Boku no Hero Academia (LCP, Cover)

Boku no Hero Academia (LCP, Cover)
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Hinomaru Zumo
The Promised Neverland
Black Clover
We Never Learn (CP)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Dr. Stone
Chainsaw Man
One-Shot (CP)
Haikyu!! (CP)
Samurai 8
Tokyo Shinobi Squad
Beast Children
Yui Kamio
Double Taisei
The Last Saiyuki

Attached: image0.jpg (338x451, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread: shonen mc/page/5/ issue with Black Clover / hate asta. He/page/2/ is way better than MHA. >sets up the class inequality effectively >clover kingdom with 3 zones, actual worldbuilding unlike MHA's bland setting >allies being heart kingdom, enemies being diamond kingdom, wildcard being spade kingdom, more kingdoms out there >various knight orders and their captains >fully active lead character, who's actions and personality comes with genuine justification unlike beta crybaby Deku >more interesting fights that aren't just punching harder PLUS ULTRA >better written character arcs such as the entire story behind Luck's mom, Gauche's sister, Noelle being discriminated against, Finral and Langris, The Witch Queen, and Zora's dad. >Noelle being one of the best female character in any battle shonen, competent, relevant in almost every arc, developed competently, has power comparable to a male shonen MC while Ochunko is stuck in useless "muh love for deku" hinata status/

WSJ Issue #34
Cover: One Piece 22nd Anniversary
Color Pages:
Hinomaru Zumo (Climax)
The Promised Neverland
Roronoa Zoro's Spin-Off - Stranded in Sea by Boichi

> Dr. Stone with anime
> Zoro Spinoff
Attempts to cuddle Oda's ball, so that he will put in a good word

>Dr.Cringe not even in top3 anymore

Bokuben's poll?

A motherfucking slaughter.

1真冬 14598 Mafuyu
2文乃 3259 Fumino
3润香 2980 Uruka
4理珠 1803 Rizu
5小美浪 1488 Asumi
6水希 1083 Mizuki
7関城 168 Sawako Sekijou
8美春 137 Miharu
9成幸 136 Yuiga
10古橋父 22 Shizuru

Well Fire Force is not even on the list. What do you have to say about that, faggot?

>last Saiyuki
Die piece of shit

I think you a retard for even thinking about it. Anyway Chad Force > Dr. Virgin

Attached: 1562703266137.png (2518x1024, 260K)

that can't be right, I mean, fucking wow, until I see the color page I won't believe it

Chainsawbros, we're gonna make it !

Attached: 1556207482244.png (519x585, 210K)

So you're gonna believe the toc, but not the poll results the same guy posted like always? Lol.

>Hinomaru Zumo (Climax)
>Hinomaru Zumo is placed extremely high
Nakano, you fucking hack, stop fucking with the ToC like that.

I'm just amazed, it's honestly hard to believe at first

Maybe it's supposed to be 4598 and he misstyped?

Nah, poll like that always rigged in author favor.

>Kimetsu no Yaiba - 1

The mentally I'll fumino fag on suicide watch

Based Mafuyuchads

Attached: 1562471838199.jpg (2000x1125, 150K)

>Beast Children
>Yui Kamio
>Double Taisei
>The Last Saiyuki

I mean polls like that aren't uncommon

Attached: 1543196407398.jpg (1024x768, 306K)

He later did a full fantasy themed colour spread.

>Hinomaru Zumo (Climax)
how many times did this manga entered its climax already??

Sure but the gap between the top spots wasn't really big in this.

Where is pure ranking guy?

what has a chapter to do with the anime? also from 8 weeks ago

>voting for momo in any sort of situation

that poll is nothing like the Bokuben poll though

just remove manga with color pages and shinobi squad and there you have it

Attached: cover.jpg (600x868, 358K)

>that many people voted for Best fucking Jeanist when he hadn't even appeared in the manga for over 100 chapters at the time of the poll

Attached: 1562759847060.jpg (1499x1124, 443K)

Kachako is real

He can't this thread since OP forgot to write WSJ or Jump in the title.

no one cares go back to you're bokubenshit thread

This poll just shows that bokuben is a failure as a romcom. Just imagine being in a station where's a 0% chance to win girl just shits on your main choices with 5-7x times more votes.

It's not like he can't read or check the pic of the thread


cross the dead

Attached: WSJ series.png (663x1575, 1.75M)

Is samurai 8 just doing the same shit as robot x laserbeam and coasting off name alone until it finally gets cancelled?


>deku, ochako, bakugo cover
but they have not appeared in the manga for months

i still rike it


Vol.1 and vol.2 are going to sale together, so something ebin is supposed to happen in vol.2 and turn this manga around.


Attached: 1562759948322.jpg (500x738, 132K)

How does Japan manage to have such shit taste? To they take shit taste training camps or something?

is this loli?

This one looks like it's infested by fujos.

MHA's polls are swamped by fujos spiking the votes for their favourites, which makes the usual Jap shit taste even more blatant

No, that's just chibi but top right is so flat she looks like a loli in that style.

1378177 1378177 O
*225102 *225102 鬼
*120146 *120146 ブ
**98500 **98500 呪
**61834 **61834 ア
**56414 **56414 D
**51963 **51963 鬼
**39461 **39461 S
**33601 **33601 花
**22966 *610065 約
**19775 **19775 火
**15278 **15278 ブ
**14413 *401856 鬼1
**13922 *320460 鬼15
**13811 1979813 O92
**13779 *375724 鬼4
**13129 *368758 鬼5
**12909 *498294 ハ
**12771 *385918 鬼2
**12577 *361599 鬼6
**12191 *345285 鬼7
**12102 *380955 鬼3
**12013 *342241 鬼8
**11788 *335799 鬼9
**11751 *317810 鬼14
**11644 *335902 鬼10
**11596 *339535 鬼11
**11588 *330891 鬼13
**11577 *333908 鬼12
**11006 *348045 ワ
***9651 ***9651 魔

>*225102 *225102 鬼
That's its best first week, ever.
Love you UFO for the anime boost.

>*225102 *225102 鬼
>*120146 *120146 ブ

>Sam 8 is Rank 8 not counting color page

Spy x Family sold 39K in 4 days God damn

>Kimetsu sold 100k more than BC
>Dr.Stone still can't outsell Act-age

Isnt this the most successful jump plus work ever


Attached: Rare Tomioka.png (160x139, 34K)

It's a really neat for a first volume of a jump+ manga that you can legit read for free.

Ohnonono... Fujofags on suicide watch

>*225102 *225102 鬼
>*120146 *120146 ブ
Just embarrassing BC.
>**51963 **51963 鬼
The data book?
>**61834 **61834 ア
Love you autistic actress.
>**39461 **39461 S
And you too Spyxfamily.

I love those fucking gloves man

Attached: 1556692946055.jpg (750x539, 119K)

So, both Yui and Saiyuuki sold so bad it isn't even ranked? Do I get it right? Rip then.

So much for the fags saying SxF was only popular on mangaplus.

>**11006 *348045 ワ
Final week of ranking and almost 350k
>you'll never sell more after a two year hiatus than you did before

>**39461 **39461 S
Sold 40k of 50k in first week


Attached: IMG_20190526_155552.jpg (680x453, 86K)

Anime effects, nothing strange

>20k separate JJK from BC

Attached: we live in a society.jpg (192x206, 20K)

But BC has had an anime running for a couple of years already?

Nothing strange, it's anime effects

Beat out like 90% of jumps first week for vol 1, i think only MHA & maybe Neverland(2days) did better

black clover is dying

>JJK will pass BC before it ever gets an anime
ahahahahah based Gege

So where BC lost his anime effect?

And with this ? It was in its beginnings, now it has been affirmed ...

>**14413 *401856 鬼1
First volume to hit 400k? Nice.

Imagine it getting an anime. BC is over by then hopefully. Waste of space in the magazine.

Craziest part is that it only 50k print

>Anime effects, nothing strange
>Nothing strange, it's anime effects
BC never had a first week like that despite its long ass running anime.

Ehm didn't lose it, he just faded like everyone. Sooner or later it will also be Kimetsu's turn.

bet it will get AXED after they defeat the demon

Yeah they both seem pretty dead.

Well Dr. Stone's anime already started but I don't see much of a boost.

But ... based on what would be embarrassing? These are excellent numbers ...

Based CSM

Attached: C1ADDB7C-055B-49EC-B9AB-B364CD8EB720.jpg (801x177, 24K)

>Kimetsu sold 100k more than Black Clover
>Jujutsu behind by only 20k


Attached: 1562312923364.jpg (282x327, 45K)

As someone who doesn't usually bother looking at sales or TOC threads, can I get a run down on BC sales

Bases GeGe dabbing on clovercucks

A boost after a week? Yes oh well ....

Reprints are coming. July WSJ/Jump+ reprints:
7/19 Spy x Family vol. 1
7/25 Act-age vol. 7
7/25 Jujutsu vol. 6
7/25 Kimetsu vol. 16

Holy fuck, why this image.. I hate everthing

Attached: DAB96346-3D39-4AED-8B64-6C23C1773E03.jpg (1369x696, 259K)

I think for japan, jump plus is something you have to subscribe. I might be wrong though

But I don't understand where embarrassment would be.

despite having a 90 episode anime that gets pushed hard in every market, Black Clover barely outsells a manga with no anime

Imagine having a long running anime, being consistently positioned at the top of the ToC, constant covers and color pages, shilled by Shueisha as the next Naruto, hailed the new King of Shonen, only to get beaten by literal chicken scratches drawn by an alligator

Don't believe this. I would be fine with Davidpro... though they need to stop with that 48+ episode shit with all their anime

Spy Axed Family soon

Stagnant, BC hasn't grown an inch with more than 70 anime episodes, Neverland already sold out Clover years ago, but Kimetsu managed to dab on it with less than 6 episodes

and the anime is still first in the tokyo TV rankings so keep seething

Add to that kimetsu's data book, that sold like hotcakes.

It's 4 days. The counting got cut off early.

No. It's free.

That reprint better be alot and not some pisspoor numbers like CM does. They had reprints for like every week

>*225102 *225102 KnY
>*120146 *120146 BC
>**98500 **98500 JJK
Wtf happened to Black Clover?

Ouch. Oh well, I'm glad JJK is doing well

It's always called "first week" no matter what the actual number of days is.

I still don't understand, you know that there are manga that would make fake cards to sell more than 200 k copies at every exit, yes?

And you know that with digital sales, all mangas sell less?

Neverland, seriously? Do you take Neverland as a measure of comparison?

>you know that there are manga that would make fake cards to sell more than 200 k copies at every exit, yes?
>And you know that with digital sales

Which motherfucker said that SpyXFamily was not popular in Japan!!

Err .....sells as usual ? XD


>Hinomaru Zumo is placed extremely high
>Nakano, you fucking hack, stop fucking with the ToC like that.
Why are you mangahelpers retards so stupid? Kids who buy Jump like Hinomaruzumo. They don't buy volumes. It's just that simple.

back to mangahelpers

Yes, yes, oh well, what a toxic fanbase.

wrong, kids hate sumo, it's old people sports

Yeah, kids are buying volumes for every single manga in this magazine they like except a single one. Sure dude.

Attached: unknown.png (1180x611, 59K)


Shut the fuck up Ice King! By the time Yaiba sales drop, BC will already be cancelled

We are already above kishimoto shit

>first week of sales outsells the first month of the last volume's sales
I don't even read Kimetsu but that's pretty fucking based

He’s up against the Yokozuna now, so this is the finale for sure.

So fucking nice, I hope it doesn't end this arc so much.

Not even a week, just 4 days

They will probably do the GIGA ending thing for Hinomaru too.

ok ok, if it keeps growing like this, catching up to neverland, hq and heroaca isn't a far shot
i don't think it will reach them but it will come close

Where they publish all this diagrams?

Its for the 5 years celebration, no surprise its those 3.

inb4 he loses and get rematch

Climax as in the final battle i think. The climax for last time meant the end of THAT Fight

I knew the anime would boost the sales but damn, I remember celebrating when it sold 100k in the first week.

BC never got their 200k first week sale hahahahah

they won't, they put popular ending series there to help sell it
sumo doesn't sell itself how will it help others sell?
yuuna is probably the next one

It's even better than the World Trigger boost

Attached: 1007144941.jpg (837x385, 132K)

World Trigger got fuck Toei, come on.

But is it better than the WT hiatus boost?

Someone on manga helpers upload them

Nothing happen
Sales is always sluggish

Attached: D33Qg0bUIAEhO7Y.png (974x500, 36K)

It's a fightan mango, not a real sport we are talking about.

Different people buy the magazine and volumes, there is not as much overlap as you think. Some manga are popular with men, some with women, some with kids. And that goes for both magazine and volumes. Not every series that gets popular with magazine audience can get popualr with teh volume audience.

And it got a huge boost thanks to them

Here's a hot take
Hinomaru Zumou was supposed to end with the highscool arc but the it got unexpected anime and the author halfassed an entire second part

nothing in the adult part came close to the hype of the first part
boring repetitive and predictable battles

you know I'm right

BC sales actually improved, but it just looks so pathetic compared to Kimetsu

If it got that big of a boost even with toei, imagine if it was ufotable quality.

Thanks, user

Not really, vol 14 and 16 sold better, which is around the time the sales just stagnated into a plateau. 250k seems to be the ceiling for BC.


I think the sales wouldn't have improved this much if it didn't air in the morning. And I doubt kids care or even know what good animation looks like

Kingdom & Tokyo Ghoul had major boost with shit adaptation aswell

>they won't, they put popular ending series there to help sell it
But isn't Higuma gonna get one too?

Animation quality rarely if at all has influence on popularity.

Volume 14 get boost from anime

Kingdom: Brotherhood when

Kino can't be stopped

Attached: 1562667624645.webm (640x360, 2.24M)

Oh yeah I forgot it dropped
Yeah it seems like BC already reached its peak at volume 15/16

I feel sorry for Bones for being forced to animate the worst arc in the series. And it doesn't get much better after that

This is when the series started going to shit.

>Tokyo Ghoul
Season 1 is so good that sales skyrocket

why is uruka cumming on her boobies

Oshiete Oshiete did well

it's part of Jump eic Nakano plan
he wants different IP to have different adaptation type

he said HeroAca, Neverland, Kimetsu got anime by late night studios that suited them better

on the other hand BC is a classic battle manga, so they wanted it be aimed at younger audiences who never experienced that before and to air for a couple of years and they gave it the adaptation that suited it

he went on to call HeroAca, Neverland, Kimetsu the big 3 of anime
and they also called BC the next Naruto
in a different interview (attached in pic related)

Attached: interview.jpg (1700x1200, 740K)

on Jump Plus, not GIGA

that didn't work out so well huh

Why ?

Volume 19 sells 102 k copies in the first week, 20 sells 117 k., 18 sells 87 k, and 17 sells 83 k

So if you notice the sales of the first weeks are increasing.

BC couldn't even reach World Trigger level, let alone Naruto

Attached: Drax.jpg (700x1120, 150K)

Last few chapters had one less day on sale.

this is so crap
jump is finished

Yes the sales are recovering, but the point is it's probably past its peak

Nakano says they agreed with Pierrot and TV Tokyo for BC to air for a couple of years which is extremely vague?
what's couple of years? 2? 3? 4? are we already in the last cour of the anime?

also he speaks about Boruto and Naruto legacy on TV Tokyo and Pierrot
but isn't that just Kishimoto legacy? does that mean S8 anime is already confirmed going there?

What manga is Togashi talking about?

Attached: 1007152624.jpg (1077x270, 85K)

>Nakano says they agreed with Pierrot and TV Tokyo for BC to air for a couple of years which is extremely vague?
>what's couple of years? 2? 3? 4? are we already in the last cour of the anime?
If the anime is as profitable to the TV station as BCfags claim then i'm sure they will want to keep it running as much as possible.

Any news about HxH yet?

>what's couple of years? 2? 3? 4? are we already in the last cour of the anime?
They will wait until Samurai 8 has enough material.

Vol 15's first week was 100k
So 16's is around 2.25 times bigger.

>If the anime is as profitable to the TV station as BCfags claim
I didn't know BCfags ran TV Tokyo, they're the ones who listed BC as a top earning anime

>Kimetsu no Yaiba is one of the only manga he follows
>"I intentionally stay away from battle manga"
what DID he mean by this?

This second interview also hinted on JJK and AA adaptations, saying they have more anime projects in production they can't announce right now.

BC's target market don't have their own money to buy volumes.

>don't have their own money to buy volumes.
Where's this meme even come from? Do you know that two jump issues cost more that a single volume of jump manga?

what anime did BC take its current timeslot from
does anyone now?

All while ripping off Araki wholesale, what a fucking hack

Do you know that kids from elementary to senior high read jump for free in the konbini when they come out on monday?

>KnY dabbing on BC
Best timeline lads

>I pay attention to manga created by young artists in particular Dr Stone
>Dr Stone
Inagaki 43
Boichi 46

Togashi push is the only reason it got anywhere.

Attached: kimetsu.jpg (675x1200, 139K)

>read jump for free in the konbini when they come out on monday
Well congrats that your manga don't sell I guess. Be happy with getting fucked by World Trigger, Kimetsu and Jujutsu soon.

Sure buddy

>no argument
Sasuga salesfag. Not even trying to argue but you retreat into a series warring mode for some reason.

God I can’t wait for Black Clover to get axed


>no argument
What argument? You' literally owned yourself with that post, you're just too stupid to realize what you did.

I don't get it either, for one we don't know the demographics for BC to begin with, unless there is some data i'm not aware of. Secondly even if they are mostly kids it still makes no sense, do parents in japan not buy volumes for their kids?

What causing Black Clover downfall..?

Well this salesfags war was expected to happen. Any idea about Dr stone?

People have to enjoy it for the push to work that well.

Barely above KnY's fanbook lmao

The French publisher Ki-oon released an article with a short interview about Akutami (Jujutsu Kaisen)

-Akutami always dreamed of being a mangaka
-Follows all SJ titles
-Big Togashi fan, used to be assistant (?)
-Fascinated by the intrigue and ambiguous characters of Yu Yu Hakusho and Level E

Any french user can do full translation?

Attached: Annonce_JujutsuKaisenREVU.jpg (837x591, 273K)

I just said that kids, BC's target market according to Nakano, don't have the money to buy volumes.
You then somehow tried to deny their existence by saying that volumes cost cheaper than 2 mags, to which I said that kids read them for free.
You had nothing to say to that so you mentioned KNY, JJK, and WT which I didn't even mention.

I can't believe you're over 18 with that mentality.

>Big Togashi fan

Wow, I never would have guessed.

Attached: 1554914907043.png (898x1300, 667K)

>hurr muh digital 1 million sales
>hurr target audience has no money to buy volumes
BC niggers with the excuses again

>BC's target market according to Nakano, don't have the money to buy volumes.
Can you give a quote where Nakano says this exact thing?

>**61834 **61834 ア
>**56414 **56414 D

to be fair, I'd believe that the target audience of Black Clover are broke losers and children too young to even have an allowance

So it's your own retardation, got it.


This is the next level of COPE. He's not even denying it anymore, it's just pure COPE.

>Big Togashi fan, used to be assistant (?)
>Fascinated by the intrigue and ambiguous characters of Yu Yu Hakusho and Level E
I don't want to be associated with that type of HxH fan but I wanna say that once you read enough of Togashi's work it becomes very apparent if another artist is a fan or not. Like with Tokyo Ghoul, the artwork and linework in JK reminded a lot of YYH and mid Chimera Ant arc.

The user who provided the link wasn't even me.
But you're fucking retarded aintcha
>The editor at the time deliberated on it and eventually chose Pierrot and TV Tokyo because they had an evening slot and could reach out to kids.
>Black Clover was a similar case.
You're a fucking moron, just run along and series war because that's all your life amounts to.

Why doesn't Dr Stone have boost after Togashi push too?

hunterfags are too dumb to understand Dr. CHAD

>>The editor at the time deliberated on it and eventually chose Pierrot and TV Tokyo because they had an evening slot and could reach out to kids.
That's the quote or am I blind?

Where he says that they "don't have the money to buy volumes."? That's your own retarded assumption.

they never put it on the volume wrap-around

The manga being shit

I didn't know Black Clover fans were this delusional

Once the anime ends, it will be fucked.

it's your first day on Yea Forums then? Or just your first time delving into shonenfag autism?
BCfags are permanently assblasted over their manga's anemic performance and have a massive inferiority complex towards every other Jump series

Because they can read it for free on their way home from school? It's not even a retarded assumption, it's a fact of life over there.

Yes it's my first day on Yea Forums.

Of course they are and if you SAY anything bad about their precious Naruto copycat, they become the most defensive little babies I've seen on this board.

>**98500 **98500 呪
Not even 100k, axe soon.

Some will start spamming "bc is better or chadsta blah blah". I read the manga and I like it, but the point of these guys have to go, it's pathetic.

>Because they can read it for free on their way home from school?
They're targeting kids who WILL bring them money. Either the money they got from their parents or by parents buying it for them directly. They don't publish the manga to give it for free to random shitters you fucking autist.

They bring Bnha out of the blue when they try to shill their series...


Attached: unknown.png (987x533, 40K)

>Started working as an assistant after winning a Jump manga contest
>He and BNHA author are the two biggest rising stars of the manga industry, and very good friends and pen pals.
Other than that and what you said, not much else to translate. It's mostly a description of the plot of the manga.

Are you retarded? Why do you assume that because I said kids don't have money, that BC is intentionally being marketed towards kids who don't have money? That nobody else is gonna buy the books? This board is getting stupider everyday and your IQ isn't helping.

This couldn't be more false

I thought Akutami is a woman?

Kingdom had major boost because of the variety show
TG's S1 wasn't a shit adaptation, thank OSHIETE YO for that

I already knew this from reading the first few volumes of JJK but it's nice to have explicit confirmation.

Time to update the image.

Attached: 1551796726337.png (1008x810, 582K)

The author used masculine to refer to him/her, might have been an error on the journalists part.

Pure Ranking
1 [ 159 ] Kimetsu no Yaiba
2 [ 242 ] Hinomaru Zumō
3 [ 135 ] Yakusoku no Neverland
4 [ 206 ] Black Clover
5 [ 60 ] Jujutsu Kaisen
6 [ 106 ] Dr. Stone
7 [ 23 ] Chainsaw Man
8 [ 3 ] Samurai 8 Hachimaru-den
9 [ 66 ] Act-Age
10 [ 160 ] Yuragi-sō no Yūna-san
11 [ 1 ] Beast Children
12 [ 11 ] Kamio Yui wa Kami wo Yui
13 [ 2 ] Futari no Taisei
14 [ 12 ] Saigo no Saiyūki

Average Ranking (8 Weeks)
1 [ 1.33 ] One Piece
2 [ 1.57 ] Kimetsu no Yaiba
3 [ 3.2 ] Yakusoku no Neverland
4 [ 3.8 ] Dr. Stone
5 [ 3.83 ] Black Clover
6 [ 4.67 ] Boku no Hero Academia
7 [ 5.5 ] Bokutachi wa Benkyō ga Dekinai
8 [ 5.86 ] Act-Age
9 [ 6.33 ] Hinomaru Zumō
10 [ 6.5 ] Samurai 8 Hachimaru-den
11 [ 6.67 ] Chainsaw Man
12 [ 6.83 ] Jujutsu Kaisen
13 [ 7.8 ] Haikyū!!
14 [ 9.57 ] Yuragi-sō no Yūna-san
15 [ 11 ] Beast Children
16 [ 11.5 ] Futari no Taisei
17 [ 11.63 ] Kamio Yui wa Kami wo Yui
18 [ 12.25 ] Saigo no Saiyūki

>Are you retarded?
Are you? You entire point is just a massive cope. World trigger was targeting kids in a kid slot and it reached the audience, but bc shouldn't sell well because it's targeting kids and kids don't have money. Kids are one of the profitable markets in this world, but not when it's about BC, then it doesn't count.

I'm surprised pen pals are still a thing

Akutami is a man.

>*of the most

The hatewagon on BC is crazy. Half these posts are retards spouting nonsense over BC

It's not ending anytime soon

Stop samefagging retard, kill yourself back to mangahelpers
It's amazing bc triggers you so much fucking kek

Horikoshi is autistic as fuck, he'd probably genuinely correspond with someone through email or letter than talk in person

Which incidentally was the start of tge Elfening which was pretty hype, but ultimately kinda dissapointing in my opinion.

These are mangaka, do they even have time to get out and just hang with people?

Desu. That fag just can't accept the fact that BC is a mediocore series that doesn't sell that well.

ignore mhatard their manga is shit garbage

Attached: BC Foreshadowing.jpg (5200x6000, 3.01M)

Last time I shat on boruto and they started whining like faggots. Fuck that place.

Maybe if the BCfags weren't so autistic and just stayed to their containment threads like good little children, people wouldn't be in this thread shitting on the series.

Shit pic. Mashima and Oda start almost in the same time. Hori was big fun of Oda, not Kishi

Can't they just talk through Line? Much less time consuming than writing a letter.

>ignore mhatard their manga is shit garbage
Shit right here is the prime example of why people don't like you and your series. Hurr durr they hate BC they must be Mha fans hurr durr

Why do Herotard act like BC anime is trash? Have any of you retards actually watched it? Nearly every fight that matters gets sasuga tier animation. It's literally better than the BnHA anime in every way.

Attached: 1537141772406.jpg (1124x523, 113K)

>You entire point is just a massive cope.
In what universe are kids reading manga for free coping? I'm struggling to understand this for real.
>World trigger was targeting kids in a kid slot and it reached the audience
No it didn't, the anime even got cancelled after that terrible filler arc. It was the hiatus hype that saved it and because people advertised WT non stop during that hiatus, it's now in a comfy position. I know because I was a WTfag when everyone else was a Torikofag back then.

Sorry "Pen pal" might have been a bit of a stretch, they exchange artworks and words of encouragment mostly.

The retards attacking it are infinitely worse than the fanbase
>Resident shitposter has spammed their threads non-stop for YEARS
>Bleachfags are convinced Pierrot will end BC just to anime the final arcs that killed the manga
>TOC shitposters believing it will get axed any day now for the past few years
It's all so embarrassing

They do retard, show me a non falseflag thread were they shitpost? the threads barely reach bum limit after days.

That is even more autistic but kinda cute

BCtards in full force now. Thread's dead and fun's over.

Thanks for the clarification user. Still, the fact that they find time to send each other stuff is rather heartwarming considering how brutal being a mangaka is.

>got cancelled after that terrible filler arc
Oh good. They ran out of material to adapt and a second filler arc would've fucking sucked.
Think they'll adapt the Galo invasion onwards some day?

>No it didn't
The absolute state of BCfags.

the last volumes of JJK and MHA both had a drawing of the manga's characters by the other author. Akutami draws a good Dabi

I'm not holding out hope but Toei could always pick it back up later. There's enough material for 2 cours imo.

>he's doing the esl persona to falseflag then samefag
Why does BC trigger you fuckers so much?

So is Samurai 8 doing good or bad for a new series written by a veteran author?

>he keeps repeating this like a broken record

Perfect example why no one likes you fags

Attached: 1444284169506.jpg (350x263, 17K)

Wait for the volumes to release to actually know.

Bring back Gintama

>JJK and AA
Pierrot and Kyoani!

Attached: Tv Tokyo - BC nr 4.jpg (1080x485, 101K)

Resident shitposter is the TOC shitposter. He constantly sperging out

What was the last new series by an author with a previous huge hit? Bakuman?

>Boichi making a Zoro Spin-off



So Gege goes for a Togashi/Kubo mix? That sounds great.

Kyoani are busy next year, you can have JC Staff.

Zolo is shit.

Attached: 277.jpg (2517x1557, 459K)

>Kimetsu no Yaiba
>"I stay away from battle manga."
Togashi confirmed retarded. KnY is the most formulaic battle manga I've seen in years. It's one of the reasons I've been close to dropping it. The arcs all play out the same exact way.

People don't actually expect Bleach to come back, do they?

It seems that the timeless desire of having a HOT teacher is also Universal.

It'll be amazing that with that popularity sensei wont win, but who knows.

If you mean a successful new series, then Assclass I guess.

Already stagnating, so sad.

Yeah, I'm guessing that both authors having to struggle against the weekly chapter constraints, working with legends (I know togashi is a memed figure here, but he was writing YYH when they were still kids), it makes for a special kind of bond. The french article has a surpisingly positive tone, considering their line of work.

Bleachfags are deluded. They even convinced themselves that the series wasn't axed.

When it's based Matsui coming back.

Sadly they do. Almost every 6 months on anitwitter there's a clamor by either Platinum Equinox or Jaymes Hanson about sources saying BC is ending for Bleach to return, spamming Pierrot's twitter for it.

Maybe he thought it was going to focus on the slice of life aspects than the demon hunting fights. What chapter was KnY on when the interview dropped?

Back in my time you only argued about 3 manga's. Bleach, One Piece and Naruto. Now all you kids are arguing about your Black Clovers and your Marvel comics and your Prehistoric Man and Demon Slayers, it's all to much to keep up with. I'm gonna go take a nap and think about the better days.

Togashiniggers have to be the worst posters on this site.

anitwitter is more cancerous than plebbit

Who has more knowledge, a mangaka who has worked in WSJ for 30 years, has two successful manga, few oneshots and knows very well his environment or a random user who reads weekly manga

They never picked Gash Bell or Bobobo my two other favorite battle shonen back up so I have my doubts. But they are still making merch for the series so maybe they still have their eyes on it.

Two of the top 3 arcs in the series are post-Yakuza

I don't really bother with the Yea Forumsconsole war shit but it's funny how intimidating BC is to a lot of anons here. Why the fuck do you guys even care if a middling Shonen series exists or not. The amount of seetheposting on this thread is absolutely hilarious.

>two successful manga
Three. I don't know its exact sales but Level E wouldn't have an anime adaptation if it weren't successful.

Attached: 1541085744761.png (900x800, 836K)

>worked in WSJ for 30 years
Do HxHfags actually think this? He works a couple months a year and turns in half assed sketches for his plotless bullshit

I have a sneaking suspicion that the only reason they're making merch is to retain control over the IPs they animated before.

Why the fuck do people go out of their way to defend such a middling Shonen as you put it, the way they do?

You're telling me. Imaging sperging out and bringing up Kimetsu just for saying BC's target market is kids.

Which? Endeavor fights a random generic monster arc and retcons the trauma inflicted on his family, the filler old man arc or the villains asspull new powers to keep up with 7 quirks arc?

Back in the day when yuyu and HxH were weekly, he sure worked on those days

>this entire thread
Cloverchads living rent free.

Attached: a fears cloverchads.png (800x800, 130K)

>Hinomaru Zumo (Climax)


You haven't read KnY if you think it isn't a formulaic battle shonen. It's all it is really, which is a pity. The characters, setting and tone of the series would work well with more suspenseful mystery arcs. Instead it's always devolves into a massive melee shitfest. Every single fucking arc.

Because they like it and want other people to like it too, I suppose. That's usually how it is for all series around here.

>retcons the trauma inflicted on his family

Attached: mhaspeedread.png (580x430, 242K)

God just look how much space do we have in your head!

Attached: rent free.png (650x650, 119K)

Kimetsu is INEVITABLE.
Kimetsu is a CHOSEN one.

>the bokuben thread got 404'd
seething Fuminomod doing it for free

>Dragonball turned into a mindless battle shonen even it's mangaka despises
>Bleach's writing got so bad it was forced to end
>Hunter x Hunter was dragged out to make more money and has turned into soulless trash its mangaka doesn't even want to work on
>OP has a fanbase of manchildren because no new WSJ readers want to slog though 1000 chapters
>Naruto actually had the decency to end itself in a dignified way but also gave us Boruto, effectively staining it's legacy

These are the titans of WSJ? Sad

Newfag please, the bc haters reply to themselves to defend it.
bcfags don't even exist outside their threads.

It's not hard to live rent free when you break into every fucking thread on Yea Forums and spam your shitmemes. Togashifags and DragonballSpics are the worst posters on this board by far, only surpassed by /u/niggers.

There is hardly any defense of the series itself, just people calling you out on your bullshit then you throwing a tantrum

They wouldn't have deleted it if your generals weren't a shitposting fest

Woah. Such huge gaps between 2>3 and 3>4. I'm glad Iida managed to hang on though.

When did Yea Forums start having standard for it's threads? Mods are fucking retarded and only delete shit they don't like

>bcfags don't even exist outside their threads.
Explain this thread then

I hope it's my wife Emma.

But all generals are shitposting fests.

Not a BCfag but I just had to add fuel to the fire since there are legitimate autist in this thread samefagging their BChateposts.

BC generals are mostly cuteposting. Only one faggot tries to make it a shitposting fest.

>fumino a shit
>sensei a best
>repeat the same with your favorite girl for the following 50 posts.

At least the other generals bares some discussion and fan art posting.

It's amazing how fast the Samurai 8 hype died off. Axed when?

doesn't sound too different from 5toubun or Asuka vs Rei threads

You must be only talking about Yea Forums because those spoiler providers are giving away S8 early

Never, they axed zumou to keep it alive longer.
I except them to end haikyuu next year too so s8 gets a bigger role in the magazine.
This head editor needs to go already.

I hope it keeps going, so everyone can see that the only reason Naruto was successful was because the editors did all the heavy lifting by reigning in Kishimoto. Kishimoto is shit without his editors.

yeah, it's the same paintfag that posted the Togashi pic earlier
he pretends to be HxHfag, BCfag, Mobfag, Chainsawfag etc
post antiMHA, antiOP, antiKimetsu and recently anitStone shit to start fandom wars

shitty art

I doubt it will get axed no matter how bad it gets but I bet it will become monthly

it's called Samurai 8 because you drop it by chapter 8

So if this guy hates shounen in general, why is it only BCfags that feel that he's personally after them?

>retain control over the IPs they animated before
Not sure why they'd want IPs of series that have been over for a long time, but it'd be interesting if true.

It's called Samurai 8 because you have to be 8 to read it

Black Lovers cuck themselves in other threads to get the action they'll never have in their generals...that's so sad.

I dropped it by chapter 4. Admittedly I didn't even like the sci-fi setting nor the art.

>implying the highschool arc was any less predictable than the pro arc
I agree though, the pre-timeskip arc was the best arc. Mostly because I miss the Daichi High squad.


I dropped it in the first chapter because the bad art gave me a headache, that doesn't work with the joke though

Cause bcfags think they’re persecuted because their series isn’t that popular or talked about

They shitpost the others but genuinely hate bc for some reason.
It started on mangahelpers and they have a community on twitter to circle jerk it.

You probably are him but I'll answer anyway. He autistically spammed threads for years ruining every thread. He's a higher echelon of obsessed shonen mc/page/5/ issue with Black Clover / hate asta. He/page/2/

I think the recent Kinnikuman anniversary short was made by them
as shown by the slide show QUALITY animation

Saint Seiya Netflix CGI show is also them

although it isn't all lost as they lost Hokuto no Ken IP

Jesus fucking Christ I remember all that now. What the hell is wrong with this guy

most of that is crying about deku

Attached: villain.png (459x516, 96K)

That doesn't seem too bad compared to all the other autistic shitposters Yea Forums has had throughout the years.
Besides, there's a bunch of positive BC posts there too so I'm not sure what this is trying to prove.

It's not though. It's clearly mostly spam

There actually is a lot of shit about deku but it's not all concentrated in one general

Can you post the other CP?

well yeah, related to deku
there some that he cries about BC and HxH but its mostly MHA

Why do so many people in this thread hate BC? Just because of the sales? It can not be quality, since it is almost equal to BNH and is better than it in certain characteristics. The people who keep talking about him are thousands of times worse than those who defend him in this thread.

It still has a long way to go.
KnY1 still haven't outsold MHA 23.

I hate how the characters look (also find them too trope-y) and I find the setting and story boring. Having said that, I never talk about the series in general, gave it a try, found it wasn't what I like, dropped it and moved on desu.

>It cannot be quality, because it’s a manga that I like
It’s just bland. It’s not better at anything than MHA is, and that’s saying something

Fuck that's horrible. I wouldn't wish that on the other series.

Where the fuck are Samurai 8 sales #s?

I think it was pushed really hard as the next king of shonen and it pissed people off.

S8 Volume 1 and 2 will release together ln august.

Even the mha fans agree their own series went to shit, the mangaka doesn't even care about consistency anymore with the toga/twice incident.

>will release together ln august.
In October.

Dude Zumo been running for about 5 years, time skip & everything. I'm pretty sure the mangaka is ending it on his own term, not every series have to be OP and run forever.

>It can not be quality
Imagine being this delusional

Ah, yes my bad.

>Even the mha fans agree their own series went to shit
no, they don't, only Yea Forums threads are negative for reason mentioned above

Zumo should have been axed ages ago

How much v1 sold? There is no other colors than purple. Like less than 10k or what?

Yes it didn't show up on oricon. The cutoff was 13-14k iirc

>listening to the vocal ones

As someone who has only read Chapter 1 of BC I'm firmly neutral towards it. I'm not gonna shit on something I've barely read but I'm also very unenthusiastic about giving it a try.

the one faggot who spams threads because he's asshurt his favourite character turned out to be a jobber doesn't speak for all, or even most MHA fans

Nah I've been enjoying mha a lot recently.

>It’s not better at anything than MHA is
It's objectively better at 2 things, combat and female characters.


>female characters.

Chapter 10: Target Acquired.
Ata uses "Kongou Yasha" technique.
He uses a move called, "Mukiri" and sliced through the moon. Its the same moved daruma used before, but the power is different.
Then straight face the old man that guards the planet. He is deemed to be the most powerful in the planet.
The old man's whole spaceship is his battleship level key holder. Seems to called "Garuda".
The old man is also known as "the undying gold feather bird of eternity"
Scene change to daruma. He says he feels a very strong traction. Wolf samurai says he might have felt Master Mujin.
Daruma, "Ahh. It's Mujin. No wonder."
Wolf samurai asks daruma if he knows master Mujin.
Daruma says he has fought with him before. And praise him to be of potential. Daruma wants to meet with him, and got questions for him as well.
Next scene master Mujin seems to be defeated, the whole battleship annihilated, all locker ball being destroyed.
Hachi's dad has a bad feeling. He quickly GPS-ed Hachimaru, and goes towards him.
Hachimaru returns to daruma. His dad arrives as well, and wants him to return home with him. He says that hachi should be protected and scolded daruma for bringing him out.
Hachimaru says its his own intention to come out.
Hachi's dad says it's okay, you're not a samurai. You are just a son of a mechanic, return home with me now.
Hachi's lie towards Ann is exposed...
Suddenly, daruma sheathe his sword, and took a blow from the sky seemingly from ata.
Everyone was blown away, daruma is down on one knee.
Hachi's dad is shocked and said, "Ata.."
Ata replies, "Long time no see, Dr Furuta.

Attached: MiRPYX8_d.jpg (640x901, 84K)

Nigger female characters on Bnha are a bunch of jobbers.

Go learn what jobber means retard

>his Axe8 thread died so he has to post this in the WSJ general

Attached: 1533092648505.jpg (158x123, 10K)

This is so fucking bland.
Atleast naruto had soul, this is 100% just to get a pay check.

What? There was a thread? I just woke up and spoilers were the first thing I checked for so I just posted them here

Attached: k6xVigg_d.jpg (640x873, 84K)

Oh yeah, I checked and it means "Momo".

No it means Noelle

>one female character is a jobber so every female character is a jobber
Toga, Tsuyu and Ochaco are 3 of the most competent characters in the series

No lies spotted

No need to samefag

>female characters
They're literally 1 dimensional. Don't kid yourself.

>BCfags are still fighting against MHA when they need to beat Kimetsu first.

No? Toga is the only competent female character.

But user they do stuff and get screentime. They're not interesting characters or memorable but still that counts for something right?


> ochaco
Is this bait

Noelle alone is better developed, more competent and interesting than any of the characters (not just girls) in BnHA.

Had to get saved by a male character.
kek. The only recent arc she was involved in is yakuza and skipped her fight. What has she ever done? Im only remembering the USJ arc where she had to follow Deku's orders.
Is she even a character anymore? When was the last time she did anything with her limited screentime other than fawn over Deku's cock?

Attached: valkyrie dress.jpg (500x583, 74K)

This what makes this all the more hilarious. there's at east several manga ahead of you before you can reach MHA so why aren't you going after them?

BC vs Kimetsu is not fun anymore. JJK vs BC, now this should be interesting.

True. MHA's combat is just vogue posing. BC uses teamwork and strategy to win. As for the women, BC's top 10 says it all. The only useful women in MHA are Toga and...that's it. Tsuyu's only useful for a spot and after that she's part of the wallpaper.

Attached: poll.jpg (1200x630, 1.02M)

>Noelle alone is better developed, more competent and interesting than any of the characters (not just girls) in BnHA.
Not even close

Fuck off herotard your manga shit garbage

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I want to kiss Kimetsufags

>As for the women, BC's top 10 says it all.
So BC is as good as Souma

Attached: vc5uoufdj1hy.png (1918x1400, 2.58M)

Kimetsu is actually good unlike the other 2

Preach the truth to this samefagging retard >They're not interesting characters or memorable
When the poll results are staring him in the face

BC is way better than MHA.

>sets up the class inequality effectively
>clover kingdom with 3 zones, actual worldbuilding unlike MHA's bland setting
>allies being heart kingdom, enemies being diamond kingdom, wildcard being spade kingdom, more kingdoms out there
>various knight orders and their captains
>fully active lead character, who's actions and personality comes with genuine justification unlike beta crybaby Deku
>more interesting fights that aren't just punching harder PLUS ULTRA
>better written character arcs such as the entire story behind Luck's mom, Gauche's sister, Noelle being discriminated against, Finral and Langris, The Witch Queen, and Zora's dad.
>Noelle being one of the best female character in any battle shonen, competent, relevant in almost every arc, developed competently, has power comparable to a male shonen MC while Ochunko is stuck in useless "muh love for deku" hinata status

Attached: 1524608748228.jpg (870x1265, 171K)

Have they won a fight by themselves? Nope. Ochako is a fucking joke, good thing the kachako meme is doing well otherwise she wouldn't be relevant in the fandom.

At least Noelle has show some development in her combat skills and not to job.

I haven't even read BC but how is the top 10 special? It's not the first time women get spots in a poll.

>Have they won a fight by themselves? Nope
all 3 of them have

Literally a samefagging herotard who can only reply with "n-no u" to every piece of criticism.

Shit manga shit fanbase

Attached: feels good.png (1280x844, 575K)

When was the last time 5 girls got into a top 10 poll in Jump from battle manga? The answer is never until BC.
It's not the first time when you count FANSERVICE series like Where the girls are only in from the amount of skin they reveal

He'll lie just to get the last word in too. Pathetic.
BC really living rent free in his head.

Attached: kekkeroni.jpg (854x480, 67K)

>Had to get saved by a male character.
This applies to every female character in BC
>The only recent arc she was involved in is yakuza
>yakuza arc
That was two years ago slowpoke. At least use a recent arc
>When was the last time she did anything with her limited screentime other than fawn over Deku's cock?
Last arc is way better than MHA. >sets up the class inequality effectively >clover kingdom with 3 zones, actual worldbuilding unlike MHA's bland setting >allies being heart kingdom, enemies being diamond kingdom, wildcard being spade kingdom, more kingdoms out there >various knight orders and their captains >fully active lead character, who's actions and personality comes with genuine justification unlike beta crybaby Deku >more interesting fights that aren't just punching harder PLUS ULTRA >better written character arcs such as the entire story behind Luck's mom, Gauche's sister, Noelle being discriminated against, Finral and Langris, The Witch Queen, and Zora's dad. >Noelle being one of the best female character in any battle shonen, competent, relevant in almost every arc, developed competently, has power comparable to a male shonen MC while Ochunko is stuck in useless "muh love for deku" hinata status/

Win means getting your ass into the floor?

If anything, it only shows most of the guys in BC are trash-tier.

Souma and Neverland both had 6 women in their top 10. But I guess you said battle manga so I'll concede.

>>When was the last time 5 girls got into a top 10 poll in Jump from battle manga?
Bleach. So I guess Black Clover is as good as that series.

why is complaining about having strong weemen or not even a thing? why should we think less of a manga less if it doesn't have strong weemen?

they already ruined star wars and capeshit movies

Toga has been in 3 fights on screen and won all of them
Ochaco and Tsuyu both got wins in the last arc, Ochaco even won a 1v2

Attached: really breh.jpg (787x690, 37K)

>When was the last time 5 girls got into a top 10 poll in Jump from battle manga?
Bleach, Beelzebub, Medaka basically only shit series has this happen.

Stonefags and Chainsawfags battle to death when? Neverlandfags and Kimetsufags tender love making when? Herofags and BCfags hate sex when? Jujutsufags and Actagefags marriage when?

paintfag is at it again, back to Jaimini

Have Jujutsu Kaisen outsold you yet? Must feel bad. Even an anime boost isn't enough to help you.

Is Medaka Box a battle manga?

Attached: Chapter113.png (1628x1200, 2.86M)


It's as battle shounen as Gintama is

the only good thing about BC is how cool Noelle is, so BCfags are trying to die on the STRONK WAHMEN hill

Why would I hate BC? I just don't read it. I mostly hate that one insecure guy that comes here yelling about BC.

Is this ata or the old man? Looks fucking incredible

>proved him right

>generic tsun tsun #588642
I see Nakano knew BC fandom after all

>Jujutsufags and Actagefags marriage

So I got to marry no one?

Attached: D-_rMbOVAAMB4Mu.jpg (1024x726, 187K)

You know a manga is shit when it has literal whos like Mukae and Kikaijima in the poll. Way to prove me right dumbass.

>wah wah I’m so weak
>gets an asspull power woah I’m strong!!
Noelle is trash

Prime example of a manga where the women are only popular because the men were trash. If you weren't Oga, Furuichi, or Tojo, say goodbye to your relevance as a male character. Thankfully this doesn't apply to BC.

>wah wah I’m so weak
>gets an asspull power woah I’m strong!!
Ochako is trash

Ochako x Noelle with Deku and Asta being gay for each other

Ochaco's powers never change though retard

Are Black Clover fags the laughingstocks of the Jump fanbase here?

Attached: 1550264398198.jpg (605x433, 118K)

Old man. Ata's holder isn't even with him


Attached: O MY WISHING POWER.jpg (648x1213, 412K)

Only toga fit on that description

It's a sol manga that had to go battle route since it was going to get axed.
Bleach never got 5 girls in the top 10 and Beelzebub is a delinquent manga.

How many excuses are you going to make after being proven wrong the first time?

>doesn't read mha
>thinks he's qualified to have an opinion
Just go back to your dead threads, this shit is getting sad

Why is Yuno such a boring none character?

Doesn't this just proves how unpopular BC is? Female characters don't rank highly in Jump polls to begin with so its not much of an achievement but only goes to show how unpopular it is that even fujos don't like it?

Attached: Popularity_Poll_1.png (1016x760, 2.05M)

The design of his armor is great. Can't wait to see atas dragon armor.

Any HeroChads here? RISE UP!
Asta is probably the worst shonen mc ever, even Natsu isn’t this bad

I mean if he's tryinhg to see more females in the top 10 meaning your manga is good then....I guess BC is as good as FT?

Attached: tumblr_n9h3gnWiwt1txc1gno1_1280.jpg (987x1506, 911K)

The blonde girl only got in because people want her to fuck Ray


Attached: hiyaahhh.jpg (750x1000, 51K)

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Go back

Good for her?

When you have to lie about your favorite series, you're in too deep. Seek help.

Attached: mha fanbase yo.jpg (749x1199, 111K)

In the first popularity poll of Kimetsu, 4 girls got into a top 10 poll (5 if you count author)

Attached: kimetsu poll.png (1150x731, 1.56M)

Probably the same person who tried to explain Hori's error away like it was intentional, then Hori came out with an apology and he shut up for a few days.

>4 girls
I said 5 dipshit

Attached: A2E3DBA3-DCC3-44FB-9C02-8E48F9119A02.jpg (1530x2537, 1.1M)

The first user who quoted you, that's not me.

>learning martial arts is an asspull
holy FUCK BCfags are retarded

Now I know why the BC thread was so quiet, he was here all along

Attached: Jeremy chocobear Joe striker.jpg (1280x865, 507K)

Tomioka will get the second spot. Screencap this faggots.

>He uses a move called, "Mukiri" and sliced through the moon.
I really don't like how the power scaling is already busted in less than 10 chapters.

isn't it weird how FT never had any big polls for how popular it was

Crazy how I went to loving this Manga to hating it in the span of one single arc

Wow that's sad...for you

In the context of MHA, learning martial arts might as well be an asspull.
How can you run an elite school for heroes without martial arts as part of the basic curriculum?
Why didn't Deku try to learn some beforehand? That's how the whole I have legs retardation came to be.
Stain could kill heroes no sweat with only martial arts, are heroes retarded?

Hxh shitters are so annoying I'm sure togashi would be disgusted at you low tier shitposters

>author ranked that high

So is Haikyuu going to be alright? It feels like it’s falling.

He finally posted his retardation in the BC thread kek what a loser

>The manga that is known and liked for being incredibly fast paced hasn't moved from the same fight in the last 14 chapters
Yeah you tell me user. I still love this series but I won't be catching up until I hear that this godawful fight is over.

Crocs are cute.

Jimbo is retarded that's what.

Why do you think this thread got silent all of a sudden?

Attached: hmmm.jpg (435x504, 35K)

Will go up again for its new anime season, same with the sales.

there are only 6 actual characters in KnY so that seems about right

>In the context of MHA, learning martial arts might as well be an asspull.
You do realize there's several character who went into UA already knowing martial arts right?

Attached: x1080-uBh.jpg (1955x1080, 207K)

this always happens when the author goes out of his way to nerf karasuno once they win iot'll reset like usual. the shit nekoma game and the namek twins were just like this

Ah, I can't argue with this.

I'm hardly the only one that felt that way so it's even sadder for the mangaka for being such a shit writer. Well can't blame him all that much since he hated writing that arc too.

Attached: the-point-you-30719018.png (500x325, 6K)

Gotouge's comments are the definition of moe and kimetsu didn't have those many characters during its first poll.
Nowadays, characters like Mitsuri or Uzui would also rank high.

>I'm hardly the only one that felt that way
You're definitely in the vast minority.

>Well can't blame him all that much since he hated writing that arc too.
No he didn't.

>It devolves into yet another BC vs MHA war
Am I the only faggot here who likes both?

Attached: e07c696967b83f66e783044c103ff597.jpg (400x400, 37K)

You don't have a point. Also those character still lost despite knowing martial arts.

>why do people make fun of BC so much?
>100 posts later
>learning martial arts is an asspull

Yeah, most MHA fans have taste so they’re not going to like crap like BC

Because I was totally talking about Ojiro and not Ochako
>You don't have a point.
What's the argument for UofA not holding mandatory martial arts classes?

>BC uses teamwork and strategy to win
On a scale of 1 to World Trigger how good are their tactics?
If it's even Naruto and the Toad Sages vs. Pain good I might consider giving it a chance

Why go through so much effort for a (You)? We all know that's the main reason why you're always here

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Characters also lost despite getting new spells in BC. The point was that none of these are asspulls, just one retard trying to rile people up.

>Because I was totally talking about Ojiro and not Ochako
But Ojiro is more proficient at martial arts than Ochako and he constantly get made fun of.
>What's the argument for UofA not holding mandatory martial arts classes?
Why would you need martial arts when characters lie Shouto exist?

twins were fun, I can't wait to see it animated

Unironically World Trigger. Asta is like Osamu's weakness and brain + Kuga's hard work and experience.

The MC has the power to negate magic in a series filled with wizards, most fights end with him ramming his sword into people.

bad bait

because most quirks that allow people to get into UA aren't actually conducive to a martial arts based fighting style. Learning judo isn't going to do shit to help someone like Shoto or Kaminari fight better

>But Ojiro is more proficient at martial arts
I was talking about Ochako
>Why would you need martial arts
Stop. Asking why heroes need martial arts is like asking why the US military needs it because some people in some squads can.

Remember Osamu and Kuga's spider trap?
BC has something similar to that early on.

>I was talking about Ochako
But you're saying why doesn't UA has martial arts course so why ignore the two characters who are already efficent in it before getting in to the school.

>Asking why heroes need martial arts is like asking why the US military needs it because some people in some squads can.
Thats not the same thing. You just don't have a point to make.

>Osamu's weakness and brain + Kuga's hard work and experience
Wouldn't that make him Kitora then? Being Osamu and having experience are mutually exclusive states of being.

Blame the Yea Forums posters

>Gel magic user with high mana vs transformation magic user, poisen magic user, and mirror magic user
>Gel magic user makes giant salamander
>Poison has no effect on it
>It's too big to transform into something weaker
>Light beams from mirrors have no effect
>Mirror guy uses his magic to make duplicates of transformation magic user
>Transformation magic user and clones use their magic to turn gel into plants
>Poison is now super effective and tears it apart
Probably one of my favorite team fights because of the chemistry

Kinda like Kitora then yeah.
Except it's not just him who can think that way, it's everybody. Whether it be the villains or his teammates.

>so why ignore the two characters who are already efficent in it before getting in to the school
Because you don't realize that martial arts as a basic for heroes would be a great help. There was no ignoring going on. It's retarded not to standardize education in an institution meant to standardize education. It's like making a school but you don't teach math.
>You just don't have a point to make.
I do, you just willfully ignore it.

I enjoyed MHA until chapter 100, since then it's been tedious to read

Since Asta is only effective at close range, he always teams up with support mages to increase his mobility. Only later in the series can he actually use a mana magic technique but he is still only able to fly directly towards the strongest source of mana. One villain actually takes advantage of this to make him fly into traps

With that argument, snipers don't need to learn martial arts because they shoot from far away.

Same. That forced fight between Bakugou and Deku was painful to watch.

>Because you don't realize that martial arts as a basic for heroes would be a great help
Not really considering the shit heroes go through. How the fuck is martial arts going to help Endeavor beat High End? Its like you exist to spout stupid shit

>I do, you just willfully ignore it.
You don't hence why you keep giving bad arguments like this why would a sniper need martial arts training when their main prerogative is to not encounter the enemy to begin with?

Hori indeed is the best artist im jump. I just don't know how does he do it.

And this is why nobody takes BCfags seriously.

He should team up with someone and only draw for his next series

That's good to hear. In World Trigger there's one guy who has what are basically anti-magic telekinetic bullets and it's basically the most fuck you OP piece of shit power in the entire series.

Did I say I like BC? BC is just as bad

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I think Boichi is a better artist, but it's hard to compare them since Boichi only draws Dr. Stone while Hori has to write and illustrate MHA, and deal with all the franchise shit too

Are you fucking kidding me? So Endeavor's only gonna face opponents with High End's skill set for the rest of his career?
"Its like you exist to spout stupid shit" is right.
>why would a sniper need martial arts training
How to be someone with -100 IQ? I wouldn't know because my brain is perfectly working. It's not even bait anymore, this is you truly believing the shit comnig out of your head

>says they don't like MHA
>heh must be BCfags

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>So Endeavor's only gonna face opponents with High End's skill set for the rest of his career?
He didn't need martial arts to defeat High-End you fucking idiot.


I'll take that as a concession

Hang yourself

>I think Boichi is a better artist
Not with those character designs
Why would you respond to a post in reltailaition to both dipshit?

user you really need to take an IQ test, I'm fearing for your life
It's like you don't understand basic english.
Martial arts for someone who fights crime and terrorism for a living is mandatory. Whether you're a sniper, NYPD, etc.

Cute and always embarrassed

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>Martial arts for someone who fights crime and terrorism for a living is mandatory.
And this is a manga about superheroes. Now you see how retarded you are.

>And this is a manga about superheroes.
>he thinks superheroes don't fight crime and terrorism
>calls me retarded
Promise me you'll take an IQ test user
It's for your own good

So you can't read.

You're a fucking moron. Keep reading manga your entire life, that's the pinnacle of what you'll understand anyway.

We can't stop here Chainsaw bros! We must aim for top 3! Ch 27 will get it done, I believe.

Dr Flop axed after anime season.
Tick tock faggots.

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I thought HxHfags would've enjoyed the recent /cm/ chapters

>tumblr filename
oh how the mighty fallen...

How do you read this?

Boichi loses out because despite being really skilled he draws fucking awful alien girls. I don’t understand how you can be that good at drawing and fuck up this badly.

Monday/tuesday shoseki rankings. For comparison, Kimetsu volumes were top 80-160 on the monday/tuesday after the first episode aired

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