Anyone else reading this? I just stumbled upon a new manga and I want to share it with you guys.
Anyone else reading this? I just stumbled upon a new manga and I want to share it with you guys
Uh, are you new to anime and Yea Forums, or is this just a troll?
Nah mate, never heard of it.
What's wrong? I just found this manga and you guys might find it interesting.
Interesting, what's the title?
No the billion threads about it completely passed me by too, thanks for the recommendation.
Kaguya-sama: Love is War
Cool. It's really weird that I've never seen Yea Forums discuss this series
Thanks friendo, will definitely check this out.
Is it as good as Boku No Pico?
I found this manga called One Piece. Anyone reading it?
Picked up.
Thanks OP
I just start reading this myself. My personal fav is Yotsuba.
Good I miss those days so much
yes unfortunately we have shitty resident ninotards that ruin every single thread
Its obvious that Itsuki is going to win. Why even bother reading?
I picked it up a while ago but dropped it because all the girls are below trash tier
Started reading this too and cover girl acts like a huge bitch
Is there any haram-manga where that isn't the case?
Nino a best
This is now a Nino thread.
Rent free.
> I just stumbled upon a new manga
You were in a coma, right.
Whatever the case, he'll soon learn the love and glory of Nino.