Stupid as shit

Stupid as shit.

Attached: fucking retarded.png (957x538, 541K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Based nippon steel


Attached: 1344563835414.gif (387x217, 1.62M)

It's a magic sword, it makes perfect sense.

Well aside from glorious nippon steel meme, they made it a point to show that most swords were cast steel. Cast steel isn't very good compared to forged.

the best part is whatever he's cutting should still smack her in the face twice instead of just once but so sadly it doesnt.

magic sword technique

The scythes defend. And damage. With katana's only american katana's cut through. Those cheaper ones.... Japanese katana's have the metal cut at the hilt instead of full body katana made of thick metals. It's literally made for piercing skin and muscle.



Attached: grorious japanese steel folded one mirrion times zero fighter.gif (640x360, 1.74M)

Real Japanese Katana are masterfully made for sharpness and thrusting.
The cheap american ones use full steel and doesn't have the same edge since it's mass produced shit not a real Katana that has the smiths soul poured into it.
Katana is all about skill, you cut the unprotected parts of the body and thrust in the helmet hole and armor gaps.
It's also great for sudden ambush attacks and assassination since it will kill fast.

Attached: Katana.png (1280x720, 553K)

Katanas are historically the sharpest swords in human history, engineered and designed for unparalleled cutting technique. They are forged to be harder than any other variant of sword to deliver more devastating cuts to an enemy, whereas other swords are oftentimes flexible and sturdiest only at the point of their crossguards. A katana is entirely hard from base to tip, making the sword brittle, but unsurpassed at slicing. It is not unusual for a katana to also be far sharper than any other sword as the edge is typically honed to a finer degree. Other swords rely on inflicting blunt trauma, such as broken bones, but a katana swordsman can cut with precision into the most vulnerable areas of the human body inflicting mortal wounds with minimal movement, the swordsman being able to conserve and expend his energy far more efficiently than if he swung erratically and wildly around with no real aim, discipline, or technique - all habits which other swords, save for the rapier, encourage. (But that rapier is a thrusting weapon, so that is a conversation for another time.)

Which idiot thought it was a good idea to make a sword out of lead?


>shit inefficient smithing vs modern metalogy.

>modern metalogy.
>just shit some metal into the katana shape without any smithing

Attached: katana.gif (500x282, 734K)


Attached: fucking idiot found dead with two bullet wounds.gif (500x281, 684K)

Reminder that they had to fold the fucking things "ONE HUNDRED MIRRION TIMES OVER" because the metal they had was such abject shit that was all they could do to keep the damn things from falling apart

If you smack a katana into any other sword you're a dumbass and will happen

It's not meant to clash with thick swords and shields like a barbarian, it's a skill based katana.

its actually just a glorified kitchen knife only good for cutting down peasants in robes. and it couldn't even do that. you want a good single edged sword, get yourself a kriegsmesser.

Attached: knecht.jpg (512x534, 28K)

Is it just me or have deus vult knight fags surpassed katana weebs in recent years

imagine being such a loser brainlet that you'd settle for inferior WESTERN steel instead of glorious curved JAPANESE blades
pic related is me, get jealous cuck

Attached: nippon master.jpg (1032x774, 156K)

They have, and amusingly they are generally just as ignorant as the katana-fags.

imagine not wanting to be a maille man

Attached: 1509706774110.jpg (720x960, 220K)

they are two sides of the same autistic sword
they have better memes tho

Attached: stupid heretic.jpg (1000x828, 72K)

just be thankful it's us and not the viking cucks

Attached: varg_kungfu.gif (480x267, 3.7M)

No swords are made to clash with thick sword and shields but they still need to withstand that abuse a bit because it would happen in a war.

Whatever the type of sword or style of swordsmanship, a direct head-on clash of blades is a dumb idea and to be avoided wherever possible. With katana specifically, you're supposed to be dodging out the way of the opponent's sword wherever possible and deflecting with the flat of the blade against the flat of your opponent's blade when the swords must make contact.

>reloads in your direction

Attached: w_4_0009493_medieval-crossbow-with-reloading-gear_550.png (550x550, 141K)

Ironically it has katana fags never got this bad and some at least admit they sucked and just like the aesthetics

westernfags cope

With a crossbow, while it is deadly to armored people (at close range), you do not want to be caught reloading.

to add on to that, swords have never ever been the primary weapon of choice of any military force
the two most primary weapons of war were always stuff like spears and bows because they are easier to make, cost less materials and are easier to train

>an isolated island with a sword culture never invented shields

Attached: spongebobmeme.jpg (938x528, 109K)

and more effective in combat

Butter knives can cut through bullets.

>Mr. Oda
so that's what he did before one piece, no wonder he dickrides zoro that much

Attached: GODA.jpg (947x720, 110K)

>an isolated island with a sword culture that used bowman as a part of every battle never invented shields

It just gets better

Attached: 67d.jpg (1252x1252, 655K)

Attached: Katana gets rekt.webm (853x480, 757K)

>they put baskets on their backs to block arrows as they ran away but couldn't figure out that a big piece of wood would be better

Attached: download.jpg (237x212, 13K)

Nah they still beat em on ground we got a lot of record accounts of what happened on shore. They got their asses whooped by the samurai. Guns one like the ronin movie.

>prepares to swing western sword

Attached: battousai.gif (390x222, 2.64M)

Why is this whole western vs eastern sword thing even a debate?

Drunken Portuguese sailors killed so many samurai with rapiers that they had to be banned from dueling in Japan. Just average, plebeian sailors with little metal toothpicks.

Fucking pathetic.

Attached: 1562738358966.jpg (639x347, 47K)

Nah. They don't fight as a squad and see as they try to stay close instead of at distance. At distance like water at least two person distance with feet out in length. You have to flow like water. That man in the middle is the current.

only proud JAPANESE WARRIORS would be sure to attack one at a time and wait for their turn as their friends die one by one
truly amazing

Cost and training aside, spears work better in group engagements than swords do.

>Oh my martial arts demonstration
I bet you believe those guys who disarm 5 guys at once could do that irl too.
If this wasn't a demonstration his opponents would use thrusting or stay at a distance instead of running in since they have a sword not a fucking knife.

>babysitting a rusting piece of shit blade that needs costant sharpening

i poke in your general direction

Attached: tumblr_owodzpdEIg1rwjpnyo1_400.jpg (400x600, 27K)

No they wouldn't. Against one soldier they don't one by one this isn't a traditional in a traditional you watch and leave after your friend dies. They'd go all in. probably not all with katana's most likely. So a halberd or pole. Sweep and brace motions. So you know those training dummies one katana from above and two from below at different heights. in and out motions like a spike coffin.

>Oh no my sword snapped when I stabbed the guy with basic armour
Greatswords > Long swords > Straight swords > Short swords > Rapiers > Katana
The Dark Souls of truth.

spears are just all around a superior weapon choice
even the japs didn't rely on katanas as much as they did on the bow and naginata

The real cream on the cake is China versus Japan. Japan owned most of what is china and those areas next to India. They were forced to move out by world interaction. Fucking powerhouse.

I poke in your unarmored bits

Without context, any sort of ranking is bollocks.
For an easy example, long swords without armor are inferior to arming swords+shields.

No armor, no shields?
Then the rapier is going to fuck up your silly long sword.

>a rapier snapping
not the guy you replied to, but rapiers are specifically built to withstand stress when stabbing
and the entire martial art is specifically centered around attacking the weak/unarmored parts

What's with the dumb preview image?

Actually no.
With an edge on edge, you can bind your opponents sword stopping them from sliding down or disengaging from your play.
If you accidentally parry with the flat of the blade you'll find that your whole sword is pushed in the wrong direction making it harder to continue to fight or perform a followup.
ITT weaboo's who've only played with sticks and foam larp boffers. (Even steel blunts don't bind properly when you parry)

Also Swiss saber solves shitty Katana problems.
Proper grip
Decent guard
better steel

Fight me

Attached: f1c3b3fa591a694b2b654be43e2c1213.jpg (1073x563, 38K)

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.
Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.
Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.
Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:
(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork
(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork
Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don't you think?
tl;dr = Katanas need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.

I know no girls going to put out enough energy on the battlefield though. Modifications like saiyans here. Not realistic.

But can you fold it like a proper Swiss knife?

There's not a metal on earth that could slice that for you with a human arm.

>Greatswords > Long swords > Straight swords > Short swords > Rapiers > Katana
>Not using sabre

>comparing two weapons that have different purposes
fucking retards

>muh katana lacks power
Katana is actually heavier than a normal western sword.

Attached: 1562639551754.jpg (400x400, 71K)

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seethe some more cuck

Attached: don't make me unleash my full power.jpg (367x500, 26K)

>Katana is actually heavier than a normal western sword.
No, it's not. It's just heavier than a western (one handed) sword of the same length. But being designed for two handed use, a katana is roughly the same weight as a long sword. It's just way shorter, and loses further reach because it's a dedicated cutter, while long swords are generally more focused on the thrust.

>Cold steel
Fucking kek

Attached: fuck you.jpg (1384x896, 169K)

>Katana is actually heavier
And thats a good thing?

>a direct head-on clash of blades is a dumb idea
That's only true for stiff Japanese blades

That is an obvious case for png.

Attached: being a knight is super hard work.jpg (800x670, 126K)

What about Damascus steel swords?

Greatswords are the most retarded shit. If you're going to be lugging around a fat piece of metal like that you might as well grab an axe or a hammer, or better yet, switch to a superior spear and wreck shit. They also suffer from being one of the single most boring weapons in all fantasy settings where they are used.

>60.6 cm
top kek, you expect to hit anything with that swordlet?

I blame dark souls

>switch to a superior spear and wreck shit
Great swords are basically pole-arms for rich people. You don't use them as swords, even if "sword" is part of the name and the overall appearance. You use them as pole-arms.

And they were effective.

Imagine fighting katana with a short spear lel

I'm a hussarfag myself

Attached: hussar lance vs pike.gif (456x179, 26K)

>choreographed demonstration

Given the file name, I have no idea why people bother pointing out the lack of realism.

Sort of. Katana are made with both one-handed and two-handed use in mind. They're not unique in that either, if memory serves there are plenty of Western sword designs that are too.

Eh, even with Western swords, the basic physics principle of if being easier to deflect an object in movement than to block it. Especially relevant, in my opinion, when the object in question is a bit of sharp metal moving towards you.

There's a technique in HEMA where you take the opponent's blade head on and use its force to power your swing

>Katana are made with both one-handed and two-handed use in mind. They're not unique in that either, if memory serves there are plenty of Western sword designs that are too.
So basically, they are shorter long swords. As I said.

Also, the idea that you should protect your blade by avoiding edge contact is silly. You will deflect the sharp piece of metal coming towards you in the most efficient manner because you do not want to die. You can complain about the damage to your sword after surviving the fight.

I don't doubt it, but it seems riskier to me than techniques involving deflection. But I'm going to assume it's effective enough, if practitioners have used it and survived to pass it down.

>You will deflect the sharp piece of metal coming towards you in the most efficient manner because you do not want to die.
Well yes, when push comes to shove you do whatever is necessary to survive the fight. But you're still trained to prefer using some actions rather than others where possible.

Can katana blades even be repaired?

The cast steel must also be magic to get cut and not shatter.

>I don't doubt it, but it seems riskier to me than techniques involving deflection.
it is, but it gives you the advantage of a quick counterattack


It's not about effectiveness in combat, it's about looking cool while swinging the katana

Rapiers are better for heavily armoured targets, as you can aim for weak points and put a lot of force/pressure in a small area.
Hitting someone heavily armoured with a sword isn't going to really do shit and would mainly just function as a club.

But never mind all of this shit. The GOAT weapon is obviously the spear.

I grew up Catholic, and after meeting the deus vult LARPers, I now I have a full understanding of how fucking awful those Katana weebs really were to the elevens.
I don't think one of them has actually read a PAGE of the bible. And none of them understand how being Catholic is any different from any other branch of Christianity. They're all like, "Oh I don't go to church, the pope is part of the gay agenda". Okay maybe, but if you're really a mindless crusading zelot like you purport you still have to go and tell the fucking priest about how you jerked off 30 times this week, and got mad at every woman who breathed in your direction, because you believe your eternal soul will rot in hell forever if you don't.

>Rapiers are better for heavily armoured targets
Rapiers are better overall even against enemy without armour.

You get 3/100.
You better study for the next test.

Are there really people who masturbate less than 10 times per day?

>you can aim for weak points
Yeah because in a life or death fight on a battlefield full of 500 blokes with swords the one thing you have loads of is time to carefully aim and thrust at people close to you after finding their unarmoured segments.

Attached: 42d14a35df92d3e79e1e93ee65fac3aa.jpg (650x366, 28K)

Spear is the medieval equivalent of T-34/85

They would've been professional trained soldiers, not a rabble of peasants. They would've known how to use their weapon.

The greater the reach, the better the weapon, that's why ICBM's are the greatest weapons of all time

>a real Katana that has the smiths soul poured into it
Don't forget about sacrificial virgin, it's not a real Katana without it.

>the average katana weighs more than the average arming sword
>the average katana weighs around the same as an average longsword but not as long
>the katana is shaped like a saber but much heavier thus removing its functionality as a traditional saber
>tsuba: a small disk with no angle that can stop blades as long as they don't slide off to hit the forearm or shoulder
>crossguard: any variety of metal protrusions that are long enough to prevent blades from sliding clear to inflict wounds and can further be angled to nullify this risk entirely while also allowing the user to gain leverage against his opponent or reverse the blade to use said crossguard like a hammer
>the katana has a form which is rigidly adhered in construction for the sake of tradition
>swords across Europe change shape to increase lethality and protection for the user as warfare evolves
>renowned for cutting but can be matched by any number of blades which don't require the use of two hands and not just from Europe but China, India, the Middle East, and SEA all of which changed their blades over time instead of sticking to rigid tradition

I absolutely love when the sword weebs come out to play

Attached: 1544655674462.jpg (2000x1087, 442K)

Swords are just a sidearm anyway, usually, in battles, soldiers carry polearms

>500 blokes with swords
swords are side-arms

>the average katana weighs around the same as an average longsword but not as long
>the katana is shaped like a saber but much heavier thus removing its functionality as a traditional saber
So fucking true. It's like being a faggot by eating mini cupcakes.

Fuck dexfags

Nowadays, katanas are more art pieces than anything. Even back in the old days, they were more of a status symbol.

So you're saying they would have even less chance of being able to get their opponent with a rapier since they not only need to get in range(rapiers aren't that long) but also do so in a way that allowed them to maneuver into a stab into an unarmoured area.
Great you just made them even worse.

The katana IS a sabre. One-edged curved blade made for deep cutting.

Yes, polearms outclass swords

While you aim for my unarmored bits, I'll just stab you without worrying too much about parrying

It's a non-argument, user.
No one was going to war using a rapier as a primary weapon. They'd have pikes or halberds.
>rapiers aren't that long

Attached: rapiers weren't long.jpg (432x342, 36K)

Dude history channel. They had even 7 foots. Weren't practical but literally if you've ever seen the jackpot of all this they made every blade imaginable. It's metal easily bent. Every blade you could ever want within a 10 foot radius has been made. They even had twin greatsword thingies.

koncerz > rapier

Fun fact: You won't find a single European 19th century source talk trash about katana. They were respected and feared on the battlefield, and highly valued as souvenir.

But the Murican image board sword wizard who can barely handle fork and knife on the dinner table knows everything better. I'm not even surprised.

Attached: 56cea421387706ba333c84b0cc1ae1be.jpg (697x451, 51K)

Rapiers are thicker and they're not flat like other swords. The cross section of a rapier is triangular

found the hussarfag
It's okay though. I love the PLC too.

Rapier is very much a str weapon.
Long sword on the other hand is a dex weapon.

>You won't find a single European 19th century source talk trash about katana
Maybe because they never met in battle?


>feared on the battlefield
What fucking battlefield? What retard is gonna take a sword in combat over a polearm.
>image board sword wizard
I'm not the one claiming my overly-heavy saber is a magic sword though.
>muh cutting
That's what metal does when it's sharpened. I'll take a shamshir, tulwar, backsword, szabla, or any one-handed single-edged weapon over that glorified nobility symbol.

>Maybe because they never met in battle?
Not sure if trolling or retarded.

Maybe both. I don't know what you're insinuating here

>You won't find a single European 19th century source talk trash about katana. They were respected and feared on the battlefield, and highly valued as souvenir.
Mocking other cultures is not nice and 19th century Europeans had manners.

Axes are superior cutting weapons to the katana anyway

I have armor too tho

Then I'll just punch you in the helmet

19th Century Europeans were colonising everything under the sun, mocking other cultures is the least of what they did.

Even arabs had better swords than japs

I didn't realise it was the scholars who were enslaving the lesser cultures.

>Hitting someone heavily armoured with a sword isn't going to really do shit and would mainly just function as a club.
What is a mordhau grip? What is half swording?

Attached: fp-mine.jpg (1920x1080, 837K)

European arms and armour makers were constantly tweaking their designs and improving them and it shows a lot in the metal working in Europe throughout the ages.

>What is a mordhau grip
A way to cut off your fingers.

Sure buddy.

Oopsies you raised your arm to do that, would be a shame if a rapier snuck below your armpit.

when I was 16 I came with this autistic fucking utopian society idea where all the men would be required to carry rapiers


Thank you for this tidbit, fucking lmao

you have no idea how happy it makes me to see this post in 2019, thank you OP

No, it isn't

I'll just grab your rapier before punching you or kneeing you

Polearms > Spears > Swords > Weebswords

But user your palm is one of those unarmored bits, what makes you think i wont poke that

spears are polearms

>But user your palm is one of those unarmored bits
No they're not, and my "unarmored bits" are covered in riveted chain mail and gambeson

Good luck catching me with all that weight fatty

Yeah i could do that too but for much longer, no?

>I'll just grab your rapier
you're not an anime protag user

Are you trying to run away from me?

Attached: this but with your rapier.jpg (347x274, 21K)

No just keeping distance, i have a rapier not a dagger. And when you're tired, poke poke

Just pointing out at around 7 fold the metal starts to become homogenized. So folding 10 or more times would very likely homogenize it to the point the composite lamination benefit effects are null.

Higher numbers might be fine for raw ore refinement, but even if counted you folding out impurities from ore you would be wasting effort after 30 or 40 folds unless you had laboratory grade reagents, in which case just buy lab grade iron and mix additive chemicals in single cast, then give a few folds for the composite blade structure.

that's not a rapier, your argument would make more sense against a spear wielder and even then it would be really risky, but you're an anime protag so good luck man

Attached: i can google search as well.jpg (630x184, 23K)

by running backwards as I run forward?

Why would I need to be cautious against a rapier when I'm fully armored? I'll just keep gaining space without worrying about the rapier's tip

I can run in circles while looking sideways you clown

So can I, your best bet is to run away

Not just an anime protagonist dude, hes a nobleman with a full set of armor and a longsword, not the son of a whore with a rusty dagger and some rags

Till you're tired by running with armor and chainmail, then poke poke

you'll also get tired by then

fired and flamepilled

I never said i had armor?

>fully armored
there is no such thing as fully armored brainlet
there are plenty of weapons designed to deal with heavy armor's weak points, e.g. rondel
and relying on grabbing is just stupid, relying on grabbing weapons is even dumber since no would just hold their blade in place for you to easily grab it, on that they can just grab you back while you're doing that, or on the more likely scenario simply stab your eyes out with the dagger they are carrying, you're severely underestimating how much your opponent wants to kill you
you cannot see in a full plate helm, and if you can, that leaves your eyes exposed to a long ranged stab or for a rondel up closer

sometimes i hate this board

I was thinking more of clobbering them with a buckler but yeah a rondel looks good too

Greatswords were used to break pike formations since they are more versatile than any other weapon for this job.

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Fate Worse Than Death" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Rape deserves much better than that than that. Much, much better than that. I should know what I'm talking about. I myself committed a genuine rape in Japan for 2,000 Yen (that's about $5) and have been in prison for almost 2 years now. I can even rape a hole through steel. Japanese rapists spend years planning a single rape and visualize it up to a million times to produce the finest rapes known to mankind. Rapes are thrice as bad as regular murder and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a murder can cause, a rape can cause better. I'm pretty sure a rape could easily cause a Paladin wearing full plate to fall with a simple horizontal thrust. Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the Samurai and their rape dicks of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the unzipped pants first because their raping power was feared and respected. So what am I saying? Rape is simply the worst thing that the world has ever seen, and thus, requires better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for rape:

Rape (Ex) 3d12 Damage No save Victim is traumatized for the rest of his/her life

Now that seems a lot more representative of the traumatizing power of rape in real life, don't you think?

tl;dr = Rape need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.

the rondel was specifically evolving alongside heavy plate armor for knights to deal with other knights (and later among civilians), it would most often be forced into the visor or hinges of the armor
all around, as far as knives go, it's a 10/10

Swords aren't a battlefield weapon

>idiots taking this at face value

>What is half swording?
A useless technique vs full plate

Just put a bayonet in the tip

post proofs that i may post it to others

Dude has like 7 dicks

>OP sees this gif for the first time
>wtf, I need to tell all my friends on Yea Forums!
I remember being new once too.

The thing about the katana is, the thickness is uniform down the plade, so it isn't balanced very well.

As for the idea it was some supremely engineered masterpiece....who were they fighting exactly? Some peasant rebellions? The Chinese once in a while? Look at the competition going on in Europe for comparison, where dozens of nations were struggling for supremacy in hundreds of wars over the years. A lot of these European cultures were literally defined by their military, you had hundreds of different weapons. Not to mention the fact that nobody likes to talk about, that Europe was a hell of a lot more developed and advanced than Japan was.


Attached: gg.jpg (404x599, 48K)

>single still frame of grorious nip steel cutting through metal like butter
>whole thread devolves into autistic ramble
never change

imagine naruto running during a sword fight lol

poleARM masterrace

>not having a side arm

fist > spear

Better than showing up to a swordfight in full armor

Polearms > hammers > swords

Honestly I think I'd rather have an axe or a warhammer as a side arm. They're somewhat less useless vs armour.

People usually have multiple side arms. The advantage of swords and daggers as side arms is that they are basically free, in terms of how much they bother you while you are running around killing folks.
Everything else is more cumbersome AND takes longer to draw.
But that's not dramatic. And it shouldn't stop you from loading up with a primary weapon, a sword, a dagger and an axe or hammer of some kind.

>not whirlwinding your way into the enemy's guts

>apons designed to deal with heavy armor's weak points, e.g. rondel
and relying on grabbing is just stupid, relying on grabbing weapons is even dumber since no would just hold their blade in place for you to easily grab it, on that they can just grab you back while you're doing that, or on the more likely scenario simply stab your eyes out with the dagger they are carrying, you're severely under
My opponent is using a rapier.
Also, do you think the armored guy would just politely stand around and let himself get stabbed through the gaps?
>you cannot see in a full plate helm, and if you can, that leaves your eyes exposed to a long ranged stab or for a rondel up closer
I can pull up the visor in less than a second as he is running around

It's virtually impossible to kill an armored guy with a blade unless that guy is retarded and lets you stab through the gaps of his armor

spear< fist< spear with a fist tip (that crumbles into a spike and subverts everyone's expectations)

i took it off

Come here, then. I'll pull out my flintlock

>>>the swordsman being able to conserve and expend his energy far more efficiently than if he swung erratically and wildly around with no real aim, discipline, or technique - all habits which other swords, save for the rapier, encourage.

>>Real Japanese Katana are masterfully made for sharpness and thrusting.
Odd I don't remember wild swinging of swords being part of the manual of arms for any western sword. It's another damn Katana is better meme. Also Katana were made using crappy Tamahane steel. The folding thing was because their sources of steel were from terrible iron sands. In reality Katanas were actually very fragile. Duels between Katana users tried not to go blade on blade or edge on edge and a western broad sword would more likely go right thru a light Katana. Read the story of the Firefly Sword from Japanese history

not if i pull out my ar-15 first

Both are equally fedora wearing retards. Yes, even the deus vult fags

Joke's on you, I'm wearing Chobham armor, taste my 120mm, bitch

What about Rzeczpospolita fags?

>Katana that has the smiths soul poured into it

I don't think quenching a sword with a cum is a good idea user.

Your exchange reminds me of that one time in kindergarten, when I competed with another kid on who could write the larger number.
I sometimes wish to go back to that time with my current knowledge of googleplex, Graham's number and stacked potencies. I would WRECK that kid.
I would have to spend half an hour just to explain how huge my number was. And then I could spend another half hour tasting his delicious tears.

you think that's gonna stop you from the poke? i had already called for a kinetic orbital strike, there's a rain of tungsten rods coming to poke poke you

How are you supposed to cut or thrust at the opponent's body with your 60cm two-handed sword when he's stabbing you with his halberd about 1.6 meters away

Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama

I'm a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

Attached: JP_01.jpg (600x800, 55K)

War hammer > everything else
Why would you aim for weak points in the armor when the whole armor is a single weak point?

>Katana is all about skill, you cut the unprotected parts of the body and thrust in the helmet hole and armor gaps.
You think... all other swords are just for hitting the armor?

Contrary to popular belief, plate armor is not weak to hammer strikes.
What makes hammer strikes more effective than swords is that plate armor is basically immune to sword attacks. That makes even the largely ineffective hammer strikes far more effective than swords.

It still pays to aim for the head though, which is significantly more vulnerable to your hammer than the rest of the body.
Or just get him to the ground, open his visor and stab him in the face.

enjoy your small reach

lmao, you fuckers think stabbing though armor gaps is that easy and simple?

You could still break a rib without piercing the armor.
>small reach
Sounds like you're compensating.

You're talking about the pole hammer, not the war hammer

IRL rapiers were pretty long and heavy compared to other one-handed swords

>IRL rapiers
Early rapiers, that is. The rapier evolved and turned into a much lighter weapon.

Pole hammers are a form of war hammer.

if you have no armor just run laps around the fella and strike the back of the knee

>posting that gay furry married to a tranny
I agree with you but holy shit dude

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not just simple, it's also the main way heavily armored knights dies

You think the armored guy is a statue or something?

>heavily armored knights dies
no, that's guns and polearms

>overweight american boomers
man coldsteel really is something

fill me up,i did get furry vibes from him but is he married to a tranny for real?

>gay furry married to a tranny
furry part i believe
but i want more details about the tranny
all i know about her(?) is that she studied psychology

its too tip heavy for it to be a sabre

i've seen the video a million times, i know, he must get tired sooner than someone not carrying 40 lbs on their back tho right?

>run laps around the fella
Because turning in place is so difficult, no way he could keep pace with your pathetic dancing.
You should be more concerned with not getting hit because no armor, while the other guy just has to ensure you don't hit a weak point.
All things equal in a fight, one armored and one not, the unarmored guy has exactly once chance to survive:
Running away. The guy in armor won't keep up.

You also have mail and gambeson underneath the plate armor so not only do you have to be really accurate, you also need enough force to penetrate the extra layers of protection; and even if you do penetrate his body, you wouldn't immediately kill or incapacitate him, he can just go for a counterattack.


The armor gives him +10 on Stamina, and +2 on Constitution. It also adds a regeneration bonus for his SP.

k fag

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It's not on his back.
20kg all spread around your body is nothing if you lift and spent months training.
People were able to swim in full plate, but you might have to get rid of the helmet.
Chain mail is a much bigger hindrance.

oh my god these guys have no armor on their crotches, imagine a pole hammer strike to the balls

>i know, he must get tired sooner than someone not carrying 40 lbs on their back tho right?
Of course, but how dramatic is that difference to matter in combat?

But they do

It's what decided Agincourt.

still, just get on his blind spot and hit him in the back. If he raises his visor strike in the face.
The second he lift his sword just dip.

Real knights are all girls though. They don't need to protect their crotches. Getting hit there just makes them excited.

>he thinks every single knight wore the equivalent of 10 layers of clothes that weight roughly 100 lbs and then march for miles on end under the baking sun

>If he raises his visor strike in the face.
People generally opened their visors before entering close combat.

No they're T-34/76
Greatswords were the T-34/85

depends on the period

I mean when they are engaging

>100 lbs
Are you drunk?

Knights are mounted

There is no blind spot. You think you're some kind of ninja moving so fast he can't follow?
A fighter in armor knows how to utilize it. He basically wears a full body shield. You think he evades? He calculates taking hits in well protected places to get a counter attack in. Can't afford that without armor, and dancing like a fucktard for 10 minutes will tire you out more than armor guy just holding his ground.

Nuff Mordhau for you

nah nigga, no sane person would wear this much protection, chain armor is not so light you can just slap it on and a gambeson is nothing like the shirt your greasy ass is wearing
you're right, it's probably heavier, adding on the weapon, the side arm, the supplies
yeah, as we all know every single knight had a horse, one to one
there were no troop formations, every single war during the medieval era was fought on horseback

Attached: infantry-gambeson.jpg (584x800, 72K)
>yeah, as we all know every single knight had a horse, one to one
Yes, they're rich so they can afford a horse

lol just use crossbows

then i guess every single depiction and reference material of knights fighting on foot is fantasy
i agree, people don't understand that every single person who ever wore full plate immediately becomes kirito from soa

They probably were armored foot soldiers, not knights

Japanese blades were meant for cutting since most warriors including samurai had barely any real armor.
Western swords had much more blunt damage in mind because everyone wore armor, even militia used thick clothing.

that would explain why unseated knights were most often the ones taken as war prisoners

What do you mean?

>Not to mention the fact that nobody likes to talk about, that Europe was a hell of a lot more developed and advanced than Japan was.
This is straight up incorrect. For the majority of our history, China was the most advanced civilization and also the richest. Japan got their technology from China so they were also ahead. Things only changed in the Industrial Revolution, where Europe finally became developed.

I can't believe you stupid pieces of trash fell for this. Give me a fucking break.

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>Western swords had much more blunt damage in mind because everyone wore armor, even militia used thick clothing.
No, reach.

unseated as in "dropped off their horse and forced to surrender with a dagger pointed at their visor"

Knights were mounted warriors pretty much by definition. That's why in most European languages, the word for knight comes from the term for riding (German: Ritter, French: Cavalier etc)
The English word Knight comes from the term for "servant", but from the 100 years war onwards, it was used exclusively for mounted warriors.

As a unit or individually? Are you talking about that scene from Maria The Virgin Witch?

Dumb mass production cocksucker, I bet you think fast food burgers taste better than professional chef dishes.

>French: Cavalier
Sorry, Chevalier.
Cavaliere was Italian.

You think making an artistic sword is gonna help you kill your opponents and keep you alive in battle?

Just use a Naginata

But in Dark Souls Greatswords are the worst weapon

Why use an inferior, less versatile weapon?

Why were they behind in medicine, metallurgy, shipbuilding and navigation in the 16th century then?

>wearing an armor at all.

Attached: laughing_loli.jpg (1166x2219, 579K)

>medieval Europe: has dozens of interesting, useful and famous variety of weapons
>medieval Japan: only bow and katana are well-known
There's a reason there isn't a single good game about medieval Japan.

Attached: mordhau.webm (1920x1080, 2.93M)

Also, firearms, windmills, and visual arts

SHOGUN 2 Total War is decent. Although they fucked up the castle walls.

>best japanese duelist was a fucking cheater
Miyamoto is honorless and I don't care what anyone says

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And most fantasy settings are based on medieval europe

That's not what medieval combat looks like at all. Neither is the "Professionals" The real matter is bloody and fast. No decapitations just crippling. and handicaps.

nigga this is slowed down footage of a videogame

Unconventional swords are the best

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If you're going to make a club, actually make a club.
Then it'll be weighted properly and you could actually do some damage with it.

>executioners sword

That's not a weapon. You might as well call a syringe a weapon because people get killed by them.

Of course it's not a weapon for battle, but it't not a fucking club. It's a sharp sword made for decapitation and carried by executioners.

Who said anything about weapons?

Heavier doesn't mean better, you idiot.

Do you remember that kinetic energy is mass * velocity^2? The speed is much more important than the mass.

It's been ten years. Why are we still talking about this?

Because it’s still guaranteed replies

Reminder that a quarterstaff can BTFO any sword.

To trigger westaboos.

Every nonpleb knows the yari

japan actually had good steal ores

Katanas are thicker than western swords and "skill" is just an excuse for the poor quality of the brittle katana blade

steel is not an ore

Who cares? Clubs and maces are the superior CQC weapon anyway

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no, the P90 is

Combat between knights is nothing like how people imagine it
Good luck doing shit against steel plate with your katana, either, weebfags.

steal is not an ore

no the hand grenade is

just hit your enemy with a bar of steel lol

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So in the end, who won?

TBF taught me it just works

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You forgot to add the dual-wielding capabilities

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wish we could see more characters who wield maces in anime and manga

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That sword looks like donkey ass. Half of being a samurai is the style you dumb idiot.

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>Half of being a samurai is the style
And the second half is dying to a Portuguese rapier-wielding sailor.

You can’t look THIS cool with a cheap Walmart brand American sword. You need that dragon forged Japanese steel that’s been folded ten thousand times.

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I wish that donkey ass looking american brand walmart cheap sword was cheap user i wish.

Are swords even dangerous in the modern era? You could probably kill a swordsman with a steel pipe considering how shot sword users are in these days compared to how they used to be.

Based, the katana requires skill since it is fast.
Star Wars's light sabers are based on the Katana.

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Peak autism thread. Never change, Yea Forums.

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i mean, machetes are swords? they're still used a lot to do damage
Dadaos are basically katanas

*machetes mb

Szabla > Katana

Falchions are the sword version of machetes

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i dunno she seems based, wish i had someone that would put up with my shit

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>Weapon with longer range > weapon with shorter range
This is quite obvious. Just look at the katana - it has almost the same length as the saber but you also need to hold it with 2 hands.

Aircrafts > artillery > tanks > firearms > everything else

I would believe a sword could cut a bullet. Bullets are made of lead, which is really soft compared to steel.

What about the shovel?

ICBMs > Aircraft

>/his/ has entered the thread

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They did tests, and it works. Problem is cutting the bullet just means you get hit with two half bullets instead of one full pullet since you aren't effecting the bullets velocity to any notable degree. if you catch it just right with a vertical cut maybe you are turning a mortal wound into a pair of superficial ones but you still got shot.

They're pretty cool

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And weebswords are swords.


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No rapiers were civilian weapons with a very few exceptions. In war they used more cut heavier swords such as the katzbalger, schiovona, or stuff like that. To fight an heavily armoured opponent you will never use a rapier. You cant get properly into the gaps. Even if you are sucessful you wont have enough power to to a serious wound. Thats why estocs and other swords were invented. The Rapier was always intended as a Duel Weapon in the Era of Duelling. Most weapon would kill you instantly if you would try to fight them with a rapier. Especially greatswords who were by many masters cited to breakt rapiers or to beat them.
Someone in Armor will just try to grap your rapier or just closes in and will cut you into pieces. He would not care much about what you do. Just google reiters armor.
The spear is great but again against fully armored opponents hard to win. Halbers and poleaxes would be prefered.

of course

t. Chinaboo
>Forgot the Unequal Laws
>Forgot that China has always been a conquered land and that the Chinese themselves have never been the most advanced at anything, only their overlords
>Forgot that China chimped out so hard over how badly they got BTFO by western nations that TO THIS DAY they're the only state clinging to state-run communism, even though on paper its state-run capitalism like all other communism.

Greatswords were actually pretty good explained in a different thread why.
They were quite balanced only up to 7 pounds mostly even lighter. They were used in duels too but mainly for fighting againsst many at the same time, defending spots, protecting VIP's and to storm trenches (done in the thirty years war). Axe and Hammers would be inferior in every way. They would not behave even if they had the same range. They would be utter shit.
Spears would often lose against Greatswords depending on the skill. There are instructions from Masters which tell you how to easily defeat polearms. Only problem was that Greatsword require expierence and training.
But agree on the point that they are really boring in fantasy settings.

Since communism is a type of anarchy, you can't have a state-run communism.

This is actually complete bullshit, any competently made sword can cut through a normal full metal jacket round, both copper and lead are softer than steel and the energy of the bullet is doing all the work, it's traveling at several hundred meters per-second. What a bullet test really indicates about a blade is whether or not the cutting edge has been formed properly. A good edge will not chip or fracture noticeably if shot straight on, while flawed edges may either warp from being too soft or chip from being too brittle.

Can a katana cut tungsten rounds?

war medicine vs preventive medicine
yes, but that's because wars fought in asia relied on mobility of the troops - full plate or half plate armor was not viable for moving large distances with horses (especially this part due to the fact that asian horses has a smaller build but has more endurance)
yes, because asia didn't need ships for war, only for trade
again, related to shipbuilding
as far as navigation through land, europe and asia were at similar levels of technology
this only started to shift in favor to the europeans and more specifically the middle east because they focused on creating mobile firearms
asians focused on developing heavy firearms primarily used in ships, sieges, and defense
not to sure about this one
>visual arts
this is subjective but i won't deny that art born from renaissance is amazing

>asia didn't need ships for war,
>asians focused on developing heavy firearms primarily used in ships,

Also, China had a chance of discovering the Americas first. If they had, they would have conquered the world. Instead, they didn't, and Europe won by default.

All mangas and animes are supposed to be stupid and retard

Never heard of it being done and that would be a much more interesting test than a normal bullet test. Tungsten is significantly denser than lead and harder than most common steels, I'd guess that the round would gouge a good chunk out of the cutting edge and deflect off to one side, leaving a notable scratch or gouge in the blade.

What about a regular lead core 50 BMG?

>asia didn't need ships for war
>asians focused on developing heavy firearms primarily used in ships,

What. And also hell yes asians waged war with ships.

Never seen or heard of a test being done, but my guess would be that the outcome is the same, the energy of the round is much greater so improperly forged edges or blades may break and I'd expect that any significant error in forging to show after such a test but the round is still soft and the area of the sword it's hitting is still very small. As long as the edge doesn't deform on initial impact it should still go through the round, I would guess that it would destroy any blades with a soft or improperly made edge since the much greater energy of the round would be more likely to shatter or deform the edge and thus reduce the blade's ability to cut, thus increasing the amount of energy that the bulk of the round is going to pump into it as the two objects collide.

I remember watching a video where they fired a machine gun(LMG?) at it and it broke in half, not sure if those were 5.56 or 7.62 rounds

>can butter cut steel rods?
not even close, unless the katana is made out of diamond and even then it wouldn't be a deep cut. maybe they could break a fragile one tho

Mordhau is a meme because it looks cool and gets featured in various media as an ultimate technique. In reality it was only used for German judicial duels and with caricatures of a sword to get around rules forbidding the use of a polearm. Illustrations of mordau use universally feature comically unbalanced swords with oversized and spiked pommels that are utterly unsuitable for the battlefield. Contemporary examples of mordau use demonstrate how pathetic the technique is despite the demonstrators' unconvinving attempts to persuade otherwise. The primary manual that features mordhau also have as its fellow techniques beating up a women with a sock and half-brick while stuck inside a pit, scythe use and duel wielding a sword and spear. Yet strangely these techniques don't receive the same amount of believers despite them clearly featured together as a group.

That's nothing to get spun up over.

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A friendly reminder that this is a fraud. The katana was forged by a German smith and tested on a European sword forged by the same smith. He is no different from Edison shocking the elephant to shame Tesla

>The katana was forged by a German smith
That means the katana was probably better. Quality of Japanese steel was abysmal.

i think you're thinking of .50 cals

And so is the sword. Both sword are made from modern steel but the katana is made by a Kraut with inferior skills and is biased to the other swords.

Chinks were the first that had firearms

you guys arguing over the most efficient weapon
>throws tree in quick succession, hitting your vital spots
nothing personal

Attached: 220px-Kunai05.jpg (220x147, 5K)

And they were properly developed by Europeans and turks.

Because they learned from the Chinese

They still made better ones.

Yes, but without the Chinese they would have never made any at all.

That's a huge assumption. If it was invented in one place, why could not someone else invent it at some point of history?

Also a reminder that not a single katana was made with steel. Now that's just not bad enough, they also used inferior quality iron, but the one good thing about Japan is that armor technology was so far behind that they wore stone or wood as armor. So bludgeoning someone with a "sharpened" iron bar named a katana was still enough to be effective.

>he hasn't taken the polearm pill

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I don't think you need to bother aiming for vital spots when you are throwing trees

because that area wouldn't have the culture, coincidences, and resources to produce said black powder

Laughing at swordfags.

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Are you trolling? Black powder is a mixture of sulfur, saltpetre and charcoal. You can get it without a problem. Someone somewhere would certainly try mixing it, regardless if it would be an experiment or a coincidence.

My niggas.

>363 posts and 60 image replies omitted. Click reply to view

>Bro, just mix it, that will totally work

Serves me right, I guess I shouldn't have expected more from a chink.

>fuck knows how many years later
>still guaranteed replies
Nothing changes does it?

You need to granulate homemade blackpowder, or your gun will explode in your face.

>be me
>be a medieval scholar
>looking for a way to produce torches which won't go off during rain
>over the years try mixing a lot of combustible substances
>finaly tries to mix sulfur, saltpetre and charcoal
>it blows too strong
>oh well I guess we can't do anything about this, the formula is unusable
>quit the job and start raising radishes
Yeah, sounds probable.

>30-40 folds
You would need to bend the iron on to itself 5 times to get 32 folds, 6 for 64 folds. With good iron ore you are 100% correct that it's too much, but their shit was so bad they had to do it at least 10 times. Metal is really hard to come by in Japan. You are not wrong, you are simply assuming the material is the same as modern iron

>be me
>medieval scholar in Europe
>never invent black powder
There you go


Beautifuly practical sword. I am a big fan of the shorter version of knife (langes messer), but this one is beautiful. Although there is something to be said about the chord wrap (sageo), it really adds grip specially with a sweaty hand

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>With an edge on edge, you can bind your opponents sword stopping them from sliding down or disengaging from your play.

thank you
lots of people seem to think edge damage was a huge concern
but when a sharp piece of metal that could kill/incapacitate you with a graze is swinging towards you, it's not really a consideration.
being able to bind is huge

I always forget about this but why did Japanese soldiers have this giant flag on their back? Was it really that hard to tell allies from enemies based on the uniform alone?

>a direct head-on clash of blades is a dumb idea and to be avoided wherever possible
Wrong, how do you think european duels looked like?

How many times have we had this thread?



This one alone is too much.

It's just a fucking sword.

Post katana.

Attached: blood.gif (500x350, 963K)

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Attached: katana.gif (500x281, 986K)

The funniest part about gun vs sword debates is that the swordfags always seem to forget that even just sidearms hold 6+ rounds. Even if your magic katana cuts through one round, there's a minimum of 5 more, as an example look how quickly this fatass can engage multiple targets:

Attached: katana stronk.gif (396x224, 1.02M)

Was it really that hard to tell allies from enemies based on the uniform alone?
It was essentially civil war so yes.

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Shit isn't stupid. It's a perfectly normal way for your body to get rid of waste like this thread

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How do they even fold steel a 1000 times when you can't fold paper more than half a dozen times?

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Is there Katanatard & Longswordkeks here? I'm gonna kick your ass

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THat or just get your spear grabbed.

>Shild Bash your head
Nothing personal

You assume I'm not going to kick and or jump sweep with my sword.

You assume I'm going to let you touch my spear that easily.

Listen mister hoplite, you need your brothers in order to be truly effective

The dynasties that saw the most innovation were all native Han dynasties, such as Han and Tang and Song, the Yuan built upon Song achievements and employed Chinese engineers in their armies and the Qing did the same. Song China only fell because the enemies they fought were strong, like Xian Xia and Jin, and they were all Sinicized groups that were later completely assimilated anyway.

Firing rate is way too low, the average m16 is about 13 rounds every second on full-giggle mode. The fastest I can see in that webm is about 6 per second, 4 per second average.

If you're starting out with the guy already within 21 feet of you, he's going to get shot and you're going to get stabbed. Lethal potential will be still greater with the firearm since they can just shoot the guy in the head when they're pressed up against each other, or just keep mag-dumping center of mass.

The Ming and Qing achieved parity in firearms and firearm doctrine whenever they were exposed to Western designs, with the adoption of Folangi in the 1520's to great effect, and the adoption and refinement of barbarian cannon in the 1620's, with native innovations in casting technique such as hybrid bronze and cast iron cannon.

clubs > sharp weapons

gj op, it's a /k/ thread now.

It was magic. That explains it all. Literally.

Definitely. They go around accusing anyone who is interested in Germanic, Slavic, or Celtic paganism of being a "LARPer" regardless of philology, archaeology, linguistics, etymology, and recorded stories transferred from oral-memory and rune to latin-based writing from a thousand years ago (Poetic Edda) or 800 years ago (Baltic and Slavic folklore). They claim to support "White European lineage and identity" yet they condemn admiration of pagan symbols and pagan deities despite such symbols ans deities being more pro-European than a Middle Eastern religion venerating a Jewish carpenter and that treats the Jews as the "Chosen People" of a so called "one true god."

Also, they continue to spread misinformation and turn a blind eye to any info that challenges it such as when they claim that European paganism is pro-gay 100% despite the Roman writer Tacitus who wrote in his book Germania about how Germanic tribal pagans would prosecute and then execute people for sodomy by giving them to the bogs. Forenics and archaeology help back this up. Also, they think that the later pre-Roman Celts practiced mindless human sacrifices to change the weather yet archaeology also says differently since only the very early Celts may have done so. Human sacrifices were limited to POW and slave sacrifices not to mention misidentified ones involving executions and those who died of natural causes according to forensics of bog bodies.

Oh and they ignore how the Church used mandates to undermine commoners such as banning public literacy especially Futhark, banning "pagan" use of herbs such as medicinal purposes for commoners, banning public bathing to the point the Norsemen of the Viking profession were better bathed than the average Christianized Anglo-Saxon, and burning many "pagan" writings as well as centralizing and restraining knowledge in monasteries instead of sharing it with the public.

The polearm was the main weapon of regular land warriors. A sword was more like a sidearm. To see soldiers in ancient and Medieval settings running around with nothing but swords and axes would be like watching a movie about the capturing of Baghdad in the 2003 Iraq War featuring US Soldiers and US Marines running around with Beretta M9 pistols without any carbines or rifles.

Thank you for reminding!

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>He is no different from Edison shocking the elephant to shame Tesla
Maybe because Edison might ACTUALLY have been afraid of the dangers of alternating current electricity, even now we use AC adapters so that we don’t kill ourselves.
It’s almost like people use Tesla and Edison as people they project on for their failures at life.


can we all agree Cecily is one of the prettiest girls in manga?

>tfw a butter knife can do that

She is the prettiest to me, but I'm a bit biased because I am in love with her.

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It’s pro white and aryan retard, Aryan spread out across Europe and Israelites were white while the jews were the canaanites, Jesus denounced Judaism as corrupt.
How about mentioning how the romans were so degenerate they lost the western side of the empire only for Christianity to keep the east side going as Byzantine?
Catholicism is a corrupt form, never heard of false prophets and converts? or how there is a struggle in the church to combat all the sinners and atheists like you from ruining it?

that's allowed

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No amount of folding will ever make shitty japanese iron nearly as sharp or durable as 1095 carbon steel you utter nonce

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WTF is wrong with those "maces"? Maces weren't meant to beat back fodder. They were made to pierce armor with spokes and pointed edges on multiple sides, making it easier to break into plate. That's a glorified disco ball on a stick if anything.

Spherical maces did exist, but were rare. I mean the guy is strong enough to splatter multiple unarmored people with a strike, so it probably works for him.

Yeah, they stole it when they invaded the entire Pacific.