Hunterfags start calling Stonefags all sorts of insults once the anime was announced

>Hunterfags start calling Stonefags all sorts of insults once the anime was announced
>This also applies to Togashi, who is in fact a Stonefag, cuck, pseud, what have you
>Togashi himself claims that Dr. Stone is the only manga he thinks gives him hope for the future of Jump
>This means that Hunterfags insult the writer of their own fanbase, themselves for reading what Togashi writes, and the future state of Jump with Togashi’s spirit inheritance that he will leave once the hiatus manga slowly devolves into an abandoned manga
It’s not even funny at this point

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>giving a shit what a dogshit mangaka with 0 work ethic and shit storytelling like togashi has to say

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Holy fuck when will you retards stop with this fanbase war

having the praise of a hack like Togashi lowers my opinion on Dr. Stone

Jokes on you retards, I dropped both series for being annoying as fuck.

This cancer is here for good. Yea Forumseddit can't go anywhere without forcing some sort of dumb conflict to have something cheap to shitpost about.

they literally do it for the lulz

HxH was one of the most beloved series in Yea Forums for a long time, then the 2011 version was a little too successful, so anons decided to tear it down by antagonizing it against every other series, and they succeeded.

then you get out of Yea Forums and realize HxH and Stone are still beloved shows.

another example is one piece threads, they used to be super comfy 10 years ago, then retards started to turn it into shipping wars and a never-ending sanji vs zoro who jobs more war, for the lulz.

tl;dr these retarded fanbase wars are only the result of anons trying to bait you into them, the rest of the world is normal.


I hope these fanbase wars are for the lulz and not real. I-i hope.

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How do you pronounce this?

Eto... Ano...

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This. Yea Forumsermins begone

Hunterchads can't stop dabbing on shitty series.

At least I have a series to read

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A shit one lmao


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Who hurt you?

>replying to your own post

>Shounen wars
>My spiky hair teenager better than your spiky hair teenager
>Repeat for 500 posts every day

Can you even read your language you fucking ape?
>Dr. Stone is the only manga he thinks gives him hope for the future of Jump
is not
>He also pays attention to manga create by young artists.
neck yourself

This. Yea Forums is just for shitposting. I never take anyone's opinion her seriously and I go to other sites when I want to seriously discuss anime.