not a valid reason, he could just be summoned as a ruler for the GHGW, as he is the only one who could keep the Grand Servants in check
Grand Servants do not participate in HGW, their purpose is to battle Beasts.
Well you can't summon Grand in the first place since they only answer Alaya's call.
Let's suppose The long awaited Jesus Christ finally ends up as a servant. What class would he fall into? How strong would he even be?
>local pharoah gets beheaded by casually passingby big flaming death knight
>What class would he fall into?
>How strong would he even be?
Bullshit strong, probably the same level as KH, Solomon or Buddha
as long FGO makes money
There are a number of servants that exist in the design space of the legend rather than the person: Jeanne Alter is the Jeanne that Rais, in the depths of his rage wishes she could have been. Salieri is manufactured whole cloth from rage against talent, and the entertaining falsehood of the man who dragged down Mozart.
Hell, it seems to be a requirement at this point that an Avenger is a twisted legend: Greek myth, a novel by Dumas: All different kinds of envy and wrath.
It makes sense coming out of the Angry Man Jew, the same way that Nightengale is an off-type but entirely understandable berserker: There's really not much difference between "ROME", "FREEDOM", "ARTHUR" and "MEDICINE".
Try living your life decently then.
Savior. The entire class is already comparable to Grands and Beasts in terms of absolute power, so insanely strong. Powerful enough to make most comparisons irrelevant.
He would be Saver and his strength would be unparalled, but Gil would probably counter him as his divinity rank would be EX
>but Gil would probably counter him as his divinity rank would be EX
I don't think so, when you reach a certain level even counters become useless.
Based cumbrain who thinks 5 minutes of H-scenes in a 100 hour chuunige VN makes it a porn game. F/SN must be the least satisfying eroge in the genre.
Did Jesus really exist though? I mean what historical evidence do you have besides a theological text written by committed believers? What's stopping Nasu from pulling a Kojiro on him?
Martha confirms that in Fate Jesus does exist.
Gil wouldn't be able to do anything due to Counter Hero (probably EX). Even if you were to chain him down with Enkidu or hit him with anti-god weaponry so long as you're a hero standing against a Savior borders on impossible.
The only possible contest against Jesus would be Beast III/R due to Nega-Savior being an antithesis to his type of existence. She's the type to force sin on the sinless.
A vampire, a kung fu mage, a flesh robot, and a sack of worms
>Servants no longer relative to their legends
actually most of them are very well done, especially for a fucking jpg collector
>A lot of them become girls, just because
not really, in the last 2 years or so they basic cut most of the genderbent
>Even more of them are just rehashes of the same waifus people already like, literalcopy+paste the face in a new dress and then handwaive it
only swimsuit and holy versions, all new servants are usually completely new
>Alter designs shoehorned onto other characters irrelevant to angra mainyu
Avenger is a stupid class anyway
In the Nasuverse he is real, we have Martha as proof of that
It doesn't matter at this point, if they did that, it would probably be to avoid the shitstorm right after, but he would still be the most powerful of all summonings, because he is the most important historical figure, maybe drawing with Hitler
>they're gonna cut back on Reines femdom and teasing Waver because she loves (You) in FGO
there are several historical reference to Jesus and pretty much any historian worth a damn, theist or atheist the same, would tell you that he most probably existed. To be honest we have more proof of Jesus than people like Alexander
I would sin with her all day.
>Le porn game meme
Based FGO secondary.
Actually, porn scenes in FSN were less than average. Lore made it famous, not porn.
Which servant would give you a hug and tell you everything is gonna be okay?
Is there a better way to die than fucking Kiara?
Bouddica. She would even let you sleep on her big fat ass.
The Church itself is a huge institution in the nasuverse, so christian theology stuff 'just werks' for the sake of brevity.
You'll sin with her for a few nanoseconds before liquification like everybody else.
Holy shit
I need Gilgamesh to chain my dick
But you have no evidence do you? It's like saying Achilles existed because he's mentioned in the Iliad or Krishna existed because he's mentioned in the Mahabharata. That's no evidence user, that's double standards.
>more one dimensional characters
You mean two-dimensional characters.
>chain my dick
Why would you do that?
The roman historian Tacitus, who was not a christian, wrote of Christus being punished at the hands of Pontius Pilate. We have no reason to believe Tacitus made it up himself or was someone who listened to christians without researching himself.
to hold of my boner
But why?
Because otherwise I might do perverted things to you, user.
There's reliable historical record of Jesus:Tacitus and Flavius both made direct references to a so-called messiah who was crucified in Judea, called "Christus".
These sources are considered reliable: Flavius's account was altered later by Christian scribes, but the original makes the same reference.
You offering?
I like FGO, but I don't think there's anyone who would disagree that the first couple of singularities were shit, especially Septem. They should be remade, or what is more likely to happen is that the anime will fix them later. Bouddica was absolutely a travestiy of a written character, should have had a hate boner for Rome and should have been a berserker or avenger. Romulus should have been a 5 star, Cesar... well, he's fine but they really should come out with a 5 star version of him.
Speaking of Savers, is our newly recent Avenger the perfect counter lore-wise? I'm not that informed how powerful Savers are in lore, we only had Boddha in Fate/Extra and he wasn't even taking the fight seriously.
Don't take Oda Nobunaga seriously to begin with. Honnouji is a joke event.
but he's a Jap and they love the Nazi Germany
so Hitler is definitely more likely to be used than Jesus
and it's not like FGO doesn't have 20th cantury historical people either
Totally. Then again, back then they were totally expecting FGO to flop, so they half assed the story. It was when the money started to flow that Nasu wrote Camelot whining about wanting in.
The event is a joke, but Nobunaga is a historically important character, they can use the character in other serious events, there is a precedence of that happening after all.
>These sources are considered reliable: Flavius's account was altered later by Christian scribes, but the original makes the same reference
>Are considered reliable
By literally who? Yet another Catholic. History is written by people and people are biased by nature. Christian history written by Christian historians is about as reliable as a chocolate teapot
There are deist and atheistic historians, you know.
there is no proof that the Declaration of Independence was written in the 18th century
It's actually a post-Civil War propaganda, with a lot of falsified documents scattered around the Union to make it seem like it was created then
There is no evidence that disputes that because everything that is dated before 1865 that refers to this was actually made after Lincoln's presidency
This is how you sound, except with stuff 2000 years ago it's a bit more believable that there would be little data
This "Christ is a myth" claim was raised by atheistic historians you stupid Mongoloid. Jesus has always been treated as a historical figure by the Western hemisphere while other religious figures have been deemed as "mythology" . Christianity is literally the most successful mass hypnosis in the history of mankind
All of them are weak as fuck though. And given what we know about Hitler, besides Luck EX and Charisma A+ his stats and skills would be mediocre at best. In the height of his power he was far from being a good commander.
Face it, Yea Forums. He was just a random guy who was in the right moment and time, and said what people wanted to hear. Objectively speaking he was no more special than any other dictator.
how the hell is it possible for anyone to not have tired of taking quotes by historical figures on gender politics, race, or some other political hogwash no one a shit about out of context and pretending those trite and unmentionably normal opinions say a single fucking thing about their personality yet
I'm genuinely curious. Do you have brain damage or something, or were you born this way, repeating the same shit time and time again, year after year, until DECADES pass, and still being entertained by it?
I'm talking about religious history you fucking brainlet
You forget he was also dabbled in the occult, they can pull something out of their ass to make that relevant.
Septem wasn't even the worst of the initial singularities. The shilling for Nero is kind of shitty but at least makes sense when you consider that she's Beast VI. The chapter even foreshadows that when Waver confronts her with kid Alexander and asks her about if she knows what her pride will bring about.
London was arguably worse than Septem, because you spend 2/3 of the chapter stumbling around in the fog until you run into Zouken. If it wasn't for the fact that you encounter Solomon at the very end of the chapter, it would have been almost completely forgettable.
> is our newly recent Avenger the perfect counter lore-wise?
No. Demon King Nobunaga is pretty strong, but Buddha is some seriously broken shit. Remember that this is the same Servant who was able to shut down the Moon Cell and almost get a timeline pruned simply by letting Twice borrow one of his NPs.
>it doesn't count
fuck off braindead retard
But wasn't Beast VI Beast of 666 in Prototype?
No, you're talking about history at all - the existence of a dude that was preaching to people of Judea, got into a scuffle with the big wigs, got crucified and then used by a Roman called Sha'ul ha-Tarsi to make a religion that caused some turmoil even during the 1st century
That it refers to religious figures is irrelevant because I can also say King Louis XIV Bourbon was divine and the French are just trying to make up shit about him
So do you think we shouldn't believe the words of Tacticus, who despised Christians as being heterodox death cultists and who directly mentioned Christ and his execution by Roman officials in very derogatory language?
>is our newly recent Avenger the perfect counter lore-wise?
Not really. Buddha is bullshit strong, on the same level as Grands or Beasts, you can beat with a regular Servant.
Of course it doesn't. An opinion everyone shares won't tell you squat about someone. All that dumbass has done is point to her date of birth.
>London was arguably worse than Septem, because you spend 2/3 of the chapter stumbling around in the fog until you run into Zouken. If it wasn't for the fact that you encounter Solomon at the very end of the chapter, it would have been almost completely forgettable.
It's forgettable, that much is true. There were some servant introductions that didn't make sense to be introduced in London like Kintoki, Tamamo, Tesla and fucking Artoria Lancer Alter of all fucking things. However London didn't strike me as the worst because at least they didn't ruin characters, unless there's something I missed on why it's the worst chapter.
>No. Demon King Nobunaga is pretty strong, but Buddha is some seriously broken shit. Remember that this is the same Servant who was able to shut down the Moon Cell and almost get a timeline pruned simply by letting Twice borrow one of his NPs.
So Savers are broken on the same level as Beasts or even beyond them?
It's the same shit like with Beast III, with R and L.
praise the lord
>So Savers are broken on the same level as Beasts or even beyond them?
Not him but I would say Beasts>Grands>Savers/Saviours>Rulers>Regular classes.
The Beast of 666 in Prototype is the Beast from the Sea of the Book of Revelation, and it is incomplete when Arthur stops it from materializing. This is not only because its body isn't fully formed from the Grail mud when it gets Excalibur'd but also because the Whore of Babylon who's supposed to be riding it isn't yet present. I wonder who that's supposed to be?
Are Grands supposed to be the counterpart to Beasts? Then what the hell are Savers supposed to function as? Because they strike me as better Grands, Grandpa Hassan couldn't solo Tiamat from what I've seen whether as Buddha could probably put her down by himself through some effort.
>Not him but I would say Beasts>Grands>Savers/Saviours>Rulers>Regular classes.
I would put Savers as stronger or at least equal to Beasts, Buddha was fucking around in all his fights we have seen. But I think the class should be explored more before there's a verdict.
>Grandpa Hassan couldn't solo Tiamat from what I've seen whether as Buddha could probably put her down by himself through some effort.
No one coulp put a scratch on Tiamat before KH stepped in because she lacked the very concept of death. You can't beat Tiamat no matter how strong you are because you simply can't kill her.
And most real counterparts of the Fate characters aren't women either. I don't think FGO's trying to be historically accurate.
Ez win for my wife
This is on the assumtion that Buddha couldn't put the concept of death in her as well, which in my opinion he could. Pushing concepts unto beings is not a difficult thing for beings on that level to accomplish.
Hassan had forfeited his title at that point as Alaya was non functional and he chose to independently manifest outside of his duties because he felt that he owed you a favor. He had enough power to impress the concept of death upon Tiamat due to his nature as an aspect of death itself, but not enough power to finish the job.
It's also worth noting that Tiamat made the decision to commit suicide after that, since she prioritized her children over herself.
Grands are just the best of their class summoned into grand class containers that give them further massive buffs. They aren't really conterparts to the beasts but simply servants selected to combat them if needed, there can also be multiple potential grand servants for a class.
There hasn't been much said about Savers and how they interact with Beasts. The only thing that connects them a bit that Kiara is basically a nega-buddha and also a beast.
Why are (You) so popular with girls?
>is our newly recent Avenger the perfect counter lore-wise?
Bodhisattva and Gods will have a hard time against Nobu but Buddhas and Saviors in general are completely broken to the point of being at least as powerful as Beasts and Grands. But Saviors would probably not even fight against Nobu in the first place and rather try to make her listen to sermons.
Because Guda is Beast of Alaya.
There is the myth that he possessed the Longinus Spear, tho
>is basically a nega-buddha
She is a Bodhisattva, not a Buddha. She is very close to Buddhahood but lacks one crucial step, something that can take hundreds of reincarnations to complete.
They would probably need to create a class just for him (Overseer probably) and he stands higher than the Grail itself
Not going to happen
He has already the Savior class though.
Why the fuxk dis Kiara get a beast title just for being a slut
She is not just a slut, she is the ultimate slut.
It wouldn't live up to his hype to not be in a class of his own
He is the most important historical figure for humanity and the originator of the Holy Grail
God. That's not even the same fucking point. You do know why he crossdresses in the series right? Its because of a character. It isn't like Saber or Mo where they were originally women and had to hide it.
Astolfo crossdresses because his friend was sad. That's literally it.
He isn't the only originator of the grail and he is on the same level as the Buddha. He will not get his hopes own class just because he is more popular than the Buddha, both want to save humanity and are therefore in the Savior class. Making another class for him is therefore redundant.
>An opinion everyone shares
Shitber died to Redman in a dozen timelines lmao
What is a servant that anyone could seduce but that wouldn't be on your dick from the get go?
Technically should be possible but difficult as hell and with a shitload of bad ends. Mor is a little too prone to violence.
>This design is absolute shit
>Every time I see new updates they roll even more bigger abominations
Nasu is a hack
Reminder that Medusa is ridiculously OP with a decent Master, and that Rider is objectively the best class.
Sky is blue
>Shit design
Reminder she's not tall at all.
Except this is bullshit since nasu stated lancer cu could escape petrification which means it's not unconditional
How would the master need to act?
He can't block the petrification, sure, but he can use Disengage to undo it afterwards.
Do we even know what his runes do besides 1 v 1 me fag and set fire to shit?
Her design is great, it's just her default art that's bad. Literally all of her fanart looks better than her base form.
Yes he can with runes so clearly there exists counter measures and it's not unconditional
Oh, well I didn't know that. Well, I guess Nasu just forgot his rules again, like he did with the "no Servants after 1900" rule when Neil Armstrong became a Servant.
Cautiously and subtlety. She has massive daddy issues which are the most important part and it usually makes girls vulnerable. Unfortunately, Mor abhors people who treat her as a girl. Her FGO profile also states she dislikes when you treat her as a dude too ostentatiously which again makes it possible to even seduce her but at the same time it forces you to balance on the edge of the knife.
Taking this all into account, we see that bold approach is probably not the best idea and Mor should fall for you herself. The problem is that she is very young and the only love she craved was from her dad so even if he falls in love, she will have massive problems with understanding her own emotions.
Now, her master would need to emulate everything that she thought she saw in Artoria. Master would need to act regal and with honour but unlike Artoria, would need to pay attention to the servant. Encouraging her to open herself and explain that she wants to be king is the first step. Now, master expresses polite interest and encourages Mordred to explain what kind of king she wants to be. This is a great chance to impress her as you offer to become a temporary advisor, don't blew it up. Compliment her but without a blatant bootlicking, try to make it look accidental. The topic of best rulers of humankind will help you once again. Mention some female rulers as good examples so she wouldn't be ashamed of her feminity, google it. Queen Victoria is not the only one in history, you can mention that Hedwig was, in fact, king, not queen, of Poland.
I assume that at this point you have her respect and trust. Tell her that a good ruler should know plebians and use it as a pretext to invite her to Roller Coaster or something similar. If you are fairly good looking and smart, from that point it should be already rather easy. If still struggling, try mentioning that a king needs an heir and you believe that both Mor's subject and spouse will be happy people. Explain wish to see her country and that you would be honoured to serve her, either as a knight or a scholar. At some point, she may start considering you as possible consort.
Now we are almost done. The last step is to make her jealous of you. Buying yourself a whore is a big nono, she will be furious. You need a feminine figure who you will pay attention for some time but without causing Mor to go on a rampage. Help your lady friend who goes through a horrible break up or comfort your cousin whose kitty recently died.
If after all of this you still couldn't make her fall for you then you probably never stood a chance.
Very in depth guide
What is she lacking specifically? Compassion and the will to save humanity?
>Nobody knows what Attila the Hun looked like. There are literally no surviving descriptions of his appearance.
So that automatically means that he was actually a woman?
>Compassion and the will to save humanity?
She has that already as she has the bodhi nature. What she needs is to reach the immovable spot at her psyche and shatter her ego, going past the illusion of reality where can leave behind the restriction of the I and You and reach Nirvana.
I read from a transcript of a Nasu interview that Hassan had forfeit his Grand status back at Camelot when he agreed to help the protags out. So Babylonia Hassan is actually nerfed a bit.
>no Servants after 1900
Nasu only said that it was incredibly unlikely for someone to become a servant past 1900 due to the lack of mystery in the world. Neil Armstrong becoming a servant makes perfect sense here. If people pre-1900 could become servants for simply being explorers of new land, then the first ever man to set foot on a celestial body that isn't earth deserves to become a servant too.
>grand exist to fight beasts
>Hassan must give up his grand title to fight a beast
Damn, this thread made me love and respect Nightingale not as a character or persona as seen in FGO, but as a person that existed in the real world. I don't even care about or know anything about Fate, or history as a subject.
No, he forfeits his Grand status in Babylonia itself when he gives Tiamat the concept of death when she's dropped into the underworld.
Why user?
He acted on his own in Camelot and not against a Beast, that's why he lost his title.
Nobunaga herself is from a gag universe. The Koha-Ace versions of Nobu and Okita are super popular, so they can't really not add her. If you really want a serious Nobu, just get the Avenger version. Base form is gag Nobu. First Ascension is male Nobunaga, a jovial young man who always has a hearty laugh. Second Ascension is the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, a more serious character who honestly never has anything interesting to say.
Mordred's mom is cute!
Savior Class seems to be a class unique to the Moon Cell. In theory, no one on Earth would have ever summoned a Savior-class Servant and Savior shouldn't be one of the Grand Vessels. Outside of the Moon Cell, it seems to be a purely theoretical Servant.
There's no Beast in Camelot. Hassan is only given leave to act on his own to help his assassin guild, and only if the current leader of the guild offers him their life. The player character convinces him to make an exception in Camelot to help defeat the bad guy, and that exception later costs him his Grand title.
He still appears in Babylonia to fulfill the Grand role, but by that point he's no longer actually Grand Assassin.
Her madness is a voracious appetite, one of her my room lines heavily implies she's considering eating you to fuel her reactor
Dumb meme event was dump
Charles Herni-Sanson is an executioner summoned into the assassin class. His NP is a guillotine that drags you in. He's still an assassin
Agartha's the worst one.
fuck everyone who supports and plays nu-Type Moon and FGO
He's the original Old Man of the Mountain, Hassan-i-Sabbah, the originators of the concept of an assassin. It's the same deal as with Beowulf. Beowulf doesn't shouldn't really qualify for the Berserker class, as he never went insane in life and has the lowest rank of Madness Enhancement to the point where he's honestly completely lucid. But because Beowulf is the origin of the concept of berserkers, he will always be summoned as Berserker.
Well nurse just shot up into my top 10.
Oh no Gramps is going to be CGI.
Is his sword really falling apart so bad that he needs to shove a bunch of bolts into it?
Nightingale was the best part of the America Singularity, easy. You do have a point though, in that when you're rolling out as many characters as they have for FGO they're going to be flat-especially compared to the original cast.
Both the anime and movie are going to be about 50% CGI, user. Come to peace with it now.
You realise that Tiamat is gonna be CG along with Gorgon right?
Pretty sure they confirmed this.
I agree for everything except the last one.
Some major male legendary hero being in fact a girl was fun once. After a while it becomes boring. Plus, it kinda made sense with Arthur considering the legend.
Vladmir Nabokov if by technicality of having written Lolita
Lolita herself if the King of the Lolis has to be a loli herself and the best known example of it.
You could bullshit something like he's not been allowed to be loved or liked since he died. He's basically Satan in the mind of 95% of the world's population.
You know that at the time, Christianity was considered a cult and you could be executed if you didn't renounce it.
Even if you dismiss Flavius, Tacitus was a Roman through and through, and to paraphrase, was basically musing at how dumb these people could be praying to a dead man.
Which means we've got an orthodox Roman, who worshiped the Hellenistic pantheon and is rather certain of a man who was called Christ who was executed by Pilate.
I think the literary character is more appropriate. Nabokov is very clear in his distain for Humbert and his "love".
While I agree with your sentiment completely, let us flip the table.
Even if you show a distaste for a fart-sniffing pedophile, the very fact you wrote the book and named the very concept as we understand it would make him entirely viable to be the King of Lolita even if he doesn't like what he is the king of.
There is no rule to state that you have to like the title you have. Vlad for example fucking hates being compared to Vampires even though he is the originator of our common understanding of Dracula.
Do they ever explain how they were able to subver this for FGO's grail war?
and Ushi
Nah. It's bad, but it's not a smirch on the Fate series like Septem is. Agartha's faults are some characters repeating their stupid shit over and over again (aka acting like two-dimensional characters), the story being boring shit until the last chapter and when interesting shit did happen it was never expanded upon and dropped like a sack of shit.
Septem meanwhile is so fucking trash that the very writer of it had to dogeza to everyone on social media. It was Nero fanwank that turned all characters associated with her into her worshipers, even a fucking character whose legend was hating Rome's guts and everyone associated with it. This shit is unforgivable and needs to be fixed through some other media.
1st Hassan has to cast away his Grand title to help you apply the concept of Death on Tiamat.
They haven't said anything about production really so far. People infer there will be an overuse of CGI because the production studio is a dumpster fire and the 30 second tv commercial for babylonia that they animated a few years ago had CGI Lahmu. Plus the more recent trailer with the pan-through of the streets of Uruk used really obvious CGI for the street and background scenery.
That said, somehow TM adaptations in general have somehow magically managed to avoid being bogged down with an overuse of terrible-looking CGI like what's become the norm in the industry, so if Babylonia's anime featured a garish CGI foreground prop or character animation it would be the first for the company.
>somehow TM adaptations in general have somehow magically managed to avoid being bogged down with an overuse of terrible-looking CGI like what's become the norm in the industry
Someone hasn't seen THAT.
Holy shit this thread is still here and it wasn't a complete dumpster fire. Nurse stronk.
>and the 30 second tv commercial for babylonia that they animated a few years ago had CGI Lahmu
But wasn't that by an entirely different studio?
>She's the type to force sin on the sinless.
That's Christ's main deal, He's already taken the sin of the world on himself. It wouldn't work.
FGO has some great CMs, though. Even though they're cheaply animated with few frames and mostly only last around fifteen seconds, they do a good job of hyping things up. Even if the thing it's hyping turns out to be shit, the CMs are pretty good.
The 30-second All Guda-Guda Honnouji Final CM is hype as fuck:
The key problem with the Nasuverse is that literally everything outside of Fate, UBW, Zero, FGO, and Garden of Avalon is fucking garbage.
Can you find the intruder?
On they bright side, they did backpedal later and claim that Boudica acts the way she does because she wasn't summoned into the Avenger class. If she was, she'd be much more in-line with what you'd expect from a character who's known for hating Rome.
Let's also pretend to be surprised when the LAHMU and their swarms are CG as well.
I'm talking about Solomon.
Nurse will heal threads by force if she has to.
That's entirely fair, but I believe that Lolita's own perspective is the best way to express the nuance in the ideology.
You could literally make her the temptress that Humbert identifies her as, but still turn around and acknowledge that she has been shaped into that form by the whims and will of those around her.
Something sweet and loving, but also twisted and wrong; like Matilda out of The Professional. You could even extend her character into the idea of the "Mature child" as a literary trope: Centuries of writing warriors, lovers and victims alike all for the sake of taboo.
It's the class for people consumed by vengeance. Jeanne Alter talks about it a bit in Shinjuku, how the obsessive desire for revenge, even if it is detrimental, defines the Avengers.
I don't think Tiamat would be CG, since it doesn't really have a lot of moving parts. The LAHMU swarms absolutely will be.
I'd imagine that CG LAHMU would be pretty fucking scary if they did it right.
Then i remember that we're in the year of our lord 2019 where violence and gore gets censored to all hell. If it happened in something as bloody as SAO S3 then it's essentially confirmed for FGO. What a shame.
Best CMs:
>Quarantined Territory of Malice: Shinjuku
>Permafrost Empire: Anastasia
>Guda-Guda Strange Tales of the Imperial Capital Holy Grail
>True Nation of Unified Knowledge: SIN
>World Genesis Destruction Samsara: Yuga Kshetra
>Guda-Guda Final Honnouji 2019: All Nobunaga Grand Charge
>thinking anything related to lostbelt 1-4 is good
There's something wrong with you, user.
They're good CMs. Even if they're lies.
I really want to get a prostate milking from her.
The important question is will they show Siduri waving a white flag?
I expect a lot of the story is going to be cut around and trimmed and redone if they're going to make this a decent anime. So much of Babylonia's story existed purely for gameplay rather that to advance or develop the story, and when translated to a medium without gameplay will feel horribly pointless and out of place. The whole section after the Tiamat reveal leading up to Tiamat's advance on Uruk basically only existed so you could fight the Lahmu a dozen times and an anime could accomplish what little meaningful storytelling happened in that section with just a shock-value montage and maybe taking a moment to show Kingu getting backstabbed. Expect changes, because if they don't make changes the story is going to adapt very poorly.
They embodiment the malice of humanity and have an unknown connection to Beasts. They are mostly comprised of twisted versions of myths and legends, and most of the Heroic Spirits of this category are defined by falsehood.
Their Class Skills are the following:
>Avenger: Absorption of hatred and grudge. Avengers are powered by hatred of the people. The more ill will is directed at them, the stronger they become.
>Oblivion Correction: Avengers recall all injustices made against them. Every single bit of pain, suffering and torment is eternally seared into their memory. As long as they have this skill, hatred is a permanent part of their existence.
>Self-Sustenance (Mana): Their magical energy is constantly being refilled. They won't stop until their vengeance is fulfilled.
She's "programmed" to go berserk and slaughter her enemies. Except she lives such a lethargic lifestyle that her madness enhancement has gone dormant. She still technically has it, even though it's not active.
look at all these tertiaries getting mad at fgo servants but have no problem pushing their own retarded fan-servant. Quit getting mad at sexual appeal kek
Back to your dumpster.
>Something sweet and loving, but also twisted and wrong
Now, now, we really don't need any more Mikonfags.
Stay mad Riyo, you will always be a joke class who is treated below Guda Guda.
VN-only fate people are the new secondaries, sorry
>Honnouji Final
That makes me a bit sad. I was hoping for an event where Nobu and Okita team up, setting aside their rivalry and show off their maximum friendship power.
Can she actually heal people? Or does her Madness Enhancement make her kill all her patients by accident?
DW knows that everyone is only still playing for summer events, Muramasa, Rasputin, and the rest of the beasts; and I hate them for it.
I'd cream inside her so hard, bros...
She treats people multiple times in America, so we know she can heal without killing people.
She's a healer first and foremost. The problem is that due to the time period she's from, she often sees amputation as the only means to treat particularly bad wounds. She's capable of learning modern medicine, though.
Carrying out a proper conversation is impossible since she only cares about treating people.
>Nightingale Pledge.
>Not only this has sublimated Nightingale's mentality, who ran into the battlefield and opposed death, but there is even connections to the concept of nurses as "angels in white that save the sick and injured", which holds true in modern days thanks to her own anecdotes.
>Negates all toxicity and hostility within the effective range. A forcibly produced absolute safety zone. It also contains recovery effects.
>Final Honnouji event if the name means anything
>They've built up to Serious powerful nobu for about 3 years
>she's one of the worst avengers in the game and shit
Its really sad too because her animations are spectacular.
They will most likely slowly give her upgrades bit by bit. Nobu is popular, so they know people will whale for her even if she's shit. That way, they can take opportunity of future rate-ups/events featuring her to also include rank up/interludes to hype shit up.
The only """good"""" fate works are Stay Night and Zero. FGO is a joke, Apo is a joke, Memelloi is a joke, Strange Fake is a joke. Type-moon hit the head of the nail once and that's it.
Chaldea's summoning system is not Fuyuki's summoning system. They are only superficially similar.
So I take it there's little Okita in Final Honnouji?
FGO, Carnival Phantasm, and Prisma Illya are the best the franchise has to offer, deal with it
I don't think he's even the most important person in European history, or even Abramahamic history.
I mean you don't get Jesus without Abraham, but more than that, Romulus as a person is much more the basis of European civilization than anything relating to religion.
Christianity wouldn't have spread without Rome.
Europe would have existed and prospered without Christianity.
Rome/Greece set the standard for politics for all western civilization.
>Rolling for LB servants
Imagine a robot whose prime directive is "keep people alive". It doesn't care if her treatments cause pain or permanently cripple a person, as long as they're kept alive. Then it starts trying to eliminate things that it deems detrimental to keeping people alive. That's what her personality is.
You talking shit about hollow ataraxia?
I think he is, brother
Worthless character.
Still waiting for Muramasa. Imagine just how many Servants will have updated lines.
No accounting for shit taste I suppose
But Strange Fake is decent tho
Well yeah, that's part of the point of HA.
With all these pseudo-servants in FGO I'm starting to wonder what happens if they summoned themselves in a Grail war.
Kerry isn't a Pseudo Servant. He's a "what if" that the world took advantage of for self-preservation purposes. Things are desperate and the Master of Chaldea needs all the help they can get. Ordinarily, Kerry wouldn't be summonable at all.
Do the japanese not know that you arent supposed to wear panties with pantyhose? Its called pantyhose for a reason.
You forgot Scat.
but nightingale is the only good fago char
Why the fuck does he has Presence Concealment A+? That puts him on the same level as the Hassans.
Basically things in FGO are so fucked that the Throne is bending its own rules to help Chaldea (convenient helpers) get this shit sorted out. What Goetia was doing in part 1 was shit and so the Throne figured you sorely needed some geniuses, tacticians, ruthless fuckers that can get shit done and even some divine spirits for good measure. Now in part 2 it's trying anything and every weird shit imaginable to give you highspec servants even if it's through a convoluted method because that's how much in deep shit everything is in.
It's not the Throne, it's the world. The Throne doesn't care since it exists outside of time and space. Kerry isn't even in the Throne.
Apologies, yes I meant the world. Or rather specifically Alaya.
Doesn't Gaia want shit to get fucked though?
It's Alaya. Gaia doesn't care as long as the planet itself isn't destroyed, and even if it is, as long as nothing lives on it after it's dead it's fine.
He's a sneaky man.
Different depending on timeline. If humanity has developed properly, the human order is high and Gaia is more accepting of humanity.
That, and now we have a Crypter who made a contract with a Grand Servant
What exactly would "properly" mean, though?
Why doesn't Alaya just send counter guardians itself instead of putting Servants in Chaldea?
I assumed that Moneybills summoned Solomon in Caster container, not Grand Caster.
>trusting Counter Guardians to be able to deal with Beasts
Kiritsugu Assassin, Okita Alter and Emiya Alter are Counter Guardians tho?
In singularities Alaya is weak as shit, the servants it does manage to summon are desperate dying gambits.
Human History has been incinerated so Alaya's presence is too weak. In the Lostbelts, shit's even worse.
>In the Lostbelts, shit's even worse.
Yeah, especially in LB3 since humans in here didn't even have their own will until Spartacus's sacrifice. Other than that Alaya summoned Bryn and Napoleon in LB2 and Lakshmi in LB4 (don't really remember LB1 but iirc Beo and Billy were summoned by Alaya). Also Alaya are currently nonstop spamming Panhistory servants in Atlantis too, Rasputin are dealing with them.
Who knows.
In Tsukihime, Gaia regards humanity as a threat first and foremost
In Fate's continuum of spinoff scenarios, it's explicitly the failure of the Gods against an invading alien entity being back around the dawn of humanity that leads Gaia to choose humankind to be its new best buds.
the Counterforce should have PREVENTED the Incineration of Humanity. It couldn't because the source of the disturbance is too great for Alaya's power alone. The Singularities exist basically because Alaya already failed in its intervention. The Singularities are explicitly Gaia's attempt to quarantine the timeline in the hopes that something can be unfucked, which is why Alaya's influence within them is weaker than it normally would be.
The Counter Force isn't perfect. There are ways around them. The fact that Lostbelts even exist at all is proof of that. Goetia was simply able to outsmart it, that's all.
>the Counterforce should have PREVENTED the Incineration of Humanity.
Hard to compete with the power of God.
Zelretch and Aoko were proof of that before FGO, getting away with the First and Fifth Magics and their lives, iirc.
Not First, Second. Fuck me.
>The fact that Lostbelts even exist at all is proof of that.
The entity causing the lostbelts is once again simply a power larger in scale than Alaya. It literally couldn't prevent the problem because it was dealing with a threat stronger than itself.
The incineration of humanity is the same. Goetia didn't even consider Alaya a threat. It was worried Gaia would just step in and unfuck the timelines, which is why it had to hit everywhere at once. But in reality there's nothing really much that Alaya can do against a threat that can destroy the entire surface of the planet 7 times over
Can't wait to see the Barrel Replica in LB5
Can't wait for tsukihime remake
I wish they'd make a Melty Blood Lostbelt where Dust of Osiris wins.
Gaia wouldn't give a shit because it's care doesn't extend to humanity
tsukihime is awful and boring with terrible characters.
Can't wait for SSR Arcueid
Well no
Gudao is by principle, from the counter force since he/she actually won
Yeah, haha.
Ignore the text.
She is literally the strongest character in typemoon above void shiki, why the hell would they let her in the game
Also do you remember the April fools tsukihime collab, it means it's never going to happen, just like mahoyo 2
Since Sion brought the Logos React Generic together with her to the Wandering Sea, they could make that scenario a possibility simulation and maybe more asspull so that simulation could become a singularity.
Because shitty 90s programming with no fucking money, give it a brake
Play melty blood
From FGO 3rd Anniversary interview in 2017
>Nasu: I can’t reveal anything concrete yet at the moment, but rest assured that we’ve been making progress on various titles within TYPE-MOON. I’d like to apologize about not having anything to say right now. But all I can say is that as long as FGO is in service, I just have to make the Tsukihime R collaboration a dream come true.
>4Gamer: !
>Nasu: That’s why I feel that producing good content for FGO and releasing Tsukihime R are the duties entrusted to me and all of TYPE-MOON. After all, I also want to see SSR Arcueid Brunestud happen!
>strongest character in typemoon
So if Arcueid's base state is her default design and her second ascension is probably Princess Arc, what would her second ascension be?
Well fuck, game over. Unless our Servant there is another Grand, mankind is fucked.
Grandpa will save us.
>Grandpa will save us.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
I rolled him. I'll be fine.
The problem here is Grand Servants only fight for Humanity/Alaya but Daybit is a Crypter who is supposed to want to fuck the Earth up, so being Master of a Grand is kind of weird...
Also don't forget that we might meet ORT in LB7.
Are there at least any clues to what class the Grand is?
What the fuck's with these shitty tickets that get me a single low-rarity mat? If you're gonna give me low-rarity mats, at least give me a Proof of Hero. I need those more than anything right now.
Maybe his lostbelt is so fucked that the world relinquished the Grand? Maybe it's whoever is replacing Gramps as the Grand Assassin, and it was still summonable by then?
Daybit said he wanted a Berserker That's the only clue.
Considering the location of the Lostbelt, the Grand should be a South American Servant, right? Who the fuck is famous enough there?
My only guess would be Pachacuti, the ruler of the Inca empire at the height of its power. Which is unlikely considering even pharaohs are considered average as Servants.
>he doesn't need bones or chains
Berserker I think
Any clues who would he be?
Also that cloak remind me of Aoko before using 5th magic
Probably Berserker i guess ? According to the December Prologue, Daybit wants to summon a Berserker class servant because because "there were no expectations of communication from the beginning" but that Grand Servant can talk normally. Also here is the translation of that conversation in image:
>Yama......Yamaten, huh.
>Judging dead men? What kind of joke is that idea?
>Death is something to be devoured. Life is something to be offered.
>The anarchy of allowing freedom to dead men does not exist in my world.
>So I ate them all.
>But the taste was foul. It was proof that their diet was anything but decent.
>Don't stick your head out too much. This isn't your land.
>Did no one ever tell you to never drink the groundwater of a foreign soil?
>You have a point. I will control myself.
>After all, we aren't here for a gourmet meal.
That cloak has been used in Shimosa chapter before, it's just used for those mysterious characters with unknown identity tho
I have lots of bones and chains, but I'm really fucking low on proofs.
Very new design here
You have Nerofest, be patient.
So we know he's not Japanese. And he's not from a land in which the dead are judged, so he's definitely not from Egypt. And he eats ghosts.
"Death is something to be devoured." Does that ring any bells to anyone?
It says he's not from that land.
I'm not mad that they put Nightinggale in, its just that they make her too strong for some modern servant. Most of my problem with FGO is that they overshot and undermine a lot of guys. Like, how the fuck we never got a male saber 5* until Sigurd? Most of characters in Fate is intresting as hell, its just the story and bias fuckig sucks.
Rarity doesn't actually equate to lore. Romulus should be at least as strong as Goddess Rhongomyniad.
"that land" in that conversation refers to India Lostbelt, not the South America Lostbelt though
So what South American culture does that equate to? The dead being devoured and such?
Tesla is possibly the strongest modern servant we have, but that is due to him being a Pioneer of the Stars by getting most of the credit for the spread of electricity by the throne for whatever reason.
>can absorb any and all magical and energy attacks, turning them into mana for himself
>being a Pioneer he has the innate ability to perform the impossible even if the odds are still low
>genius intellect that functions as precog
>NP takes a ton of mana but it rips a hole in space time or the fabric of reality
I doubt any of that's absolute. There would always be attacks that he can't absorb for whatever bullshit reasons.
Looking forward to Julius robert Oppenheimer servant
I wonder how strong would he be
Hard to say. Aztecs, Mayans and Incans had human sacrifice rituals. The center of the Lostbelt is clearly in Brazil as well, and there's nobody of note in Hueland, less alone a Grand.
Men of excellent taste I see.
Post the typeset versions dummy. Honestly suprised by how strong the translation community is for f/go comics.
There are plenty of 4-5 star servants who are pretty terrible(OG Saber, Schez, Gorgon, Nobu, Yan Qing).
And there are 2-3 star servants that are still god-tiers (Cu, Leo/George, Cursed Arm,Salieri, Lu Bu, Arash, Bunyan, Hans, Medea, Euyrale, Robin, Shakespeare, Asterios, etc..)
Grands don't necessarily have to be anyone of note. King Hassan doesn't even exist in any myth or history book. It could be a relatively minor figure with an obscenely exploitable legend.
W-what's in the bucket?
>Saber catches him off-guard and oneshots him as he flashes with recollection of his experiences with her
>Saber kills him only once after getting killed by him dozens of times and only by grossly abusing command spells and Shirou's projection
Fair. There is ALWAYS room for bs retcons.
This is just what was included in one of the material books anyway. Never stated directly in game.
Alcohol and or disinfectant. In the joke event this pairing/family came from Nightingale was so determined to keep things germ free she disinfects Artoria Alters food so it all smells like rubbing alcohol.
Billy the Kid is somewhat OK for a more modern servant.
His NP is pretty much the concept of him always shooting 3 shots first to counter an enemies attack, and takes barely any mana.
An enemy has to be fast enough to deflect/dodge the magical bullets AFTER they are fired to not get filled with holes.
And that is just his Archer form. He is also one of the few servants to fit into the Gunner class that Nasu has never bothered elaborating on ever again.
Plenty of Servants can dodge bullets after they're fired. I mean, vampires can do that already just fine.
Maybe Tesla strength also comes thanks to the mysticism and fantasy that surround him despite being a modern servant of course the pioneer of the starts attribute thing is a mayor boost
>enemy has to be fast enough to deflect/dodge the magical bullets AFTER they are fired
even Ciel can do that